Gate of God

Chapter 128-132

Chapter 128: Reminiscence

When there is the sound of singing in the mountain, naturally, there will be people following the song.

For example, a scholar riding on a Snow Cloud Stallion, with his white robe billowing in the wind.

The Snow Cloud Stallion was different from Fang Zhengzhi’s Silver Scale Horse. Since it was named a stallion, it naturally couldn’t compare to an ordinary horse.

And, the Snow Cloud Stallion that the scholar rode was the elite among the Snow Cloud Stallions, and was named the “Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud”!

Its entire body was white as snow, but, in the middle of its forehead, was a fiery scarlet mark.

The lineage of an ordinary Snow Cloud Stallion was already extremely royal, and contained the blood of draconic beasts. This Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud had descended from the most noble of draconic beasts, the fire dragon’s lineage.

It was said that scarlet flames would appear on its hooves when it galloped wildly.

This was the origin of Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud.

The speed at which the scholar road wasn’t very fast, but, when the source of the song became nearer, the scholar’s face gradually changed. His initial interest and expression of novelty suddenly turned somewhat strange.

When a figure lying on a piece of fur blanket placed on a huge rock, wearing a blue robe and basking leisurely in the sun appeared in front of him.

The scholar finally stopped.


Fang Zhengzhi was roasting the meat and singing his song. When he suddenly heard an icy, condemning voice scolding him, he instantly didn’t feel very well.

This was obviously bullying?!


You are clearly the one scolding people without a reason, yet you actually have the face to call me shameless?

Can you have a little bit of conscience, at least give me a reasonable explanation before you scold?

I didn’t steal, I didn’t rob, and I didn’t smash the window of your house. The curly furred rabbit is raised in my home, the ingredients are prepared by me, even the firewood used for the fire is…

Hmm, that is indeed picked up from the ground, but, this cannot serve as a reason to scold me?

I finally had the chance to read my book properly, sing a song, indulge in my feelings, and roast a curly furred rabbit to cater to my hunger. Who have I offended?

Opening his eyes to take a look, he saw a white-robed scholar riding a tall snow-white horse, gazing at him coldly.

The white-robed scholar riding a white horse, combined with that skin that was white as snow, as the eyes that were as bright as stars. One look at him deduced that he was a pretty boy that caused countless girls to scream.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi believed that he was rather handsome, when the saw the white-robed scholar, he still sighed inwardly.

“Appetite and lust are only natural!” Fang Zhengzhi replied with disdain. His mood was rather good today, he finally had the chance to return to the village, hence didn’t wish to subdue a person based on strength just because of an unfriendly word.

This was really too violent.

Hence, after speaking, he continued to flip the lone book in his hand, and didn’t bother paying any further attention to the white-robed scholar.

A trace of surprise flashed across the white-robed scholar’s eyes.

Just as he prepared to speak again, a strong waft of meat aroma suddenly filled his nose.

Then, his gaze was absorbed by the curly furred rabbit roasting in front of Fang Zhengzhi, and a bright light instantly flashed across his eyes. He looked at Fang Zhengzhi again, then looked at the roasting rack on which the curly furred rabbit was placed.

The edges of his mouth curled into a faint smile, the scholar had suddenly seemed to have thought of something.

“Reading?” The white-robed scholar looked at the book that didn’t even contain a single word on its cover.

“Obviously!” Fang Zhengzhi’s tone wasn’t very polite.

“If you don’t mind, we can exchange some views!”

“You also read this before?”

“Naturally.” The white-robed scholar nodded, very confidently.

“This liar Zhang Hetong, what happened to the lone book? Sigh… I indeed trust others too easily!” Fang Zhengzhi silently swore, then, pointed at the empty space beside him. “Let’s read together!”

The white-robed scholar looked at the small empty spot that was only half a body wide beside Fang Zhengzhi, hesitated for a moment, but still finally walked over.

Just as he lay down halfway, the gaze of the white-robed scholar was absorbed by an illustration in the book on Fang Zhengzhi’s hand. Then, the white-robed scholar’s bright eyes instantly turned round.


