Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 69: ' The Key '

POV: Helman Tallhart;

Camp one mile from the Seagard.

About three days after one man managed to sleep for over seven hours straight...

Helman was still angry about the events that had occurred that morning.

An evening ago, the Northern army had set up camp just before the Twin Towers. The fortress that guarded the ford.

Helman already had no sympathy for the House of Frey...

During Robert's Rebellion, House Frey, by a devious and slimy strategy, had managed to remain neutral to the war. All the lords loyal to House Tully had answered the call to arms of the Lord Protector of the Riverlands... House Frey had done so too, but only with a Raven.

Lord Walder Frey's four thousand men only came after the battle...

"Sneaky bastard. Not only will House Frey not participate in this campaign, but they even charged us 1 stag for each man and horse!!!... If it had been me instead of Hoster Tully... Arghh... Those dirty slimy cowardly moneylenders!!! ' Complained Helman to his son. For the first time in over three weeks, finally, father and son dined together again.

"You forget the silver moon for every caravan or wagon, father...

Don't worry... House Frey will repay even this insult.

'We do not forget... '

The answer will come served cold and with interest." Duncan.

"Yes. We will... Phew.

I'm feeling more and more guilty about Lord Stark...

Did you see the look on his face this morning when he came back from his negotiations with Lord Walder?" Helman.

"Yes... He looked distressed, disappointed, and angry. Just as well...

I will hear less complaining from Lady Catelyn in the future when ' We will insult House Frey'..." Duncan took a moment, then taking advantage of the meeting point of opinion between the two, the boy asked:

"Father... Not that I'm complaining, mind you... but why did you choose to invite me to dinner tonight?

I thought you didn't want to talk to me for at least a month. This was the punishment."

"... Yes it was.

Are you going to talk to Lord Stark tonight about the Northernmost Project? " Helman asked.

"Yes... We might as well move on to the second key defense of the North now. I tried to ask Lord Stark if he would postpone it for another day... but he seemed determined to stick to the schedule [One conversation every Three days...]... " Duncan.

"Then the time has come for the two of us to discuss a topic. A subject I promised myself I wouldn't mention to you until you came of age... " Helman.

"Are you talking about my mother?... My biological mother? " Duncan.

"Yes, son... Your mother Varra...

Only the Old Gods know how much I loved her. And I still don't forgive them for taking her from me...

As you know, she died the day you were born.

It was she who gave you the name you bear... Hehe... How she loved that story. [The Adventures of Ser Duncan and Squire Egg...]

It's not the time to tell you everything, son, but I will tell you one thing.

A few seconds before she closed her eyes forever, your mother said these exact words to me:

[He will be the key Helman. The 'key' to a chance for peace between my people and yours].

I never doubted her words for a second... but I never imagined that the day would come so soon.

You, my son, are the [Key]... Never forget that.

Only you can end this endless cycle of hatred and bloodshed between the Wildlings and the Northerners... and I do not doubt that you will succeed." Helman said, expressing confidence and trust in every word he spoke.

Duncan smiled lovingly in response, then rose from his chair.

"I had better get going, Father.

Lord Stark is a very punctual person to his commitments and duties.

... Thank you, Dad." Duncan said, tearing a happy memory from the man in front of him with his last word.

Before leaving the tent, the boy greeted his father, saying:

"... I firmly believe that both you and Lady Varra were mistaken eleven years ago."

Helman replied with a look of doubt and incomprehension at these words.

Then the boy explained.

"I am not the only one who could have succeeded in this endeavor.

Besides, they were never 'two' people, but only one.

One People... The First Men."

End POV.


POV: Lord Eddard Stark;

Promontory 800 feet from camp.

About 30 minutes after a boy emerged from the tent...

"Welcome back, Lord Duncan." Eddard.

"Good evening, Lord Stark.

I am glad to see you so much more rested since our last meeting." Duncan said to the man dressed in more formal attire.

The event at House Frey had stiffened the Northern Protector for good measure. As if he had just remembered that this land was not his home... This was the South.

"All credit to you and maester... Emm "

"Qyburn, my Lord." Replied the boy swiftly, helping his Lord.

"Qyburn, right. As soon as I get home I'll send him a gift and well deserved praise for his work." Eddard.

"I'm sure the praise from the Protector of the North is more than enough.

He would never admit it, but he basks in his way when he receives compliments for his work. Ahahaha." Duncan.

"If you think that's the most appropriate gift, then I'll write him a scroll of compliments. Ahaha." Ned.

After a short laugh, the air became tenser again. The second battle was about to begin.

"So... Where do you want me to start?

