Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 83: Harder Than Aegon’s Campaign

After the banquet ended, Viserys began studying the "Moon Prayer Song." From the "prayer" alone, he could tell the item in his hand was of high quality. With the panel's blessing, he repeated the chant over ten times, causing the panel to change once again:

Moon's Revelation: -Beginner (1/100) +

'Moon's Revelation? It seems to be a divination-type skill,' Viserys mused, recalling Silicet's speculation that the Moonsingers were once fortune-tellers. Unlike Daoists who use a compass, the Moonsingers relied on the moon above them. He now felt a unique 'connection' with the moon.

Viserys gazed at the moon, still high in the sky, and continued enhancing his new skill:

Moon's Revelation: -Proficient (566/1000) +

For a moment, he felt his connection with the moon strengthen significantly. 'Maybe I can use the moon to predict things more often...' he thought, looking up and reciting a prayer, focusing on what he wanted to predict. Closing his eyes, a round moon appeared in his mind.

'Can I defeat the Night King?'

Boom! As soon as the thought formed, the moon in his mind quickly vanished, and Viserys exhaled sharply. He opened his panel to see his magic completely drained.

"It seems I can't predict such a significant event with my current magic capacity," he sighed. After chanting the Moon Prayer again, his magic slowly recovered. After about two hours, it had returned to around 80. This was much faster than the Moonsingers' Song.

With the moon gradually disappearing in the distance, Viserys decided to attempt divining a smaller matter. "Can I successfully take revenge on Tormo?" This time, the moon in his mind did not collapse but became bright and clear.

"Looks like this will work," Viserys nodded in satisfaction. 'This is different from Dragon Dreams. Dragon Dreams provide accurate information but have limited uses. Moon's Revelation offers less precise information but can be used more frequently. In future wars, I can consult the moon before battles. If the outcome looks unfavorable, I can prepare in advance.'

Given Viserys' current strength, there weren't many who could kill him. He might not die on the battlefield, but if his army were completely wiped out, Dragon Dreams would be powerless.

Viserys thought again of the relief on the wall. What kind of disaster were the Moonsingers' priests warning future generations about? Could it be the White Walkers and the Night King? Braavos was separated from the White Walkers by both the Narrow Sea and The Wall. Did this mean that even without sending dragons to the Night King, as depicted in the show, he could still break through The Wall with the White Walkers? The thought left Viserys feeling overwhelmed. He had believed The Wall would give him the upper hand. If those creatures broke through, it would spell trouble.

Although the celebration was over, the Braavos visitors still appeared to be enjoying themselves. Many were planning to leave, but the festive atmosphere persisted. The next day at noon, the brother and sister returned to the house in Bitterwell. Dany accompanied Viserys for a walk in the afternoon sun. The two sat on the steps, looking at the plants in the yard. The target and dummy on the lawn, the weapons rack—all brought back memories. Dany felt a wave of nostalgia.

Before Viserys' transmigration, Dany's happiest time had been at the House with the red door. After his transmigration, this small house became her fondest memory.

"Dany, do you have any dreams?"

"Dreams?" she echoed.

"Things you want to do in the future," he clarified.

"Well... I want to take the Iron Throne back with my brother!" Dany replied seriously.

In truth, she had no real attachment to the Iron Throne or Westeros. She had come to Braavos as a newborn and was influenced more by her 'predecessors' than by any personal desire.

Viserys smiled and put his arm around Dany's shoulders. The maiden's scent of flowers and grass was comforting.

In fact, Viserys had always known that Robert wasn't his true enemy. 'That fool will die on his own,' he thought. 'There's no need to worry about him.' Most of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms—Jon Arryn, Ned Stark, Renly Baratheon, Tywin Lannister—would also perish in the game of thrones.

The real enemy was the impending Night and the Night King beyond the Wall. Viserys' plan was to collect dragon eggs and work as a mercenary. Once the dragons hatched and grew strong, he would return to Westeros to take charge. His first priority would be to kill the Night King.

