Gate of God

Chapter 121-127

Chapter 121: Supplementary Weapon in War

How fast was the speed of light? In an instant, the entire arena, and even the entire pocket dimension, was shrouded in white light.

The examinees and examiners were instantly taken aback.

A moment ago, they were all doing the same time, which was staring intently at Fang Zhengzhi. However, in a blink of an eye, they could only see one colour in the eyes. That was very, an extremely pure white…

Just like milk.

However, this milk white wasn’t comfortable, just like daggers that stabbed through the skin of their eyes, drilling deep into their eyes.

An intense pain overwhelmed them.


“Ah… ah ah…”

“My eyes!”

Next, the entire pocket dimension descended into chaos.

Because, nobody could see a thing, and nobody knew what was happening. Their vision had already been completed filled with white, or another way of putting it was, they had been temporarily blinded.

“Ah, I can’t see anymore, am I blind? Why can’t I see a thing!”

“What is this all about?!”

What is man’s greatest fear?

That was definitely the danger of the unknown. Hence, after being unable to see, everybody began to shout and scream continuously. The entire situation descended into chaos, and some examinees even instinctively stood up from their chairs and prepared to run.

However, they were quickly tripped by their friends beside them.

“Ah, who stepped on my face!”


Excruciating cries combined with the round of falling down and faces hitting the ground echoed about, playing out a magnificent symphony of an imminent end of the world.

However, no matter what they did, they were still unable to see.

They could only wait for their vision to gradually recover.

After nobody knew how long, the whiteness in the crowd’s visions began to disperse, replaced by spots of green. As the green slowly began to spread, the surrounding scenery also gradually turned from a blurry mess into something clear…

Next, the entire world returned back into their eyes.


After everybody’s visions had recovered.

The scene on the arena caused them to instantly widen their eyes again, each of them filled with an expression of disbelief. Because, other than Fang Zhengzhi, there was nobody else on the arena.

“Where is Yan Xiu?! Where did Yan Xiu go to?”

Fang Zhengzhi stood very patiently on the arena. After hearing their words, he pointed with his right hand towards Yan Xiu, who was sitting on the ground with a flustered expression. His left hand quickly kept a ink-coloured object back into his pocket.

“Yan Xiu fell off the stage?!”

“What was that all about, why was there such a blinding light?”

“What a powerful light, it is even more powerful than the sun!”

After the crowd discovered that Yan Xiu had landed below the arena, they became even more shocked. Nobody bothered to find out who had stepped on whose face, because, they were more concerned about what had just happened.

Han Changfeng’s vision had also returned at this moment. As the chief imperial messenger from the Imperial Academy, his cultivation naturally cannot be compared to the average examinee.

For example, even though he clearly couldn’t see a thing just now, he didn’t move at all.

What joke was this…

Even if he wasn’t able to see, he would still be able to hear clearly with his ears. If there really was danger around him, with his perceptive capabilities, he would definitely be able to realise it. Moreover, this was also the pocket dimension!

But, when he saw clearly the scene in front of him, he couldn’t quite contain the shock in his eyes.

“Actually, I’ve one technique that I have yet to use?”

Han Changfeng suddenly recalled the words Fang Zhengzhi spoke to Yan Xiu on the arena.

One technique?

Was this the technique that Fang Zhengzhi all along didn’t use?

Mysterious. His heart was now somewhat in confused. If that ray of light was really caused by Fang Zhengzhi, then, how did he achieve it?


That’s impossible! Not mentioning that Fang Zhengzhi was only at Star Conglomerate, even one in the Heavenly Reflection State wouldn’t be able to achieve that! Then, there was only one possibility. It was treasure, Fang Zhengzhi hid a fearsome treasure on his body!

What was that?

“I told you all to look carefully, yet you all really looked carefully… flash grenade, I believe none of you had ever seen this before?” Fang Zhengzhi met the shocked gazes that shot towards him, and sighed in his heart. He twitched his mouth with a face filled with innocence.

This was the real advanced technology, the product of chemistry.

Of course, a long time ago, Sun Tzu had already mentioned in his chapter, Attack by Stratagem, that a flash grenade used powerful light to hinder the opponent’s vision, and was a supplementary weapon in war.


The light from the flash grenade at that time was indeed nothing too special. However, the one Fang Zhengzhi used now, even though it was nothing compared to the modern military ones, but the powerful light could still blind people for at least two minutes.

Two minutes? In this world, that was enough to achieve anything.

When Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi again, his expression seemed somewhat complicated…

In his memories, the only person who could create such powerful and blinding light so quickly seemed to only be his grandfather.

Fang Zhengzhi?

How did he do it? Did he rely on something?

Actually, Yan Xiu felt that he had already did his part just now. The instant when the white light exploded, he had already realised it, and the first thing he did was to frantically employ his Wind Shadow Technique.

Unfortunately, his legs had still been tripped, then, he rolled to the bottom of the arena.

“You…” Actually, Yan Xiu really wished to ask Fang Zhengzhi, what is this?

But, when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back. Because, he knew very clearly that some techniques, especially this powerful and secretive technique, shouldn’t be known by too many people.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yan Xiu’s slightly parted lips, and naturally understood what Yan Xiu was thinking.


About the flash grenade, he temporarily hadn’t thought of an explanation. Teach Yan Xiu chemistry knowledge? No matter how he looked at it, it wasn’t very appropriate. However, without talking about chemistry, was he supposed to tell Yan Xiu that he actually had the memory from another world?

“I am willing to tell you, but… not now!” Fang Zhengzhi looked around at the surrounding examinees.

Yan Xiu’s expression changed slightly, then, a smile appeared on his face again. He had lost; However, he had found a friend that was truly willing to exchange secrets with him.

“Ok.” Yan Xiu nodded. The smile on his face vanished, and he didn’t speak any further.

The surrounding examinees at this moment were still stuck in their moment of shock. All of them wished to know the answer, however, they knew that Fang Zhengzhi wouldn’t say it.

On the judging table, Han Changfeng looked at Fang Zhengzhi in silence, seeming slightly out of sorts. The other examiners, on the other hand, also exchanged glances to convey the shock in their hearts.

The venue seemed somewhat silent.

Right at this moment, Qin Yumei turned her head around, and looked at Han Changfeng.

“Elder Han… is it time to announce?”

Qin Yumei’s voice wasn’t loud, however, Han Changfeng heard it. Instantly breaking out of his thoughts, he was just about to announce when he suddenly received a shock.

Fang Zhengzhi…

Seemed to not only be the roll champion of the combat examination, but was also the roll champion of the theory examination. Then, that means… he is the double roll champion of this time’s capital examination!


Han Changfeng evidently couldn’t really accept this fact.

In reality, before the start of this River of Trust Capital examinations, nobody had ever thought that Fang Zhengzhi could attain roll champion in this capital examination, furthermore, it was a double roll champion!

This was the true champion of the scholars from the five capitals in the Northern Desert!

When Fang Zhengzhi’s name first appeared in the theory examination paper, he had thought of many possibilities, however, Fang Zhengzhi’s theory examination paper was too outstanding, so outstanding that he simply wasn’t able to find any flaws.

Every single question was beautifully answered, and the content he wrote from memory didn’t lack a single word.

Under such circumstances…

He really couldn’t find any reason to give the roll champion to any other examinee.

However, the combat examination was different.

There were many variables in the combat examination, furthermore, there was even Hua Kangan of the Star Conglomerate State. Even so, Han Changfeng had made other arrangements to prevent this.

In order to strengthen the variables in the combat examination, he had specially utilised the pocket dimension to remove the examiners from the scene of the examination. Under such circumstances, there were more opportunities, and…

The circumstance of a few examinees ganging up on one person might even occur.

But in the end?

Accidentals appeared time and time again, and finally, it had reached this stage.

“Then… I’ll have to trouble Yumei!” Han Changfeng’s tone seemed somewhat pained. He had already tried his best, even though he was the chief examiner, there were still people judging him from below.

He knew, from now onwards, Fang Zhengzhi’s glory couldn’t be concealed anymore.

After all, this River of Trust Capital examination gathered the eyes of every scholar under the skies.

Very quickly, news of Fang Zhengzhi attaining the double roll champion of the River of Trust Capital examination had spread in the fastest possible time across the entire Northern Desert, into the imperial capital, into the Heaven Dao Pavilion, and even to the demon race…

“The Northern Desert Divine Constabulary is once again going to… sigh…” Han Changfeng sighed heavily inside his heart.

And at this moment, Qin Yumei had already stood up. Slowly tidying up his black official robe, he lightly cleared his throat.

Then, his gaze swept across all the examinees and looked at Yan Xiu.