The white-robed scholar instantly sprang back up.

“You… shameless, lecher… what, what kind of book are you reading?!” The white-robed scholar’s chest rose and fell urgently, and a trace of red shimmered across his face.

This time, Fang Zhengzhi was truly somewhat angered.

He felt that a person could be shameless, but a person couldn’t be shameless to such an extent?

They were both men, and there were no women here. What are you pretending for? Furthermore, you said that you have also read this before, now, I am sharing it with a good heart, yet, not only did you not appreciate it, you actually opened your mouth and swore at me again?


“Grandson of a turtle!” Towards such a person who he hadn’t even met before, and opening his mouth to hurt him multiple times, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t hold back at all, and used a Northern Mountain Village dialect to scold him back.

“Grandson of a turtle?!” The white-robed scholar instantly lifted up his hand, but halfway through the motion, he forced it back down. His chest rose furiously for a few times.

Then, he looked at Fang Zhengzhi very carefully, from the eyebrows, to the eyes, then to the nose, then to every single move Fang Zhengzhi made. He looked very carefully, as if he was judging something.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t feel rather comfortable being looked at by the white-robed scholar.

This guy didn’t read the lone book, instead, he stared at himself…

Could it be that he had some sort of special interest?

Forget it, he is just a passing scholar, all he did was to scold him a bit. That wasn’t enough to turn him into a mountain kind and rob him.


That horse indeed doesn’t look too bad!

“This roasted rabbit… are you selling it?” The white-robed scholar seemed to not know Fang Zhengzhi’s thoughts, and opened his mouth to speak again.

“Not selling!” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t even think before rejecting.

“Then what if I exchange for it with something?”

“Not exchanging! Wait a minute… what are you using to exchange?”

“How about this Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud of mine?” As the white-robed scholar spoke, he pointed at the Snow Cloud Stallion behind him.

Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud!

In exchange for a roasted rabbit?

Fang Zhengzhi was in somewhat of a disbelief. This was simply getting whatever he wished for? Was there even a better deal than this? His favourite thing in his life was to meet with an idiot once he left his house door!

“I need to consider for a moment!” Even though Fang Zhengzhi was excited inside, but, on the surface he looked very calm. He knew that the more he wanted something, he calmer he had to be.

“Then forget it.” The white-robed scholar seemed somewhat disappointed, then turned around and left.

“Wait, considering your sincerity, I will exchange with you!” Looking at the white-robed scholar turning around, Fang Zhengzhi finally couldn’t contain himself anymore.

The white-robed scholar stopped, and his mouth curled into a faint smile again.

“But, after our exchange, I won’t have any transport options? What to do then?” The white-robed scholar turned around again, and the smile on his face vanished. A hesitant expression replaced it.

“No problem, I have a Silver Scale Horse at home, I can sell it to you!” Fang Zhengzhi suggested very generously.

“This… alright!” The white-robed scholar nodded in a very difficult manner.

Seeing that the white-robed scholar had actually agreed, Fang Zhengzhi suddenly felt somewhat weird. Was this guy really an idiot?

No matter how he looked…

He still didn’t really look like one.

“Then, sit there and wait, I haven’t finished roasting yet!” Fang Zhengzhi pointed at a stone that was further away from him.

The white-robed scholar nodded, then, slowly walked over and sat down gingerly.

Fang Zhengzhi relaxed. At least, the white-robed scholar didn’t have any intention of sneaking an attack on him, else, it would be more appropriate for him to sit closer to him.

He wasn’t taking the opportunity to rob him?

Then, was he really going to use his Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud to exchange for a roasted rabbit of his?

Could prosperity not come so quickly? He really couldn’t accept it.

No, no…

There was definitely a trap waiting for him to jump into.

But, where did the problem lie? He really had the best end of this deal.

Scam him of a roasted rabbit? After eating, then running away?

