Galaxy Hunter Online

First Bounty

The darkness turned to light, and I slowly awoke in a new world. I felt every fiber of the cloth under me as my hand glided on the rough, scratchy mattress. I groaned, and I looked around the small room I was in. Inside was a table and chair with a bunch of tools. On the opposite side was a small cabinet and, besides that, a small microwave-looking thing. I looked around and got up, feeling my tail bruising along the fabric of the mattress. I almost yelped at how sensitive my tail felt brushing the mattress and decided that I needed to pay more attention to that.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door and a yell. "Sleepy Wonder! Sleepy Wonder, are you in there?!" A man's voice exclaimed. "Come on! Open up, you damned cat!" The man cursed, and I stepped towards the door and tried to open it, only for it not to open. I found a little panel to the side and pressed it open.

"Woah!" A human man said, looking me up and down. "If only you were just a woman," The man said, and I looked down at myself, realizing I was naked. I hated moments like these in real life, and I knew it was better to act like I didn't care instead of acting embarrassed. As someone who routinely had perverts watching her sleep, I just looked at him dead-eyed.

"What is it?" I asked him.

The man seemed to blush a little, "Um, Sorry, it is difficult to concentrate with you so naked," He replied and pointed at the cabinet, "Can you please put something on?" He requested.

I turned and opened the cabinet and noticed a large number of holsters and leather clothing. "Fine," I replied and got a notification.

New Trait: Exhibitionist.

Do not mind appearing before others naked.

Note: Traits are permanent and can have both positive and negative possibilities with each. Be careful.

I sighed and pulled out the leather pants and the leather shirt. I put them on slowly and felt the skin tightness of each while the man watched me. It took me a little bit, and I started putting on all the holsters for the weapons in the cabinet. I realized quickly that my tail was between the shirt and the pants, and I couldn't help but want to sigh a little in relief that I didn't have to try getting my tail into my pants or through a hole in them. My tail flicked across the leather, and I felt a small tingle of pleasure through me that went straight to my head.

I shook that pleasure off, put on the holsters, found a handgun for the holder on my waist, picked up the large caliber sniper, and strapped it onto my back. There were a couple of magazine clips for it, but I couldn't find a shotgun for the holster I had for it. It was weird to need to equip it all myself, and the man was patient as I finished equipping all my guns and magazines in the cabinet. Still, there were empty holster bags strapped to my knees, and I found a couple of tool kits in the cabinet, and they all perfectly fit into the holsters.

"Typical Rish," The man said, "Can't go anywhere without your guns," he commented.

Trait unlocked. Locked and loaded.

Equipping an arsenal is part of your morning routine. Who needs a sidearm when you can carry all your guns and ammo

I wanted to blush to realize I didn't need to put on everything, but instead of doing that, I looked at the man. "Well, I am dressed now," I prompted, and the man blushed.

"Sorry, You look good in that." He complimented, and the guy straightened his back. "Boss wanted me to come to talk to you. Says there is a bounty that has priority one treatment. Please report as soon as your ready," He finished, and I scoffed.

I wanted to go now, but I thought of something I wanted to do in case these traits only happened here in the tutorial world."Fine, I will be there," I told him, and I closed the door. The man looked like he wanted to say something to me, and I didn't care. With the door closed, I got to the floor and started to do push-ups. I wasn't a huge fan of working out, but I was hoping it meant something in this game. I did ten pushups in full gear before I felt the sweat, so I changed to burpees before changing to squats.

Suddenly a notification came up, and I smiled.

Trait Unlocked: Workout enthusiast.

Gain Strength through workout routines.

I grinned and was about to open the door when I looked at the table. I picked up a paper and saw all the parts that the blueprint showed in front of me. I frowned and looked at the door. I didn't know if I could come back, so I read the blueprint for a small shotgun. I had an empty holster for it, and I was going to use it. I quickly got to work and put the parts together. I quickly learned that putting a gun together was a pain in the ass, and it took longer than I expected. I quickly put my sniper to the side and sat down, accepting the challenge with a smile.

"Come on, Sleepy Wonder. We need to go soon!" The man exclaimed, and I continued to work. Finally, I finished the double-barrel shotgun.

Blueprint Learned. Mini Double barrel shotgun.

Completed Mini Double barrel shotgun.

Quality: (Basic)

A barely completed gun put together with difficulty by a novice Gun Specialist.

New Trait unlocked: Completed Arsonal.

Fully equipped to a fault. Everyone else steps aside.

New Trait unlocked: Concentrated.

Concentrate on what you feel is most important, no matter who tries to distract you.

New Trait unlocked: Stubborn.

You face the challenge and complete it no matter what.

