Game of Thrones: Paladin of Old Gods

Chapter 70: ' A Titan and a Lighthouse '

Hello everyone, sorry for the delay.

These chapters to follow will be the most difficult and complex chapters ever written. I have done a tremendous amount of research in order to write them.

I hope this chapter turned out well.

Please forgive the delay in responding to your comments.

Unfortunately, my computer is not powerful enough to respond quickly to all of you. Whenever I type more than three letters on the Webnovel page, it crashes....

As soon as I'll get my hands on my mother's I'll answer you all, I swear.

Happy Reading!

PS. I made some changes on the final part of the previous chapter.


POV: Duncan;

In an abandoned temple less than two miles from Riverrun.

Three days after a man and a Northern boy discussed a plan for a people...

The temple of wood and stone dedicated to the Seven had all but collapsed. It must have been built at least a hundred years ago along with a village that no longer exists...

The Land of the Rivers was at the center of Westeros. The location most exposed to conflict among other great Houses of Westeros. That's why House Tully has always been very strict about alliances and marriages. They would always have to have an alliance with at least one of the neighboring great Houses.

Currently, House Tully was tied to the North and the Vale of Arryn.

A powerful alliance at the moment... until Lysa Arryn goes mad. I was still very indecisive on the topic.

The subject of 'House Tully' was far more complex than I thought. I wanted to get rid of Lysa and Peter Baelish right away... but in the end, I had decided to wait and do it when the time was right.

Technically Peter hadn't done anything wrong yet. He currently had a position as a chief customs officer in Seagull City, and he was working hard, with commitment and wit...

In about two years he would become the new Master of Coin. From there, his climb would begin.

I was still torn between making him a possible ally or an enemy to be milked and used to my advantage. As devious, slimy, and responsible for Ned's death and the fall of House Stark, I had to admit that Petyr had a very sad history.

He was a perfect case of a bad guy forced to become one. The environment and the events of his past forced him to mutate into something much darker and more ruthless than the simple, honest boy full of dreams and hopes that he was...

The fall broke him... and he to survive and take revenge for all the pain he had suffered, chose to get back up and slowly climb higher than the others to take revenge on all those who pushed him.

Qyburn had a similar past, though the dark paths chosen were different.

But now was not the time to think of him...

Petyr Baelish was still at the bottom of my list.

Three far more dangerous enemies were still disturbing my sleep.

Today was the day to discuss with Lord Stark one of them... perhaps the most dangerous of all.

I had made a grave miscalculation, one that might have cost Ned dearly. If six days ago I had talked to him about even the three items on my list at one time, at the very least I would have induced the poor man into a mental breakdown... or maybe even a coma.

I had overestimated the moral fiber of the individual and underestimated the burden he was already carrying. To crush him with another seven hundredweight all at once would have torn him apart...

Poor Ned and Helman... I must stop throwing too heavy burdens at men... well just plain ordinary people who have human limitations...

I am a monster after all. ' I thought inwardly as I recalled the pains I put my father through the day I explained the true enemies of the North... And I didn't mention the topic of 'The Others and possible supernatural beings created by yours truly ' at all... It was on that occasion that Ser Qyburn created 'Essence of Dreams and Desires'...

Poor Helman couldn't sleep without at least two drops of 'Sweet Sleep'. A powerful narcotic not recommended for use more than two nights in a row...

A voice interrupted my thoughts and reflections.

"Lord Duncan, forgive my lateness." Said Ned as he entered the facility.

"No delay, my Lord. I have been here less than five minutes.

It is I who must ask your forgiveness for inconveniencing you all the way here, Lord Stark." I said, bowing respectfully.

"... From now on, when we are this far from the eyes of the world, you may call me Ned, from now on if you please, Lord Duncan." Ned.

"Ah... Thank you, ' Ned'... Ahaha, what a coincidence.

Tonight I promised myself I'd scold you for not calling me 'Lord Duncan' anymore. I am not yet a lord, after all, my lord.