If this was the case, there would be two possibilities. First, he would beat this guy up badly. Second, he wouldn’t be able to win him, enabling him to run away…

The second was needless to mention. If the other party really had that power, he could just rob him and he still wouldn’t be able to do anything about it.

If it was the first, then, he could at least give him a beating.

“Alright, I’ll risk a curly furred rabbit to make this gamble!” Fang Zhengzhi felt that the most he would lose was a curly furred rabbit. The price to pay was small, hence he could make this gamble.

Next, nothing unexpected happened.

As Fang Zhengzhi roasted the curly furred rabbit, the white-robed scholar sat on the stone and stared expectantly at Fang Zhengzhi’s actions, as if he had completely forgotten his previous unhappiness in having seen the lone book.

The white-robed scholar’s eyebrows were very long, and glinted in the sun. It was incredibly beautiful. A faint light flashed in his eyes, just like stars in the sky.

Fang Zhengzhi occasionally glanced at the white-robed scholar, and always felt a surging sensation in his heart.

“Pretty boy!” Fang Zhengzhi swore to himself. He felt that the world was really too unfair to actually be able to produce such a beautiful man.

Following the turning of the roasting rack by Fang Zhengzhi’s hands, the aroma of roasted meat began to diffuse into the surroundings.

Finally, Fang Zhengzhi fished out a small wooden box and opened it. It was filled with seasonings of a variety of colours. This was a secret recipe, and wouldn’t be let out easily.

Compared to the seasoning wrapped in a coarse yellow paper eight years ago, the current one evidently seemed more advanced.

After sprinkling on the seasonings, the aroma of the roasted meat was finally completely emanated.

“Gulp!” The white-robed scholar’s mouth produced the sound of saliva being swallowed.

“I don’t dare to claim anything else, but the quality of this roasted meat is the best within ten miles of this place!” Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the white-robed scholar, then, swiftly moving his right hand across the roasted meat, a piece of rabbit leg fell into the plate held on his left hand.

“Yes!” The white-robed scholar replied, and hurriedly received the rabbit leg which Fang Zhengzhi passed over. Then, he opened his mouth very slightly and took a bite.

Instantly, a crisp sensation spread across his tongue. The oil and delicious rabbit meat were mixed together, causing the white-robed scholar to become instantly intoxicated.

Chapter 129: Hodgepodge


Very quickly, a piece of rabbit leg was completely destroyed by the white-robed scholar.

The white-robed scholar looked at Fang Zhengzhi again, then reached out an elegant, white hand.


Since he had already decided to sacrifice his curly furred rabbit, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t think of leaving some to himself, hence passed the rest of the rabbit meat into the hands of the white-robed scholar.

Then, he began to help himself to the snacks beside him.

These snacks were special products of the mountain. There were a few sun-dried goods, and also a few fresh fruits. Other than that, there was also the fruit wine which Fang Zhengzhi had specially brewed. There were grape ones, orange ones…

Even though it wasn’t as stimulating as spirits, but, there was an exclusive clear and sweet taste. Furthermore, those dirty merchant goods naturally couldn’t compare to his homemade ones.

The white-robed scholar’s hand impolitely stretched out again.

Fang Zhengzhi very exaggeratedly drank from the mouth of the bottle, then, passed the wine bottle into the white-robed scholar’s hands.

The white-robed scholar was somewhat taken aback. Looking at the wine bottle which Fang Zhengzhi passed over, he hesitated for exactly fifteen minutes before finally drinking a very small and careful sip. Then, his eyes lit up…

The wine bottle was never returned again.

“Bandit, robber!” Fang Zhengzhi swore in his heart, but then thought that no matter what, the other party was still a guest, a guest was God… alright, I’ll bear this first.

After a filling meal and drink, Fang Zhengzhi led the white-robed scholar back to the village to see the horse, and prepared to finish this exchange early, then, chase the white-robed scholar back on the road.


Once they returned home, the accident happened.

