Galaxy Hunter Online

Chapter 88: Report

I quickly learned that there was a separate entrance for dropping things off, and the Van quickly parked into a warehouse that was pretty loud. “This is the drop-off for those being freed, turned in, and proper slave collars. You can take them in here. Do you want me to wait here, or do you have more formal bounties to turn in and would rather I wait out front?” The Driver asked.

“Out front, I do have something to tell them. But I do plan on keeping two as slaves.” I replied with a smile.

“Then I will wait here and then move to the front. Please be quick, as many people will probably be behind us.”

“Okay” I said as I quickly jumped out of the van with the Diver. I was in a loud warehouse with cages all over, and a young green woman with a large scar down her right eye came toward me with a large smile. She had armor on that fit her body but had protrusions out to break up the womanly shape to look less lewd. 

“Hello, I am the Bouny Office Representative Telly,” Telly said with a smile, “I am here to start the process of your bounties. Would you like to start immediately?”

“Sure,” I said as the Driver opened the door, and we started to get all the bounty hunters out. “These are Bounty hunters that I saved in Saints Forest. I wasn't sure of the procedure, but I obviously will not be keeping them slaves and wanted to free them in front of the Office to ensure no mix-ups.”

“Oh, what state did you get them in? Driver?” Telly said, turning to the Driver.

“We have a work order that the Bounty Hunter SleepyWonder paid for us to remove the collars on their necks that were rigged with explosives and mute functions. They were tethered to a laptop. She paid for them to get freed before bringing them here to follow up.” The Driver said, and Telly smiled.

“PERFECT~! I love it when people realize they have to do it here. They will have a small record that they were captured added to their file, and you will be reimbursed at a rate of five percent cut of their earnings from each of them till you are paid back one hundred and fifty percent of the money you spent freeing them. That is to incentivize people to free them. Unless you had a prior contract with them?” Telly finished with her question,

“Nope, I appreciate the information, though; I did not know I was just doing charity.”

“I appreciate that. We will have that paperwork done up quickly,” Telly said. She pulled out a Tablet from behind her and marked something down on it. Then, she turned to the bounty hunters. “Please, all of you, go through those doors to be processed,” Telly said to the Bounty Hunters. They nodded and walked over, all smiling as they left the area.

More shouting and cursing erupted at the freed bounty hunters, but they went silent a moment later when Telly pressed something on her tablet. “Okay, now do you have bounties?”

“Yes, just a quick question: I mostly have recordings of killing a bunch of other bounty hunters. Do I turn them into you?”

“Absolutely. Please connect and open the file for me, and we will sync. I will have them sent to our review team. They are efficient. Do you have some that are just pictures of dead people?” 

“Yes. Not all my battles were recorded, but I did take pictures before burying them.”

“More than that trash deserves, but you will be properly compensated as long as no one tries to claim the same pictures. Videos are the best of you doing the work, but pictures will also work.” Telly said professionally. “Now, please send them to me so I can start to have them processed.

I got my tablet, pulled the files and pictures of all the bounties up, and suddenly got a button. ‘Send to Representative within one meter,’ the button said, and so I sent them to her, and Telly smiled. “Perfect. I will be sending those off, and now, live bounties?”

“Yes, Please help me bring them out. Although I do plan on keeping two.”

“Perfect. You will point them out when we get to them. Otherwise, we will process the bonus for capturing live criminals. The bounty office enjoys having products to sell for those who truly deserve death, which will be promptly dealt with according to the local laws. This world tends to want the labor over their deaths, so it takes special cases to kill them.” Telly continued.

“Okay, let's bring them out.” The driver and I brought them all out, and I pointed at Emma and Ka’ Tar. These are the two I am keeping; the rest are yours, and I would like the bounty on them.”

“Perfect. Those two have light crimes relatively on their heads. We will process them and chip them for you. We will tie them to your identity, so for now, we can send them in for processing,” Telly said, making more things on her tablet, “That door is there for those ones; move it!” Telly snapped at the prisoners, “And the ones you are going to keep through that door,” She finished pointing at another door. “Perfect. Now, is there any loot you would like to process?”

“No, but I want to report something to someone as a sort of quest. I have evidence of something that you would like to hear.”

“Oh, that sounds juicy. Okay, I will be with you to process that in a more secluded location.” Telly said and marked a couple more things in her tablet, then pointed at yet another door. “Over there is where we will chat. Please have your driver wait for you at the front, where you will be able to bring your belongings out when you have completed your business.”

“Yes, Ma,’ am,” The Driver hollered, getting into his truck with a smile. I love doing business with you.” With that, he took off, and we walked to the door as a new Van came in, and a Man came out from where Telly came out earlier.

As soon as we entered the door she pointed to, we saw a hallway with many doors. She escorted me over to one of them and smiled as we entered a soft room. “This is our space to process these things. This room is recorded for all needs, including reports to our superiors if you are unsatisfied with our services today.”

“Well, I have been loving your efficiency, Telly, so I will get to the point. When I was in Saints Forest, I was almost immediately attacked by criminals when I entered.” I told her, and she nodded.

“We have been receiving many reports of the same for Saints Forest. In fact, I believe there is a Quest that was put out two days ago to investigate the reason. Please Continue, though.” Telly said with a smile.

“Well, after being attacked and starting to learn on the fly how to do my job, I killed the two that ambushed me. But that is not everything. I quickly found another group that night, which I eventually took apart. I found that it was part of a Major Gang in the Forest. The East side gang,” I told her, summing things up, and she nodded, marking things down on her tablet as I talked. “A couple of those people I just gave you can be interrogated to confirm this, and one of the criminals I just picked up, Emma, told me that the East Gang had something telling them about cars and things coming toward Saint's forest, allowing them to get the drop on the Bounty hunters as they came into the forest.”