Since arriving in Westeros, the Night King had loomed as the ultimate threat. But now, it seemed his plan was too simplistic. Aegon the Conqueror brought Balerion the Black Dread to Westeros, but even then, he didn't completely conquer it. Dorne and its guerrilla warfare remained a thorn in his side. Aegon had loyal houses and thousands of soldiers at his disposal, yet it took nearly a century of preparation before the Targaryens made their move.

Viserys didn't have a hundred years to raise his dragons. Even if he returned to Westeros with a few, could he rely on them as advisors? And what about the alliance of the "stag, eagle, wolf, and fish"?

'If I were a Stark or a Baratheon, after overthrowing the Targaryens, would I accept their descendants' plea for loyalty and forgiveness?' he pondered. 'The chances are slim. This is a hatred that destroys nations and families. Especially the Lannisters—they would stop at nothing to kill me. They'd rather face me while my dragons are young than wait until they are fully grown.'

Dorne alone had vexed Aegon, and now it seemed all of Westeros, except for Dorne and The Reach, would be engulfed in flames. If he went too early, he'd be targeted by many. If he went too late, Westeros might be destroyed by infighting, leaving nothing to stand against the Night King. It was a difficult decision.

Viserys sighed lightly, looking down at Dany, who lay on his lap, eyes closed, playing with her hair. Through her slightly reddened eyelids, he could see her eyeballs moving comfortably.

Feeling playful, Viserys took Dany's braids from her hands and gently tickled her ears with the tips of her hair. Dany immediately felt a tickling sensation spreading from her ear to her heart and giggled.

After a few giggles, Dany couldn't help but look up.

"Dany, if one day I were to be killed, would you avenge me?"

Dany was stunned. For the past six months, Viserys had seemed invincible to her. In her heart, her Viserys stood taller than the Titan of Braavos. It seemed impossible that he would ever fall. But the seriousness in Viserys' eyes showed he wasn't joking.

Her heart trembled as she responded earnestly, "I swear by the Seven Gods, I will do whatever it takes!"

Their purple eyes locked, a silent agreement passing between them. Viserys smiled happily and hugged Dany's head to his chest. In this moment, he felt reassured. Dany was far better off than the original Viserys. She just needed to be stronger than the Mother of Dragons in the original story.

Forget conspiracies and intrigue, with a stable territory, a stronger army, and more dragons, even gods would kneel before her.

Just then, Viserys heard Kyla's voice in his ear. "Lord Viserys, Morel and the others are here."

The siblings got up and walked to the door. Morel and his son had arrived with a delivery carriage loaded with several boxes and a long-handled weapon wrapped in red silk. At Morel's command, several young men unloaded the armor and placed it on the prepared armor rack, then carried the heavy long-handled weapon. As they unwrapped the red silk, the halberd's spearhead appeared, glinting coldly in the sunlight. It was adorned with a relief dragon head, looking mighty and domineering.

"Lord Viserys, here are the weapons and armor we made for you," Morel announced.

Viserys inspected the black armor, noting the three-headed dragon pattern on the chest and the relief dragon heads on the shoulders. The joints were flexible, and the material was the finest steel. He took the halberd and swung it a few times, the weapon slicing through the air with a chilling sound.

The young men who had been eyeing Dany were immediately terrified. The weapon, weighing 50 to 60 pounds, seemed light in Viserys' hands. He struck the target dummy they had been using, nearly destroying it with a single blow.

This scene took Helbo, who had come to deliver horses to Viserys, by surprise. Regis, standing nearby, breathed a little faster.

'Strong! So strong!'

Viserys thrust the halberd's hilt into the ground, drawing applause from the crowd.

"Lord Viserys, I have selected two horses for you and Lady Dany," Helbo announced.

He and Regis led two large horses up to Viserys. One was white with a reddish mark the size of a coin between its eyebrows. The other was pure black, with a shiny, flowing coat and a muscular build.

"Good horses!" Viserys expressed his approval and affection.

Afterward, everyone gathered for a final farewell dinner together.

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