Do you have any questions for me before I begin?" Duncan.


I would prefer that you, from now on, begin with the ' Title ' of your suggestion-project." Eddard.

"As you wish...

The project is entitled [The Call of the First Men]." Duncan.

"... I thought we had covered this topic before.

Continue, Lord Duncan." Eddard.

"The first Project concerned our defense in the south... Now it is time to discuss lands further north." Duncan.

'He's not talking about The Wall, is he?... May the Old Ones forgive me for what I may say or do!' Ned thought urgently.

No one could estimate the total value of that architectural structure. It was simply classified as a [Wonder of the World]...

"If you intend to discuss the structural condition of The Wall, know upfront that, now more than ever, I have no intention of investing in the renovation of Castle Black, The Shadow Tower, or the Eastern Fort...

House Stark cannot help the Night's Watch. At least not until I've finished repaying the rancorous and powerful Lady Dustin." Said Ned immediately placing a border flag.

'First, he attacks me from the south and behind from the north!' Thought the poor, penniless Warden of the North.

"... None of the nineteen castles is the subject of discussion this evening.

It will be House Tallhart who will offer financial succor to the Night's Watch, I promise you." Duncan said, reassuring the tense man in front of him.

Ned breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost ashamed of the gesture he had just made. After all, House Stark had always provided aid to the honorable order of The Wall.

"It is the lands of the Gift and the lands beyond The Wall that interest me, Lord Stark." Duncan.

"... I don't think you're talking about conquering or increasing the land held by House Tallhart... Therefore. State your thoughts clearly." Eddard.

"You are correct. Before I explain my request in detail, I would like to anticipate that to meet most of it, we will need King Robert's help." Duncan.

"... I tremble at the thought of what you are asking.

I'll be damned and cursed with curiosity...

What do you want me to ask King Robert?" Ned.

"Two requests. One of them you will not like.

Do you want me to start with the more ' welcome ' one or the undoubtedly unpleasant one?" Duncan.

"Welcome..." Ned.

"I would like the lands of the New Gift granted to a house in Westeros. A house that has served House Stark for thousands of years and must continue to do so...

To do so will require the approval of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont and King Robert. I'm confident I can negotiate with Lord Mormont, but I'll need your help to convince Robert Baratheon." Duncan.

"Who? Which House are you referring to?" Ned.

"House Blackwood." Duncan.

"Blackwood?... The Blackwoods have been loyal to House Tully since the days of Aegon's conquest... Your request isn't as simple as you're making it out to be, Lord Duncan.

You forget your negotiations with Lord Hoster Tully and Lord Tytos Blackwood.

Why would either of them agree to change Lord Protector?" Ned.

"Fair and wise words, Lord Stark. It won't be an easy feat, I grant you, but I will succeed." Duncan.

"How will you do it?" Ned.

"I am pleased to note from your words that the addition of Lord Tytos to the possible ranks of your Lord Vassals is not unwelcome," Duncan said, smiling slightly.

"It would not. I would be a fool not to want House Blackwood here in the North.

They are one of the most honorable Houses in Westeros. Their military strength is equal if not greater than that of House Tully, plus Lord Tytos is an excellent military leader and strategist...

All good points that compel me to ask:

[Why would Lord Hoster give up having House Blackwood as his loyal vassal?]" Ned.

"Excluding for a moment the problem [How to convince Lord Tytos], let me make my point.

Lord Hoster Tully, like many of his ancestors, has always found the eternal feud between House Blackwood and House Bracken a plague on the Riverlands. For hundreds of years, countless peace agreements and arranged marriages were made in the name of a chance for peace between the two Houses.

The longest period of recorded history in more than a thousand years in which no bloody diatribe between the two sides occurred was 13 years of peace...

All attempts failed and continued to be futile.

Lord Hoster has chosen neutrality between the two. He cannot act without completely extinguishing one of the two oldest houses in the Seven Kingdoms... and even if he wanted to, he would not have the political or military power to carry out such a massacre.

The only remaining alternative solution is for one of the two Houses to cede its lands to the other.

If House Blackwood leaves behind at least two-thirds of its military forces and Raventree Hall intact, House Tully could do nothing but rejoice at this.

I will further sweeten the proposal with Lord Hoster to ensure that any possible bitter pill is overlooked.

Lord Hoster may be a man of honor and duty, but he is also greedy." Duncan.

"Two-thirds of the armed forces? You would have Lord Tytos leave behind almost the entire legacy of his ancestors?....

If, and I say 'if', you can convince Lord Tytos... Yes, that could work.