Finally, it landed on Fang Zhengzhi, who was on the arena.

“Now, as an imperial messenger from the Imperial Academy, I represent Elder Han to announce the final results of this River of Trust Capital examination!” Qin Yumei’s voice contained an aura of authority.

This one sentence shocked the examinees back to their senses. Each of them instinctively shot their gazes towards Fang Zhengzhi who was standing on the arena, each of their gazes containing too many emotions.

“Combat examination roll champion, Fang Zhengzhi!”

“At the same time, Fang Zhengzhi is also the theory examination champion of this capital examination, hence, he is the double roll champion!”

“Double roll champion!”

When these three words echoed about the examinees’ ears, each of their eyes were filled with unparalleled envy. Because, they were really very envious.

Double roll champion of the capital examination!


This was the River of Trust Capital examination, a capital examination that had gathered talented scholars from the five capitals of the Northern Desert!

If this didn’t cause jealousy, how could it not cause envy?!

This was really a move that would enjoy tremendous popularity in the world, a move that was akin to a fish leaping over the dragon’s gate!

But now, the person who received all these…

Was actually a youth who came from the villages!

“Furthermore, I am going to make another announcement. I believe everybody had heard that the Northern Desert Divine Constabulary had specially set a prize for this capital examination!” Qin Yumei’s voice sounded out again, and when he mentioned the prize, his voice contained a mysterious trace of excitement.

Chapter 122: A Real Answer


Everybody’s gaze at this moment began to light up. Because, among them, many went through the trouble of rushing to the River of Trust Capital from capitals all around just for this prize.

But, they didn’t know the criteria for this prize.

“As long as one entered the first-class roll of this capital examination, they would receive the Divine Constabulary’s invitation to participate in a great constabulary feast organised by the Divine Constabulary three months later!” When Qin Yumei finished this sentence, he paused.

Delighted looks instantly appeared on the faces of the examinees below when they heard this. The constabulary feast was a grand event, and it wasn’t just the officials from the five capitals of the Northern Desert who would attend it.

The scholars discussed spiritedly, even the man from the imperial capital might appear.

“The opportunity to participate in the constabulary feast is rare, however, the even rarer opportunity will be that the top three in the capital examination would be able to enter the “Heavenly Treasure Hall”. As for other scholars, as long as their performance in the constabulary feast is outstanding, they would also have the same opportunity to do so!”

“What does the Heavenly Treasure Hall in the Divine Constabulary contain? I believe I don’t need to introduce it further to you all? I wish to comment impolitely that even I wish to have such an opportunity…”

Qin Yumei looked at the surrounding examinees, and a smile that contained a trace of admiration appeared on his face.

When the examinees heard this, they also truly became excited. To be able to interact with officials from all around, that was an opportunity for interaction and displaying one’s abilities. Naturally, it was something to be happy about.

However, the Heavenly Treasure Hall was a place that could really change a person’s destiny.

“Incredible! I initially thought that only the top three would have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Treasure Hall, I never thought that even the first-class roll would have an opportunity!”

“Congratulations… With Young Master Li’s results, you would definitely make it onto the first-class roll!”

“Ha ha ha, Brother Wen, how are you not one among the first-class roll as well? Honestly, if I was able to enter the Heavenly Treasure Hall, I would be satisfied for my entire life!”

“That’s indeed true!”

The examinees who felt that they had an opportunity to enter the first-class roll all began to discuss spiritedly. Because, they all understood how valuable the opportunity of entering the Heavenly Treasure Hall was.

However, Fang Zhengzhi’s face was filled with bewilderment.

He had a strong urge to give Qin Yumei a beating. Why is he not introducing it? What is in the Heavenly Treasure Hall? I don’t know!


Why must it be the prize set by the Divine Constabulary!

A tiny figure mysteriously flashed across Fang Zhengzhi’s mind. His impression of that figure was too deep. Heard that Chi Guyan had been secluding herself in the Heaven Dao Pavilion for a year, I believe she wouldn’t suddenly return back to the Divine Constabulary?

As he thought, he began to relax somewhat.

As long as he didn’t encounter Chi Guyan, he should be able to preserve his life!

Next, Qin Yumei began to announce the capital examination top three, and also the names of scholars who made it to the first-class roll. Every time he read out a name, an invigilator at the side would record it down

When the names of all those who had passed the capital examination had been announced, everybody received a small metallic token with their names and also the seal of the Imperial Academy etched onto it.

“As long as you have this, you will be recognised by the Great Xia Dynasty. Similarly, you will also have the responsibility of fighting the demon race, do you understand?” Qin Yumei looked at the examinees who had passed the capital examination below and asked.

“Understood!” The examinees instantly replied as one.

Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t very interested in such a formal ceremony. He was more interested in how much money this metallic token could get him each month, unfortunately, nobody explained that to him.

Looking at Yan Xiu, he realised that Yan Xiu also wasn’t too concerned.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi expressed the curiosity in his heart.

“Will you go to the Heavenly Treasure Hall?”

“Of course, I will go.” Yan Xiu didn’t quite understand why Fang Zhengzhi would ask this.

“Are there treasures in the Heavenly Treasure Hall?” Fang Zhengzhi continued to ask.

“Treasures?” Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi queerly, then, quickly understood. “You wish to ask me what the Heavenly Treasure Hall is… is that right?”

“Yes.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“After the Law of Dao entered the world, by Heaven’s decree, it was split into three thousand volumes. These three thousand volumes represented three thousand parallel dimensions, each of these parallel dimensions containing millions of pocket dimensions. The human race accesses Dao through the pocket dimension and begins to practice, and gradually advances!”

When Yan Xiu said this, he paused slightly, and continued.

“As for the Heavenly Treasure Hall, it is one among the three thousand parallel dimensions! Most importantly, after countless years of operating by the Divine Constabulary, the Heavenly Treasure Hall has almost reached the peak of parallel dimensions.”

“Parallel dimension?” Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat confused. He had more or less understood the concept of pocket dimensions now.

It was nothing more than human beings opening up a parallel space and new world in their own bodies. As for how this world was constructed, and what method was used to construct it, this was determined by everybody’s individual practicing methods.


Parallel dimension, what was this?!

“Yes.” Yan Xiu nodded. He didn’t explain to Fang Zhengzhi what a parallel dimension was. Because, every parallel dimension was completely different, and there was simply no way to describe it.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t ask further. He felt that no matter how much he asked, it wouldn’t compare to him personally experiencing it himself.

The River of Trust Capital examination finally ended under the shock of everybody.

Just as Han Changfeng had expected, once the River of Trust Capital examination had ended, news of Fang Zhengzhi attaining double roll champion spread like a wild gust of wind across the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

Nobody knew how this gust of wind would affect the Great Xia Dynasty.

But, at least when the county head of the Huai An County heard this news, he had rushed to the Northern Mountain Village overnight…

And at the same time, in the rear garden of the Heaven Dao Pavilion, Lady Yuer, with her face flushed slightly red and in an out-of-breath manner, was reporting this shocking news to a lady wearing a pink cotton skirt/

“Mi… Missus, Young Master Fang had attained the double roll champion again!”

Lady Yuer was shocked, but the expression of the lady wearing a pink cotton skirt didn’t change much. Instead, she carefully gazed at the garden in front of her.

The lady’s eyes were very bright, just like stars in the night sky. She looked, from the fence of the garden, to the pavilion, to each individual tree and each individual blade of grass…

She looked very carefully and seriously, just as if she was having a heart-to-heart talk with her loved ones.

“Yuer, pack up.” After the lady finished looking, she spoke again. Her voice was as clear as a mountain spring.

“Alright… is Missus going to the ‘Heaven Academic Altar’ again?” Yuer nodded, and prepared to enter the room to retrieve her coat and shawl.

“No, I want to go down the mountain.” The lady gently shook her head.

“Roger! Yuer will now go and prep… huh?! Missus… you… you want to go down the mountain?!” Right after Yuer had received the order, she suddenly became stunned.

“Yes.” The lady nodded.

“Missus, didn’t you say that you are going to stay in the Heaven Dao Pavilion for three years? Now, we have only stayed for a year, why are you going down the mountain?” Yuer was somewhat confused. She remembered the words that the lady spoke as they were about to go up to the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

Secluding herself from the world for three years…

Then, go down the mountain!

“Because, he had given me a real answer!” The lady looked in the direction of the Northern Desert, and with a deep feeling of homesickness in her expression.

“Missus, what answer is that?” Yuer instinctively asked.

“The Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world, and bring peace to the world!” The lady looked at Yuer, and didn’t blame her.