However, if you agree, I'd like a little more time to pass before I abandon the formalities altogether...

How would you like to call each other by the names the world has given us?" I proposed, smiling.

"Mmm... as you wish, Bloody Snow.

[Etiquette and courtesy are not just armor for the Lady...]

My grandmother, Lady Marna, was the first person to teach me that." Said Ned, smiling back.

"A very wise woman, Lady Marna, Quite Wolf." I replied.

"Yes, she was... Wise, and ruthless when I failed to remember one of her teachings. But of course, she didn't hit as hard with words as you, Bloody Snow." Ned.

"... Unfortunately, I'm afraid that in this third conversation, I'm going to hit harder than any of the others we've faced so far... Probably even more than the others that remain... If any remain, ' Quiet Wolf '...

Even if you respected my condition [Disarm and Relax for the Third Meeting], tonight is the night you might decide to attack me, have me executed, or even worse, break all relations with me, Lord Eddard." I explained in a more serious tone than before.

"... You must teach me how you manage to find every single time, before you get to the heart of the matter, to convey a terror that penetrates your bones more than a blizzard in the middle of Winter... " The Quiet Wolf.

" I love honesty, Quiet Wolf...

The truth is hard, bitter, unforgiving, and has no regard for anyone...

We are not creatures created to endure such atrocity... We are emotional, we always want to hope and dream for a better future... We wouldn't have invented the sweet, persuasive, comforting lies otherwise.

The business of Fairy Tales and Songs is an industry that should always be invested in my opinion.

Mankind will always need Dreams and Fantasy Worlds to take refuge in when the truth becomes too heavy a burden to bear... "I said.

"... Before I left Winterfell, I was a staunch believer in the raw, bitter truth... But then I met you.

I should start paying more attention to the fairy tales I read to my children before I put them to bed... "Ned walked over to the table set up and sat down.

On the wooden table was a pitcher with two empty fine cups of terra cotta and ivory enamel.

"I know you don't like to drink much... But I also know that when you are forced to, blackberry wine is your favorite...

What you're looking at is the best Westeros has to offer. Those leeches at House Redwine, made me shell out 2,000 golden dragons for a single 5-gallon barrel...

I hope for their sake that it is of the best vintage of them all...I swear I will bankrupt them before the end of next summer. " Ned seemed stunned by my statement. A little scared by my last words, but very pleasantly intrigued by the first ones.

I poured the wine into the two glasses offering one to Ned.

"A little liquid courage before we begin? Could you help me decide the financial fate of House Redwine, Quiet Wolf?" I asked Lord Stark in a slightly wry tone.

"I will only drink it if you promise me that you will have no friction with House Redwine even if the wine should be rancid... " Ned replied in a slightly worried tone.

"Ahahahahah... I make no promises, my Lord. You are not alone in treating thieves and moneylenders as they deserve.

However... I am also very flexible and open to dissenting opinions. "I took my first bite and enjoyed a rich sip.

Ned seemed to be genuinely concerned about the fate of House Redwine. The man waited silently and breathlessly for my judgment...

"... Mmm... It seems House Redwine will be able to keep its monopoly on fine red wine for a generation or two more... Yes, a very good vintage indeed. Ahaha!

Try it, Ned. "Ned didn't let it go to his head twice and took a sip of perhaps the finest and most expensive wine on the market.

"... Delicious... I feel like I just ate a bowl of freshly picked blackberries. "Ned couldn't stop himself from finishing the cup. I did the same.

"... Shall we find out what color the bottom of this pitcher is before we begin?" I proposed.

"... Do you think we really need to? The ' Enemy of the North ' that you mentioned three days ago, is it really that terrible?" Ned.

"... I'm afraid so," I replied.

After a few seconds spent digesting the dreadful information, Ned stood up from his chair, extending his arm towards the jug.