I'd be happy to welcome Lord Tytos, and Ser Haymitch would certainly be, too. The man had no trouble leaving Raventree behind... but he often speaks fondly of his cousin.

House Blackwood was originally from the North at one time. Most of them still worship the Old Gods... It won't be a problem to welcome the Lost Wolf back into the pack.

Besides, it would be a blessing to finally have a Lord who can guard and take care of those almost abandoned lands... The threat of attacks from the Wildlings." Ned was interrupted.

*Author suggestion: [Soundtrack - Winter Is Here (Extended)]*

"The Wildlings are the second part..." Duncan.

"What do you- Wait...You don't mean-" Ned.

"I'd like you to open your lands to Free Folk." Duncan.

"... The answer is 'No'. I will not back down on this point." Lord Eddard Stark.

"I see... Might I ask the reason for that answer?" Duncan.

"Yes... You may.

Forgive me for stating the obvious on some points, it is no coincidence that all the people of the North know the Wildlings.

They are more barbaric and savage than even the Clans of the Vale. Their culture and their endless languages make any kind of negotiation impossible. They answer to no one, they bow to no one, and they will never follow the laws of man.

The hatred the North has for the 'Free Folk' is only matched by the hatred we feel for the Iron Men.

They are raiders by nature. They hunt, steal and kill... that's their culture.

Dozens of good rangers from the Night's Watch are attacked and hunted down like animals every single year...

I can believe in a possible reconciliation with the Valley Clan, but I will never believe in peaceful coexistence with the Wildlings.

If I open the gates in the Northlands to the Clans of the Wildlings, I will only bring suffering and death to the lands I am sworn to protect.

This is my answer, Lord Duncan." Ned Stark explained with strong conviction and clarity in his words.

"You are not wrong, but you are not right either." Duncan.

"Where am I not right?" Lord Stark.

"They hunt and steal and kill... The simplification of their culture.

Many of them are also farmers, fishermen, wool weavers, leather hairstylists, animal tamers, miners, carpenters, builders, and even healers... That's only part of the list.

They are also the best explorers and climbers the world has ever seen. There are also qualities in the Free Folk when viewed from a more neutral and objective eye." Duncan.

"That doesn't mean-" A question stopped the Lord Protector's words.

"Who is the enemy of the Night's Watch?" Duncan.

"... The Night's Watch fights against the Wildlings.

They've been fending off the Wildlings' attacks for thousands of years.

The Wildlings hate them and consider them sworn enemies... "Ned Stark explained in a slightly annoyed tone. He felt like he was talking to a real eleven-year-old boy at that moment.

"So the Night's Watch swear to fight and repel the Wildlings until the end of their days?" Duncan.

"Are we playing game?" Ned.

" [Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come]...

I can't find any part referring to the fight against the Wildlings in these verses... " Duncan.

Ned Stark thought for a few seconds in total silence, his gaze more serious than ever. Then he said:

"Shield that guards the realms..."

"Of men... Aye

[The Realms of Men]... Those men are also part of it. Men in whom the purest blood of the First Men flows in their veins...

The Starks have been Kings of the First Men for millennia. The Targaryens and now the Baratheons call themselves Kings and Protectors of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and... the First Men.

So why are we fighting them instead of protecting them?" Duncan.

Ned Stark didn't know what to answer.

"Just because they'd had the misfortune to live in those northernmost lands when your ancestor built The Wall?...

Let me ask you, Lord Stark...

Why did Brandon the builder build that great wall of rock and ice? "Duncan.

"For... " Ned paused to process his answer. Duncan allowed him the time he needed.

"To protect the lands of Westeros from all that was dangerous beyond The Wall. " Ned.

" Might I ask you to be more specific? If my logic and historical information do not betray me, it was not to separate us from the Wildlings, Shadowcat's, Direwolfs, Sons of the Forest, or the Giants... because the latter two peoples helped build it with their own hands.

So, what does The Wall protect us from?" Duncan.

Dozens of tales of Old Nan flooded back into Ned Stark's head.

"... The Others." Ned.


Creatures who brought death and destruction and the Long Night with them...

Creatures who were repelled in the historic Dawn Wars. I'd like to emphasize 'repelled'... not destroyed to extinction...

The Others existed, and the proof of that is 700 feet high and over 200 miles long.

The order of the Night's Watch was created over ten thousand years ago to protect the Realm of Men from these creatures... and not to kill Wildlings." Duncan.

"The Others haven't been seen for thousands of years. "Ned.

"Is that why The Watch fights the Free Folk?

Because otherwise it would have nothing to fight with?"Duncan.