“What, what kind of answer is that? Isn’t the Double Dragon Roll Champion Missus yourself?” Yuer completely couldn’t understand.

“Ha ha…” The lady laughed gently, just as if the most beautiful flower in spring had bloomed, causing the hundreds of flowers in the garden to lower their heads shamefully.

Without replying Yuer’s question further, the lady looked into the sky.

In the sky, the white clouds continuously changed their shapes. Occasionally, it took the form of a gigantic, soaring bird, and occasionally, it took the form of a sharp sword out of its sheath.

“Nangong Hao!” The lady’s mouth uttered a name, then, gradually went into deep thought.

Yuer, witnessing this scene, instantly held her breath and didn’t dare to cause any disturbance. Because, she knew that her missus was reminiscing the scene of the battle a year ago.

After nobody knew how long, the lady shook her head, and her expression seemed somewhat desolate.

“That sword… I really couldn’t avoid it!”

Chapter 123: Tempest


One pavilion, four sages, thirteen constabularies, all along, these were the focus of the imperial officials and powers in the Great Xia Dynasty.

The Heaven Dao Pavilion was a place where powers gathered, and even containing scholars from the thirteen constabularies, hence news of Chi Guyan going down the mountain were simply unconcealable, even if one tried to conceal it.

Moreover, Chi Guyan didn’t intend to conceal it at all.

Based on the tradition of the Heaven Dao Pavilion, Chi Guyan first knelt before the Heaven Dao Tablet, then, knelt before the Heaven Dao Pavilion Head, “Mu Qingfeng”, then kowtowed to the various places, the Heaven Academic Altar, the Divine Rain Pond… and so on.

Then finally did Chi Guyan officially leave the mountain gate of the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

Nobody thought that Chi Guyan would actually leave the Heaven Dao Pavilion at this time, because, there were still two years to the time of the divine message.

Going down the mountain?

To other scholars from the Heaven Dao Pavilion, it was just going down the mountain. However, to Chi Guyan, it wasn’t so simple…

Because, going down the mountain contained an unstable tempest!

Going into a tempest early?

No matter how one looked at this, it wasn’t a wise move.

Because, due to Chi Guyan’s status, she simply didn’t have to do such a thing. She only had to seclude herself in the Heaven Dao Pavilion for two years, then, no matter how the situations had changed, she was going to be a person of huge power and status, and enjoy the respect of the Great Xia Dynasty.

If this person wasn’t Chi Guyan, everybody would definitely feel that this person was the dumbest person in the world, stupid, idiotic…

But, these words could never be linked to Chi Guyan.


Chi Guyan was the Double Dragon Roll Champion, the real pride of the Heavens, and, the only powerful fourteen-year-old in the Great Xia Dynasty who had achieved Heavenly Reflection!

Then, why would Chi Guyan go down the mountain ahead of time? What was her purpose?

In the imperial city of the Great Xia Dynasty, in the Yan Capital.

Faint marks of battles and wars could be seen on the gigantic city wall, still as vivid as ever, but within the city walls, there was always a dryness that permeated the air.

The imperial city that had peace for an entire year seemed as if great trouble was brewing.

This could be inferred by the occasional sounds of cups breaking within the various palaces.

“What?! Chi Guyan went down the mountain, she went out of the Heaven Dao Pavilion!”

“What does she want to do…”

Two similar voices seem to have sounded out in the imperial capital at the same time. However, what was different was their expression. There was happiness, worry, doubt, and horror…

In the imperial capital training grounds of the patrol guards, within a huge military tent, a youth around the age of twenty-three to twenty-four was sitting at the main seat. The picture of a beast sewn in golden thread on his white brocade robe revealed his status.

The emperor’s family in the Great Xia Dynasty had the surname of “Lin”.

He, was the sixth prince of the emperor, the imperial prince, King Duan, Lin Xinjue.

Such a powerful identity should be enjoying life in the palace, however, King Duan Lin Xinjue had long shifted his recreational area into the military tent, being among the military men.

But, at this moment. King Duan Lin Xinjue was frowning deeply, as if thinking about something.

On the military table, a delectable aroma was being emitted an exquisite furnace, and at the table sat two people, on its left and on its right. The one on the left was an elder wearing a black and white Dao robe, on the right was a middle-aged man dressed like a scholar.

Other than them, there was no other person.

“Don’t tell me even Elder Wen isn’t able to guess the intention of Chi Guyan?” Lin Xinjue’s expression seemed somewhat troubled.

“Replying King Duan, Chi Guyan’s move was too sudden, I indeed cannot guess it! However, I believe that Chi Guyan’s move might be related to the River of Trust Capital examination…” Elder Wen, wearing a black and white Dao robe, shook his head lightly.

“It is only a small capital examination, Elder Wen had also said that Chi Guyan’s criminal demand order was only to test the waters, why is there a conflict in intentions now?” The middle-aged scholar sitting on the right spoke.

“I have said that I can’t guess it. The reason I feel that it is related to the River of Trust Capital examination is only because that both their timings are too coincidental…” Elder Wen looked at the middle-aged scholar with a calm expression.

The middle-aged scholar didn’t speak further, and Lin Xinjue, on the main seat, started to ponder once again.

“Why not we follow Elder Wen’s previous suggestion and recruit this Fang Zhengzhi into the army early?” After a slight moment of deep thought, Lin Xinjue spoke again.

“If we could recruit him, naturally that would be good. However, this person had unexpectedly defeated Yan Xiu from the Yan family, and also attained the double roll champion of the River of Trust Capital examination. Furthermore, I heard that his abilities had already reached Star Conglomerate. It is a time when he is glowing the brightest, I feel that the respective powers would all have their own ideas, if your highness King Duan enters into this…” Elder Wen seemed somewhat worried.

“I understand, the army ranks people based on their military achievements. If we promised too much, it might waver the heart of the army. But if we offer too little and force the recruitment, he might rebel in the future!” Lin Xinjue heard this and instantly understood.

“Your highness King Duan is wise!”

“Your highness King Duan, based on the current circumstances, if we just stay dormant in the army, others might be able to take advantage and make the first move. I have an idea, I wonder if your highness is willing to try it!” The middle-aged scholar spoke again.

“Huh? Mister Hua, please speak!” When Lin Xinjue heard this, he looked at the middle-aged scholar, Mister Hua.

“Chi Guyan had gone down the mountain, and would definitely return to the Divine Constabulary. I’ve heard that three months later, the Divine Constabulary had set a constabulary feast inviting the imperial officials from the Northern Desert, and also inviting the first-class roll scholars from the River of Trust Capital examination to participate in it. If King Duan is able to personally attend it, there are three benefits!” When Mister Hua said this, he paused for a while, waiting for Lin Xinjue’s reply.

“Mister Hua, please teach!” Lin Xinjue’s tone instantly became as respectful as a student.

Mister Hua saw this, and a satisfied expression also appeared on his face. Then, standing up slowly, he walked to the middle of the military tent and bowed towards King Duan Lin Xinjue and Elder Wen.

“The first benefit: Even though Chi Hou pays allegiance to your highness, but he is far away in the Northern Desert. If your highness doesn’t go for this feast which gathers the imperial officials, the imperial officials would definitely see Chi Hou as the leader. But, if your highness attends this feast, they would definitely see your highness as the leader! It is to win their hearts!”

“Yes, not bad!”

“The second benefit: When Chi Guyan returns to the Divine Constabulary, if your highness is able to personally visit the Northern Desert to show your sincerity, even if you cannot win her heart, in the future when you achieve great things, it would also be of help! It is for building your career!”

“Good point, Mister Hua!”

“The third benefit: Even though the River of Trust Capital examination is a small one, but, it gathered scholars from the five capitals of the Northern Desert. Even though they aren’t very useful now, but in the future, it would only be something beneficial and without any harm! Furthermore, your highness would also be seen as someone who values talents! It is for the emperor’s intent!”

“Well said! Winning hearts, building career and emperor’s intent!” When Lin Xinjue heard Mister Hua’s words, he instantly stood up and respectfully returned a bow to Mister Hua.

“For your highness King Duan to be able to receive the help of Mister Hua, you would definitely achieve success! But, the three benefits Mister Hua said are indeed correct, but other than the three benefits… there is one harm. This time, I advise your highness King Duan to give up a benefit to avoid a harm!”

“Give up a benefit to avoid a harm?” Lin Xinjue felt somewhat confused.

“Yes, your highness, think carefully, what is the reason for Chi Hou’s feast? Naturally, it is to establish himself among the imperial officials! If your highness visits personally, there would be the intent of being the host, then, it would barge in the way of Chi Hou’s intentions…”

“He is just Chi Hou, even if he is one among the thirteen constabularies, how can he compete against your highness King Duan for honour?! Don’t tell me he even wants to be the king of the Northern Desert?” When Mister Hua heard this, he seemed slightly infuriated.

