Galaxy Hunter Online

Character Creation

The character creation page came up, and I smiled only for a minute before I froze, looking at the list of species you could choose from. With each species, there was an actual detailed description of what they were good at. It was massive, and I realized why they gave us an hour to choose. That still wasn't enough time, and I began to think that jumping right into the game without properly creating your character was a trap.


On the screen it allowed us to create with, there was a large warning sign.


All characters are Final, with few exceptions. Our servers simply cannot hold multiple characters and delete and recreate characters without them becoming unprofitable.


It was simple and straight to the point. Whether they were lying didn't matter; I appreciated the candor and the reason for it. Again it might be a lie, but they came out and told you while creating your character, it was a final decision, and I started to look into the races.


Incubus, and Succubus Beholder, were all fantasy characters, and I couldn't help but wonder about the story of this game to hold fantasy characters. Still, there were classes associated with the races, and most of them were supports. No way I could play a pure support character, and I looked down the list to find gnomes, dwarves, and many other races that seemed to be old fantasy tropes. 


Then you got to species I had never heard of and classes that specialized in modern weaponry, and I couldn't help but want to do something with guns. I was a specialist in the last game I played with an insane aim, and I didn't know if this game would transfer over. After searching for thirty minutes, I went down the list and smiled when I found the race I wanted. 


The Rish’an Locktor. They were a species that was almost considered extinct when the Lintor species discovered their home planet. The Rish’an Locktor, more commonly known as the Rish, is a species that loves weaponry and engineering. They advanced quickly, and after a large war, they almost rendered themselves extinct long before the Lintor found them. That war sent their technology back thousands of years, and the Rish learned a hunting culture for criminals and made natural bounty hunters and engineers. They lived with gun engineering and weapons from a child, and there was no Rish that didn't have a gun after the age of five. When the Lintor discovered them, they wanted to add their engineering prowess to their empire at the time and sought to enslave them. A war broke out, and the Rish eventually lost due to the Lintors technology. The Rish had stolen a spaceship and reverse-engineered it, and a large population of Rish escaped into the greater Galaxy and learned that their species is highly compatible with other species and can interbreed with most species, including many arachnids. Few other species can exceed their ability to breed with other species, and few can also match it. 


Bonus to any use of Firearms and engineering related to guns.


I selected the race and received a warning prompt. 


Due to the high bonus ability, the Rish has a harder starting mission which may tie you up in the initial tutorial stages, making you late to join the rest of Galaxy online. Do you still wish to choose this species? Note: You may only change out of this race once due to the high difficulty once you have started. If you do, you will lose the ability to choose high-difficulty species and may only choose Lesser races. However, everything is balanced with these things in mind in the late game.


I couldn't help but smile, and I took the risk. The Gaben Corporation seemed to know how to hook the hardcore gamers into picking harder classes.


I selected that I understood and wanted to play the character, and a mirror of a woman appeared before me. I looked at my voluptuous breasts and cute nipples, tiny yet inverted nipples that were sensitive to the touch of my body, and I looked over my character to see any differences from the real me. I found them quickly with two triangular ears at the top of my head, and I saw the twitch in a full range of movement that made me gasp as they could literally turn around to hear better from behind. The eyes were a little wider than my own, and the pupils could look more to the side, giving more range of vision. My cock hung below in plain sight, and I turned to notice a tail behind me that was a bit thick.


I couldn't help but think, Could I try the character on?


Instantly my body moved, and soon I felt the extra limbs, and my curiosity won as I reached up to my triangle ears touching the fluffy small ears lightly. I almost cried out as both my fingers and ears were sensitive, and I looked down at my nimble fingers, which were smaller than my own. I hadn't realized it till now and couldn't help but like it. “Wow,” I said audibly, and my voice came out a little higher than I was used to. My body was a rocking body, though, and I knew that I would be a fan favorite in this body. At the least, it would help my voting in the sleepwear business, and I couldn't help but think about ordering an outfit to match this. Then I remembered that I had a tail, and it took a moment, but I could feel it behind me moving slowly, and it easily reached my hand. It seemed impossibly longer than I was used to, and I wish I could ask more questions about my body.


Still, I tried to move it a bit, and I realized that a tail that was strong like this one would be useful in reloading magazines if it was manual in this game. I felt excited and brought myself up into a gun position, and I instantly fell in love with this body. I felt nimble, yet my fingers were way more sensitive, and I wondered what masturbating with these hands would feel like on my hard cock. I shook my head, continued moving and running in this body for a moment, and nodded. Still, I would like to make the tail a little longer.


Suddenly my tail was a little longer, and I grinned and wished for my hair to turn black and all my hair and the fur on my tail to turn black. My grin didn't disappear before I thought I wanted it red, and my fur turned red instead of black. I couldn't help but think red would look better and, so I kept myself a redhead then approved my character.



This will be your character forever, and only cosmetic changes can be made in the future through stores in-game. Is this your final choice?


I accepted, and the screen in front of me changed, showing me now in a light garb with a series of classes and descriptions. I frowned, realized the list included all classes and began to look them over. 


This time there was another warning on the classes in large bold letters you were forced to look at.


