Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 387 - Emperors

“Human race, you are so brave, and even my Hai clan Tianjiao has been killed.” The Hai clan is far away, but as the middle-level martial emperor, the Pa Turtle Emperor also rushes over quickly.


At this moment, a group of things were suddenly thrown from the Terran Warship, and were thrown directly in the direction of the King Turtle King, while Guibei Mountain shouted in the air, his cultivation practice was sealed and could not be used temporarily. , Can only shout and yell towards Ba Guihuang.

“Uncle saves life, uncle saves me.” Turtle Mountain yelled, and the Emperor Pa Gui quickly stopped, grabbing him, and seeing that he was not dead, could not help but overjoy.

“Little turtle, you’re going to say, what’s going on in the core battlefield? Why are the invincible Tianjiao of all races dead? Was it killed by the race? Why didn’t other races come out?” Ba Guihuang asked angrily .

“Uncle, all of our invincible strongmen have been attracted into the restricted area of ​​Yujie Mountain, where they have been tested for inheritance. Eventually, they were rewarded by the human will Ling Xiao of the world, but everyone else died in the test, only I was lucky enough to escape with a strong defense.” Turtle Mountain roared a little hesitantly.

This is what Ling Xiao taught him after leaving the black hole space of Yujie Mountain, and at the same time, let him make a soul vow with the turtle clan ancestors. He must not tell the truth of the core battlefield. As long as he does not say it, only the human clan strong know , The other three tribes cannot know, they can only listen to them.

“As for the other strong people of all races, all of them were killed by the human race Ling Xiao. After entering the core battlefield, he broke through to the Wuwang realm. His strength is very powerful, and he did not go to Yujie Mountain for the first time, but took the strong human race. Sweeping the core battlefield, not only the strong people of all races, but also the hundreds of thousands of fierce beasts killed by him, so he will get the final reward through the test.” Guibeishan said loudly.

When Ling Xiao taught him to say this, it was half-true and half-false, most of it was true, and only a few of the contents were fake, but the fake part was what the races most wanted to know, so at this time Guibei Mountain After speaking out loud, the King of Tortoise stopped chasing the Terran warship.

However, although Emperor Tianhu and Emperor Heimen also heard the words of Guibei Mountain, they did not fully believe and did not stop the pursuit. Instead, they pursued the Terran warships at the same time and attacked while chasing.


At this time, two figures suddenly rushed out of the Terran Battleship, one of them was the Emperor Wu Lie, he blasted out against the Emperor Tiger Tiger, and suddenly a huge hole was exploded in the void, and a breath of terror swept out. The Emperor Tiger had to retreat to avoid, while the Terran warship flew forward quickly.


On the other side, another figure rushed out of the human race can’t see clearly, but he has a long sword choking loudly in his hand, then a purple and green intertwined light flashes, and the void is split by the long sword. There is a long crack, and the Dark Dream is behind this crack.


The Dark Dream Emperor was shocked, because the power of this sword had reached his peak level, he quickly sacrificed a tower-shaped magic weapon to block in front of him, and at the same time, he retreated continuously, and Jianguang swept the tower-shaped magic weapon and slashed it. Broken, Yu Shi continued to bombard the Dark Dream Emperor until he withdrew from Shuli before avoiding it.


Ling Xiao’s body was hidden in Jianguang. He did not stay in battle with a sword and retreated to the Queen of Black Dream. Instead, he returned to the battleship with Jianguang. The neighboring East Emperor Jade Bell and War Emperor Lingtian looked like Monsters generally look at him.

“Is this an imperial magic weapon?” Dong Huangyu Zhong was a little jealous, because even he is still casting his own imperial magic weapon, and it is estimated that the power of the cast is not as good as Ling Xiao’s Feng Leijian.

“I beheaded almost all invincible arrogances of the three tribes, so the Dragon of Fortune condensed into reality, turned into a wind thunder sword weapon spirit, and its qualification was upgraded to the emperor level. Later, the East China World World Will came, rewarding me with some imperial materials, direct Fenglei Sword will be upgraded to the level of imperial magic weapon.” Ling Xiao did not conceal, let them know that this is a reward of the will of the East China World, but also to dispel the greed in some people’s hearts.

“It turned out to be a reward for the will of the world. Perhaps your long sword’s qualifications are not just emperor-level. After you break through to the emperor-level state, you can conceive again, maybe you can improve it.” Donghuang Yuzhong carefully Looked at Feng Leijian and said.

