Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 122: Sharing Wealth

"Boss! The Tattered Prince just left with Caggo's battalions and the two of Gerrold's battalions!" a soldier exclaimed.

"Left? Where did he go?" Darsent asked, surprised.

"I think it's because Viserys is back. I saw his attendant, Jorah Mormont."

"He's back?" Darsent muttered, his mind racing. If Viserys had returned, why did the old captain feel the need to personally greet him—and bring so many men along?

The Tattered Prince had taken Caggo's battalions and the two of Gerrold’s battalions with him to escort the equipment and remind Viserys and the others that they still belonged to the Windblown. The old captain was most concerned that Viserys might use the equipment to distance himself from the group, which would be a significant loss—one that no amount of gold could compensate.

Hundreds of men arrived at the port in a formidable procession, ready to receive the cargo. When the old captain saw the various weapons and suits of armor being unloaded from the ship like a steady stream, he couldn't help but marvel at the scale of the haul and the danger Viserys must have faced. He attributed the success to Viserys' extraordinary bravery.

Most mercenaries provided their own gear, and the Tattered Prince’s greatest asset was his leadership and experience. Despite years of accumulating resources, his personal holdings barely matched the value of the equipment Viserys had brought back.

While this influx of supplies wouldn’t necessarily elevate Viserys' prestige above the Tattered Prince’s, it would certainly boost his standing among the troops. After this operation, at least four of the seven battalions held a favorable impression of Viserys.

When the Tattered Prince saw the men disembarking, he was relieved to find that their numbers were nearly the same as when they had left. There were hardly any losses, and most of the soldiers wore brand-new armor, their pouches bulging with spoils. It was clear they had profited greatly from the mission.

"Dany!" Meris called out, rushing over to check on her. Seeing that Dany was uninjured, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Meris, I'm fine. I've even grown taller. Look," Dany said with a smile, gesturing to show how much she had grown.

Meris touched Dany’s head and was surprised to find it nearly reached her chest.

The Tattered Prince couldn’t help but feel a warmth at the sight, but his concern quickly returned to Viserys' true intentions. Even if Viserys insisted he wasn’t trying to "seize power," his continued presence with the Windblown would always be a potential threat. Yet, getting rid of him would alienate the others and create further discord.

The old captain suddenly realized that Viserys had only been with the Windblown for less than half a year, but it felt much longer. 'That young man is a magnet for trouble.' Deciding to test Viserys's intentions, he dismissed the others for the moment.

Soon, Viserys, Caggo, and the others approached him. The old captain was relieved to see they were unharmed.

"You can return to your respective camps," the Tattered Prince said.

"Yes, captain," they replied in unison, understanding that he wanted a private word with Viserys.

“Commander,” Viserys said once they were alone, signaling that the old captain could speak freely.

“This operation must have been very dangerous, wasn't it?” the Tattered Prince began.

“Commander, are you asking why I brought back equipment instead of money?” Viserys replied, cutting straight to the point.

The old captain was momentarily taken aback by Viserys' directness. "Yes."

“I want the Windblown,” Viserys declared.

The Tattered Prince's expression hardened. "You know what the Windblown means to me, don’t you?"

"I do. I know you need an army to avenge yourself and take back Pentos," Viserys said, meeting the old captain’s gaze with steady resolve. "And I need an army to reclaim the Iron Throne. But that doesn’t mean we have to fight over this army. I know I can’t compete with you."

Viserys had never intended to wrest control of the Windblown from the Tattered Prince. He understood that trying to take over the mercenary group would only tear it apart, especially considering the captain had founded it and was synonymous with its name. Forcing a takeover would achieve nothing but division and ruin.

"Obviously, the Windblown’s 2,000 men alone aren’t enough to take back the Iron Throne. In fact, even if all the major mercenary companies joined forces, it still wouldn’t be sufficient. But we do have a real chance to take back Pentos for you first."

It was time for Viserys to show his loyalty. His meaning was clear: he saw the Windblown as a sword, but he intended for the old captain to wield it first. Given that the captain was nearly 60 years old and childless, if he wanted to ensure the group's survival after reclaiming Pentos, he would eventually need to pass leadership to someone capable or find a new purpose for himself. At that point, Westeros would become the next target.

The old captain's worries eased, and a smile flickered in his eyes.

"I'm going to expand the Windblown by two or three battalions. I'll make Jorah and Webber sergeants of the new battalions." Having received Viserys' promise, the old captain decided to return the favor by increasing Viserys’ influence within the Windblown.

"Thank you, Captain."

When the guards at the ‘Canvas Castle’ saw a group of soldiers in gleaming armor approaching, they initially thought they were under attack. But when they recognized the Windblown banner, they breathed a collective sigh of relief.

As soon as he returned to the Windblown camp, the old captain called a meeting and announced two important decisions.

“Did you really kill all the pirate leaders?” one of the soldiers asked eagerly.

“Of course. I personally chopped off five or six heads,” Viserys replied.

"Brothers, how much loot did you get?" another soldier inquired.

Clatter, clatter.

The soldiers who had accompanied Viserys shook their money bags with a grin and said, "Not much. Just a few hundred gold dragons each."

"A few hundred gold dragons!"

“That’s nothing! The men who went in with Lord Viserys got more than a few hundred gold dragons each, plus the initial payment!”

Before the meeting officially began, the mercenaries in the barracks were buzzing with excitement, eager to hear about the loot. When they saw that their typically frugal comrades had suddenly become wealthy, they couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret. These men had played their cards right, not only securing generous rewards but also enjoying several days of celebration in Volantis—all at Viserys' expense.

“You’ve never seen women like the ones in Volantis! They’re so good, they’ll make you twitch with pleasure!” boasted a mercenary with puffy eyes.

While the ordinary mercenaries were still making noise outside, inside the old captain’s tent, all the sergeants who had remained in the barracks had gathered. They were surprised to find that the old captain, who usually arrived last, was already there—and he looked unusually pleased.

Then again, who wouldn’t be happy after receiving 800 suits of armor for free?

Darsent, for his part, couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly at Viserys' apparent generosity. ‘If I had that kind of wealth, I wouldn’t need to be a sellsword. I’d just live like a rich man.’

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