“No! Elder Wen’s reminder is timely. This harm, I must avoid! I understand Elder Wen’s meaning, and would definitely act carefully to ensure I don’t get in the way of Chi Hou’s intentions!” Lin Xinjue waved his hands, thought for a while, then bowed towards Elder Wen.

“Your highness King Duan is far-sighted!” Elder Win instantly returned the gesture.

In the Yan capital city of the imperial capital, the place where the tempest gathered, King Duan was discussing in the military tent, and the other palaces were also discussing spiritedly. Within the city, countless grand horse carriages continuously moved about.

There were those who went out of the palace, and some who had just returned.

Among those, the place with the most horse carriages was no doubt the Crown Prince Palace where the words “Eastern Palace” hung.

Of course, no matter how the situations changed, they weren’t important to Fang Zhengzhi at all. Because, he knew nothing about the news of Chi Guyan going down the mountain.

The River of Trust Capital which was far away in the Northern Desert naturally wouldn’t be as well-informed as the imperial capital.

Now, the thing that the scholars in the River of Trust Capital cared more about was, why would Yun Qingwu suddenly send an invitation to Fang Zhengzhi? That was the lecher who tore down her veil!

Could it be just because he is the double roll champion of this capital examination?

They weren’t satisfied!

Hence, at this moment, at the riverside of the River of Trust, countless scholars gathered. They all wished to see whether this number one lecher in the world would have to face to accept Yun Qingwu’s invitation.

The wind was somewhat cooling, and the willow branches continued to sway lightly.

But, the scholars all felt very hurt…

However, Fang Zhengzhi evidently didn’t care much about this. Those in the light never did dark things, even though he had very directly unveiled Yun Qingwu’s veil.


Fang Zhengzhi appeared at the riverside of the River of Trust.

Yan Xiu wasn’t beside him. There was only him, alone. But, when he appeared, the attention of all the scholars surrounding the riverside were all drawn to him.

He was still wearing a blue robe, lightly swaying in the wind following Fang Zhengzhi’s leisurely footsteps.

“He really came?! Thick-skinned…”

“This lecher really revealed his true nature. I am indeed interested what presents would he have to give Yun Qingwu!”

The scholars who saw Fang Zhengzhi were very angry, and very jealous. However, nobody came up to stop him. Because, they were all very curious. Why would Yun Qingwu invite Fang Zhengzhi?

Could it be that Fang Zhengzhi had something that they all didn’t?

The pleasure boat anchored at the riverside, and a lady wearing a jade-green dress waited quietly. When she saw Fang Zhengzhi, she stepped out gracefully and welcomed him.

Chapter 124: Please Unveil


Since there was somebody who specially waited in the wind to welcome him, Fang Zhengzhi naturally stopped, and looked at this girl in the green dress who wasn’t considered exceptionally beautiful, but was still rather pretty.

He felt that he should display his elegance and refined personality.

For example, praise the lady’s personality, or, describe the lady’s polite manner.

As he thought.

Fang Zhengzhi instinctively blurted out a dialect that circled the Northern Mountain Village for many years.

“This lady looks devilish handsome!”

The sentence left his mouth…

The wind in the entire riverside seemed to have silenced. Every scholar stared at Fang Zhengzhi with an expression of shock. They were really unable to believe that this was the double roll champion who defeated all the scholars in the River of Trust Capital.

The lady in green dress was also taken aback.

Having followed Yun Qingwu for so many years journeying through the country, she could indeed be considered experienced and knowledgeable. Else, she wouldn’t be tasked to wait at the riverside. However, she still hadn’t understood the meaning behind Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

Was he flirting with her?


He liked people who were like her?

Fang Zhengzhi gazed at the green skirt lady who was stunned, rooted to the ground, and sighed inwardly. He initially wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but, it looks like not every situation allowed him to make jokes?

“What I meant was, a lady dressed in green skirt waiting at the riverside of the River of Trust beside the willow tree, in the cool breeze, this style is indeed comparable to the winter-sweet in the snow!” Fang Zhengzhi helplessly rephrased his words.

“Thank you for Young Master Fang’s praise, the wind at the riverside is strong, Young Master Fang, please board the boat!” Her tone changed. The lady in green dress evidently managed to react.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t move. All along, he understood one rule. It was easy to board the ship, but hard to leave the ship.

Just like the previous time he brought Yan Xiu to the Moonview Restaurant. After eating and drinking, it was extremely tough to settle the bill. If he hadn’t encountered Su Jiu, he would definitely be held in the restaurant for that meal.

If he didn’t guess wrongly, Yun Qingwu’s status was more or less the same as the restaurant owner in his previous world.

Even though Yun Qingwu was definitely the best among the restaurant owners, she was someone that the average person wouldn’t pay attention to, and if one wanted to meet her, it was as hard as climbing into Heaven.

But, she also lived through hardships and uncertainties, even if she personally invited him, silver and treasures were definitely unavoidable.

The lady in the green dress saw that Fang Zhengzhi didn’t intend to board the boat, and was somewhat confused.

“There is something that I must make clear first, I am only here to listen to music and eat. I don’t have any money to give, nor did I bring any presents.” Fang Zhengzhi thought for a while, and finally decided to speak his mind.

Even though when Yan Xiu heard that Yun Qingwu had invited him, he gave him a pearl that was as big as an egg. However, he didn’t accept it.

Taking a friend’s treasure to drink in the company of women?

He really couldn’t bring himself to do such things.

“He actually didn’t bring any present!”

“This person is indeed thick-skinned. If he claimed to be number two, nobody would ever dare to claim they were number one! He is really too shameless!”

“He actually didn’t bring any presents when meeting Yun Qingwu, quick, chase him away!”

When the stunned scholars suddenly heard Fang Zhengzhi’s words, they instantly expressed the anger in their hearts. Which person meeting Yun Qingwu wouldn’t bring along a treasure?

“Young Master Fang, don’t worry. This time, lady had personally sent out the invitation, a present is naturally unnecessary!” The lady in green dress covered her mouth and laughed gently, then once again, waved lightly to Fang Zhengzhi.

“A present is naturally unnecessary?!”

When the surrounding scholars heard this, they all felt like they were struck by lightning, and stood completely stunned on the spot.

To be able to be invited by Yun Qingwu is already a blessing from Heaven, he actually still didn’t bring any presents? Even in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, nobody would be able to accept such a thing?

“Then, let me board the boat and listen to a piece!” Fang Zhengzhi very reluctantly nodded his head.

As the scholars stared at Fang Zhengzhi’s figure from the back and gritted their teeth, Fang Zhengzhi was leisurely admiring the layout of the pleasure boat and the beautiful ink paintings…

Yun Qingwu’s pleasure boat was indeed uniquely poetic.

Not even mentioning the various beautiful jewelleries, each of them positioned perfectly to match the boat, just the various kinds of paintings and poems that adorned the body of the pleasure boat itself were amazing.

It seemed like the jewelleries were grown on the body of the boat, as if they were naturally.

“This boat looks like a work of art, but…”

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t say it, because, based on the positions of the jewelleries, he deduced very quickly that Yun Qingwu was not only proficient in poetry, singing, chess and paintings, she was also well-versed in the formations of The Art of Becoming Invisible.

Yun Qingwu…

Is probably not as simple as she seems on the surface?

“Please sit, Young Master Fang. Lady will arrive soon!” The lady in green dress led Fang Zhengzhi into an elegant room on the boat.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that these words seemed to cause people to fantasize.

He sat, and waited quietly.

Then, a few ladies in green dresses began to send in plates of exquisite snacks, and placed them on the table in front of Fang Zhengzhi, then slowly withdrew.

When the refreshments had all been served, an elegant figure appeared from behind the pearl curtains.

Wearing a simple yet elegant white dress, with a simple ink lotus embroidered onto it, her hair fell like a waterfall to her waist. She didn’t wear any jewellery on her head, and she radiated the air of purity.

But, as usual, her face was covered by a black veil. The snow-white shoes on her feet moved, and she bowed lightly towards Fang Zhengzhi, then, quietly sat in front of the piano table opposite Fang Zhengzhi.

Yun Qingwu, a lady that caused the scholars in the entire Great Xia Dynasty to go crazy over her.

“Young Master Fang, thank you for waiting!” Yun Qingwu spoke, her voice as clear as the chirp of birds.

This was indeed a one-to-one date. Who knew how many scholars could only dream for such an opportunity. However, Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t too excited.

