Game of Thrones: Second Son of House Targaryen

Chapter 85: Little Viserys

"Falia, look, it seems to be Lord Viserys' carriage!" Asha exclaimed happily.

Falia recognized it immediately. "It is indeed Viserys' carriage," she confirmed.

"He seems to be leaving in a few days," Asha said, her voice tinged with sadness.

Falia also felt a pang of reluctance, a feeling that surprised her. She remembered her tutor's words: "Reluctance is just a temporary inability to find a better replacement. People are like that." She tried to use this wisdom to dispel her emotions, but could she really find someone better than him?

Falia reflected on the moments she had spent with Viserys. Despite her initial control over the situation, he had always shown genuine skill and charm. His impressive performance in the Swordsmanship competition and his quick thinking in various situations stood out. No one else could compose a classic in less than an hour, and his time with Andersen had also left a mark.

She glanced at Asha, who was wearing a bracelet made of iron coins—the temporary splint Viserys had fashioned for her. Asha had turned it into a bracelet, using string made from pieces of Viserys' clothes. Falia suddenly felt a twinge of envy. Asha had something to remember him by, but she herself had nothing.

It didn't take long for Viserys to reach the fortress of House Zalyne. This time, it was more grandly decorated than his previous visit. The gates were wide open, and carpets adorned the ground. The dwarf who greeted him was dressed even more brightly, with a vibrant red collar and cheeks, and a wide, welcoming smile.

"Lord Viserys, Lord Roth and Lady Methys are waiting for you," the dwarf announced.

"Good, then let's not delay," Viserys replied.

The carriage drove straight into the fortress, and as soon as it stopped, someone brought a wooden ladder. As he stepped out, Viserys saw Falia's carriage. Asha was the first to emerge, her smile revealing her white teeth. She was so focused on Viserys that she forgot to warn Falia to watch her step.

"Lady Moonshadow," Viserys greeted.

"Lord Viserys," Falia responded.

Since they had met by chance, they exchanged pleasantries. Falia maintained her composure, but Asha's eyes were glued to Viserys' face. This made Dany feel a bit uncomfortable, and she subconsciously leaned closer to Viserys. Comparing herself to Asha, she looked at Viserys with some uncertainty. His unwavering gaze reassured her.

The arrival of Pyrena soon put an end to their small talk.

"Lord Viserys, Lady Daenerys, Lady Moonshadow, please follow me," the guide requested.

Despite it being her second visit, Dany, still a bit of a lost soul, felt slightly dizzy at the familiar yet disorienting scenery. This time, however, the route was different. On their previous visit, Viserys and Dany had not entered the "main hall" of House Zalyne, but today they were led directly to it.

The hall was already bustling with people. While not as significant as those who had gathered in the "Sealord Hall" the previous day, everyone present belonged to House Zalyne. Their attire was more colorful, with dresses and gowns in a spectrum of colors.

The hall itself was vast, approximately 500 square meters. Three meters above the ground, candlesticks were installed every three feet along the walls. Combined with the chandelier above, it was estimated that five or six hundred candles could be lit at once! Below, a huge carpet dominated the floor, embroidered with a fleet of ships riding the waves, House Zalyne crest prominently displayed on the sails. Viserys noted that the most expensive carpets in the Free Cities came from Myr, and this custom-made piece must have cost a fortune.

As soon as the siblings entered, they were greeted warmly by the crowd. A group of noblewomen, along with children about Dany's age, surrounded her like stars around the moon. Some of the young boys immediately vied for her attention, eager to introduce themselves.

Many of the men in the hall were captains or chief sailors of House Zalyne. With years of battling the wind and waves on the high seas, they had a fierce air about them. Having seen Viserys in the arena and knowing he was a guest of Roth, they treated him with great respect.

"Ah, Lord Viserys, I didn't see you clearly in the theater the other day, but I didn't expect you to be so young." one exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll soon be the strongest swordsman in Braavos." another added.

"That's already the case!" they chorused, showering him with praise.