“Oh?” Telly said, looking at me seriously. Now, you are making some pretty big statements that I will have to confirm.” I nodded, “Okay. Please continue.”

“So the group that I took out captured the bounty hunters I just freed, too. I did not know that information until I picked up a shipment and sent it out of the forest. That is when Emma told me about this machine in exchange for me taking her as a slave on my ship.” Telly nodded and continued, “So I went back to my base, and we can skip ahead a few days and kill a group of four while capturing one, which is Ka’ Tar. I decided to go check the information that Emma gave me.”

“That is interesting. Do you have any information?” Telly asked.

I grabbed my tablet again and sent her the pictures, and her eyes widened after I sent them to her. “How the fuck did they get their hands on Military tracking equipment?! This is very serious.”

“Not anymore, I took it out,” I told her, “Or at least I am pretty fucking sure I did.”

“How so?” Telly asked.

“I rigged the place with a couple of grenades to blow when they next opened the tent after killing the operators, as you can see, the dead operators.” I pointed out, “Then I set their alcohol shed a flame and ran my fucking legs out.”

The woman looked thoughtful and was about to open her mouth when I remembered something I had taken from the machine. “Oh, and I took this from the machine. It seemed to shut down the moment I did so,” I told her. I took it out of my pack and handed it to her, and her eyes widened.

“This is enough to disable the machine and prove everything you said is the truth. As for the destruction of the machine, if what you said is the truth, we will have to verify. But I will tell you this: You disabled it. Either way, that machine will not work till you have this.” Telly said, holding up the thing I took from the machine, “This is an Authentication device from the military, and it looks rigged up to do something. I will have to contact my boss to see what they think and what rewards you will receive. This might take a bit. Do you mind waiting?”

“That is no problem,” I said with a grin, “Oh, are you guys still tallying everything?” I asked.

“Yes, we are still going through the files for everything you sent. I have a couple of notes here, and I will go over them all once this has been settled. Does that work for you?”

“Perfectly~!” I replied with a smile 

“Then I am going to go directly talk to a superior. I will tell you this, If you hit this button,” Telly pointed towards something beside me, “That will deactivate the cameras and all recording functions in the room. We are legally obliged to talk to you while recording, but while you wait, you may do whatever you wish here within reason. While you wait, you may even conduct other business. Please be patient with us.” Telly finished and stood up, walking out of the room. 

A second later, I pressed the button just because I was curious. The room light changed a little, and a large sign started to glow, saying, ‘Recording devices off as per law 987221. Your privacy is Government mandated when you are alone.’ I looked at that amused but I wasnt about to conduct clandestine business in here. I picked up my tablet and I called Ura because I was bored.

“SleepyWonder~! How are things going at the Bounty office? Are you almost done?” Ura asked, her sexy body now cleaned up.

“Did you shower?” I asked in return.

“Yeah, the dry docks are ahead in their work, but we still have a week or so before repairs are finished. Those pirates did more damage than we thought. Emily was correct; we would not have much time left if we did not park now. Those fuckers micro-hopped too many times, and there was internal damage in the engine. There was even a surge that went through, and one of the detection devices for those surge protectors and a relay blew. This was timely and desperately needed. Emily was already worth more than the amount we spent on her. She is taking to calling this her ship now, and we are just the passengers. She loves it here now and enjoys getting into the little cracks of the ship. Honestly, great find. Now, no more dodging; how did things go?”

“I reported something that I did to the Bounty office, and it is in review along with all the bounties I took. I have two people to bring aboard, and you will meet them soon. Whether we sell them or keep them will be something we will have to worry about in the future, but I think I will try to train Emma to be more muscle for us. I would like to have a conversation with you about some things when I get back.” I said with a grin, “I also am bringing a bunch of things for me to tear apart and fix. I want to work on my guns and make a new shotgun for myself. Honestly, I cannot wait to get back and sleep in a bed. I learned a lot in that damned forest that will be useful to us though.”

“That is great to hear. How many bounties will you pick up?”

“Twentyish?” I replied, and her eyebrows shot up.

“Twentyish? That is really good. You do have that contract, though,” Ura warned.

“Yeah, I will send them the money as soon as I finish getting paid. I am waiting for them to review the evidence and everything first, so I am waiting. Once I am done, I have a truck to bring back the new slaves and my gear.”

“Then I will look forward to it. I have something I need to get to time-wise; I look forward to your return.” Ura then pulled open her jumpsuit, and her massive breast came into view with a hard nipple she licked her lips before hanging up on me with a mischievous smile on her face. I chuckled and settled in, deciding to surf the web and various things this Tablet can do. I still knew so little about the functions.




Hello, Thank you for reading my books. I would just like everyone here to know that I have other books that you may enjoy that are a bit more focused on the Erotic Elements if you are interested and I just released a Short Story and Main book story onto Amazon. 

The Short Story is called I Sissified my Step Bro, and i just brought out my Second book on the series. You can check those out by clicking on the links that I attached to them.

The main Story Series I also do is Called Life of a Dominant Futanari which I have just released the Seventh Book in the series or Week. It is about a Young Adult Named Angela who starts learning about who she is sexually and her navigating her increasingly complex life as she finishes her Last Year in High school at the age of eighteen. You can check that out if you wish too.

Other than that, I really hope that you are enjoying my story and I will be back next week with more. Have a great day!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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