Classes are final choices with few exceptions. The difficulty rating is serious, and we are not joking about how difficult those classes are to play. If it says five out of five stars, it is a powerful class but extremely difficult to play and only for the people that are hardcore players looking for extreme challenges. PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS!



I wanted to chuckle at the note as I knew there probably would be players who ignored it, and the Gabin Corporation was covering themselves with this warning.


Mage: Conjurer of mana using the mystic arts to destroy your rivals in magic combat. Mages use their superior intellect to destroy foes and create new spells to kill more. Difficult class with many different subclasses and choices to choose from. Difficulty 5/5 stars

Medic: A support class that is essential to most groups. Combat medics and Medics can fall under a unique area in the combat role, and many rules protect them in large-scale engagements in galactic wars. This class is difficult and primarily helps your teammates in combat with unique bonuses to help in that regard. Difficulty 3/5  Stars


I quickly continued down, looking at descriptions even as my time ran out to be one of the first in the world. I wouldn't sacrifice my permanent class and character just to run into the game world where decisions seemed to matter so much.


I started to find classes that I liked, and I knew that most of the mage ones were already out of my mind. If I wanted a mage class, I would have chosen a race that specialized in that. I found a number of classes, though, that fit my play style.


Sniper: Gods of death on individuals and people of importance on the battlefield. Feared and revered if they were skilled and mocked if they were not. This class is a pinpoint accurate build where one bullet can change everything. With proper planning and aim, you can change a losing battle into a winning one. Difficulty 5/5 stars

Assault Specialist: A soldier through and through. The cover is a weapon to be utilized, as is the gun propped against your shoulder. You run through the battlefield as the main combatant and are deadly with your instruments of choice. Great at urban combat and one of the best team players. Difficulty 3/5 Stars

Reapers: This is a rare class of close-range gun combat specialists. Either using submachine guns or shotguns, they excel at close-range combat to a fault. Urban combat indoors and forests where line of sight is broken often is where they reap through enemy lines as if they are nothing ducking from cover to cover, quickly killing enemies the closer they are to the enemies. Difficulty 4/5 Stars


The class that attracted me the most was one that was very vague in the description, though, and I looked at it closely torn as I like these four classes the most.


Gun Specialist: A specialist in the world of guns, and they are the reapers of your art of death. You create and kill as two sides of the same coin. You create your trade tools from scratch, making it an art. Restricted Class to Rish’an Locktor. Difficulty 5/5 Stars


It was so vague, and I had no idea there were class restrictions. The Rish’an Locktor didn't have any specialties in mana manipulation, but all those classes were allowed on my character. So that meant there was probably a story with it and my curiosity got the best of me. I loved a challenge, so I selected Gun Specialist. I took a deep breath, and I knew I was taking a huge risk with it when the notification came up.


Are you sure you want to select this class? You are already going through the Difficult Race tutorial; adding in a 5-Star Difficulty class will increase the difficulty of the tutorial mission.


Before I could back out, I hit accept, feeling anticipation. A moment later, my character's look changed into light and loose clothing. Leather clad her legs with extra holsters all over and a handgun holster on her hip with another holster, I thought for maybe a small shotgun on her other hip. A strap through my breasts appeared with a long-barreled sniper rifle attached appeared. 


My shirt was also leather, and I felt myself smiling, looking at my character as I looked badass and hot. My white skin, which looked almost pale, was shown, and my tail flicked behind me. I couldn't help but nod at the image, and another prompt showed up.



Please choose a final specialization that is class appropriate.


Another list, and for the first time, it wasn't super long that I had to skim the descriptions. Many were around combat and fighting with guns, but I felt that the description was too vague for my class when I found a specialization that took my interest.


Artisan: You love the process of manufacturing every part of your weapon. You treat every weapon with the detail it deserves, and mass production is almost a cardinal sin to you. Every weapon you make will get a bonus all around, but mass production of weapons is forbidden. Note: You can still sell weapons



I looked at others, but the Artisian rang like the best to me. It was either Artisian or Manufacturer.



Manufacturer: You love the creation of weapons; everyone should own a gun. You believe that a Baby should have a gun as soon as they can hold it properly and have sought ways to make mass production cheaper and require fewer materials. All weapons require fewer materials and take less time to create.


I was torn as I could see profit in both lines in them; in the end, I chose Artisan as I thought the bonuses in combat specializations could be made up for before I started combat in the profession stage with this class. I chose the prompt, and it asked if I was sure, and I chose yes. I couldn't help but feel excited about making my character, and I got another notification.




Name: Please Insert name here now;

Class: Gun Specialist

Race: Rish’an Locktor

Specialization: Artisan

Profession: Gun manufacturer (Automatically chosen with Class)

Gender: Futanari

Please insert a name and confirm your choices, and you will start the tutorial. Note: Attributes are chosen in the tutorial through actions.


I put in Sleepy Wonder into the name and received another prompt.



Name: Sleepy Wonder

Class: Gun Specialist

Race: Rish’an Locktor

Specialization: Artisan

Profession: Gun manufacturer (Automatically chosen with Class)

Gender: Futanari


I hit confirm, and the world turned black. I couldn't wait to see what Galaxy Online was going to be like.

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