The villagers of the mountain always treated their guests with enthusiasm, and Qin Xuelian naturally wasn’t an exception. When she saw Fang Zhengzhi bring the scholar back home, she thought that he was a friend who also participated in the examination and instantly, very hospitably, invited the white-robed scholar into the house to take a seat.

On the other hand, Fang Zhengzhi very blatantly led the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud into his own stable.

When Fang Zhengzhi had settled everything, things seemed to become somewhat out of control.

“Zhengzhi, how can you be like this?!” Qin Xuelian was somewhat angry.

“Huh…” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Qin Xuelian’s expression, and knew that his mum was still too pure.

“Taking care of guests is our duty, how can you take possession of his horse, furthermore… it is such a valuable horse. You cannot do such a thing!”


“Yes, Zhengzhi, your mother is right!” Fang Houde also spoke.


Fang Zhengzhi looked at the white-robed scholar, the white-robed scholar on the other hand sat very indifferently on the chair, and looked at Fang Zhengzhi with an innocent look, as if saying, you settle this yourself.

“Wrong move!” Fang Zhengzhi regretted in his heart, he had forgotten the opinions of Qin Xuelian and Fang Houde.

Don’t tell me this was the white-robed scholar’s idea?

Even though he wasn’t very satisfied, but, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t dare to go against the orders of his parents.

“You go, we won’t exchange anymore!” Fang Houde seemed very helpless.

When the white-robed scholar heard this, the edges of his mouth curved into a smile once again, then, walked over with a mysterious look beside Fang Zhengzhi.

“Just now, I heard from your mother than you are going to the Divine Constabulary a few days later to participate in the feast. I don’t have any urgent matters, why not I wait a few days for you, then, after you leave the village, we will carry on with the exchange?”

“Wouldn’t that not be very good?” Fang Zhengzhi felt that this still went against Qin Xuelian’s intent.

“A gentleman’s word is as good as gold, how can I go against them?” The white-robed scholar expression seemed to be in a difficult situation.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the difficult look on the white-robed scholar, and felt that this wasn’t quite right, just as if the other party had already planned everything out.

There was a problem…

But, where did the problem lie?

What was this guy’s purpose? Staying a few days in the village? He didn’t have to go through so much trouble, he just had to throw a few pieces of silver to find a villager’s house to live in.

“Alright!” Fang Zhengzhi agreed. He decided to see what kind of plans this white-robed scholar had.

When the white-robed scholar heard this, he instantly began to smile, and his eyes were as bright as stars in the sky.

The next few things took place very smoothly. When Qin Xuelian heard that the white-robed scholar wanted to stay a few days in the village, she instantly prepared a room very hospitably.

Fang Zhengzhi instinctively wanted to oppose his, but, after a thought, it was at least better for this guy to be near him compared to being outside.

The second day, there were no incidents. Everything was calm.

In the early morning, Fang Zhengzhi was reading. The white-robed scholar was also reading. At noon, the two ate at the same table. In the afternoon, the white-robed scholar would walk about in the village. At night, they would eat again, and read again…

It felt as if they were family.

The third day, Fang Zhengzhi realised something strange. Every time the white-robed scholar left in the afternoon, he would carelessly leave the book he read in the morning on the table.

The fourth day, the same thing happened.

The fifth day, it was still the same.

The sixth day, Fang Zhengzhi finally couldn’t contain himself anymore. Leveraging on the opportunity when the white-robed scholar left the house, he picked up the book on the table.

“After staying at my home for so many days, he at least has to pay some rental fee?” Fang Zhengzhi felt that there wasn’t any problem at all, and instantly opened up the book.

Glancing down, he was taken aback. It was actually a book describing martial techniques.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes instantly lit up. What did he lack the most currently? Wasn’t it his lack of techniques?


Was this counted stealing?

No problem, how could scholarly things be considered stealing?

Fang Zhengzhi very quickly dismissed such a thought, and began to read very carefully. Then, he realised that this book was somewhat jumbled.

If one used a phrase to describe it, it was a hodgepodge.

