Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 292 - Blood sacrifice

Ling Xiao took the lead in the sky over the Atlantic Ocean. He stepped on the back of Thunder and was followed by other spiritual pets. Behind him were the mighty Chinese Wumeng Powerhouse. Behind him were the five deputy leader Nangong Qiushan and Wu Maniac. , Da Motian, Zhao Junchen, Zhan Zhiyuan.

The eight deputy leaders of Huaxia Wumeng, Ling Xiao left the three masters Tai Peng, Peng Huayi and Mo Shenggao to stay in Huaxia, and the original leaders of the law enforcement regiments served as captains of the fifteen hunting teams, including Ling Xiao is familiar with Nangong Wuyin, Zhao Fenglei, Fang Yunlong, Peng Fuhai, Lei Qianju, Zhang Yufan and so on.

There are also some younger martial arts strongmen such as Zhou Beibei, Yang Chuanqi, Liu Xiafei, Mei Qingmu, Hai Leitian, Xiang Qingshan, Sun Hongni, Xiao Zhiyuan and other future martial arts rankings. Wu Zun Realm.

Among the fifteen hunting teams, there is a special team, all made up of women. The captain is the Emei faction strongman Gu Wanqiu, the sixth-level Wu Zun strongman, and Nangong Hongyan, Xia Yinxue, Xiao Lin and Ling Yu’er is in this team, and Xiao Lin broke through to the fifth-level Wu Zun state a few days ago.

The fifteen hunting teams, in addition to the captain of the six-level Wu Zun, each team also has a deputy captain, is the fifth-level Wu Zun peak powerhouse, such as Nangong Hongyan is the deputy captain of this team.

In addition, each team also has five fifth-level Wu Zun, six fourth-level Wu Zun and seven third-level Wu Zun, plus a total of 20 captains and deputy captains, this strength is equivalent to the most powerful original Wushu Association The martial arts strength of several member countries is at its peak.

Now, such a powerful force is coming to the Stars and Stripes country at the same time. Although the China Military Alliance has not disclosed it, it has not deliberately concealed it. Therefore, the martial arts circles in all western countries are paying attention to this matter, especially those who are alien awakeners and humans who trust them. And the rebel alliance under King Arthur.

“Daniel, Nicholas whispered to us, the Hua Xia Wumeng army is under pressure, shall we help?” Ivandev’s awakening leader also exchanged information.

“I was seriously injured by Ling Xiao seven times after awakening two months ago. Now the injury has not fully recovered. I’m afraid I can’t help. But you and Larin can go to help, at least to help Nicholas withdraw from the Stars and Stripes. Daniel shook his head and said.

“Almost two-thirds of the high-end combat power of the Huaxia Wumeng League has been dispatched. We can’t help a few of us, we can only rely on Nicholas themselves. But I heard that the Protoss arrested in Star Country and neighboring countries. A large number of Wuzun and senior Wuzong strongmen, I am afraid that Nicholas will forcibly open the door of the outside world, but I don’t know at what level the door of the outside world can be stabilized, can you let the strongman pass?” Larin sighed.

Several people were also silent. Although Nicholas and the Protoss Awakeners might be in danger, they are now insecure themselves, and they dare not expose the location of the holy land. Otherwise, they may also be in danger.

“I hope that the Protoss will come to block the Huaxia Wumeng, otherwise the Protoss is really over, and our days will not be better.” Ivandev finally said.

At this time, in a mountain range of the Stars and Stripes, Levine and his men’s Jerry, Bosjie, and more than ten fifth-level Wu Zun, escorted hundreds of stars and Wu Zong, senior Wu Zong who rebelled against the Protoss awakeners. The strong are marching, and there are more than ten Protoss awakeners around them following them.

“Several adults, I have just received a call, and now there is a rebellious fourth-level Wuzun peak strongman. I will go to catch him personally, and I will not go to the Holy Land with you.” Levine’s phone rang, Then he stepped back and came to a few sixth-level Protoss awakeners and said.

“Oh, Lord General’s men are there again, and they are very good at doing things. But Lord Nicholas said that this time there is something more important to invite General Lewinney to the Holy Land, so I’m not in a hurry to arrest him, anyway, he also ran No. And these people have a very important role. If something happens on the road to make them escape, then Nicholas blames us, we can’t afford it.” Posetton said with a smile, Hardy and Ah Roddy and other awakeners also looked at Lewinney with vigilance, and had a bad look.

