Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 142: A War of Words

Like Oberyn, they initially found the proposed alliance from Lys perplexing. But as he explained the details to the group, the idea began to take shape.

When they learned that Viserys intended to form a “Ring of the Narrow Sea” alliance between Sunspear, Pentos, Myr, and Lys, the Martells were skeptical. Yet, after hearing his explanation, they realized the plan was not only bold but also feasible. Arianne, in particular, began to see Viserys in a new light—he was not the ineffectual figure she had imagined, but someone with a sharp strategic mind. She glanced at her father, Doran, to gauge his reaction.

In Doran’s view, Viserys’s plan was daring yet plausible. He exchanged a knowing look with Manfrey, both seeing in Viserys a glimmer of the young Aerys Targaryen. When Aerys was still in his prime, he had once proposed redirecting the waters of the Rainwood to nourish Dorne’s deserts, creating fertile lands capable of supporting a larger population. However, the proposal was as daunting as moving mountains and, from a technical standpoint, nearly impossible without powerful magic.

With this in mind, Doran decided to test Viserys.

“So, in essence, the true strength behind this ‘Alliance of Four’ rests solely on Lys, which is on the brink of conquest?” Doran asked, a faint smile playing on his lips.

“Can this so-called ‘alliance ’ be seen as nothing more than a ‘plea for help’?” Doran’s pointed question hung in the air as he, Arianne, Oberyn, and Manfrey all turned their eyes to Viserys, waiting for his response.

Viserys had anticipated this kind of scrutiny. After all, House Martell was far more formidable than Lys and wouldn’t be swayed easily. Just as he was about to reply, Doran pressed further.

“Moreover, Prince Viserys, while your proposal to divide Tyrosh after the war is intriguing, wouldn’t it be more advantageous for Sunspear to side with Tyrosh directly? We could negotiate higher tolls for ships bound for the northern Free Cities and lower fees for those heading to Dorne. Wouldn’t that offer us greater profit with less risk?”

‘Doran is more cunning than I expected,’ Viserys thought, his mind racing.

“Prince, if I may, let me address these points one by one,” Viserys said, standing and lifting his wine glass.

“First, forgive my bluntness, but what you’ve suggested relies heavily on the promises of Tyrosh. You must be aware that the Archons of Tyrosh are elected through highly corrupt and dishonest processes. The promises made by one Archon can easily be overturned by the next. In other words, Tyrosh lacks the consistency needed to uphold such an agreement.”

Doran and Oberyn nodded in agreement, recognizing that Viserys had a keen understanding of Tyrosh’s political landscape. Manfrey, who managed many of Dorne’s day-to-day affairs, was particularly impressed.

“As I see it, promises from others aren’t worth much—only what you secure for yourself has real value.” Viserys’s words struck a chord, prompting Oberyn to sit up with renewed interest. Even Tyene and Sarella, who had been quietly observing, were captivated by his confidence. While they didn’t fully grasp the political nuances, Viserys’s core message resonated.

'Only what you secure for yourself has real value!' Arianne repeated in her mind, finding herself increasingly drawn to Viserys’s perspective.

Viserys continued, “Now, regarding the alliance you mentioned, I believe that all human relationships are, at their core, alliances—between brothers, fathers and sons, even rulers and subjects. Take the relationship between a father and son, for example. It’s a alliance: the father imparts wisdom and wealth, and the son inherits his father’s bloodline and legacy. The father doesn’t dismiss the potential of his infant son but is invested in the strength he will one day achieve.”

“Daughters can do the same,” Arianne interjected, her voice firm. She agreed with Viserys’s point but felt compelled to add her own perspective.

Viserys smiled and nodded. “Of course, Princess Arianne is absolutely right.”

Arianne straightened in her seat, her eyes subtly flicking to her father. But Doran’s expression remained impassive, leaving her feeling a twinge of disappointment.

'In a typical noble family, Arianne would not only be reprimanded for speaking out as a daughter but would likely face even harsher scolding as the family heir. Yet here, the Martells foster a remarkably open family atmosphere.' Standing from his unique perspective, Viserys noticed the difference in how the Martells operated.

He continued, “Although Lys is currently in a vulnerable position, it continues to draw the bulk of Tyrosh's forces. Especially after the heavy losses Tyrosh suffered at Dragon's Flame Fortress, they’ll face significant challenges in capturing Lys—especially if the Windblown withdraws and turns against them.”

Oberyn, having been a sellsword himself and even leading a mercenary group, immediately grasped the significance of Viserys’s point. The potential for the Windblown to defect was crucial. While it wasn’t unheard of for mercenary groups to switch sides during a conflict, established groups avoided such betrayals to maintain their reputation and ensure future work. Viserys’s confidence made Oberyn wary.

“Why would the Windblown defect?” Oberyn asked, his curiosity piqued.

“I have an agreement with the leader of the Windblown, and I’m set to be the next leader of the company,” Viserys replied calmly.

Oberyn’s eyes widened in surprise, and he leaned back in his chair. Viserys had only been a mercenary for a year and had already ascended to this level? ‘What kind of prodigy is this boy?’ he thought.

Arianne, sensing an opportunity, interjected, “Prince Viserys, didn’t you just say that only what is in your hands truly belongs to you? If it’s just a promise, how can it be counted?”

Her question echoed what both Doran and Oberyn were thinking.

“Princess, you might not be aware, but the Windblown currently consists of nine battalions. In addition to me, the sergeants of two battalions are my men, and three of them fought alongside me against the pirates in the Orange Shore Bay. Who else but me would be the next captain?”

By this point, Viserys had nearly convinced House Martell. Doran, in particular, looked at him with growing admiration.

“It seems the alliance the Prince proposes is entirely feasible,” Doran said, glancing at Oberyn and Arianne, who both nodded in agreement.

“But as you mentioned, only what you control is truly yours. I’d like to secure a bit more control in this arrangement. What are your thoughts?”

Viserys exhaled, feeling a wave of relief. The intense debate had taken its toll, but the outcome seemed favorable. If Doran agreed, the alliance was already more than halfway secured.

“You did say you’d consider anything within my power,” Viserys replied, his tone cautious.

Doran smiled and glanced at Tyene. “Fetch my gold box,” he instructed.

“Yes, Prince,” Tyene replied, leaving to retrieve it.

Turning back to Viserys, Doran said, “Prince, a marriage contract is also a form of alliance.”

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