Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 57: Kyla, Use Your Head

Kyla is merely an assassin, not suited for frontal combat, much less protecting Dany. As the gate threatened to break under the attackers' pressure, she swiftly took Dany upstairs and locked the door.

'Kyla, use your head! You need to climb over the wall!' Viserys' Seagull squawked in frustration at Kyla's futile efforts.

A loud crash followed. The iron gate gave way, and Yellowbeard approached the front door with his men, shouting, "Prince Dany! We have prepared a carriage for you! Come with us! Our captain is waiting for you!"

Viserys' Seagull, perched on the wall, mused that a parrot might be a better companion next time. Still, he was relieved when Dany calmly retrieved her crossbow and a poisoned arrow from under her bed. No longer just a simple wooden arrow, it now had an iron tip.

Seeing this, Viserys' Seagull sighed in relief, almost smiling like a human. 'The child has grown up!' he thought.

Dany calmly leaned out of the window and aimed at the mercenaries below. "Haha, it seems Prince Dany is a bit impatient!" Yellowbeard taunted, but was silenced by the swish of the crossbow. He felt a foreign object in his throat and, clutching at it, realized a bolt had pierced his neck through his fluffy beard.

'Well done!' Viserys' Seagull thought, wanting to give Dany a thumbs up. As Yellowbeard fell, the remaining mercenaries sought cover. However, Dany and Kyla were relentless, leaving only two mercenaries standing, one wounded in the leg.

"We're leaving! Don't shoot!" one of the mercenaries shouted, shocked by the little girl's composure. Outside, Morel and his son were equally stunned. Dany was no longer the shy girl she had been.

Helbo, who hadn't seen Dany for over a month, was also surprised by her transformation. But the most satisfied was Viserys. The time he had invested in training her had paid off. Although Dany wasn't a natural killer like Kyla, she had grown much stronger through her training. Viserys' goal was never to make her a killer or assassin, but to sharpen her mind.

After a while, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed from outside. A group of Braavos guards entered the courtyard. After the onlookers and Helbo recounted the events, the Yellowbeard men were arrested. Just as they were about to leave, Viserys' carriage arrived.

He jumped out and addressed the only still conscious mercenary, "Tell your captain that Viserys Targaryen is waiting for him in the swordsmanship competition. Tell him to send everyone of you, and I will kill you one by one." He then held up a finger and mimed slitting his throat. The mercenary shuddered, as if his head were truly about to be cut off.

The guards, understanding the situation and knowing that House Zalyne supported Dany, did not make things difficult for her. After a brief discussion, the matter was settled. The injured Helbo and Morel were carried home by Viserys.

Seeing the harmonious relationship between Viserys and Morel, Helbo felt a twinge of envy, hoping it would soon be his turn. However, Viserys did not immediately talk to him. Instead, he turned to Regis and asked, "How are you? Is it serious?"

"I'm fine! Lord Viserys, I'm very strong!" Regis replied, showing his resilience. Despite several bruises, he appeared unfazed.

'Now it's my turn, right?' Helbo, sitting on the sofa, looked on with longing, even stretching his neck a little. But Viserys still didn't seem to want to talk to him.

"Thanks to everyone, we were able to keep the bandits out. I thank you all on behalf of my sister," Viserys said, bowing to the group. Although injured, they struggled to return the bow. Meanwhile, Helbo's heart sank.

"If you ever need help in the future, my son and I will do our best to assist you," Morel said to Viserys. Both he and his son were genuinely puzzled about how Viserys had managed to connect with House Zalyne.

Viserys, however, saw them as useful allies, willing to let them assist him—a reward in itself. With House Zalyne's protection, Morel and his son could face any future challenges with more confidence, even if they lost their soap business.

"I don't think you'll need my help anymore," Viserys remarked, piquing everyone's curiosity.

"After the celebration, I plan to join the Sellswords," he announced.

"Why is that?" Helbo interjected, unwilling to give up.

"It's easy to live as a wealthy man, but Robert and Tywin have the blood of my closest relatives on their hands. As the last male heir of the Targaryens, I can't let this go!" Viserys's tone grew cold, reminding everyone that they were in the presence of a prince who had lost his kingdom. The atmosphere turned solemn.

Helbo realized that, to Viserys, even the three great houses of Braavos seemed insignificant.

"If you want to join the mercenaries, let us make you a suit of armor as a gift from us," Morel offered, knowing the high cost of plate armor, which could easily reach several hundred gold dragons.

"Thank you, Master Morel, but just find me a good blacksmith. I have a special weapon in mind," Viserys replied.

As the evening drew to a close, Morel and his son departed, leaving only Helbo, who was determined to speak with Viserys tonight. He would not leave until he was dismissed.

"Ah, Helbo, we've known each other for a long time, and I have something to tell you," Viserys finally addressed him.

Helbo's heart leapt with joy, his entire being filled with excitement. 'This is music to my ears,' he thought.

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