“Then I don’t know what happened to me to go to the Holy Land? What really happened, let Master Nicholas say it, or just a few adults notice it.” Levine asked quietly.

“Master General, don’t think too much, I can only tell you that it’s a good thing. During this time, General General and his men are strong in their work. Lord Nicholas said that you can increase your strength appropriately, and only the Holy Land has such a place, so the General Adults, don’t worry.” Aroti said with a smile, and Hardy and Poseidon turned away.

“Hahaha, it turned out to be a good thing. Thank you Lord Nicholas and a few adults.” Levine said in surprise, but he was more alert, but not too worried.

“You two remember to be more careful and vigilant for a while, especially when you get to the holy land of the Protoss, don’t be careless. If there is something wrong with the Protoss, we will try to kill the bleeding road and run away, don’t fight the Protoss.” Lewini He whispered quietly to the two men.

Soon, a group of people quietly entered the depths of the valley, and a stone wall opened from the middle, revealing a wide passageway, which was dark in the inside, but a Protoss awakener led the way in, and everyone else followed.

After entering the passage, he gradually adapted to the darkness inside. Levine’s stone wall inside the passage is a little damp, some places have moss, the ground is also a little slippery, and a deep breath comes from the depth of the front passage.

After everyone entered the passage, the outside stone wall switch rumblingly closed, and many vines hung down from above the stone wall to cover up the stone wall. Even if others found this valley, I would not doubt that there was a problem between the stone wall and the abdomen .

However, in the distance outside the valley, there was a figure hidden in the woods, watching this side remotely through a high magnifying glass, and then passing the situation on this side through the video phone that was always open.

“Allied leader, our informant followed Lewinney and others, and it was suspected that it was the place where the Protoss inherited the holy land.” Soon after, Ling Xiao and his entourage, who had not yet reached Stars and Stripes, came to report to Ling Xiao.

“Master, please trouble you to lead the Nangong Wuyin, Fang Yunlong and Zhang Yufan teams to the valley where the eyeline is now, and the other teams to search everywhere in the Star Country. Several deputy leaders will trouble you to respond to the teams.”

Ling Xiao pondered for a moment, immediately issued an order, and at the same time glanced at the female team from afar, then Thunder screamed, his figure disappeared into everyone’s eyes, and at this time had reached the west coast of the Atlantic.

In the Star Country, countless warriors and ordinary people feel that magnificent pressure, but now the remaining warriors in the Star Country have not even one Wu Zun, only a few senior Wu Zong are hidden in each At this point, I felt the fierce coming of the China Wushu League, and no one dared to come out to stop it.

The warriors who believed in the Protoss still left less at this time. All the strongmen above the third rank of Wuzun were arranged to the Protoss Heritage Holy Land. They thought they could benefit, but they did not know that they had stepped into the abyss.

The arrival of the Huaxia Wumeng strongmen asked all the Stars and Stripes in the mid-air for information on the awakeners and the movements of the Stars and Stripes martial arts community. As a result, all the three-level Wu Zun and above strong men basically disappeared.

At this time, in the Protoss Heritage Legacy, more than five or six hundred high-ranking Wuzong strongmen and above were imprisoned for cultivation, standing there with wounds on their bodies, and around two hundred or more human martial-strength strongmen above three ranks guarding the Quartet, Outside, there are more than one hundred Protoss awakeners of 4th-class Wu Zun and above. They all looked at the Quartet with a cold expression.

Immediately, a group of people came from the side passage, because it was Nicholas, the leader of the Protoss Awakening. He was followed by General Lewinni, and he was accompanied by a group of six-level Wu Zun, including Lewinni and Jerry. Including Bosje three people.

“Master Nicholas, is it really time?” Levine asked hesitantly.

“Yes, now that the strong of the Huaxia Wumeng League is attacking, I am afraid that other groups will not come to aid. Once Ling Xiao appears in the Holy Land, I am afraid that all of us will die without a place of burial, so we must blood sacrifice the altar and open the door to the world of the Protoss. Only attracted the Protoss Powerhouse to be able to fight against the Huaxia Wumeng and even counterattack the Huaxia and seize China resources.” Nicholas nodded.

“Is these warrior blood sacrifices enough?” Levine asked.