I got up, looked around the room, opened the drawers, picked up my tools, and put them back in their proper place. Finding nothing else, I put the shotgun in its holster, and that same man was glaring at me. "We are late," He told me and looked at the new shotgun. "Should have fucking figured. Cat needed to complete her arsenal. Typical fucking Rish cat. Come on, Sleepy Wonder. Boss is waiting."

I followed the man uncensored and looked around the place. It was a metal hallway that didn't look very clean at all. Sand and dirt littered the floors and walls, and I looked around as I followed the man. He seemed to no longer care about me now, and I knew I pissed him off. We passed several doors, and suddenly, the man opened a door and entered.

I followed him in and found a lizard-looking man standing upright, and he was looking annoyed for some reason. "Sleepy Wonder. You are late; I am sure Richard here told you it was a priority one?" He asked.

"No, He didn't," I lied.

A new prompt came up, and I smiled.

New trait unlocked: Straight-faced liar.

You can lie without showing any sign of it on your face.

I wasn't sure if this was a good trait or not, but it was what it was now, and the Lizard-looking man turned to the human. "Richard," he said menacingly.

"Richard came to my room, and he opened the door, looked at me naked for a bit, and didn't stop staring even as I dressed." I continued wondering what this would lead to, and Richard looked at me wide-eyed.

"THAT ISN'T TRUE!" Richard cried.

"Really?" I asked, "You saw me naked, right?"

"Well, Yes, But," He stammered, and the boss looked annoyed.

"Well, you could have turned away and not looked after opening my door," I said, and Richard blushed.

"Well," He stammered, looking for an excuse.

"Doesn't matter." The Lizard shouted, ending the argument. "Richard, you will sit back. Sleepy Wonder. I have a mission for you to kill or capture this man." he prompted, and a screen I hadn't noticed turned on, showing me a human man. He had several scars, and his expression was one that would send shivers down people's spines.

"He is on the most wanted list on Penvora and has received a kill order if you choose to use it. Captured, there is a fifty percent increase on the bounty of two hundred thousand Federation credits. Honestly, the man is strong, and I recommend against capturing and just killing him. You are one of our best bounty hunters. I was going to give you Richard as backup, but I have no one else available to assist you."

I frowned and realized I just made things harder for myself in what already seemed a difficult mission if the person was strong. Probably out of level or something else, but I nodded. "He was last seen in our area five kilometers to the north. That is our own information and not some shitty-fed information. A couple reported it to us a couple of hours ago, although it may be out of date since you took so long.

"Very well, I will head out immediately. Is there a vehicle that I can borrow?" I asked.

The Lizard seemed to frown or something but nodded, "I was going to get Richard to drive you, but I will take a chance and lend you a dessert skimmer. Don't destroy this one." The Lizard finished, and I nodded.

"Thank you," I replied and turned to Richard, "Show me to the desert skimmer, and I will forgive you," I told him, and Richard frowned and turned to the Lizard, who nodded.

Richard frowned at me, and I followed him out of the office, and he glared at me. As we walked down the hallway, he looked annoyed, and when we reached the outside, I noticed we were on the edge of a small town bordering a desert as far as the eye could see.

Richard didn't stop, though, and put me in front of a car that had no wheels. It was off, and he    handed me the keys. "This is the desert speeder. Don't fucking break it; you can explain why you lied to the boss while you were at it." He said.

"You looked at me naked without paying me," I told him, "You had to pay a price, and you paid it." I told him and grinned mischievously, "If you were a little stronger or manlier, I would have slept with you, though," I told him with a wink.

Richard blanked, and I opened the desert skimmer. I put in the keys, and the things started to float into the air as I received a prompt making me turn to Richard.

New trait Unlocked: Cock tease.

Turn on men more easily, leaving them hard and wanting.

I looked down at his pants and noticed a sizable bulge that was probably only a little smaller than I was. "Maybe next time, Richard," I told him, staring at his waist, and Richard blushed. I turned and started to put my things into the car and hopped into the driver's seat, and I realized this worked a lot like cars in real life. I put the skimmer in reverse and backed out of the spot.

I looked at the console and the compass and started driving into town. I drove into town and stopped at a store that, on the GPS, told me it was a general store. I got out of the skimmer and grabbed my guns to head inside.

"Fucking cats," I heard someone say as I entered, and I looked around, looking for food and drinks. Maybe a map, and I quickly found the first two things and figured the GPS in the skimmer would cover the last. I put my things on the counter, and the man looked at me. He held out a device, and I looked at him. "Come on, you fucking Cat. Give me your hand and pay," he cursed, and I held out my hand.

Federation Credits: 2468

Cost of items: 268

Remaining Balance: 2200

I frowned but took my items and walked out of the store with the food and drinks and placed them in the trunk of the skimmer, taking off my sniper rifle and putting it in the passenger seat. It was time to go hunting for the bounty.

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