"I see... If we're going to do this, then let's do it right." Ned took it upon himself to act as cupbearer, then settled into the cushion-lined chair in a much less ''etiquette'' position.

"Well said, Granson of Lady Marna Stark," I said, squatting my braided feet on a corner above the table.

After a quiet minute spent just savoring that liquid delight with relish, The Quiet Wolf asked:

"May I ask you a question, Bloody Snow? It's more of a curiosity than anything else. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to." Ned.

"Please. I'll be glad to do it if I can." I replied.

"I am well aware of how it was at Bear Island, during the battle and duel against Denys Drumm's forces, and I know how it was. Seeing the armed forces of House Tallhart in person, everything seemed easier to explain... " Ned.

"But?" me.

"But... You did not have such forces before this Winter, did you?" Ned.

"You are correct, my lord. It has taken time, gold, effort, and commitment to get the army up to these standards." Me.

"Then how did you achieve such a victory against those mercenaries, the ' Brave Companions '? If I'm not mistaken, House Tallhart managed to win the battle against an enemy that was three times more numerous. You had only lost eight men in total...

How did you manage that?" Ned.

"... I could explain details to you for hours, my Lord.

Let's just say that the right man, in the right place, at the right time, can safely prevail against even fifty enemies.

If you know, Who, Where, When and What your enemy wants, and they are unaware that you are aware of it... Total defeat is the only fate in store for it.

We had that advantage...the rest is just details and creative ideas." Me.

"As much as the World may refer to me by that nickname, ' Quiet Wolf ', people don't know that ' War and everything about it ', are my favorite topics.

I'm a soldier, raised among soldiers.

Those ' details ', are my favorite spicy steaming bread.

Please tell me about them." Ned.

"As you wish, Quiet Wolf." Me.

About thirty minutes later...

"... Ruthless genius strategy... Not even Ser Haymitch, my trusted war advisor, could have done better.

... I was wrong." Said Ned as he poured them both the third and final cup.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

"The name 'Bloody Snow'...

Even that name doesn't do you justice." Ned.

I accepted the insult without denying or confirming anything.

I chose a deep, thoughtful silence in response.

Ned also wisely followed my choice.

We both sipped on a wonderful third cup of Arbor red wine, enjoying, in total peace, an enchanting starry sky in which we could see a shining full moon.

End POV.


POV: The Quiet Wolf;

In an abandoned temple less than two miles from Riverrun.

Two minutes after the last drop of blackberry wine was consumed...

"I am ready... Strike hard and without delay, bearer of bitter truth." Said Ned repositioning himself with his back straight on his back.

"All right, my lord.

Shall we begin with the title?" Bloody Snow.

"Always." Ned.

"The name of this request [Turn your gaze toward the true enemy of the First Men].

Originally it was ' the true enemy of the North'... But since you agreed to the second request, I have made the necessary adjustments." Bloody Snow.

" Describe to me in detail who he is, but more importantly, why you believe he is our enemy. " Ned.

"To do so I will first have to explain to you the balance of power in the Known World. Not even with my 'Skills and Blessings' have I been able to get clear and accurate information on that subject...

It took time, a gargantuan amount of work, and money to get all the key information...

I ask you for a moment to be open and understanding, even though you will have strongly opposing views on this matter, Lord Stark.

I will explain my reasons as clearly as I can. I promise." Bloody Snow.

"... Go ahead. I won't interrupt you until you tell me when it's time to ask questions." Ned.

"Thank you, my lord. So...

Shortening the list on the first six ' Powers ' of this world, those that most concern us, let us begin by talking about the [Iron Throne], or to be exact, [He who sits on the Iron Throne].

If able to properly manage and lead the Seven Kingdoms, the King of Westeros holds a power that can only be ranked 5th." Said Bloody Snow resting a wooden miniature of the Throne on the table.

As always, I underestimate the threat in front of me... Ned thought bitterly, before nodding silently, signaling to continue.

