Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 138: Red Viper

Setting aside his lingering doubts for the moment, Viserys focused on the task at hand as the Natural Selection arrived at Planky Town, the largest port in Dorne. The harbor was crowded with ships of all sizes, making it a challenge for Viserys's captain to navigate the vessel into a berth. The sweltering heat of Dorne was intensified by the dense throng of people and ships, adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

The port was a melting pot of cultures, with vessels from all corners of the world. Viserys noticed some Tyroshi among the crowd, identifiable by their high-pitched voices and flamboyantly dyed red and blue hair.

To his surprise, he even spotted a ship from House Zalyne, raising the possibility of encountering a familiar face. The ships were so tightly packed that people on neighboring cargo vessels could easily converse across the narrow gaps. He also observed several merchants accompanied by Unsullied, as well as a fortress nearby, presumably to maintain order and provide protection.

Planky Town had been founded by a group of Rhoynar who arrived in Dorne with Queen Nymeria. Unwilling to fully integrate into Dornish society, they had established their own community here. These settlers, known as the “orphans of the Greenblood,” lived not in houses but on boats, which they regarded as their homes. They conducted all aspects of their lives—living, eating, and trading—on the water. Despite being destroyed twice by the Targaryens, Planky Town had always rebounded quickly, thanks to its strategic location.

Viserys, however, suspected there was more to the story. He doubted that the orphans of the Greenblood were simply reluctant to integrate; he believed they were guarding something. The Rhoynar were once masters of water magic, capable of causing the Rhoyne River to swell and drown their enemies. ‘Perhaps the legacy of that magic still lingers here,’ he thought. But for now, his priority was to meet with Prince Doran.

Just as Viserys and his companions finished mooring the ship and prepared to disembark, a commotion erupted from the vessels behind them.

"Make way! Lord Oberyn's ship is coming!"

'Oberyn! The Red Viper!' Viserys was startled to hear the name. He hadn’t expected to encounter Oberyn Martell here, by chance. In the stories, Oberyn was notorious for his deadly prowess and his dramatic demise.

He was also famous for two things: his skill with poisons and his eight bastard daughters, known as the Sand Snakes. Their mothers came from all walks of life—prostitutes, nobles, captains, even holy sisters. By now, according to the timeline of Game of Thrones, his two youngest daughters should be old enough to run around.

Viserys looked toward the source of the commotion and saw a swan ship with a sunburst sail approaching the dock. Other ships waiting to enter the harbor quickly moved aside to allow it passage. Standing at the bow was Oberyn, accompanied by a woman with reddish-brown hair. She wasn’t conventionally beautiful, but there was an unmistakable sensuality in her every movement. This was Ellaria Sand, the mother of Oberyn's four youngest daughters.

“Are you sure you don't want to stay a little longer? I've learned a few new tricks lately,” Ellaria teased, looking up at Oberyn with a playful glint in her eye as she breathed against his neck.

“Oh? Little Loreza is already walking, and you’ve got new tricks?” Oberyn replied with a smirk. Loreza was their fourth child, and despite being a mother of four, Ellaria’s skin was still smooth and firm. She was confident she could give Oberyn another child, preferably a boy—not because she had a preference, but after eight daughters, why not add a son to the mix?

“You keep getting me pregnant; I don’t have time to show off my tricks,” Ellaria purred, her voice dripping with seduction as she reached for Oberyn’s “little viper.” The two of them shared a deep, passionate kiss at the bow of the ship, oblivious to the world around them.

From his vantage point on the Natural Selection, Viserys observed the couple’s interaction, noting the contrast between their nobility and their wild, unrestrained passion. Despite their differences, they were a perfect match, and it was no wonder they had so many children together. If their connection was this strong, Viserys mused, it wouldn’t be surprising if they ended up with four more.

“Perhaps we should approach the Red Viper directly and ask him to take us to Sunspear,” Viserys suggested to Feles.

“Is that wise, my lord?” Feles hesitated.

“It’s a secret alliance. What’s the point of worrying about appearances?”

Meanwhile, Oberyn was intrigued when his servant informed him that envoys from Lys had arrived. He was aware of Lys’s precarious situation—the city had lost the Two Lakes in its war with Tyrosh and was likely facing another attack soon. It was clear they had come seeking aid, but Oberyn found it curious that they had chosen to approach Sunspear. There was no natural alliance between the two, and the distance alone made such a request unusual; it would take an ordinary warship at least a week to reach Lys.

However, Oberyn's curiosity was piqued. He had always been drawn to the unknown and the unconventional. In fact, he had long harbored a desire to explore the ruins of Valyria, a pursuit his brother, Prince Doran, had strictly forbidden.

“Very well, let them come to my carriage,” Oberyn instructed.

Viserys was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things were progressing. Meeting with Oberyn so quickly meant he would soon have an audience with Prince Doran. After a moment’s thought, Viserys decided to keep his true identity concealed for now. It might be considered impolite by some, but he doubted Oberyn would mind.

Shortly thereafter, Viserys and Feles arrived at the appointed carriage. The procession was modest, with six or seven horsemen and a small guard. The carriage was drawn by eight “sandstriders,” a breed of horse unique to Dorne, known for their endurance and ability to run for two days without food or water. Inside the spacious carriage, Oberyn and Ellaria were comfortably seated, while their children rode in another carriage. They had planned to indulge in a final moment of leisure before arriving in Sunspear, once they had dealt with the Lysene envoy.

As Viserys and Feles approached, Ellaria peeked through the carriage curtains.

“The one with the brown hair—it’s dyed,” Ellaria observed.

“Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before,” Oberyn mused.

“Hmph, when someone is attractive, people often think they’ve seen them before,” Ellaria remarked with a playful smirk.

“Here they come,” Oberyn said, dismissing the thought as he prepared to greet the envoys.

As Viserys and Feles entered the carriage, Feles spoke first. “Prince Oberyn, I am Feles, envoy of Lys, and I seek an audience with Prince Doran.”

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