Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 143: A War of Words II

"Prince, a marriage contract is also a kind of alliance," Doran remarked, his tone both suggestive and pointed.

Viserys’s performance had impressed everyone. Not only were Doran and Oberyn pleased, but even Arianne, who had initially been difficult, found her opinion of him shifting. She knew exactly what Doran was hinting at, and the realization made her usually confident heart race. She glanced at Viserys, then quickly looked away, her composure faltering. Doran, Oberyn, and Manfrey all watched Viserys with expectant smiles, making his heart pound with unease.

Viserys hadn’t anticipated facing this situation so soon. Refusing the proposal could ruin the favorable position he had just established, but accepting it would likely place him under House Martell’s control. He found himself trapped in a difficult dilemma. Adding to his anxiety was the fact that the Martells hadn’t mentioned Arianne’s past, particularly her lost virginity. While Viserys wasn’t fixated on that detail, he was more concerned about the implications of a relationship he hadn’t yet fully understood.

After a brief pause, Tyene returned with a gold-encrusted box. She opened it and removed a parchment tied with a fresh red ribbon, which looked as though it had been replaced multiple times. At Doran’s subtle nod, Tyene unrolled the parchment, revealing a beautifully crafted marriage contract, its edges adorned with intricate gold threading.

Oberyn picked up the contract and presented it to Viserys. “Prince, this marriage contract was signed by me and Ser Willem in Braavos under the witness of the Sealord. If you and Arianne fulfill this contract, Dorne will commit to helping you reclaim the Iron Throne.”

Doran, who had remained silent, did not dispute his brother’s words. Viserys realized that this was a serious offer. House Martell clearly saw potential in him, not just as a political pawn but as a future ruler with the capability to form an army and retake the Iron Throne.

Arianne, who had been outspoken earlier, now watched Viserys closely as he read the contract. Despite her calm exterior, her fingers, intertwined beneath the table, betrayed her nervousness. The realization dawned on her that this contract was likely the reason her father had dismissed her previous suitors, including Daemon, in favor of something greater.

Tyene and Sarella, standing nearby, also watched Viserys with anticipation. The prospect of having such a distinguished and handsome brother-in-law seemed like a dream come true.

Viserys could feel the weight of everyone’s expectations. A simple nod would make him a part of the Martell family, with all the benefits and complications that entailed. The marriage seemed like a foregone conclusion, and he could easily imagine being in Arianne’s bed by nightfall.

But Viserys knew he couldn’t agree so readily. He understood that House Martell’s strategy had always been to support the weaker side to maintain their own strength. If he were dealing with a lesser house, he might consider the alliance, but the Martells were far too powerful. This marriage contract wouldn’t just tie them to his cause; it would bind him to theirs, and in that dynamic, it was unclear who would truly hold the power.

Gathering his resolve, Viserys smiled and said, “I would be the luckiest man in the world to marry Princess Arianne.” His words brought smiles to everyone’s faces, and Arianne’s olive skin even flushed slightly. But then he added, “However, now is not the best time to fulfill the marriage contract.”

The atmosphere instantly shifted. The once lively garden seemed to fall silent, and the birdsong was replaced by an oppressive stillness. Doran, Arianne, and Oberyn’s smiles vanished, replaced by expressions of surprise and tension. Oberyn subtly leaned back, distancing himself from Viserys, while Manfrey looked equally astonished. Anyone else in Viserys’s position would have eagerly embraced the offer, but Viserys’s hesitation had caught them all off guard.

“What does the Prince mean by that...?” Doran inquired, lifting his teacup with a measured calm.

“Dorne is too powerful. I’m concerned that I’ll be swept along,” Viserys responded bluntly, plunging the room into silence. The Martells stared at him as if he were some newly discovered species—could he really say that so openly?

“And what about Daenerys? House Martell is willing to consider a marriage alliance with her as well,” Arianne interjected, her voice tinged with a strange mix of anger and hurt. Since Viserys had made his stance so clear, she saw no reason to hide her emotions.

“Dany is out of the question too. There’s a merchant in Pentos, Illyrio, who has arranged a Dothraki marriage for her...” Viserys began.

“Are you suggesting that the Martells are less desirable than those horse-riding savages?!” Oberyn’s tone had sharpened, his displeasure clear.

“Prince Oberyn, Princess, please let me explain. I refused the merchant’s offer. Dany and I are the last of the Targaryen bloodline. If she marries that Dothraki, their child would have a claim to the Iron Throne, and I would become an obstacle to the Dothraki’s ambitions in Westeros.”

“So, you suspect that we Martells might do the same to you?” Oberyn asked, his voice tight with controlled anger.

"Losing their dragons for the Targaryens is like losing their wings, and for the Iron Throne is like losing their claws. I can't afford to be careless," Viserys explained, his voice steady despite the tension.

Doran set his teacup down with a decisive clink. “It seems, then, that our Prince is not truly interested in forming an alliance. This meeting is over.” His words were cold, dismissive, and final, signaling an end to the conversation. To Viserys, it appeared the negotiations had failed, but Doran’s words were yet another test. Rejecting a Martell marriage proposal could be seen as a deep insult if made public, and Doran was not one to act rashly without calculating the benefits.

The alliance Viserys had proposed was still feasible, but the atmosphere in the room had grown frosty. Tyene and Sarella approached Viserys, their earlier warmth replaced by a cool detachment. Their closeness with Arianne meant that his rejection of the marriage proposal had not just been a slight to her, but to them as well.

Viserys had already resigned himself to the possibility that if this alliance fell through, so be it. With the Red Comet’s return in just over a year, he was confident he could negotiate from a position of strength once a dragon hatched. However, he still wanted to make one last attempt to salvage the situation. “I hope the Prince can reconsider it. This alliance is important for Sunspear...”

“Prince Viserys, our meeting is over,” Oberyn cut him off coldly. Whatever favor Viserys had earned earlier was now gone, discarded in favor of Martell pride and interests.

Viserys managed a strained smile and was about to rise when suddenly, Prince Doran began to tremble, his facial features contorting in pain. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead with each labored breath.

“Someone! Get ice water! Poppy milk! Poppy milk!” The Water Gardens erupted into chaos.

Viserys saw an opportunity. If he could alleviate Doran’s suffering, it might turn the tide in his favor. However, before he could act, Oberyn and his daughters formed a protective barrier between him and Doran.

“Prince, you should leave!” Oberyn said, his voice brooking no argument.

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