''I will not follow a proper order of these organizations or Kingdoms... But still, I would like to move on to the World's Number One Power... Braavos, or to be exact, The true 'Titan of Braavos'... The Iron Bank." Bloody Snow placed a second miniature on the table, depicting a miniature replica of the Titan that protected the city gates. The two miniatures displayed were separated by about two feet apart, so they could fill the power gap in the middle.

' The Iron Bank is certainly a powerful organization... Even my father warned us to try to enter into as little dealings with it as possible... Both my father and my grandfather were fearful of anything involving Braavos.

Is the Iron Bank the most powerful organization in the world? ' Ned reasoned inwardly.

"Before I go any further, Lord Stark, I would like to at least promise you something. A promise that I hope will help you deal with your future anxieties and concerns." Bloody Snow.

"I'm all ears, Lord Duncan." Ned.

"If you follow my next four requests, the First Men in the future will be able to face the first two powers of this world." Bloody Snow.

"... I don't know whether I should be happy or bitter about it, in all honesty." Ned.

"Words of wisdom, my lord. Power is a burden and a responsibility, not an end.

Only the wisest people can accept this reality." Bloody Snow.

"Continue your speech, Lord Duncan." Ned.

"In no time at all, my lord.

The Iron Bank is the most entrenched power in the known world. It is no accident that the motto of that institution is [The Iron Bank shall have what is due to it].

The Iron Bank is richer and more powerful than the others combined and enjoys a fearsome reputation in collecting debts. When princes or kings default on their debts to other banking institutions. The bankers who own these smaller institutions are forced to sell their wives to brothels and sell their children to slavers.

Instead, when princes or kings default on their debts or are foolish enough not to honor their agreements with the Iron Bank, the Iron Bank supports the emergence of new princes and kings. These new princes and kings then honor their previous debt and return the money the bank loaned them to claim their new power, lest they suffer the same fate as their predecessors. Not even the powerful Targaryen dynasty, the undisputed rulers and forerunners of the Iron Throne, were immune to such political pressure.

Your great-great-great-great-grandfather Lord Cregan Stark, the legendary 'Wolf of the North or Old Wolf', was the last of the Starks to apply for a massive loan from such an organization...

The winter that lasted over 5 years, had brought the North almost to its knees, Lord Cregan asked for help from the Iron Bank to feed his people ...

That debt was not paid off in its entirety until two generations later. Your great-grandfather Beron returned the last piece of copper owed to the Titan of Braavos.

Hence the lesson passed down to you of [Never go into debt to the Iron Bank], Lord Stark."

Ned nodded, proving that everything that had just been said was true.

"Postponing the 'True Story' of the monster's origin to another time, we come to the present.

Of the original twenty-one founders, as a result of internal power struggles hundreds of years ago, only ten remain....

No one knows who they are or where they came from. The identity of the 'Keyholders', are protected at the highest levels of secrecy. These individuals, could be princes or Magisters from smaller cities, their advisors, common merchants, families living on the edge of the Known World or even here in Westeros. No one knows. Only the House of Black and White and the highest establishing figure of the Iron Bank know the secret. And neither is willing to reveal it even when threatened in the most fearsome and treacherous ways.

The Iron Bank controls most of Essos....

The nine Free Cities are part of their total domain. They also have a fair amount of influence over Slave Bay and the Red Desert. The Dothraki Sea is an exception to the rule, but the Braavosi still manage to always profit and exploit the disputes and decisions of the various Khals who lead the Dothraki people.

The Bank plans, within the next 100 years, to extend their network of influence even into the Summer Islands and Whale Bay. The Bankers of Braavos are in no hurry, only moving when the numbers are in their favor. They only love to bet when the odds are in their favor at least nine times out of ten.

Not to mention that almost every Sellswords Company is under their tight control, even though many leaders still don't know it.

The Golden Company, is their most trusted militia. An elite company of 20,000 swords, 10,000 warhorses, and 300 elephants. A force never to be underestimated.