Sword techniques, spear techniques, pole techniques, blade techniques…

All kinds of techniques were gathered together in this book. Furthermore, very peculiarly, there was only one move listed for every single kind of weapon, and the description of every move was extremely simple.

For example: What kind of Dao of All Creation did this technique contain, what was the most difficult part of it, and how powerful was it?


Then there wasn’t anything else!

It felt just like the outline of techniques.

“What lousy book is this? Don’t tell me this guy reads such a messy book?” Fang Zhengzhi felt somewhat surprised.

Generally speaking, didn’t books have names such as “Northern Gate Thirteen Swords”, or “Southern Mountain Nine Spear Tactics”? Then, the key point of every technique would be described, and might even be explained with an illustration.

However, this book didn’t contain any of such descriptions, and didn’t have any illustrations either.

It was a little too simple.

Even though he was somewhat doubtful, but just as Fang Zhengzhi said, now, what he lacked most was techniques. Even though this was a very messy and very simple outline of techniques.


It was at least better than nothing.

The sixth day, a book appeared on the table once again.

It had the same cover, and was still a huge hodgepodge. But, the content was completely different. There were new techniques, but under each weapon, there was similarly only one technique.

Fang Zhengzhi contained the unhappiness in his heart, and continued to read with a learning attitude of a sponge that had been dry for a long time.

The seventh day, it was another book.

The eighth day, the same thing happened…

The ninth day…

Twenty days later, before the sky lit up, a clear neigh of a horse shocked Fang Zhengzhi awake from his sleep.

“This is bad!” Fang Zhengzhi instantly thought of something, and flipped into the garden without even having the time to put on his pants.

When he looked, indeed, the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud had vanished from his stable. Not too far away, only the figure of the white-robed scholar riding the Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud was left.

Then, the white-robed scholar looked back.

The edges of his mouth carried a mocking smile. However, when he looked at Fang Zhengzhi’s uncovered legs, the smile on his face instantly vanished.

“Shameless… shameless person!!!”

Fang Zhengzhi heard the swearing that came from afar, and angrily pointed a middle finger towards the leaving figure of the white-robed scholar.

“I am scholar? Isn’t the person who runs away after eating the most shameful? What happened to the exchange we agreed upon? Where is the trust between people?!”

Even though Fang Zhengzhi was very unhappily, but he didn’t dare to make the grand move of running around in the village without pants. Hence, when the sound of Qin Xuelian’s voice came from within the room, he did another flip and returned back into his room.

“Zhengzhi, what happened?”

“Mum, it’s nothing, just that my Scarlet Flame Snow Cloud is gone!”

Two days later, the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the Fang family’s garden.

As Qin Xuelian prepared Fang Zhengzhi’s rations, she looked at Fang Zhengzhi very seriously.

Fang Zhengzhi felt somewhat uncomfortable being stared at by Qin Xuelian.

“Mum, is something wrong?”

“Next time when you come back, make sure you bring “Gu Yan” [1] back!” Qin Xuelian instructed Fang Zhengzhi very seriously.

“Gu Yan?” Fang Zhengzhi naturally knew from Qin Xuelian that Gu Yan was the name of the white-robed scholar, but, what did she mean by bringing him back

Oh, that’s right, that guy had stayed in his home for twenty days, but didn’t pay rent!

“Mum, don’t worry, I will definitely catch him back!” Fang Zhengzhi thumped his chest. Hunting geese for a lifetime, yet being pecked in the eyes by a goose, how could he let it go as easily?

Compared to his previous lonely departure from the village.

This time, when Fang Zhengzhi left the village, it evidently stirred up a great commotion. Every single villager came together to send him to the village entrance. Seeing Fang Zhengzhi mount the Silver Scale Horse, Qin Xuelian finally couldn’t contain herself, and tears flowed down her cheeks.

On the other hand, Fang Houde reassured her by her side, and shot a few encouraging looks towards Fang Zhengzhi.

