Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 87: Keeping and Selling

The Van suddenly flew into a building high up, and I instantly got warehouse vibes as we entered. We moved into an Area with a large number ‘BAY 127’ across the wall, and to the side, there were boxes and, near to it, a large prison area where I could see the captured people. “This is your rented area where we stored the loot and the things you got in Saint's forest. Honestly, you are one of the few we got out of Saints Forest lately. But you can take your time to organize it and choose what you wish to leave with. We have Boxes you can use to store things and organize that are prefabricated with easy-to-remove foam for safe carrying for a few credits per box and a can of foam. All of that is located to the side over there,” The guy pointed it out, “If you wish to leave loot, you can, and we will purchase it at a wholesale price. I will also be on call for you to deliver these wherever you wish to sell them.” The Driver said as the Van came to a stop and landed on the floor. The guy got out and headed toward a door near where we just came in, but on a different wall.

There were cages and boxes. In each of the cages were the people that I had captured, including those who could not talk. All of them were in their own separate cages, and I smiled as I walked over to the bounty hunters. “Hello, this is the first time we got to talk,” I said to the group of them with a bright smile, “I am Sleepy Wonder, A Spaceship Guard Bounty Hunter. How are you all?” Sleepy Wonder, with their [mysterious aura and piercing eyes], stood before the group, their presence commanding attention.

“Tired. Thank you for capturing us instead of those criminals. I know you made us work and did not treat us like people all too much, but you still fed us and gave us water and security. We could not have asked for more in the circumstances, and I am not sure if we could have offered the same if the shoe was on the other foot,” The Half Wolf-kin Said, “Not that we would not have wanted to, but because the place you found was truly amazing. I cannot believe you found such a place in the Saints Forest. Do you mind if we use that as a Staging ground in the future, possibly in our future bounty hunts?”

“I don't see why not; I don't really have any plans on coming back to the planet any time soon after this, although that could always change. I am only Guaranteeing that I am taking Emma, that enslaved person who gave me information with me. Who knows how the System will deal with the rest? If they somehow get out, they will tell others about that place. Also, I left my traps there and did not have time to take them with me as I was in a rush. So do not step on the moss. I would suggest slowly disarming my traps when you get a chance. I also left some gear there. Mostly, I could not carry away quality-of-life items in a rush. So,” I pointed out the boxes of loot, “I took the valuable stuff and ran. So, I hope you have good luck in your future endeavors. I do plan to release you at the Bounty office, though, so I can get credit for saving you.”

“Thank you,” The Half Wolf-kin said, “We would be slaves without you, and we will go over the process with you. It will not help our reputation, but we will have our lives and freedom intact. I cannot ask for more.”

“Glad you agree with me,” I replied with a grin, “Now, I need to go over my spoils and get them ready to go.”

Honestly, I started to look through the boxes, and I decided to keep a large number of guns. Then, if I were going to keep the guns, I might as well keep the ammo, which meant that most of everything that I took was going to go back with me to the spaceship. I wanted to start learning how to modify my guns better, and having a bunch of trash guns I don't care if I break would be insanely useful. I could use them for parts and various other things in the meantime. 

This was a large amount of things for me to process and get started learning things on the spaceship. I started to get that done, and I picked up everything and started to organize things into separate boxes.

The final total of things that I was taking home was more than enough for me to start experimenting.

I had Six Rifles, one of which was a sniper from the first night. All of these rifles took 5mm rounds, which was super useful for laying out traps at this point. 

6 Rifles - 5mm

1 Sniper rifle -5mm

12 Assault Rifles - 5mm

3 Shotguns

19 Magazine Fed Handguns - 9mm

2 Revolvers - 5mm

1 Revolver - .45mm

4 Revolvers - .22mm

That was a lot of guns, and the amount of ammo for the five millimeters was staggering. I was torn if I should keep it all, as my assault rifle was 5.62mm bullets. Then again, if I was keeping Emma, I would need to outfit her with a gun. That meant keeping some ammo for those. Then there was the various Ammo for the revolvers, and I decided that I should simplify things. I would keep the two revolvers that were meant to shoot the damn rifle rounds. Those were beasts, and the .22 rounds were handgun rounds like the Revolver that took the .45 rounds. It was useless to me as a solo gun. I would sell those away, and I would pack up the rest as for the rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, and magazine-fed handguns. They were going back with me.

Packing them up in boxes took some time, and it took me a little bit to get the foam. I learned it was quite easy to use. It was also soft and easy to rip but squishy. It was perfect packing material, and I got to work quickly. I started putting guns into boxes and stacking them up in the truck to take with me. I would be delivering things to the Bounty office before I had these transported to the spaceship, which I forgot the name of.

To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing Ura again and feeling her in bed. She was a great lover, and I wanted to have some fun with her. 

It took over an hour for me to pack up the various things and equipment that I brought back from the forest and to pack them neatly for transportation. I had twenty boxes in the end, and I was happy with everything. Then I remembered that I had Ka’ Tar. She had medical schooling, and we could use her in the future. It was a decent find, and her bounty was not that high. I could keep her and lose little in the way of Federation Credits.

That would take a phone call and lose the element of surprise.

I pouted a little thinking about that, but instead, I pulled out my tablet and called up Ura, who answered instantly.