"The men in black and the people of the North, they fight the Free Folk because they keep invading and raiding us....

Throughout history, the North... House Stark has repelled six invasions by Wildlings.

We've always been at war.

We'll never be able to reconcile, let alone fight alongside each other. No one-" Ned was interrupted abruptly this time.


You are wrong, Lord Stark.

You forget history.

I'm not talking about the six Kings-Beyond-the-Wall invasions... but of fighting together.

This event happened in the past.

I have dozens of written historical sources to prove it.

During the Age of Heroes, there were two Kings who fought side by side in the fight of a common enemy.

According to some sources, this 'Enemy' was thought to be a Lord of the Night's Watch...

The thirteenth Lord to be exact.

There are different rumours as to who this might be. The most common claim is that this individual could have belonged to House Bolton , Magnar , Umber , Flint, or even Stark...

The story goes that this man sold his soul to a mysterious evil entity... That this man had acquired dark powers, powers of necromancy. And he had invaded the Nightfort to make it his domain along with an army of Undead.

This individual has since been called [Night's King]...

Two men from the North, despite their differences and cultures, joined forces to fight evil... and the name of these two men was:

Brandon Stark The Breaker & Joramun the King-Beyond-the-Wall.

The same Starks and Wildlings fought together, trusting each other.

It is not impossible and it has already happened." Said Duncan, activating a good deal of his will during his speech.

Ned Stark was disarmed. The man was trying to gather his strength and find other means in his defence to try and resist this authoritative and immovable presence, but he could not...

The only option left to him was complete silence.

A silence full of glances that lasted more than three minutes...

A silent battle based on the strongest conviction.

A battle Lord Stark could not win...

Finally Ned, lowering his eyes first, said:

"If hypothetically... and only hypothetically, I were to consider this plan...

How would you implement it? What is the plan for Free Folk and my people to live together in peace?

I anticipate that House Umber and Clan Wull would come after you with weapons in hand for even uttering the words 'Enter' and 'Wildlings'... " Ned.

"Mance Raider is the key." Duncan.

"Mance Raider?! The traitor in the Night's Watch who attacked and mutilated Qorin the Monk?" Ned.

"Yes, Mance Raider...

Two years ago he escaped the Shadow Tower to live with the Free Folk.

He is currently amassing a large following behind him.

Over 7,000 people are already following him and have proclaimed him King-Beyond-the-Wall. He will soon come into conflict with the other five kings...

I know he is the key, for he will, in less than ten years, rally more than 100,000 wildlings.

One hundred thousand people, and one in four of them knows how to wield a weapon.

At least an army of 20-25,000, if not 30,000 warriors.

That army will have one purpose, to attack The Wall, but the motive behind that attack is the real matter of interest.

They don't want to cross the Wall to conquer and invade the North, but only to take refuge behind the Wall.

I have seen it." The last words echoed like a war-horn inside Ned Stark.

It wasn't the first time he'd heard them-and he couldn't help but give them credence.

"A hundred thousand? No king has ever been able to reach a number like that...

Take shelter from what? What would they run from?" Ned.

"If I told you, my lord, you would not believe me.

Not because you don't think it possible, but simply because your body, your mind and your most unconscious desires would scream at you to deny my words in every way..." Ned's eyes widened. Not at the words spoken, but at the boy's unchanged tone.

The earnestness and will that expressed confidence in those words had not changed....

"I would still-" Ned only tried to say, [I wish I knew that reason,] but was stopped.

"No you wouldn't.

Not now, not without seeing it with your own eyes first.

Words would be wind. Only hard evidence could convince you... We're not talking about simple magic.

We are talking about a threat of global proportions. A threat far beyond simple wars to decide who will sit on a piece of metal and who will not." Said the boy.

"... Even with that... Mance Rayder is still a traitor who has broken his oath.

I could never trust such a man, nor will I avoid dropping my blade on his head." Ned.

"You could. You could if you wanted to.

All I ask is that you convince King Robert to grant Mance Raider a royal pardon... If you do that I'll see to the rest." Duncan.

"Take care of the rest? And what are you going to do? Ally yourself with Mance Raider and march with an army to armed struggle against the Wildlings?

I'm sorry, Lord Duncan, I cannot let the fate of the North be decided by a roll of the dice.

I do not believe that forgiving a traitor will bring the peace you dream of." Ned.

"... I dream of it, it's true.

I also dreamed of a road once... a road that would help the North through the darkest and coldest times.

Presently I dream of a fortress that could defend a loved one and repel armed threats from invaders...

The Dream is the beginning of every great endeavor worth telling.

