Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 123: Next Leader of Windblown

The old captain was elated not just because of the 800 suits of armor he had received, but more importantly, because he had forged an alliance with Viserys. This newfound partnership was more valuable to him than any amount of equipment.

At the age of 23, he had fled Pentos, unwilling to become a puppet prince destined for sacrifice. This decision, however, had undoubtedly put his family in peril. In the stillness of night, the flames of revenge and the weight of remorse gnawed at him, a torment that had only deepened over the years.

Now, at sixty, the Tattered Prince often questioned whether he would ever have the chance to return to Pentos and exact his revenge. Wars between the Free Cities involved tens of thousands of soldiers; deploying his 2,000-strong Windblown wouldn’t even make a dent. And as a mercenary commander, he couldn’t compel his men to fight purely for his personal vendetta, especially when profit was the driving force.

But as he looked at Viserys, he began to wonder if this young man could be the key to avenging his father. No, not just helping him—helping each other. What had once seemed like an insurmountable challenge now appeared solvable through Viserys's approach of building alliances.

As the last of the men gathered, the old captain cleared his throat and addressed them. "I believe you’ve all heard that Viserys successfully defeated the pirates, and you’ve seen the equipment he brought back. Because of this, I plan to expand the Windblown by two additional battalions."

"We’re expanding?" The room buzzed with excitement. Expansion meant new positions, and naturally, everyone hoped those positions would be filled by their own people. And even if they weren’t, the knowledge that Viserys had brought back 800 suits of armor meant there would be plenty to go around, even after outfitting the new battalions.

As the old captain outlined his expansion plans, Darsent leaned forward, his neck craning like a curious bird. The Tattered Prince took note of the crowd's reactions and continued, "Let’s meet the two new sergeants."

He turned toward the entrance of the tent, prompting everyone else to do the same. One of the new sergeants was familiar—Webber. But the second name took everyone by surprise, though the meaning was clear: it was Jorah Mormont!

'How can this be?' Darsent thought, realization dawning on him. The old captain was almost openly backing Viserys’s faction. Both new battalions would be led by men from Viserys’s former 7th Battalion, and one of them was even his squire.

Darsent couldn’t help but wonder what kind of spell Viserys had cast on the old captain. Didn’t he realize the implications? With two of the ten sergeants now loyal to Viserys, and Caggo, the two Gerrolds, and Dick already close to him, if the old captain retired tomorrow, Viserys could be elected the new leader in a landslide! This was the kind of power shift entitled to the second-in-command of the Windblown, yet Viserys had only been with them for half a year! The audacity!

Jealousy began to fester in Darsent's heart. He had been with the Windblown for over twenty years and, in private discussions, was seen as second only to Denzo. Now, Viserys’s rapid rise even made Denzo seem less significant. Yet, envy aside, who else could have secured 800 suits of armor in one fell swoop?

Unlike Darsent, most of those present viewed the situation with a mix of respect and admiration for the new sergeants and the return of Webber. The two Gerrolds, in particular, welcomed Webber back with hearty slaps on the chest as he passed by.

Webber, for his part, glanced at Viserys and couldn’t help but think that if Viserys could make him a sergeant again, perhaps he really could lead him back to Westeros one day. Jorah felt similarly; in just half a year with Viserys, he had earned more money than ever before and had risen to the rank of sergeant.

Now, he wanted nothing more than to attack Lys. His grudge was deep, especially against the man who had taken his wife. Lys’ so-called "Merchant Prince," Tregar Ormollen, had given him an impossible choice: either become his slave to pay off his debt or abandon his wife to become his concubine. But now, looking at Viserys, he saw a glimmer of hope for revenge.

As the two men settled down, the old captain shifted to another matter.

"For a long time, Bloodbeard has struggled to cooperate with the pirates. I expect Tyrosh will soon force Lys's forces out of the lake region entirely. In the meantime, all of you should train hard and prepare for the next war."


Two more months passed, and word of Viserys infiltrating the pirate gathering and beheading its leaders began to spread. The first to feel the impact was Bloodbeard's Company of the Cat. Initially skeptical, they soon confirmed the truth—there was indeed a bounty on Viserys in Volantis, and the Windblown had been expanding.

Rumors about Viserys grew increasingly outlandish. Some claimed he had led a group of men and infiltrated the pirate gathering as smoke, while others insisted he was an evil sorcerer. Regardless of the exaggerations, one thing was clear: Viserys could enter a lair of tens of thousands of pirates at will. Even if he wasn’t as powerful as the rumors suggested, he was undeniably a dangerous madman.

Despite Bloodbeard’s bloodthirsty reputation, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy about facing such a formidable opponent.

"Captain, should we end our contract with Lys?" asked one of his men, a subordinate who had dyed his beard red in imitation of Bloodbeard.

Bloodbeard slapped him hard. "End our contract with Lys? Are you out of your mind? Lys is still our support. If we sever ties, that lunatic might come after us next!" Taking a deep breath, he added, "Go tell Tregar Ormollen we’re willing to sign a one-year contract."

"Yes, Captain!"

Lys' political titles are somewhat unusual. In other Free Cities, the title of "prince" is generally reserved for rulers. But in Lys, the highest political leader is the "Magister," with princes governing different areas beneath him. For instance, Tregar Ormollen is the "Merchant Prince" in Lys and the one who took Jorah's wife.


The news of Viserys beheading pirates reached far beyond Lys and the Company of the Cat, even making its way to King's Landing. Robert Baratheon was forced to convene an unprecedented meeting of the Small Council to discuss their response.

"Since the assassins we sent before were useless, why don’t we just hire some Faceless Men?" Robert said irritably, sitting at the head of the long table in the Tower of the Hand.

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