From what we have been able to estimate, The Iron Bank, if forced to move urgently to clear a 'Significant' threat to their Domain, can deploy over 150,000 thousand swords in a short time. Swords yes, paid for by gold, but always in the hands of those who are skilled at using them. Moreover, they can easily gather more than 2,000 ships.

Should the unforeseen and rare event occur, that such armed forces are defeated in their entirety, the Titan will still be able to reorganize, at a much higher cost, to put together such a force.

A frightening entity, Lord Stark. And I'm not mentioning the fact, that Braavos has many friends from whom it can call in favors. The closest 'friends' are undoubtedly the Faceless Men...

Here, I regret to inform you, that House Tallhart has already attracted unwanted attention and slightly disturbed the Titan's sleep... "Ned Stark swallowed hard when he heard this.

The Protector of the North was truly shocked by the information.

It all made sense to him now...

The fear his father and grandfather had of the Iron Bank was well justified.

"Yes, Lord Stark? Please don't be shy about asking." Said Bloody Snow as soon as he noticed the need for the man in front of him.

"In what way are you... 'Undesired' by the Bank? Have you incurred a debt?" Ned asked in a fearful tone.

"No, no. Nothing of the sort, my Lord.

The Bank wants access to most, if not all, of the market monopolies that House Tallhart owns. A short time ago, they already made a move.

The Titan of Braavos was behind the Iron Fleet's attack on Bear Island. They consider my existence a... 'Possible Threat'. They wasted no time as soon as the protective shield protecting my House and the North came down.

I will be forced have to respond to this stone thrown at me.

I am a staunch believer in the philosophy of my father and grandfather.

[When a stone is thrown at you, and you don't want the same individual to try again, you respond by throwing a flower in turn...but you must never, ever forget to throw the vase containing it as well while doing so.]" Ned was shocked for the second time in a row this hour.

"They... You mean they have..." Ned was interrupted.

"Yes, Lord Stark. They have taken the opportunity of this senseless and stupid rebellion of House Greyjoy, to try to get others to remove a pebble inside their boot. Balon Greyjoy's original plans of attack only included Lannisport and Seagard. A good golden incentive from Braavos, had Bear Island added to this list.

Think about it, my Lord.

Why would the Iron Islands have attacked with such ferocity an island even before the riches belonging to the House of Mormont? To prove to the World that 112 ships and 5,300 axemen can easily prevail against 700 swords at most? Such a war effort was unjustified unless there was a juicier booty behind it...

I am very ''juicy'' in the eyes of many these days, to my deep regret." Bloody Snow.

"... So is The Iron Bank the enemy you speak of? What was the ' shield ', to which you referred earlier?" Ned.

"All in good time, my lord.

The shield is another organization that at present holds the fourth place in the hierarchical scale of powers in the Known World... I will tell you about it later.

And no, Lord Stark... The Iron Bank is not the arch-enemy I was referring to. Thank the gods we have not yet reached this level of contrast.

No... the real enemy of the First Men is an enemy that is, in my opinion, more dangerous than the First.

An enemy that, while weaker than the Titan, is not by much.

He currently holds the second position, in this hierarchical scale. Where Braavos has control over the East, it has control over the West.

This entity and the Titan, although in slight rivalry for the first position, do not conflict with each other.

Under no circumstances should we allow these two forces of the World to ally together against us... Or, I fear, it will be the end of the First Men.

This enemy has been fighting with us for millennia, and they still are. They have simply shifted their focus to another enemy in the last three centuries.

They have focused their attention on a Dagon dynasty...

A dynasty that carries with it, the magical blood of Ancient Valyria.

I speak of the Andals, Lord Eddard Stark...

The most feared enemy for our people is The Andalus People ...

The power center of this enemy is far to the south of King's Landing...

Oldtown is the greatest enemy that the Realm of First Men has ever faced."

A Lighthouse-shaped miniature appeared at the side of the Titan of Braavos.

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