Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 139: First Encounter with the Red Viper

'These two... something's off,' Viserys noted, sensing that both the Red Viper and Ellaria were giving him more than just passing glances while Feles spoke. Their expressions suggested more than simple curiosity. Viserys recalled that the couple was rumored to be "bisexual," but even so, what exactly were they contemplating? And if things took a turn, who would be leading whom?

But Oberyn quickly shifted his focus back to the matter at hand. He was well aware of Prince Doran's illness, knowing that unless absolutely necessary, Doran was unlikely to meet with them. The unpredictable nature of his condition meant that he rarely appeared in public, reserving his presence for only his closest advisers and family.

Oberyn scanned the contract documents Feles presented, then said, "You can stay in Sunspear for now. We’ll give you an answer soon."

"Thank you, Prince Oberyn. When will we be able to meet Prince Doran?" Feles inquired.

"When the time is right, you’ll meet him," Oberyn replied, his tone neutral. Then, with a sudden shift, he asked, "I’ve heard that Viserys Targaryen killed off many pirates leaders. Is that true?"

Feles instinctively turned his gaze toward Viserys but caught himself just in time. However, the slight hesitation didn’t escape Oberyn’s sharp eyes. In an instant, the playful glint in Oberyn’s expression darkened, and his black eyes gleamed with a predatory intensity, as if he were ready to strike.

Viserys hadn’t anticipated being exposed so quickly. Seeing no point in further pretense, he removed his hairband, revealing the silver-white roots of his hair. A subtle spark flickered in his eyes as he spoke, "Viserys Targaryen greets Prince Oberyn."

Even someone as astute as Oberyn was momentarily thrown off balance. The last report he’d received had placed Viserys with the Windblown, fighting for Tyrosh—yet here he was, claiming to be Lys’s envoy and standing in Dorne.

"You’re Viserys!?" Ellaria, who had remained silent until now, exclaimed in shock.

Viserys offered a composed smile. "I wonder, Prince Oberyn, will you catch up with me first, or would you rather hear my story?"

After a brief pause, Oberyn’s eyes lit up with the excitement of a treasure hunter who had just stumbled upon a priceless artifact. He scrutinized Viserys as if seeing him for the first time.

"First, tell me how you became Lys’s envoy," Oberyn demanded, his curiosity piqued.

"Of course," Viserys replied, launching into an account that began with the events at Dragon's Flame Fortress. As he explained his plan to forge an alliance between Sunspear, Lys, Myr, and Pentos to collectively challenge Tyrosh, Oberyn's initial shock deepened into amazement. What at first sounded like a fantastical tale began to make strategic sense.

If Tyrosh gained control of the Stepstones, they would undoubtedly impose heavy tolls, directly impacting the interests of House Martell. But if, as Viserys proposed, Tyrosh could be held by a coalition of powers, it would not only protect Dorne's interests but also attract more merchants to do business in the region, increasing trade and tax revenues.

Oberyn, now thoroughly intrigued, found himself caught between admiration for Viserys's boldness and the realization of the significant stakes involved.

"If you were Rhaegar, the Targaryens would never have lost the Iron Throne," the Red Viper remarked bluntly, a hint of admiration in his voice. He was glad that a secret marriage pact had already tied this impressive young man to House Martell.

"My Prince, that's a high compliment, but perhaps not entirely appropriate," Viserys replied with a smile.

The Red Viper laughed, acknowledging his mistake. "Haha, fair enough. Now, tell me about those pirates."

"I actually used poison—more specifically, a kind of gas," Viserys explained.

"Poison gas!?" Feles and Ellaria leaned in, intrigued. The idea of a weapon like poison gas was both terrifying and exciting. After all, what armor could protect against an invisible toxin? Not even the legendary Valyrian steel could fend off such a threat.

However, as Viserys detailed the limitations of the poison gas, they realized it was not as universally devastating as they had imagined. A mix of relief and disappointment washed over them. Still, the fact that Viserys had dared to lead a small band into the heart of a pirate lair spoke volumes about his courage—comparable to the legendary "Fearless Barristan."

Planky Town was not far from Sunspear, and perhaps Viserys's tale was so engrossing that Oberyn and Ellaria forgot about their earlier plans for a more intimate journey. Before long, Sunspear loomed in the distance.

The city jutted out into the land, with two slender, pointed towers—the Tower of the Sun and the Spear Tower—dominating the skyline. These structures, symbols of the union between House Nymeros Martell and the Rhoynar, were a stark contrast to the architecture of Valyria and Westeros, offering a glimpse into the remnants of Rhoynar civilization.

"Let's head straight to the Water Gardens," Oberyn suggested. "My brother spends most of his time there."

"No problem," Viserys agreed.

"By the way, how is Daenerys, Prince?" Oberyn inquired.

"She’s safe and well-protected," Viserys assured him.

Oberyn nodded, remembering rumors he had heard about Viserys in Braavos. There had been whispers of a strained relationship between the siblings, but the fact that Viserys hadn’t sold Daenerys yet spoke well of his character.

As they made their way westward to the Water Gardens, a palace surrounded by lush flowers and trees soon came into view.

"Incidentally, the first owner of the Water Gardens was also named Daenerys," Oberyn mentioned with a knowing wink, his expression carrying a hint of suggestion.

Viserys caught the meaning. He wasn’t opposed to the idea of a marriage alliance, but he knew he needed stronger bargaining chips. Just as the Viserys of old had boldly sought alliances with little more than his sister to offer, this Viserys was keenly aware that while his position had improved, it was still not strong enough to negotiate on such terms. Without a dragon or something of equal value, he couldn’t entertain the idea of marriage just yet.

"You don’t need to accompany me any further," Viserys said to Feles. "Wait for my news." Understanding that Prince Doran’s condition made personal introductions delicate, Viserys preferred to approach the matter himself. Feles nodded in agreement, having no objections.

Unaware that Viserys was already privy to Doran’s illness, Oberyn nevertheless approved of his discretion.

Once they arrived at the Water Gardens, Feles, Ellaria, and the children were escorted away by servants, while Oberyn led Viserys through a series of fountains to a secluded courtyard. Oberyn deliberately slowed their pace, subtly guiding Viserys around the palace. Viserys understood that Oberyn was allowing time for someone to check on Doran’s condition, and he used the moment to refine his strategy for convincing the ruler of Sunspear to join his proposed alliance.

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