“The emperor-level realm is still early, and I am not an intermediate martial arts prince, and there is still a long way to go.” Ling Xiao said with a smile.

“Anyway, when Ling Xiao made great contributions this time, you have also won huge luck for the human race. Maybe even the human race ancestral palace will be rewarded.

Moreover, Ling Xiao is now only an intermediate martial king Xiu Wei, but he can exert the power of an intermediate martial emperor. Perhaps the human race ancestral palace will give you a place to enter the Wanjie Tower. “

Next to the other emperor-level strongman laughed, he is Zhanhuanggang, Zhanhuang Haoran’s dad, Zhanhuang Lingtian’s elder brother, also the same level, but the strength is worse than Wuhuanglie.


While everyone was talking, the outside world once again heard a violent roar, but the Emperor Tianhu and the Dark Dream Emperor still chased up and continued to launch a fierce attack on the Terran warship.

This time the territory battlefield opened, each of the two races had three invincible arrogances and more than 300 young talents entered, but none of them survived. This is something that has never happened in thousands of years. Return to the Tiger Sha Realm and Hessian Realm, while intercepting the Terran Warships, delaying the time for the arrival of the strongest of the two races.

“Wuhuanglie, your human family’s ruthless heart, even slashed all my five hundred children from the Hai clan. If you don’t give an explanation today, my clan will never stop.”

In the distance from the rear, Emperor Bagui puts Guibei Mountain in his hand, and then he chased up again, screaming while chasing. The loss of the Hai tribe is even heavier. The four invincible Tianjiao and five hundred talented youths have lost the equivalent The fault is over.

“Yes, hand over Ling Xiao, the human race, and hand over all the young geniuses of the human race who left the core battlefield, otherwise the tiger race immediately declared war to the human race, and you don’t want to leave the battlefield of the territory.” Emperor Tianhu roared.

“Yes, we can’t just let our ethnic groups suffer heavy losses. If your human race can hand over Ling Xiao and all the young strong men, my dark elf tribe can not pursue this matter, and everything will be the same in the future, otherwise it will never die.” Screaming and roaring.

“Fart, let’s have a dream. The strong men of your three tribes are not strong enough, they will die when they die, and they want my human genius to be buried with you. Let’s dream big.

If you want to go to war, go to war, as if my human race is afraid of you, you have to fight one by one, and you can’t be dead. “Nevertheless, Wu Huanglie refused to admit defeat, and also scolded at the three men. At the same time, he urged the warship to fly quickly. All the outside attacks were stopped by the warship’s defensive circle.

“You can rest assured, it is impossible for the human race to hand you over to everyone. If even this is afraid of interracial, then how can our human race fight resources with interracial? They want to fight and someone will accompany them to fight, as long as you practice well as soon as possible. Growing up, there will be times when you fight with aliens in the future.” The warlord just said to a group of human geniuses in the hall.

Subsequently, Ling Xiao and others returned to the room inside the battleship to count their gains. According to the regulations, everyone must turn in a part of the resources to the human clan meeting hall. After all, it takes a lot of resources to open the domain battlefield, and It also needs a lot of human clan emperors and other strong guardians to respond.

After Ling Xiao returned to the room, he arranged a defensive circle. Then he looked at the harvest in his palm. All kinds of resources had been piled up into several hills. There were Lingshi Hill, Tiancai Dibao Hill, and Elixir Hill. There is a king-level source crystal hill.

After naturally getting golden hair, this guy is best at drilling the earth and searching for treasures. Ling Xiao’s gains have begun to come in. The most precious ones are more than 500 imperial source crystals, tens of thousands of king-level source crystals, and a large number of emperor-level, King-level treasure medicines, spirit mines, and even two top-grade spirit veins and seven or eight middle-grade spirit veins

“In addition to leaving a lot of resources for people on the earth to practice, so many resources are also reserved for the Thunder tribe, plus a part of themselves, and many have been handed over to the human tribunal.”

Ling Xiao thought about it for a while, and finally took out 100 imperial-level source crystals and 10,000 king-level source crystals ready to be handed over to the human clan deliberation hall, which is enough for Donghua Realm to train hundreds of powerful martial kings and more than ten powerful martial emperors.

“What? Do you want Jiaofeng Meihuangyuan Yuanjing and Wanwang Wangyuan Yuanjing? That’s too much.” After receiving Yuanjing delivered by Ling Xiao, even Wu Huanglie was shocked.

