Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 291 - Act early

A month later, the Chinese New Year arrived, and the time entered February 2o22. Ling Xiao searched for a long time in the West, but there is nothing, but he secretly dug some spiritual veins and obtained a large number of spiritual stones.

Perhaps those alien awakeners have become smarter, or they may be lurking in the heritage holy land to practice and wait for opportunities. In short, Ling Xiao did not show the movements of the awakeners of all ethnic groups, but many members of the original Western World Military Association , Formed several forces.

Taking King Arthur of the French as a gathering of some strong members of the original Holy See, they formed a force that resolutely rebelled against the awakeners of all ethnic groups. They all disclosed the existence of aliens in various Western countries, and clearly pointed out that the alien awakeners are the descendants of different races. To attract various aliens to rule the earth humans.

Some countries, such as the Stars and Stripes, formed a group of proselytists. They proclaimed the meaning of the Protoss to the people in the country, and used the Protoss to replace the original faith of the Father and become a country that believes in Protoss.

Some countries that take the state of Danas believe in the powerful werewolves. They use the werewolves as totems. The belief that the werewolves can bring them powerful strength and become a country that believes in werewolves.

However, some European countries such as Geely and Germany and Italy have become believers of blood races. They worship their noble elegance as vampires in historical legends, hoping to obtain their long life.

Some countries, such as the Grape Country, the Saipan, etc., became believers in the cat people. Under the powerful rule of the cat awakening leader Lalin, the powerful martial arts in these countries all believed in the cat people totem, while the rebels were strong. All of them were arrested in secret.

Of course, all of this is done in secret. Now that the alien awakeners have learned to hide behind the scenes, all matters have made the human strong come forward, and Ling Xiao does not have so much time and energy to investigate the human strong in so many countries in the West. .

“Brother Xiao, you have been away for a month or two and you won’t come back to see us. I thought you forgot the Spring Festival?” Ling Yu’er is now a fifth-class Wu Zun, but he still likes to show off in front of Ling Xiao. Little girl who has not grown up.

“Yes, Brother Xiao, everything is going well in China Wuwu League now, you can relax easily, you don’t have to force yourself like this.” Ling Zifang also said to Ling Xiao, now he is also a third-level Wu Zun strong.

With Ling Xiao’s huge resources, the Ling family has now become a powerful family in the Chinese martial arts world. Ling Xiao’s parents Ling Weiyuan and Ye Xinmei are both fourth-level martial artists. In addition, Ling Xiao also has a fourth-class martial artist Ling Xiaohong. There are eight respects, including Ling Weihua.

However, apart from Ling Xiao, Ling Yu’er is the most genius of Ling family. Now she is Ling Xiao’s strength, and there is also a five-level Wu Zun level spiritual pet that Ling Xiao has signed for her. Coupled with the inheritance of sword puppets, who can also wield a five-level Wuzun level, they are already in the forefront of China’s younger generation.

Of course, Ling Xiao’s parents also have a five-level Wuzun-level spiritual pet, and there is an ancient Buddhist sect guardian statue nearby, and also has a five-level Wuzun-level combat power.

“Ling Xiao, after two days we had a group dinner, did we call Hong Yan, Xue’er and Lin Lin together?” Ye Xinmei naturally knew about his son’s things, and half of them suggested and half decided to say.

“Mom, I can invite them, but I don’t know if they will come together.” Ling Xiao said with a bitter smile, feeling that she was too good to be a way, too much to attract girls.

However, after receiving Ling Xiao’s call, the three girls knew that Ling Xiao had invited the other two, but they were still happy to agree to come over, and when Ling Xiao was abroad, they often accompanied them to explore around Asia, except for the deep sea. In addition, they have already visited many countries and places.

Today, Nangong Hongyan is already at the top of the fifth-level Wuzun level, and you can break through to the sixth-level Wuzun at any time, and Xia Yinxue has already entered the fifth-level Wuzun, Xiao Lin gradually catches up and reaches the fourth-level Wuzun peak level.

Moreover, they all have powerful spiritual pets, plus they each inherited the ancient Shushan Immortal Sword School’s powerful mastery, and there are inherited sword puppet guards around them, even if they meet the sixth-level Wu Zun, they can completely fight.