As per normal, Zhang Yangping brought along a full wallet, but this time, what it contained wasn’t pieces of broken silver, and instead, contained silver notes of small denominations.

“Take care along the way!”


Fang Zhengzhi nodded, bade goodbye to the villagers, and rode away.

A month later, in the capital of the five capitals of the Northern Desert, the Northern Capital, Golden Scale City. Countless people and horse carriages passed through the grand city gate, and merchants bearing flags also enthusiastically greeted the guards at the city gate.

As an important city that guarded the Northern, the Golden Scale City had a unique smell of iron and blood. Most importantly, within the city, there was always groups of soldiers in shiny armour patrolling.

Compared to the peace and quiet of the River of Trust Capital.

The security of this city was evidently stronger by several times.

[1] The name of the scholar is Gu Yan is pronounced differently from the Guyan in Chi Guyan. This Gu Yan means “Ancient Geese”.

Chapter 130: Divine Constabulary Great Feast


As the Divine Constabulary that guarded the five capitals of the Northern Desert, the security today was like an ironclad.

At this moment, at the door of the Divine Constabulary, two huge white jade sculptures stood on both sides of the constabulary, grand and majesty, and at the side of the two white sculptures.

Two rows of Red Pinion Squad members stood wearing shiny armours, each of their expressions was cold as ice, and carefully observing the movement around them.

They all knew very clear how important today’s Divine Constabulary feast was.

Among the entire five capitals of the Northern Desert, officials ranked five and above were almost all present. Not only that, even scholars from the Western Liang, Southern Nation and Eastern Metropolis all gathered for the feast.

The reason was very simple…

The number one talented girl in the Great Xia, Chi Guyan, was back.

To the government officials, this was a rare opportunity to interact with the future number one marshal. To the scholars and youths, there was a deeper meaning.

A year ago, when Chi Guyan attained the Double Dragon Roll Champion in front of everybody in the Imperial Yan Capital, that level of talent and genius caused many to instantly have the urge to kneel.

Chi Guyan wasn’t engaged.

This was a secret everybody in the world knew. Even though Chi Guyan’s engagement had to be determined by the current emperor, but, nobody felt that the emperor wouldn’t go through Chi Guyan’s agreement.

Hence, Chi Guyan’s engagement was ultimately determined by herself.

Within the Divine Constabulary, in an independent and elegant courtyard.

Pavilions were filled with clear water, and the aroma of flowers filled the air.

Wearing a green dress, Yuer stood outside the pavilion and looked at the lady within who was wearing a pink dress, and at this moment, the lady was holding an ancient book in her hands, reciting quietly in the pavilion.

It was Chi Guyan.

“Missus, this time, King Duan travelled light, and claimed that he wasn’t here for the feast, and instead wants to visit Missus… It is rare for Missus to come back, do you really not wish to meet him?” Yuer carefully asked in a soft voice behind the lady.

“The next time Lord Father asks you to convey a message, you don’t have to convey it.”

“Yes, Missus!”

“It’s almost time, go get ready.”

“Roger!” Yuer nodded, then, instantly beckoned to the surroundings.

Very quickly, around twenty maids appeared, some holding screens, some holding ornaments. Evidently, they had already been waiting not too far away.

This was Fang Zhengzhi’s first time in the Golden Scale City, naturally, he was somewhat curious.

Even though Yan Xiu had been here a few times, but evidently, he wasn’t a qualified tour guide. Today, wearing a white brocade robe with an ink bamboo sewn onto it, Yan Xiu seemed even more noble and icily arrogant.

The entire way, Yan Xiu didn’t speak, and instead very calm walked shoulder to shoulder with Fang Zhengzhi.

However, with Yan Xiu walking beside him, at least it wasn’t difficult to find the Divine Constabulary.

It had been eight years. When he saw that familiar armour, and the familiar red triangular seal, Fang Zhengzhi suddenly felt that time had indeed passed rather quickly.

Today, the Divine Constabulary’s gate was wide open, other than the Red Pinion Squad standing guard at the side of the gate, there were still servants in charge of serving the guests walking around at the constabulary gate.