I also have this dream, a dream, not just mine, not just ours... but of thousands of children.

Children who do not want to see their parents die because of stupid, unfounded fights between the same people. Children who don't want to be orphans just because their village full of food was plundered by a group of people dying of cold and hunger...

It is not only the children of today who dream of this... but also the thousands... no... The Millions who have not yet been born.

The chance to fulfill that dream exists, my Lord, I swear to you. It's already happening." Duncan.

"What do you mean?..." Stark.

"In Sea Dragon Point, for over three years now, and far from the eyes of the North, a small tribe of Free Folk has been living peacefully on our lands. In the beginning, we only offered shelter and food during the time of Winter. In return, one of their magical Wargs would work for our House.

324 of them came to live on the small patch of uninhabited land. Today that number has grown to 353...

Two old souls passed away peacefully in their sleep with the love of their own family members by their side and thirty-one new souls who dream of a life of peace and prosperity, Lord Stark.

All of them wish to stay and live working in peace...

Werragh and eight other volunteers have joined the Tallhart forces to help repel the Iron Islands invasion.

Without Warragh's help, I would not have been warned of the attack a day in advance. A day that would have cost the lives of at least 700 Bear Islanders.

Werragh is a hero, not because of his name, where he's from, his history, his culture, or who he is... but just because of what he did.

We are all barbarians and marauders when we are cold and hungry. The Wildlings suffer these two plagues more than anyone else in Westeros. They know Winter-- the Real Winter, better than anyone, better than House Umber, Clan Wull, or the Night's Watch.

The real reason true peace has not been found is not for ideological or cultural reasons... but a reason of resources.

Mere, vile, necessary, and few resources.

We have those resources now. You, me and King Robert, have to help our people." The boy finished his magic for the second time in three days.

Ned Stark was no longer the Lord of Winterfell at that moment.

He was just a father worried about his children. This was no longer the time to retort with words of honor, justice, and reason...

Ned was only afraid... Fear of the future. An uncertain future never before explored. Fear of the unknown and what he didn't know...

The man took a few steps away to look at the flames of a bonfire burning a few feet away. At times when his thoughts were dark or full of turmoil, Ned found solace in watching a fire.

"A great speech, Lord Duncan. I'll give you that...

You're right. The conflict with the Free Folk is meaningless now.

Nevertheless, the decision I am about to make will determine the fate of thousands of lives...

Your experiment with that small tribe may have worked, my Lord, but can you guarantee the same with much larger tribes? Tribes, that constantly seek conflict with each other?

How do I know which of the two choices is the better one to take?.... There's nothing certain about your plan... You're asking me to trust someone I don't know.

To trust a man who has gone against all the principles I believe in." Ned turned, seeking the boy's gaze again.

Duncan Tallhart approached his Lord Protector and stared at him closely.

"We are also tribe, and we are not much better than they are.

We are currently marching to seek conflict with another tribe. Peace is not in our nature. We will always seek conflict in whatever period of history we live in.

The periods we call 'Peace' are nothing more than short times in which we lick our wounds and gather strength for the next conflict.

I am not asking you to trust Mance Raider... I'm asking you 'To Trust Me'.

I'll ride north from the Wall and meet the man! I won't win him over with violence, only with words and the sweat of my brow!

Give me a chance! Just one chance to try and find that peace...

Believe in ME, Eddard of House Stark.

Together, we can break this endless cycle of senseless hatred." Said a boy.

The man, having heard that plea, full of hope and expectation, returned to seek out the gaze of the mad revolutionary.

Ned saw no sign of relenting, hesitation, or doubt in those silver-tinged green eyes. A part of him envied that stubbornness, which seemed more tempered and sharpened than the ancestral sword of House Stark, [Ice]...

After a few seconds, Ned returned to watching the fire.

The Quiet Wolf remembered the words of the former beloved Alpha of House Stark:

["Brandon, Ned, Benjen, listen to me carefully, my sons. Throughout your lives, you will find yourself faced with choices. Whatever trials come your way, you must always remember one thing. You'll always have three paths to choose from:

The right way.

The easy way.

The wrong way.

You will never have to choose the third because you are Starks. Alpha Wolves cannot lead their packs down that path.

As for the second one, just promise me that no matter how much more comfortable, shorter, and safer it may seem, you will only take it, only when you have tried and tried again, without success, to go through the first one"].

' It's not an easy road... It is arduous and full of danger... ' Thought the new Alpha Wolf.

After concluding his thought, in a defeated but calm tone, the Wolf said:

"Explain to me in detail how we are to travel this arduous and long road, Duncan of House Tallhart."

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