The reason he was here to see Yun Qingwu was because he was somewhat curious.

He was curious about why Yun Qingwu would confidently bet that he would attain the theory examination roll champion, and was also similarly curious about Yun Qingwu’s real purpose in coming to the River of Trust Capital.

But, this curiosity didn’t require any rushing.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi smiled gently, and bowed towards Yun Qingwu.

“Thank you Lady Qingwu for your invitation!”

“What would Young Master Fang like to listen to?” Yun Qingwu pointed at the guqin in front of her.

“How about the Ancient Tune of Guangling?” Fang Zhengzhi thought that since Yun Qingwu had asked, why not he choose something that was harder. He wished to see whether Yun Qingwu knew this ancient piece that was rumoured to be lost in history.

“Ha ha…” Yun Qingwu laughed gently.

Unfortunately, the black veil concealed her beautiful smile, and nobody was able to see the style of her smile.

“Looks like Young Master Fang is someone who cherishes the world. However, this Ancient Tune of Guangling is divided into the parts Jingli, Quhan, Wangshen, Hanzhi, Liefu, Chenming, Toujian, Junji, Weixing, I wonder which part would Young Master Fang like to hear first?” Yun Qingwu smiled, then asked back.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that he had played a little too big. He never thought that Yun Qingwu would actually know how this. If he couldn’t deduce whether the tune Yun Qingwu played was authentic, wouldn’t that be a little embarrassing?

“It is still early, let’s start from Jingli.” Fang Zhengzhi pretended as if there wasn’t a problem.

“Alright!” Yun Qingwu nodded.

At the riverside of the River of Trust, very quickly, countless scholars heard the melodious and classical Ancient Tune of Guangling. The melodious sound of the guqin floated in the air, as if whispering the stories of home.

Instantly, the scholars were overwhelmed.

In reality…

That was the greatest reason why they gathered at the riverside of the River of Trust.

After the Jingli ended, the second part, the sound of Quhan very quickly sounded out…

Fang Zhengzhi listened to the music within the pleasure boat, and helped himself to the exquisite snacks. On the other hand, the scholars stood in the cool breeze, and revelled in this beautiful guqin music.

The song ended, and the guqin was kept.

Yun Qingwu sat quietly on the chair, and her jet-black eyes looked towards Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi, on the other hand, also looking at Yun Qingwu. However, a layer of black veil lay in between them.

Then, Yun Qingwu spoke.

“Young Master Fang, can you guess why I would invite you here?”

“Before I guess, can you remove your veil?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t reply Yun Qingwu’s question immediately, and instead asked her back.

“Ha ha… looks like Young Master Fang already has a plan. Since Young Master Fang wants to see, why not you act the same way as you did last time?” Yun Qingwu similarly asked back.

The edges of Fang Zhengzhi’s mouth gradually curved into a light smile, then, he stood up from the chair and walked towards Yun Qingwu.

“Young Master Fang really dares to unveil my veil again?” Yun Qingwu looked at Fang Zhengzhi’s movements, but didn’t seem to bother dodging. Instead, she enquired softly.

“Why wouldn’t I dare?”

“The previous time, during the Hundred Flower Gathering, after Young Master Fang unveiled my veil, you managed to escape… this time, in this pleasure boat, I believe you wouldn’t be able to leave so easily.” Yun Qingwu looked around, and reminded him softly.

“If I really wouldn’t be able to leave today, what difference does it make if I unveil you?” Fang Zhengzhi understood very well the meaning behind Yun Qingwu’s words. Once he boarded the ship, he had already known that it wouldn’t be so easy to leave.

“Young Master Fang is right, then, come and unveil!” Yun Qingwu lightly nodded her head, then, stood up and signalled that Fang Zhengzhi could begin unveiling.

Looking at Yun Qingwu’s easy-going expression, Fang Zhengzhi laughed again, then, lightly waved his hand and walked, step by step, towards Yun Qingwu.

On the other hand, Yun Qingwu didn’t attempt to move back, and instead stood quietly on the spot.

The room wasn’t big.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi didn’t walk quickly, but, he still managed to arrive very quickly in front of Yun Qingwu.

The distance between the two of them was less than an inch. Fang Zhengzhi could even smell the faint fragrance that emanated from Yun Qingwu’s body.

“I am going to unveil!”

“Since young master wishes to do so, then please go ahead!”

Fang Zhengzhi lightly nodded his head, then, he moved. His right hand grabbed towards the black veil on Yun Qingwu’s face, with a speed as fast as lightning. It was very fast, and didn’t carry any sound of breaking through the air.

And right at this moment, or, it could be said that once Fang Zhengzhi’s right hand moved, Yun Qingwu also moved. Her curved and elegant figure at this moment revealed an extreme flexibility.

One feet tapped the ground lightly, and the other rose off the ground. However, she didn’t lean back, and instead, with her one feet anchored to the ground, she quickly turned towards the left, and at the instant she turned…

Her snow-white dress flew up, just like a white lotus flower that had suddenly bloomed.

Chapter 125: Both hands must be strong


Even though the beauty of the lotus cannot compare to that of the rose, nor is it as noble as the peony, but, it is the most sacred of them all.

Just like Yun Qingwu at this moment.

Even though she was only wearing a plain dress, she had an air that inspired reverence.

Furthermore, Yun Qingwu’s speed was very fast, at least faster than the movement of Fang Zhengzhi’s right hand, and, no matter whether one discussed about the timing of the dodge, or the movement of the dodge, she seemed to have mastered them well.


She had planned it well long ago, furthermore, she seemed to have even practised it specially for this occasion.

The posture of her body turning was beautiful, combined with the floating of her snow-white dress, it was enchanting.

But, very unfortunately, the second she turned her body, a hand appeared in front of her eyes. That was a hand that seemed to have been waiting in front of her face all along.

A hand?!

Where did this hand come from?

Yun Qingwu didn’t quite understand. Because, she had very clearly seen that she had dodged the hand that Fang Zhengzhi reached towards her veil.

But, why was there another hand?

Most importantly, after she turned her body, she just happened to hit the arm of this hand…

Then, the feeling on her face became lighter, and the black veil ended up in this hand.

“You…” Yun Qingwu looked at the black veil in Fang Zhengzhi’s hand, and her expression was somewhat stunned.

A beautiful face was revealed once again. Her features were picturesque, her skin was white as snow, and her tender lips that carried the stunning colour of a reddish purple was slightly open, revealing a row of glistening white teeth.

Everything was exactly the same as the first time her veil was unveiled by Fang Zhengzhi, her beautiful features indeed seemed to contain the feeling of a sacred lotus being violated.

There were times when worldly things just don’t go according to plan.

No matter how accurate one’s calculations are, what was to come, would definitely come!

Fang Zhengzhi lightly waved the black veil in his left hand, and faintly smiled at Yun Qingwu, who had knocked into Fang Zhengzhi’s chest on her own accord.

Just as Yun Qingwu expected, she had dodged it. But, what she dodged was Fang Zhengzhi’s right hand. But, the black veil now ended up in Fang Zhengzhi’s left hand.

The most important point was, the actions of the two people seemed somewhat out of place.

From Fang Zhengzhi extending his hands, one following another, to Yun Qingwu turning to the left, then to the moment the black veil ended up in Fang Zhengzhi’s left hand, no matter how one looked at it, it still seemed as if Yun Qingwu’s shy turn of the body had caused her to end up in Fang Zhengzhi’s chest.

If this scene was witnessed by any scholar or man…

He probably would raise his and attempt to kill immediately. Violation, this was the violation of the most beautiful lotus in the world, and it was the type that was absolutely unforgivable.

“As a man, I cannot only depend on one hand. I have to use both at once, both hands must be strong!” Fang Zhengzhi announced his conclusion about this beautiful accident.

The shock on Yun Qingwu’s face gradually vanished, and was slowly replaced by calm.

Silently looking at this youth standing so close to her, she didn’t scream and jump back like the average women, instead, very calmly, she extracted herself from Fang Zhengzhi’s chest and returned back onto the chair.

“Can I leave now?” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t seem to intend to return back to his seat.

“Do you think you can leave?”

“Your veil had already been taken off, naturally, I would be able to leave.”

“Looks like you indeed know the reason why I invited you.” A trace of shock flashed across Yun Qingwu’s eyes.

“The reason Yun Qingwu came to the River of Trust Capital would definitely not be as simple as playing a piece of music for me, I think… if I hadn’t attained the theory examination roll champion, I should be in some trouble now. You didn’t bet that I would attain the combat examination, naturally, that was due to Yan Xiu’s presence. Now that I am the double roll champion, I won’t have any other problems outside, and will only be left with the problem of you.”