It was clear that Roth's guests were no fools; they knew how to flatter someone effectively. Their words, while not elegant, were direct and heartfelt, making Viserys feel very comfortable.

Not wanting to simply bask in the praise, Viserys asked a maid for a glass of wine, then raised it high and shouted, "To Zalyne!"

"To Zalyne..." the crowd echoed, their voices blending with the clinking of glasses.

"To Lord Roth and Lady Methys!" a sharp-eyed captain shouted as the couple walked hand in hand into the hall. This captain, Jalifah, was in his forties, with slightly crossed yet very bright eyes. He was one of Roth's most capable captains and an excellent marksman.

Jalifah had a rich history, not only transporting goods but also having been to war. Seeing Roth's smiling face and the radiant Methys, who was pregnant, brought further cheer to the gathering. They had already seen Silicet, and it was likely a boy.

"Lady, you look so healthy. I'm sure you'll give birth to a strong heir!" one captain exclaimed.

"What a mouth on you! I bet Lady Methys could give birth to twins!" another chimed in, trying to outdo the first.

The captains vied for attention, creating a lively and enthusiastic atmosphere in the hall. Despite the joviality, the Roths did not share the secret of the 'lead' with their subordinates. Instead, they offered them plenty of sweet wine, hinting that they could drink it like water.

"By the way, have you decided on a name for the baby?" one of the captains asked.

Roth and Methys exchanged a glance and then looked at the siblings.

"If it's a boy, we'll call him Viserys," Roth announced.

Viserys raised an eyebrow, momentarily forgetting the local customs.

"If it's a girl, we'll call her Danys," Methys added.

"It's our honor, Lord Roth," Viserys responded, understanding the gesture. Roth' decision was like when Ned named his son Jon, hoping he would inherit the cunning of his foster father. Roth, both appearance-conscious and impressed by Viserys' talents, had made his choice.

"To little Viserys!" Jalifah raised his glass, tacitly acknowledging that Methys was carrying a boy. Although the banquet had not yet started, he had already encouraged everyone to drink two glasses of wine. However, Methys, having been warned by Viserys that pregnant women should not drink, followed the rule strictly, ensuring a healthy heir.

"I have another piece of good news to share with you all," Roth announced. "According to reliable sources, Tormo's eye was pecked out by his own bird!"

The hall fell silent for a moment before erupting into loud cheers, the crowd nearly tearing the roof off with their excitement.

"This guy deserves it!" one captain shouted.

"Yes! I say he's better off blind! If we could find that bird, I'd honor it as my own father!" another added, the captains' shouts reflecting their sense of vengeance.

Viserys chose to ignore the outlandish comment about honoring the bird as a father. Just as he was about to discuss the dangers ahead, Roth spoke again.

"As you all know, Lord Viserys is leaving Braavos for the Disputed Lands, carrying a dragon egg with him. I expect many will covet it. Who would like to escort him?"

"Lord, let me go!" Jalifah volunteered immediately.

"Okay, that's fine," Roth agreed, looking at Viserys.

"Thank you, Lord Roth, but I have received news that Tormo has hired over 200 men to kill me at sea, and they are equipped with armor..."

"Armor!?" Roth's eyes widened, understanding the gravity of the situation.

"Jalifah, take more men with you," Roth ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

"Wait, Lord Roth, Lord Jalifah, I have an idea..." Viserys interjected.

After hearing Viserys' plan, Jalifah exclaimed, "Isn't this too dangerous?!"

"I don't know if you've heard of a snake that uses its tail, which looks like a worm, to trap birds. The tail often gets bitten, but the snake usually ends up with a good meal. I will be the tail of this snake, luring Tormo's men. In gratitude, I will strip them of their armor for House Zalyne."

"Crazy, too crazy. A man like that can't live long," Roth muttered. But considering Viserys' capabilities, it seemed possible. Two hundred pieces of armor were a significant asset, likely hoarded by House Fregar as a trump card. Viserys' willingness to use himself as bait to repay House Zalyne for their escort was a sincere and strategic move.

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