Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 386 - Son of the world

Ling Xiaoning looked at it, and there was a void around it. It seemed to have nothing. The only place under his foot was a platform, about a hundred square feet, and there were some marks on the ground under his feet.

At the beginning, he thought it was some scratches, but after a while, Ling Xiao looked at the surroundings carefully and found out that they were some marks of planning, which seemed to have other meanings.

Ling Xiao tried to fly and looked down after reaching a height of 100 meters, and found that the planned marks on the platform turned out to be like a large formation, and it was like a large formation that was generated naturally, but he did not see it. What a big battle.


At this moment, the large array above the platform suddenly lighted up, and then the sound of whistling sounded around the void, and four shadows appeared on all sides of the void, and one of the shadows actually gave Ling Xiao a kind of kindness. feel.

“Well done, Ling Xiao, the human race.” Then, a voice came into Ling Xiao’s mind, and abruptly sounded in his mind, and the voice had a cordial meaning.

“Who are you? Who are they?” Ling Xiao immediately asked in his mind.

“I am the world will projection of the East China Realm. The three of them are the world will projections of the Husha Realm, the Blue Sea Realm, and the Hessian Realm. This is a forbidden zone that we have established together. Only then has the opportunity to come here and meet us.” The voice rang softly.

“Qiyun Seed? Does it mean that the Qiyun Dragon is formed after condensing into the real one? But my Qiyun Dragon has been integrated into the Wind Thunder Sword, can it still be called the Qiyun Seed?” Ling Xiao asked.

“Yes, the final thing condensed by the power of luck is called the luck seed. It has many uses, but it will depend on the specific circumstances of each person. Like your luck seed, it will actively integrate into your magic weapon. , So as to upgrade its qualification to the level of the royal weapon.”

“It turned out to be like this, so now what do you see me?” Ling Xiao suddenly realized, then asked again.

“This time you succeeded in condensing the seeds of luck, which is something that has never happened in thousands of years, and according to the agreement of our four, three of them need to meet a reasonable request from you, including Huangyuan Yuanjing or even Huang. Grade elixir, imperial refining material, etc. are all acceptable.”

“Is there such a benefit? Then I need the material of the emperor-level refiner, and the material of the refiner that can be integrated into my Fenglei Sword.” Ling Xiaofu to the heart, immediately understood that this is the will of the world of East China reminding himself, Said quickly.

“Very good, I will let you meet your requirements immediately.” After the world will of Donghuajie said, it communicated with the other three groups of shadows. Although Ling Xiao did not know what they exchanged, but from the other three world wills The twisted situation can also be seen as very angry.

However, anger returns to anger, and the other three worlds will obviously not be able to violate the things they agreed upon. Before long, the formation on the platform will light up, and it will light up three times, and a piece of material will appear each time.

Ling Xiao’s eyes lit up, because one of these three pieces of material contained rich wind energy, one piece contained rich thunder energy, and one piece was pure metal material, which happened to be imperial materials that Fenglei Sword could merge into.


With a move in Ling Xiao’s heart, he immediately summoned Fenglei Sword and placed it on top of three pieces of imperial materials. Suddenly, Fenglei Sword trembled and made a buzzing sound, and began to absorb the energy substance in the three pieces of material, three rays of light At the same time, it lights up from three pieces of material and connects to Fenglei Sword.

Ling Xiao was able to sense that the spirit in Fenglei Sword was very excited and very happy, just like a child who got the food he liked and began to swallow it with a gulp, and at the same time Fenglei Sword’s breath also continued to strengthen and the level continued Promote.

When the imperial materials were given, the wills of the other three worlds dissipated at the same time. Only the will of the East China World still stayed focused on Ling Xiao and did not dissipate and leave.

“I don’t know what else?” Ling Xiao asked while controlling the upgrade of Fengleijian.

“Ling Xiao, I can sense that you still have the breath of another human world, but that is a strange world, shouldn’t it be any of the current three thousand small worlds of the human race?” At this time, Donghuajie Will seemed to hesitate before asking.

“Yes, the small world I came to is called the earth. Although there is a teleport to connect with other human small worlds, it can only go out and can not enter. And when I came out, there was an accident. I don’t know what happened? “Ling Xiao did not conceal the origin of the will of the East China Realm. After all, it is only the will of the world and not a strong human race. Don’t worry about it leaking out.