Several other people like Donghuang Wuji, Wuhuang Zhantian, Zhanhuang Haoran, etc. have their mouths wide open, and even the saliva has come out. The former such as Donghuang Wuji has only harvested more than 100 imperial source crystals. The two had only harvested nearly a hundred imperial source crystals, and many of the war emperor Haoran were given to him by Ling Xiao.

“The juniors have left a little for their own training needs, and some other things can’t be taken.” Ling Xiao didn’t know whether to hand over some other things, hesitantly said.

“Enough, enough. Ling Xiao, do you know? These things are already equivalent to the human race’s gains from participating in the battle of the five territorial battlefields, and others don’t have to turn it in. There are enough Ling Xiao temples for the next hundred years. Time is exhausted,” Wu Huanglie said with a sigh.

“Senior, the core battlefield has been destroyed. Even if we open the domain battlefield again, I am afraid that these resources will not be harvested.” Ling Xiao quickly reminded everyone.

“Yes, I haven’t imagined that the core battlefield has existed for so many years, and it was finally destroyed. In the future, this territory battlefield is probably just a real battlefield. Although the resources are slightly more than all circles, there may be more killings.” War Huang Gang said with emotion.

In fact, after the core battlefield is destroyed, the entire territory battlefield has fewer resources, and the Wuwang strong can enter. I am afraid that the battles of various races in the territory battlefield will be more fierce and cruel, because there will be Wuwang strong Participated in the war.


At this moment, suddenly a magnificent breath rose from a distance, as if Peimeng could block it, a huge figure enveloped half of the battlefield of the domain boundary, as if the planet was huge, exuding the mighty power.


Immediately, a big hand covering the sky appeared in the air, covered with golden hairs, a bit like sharp claws in front, glowing with silver light, blocking half of the sky, and directly caught toward the human warship.

“Silver Tiger Emperor, do you want to die? How dare you do something against my human warship?”

Seeing that the silver claws were getting closer and closer to the battleship, the speed of the terror reduced the speed of the battleship. When it was stuck in midair, a loud voice sounded, and then a white jade-like finger appeared in midair. In the middle, the palm of the tiger’s claw suddenly hit.


Suddenly, there was a faint roar in the distance, and a huge hole was pierced between the silver tiger claws, a lot of blood flowed out, like a blood waterfall in the air, and then the tiger claws quickly Take it back.

“The Emperor Wu Kun’s fingers are getting stronger and stronger, which is really a good way.”

The Terran warship was then urged by a huge force, like an arrow from the string flying toward the Terran channel, and a faint sound sounded in the other side of the sky, and then a black gas suddenly appeared, towards the mid-air that had not disappeared. Bai Yu’s fingers tangled in the past.

“You Emperor, do you also want to find death?” The Emperor Wu’s voice was full of overbearing impulse. Bai Yu’s fingers suddenly flicked, and suddenly a violent star burst into the black gas, and then exploded suddenly, making The black gas spread out.

“Emperor Wu, your race killed my descendants, and I wanted to protect them.”

At the same time, a scream sounded in the distance, and then a huge body with a human tail appeared in the air. An old man with a swollen hair screamed and screamed at the human warship. There was a huge wave in the sky. Submerged the human warships.

“Grandma Yu, you are so old, with thousands of descendants, why care about a dead little guy.”

At this time, there was a long laugh behind the Terran warships, and some people were even fooling around the pinnacle emperor Yuyu grandma, and at the same time a big foot like a mountain kicked from the void into the distance to the Mermaid Emperor.

“The emperor, Hugh is too deceiving. I’m really afraid that you won’t succeed.” In the violent roar, the sky was full of horror, and the screams of grandma Yuyu sounded , Like a cat stepped on its tail.

“I know you are not afraid of me, so come over and let’s go head to head, and never die, one side will die.” The Emperor Zhan sounded playfully, as if he did not put the Mercury Emperor in his eyes at all.

“Huh, Battle Emperor, this time things are not so simple to be able to end.” One side of the sky, another dark voice did not know where it sounded, giving a gloomy feeling.

“Emperor Yin, you mouse, you have the ability to go out and do it alone with Lao Tzu. Is it interesting to hide and hide for a lifetime?” The Emperor Zhan was not afraid, and looked at a place in the void with a smile.


In the unknown void, a terrifying and violent collision sound came out, followed by a tiger roar, and another terrifying breath appeared in the far distance of the territory battlefield. It was a golden giant tiger. .

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