“Sleepy ~ Wonder!” Ura exclaimed happily. Grease was smeared on her face, and I could see her hair was a little disheveled. She was still in her tracksuit, although I could tell it was stained. “Are you back into the city?” 

“Yes,” I replied with a smile, “I just got back and have spoils. Mostly, there were a lot of guns and some equipment, along with a lot of ammo. But I caught a couple of bounties, and I am already planning to keep one around. I think we can use her around the place or maybe as another hired gun. But there is another one that I think might be useful.”

“Oh? What is keeping you on the fence?” Ura asked curiously with a large smile as she looked at me.

“Medical, she apparently graduated from medical school but has no experience. If we plan on expanding, though,” I said, trailing off.

Ura followed the thought and picked it up: “And if we plan on Expanding, more medical expertise would be needed. I don't think you talked to me about expanding, but let's set that aside. I think Nyava, who has been at work making potions now, would be a better ask. We have yet to give her more freedom on communications, but I will put you through to medical. See you soon~!”

“See you soon~!” I replied with a smile, and the screen went blank for a moment. 

“Medical!” I heard Nyava say a moment later, sounding a little distracted.

“Nyava, this is your Mistress calling. Are you busy?” I asked.

“NYAH~!” I heard something tip over, but there was no visual on my side. “Nyah, Now I do. I just screwed up. Oh well, it was a cheap potion. No rare ingredients. Now, I am not busy, Mistress. How are you? How was the Saints Forest? Did you get good loot? Did anything interesting happen? Why are you calling?”

The series of questions suddenly bombed me, reminding me that Nyava was a very fast talker. I could not help but smile a little but had to reply before she continued, “Nyava, I am calling you because I am wondering if you would want an assistant. How useful would an assistant be?”

“An Assistant? Do they have training? Experience?” Nyava shot back instantly.

I walked over to Ka’ Tar, who was standing silently, “What is your experience?”

Ka’ Tar diligently replied, “Before I became a criminal, I had just finished Medical school. My experience is just residency and in-class surgeries.”

“Major? Minor? Certificates?”

“Surgery, Regenerative care, and I have Certificates in Regenerative biopsy and all the mainstream equipment.” Ka’ Tar replied.

“Hmmm, Not bad. It's better for me to teach after university than to waste time unteaching bad habits. Mistress, to be honest, there is not much for her to do up here at this time. I would spend most of my time teaching her while I work on potions. Her main field, though, is down to surgical and regenerative care, which are decently common medical fields found in hospitals. They are rarer in space because most choose that line of medicine because they want to stay on the planet. Space makes a terrible place to do surgery. Where you will usually find someone in her specialty is in Battleships and Up. Maybe Cargo Carriers, but they need to be at least a certain size in order to anticipate a certain amount of work for them. Regeneration pods are large devices. But with your bounty hunting, having a surgeon around would not be a bad idea. My potions are also a form of Regenerative care that she can start to practice and maybe study. Depends on her competency.”

“So you're saying that she would be useful but not as useful as you because she is new and would not have much to do.”

“Exactly, Mistress! She has no experience, but if you are willing to overlook that and look at her as a long-term investment, you can turn her into someone more worth selling, or maybe you and Ura get a larger ship and need more medical staff. Either way, she would be trash in the short term and potentially useful in the long term. There is more I can say about it, but it would not really matter to you about the decision process.”

“Thank you, Nyava.”

“Looking forward to seeing you again, Mistress~! How was the-”

I cut the connection because I could tell that she was about to continue asking me questions because I had never answered her earlier. I chuckled to myself as I thought of my dilemma and called over the guy from earlier.

The Driver came back with a smile, “Made your choices and packed up? See, you did not really leave anything for us.”

“Yup, I plan to tinker a lot and break these guns and equipment down to learn some things. Need to make even better guns in the future. Anyways, how does it work? Do I tell you who I am keeping here, and you park ‘em in a different spot at the bounty office, or do you just drop me off with all of them?”

“The First, we can pack them all up. Who are you keeping, though?” the driver asked.

“Her, and Her,” I said, pointing at Emma and Ka’ Tar. “Those two are sticking with me. Those,” I said, pointing at the freed bounty hunters in cages, “Are to be released once claimed, and they,” I said, pointing to the leftover captures, “Are to be turned into the Bounty office for their bounty under my name.”

“Perfect. Let's change their collars and get to the bounty office. Would you like delivery of your goods to another location after dropping things off at the office or not?” I could see his smile, and I chuckled.

“I will pay the fee for bringing us back to our final destination.”

“Perfect, Great doing business with you. I like customers like you. Just simple business, and no complaining. Trust me, we increase the fees for people complaining. Ever heard of the Princess tax?”

“Whats that?”

“For clients that are a fucking pain in our ass. Make those ones pay just for that if they want to keep using our service. It gets more expensive, and the bigger the pain they are. Even shows up as Princess fee, and if you hover over it for an explanation, it will say, ‘For being a pain in our ass’ so they cannot complain about it. Follows all the regulations, HAHA~!” he barked out a laugh, and we started to get everyone packed into the van as he talked.

Not long later, we left an empty warehouse behind and were making our way to the bounty office.


Hey Guys,

I hope you have been enjoying my Works, I will soon be coming out with another short story and Week 7 of Life of a Dominant Futanari is Almost complete. I will let you know in the near future when it is complete. If you want to stay closest to the news you can join my patreon at

Thanks for reading~!


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