In fact, not only the Ling family and several girls, but also the senior and elite groups of the entire Huaxia Wumeng, almost everyone has their own spiritual pets, but their strength and potential are different, and their assistance is also different.

However, in addition to Ling Xiao himself, he only imparted the nerve transformation exercise to the Wu Maniac, because the pain of splitting the mind and mind is not something that ordinary people can follow, and now the Wu Maniac has indeed achieved nerve training and has two powerful Ling Chong is around.

Other powerful players such as Wan Jinyou have chosen to give up training after learning the cruelty and extremes of the nerve-changing exercises, but his research in the fields of pharmaceuticals, refiners and formation methods has advanced by leaps and bounds, especially the world After the change, many top-level elixir, materials, and spirit mines appeared. He prepared many spirits that were useful to senior Wu Zun. He also created several powerful weapons, but first satisfied the Ling family.

Secondly, Ling Xiao has been collating the data from Taishan’s depths, preparing to take time to study with Wan Jinyou and others. After all, the future martial lunatics have initially searched around the outside world teleportation circle, and now the outside world is also a human world, but it has a higher concentration of aura and more powerful than the earth.

“Ling Xiao, what plans do you have for the new year?” Xia Yinxue asked with a smile, now she is even more charming, and her smiles are full of vivid colors.

“No matter what you want to do, can you bring us together, now our strength will no longer drag your hind legs.” Nangong Hongyan said a little bit weirdly, she also became more and more noble and beautiful, temperament dust, Like a fairy.

“I, although my training is worse, I can help you.” Xiao Lin said with a little sneer, she was still so shy, and when she secretly glanced at Ling Xiao, her face was ashamed, and she was extremely cautious.

“Brother, I said that our own cultivation is strength, that is, the sword array formed by our inherited sword puppets, and even the uncle Wu Wuzi will also be trapped, so we can help you.” Ling Yuer is also here to join in the excitement, some eager to try Say, and her dream is to become a heroine.

“After the New Year, I am going to discuss with some deputy leaders about sending troops to the West. Although I have destroyed several alien inheritance holy sites and space passages, there are still a few alien awakeners hiding in hiding. I suspect they will be in In secret, it is necessary to unite the strong human beings from all over the world, thoroughly investigate the awakening people hidden in various countries, find hidden inheritance holy sites, and destroy all space passages, the earth will be safe.” Ling Xiao did not conceal.

“Brother, can we also participate?” Ling Yuer said by shaking Ling Xiao’s arm.

“All Huaxia Wumeng strong men with five ranks or above can participate in this operation, and you can follow me by then to help me deal with some awakeners and human warriors who turn to aliens.” Ling Xiao rubbed her Said the head.

“Yeah, you are so nice.” The little girl jumped with joy, and Xiao Lin squeezed the powder fist secretly beside her. She expected that she should be able to break through to Wu Zun before and after the Spring Festival.

“Today, the Huaxia Wumeng has 38 martial arts fighters at level six, 226 martial arts at level five, 1,060 martial arts at level four, and more than 50,000 junior martial arts. I suggest not to let them Wu Zun above three levels are involved in this operation. After all, Wu Zun Wu Zun needs some lower level Wu Zun’s helpers to do some things,” Nangong Hongyan suggested.

“Well, I listened to everyone’s opinions when discussing with several deputy leaders. The sooner the alien awakeners are cleared, the better. Once they successfully open the door of the alien, it’s unclear what kind of alien strong will come. Don’t take it lightly,” Ling Xiao nodded.

Ling Xiao already had a plan in mind, in addition to moving the strong of the China Wushu League, but also to move the people of the world against the aliens, and at the same time to fight against the strong humans who have turned to the aliens, and finally achieve the purpose of eliminating the alien awakening.

Since the Spring Festival, there has been a lot of excitement. The Ling family is now constantly visited by various martial arts families, sects, and strongmen because of the relationship between Ling Xiao, and Feifengfeng has become the stronghold of the Ling family. Family and Zongmen are poor.

The Nangong family and the Emei faction were the earliest and most determined ally of Ling Xiao, so Ling Xiao also took Ling Zifang, Ling Yuer and some other Ling family juniors to return to visit them. communicate with.

