Full-time BOSS

Chapter 15 - Advanced Rare Elite

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Xiao Yu looked around, and a corpse caught his attention. It was Goblin Chief Krigan. Big stick. This would have been lying on the ground for the first time, next to the body of Goblin Warrior Shrek. This faithful The Gengeng guy faithfully performed his duties and defended the chieftain to the last moment.

Suddenly a green flashing thing caught his attention, that thing-could it be! Xiao Yu hurried over and picked up the staff on the ground.

System prompt: Obtain the Goblin Chieftain’s Scepter. This item is exclusive to the legal profession.

Xiao Yu chose equipment.

The system prompts: Equipped with the goblin chief scepter, the race conditions are met, whether to accept the title of goblin chief.

“Yes, absolutely choose yes!” Xiao Yu immediately chose yes.

System prompt: Player Eric (Goblin Fortune Teller), won the title “Goblin Chief”.

System prompt: Complete the plot event-as the chieftain, successfully become a leader of the monster power, gain 100 reputation points, you can now control the entire camp in the camp hall.

The system prompts: Player Eric (Goblin Chief), the advanced conditions are completed, and the monster template is a rare elite template.

Rare Elite Template: The maximum health is increased by 50%, the damage caused is increased by 10%, and the damage taken is reduced by 10%.

Wow ha ha ha, so cool! Xiao Yu shouted excitedly with his staff.

I looked at my attributes.

Eric (Goblin Chief)-

Monster category: Humanoid (rare elite).

Affiliation: Mud Cave Camp (Goblin Rovers).

Monster level: 8th level.

Monster talent: wincing (passive).

Health: 225 (+75).

Mana: 60.

Strength: 9.

Endurance: 10.

Agility: 7.

Intelligence: 7 (+2).

Spirit: 6 (+2).

Skills: Bonfire, Lesser Fireball, Lesser Healing. , Summon a small goblin (equipment skill).

In fact, compared to the big boss like the Flame Lord, a rare elite template fart of the Goblin Chief is not, but since he has advanced to the Flame Lord one year, he has never advanced, resulting in a little progress now. Then he was very excited.

“Congratulations,” the goblin scout said congratulations. The envious and jealous face fully explained his state of mind. The goblin warrior didn’t say anything. Instead, he looked around and seemed to want to pick something good. .

“Hah, you don’t have a balance in your heart. This stuff won’t work even if you take it. Didn’t you look at the equipment required for this item? The legal profession is exclusive. I can use it here. Now that I am in this tribe, I won’t perish. By the way, if you guys mix with me, I don’t mind arranging a little boss for you.”

“Haha, that elder brother, we’ll get mixed up with you later.” The goblin scout said immediately and turned flattered.

This guy is obviously a sneer and a slippery thing, but Xiao Yu can’t bear the heavy responsibility, but Xiao Yu thought to him.

At this time, the goblin warrior finally found what he was looking for and picked up the machete on the ground.

System Tips: The invincible player warrior becomes the strongest warrior of the Mud Cave Horde, earning the title of Goblin Warrior.

It turned out that this goblin warrior blade can only be obtained by the strongest of the goblin warriors in the mud cave tribe. Now the invincible brave is the only goblin warrior. The title of goblin warrior naturally falls on his head.

Ignoring the invincible brave invincible and depressed killer code 38, Xiao Yu glanced at the corpses of goblins all over the place. Sure enough, as soon as I succeeded, I would have to die a lot of goblins for me to get higher.

Although everything started because of himself, Xiao Yu didn’t feel guilty at all. When playing monster templates before, he didn’t do less to lead adventurers to kill his boss and then take advantage of his own affairs. This time today is just Unexpectedly, he didn’t do it deliberately at all, it was enough.

“Come on, don’t be excited, we still have something to do.”

Xiao Yu said, holding the goblin chief scepter, he went straight to the tent.

If he guessed right, the tent should be the camp hall of the goblin camp.

Sure enough, as soon as I walked into the tent, I heard the sound of the system prompt.

System prompt: Enter the camp hall, where you can proceed to the construction of the camp.

An interface for camp construction appeared in front of us.

Mud Cave Tribe Camp (Goblin Camp).

Monster power level: Level 1 camp.

Monster power category: Goblin Rovers.

Existing building——

Chief’s tent: Provide a maximum population of 10 people in the camp, control the territory, and recruit special units-goblin trainers and goblin supervisors.

Fertility room: a production unit, a small goblin.

Mud caves: produce food.

Goblin Shack×9: Each Goblin Shack can provide a maximum of 10 people.

Wooden fence (broken): provides defense and can be upgraded.

Reserve resources: wood ×287, animal skin ×74, stone ×132, gold coins ×75, food ×2378.

Maximum population: 9/100.

(Little goblins occupy 1 population, goblin warriors/workers/ scouts occupy 2 populations, goblin chiefs occupy 5 populations)

Ah, it’s a familiar feeling. Looking at the data in front of me, Xiao Yu felt nostalgic for a while. There are not many reserves in this camp, but it is enough as a start-up fund. Fortunately, the adventurers seem to have quite a few What money looks like, I don’t even want to search for the resources of the goblin camp, otherwise this resource will not be left.

“Boss, what are you doing?” Killer code 38 asked strangely, but they couldn’t see the camp control interface. Xiao Yu glanced back, and the two goblins behind him all looked puzzled. Xin said that it is estimated that these few have never been boss novices, okay, I will do my best to popularize knowledge.

Of course, the camp control operation, you should not know, but it does not matter, I will explain it to you, when you become a leader of the monster power, as long as you enter the town hall of the monster power, you can open the lord mode In this mode, you can build camps, recruit new recruits, train troops, research and develop technology, and publish missions. In simple terms, just like real-time strategy games, have you played Warcraft? Yes, it’s almost like that.

And the camp is also divided into levels, the lowest level is the level 1 camp, if the conditions are sufficient, you can upgrade to the level 2 fortress, then the level 3 fortress, level 4 city, level 5 kingdom, as long as the conditions meet the scale and strength of the monster forces Can be continuously improved.

“I’m relying on it, couldn’t it be possible to continue to upgrade and finally recruit the army to dominate the world?” Both goblins exclaimed, looking at the goblin chief’s scepter suddenly.

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