Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 56: Company of the Cat

In the afternoon, Viserys left Falia's ship. Asha stood on the bow, watching him depart for a long time until the silver-white figure disappeared from view.

"You seem to have a good impression of Viserys," Falia said teasingly.

"Yes, it would be nice to marry a man like him," Asha replied straightforwardly, making Falia pause. She remembered that Asha had Dothraki blood.

"I want to lie with him on the Great Grass Sea," Asha continued, her excitement growing. "Him riding on top of me or me riding on top of him, under the stars, in the morning light, in the setting sun..." Her cheeks flushed as she spoke, her enthusiasm bordering on madness.

"Okay, okay, stop," Falia interrupted, though the vivid scene had already formed in her mind.

The Dothraki worship the sky and believe that all important and sacred things should be done under its presence, whether it is birth or death. They also see reproduction as a sacred act. To be united with one's loved one under the open sky is a wonderful and happy thing.


Recently, Viserys had been able to switch his consciousness quickly between his body and his animal familiar, a skill honed through relentless practice. It now took no more than two seconds. His warging was more pronounced, enabling him to return instantly if something happened to his body. No longer did he worry about being stuck with a mouthful of tadpoles.

The sun was setting, and dusk was approaching, but there was still enough light. Once he was in the carriage, Viserys transferred his consciousness to the seagull. The seagull flapped its wings and, after about ten minutes, he spotted their home. He began to descend, noticing three carriages parked in front of the house and a crowd of people pushing and shoving.

Viserys's seagull had a bad feeling, so he accelerated and landed on the roof of one of the carriages. He quickly recognized a few familiar faces among the crowd, including Morel, his son Regis, and Helbo. Their presence wasn't surprising; it was likely a matter of gratitude and flattery. However, something seemed off about the situation.

Helbo and the Morels were standing at the gate, trying to prevent another group from entering. This group consisted of five or six rough-looking individuals with brutal faces and equally rude behavior.

"You can't go in!" Morel insisted.

"I heard this is the home of the Beggar King! We're just here to visit," retorted the yellow-bearded leader, trying to force his way in.

"But Lord Viserys isn't home!" Regis interjected.

"It's okay, we can wait. Besides, how can you make guests wait outside?" The leader pushed forward, but Regis and Morel blocked him.

Viserys's seagull flew up to get a better view inside the house. He saw Dany leading Kyla out. Several members of the rough-looking group noticed Dany, and their expressions shifted from surprise to greed.

"My lords, my brother is not at home. If you have any business, you can speak to him when he returns," Dany said firmly.

The yellow-bearded man sneered, "Oh! This is the Beggar King's sister, Dany, right? If your brother isn't here, you can come with us. Our captain will treat you as a VIP."

Dany felt a wave of nausea at his lecherous expression. This yellow-bearded man was from the mercenary group called the Company of the Cat. Their captain, Bloodbeard, was notorious for his cruelty and bloodlust. Few knew his real name. He despised peace, reveled in war, and had a notorious appetite for beautiful women, good wine, and banquets.

Bloodbeard had just arrived in Braavos when House Fregar approached him with an offer: cause trouble for Viserys in exchange for a handsome sum. The opportunity to indulge his vices while getting paid was too tempting. He assumed that Dany, as a princess, would be a prize, so he sent his men to find her.

The laws of Braavos forbade human trafficking, but Bloodbeard and his men saw this as an invitation, not an abduction. With House Fregar backing them, they could always flee if things became difficult. Moreover, Robert Baratheon was offering a reward for the capture of Viserys and his sister. They planned to take Dany by force under the guise of an invitation, hoping to lure Viserys out of hiding.

"Sorry, but if there is an invitation, you will have to wait until my brother returns," Dany said, her voice steady despite her nerves.

"Ha, that won't work. Our captain doesn't like men," the yellow-bearded man retorted, his companions laughing heartily behind him.

"Get out of my way! Do you want to die stopping the Company of the Cat?" Yellowbeard threatened, his tone menacing.

Helbo hesitated, his urge to retreat growing strong.

He was part of a vibrant social group at best, while Yellowbeard and his men were hardened criminals who lived by the sword. But then he thought of this as his chance to repair his relationship with Viserys. Despite his fear, he stood his ground.

Unlike Helbo, the Morel and his son were resolute. They knew that without Viserys, they would have been long dead. They owed him a debt of gratitude, and now was the time to repay it.

"Get rid of these meddlers!" Yellowbeard ordered. He had brought the best fighters with him, and Helbo and the others were no match. They couldn't use weapons, but their fists were just as deadly. In a matter of moments, they had knocked most of the defenders to the ground. Only Regis, who had learned a few moves from Viserys, managed to put up a fight, but he was soon overwhelmed as his companions were quickly beaten down.

Realizing the danger, Kyla tried to drag Dany away. "Don't let them get away!" Yellowbeard shouted. He and his men began slamming against the wooden gate, which groaned under the impact and would likely not hold for long.

Viserys regained consciousness and quickly assessed the situation. He pulled out a few gold dragons, leaned out of the carriage, and waved them in the driver's face. "Run as fast as you can! Do you understand?"

"Yes! Go!" The driver, feeling the heavy weight of the coins, raised his whip high. The carriage suddenly accelerated, causing the ride to become more violent as pedestrians scrambled to get out of the way.

"Company of the Cat, I'll deal with you first!" Viserys muttered, a flame of anger blazing in his eyes. His heart pounded with adrenaline. Today, he wouldn't rest until he had smashed a few heads.

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