“You are afraid that you won’t be able to unveil me?” Yun Qingwu remained calm as per usual after hearing Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

“If I can do it once, I can do it twice. What do I have to fear?”

“This time, there would definitely be a storm brewing in this Divine Constabulary feast, does Young Master Fang intend to go?”

“When the storm comes, at most I’ll just run.”

“Ha ha…” A faint smile finally appeared on Yun Qingwu’s face. “What other people talk about is facing the storm, and facing it calmly. However, Young Master Fang’s first thought is to run, that is really shallow.”

“Then, are you counted as a part of the storm?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yun Qingwu seriously.

The smile of Yun Qingwu’s face vanished, and for the first time, her expression seemed somewhat hesitant. She didn’t look at Fang Zhengzhi, and instead gazed at the swaying willows at the riverside.

“My surname is Yun [1].”


Coming out from the pleasure boat, the wind at the riverside seemed to have turned colder. The scholars looked at Fang Zhengzhi, Fang Zhengzhi also looked at them. Looking at one another, Fang Zhengzhi spoke.

“Aren’t you all… cold?”

“Cold?” The scholars glanced at one another, unable to understand the meaning behind Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

Just as they prepared to speak, Fang Zhengzhi had already turned around and left…

The second day, at the city gate of the River of Trust Capital.

Su Jiu, dressed in a boy servant attire, stood at the city gate. When he saw Fang Zhengzhi, who was holding his Silver Scale Horse not too far away with a leisurely expression, he quickly went up to him.

“Young Master Fang, are you leaving?”

“Your information is really powerful.” When Fang Zhengzhi saw Su Jiu appear, he knew that Su Jiu should have been waiting there long ago.

“Thank you, Young Master Fang, for your praise, my master knows that Young Master Fang is leaving. But, she doesn’t understand one thing, and sent me to ask something.” Su Jiu respectfully helped Fang Zhengzhi to hold the Silver Scale Horse, then, led Fang Zhengzhi past the city gate.

“Please ask.”

“Master wishes to ask why Young Master Fang has the time to meet with people inside the pleasure boat in such a romantic setting, but forgot his previous promise in the Moonview Restaurant?”

“Ha ha, because your master is too black!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled lightly.

Going to the Moonview Restaurant again? Getting slaughtered like a sheep?

“Too black?” Su Jiu was filled with confusion, but, still continued to send Fang Zhengzhi off very respectfully. Of course, since he was here to send Fang Zhengzhi off, Su Jiu indeed didn’t forget about the money and gifts.

As Fang Zhengzhi was leaving the River of Trust Capital, riding the Silver Scale Horse and stirred up clouds of dust, within the Moonview Restaurant, Wu Yuer was looking at the mirror in front of her over and over again.

“Black? That’s not possible… it is clearly very white, somebody come!”

“What orders do master have!” A maid in a red dress instantly entered, bowing her body.

“What do you think of my skin?”

“Master’s skin is white as snow, and is unique and rare. It is comparable to the moon in the sky!”

“Alright, you can leave!” Wu Yuer nodded, then turned around and looked at the mirror. “Is this lecher blind?”

Fifteen days later, in the capital city of the five capitals of the Northern Desert, The Northern Capital, Golden Scale City.

As an important military city which the Great Xia Dynasty established to fend against barbarians of the North, the prosperity and bustling nature of the Golden Scale City was obvious. Traffic was heavy and endless, and countless business people wore fabric hats around the city.

However, no matter how big a business was, they would still deliberately avoid a huge constabulary area. Because, that was the Northern Desert Divine Constabulary among the one pavilion, four sages, thirteen constabularies.

Two rows of soldiers wearing shiny armours stood guard at the gate of the Divine Constabulary. On the chest of each soldier’s armour was a blood-red coloured triangular seal.

The Divine Constabulary, Red Pinion Squad!

They were the true elites among soldiers, and was the symbol of power of the Northern Desert Divine Constabulary.

A sense of killing naturally emanated from the bodies of each member of the Red Pinion Squad. That was an air that could only come from experiencing the blood and fire of the battlefield.

Nobody was willing to go near them.

But, at this moment, a lady wearing a green dress, wearing a silver hairpin in her hair, walked casually towards them. Her expression was fearless, and even contained a little bit of arrogance.

The lady walked in front of the huge gate of the Divine Constabulary, raised her head and looked at the golden tablet inscribed with the two words “Divine Constabulary”, her eyes filled with a deep sense of longing.

“One year… I’ve finally returned!”

And right at this moment, a slightly plump middle-aged man who was wearing an airy robe also ran quickly from within the Divine Constabulary to welcome her. Behind him, a few soldiers from the Red Pinion Squad followed as well.

Once he saw the lady.

The middle-aged man’s eyes instantly lit up.

“Ah, Yuer is back, where is Missus?” The middle-aged man greeted the lady very politely, but his eyes constantly searched behind the lady.

“How can I tell you the whereabouts of Missus?” Lady Yuer replied with an arrogant expression.

“Oh… Yuer, aren’t you causing trouble for me? Lord knows that Missus had left the Heaven Dao Pavilion, and had been expecting Missus’s return day and night!” The middle-aged man’s face instantly fell.

Unfortunately, he didn’t dare to trouble his lady in front of him.

Even though she was only a maid in the Divine Constabulary, but, the person she accompanied was Chi Guyan, whose status in the Divine Constabulary was even more important than the lord.

As the maid of Chi Guyan, she indeed had the right to be proud.

Furthermore, nobody could argue against that.

“I can only tell you that Missus didn’t travel with me.” Yuer raised her head slightly, then walked past the middle-aged man and strode towards the Divine Constabulary.

“Didn’t travel with you? How can Missus not travel with you? You served Missus for a year in the Heaven Dao Pavilion, and even went down the mountain together? Missus…” The middle-aged man was confused and shocked. When he thought of Missus being outside alone, he prepared to ask questions such as whether it would be dangerous, but, thinking again, he realised that with Missus’s abilities, such things were definitely impossible.

“You are really wordy. How can I know Missus’s thoughts?” Yuer was somewhat impatient.


“Missus had said that before the date of the feast, she would definitely return!” Yuer waved her hands, and walked towards a small, quiet garden within the constabulary.

“I have to help Missus pack, people like you… are too clumsy!”

The middle-aged man didn’t pursue further, and instead, he stared confusedly at Yuer’s disappearing figure.

“There are still more than two months to the feast? What is Missus doing?” The middle-aged man pondered as he walked, then, suddenly filled with shock. “Now, news of Missus returning to the Divine Constabulary is spreading across the entire Great Xia Dynasty, but, Missus didn’t return? What should we do? No, I have to report to Lord immediately!”

[1] Yun in Chinese means cloud, and Feng Yun was translated as storm. Hence, giving rise to the link between Yun Qingwu’s surname and the aforementioned “storm”.

Chapter 126: A Fish Rising into the Sky


Along the way, all the places he passed by were bursting with happiness.

The capital examination was being held at the same time within the five capitals of the Northern Desert, and at this time, was the time that the congratulatory team was travelling to the various counties and villages to announce the good news.

In any big county, there would always be a scholar who had passed the capital examination.

Hence, at every city gate of the county cities, there would always be a team waiting for the return of a few scholars, furthermore, even were even other scheming people who took advantage of his time to organise a few special activities.

For example, the most popular folk game, lantern riddles, or some women who were not conceding to men set up an arena in the county city in a contest for marriage, both in the arts and in combat.

The entire way, Fang Zhengzhi walked and stopped, stopped and walked, and played very happily. Naturally, he guessed many lantern riddles, and under various kinds of envious gazes, breaking up affectionate couples.

Was guessing lantern riddles and breaking up affectionate couples related?

Naturally, it was. Because, Fang Zhengzhi’s favourite riddle to guess was the kind when a guy and a girl were browsing the lanterns, and the girl screaming, “I want, I want…”

Then, when the guy completely racked his brains but still wasn’t able to answer the lantern riddle which the girl wanted.

It was the time when Fang Zhengzhi would always appear on the scene.

After completing his grand deed, he would walk away, concealing his abilities and his name.

Within the morning mountain and forests, there was a faint mist, and the clear sound of birds singing rang out. Just like a girl who had just came out from a bathe, the sound of water from her body dripping onto the ground contained a hazy and natural beauty.

A row of officials with red silk hanging off them were walking along a mountain road.

They banged their gongs, shocking the small birds foraging for food on the trees, then leisurely passing by the village entrance of the Southern Mountain Village and journeyed towards the Northern Mountain Village.