“I can give you a world seal of Donghua Realm, maybe you can use the world seal to communicate with your original world will?” After a while, Donghua Realm will say to Ling Xiao, as if it has been thinking for a long time. After the decision.

“What? Can I communicate with the will of the earth? Is this possible?” After leaving the earth for nearly three years, Ling Xiao is most worried about the people and things on the earth. Now there is such an opportunity to communicate with the will of the earth. Ling Xiao Of course, surprises.

“Yes, but I gave you the world mark. You are the son of the world of Donghua Realm. In the future, you will represent Donghua Realm in the battle of the Wanjie Tower to fight for the identity of the world’s master and help Donghua Realm promote. Would you like it?” Donghua Jie said to Ling Xiao.

“I am not a person of Donghua Realm, can I be the son of the world of Donghua Realm? If I represent Donghua Realm, can it still represent the earth world?” Ling Xiao did not immediately agree, but thought about it and asked. .

“Yes, because it is not easy for a small world to give birth to a child of the world, but if you get the luck seeds and world will of several small worlds at the same time, you will have the chance to become a child of the world. Like you have been recognized by the earth world before, I got the luck seeds of the earth world, and now I get the luck seeds of the East China Realm. As long as I recognize you, you can become the son of the world.”

“So, I am willing to fight for the earth and the East China Realm, because the East China Realm is my second hometown. In the future, as far as I can, I will treat the East China Realm like the earth.” Ling Xiao nodded.

“Okay, I did not choose the wrong person. Ling Xiao, you are a person with good luck. As long as you are more careful, you will grow into the strongest in the future and become the pillar of the human race.” Donghuajie will even give Ling Xiao Xiao’s high evaluation made Ling Xiao not know if he should be humble.


However, after the will of Donghua Realm was finished, it turned into a black smoke and dissipated, and a crystal clear pearl fell in the air. When approaching Ling Xiao’s body, he even got into the middle of the palm of his left hand. .


Suddenly, the middle of the palm began to expand quickly, but the number of interest doubled, reaching nearly 300 square kilometers in size, and there was a vital energy feedback Ling Xiao, so that his physical body, cultivation and spiritual thoughts Both have grown rapidly.

Ling Xiao was shocked to find that, just integrating the world mark of the East China Realm, the physical body and cultivation behavior were simultaneously promoted to the peak of the intermediate martial king, while the Shennian was increased by one third.

Today, Ling Xiao’s own comprehensive combat power has reached the peak level of the Wuwang. If you mobilize all the energy in the middle of the palm, you can launch an attack of the primary Wuhuang level, but only three attacks per day.

Moreover, Ling Xiao now mobilizes the energy attack in the middle of the palm, which is not limited to the left fist attack, but also includes various other supernatural power attacks, and even includes the swordsmanship played by the wind and thunder sword.

If coupled with the combination of the wind thunder sword and three pieces of imperial materials to reach the super power of the imperial treasure, Ling Xiao’s strongest attack has reached the intermediate martial emperor level, of course, not many times.

And these are not the places where Ling Xiao is excited, he is really happy that at this time through the middle of the palm, he can vaguely sense the existence of the will of the earth world, but now he is still in the black hole deep in the core battlefield, so Can’t communicate with the will of the earth world.

“It seems that the will of the East China Realm has not lied to me. Now I can really communicate with the will of the earth and the world. At least I can know the situation on the earth and the situation of my family, wife, children and friends.” Ling Xiao was very excited. I wish to leave the black hole and leave the battlefield of the territory immediately.


However, the integration and improvement of Feng Lei Jian is not over yet. Ling Xiao is still waiting patiently. He knows that the great effect of Feng Lei Jian on himself may be a means to save his life after leaving the core battlefield.

About a day later, the three pieces of material had just been used up, and the wind and thunder sword had completed the fusion and promotion, turning into a simple sword with a simple style. .