Several other deputy lords and their current families and sects also came to visit the Ling family, and Ling Xiao also went back to visit in person. Naturally, he also discussed the plans with them in detail.

“Recruiting martial arts fighters above level three to form a hunting team to go to various western countries to find hidden alien awakeners, and to fight against human warriors who rely on aliens, the ultimate goal is to find alien heritage and holy places and space passages.”

Just after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the China Wushu League made a big move. Not only did it set up a hunt team in China, but it also disclosed alien awakeners and alien invasions to ordinary people, especially to ordinary people in Western countries. Made public.

Originally in Western countries, only a small number of warriors and people knew about the awakening, and even fewer warriors and people knew about aliens, but now the announcement of the China Wushu League immediately caused panic in countries around the world.

At this time, Ling Xiao, the leader of the Huaxia Wumeng League, personally led five deputy leaders and fifteen hunting teams to a total of more than 300 people to the west, and stood straight at Stars and Stripes, because Ling Xiao knew that Stars and Stripes in the last war China is basically calm, and Levine has also shot with Nicholas against Nangong Qiushan and others.

“Master Nicholas, this time the China Wumeng League seems to be crazy. Ling Xiao personally led more than three hundred strong men to come from the murderous, and came directly to the Stars, what should we do?” In the underground of the Stars In the palace, Lewinney hurriedly reported to the awakeners such as Nicholas.

Now, among the warriors of Stars and Stripes, in addition to Levine, two sixth-level martial artists were born, namely Jerry and Bosje, but they all broke through in the past month or two.

The Protoss Awakeners are now born with a lot of strong men. In addition to Nicholas, who has reached the peak of the sixth-level Wuzun, about to conduct the seventh awakening, there are more than a dozen six awakeners, and the strongest of them are three. Hardy, Poseidon, Aroti, their cultivation and strength are second only to Nicholas.

“Accelerate our plan, before the Huaxia Wumeng strongmen rush to the Stars and Stripes country, then arrest a group of Wuzun strongmen who oppose the Protoss. You personally **** the strongmen to the final holy place.”

Nicholas looks a little ugly. If you give them another month to prepare, you will be 100% sure of opening the door to the outside world. Now, if you open the altar hurriedly, you may be surprised.

“However, if you add Lewinni and his strong men, it is barely enough to open an altar.” Nicholas looked at Lewinni and Jerry, Bossje and other human strong men, his eyes flickered.

“Sir, our Stars and Stripes country has nearly two hundred strong men at level three and above, and two hundred strong men at level three and above. Why don’t we fight with the Huaxia Wumeng? Even if Ling Xiao came and went personally How is he, but he is not a young junior, will he still be your opponent?” At this moment, Bosje behind Lewinni suddenly stepped forward and said aloud.

The last time Star Country turned to the Protoss directly, a large number of strongmen followed Levine, except for the group arrested for resistance, there was still a weak power, plus the Protoss Awakener who was more powerful Therefore, Bosjie does not think that the more than three hundred people of the China Wushu League can threaten them.

“Fool, can you understand the power of the Huaxia Wumeng League? How many people can resist Ling Xiaoxiao, the leader of the Huaxia Wumeng League? Don’t say more, just do what I ordered before.

In addition, send someone to inform the blood clan Daniel, the werewolf clan Ivan Jeff and the cat clan Larin, saying that if our protoss is defeated by the Huaxia Wumeng, then it will be their turn to let them do it. “Nicholas snorted, UU reading www.uukanshu.com denied Bosjie’s proposal, and then ordered the Protoss Awakener to say.

“Master, are we going to proceed immediately?” Arodi asked Hadi and Poseidon at the same glance.

“The time is urgent and you have to proceed ahead of time. The three of you also escorted those warriors together with General Lewinney and others. Make sure you don’t have any accidents, understand?” Nicholas said aggravatedly.

“Master, rest assured, we promise no accidents.” The three seemed to understand Nicholas’ meaning, and glanced at Lewinni and others with strange expressions on their faces.

Levine’s expression didn’t move, but he was secretly vigilant. During this time, Nicholas demanded that Lewinney and his men have arrested a large number of stars and martial arts who opposed them. Senior Wuzong strong, but it seems that the Protoss is going to do something secretly, but it doesn’t mean to tell them at all.


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