The previous Southern Mountain Village chief stood quietly at the village entrance and looked at the congratulatory team. The melancholy in his heart could be imagined, even though this was already the second time he saw such a team.

The pain in his heart didn’t decrease a single bit, and instead, grew stronger and stronger.

“Village chief, we have to go!” Wearing a teacher attire, with a face as big as a bowl, Wang Anhua appeared behind Meng Bai at this moment.

And behind Wang Anhua followed another middle-aged man dressed in a teacher attire, and two horse carriages filled with books of all kinds.

“Must you go?” Meng Bai’s trembling hands picked up his cigar, and inhaled deeply.

“The order has already arrived. The Hall of Dao will be moved to the Northern Mountain Village. It is only separated by a mountain, if village chief has any requests in the future, you can still get somebody to pass the message to me.” Wang Anhua bowed lightly towards Meng Bai.

“Sigh…” Meng Bai sighed heavily, then turned around and walked back towards the centre of the village. His figure contained an unspeakable sense of loneliness.

Compared to the loneliness of the Southern Mountain Village, the Northern Mountain Village was undoubtedly bustling with happiness and activity.

The Huai An County head wore a black official robe and personally led Village Chief Zhang Yangping as well as Fang Houde and stood under a huge tree at the village entrance, waiting for the arrival of the congratulatory team.

Zhang Yangping and the crowd of villagers at this moment were still somewhat in disbelief.

“Fang Zhengzhi passed the capital examination?!”

“And, he is the double roll champion?”

“The Hall of Dao from the Southern Mountain Village is going to be moved to the Northern Mountain Village!”

“The county head personally rushed to the Northern Mountain Village overnight to send his gratulations, and even order people to bring along all the necessary materials for building the Hall of Dao!”

Every single incident seemed to hammer onto the fragile hearts of the villagers.

To a remote and ordinary small mountain village, nobody would ever think that such things would happen, or, it could be said that every single thing aforementioned was something they had absolutely never thought of before.

“County head, are… you sure that you didn’t get it wrong?” Zhang Yangping felt that such a thing was even more shocking than gold falling from the sky.

“Ha ha, Village Chief Zhang, what are you saying? This time’s River of Trust Capital examination is one that everybody in the world paid attention to, and gathered the scholars and talents from the five capitals of the Northern Desert. The incident of Young Master Fang attaining the River of Trust Capital examination double roll champion is known to everybody, how can I be wrong?”

The county head didn’t appear impatient at all, and instead smiled gently and explained.

The Northern Mountain Village belonged to the jurisdiction of the Huai An County. Within a county, a roll champion in the capital examination was always a happy occasion. Furthermore, this was a double roll champion.

Most importantly, everybody understood that this River of Trust Capital examination wasn’t just any ordinary one.

Else, with his status, even he wouldn’t rush overnight to the Northern Mountain Village.

Fang Houde’s expression at this moment seemed both emotionally moved and worried. Even though the previous time, when Fang Zhengzhi had attained the county examination double roll champion, he had already been moved.

But this was different…

The capital examination!

An examination that truly allowed one to enter the books of history!

“Boom!” The sound of a gong rang faintly from a distance away.

Then, within the mist, a row of officials with red silk hanging off them gradually revealed themselves.

“They are here, they are here!”

“The congratulatory officials are really here!”

“Why do I keep feeling as if I’m dreaming?”

The villagers all began to grow excited. But, to them, such news was really too hard to imagine. Even if they had really seen the congratulatory officials, not everybody would be able to accept this immediately.

But, reality was reality.

Especially when the congratulatory officials neared them, then passed a huge red banner respectively into the hands of the county head, followed by the county head passing it into Fang Houde’s hands.

Only then, all of the villagers finally understood…

Fang Zhengzhi had really passed the capital examination, furthermore, he was the double roll champion!

Zhang Yangping was so moved that he knelt onto the ground and kowtowed to the skies, shouting, “Heaven has eyes!”

On the other hand, tears filled the eyes of the villagers. The Northern Mountain Village had produced a scholar, furthermore, a strong scholar that had attained the capital examination double roll champion…

Eight years ago, when Fang Zhengzhi and his family were invited by Zhang Yangping into the Northern Mountain Village.

Who would have thought that there would be such a day?

Within the mountain valley, a real dragon that shot into the clouds had appeared. How could people not be excited, how could they not tear.

Fang Houde’s hand were trembling. He was a man over forty years of age, yet, the tears in his eyes fell like raindrops. His face, that had experienced the attack of the mountain wind, contained an unparalleled satisfaction.

Having a son like that, what else could he ask for?

“His mother is still waiting, I… I will go inform her!” Fang Houde gazed at the two huge golden words on the red banner, and his voice was somewhat choked.

“The previous time, after the county examination, Zhengzhi had returned for a while. I wonder will he return again after the capital examination?” Another villager looked at the mountain path and asked somewhat excitedly.

“Ha ha… young Master Fang had attained double roll champion, but he has to participate in the feast of the Divine Constabulary. Furthermore, he has the opportunity to entire the Heavenly Treasure Hall! I believe that he is currently on the way to the Golden Scale City!” The county head heard the villager’s words and replied, once again with a smile on his face.

“Participating in the feast of the Divine Constabulary?!”

“Isn’t that too amazing? The Divine Constabulary…”

“Then what is this Heavenly Treasure Hall?”

“If you don’t know, don’t ask. That is definitely somewhere with many treasures. How could there be anything inferior in the Divine Constabulary?”

“Then when can this child Zhengzhi return to the village again?”

“What would he come back for? Our village is small, and this child Zhengzhi has potential. He would definitely be achieving great things outside!”

When the villagers heard the county head’s words, then began to discuss spiritedly once again. Even though they all wished that Fang Zhengzhi could return to the village for a while, but when they thought of Fang Zhengzhi soaring like a dragon after passing the capital examination, they were all able to understand.

“Yes, I believe it would be hard for him to return in this short span of time. After participating in the feast of the Divine Constabulary, the imperial examination would begin quickly after that. When that time comes, he would still have to rush to the imperial Yan capital!” The county head revealed all that he knew.

“Wow… entering the imperial capital!” A villager stared with his eyes wide open.

“I wonder whether Fang Zhengzhi has enough money on him to spend?” Zhang Yangping thought of Fang Zhengzhi leaving without much money, and had initially thought that he would return after the capital examination.

However, he had never thought that he actually passed, and was about to rush to the Golden Scale City, then to the Imperial Yan Capital. Along the way, the amount of money he needed would definitely not be little…

As he thought, he began to feel rather guilty.

Just as they spoke, another wave of the sound of hooves sounded out from the small mountain path.

“Looks like the teachers from the Southern Mountain Village Hall of Dao had arrived, I never thought that they would be so fast!” A villager heard the sound and instantly laughed.

The Hall of Dao from the Southern Mountain Village had moved to the Northern Mountain Village.

This was definitely something that caused every villager in the Northern Mountain Village to be delighted about.

Initially, when the Southern Mountain Village had established the Hall of Dao, the Northern Mountain Village people were filled with envy. But now, the tides had turned, and this year, it was their turn.

Chapter 127: Heaven Dao Scholar


The county head also contained some excitement in his heart. He knew very clearly that the meaning of this Hall of Dao wasn’t just any ordinary one. Because, it was personally established by the daughter of the Divine Constabulary.

Among the mist, the sound of hooves came nearer and nearer.

A figure gradually appeared riding on horseback. A blue robe danced lightly in the wind, and at the edges of his mouth, there was a faint smile.

“Fang Zhengzhi?!” The county head’s jaws instantly dropped.

The Law of Dao county examinations was invigilated by the county head, hence, naturally he was able to instantly recognise Fang Zhengzhi. However, h was in disbelief.

“Zhengzhi is back?”

“Why did he come back to the village? Isn’t he going to participate in the feast of the Divine Constabulary?”

The villages stared with disbelief at the figure that appeared from the mist, some even shot their gazes towards the county head, confused.

The county head was filled with confusion. The invitation of the Divine Constabulary was extremely important. For such an opportunity, ordinarily people would instantly rush to the Golden Scale City to familiarise themselves with the surroundings, learn about matters within the Divine Constabulary and undergo some social interaction…

But, Fang Zhengzhi actually chose to return to the village?!

After a moment of shock, the county head had suddenly somewhat understood. Then, a genuine trace of admiration appeared in his gaze towards Fang Zhengzhi.

A dragon that had already soared into the skies, as it soared, it didn’t look at the vast sky, but instead looked back at the land that raised it.

Such values…

Were incredibly valuable!