“Hahaha, Feng Lei Jian has become an emperor-level treasure, and now I can play a few tricks even if I meet an emperor-level strong man. If it is a junior martial arts strong man, I will be able to kill the other party unexpectedly.” Ling Xiao put away Feng Leijian with satisfaction , And the spirit of Feng Leijian also happily communicated with him.


At this time, the surrounding void and the platform came to a violent blast, and even began to crack and collapse. Then Ling Xiao felt a shock and was thrown out of the Yujie Mountain directly. Then he saw the entire Yujie Mountain. collapsed.

Fortunately, the human race strongmen have all left the territory of the mountain boundary, most of them have returned to the entrance of the human race, and after another sweep, the few surviving alien strongmen have all been killed by the human race.


Ling Xiao controlled the wind and thunder sword, and appeared out of a hundred miles with a whimper. The speed was far beyond before, and even exceeded the king-level peak magic weapon to break the virtual king shuttle, and became the treasure of Ling Xiao’s rush.

A few miles away from the entrance to the Terran, Ling Xiao stopped and then put away the Wind Thunder Sword and flew directly past. Nearly three hundred strong humans have gathered here and arranged in a very orderly array waiting quietly The entrance opens.

“Hahaha, Brother Ling Xiao, you can come back.” When Ling Xiao appeared, the strong human races all cheered, Donghuang Wuji, Wuhuang Zhantian and Zhanhuang Haoran greeted them at the same time, and Dong Come and wait for some strong people who are familiar with Ling Xiao.

“Yujie Mountain collapsed.” Ling Xiao nodded to everyone, and then looked back into the distance, and everyone also saw that a small black spot appeared in the direction of Yujie Mountain.

“Brothers have gains when they enter the black hole? Before we stayed outside the black hole, but harvested many emperor-level source crystals? Is there still in the black hole?” Wu Huang Zhantian asked.

“Huangji Yuanjing does not, but I saw the will projection of the East China Realm and the other three worlds and gave me some rewards.” Ling Xiao shook his head.

“So the collapse of Yujie Mountain might have something to do with you? Is it because you received the final reward, so Yujie Mountain also lost its value of existence?” Donghuang Wuji thought with a frown.

“Maybe this is possible, but I really don’t know.” Ling Xiao said with a wry smile.

“Maybe not only the collapse of Yujie Mountain disappeared, but even the core battlefield may no longer exist.” Zhan Huang Haoran suddenly said, everyone looked into the distance and found the sound of collapse coming from the direction of Yujie Mountain.

“The entrance is open.” At this moment, someone exclaimed.

“Everyone pays attention, if you leave the core battlefield quickly, the core battlefield will soon collapse. At the same time, everyone converges, and don’t let the aliens find that we have so many strong men.” Ling Xiao said to everyone aloud.

Today, among the remaining nearly three hundred human clan strongmen, there are more than two hundred and forty strong men in the Wuwang realm, and more than 20 of them have the strength of intermediate martial kings. Launching an attack, they will definitely not allow the human race to survive so many strong men.


At this time, the outside world also heard a loud rumbling noise. The entrances in four directions were opened at the same time, but the loud noises also came out loudly, and even looked in from the entrances in all directions. Can clearly see that the core battlefield is collapsing. UU reading www. uukanshu. com


When the attention of the Tiger Clan, Dark Elf Clan and Sea Clan Strongman was attracted by the sound from the entrance, the Clan Strongman rushed out quickly and rushed directly into the Clan Warship, while Ling Xiao and several invincible strongmen Also mixed in the crowd and entered the battleship.

However, no matter how fast, so many people from the human race rushed to the battleship and were still discovered by the three aliens. After all, none of their races came out, so soon the attention of the aliens turned to the human race. .

“No, the core battlefield is about to collapse, and the battlefield outside the territory may also collapse.” At this moment, the Emperor Wu Huang roared and shocked the strong of the four races, while the human race warships rose into the sky at the same time, quickly toward the human race The direction rushed.

“Don’t let go of the human race, they survived so many people, but none of us survived.” At this time, the Emperor Tianhu roared, his huge body flew into the sky, and intercepted towards the human warship.

“Wuhuang Lie, do you human race want to escape? Killing our three tribes, are you likely to escape?” At the same time, the voice of Heimenhuang also sounded, and his figure also rushed to the front of the human warship.

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