“Maybe enough, if not enough, you can choose some other weak warrior blood sacrifices, as long as you can open the door of the God Race world, there will be a huge heaven and earth aura, and your cultivation strength will be greatly improved by then. As for Why bother about the life and death of others?” Nicholas whispered. Although he was hesitant, Lewini nodded, because the other party said that he was in a heart.

“Look closely at Lewinney and others, and if there is something wrong, directly round up.” Nicholas rose into the air and went directly to the altar, but his voice came from the ears of the Sixth-level Awakenings of the Protoss, and then the people dispersed. , But there were several Level 6 Awakeners secretly staring at them around Levine and the two Level 6 Wu Zun strong.


Nicholas didn’t say anything. There was golden sacred energy flowing out of him. He drew complex symbols in the air, and then fell onto the altar in the middle of the large transmission. The part of the altar suddenly lit up, and then turned towards the surroundings. It spreads quickly, and soon all the symbols and plates of the entire altar and the surrounding large circle are lit up.


Then, a dark hole appeared suddenly above the altar, looming, roaring sounds, and a terrible atmosphere of terror, so that all the martial and awakening people around were shocked, only Nicholas’s face showed surprise.

“The blood sacrifice begins, kill.”

Nicholas growled, and immediately the human martial artists and the awakening men, all of them mentioned the human strongmen arrested in the middle of the rebellion, directly beheaded and threw their blood and the corpse on the altar.

“No, you can’t treat us like this.”

“Don’t kill me, I don’t want to die.”

“I surrender, don’t kill me, I am willing to surrender.”

“Neither of you demons will die.”

“You guys will help you, and you will be like us in the future, there will be no good ending.”

Suddenly, the warriors in the field rebelled and screamed, some cried, some yelled, and some cursed, but no matter how they struggled, they could not escape the ending of cruel killing, and their flesh and blood fell. Immediately after arriving on the altar, he was sucked into the black hole, and then there was a faint scream from inside, that was the warrior who had not yet died.

Nicholas looked very excitedly at the hole and felt the breath inside. He was pleasantly surprised, and as a large number of human warriors were killed, after absorbing a large amount of flesh and blood sacrifices in the hole, it slowly changed from unreal to clear , And the hole is still expanding.

“Is this the gate of God Realm? Sure enough, there is another world. If I can enter God Realm, I believe that I will become a real strong man.” Some martial arts such as Lewini changed color slightly, but some people’s hearts yearned stand up.

Soon, five or six hundred resistance warriors were killed, and the door to the outside world became nearly two meters high and one meter wide, but it was not stable. The breath inside was strong and weak, and obviously needed more flesh and blood. Sacrifice.

“Blood offerings are not enough, all three ranks of Wu Zun are killed.” Nicholas’ face sank, and he shouted at the awakeners around him.

“Adults, they are all my men, can’t you kill? We can go out and catch more warriors. Although there are no more than three ranks of Wu Zun, there are many people who can go to Wuzong.” Levine’s face changed pleadingly. The three-level Wu Zun next to them were relieved.

“Leveny, you are kidding. Now that the door to the outside world is halfway open, will you have time to go out and catch people? No matter how many of these weak human beings die, it is not worthy of sympathy, as long as you can become strong in the future, you can cultivate More powerful people, can’t you figure it out? Other people listened to me, and if they didn’t want to die, they would kill me the third-class Wu Zun, as long as the blood sacrifice is enough~www.mtlnovel.com~ The third-level Wu Zun can live.” Nicholas snorted.

Lewinney looked at the third-level Wu Zun who was looking at him, and could not help closing his eyes and turned around. All four-level and fifth-level Wu Zun immediately rushed to the third-level Wu Zun with the awakening, suppressing one killing one, and then Threw it on the altar, swallowed by the hole.

Sure enough, with hundreds of third-level Wu Zun successively killed, after the altar was swallowed, the door to the outside world became nearly three meters high and two meters wide, and it became more and more solid, and the breath inside became stronger and stronger. , And a roar sounded.

In the eyes of everyone, the door of the outside world suddenly shook up, and then with a wave of sound, a hand extended from it. It seemed that there was a Protoss strong who wanted to squeeze here, but after a struggle, only the entire arm came.

“Blood offerings are not enough, continue to sacrifice.” Then, the arm retracted again, but a voice came faintly.


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