Fang Houde similarly saw Fang Zhengzhi, but only felt very surprised. There wasn’t much shock in his gaze, because, he knew his son’s heart.

“Uncle Yangping, Dad! Huh? County head…” At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi held his horse and neared the crowd.

This time, there were actually so many people at the village entrance welcoming him, causing him to be indeed somewhat surprised. Recalling the previous county examination, he had felt around in the dark to enter the village.

“Is there enough time?” Fang Houde didn’t speak much, instead, very normally opened his mouth and asked. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to conceal his hands, which were trembling due to him being overly moved.

“It’s still early, I can stay in the village for some time!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“Zhengzhi… incredible! Your Uncle Yangping really didn’t overestimate you. Alright, go back and visit your mum first, we still have to wait here for a while!” Zhang Yangping’s tone was filled with the care and concern of an elder.

“You all aren’t waiting for me?”

“Waiting for you? Ha ha ha… we indeed really aren’t waiting for you!”

“The Hall of Dao of the Southern Mountain Village is going to move into the Northern Mountain Village, the county head had personally delivered the materials. Me and your Uncle Yangping will be waiting here for a while more.” Fang Houde explained to Fang Zhengzhi.

“The Hall of Dao of the Southern Mountain Village is going to move into the Northern Mountain Village?” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly inwardly taken aback.

This was good news, but, at the same time, this was a news that caused him to feel somewhat fearful. After all, the Hall of Dao of the Southern Mountain Village was personally established by Chi Guyan. Without Chi Guyan’s orders, who would dare to move it?

Chi Guyan…

That Runaway Lolita shouldn’t have left the Heaven Dao Pavilion, right?

That order should have come from within the Heaven Dao Pavilion.

But, why would she make such an arrangement? What was the purpose of this move?

Curry favour with him? Fang Zhengzhi didn’t dare to consider this. Not mentioning that he was only the double roll champion of the capital examination, even the double roll champion of an imperial examination wouldn’t even receive a second glance from Chi Guyan.

Furthermore, there was already the criminal demand order.

Don’t tell me…

This was the legend of spanking one for a sweet date to eat?

Or, planting a chess piece in the Northern Mountain Village, a piece that could squeeze him to death any moment!

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t think too much about this. Because, with his current abilities, if Chi Guyan really wanted to squeeze him to death, he indeed really wouldn’t be able to resist.

When he returned home, Qin Xuelian was sewing a leather shoe in the room.

Their eyes met.

Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat delighted.

But Qin Xuelian’s eyes were widened. She rubbed her eyes hard, then, said to herself. “Ah… my longing had turned into a sickness, I have always hoped that Zhengzhi would return, but, my Zhengzhi is going to achieve great things, why would he return to the village?”

“Mum, I am back!”

“Yes… as long as you are back, it’s good. Huh?! Zheng… Zhengzhi, you…” The leather shoe in Qin Xuelian’s hand fell to the ground, and a teardrop fell from her eyes.

Then, she suddenly stood up and immediately gave Fang Zhengzhi a big hug.


It was actually sometimes very simple.

At night, the Northern Mountain Village was bustling with activity. A feast filled the village square, and other than the villagers of the Northern Mountain Village, village chiefs from all around also came over to send their congratulations.

The county head, whose face was flushed with red, inquired the various village heads about the situations in their village, Wang Anhua also looked at Fang Zhengzhi with an unparalleled sense of delight and joy.

“After eight years of not seeing you, you have grown up!”

“Mister Wang doesn’t look old at all.”

“Ha ha ha… who knew that after so many years, your mouth would still be as merciless as before?”

The happy atmosphere and the simplicity of the villagers filled the entire village square. Fang Zhengzhi didn’t attempt to find out things from Wang Anhua, because, he knew Wang Anhua would definitely not say them.

The second day morning, the county head presided over the ceremony for the Law of Dao, then, interacted with Fang Zhengzhi about his experience during the examination, then returned to the Huai An County under the protection of a group of county guards.

The village chiefs from the various villages also brought presents from their respective villages.

After the initial excitement, the Northern Mountain Village resumed its simple life.

Everything was very calm.

The calm was just like the frozen surface of a lake, no matter how strong the wind was, it still wouldn’t be affected.

Of course, there would also be exceptions. For example, sudden appearance of water birds on the surface of the lake. They might not be able to peck through the thick ice surface, but they would definitely be able to leave a row of small claw marks on the surface of the ice.

And also, like a scholar who had appeared at the small mountain path at this moment. He was dressed plainly yet elegantly, and his white robe billowed. Even though he stirred up a cloud of dust along the way, the edges of his clothes weren’t at all stained by the dirt.

The scholar’s eyes were very bright, just like the brightest star in the night sky.

The distance from the Huai An County to the Northern Mountain Village wasn’t too far, other than a few plots of land and small trails, there was only one main path. Hence, the county head who was rushing back to the Huai An County naturally had the fate to meet with the scholar.

In reality, even though it was the main path, it actually wasn’t wide. At most, it would allow a horse carriage to pass. If there were two carriages, they could only travel by from the side of the road. Hence, this time, the county head didn’t ride a horse carriage when rushing to the Northern Mountain Village.

Instead, he rode lightly on horseback, along with six guards.

The scholar saw the county head, and the county head also naturally saw the scholar.

By right, when one encountered an official from the county, one should at least greet…

But, the scholar didn’t have such consciousness.

The county head stopped, but the scholar didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping. This caused the six guards following behind the county head to become anxious.

They were indeed anxious, but they weren’t infuriated.

The expression of the county head also didn’t contain any form of anger, but the shock in his eyes couldn’t be concealed.

The scholar finally passed by the county head and the rest of the group…

Nothing else happened.

But, the county head and the guards behind him gazed at the leaving figure of the scholar and heaved a sigh of relief in unison, then wiped off the beads of sweat from their forehead that formed from their anxiousness.

“County head, is there a possibility that he is going to the Northern Mountain Village?” A guard asked very carefully.

“No matter where he is going, that isn’t something we can ask!” The county head shook his head, but the expression on his face still hadn’t calmed down completely.

“Roger!” The guards instantly answered.

“Let’s go!” The county head raised his whip, and clamped his knees together.

A cloud of dust rose. He didn’t know the ability of the scholar, he also didn’t know the name of the scholar. But, he didn’t doubt that the scholar had the power to determine his life and death in one sentence.

The reason was very simple.

On the sleeves of the scholar, the two words, “Heaven Dao” was sewn.

Fang Zhengzhi was somebody who knew how to enjoy, and especially enjoying the fresh air of the mountain forest. In the morning, when a greenish white was revealed at the horizon, and when the red sun just started to rise, that warm feeling was very comfortable, and very soft.

To be able to find a smooth, big stone, then covering it with a layer of fur blanket, piling a few delicious alcohol and snacks at the side and then roasting a freshly butchered curly furred rabbit.

Then, reading his book while waiting to enjoy the meal.

It was definitely a huge life blessing.

As the saying went: Within a book, there is a house of gold, and within the book, there is a beautiful girl.

As Fang Zhengzhi flipped the pages of the books, and took in the dense aroma of the roasting meat, he would occasionally ponder, when would his beautiful woman appear?

But, Fang Zhengzhi was indeed passionate about books.

At least, the book in his hands was definitely a good book.

No matter how others thought, Fang Zhengzhi believed that this good was good.

Furthermore, it was extremely valuable. He could confirm that the value of this book was definitely much higher than those second-handed Law of Dao bought at the county that were now in Fang Zhengzhi’s home.

After all, this book was a lone book.

Even though he had attained it in a very lucky manner, but this book was indeed a lone book that contained illustrations.

Fang Zhengzhi read very conscientiously, and was also very relaxed. As he read, he even hummed a very famous tune, his eyebrows even somewhat dancing.

“Beat the drums furiously but bang the gong slowly, stop the drums and the gongs to listen to the song. All sorts of gossips can be sung, hear me sing the Eighteen Touches.”

“Reach out to touch the sister’s hair, clouds fly across half the sky. Reach out to touch to front of sister’s head, Heaven full…”


Singing in the mountain would cause one to be more or less affected by the scenery and enter an intoxicated state. Sometimes, one would even enter a state from which they wouldn’t be able to extricate themselves from, and would unconsciously sing in an even happier manner.

At this moment, Fang Zhengzhi was in this intoxicated state.

The happier he sang, the less able he was to control his voice.

Hence, the song passed through the forests, across the brook, over the mountains and echoed within the mountain passes.

Nobody knew how far his voice had gone.

However, one point was for sure…

If somebody walked past him, that person would definitely be able to hear the words of his song very clearly.

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