Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 84: This Old Man Is Blocking My Attack

Under Andersen's management, Tormo's Bird Garden had nearly returned to its former glory. Viserys and House Zalyne had emerged as the biggest winners, a reality Tormo was forced to accept. Whenever he was uncertain about his next move, he retreated to the bird garden.

Tormo lay comfortably in a rocking chair, with two maids standing three steps behind him and guards positioned less than ten meters away. Despite the fortress's heavy security, both Tormo and his guards were relatively relaxed. Only the maid by his side maintained a vigilant watch over Tormo's every move.

The previous bird's feathers and blood still stained the cage, but a new bird had been placed inside. Tormo closed his eyes, listening to the birds' chirping, but he felt a strange restlessness in what was usually his most relaxing place. Was it because of Gortave's escape? He had already sent someone to kill her, and the results would be known within a month.

The biggest mystery was why House Zalyne had suddenly chosen to cooperate with Viserys. What conditions had Viserys offered to make the Roth turn against him? Tormo couldn't figure it out.

In the bird garden, a white seagull perched in a tree less than ten meters away from Tormo. This seagull was Viserys in disguise, positioned there before his transformation. The day before, Andersen had sent a signal by cutting a handkerchief in front of Viserys, indicating that a hole had been made in Tormo's security net. 

Andersen had also suggested through another gesture that Viserys should eliminate his older brother. However, Viserys believed that removing Tormo was the best course of action, as it would trigger infighting within House Fregar, allowing Roth to support whichever brother he chose.

Viserys watched Tormo, so close that he could strike in an instant. He adjusted his position and pointed at Tormo with his beak. Just as he was about to act, Tormo suddenly coughed twice.

"Ahem, ahem."

The maid standing next to Tormo immediately stepped forward and poured a cup of tea into his mouth. With the maid obstructing his view, Viserys had to wait for another opportunity. 'Huh! This old man really knows how to enjoy himself!' he thought. The maid anticipated Tormo's needs with precision. When Tormo raised his leg, the maid squatted at his feet to massage him. When he twisted his neck, another maid came forward to massage his scalp.

'Damn! This old bastard is blocking my attack!' Viserys fumed silently. He had finally found a suitable position, but now Tormo was getting his feet and head massaged, obstructing any chance for a clear strike. Attacking rashly would leave him unable to escape, let alone strike again.

Just then, Tormo's eldest son, Vitus, entered the garden. He stood by Tormo's side, providing even more protection.

"Father, our men have discovered Gortave's trail in Pentos. She is with her swordsman, Kethmo."

"Kill the swordsman and bring Gortave back to be dealt with."

The so-called "dealt with" naturally meant that Gortave would be reduced to a plaything, used for pleasure or abuse, doomed to a life of darkness. Even Viserys, accustomed to death, felt a chill as he watched them decide her fate so callously.

"Father, we've also learned that Viserys has joined the Windblown and will leave Braavos in ten days at the most," Vitus reported.

Hearing his own name, Viserys stood motionless on a branch, afraid to miss a word.

"Send Baland's men. Give them two hundred sets of armor. Make sure to bring Viserys' head back to me!" Tormo commanded.

"Understood," Vitus replied.

'Baland? I don't recognize that name. I'll ask Roth later,' Viserys thought. The fact that Tormo was going all out with 'two hundred sets' of armor showed his determination to kill him.

Tormo stood up to leave, his guards moving in closer. 'No, he has to stay,' Viserys thought anxiously. If Tormo and his guards left together, there'd be no chance to kill him.

As they all exited the pavilion, Viserys quickly went to a large birdcage and released a blue bird the size of a pheasant.

Chirp, chirp, chirp—

As soon as the bird was free, it soared into the sky.

However, there was a large net overhead. The bird kept bumping into it, the vast sky tantalizingly close yet unreachable. Hearing the commotion, Tormo stopped and turned around, frowning.

"Andersen is useless. He can't even fix a garden!" he muttered.

Just as he was about to continue walking, a few more birds flew out, further souring his already bad mood.

"Catch these feathered brutes for me!" Tormo commanded.

Several guards rushed into the courtyard, armed with bamboo poles, trying to knock the birds down.

"You two, don't just stand there!" he snapped at the maids behind him. But what could they do? The wild flailing was just Tormo venting his frustration. Watching the group's clumsy efforts only made him more irritated.

"You go too!" he ordered the guard next to him.

The guard, more adept than the others, picked up a few stones, aimed, and threw them hard. A yellow bird cried out in agony as feathers scattered, and it fell heavily to the ground.

"Haha!" Tormo laughed proudly, feeling as if he had regained control of the situation. As the guards continued their assault, more birds fell to the ground, struggling in pain.

Amid the chaos, Tormo suddenly saw a white shadow before his eyes. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his left eye.

"Ahh!" he screamed, reaching up to push the white shadow away, only to feel another sharp pain in his right eye. The intense pain forced him to the ground, blood oozing from between his fingers as he covered his eyes.

The white shadow vanished. Viserys had attached a rusty iron nail to the seagull, soaking it in sewage for two days. He couldn't imagine how many viruses it carried, not to mention the deadly tetanus.

Tormo would be lucky to survive a month. Regardless of the chaos that would ensue within House Fregar, it no longer concerned Viserys. He was off to Roth's house to celebrate.

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