“Greetings to both young masters!” A servant wearing a short robe saw Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, and immediately went up to them.

“This is a gift for lord.” Yan Xiu passed a gift list to the servant.

“I represent lord to thank Young Master Yan Xiu!” The servant took a glance at the name on the gift list, then looked at the contents of the list and his expression instantly became respectful.

Then, the servant’s gaze shifted to Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi was also looking at the servant.


He had definitely brought along a gift.

Fang Zhengzhi also took out a gift list from his pocket, and gracefully placed it in the servant’s hand.

The servant received the gift list and looked at the name, and a faint light flashed across his eyes. Then, opening the list, he swept across it and his expression suddenly became somewhat queer.

“One pound of dried sweet potato, half a bag of peanuts, two pieces of locally produced preserved meat…”

“Young Master Fang, are you sure you didn’t take the wrong gift list?” The servant seemed somewhat incredulous.

“Some local products from my hometown, I hope lord will like them!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head very seriously. This was a genuine mountain product.

In the previous world, even if one had money, one wouldn’t be able to buy this.

“Ha ha ha… Fang Zhengzhi’s gift list indeed contains a unique local flavour!” A wave of laughter came from behind Fang Zhengzhi.

Then, wearing a blue brocade robe, a white-faced man appeared in front of Fang Zhengzhi.

“Greetings to Young Master Lu!” When the servant saw the new person, he instantly began to smile.

“Huh, isn’t this Yan Xiu? I had recently heard that you are friends with this country bumpkin, I never thought that you two are really inseparable?” The man in the blue brocade robe didn’t pay any attention to the servant, and instead turned his gaze to Yan Xiu who was standing beside Fang Zhengzhi.

Yan Xiu didn’t speak, he didn’t even bother taking one glance at the man in the blue brocade robe.

A glimmer of shock flashed across the man’s face, but, it quickly disappeared. He didn’t continue arguing with Yan Xiu, and instead returned his gaze back to Fang Zhengzhi.

“Fang Zhengzhi, I never thought that you would actually dare to come to the feast? Don’t you know that my cousin is back? Ha ha… my cousin really hates you very much!” The man in a blue brocade robe looked at Fang Zhengzhi with a mocking look.

Fang Zhengzhi also didn’t pay any attention to the man in a blue brocade robe, and instead looked at the servant in front of him.

“Is this how the grand Divine Constabulary treats their guests?”

“This…” The servant was taken aback. Looking at Fang Zhengzhi, then looking at the man in blue brocade robe and Yan Xiu, his expression changed slightly. “Young Master Lu, Young Master Yan Xiu, Young Master Fang, please come inside!”

Fang Zhengzhi nodded, then walked together with Yan Xiu into the Divine Constabulary.

When they reached the constabulary gate, Fang Zhengzhi turned his head back, and looked at the man in blue brocade robe who was still standing outside with contempt, and gave him a middle finger.


His voice was clear and loud. Definitely, not only could the guests and servants hear this very clearly, even the Red Pinion Squad standing guard outside the constabulary gate were able to hear it clearly.

The expression of the man in blue brocade robe instantly darkened.

“Oh right, who is the cousin he is talking about?” When they entered the constabulary gate, Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yan Xiu who was beside him.

“The Battle Constabulary guards the Southern Nation, while the Divine Constabulary guards the Northern Desert. Even though they are separated into north and south, but they still have family relations. He is the ninth son of the Battle Constabulary, hence, naturally his cousin would be…” Yan Xiu explained as he walked.

“Ha ha… You better not tell me his cousin is Chi Guyan.” Fang Zhengzhi smiled lightly.

“Exactly!” Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi, and nodded his head very seriously.

“…” The smile on Fang Zhengzhi instantly froze.

Chapter 131: Strange Corner


Then, his leg that was halfway into the constabulary gate stopped in mid-air.

Chi Guyan returned?!

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck from the sky. Wasn’t it already agreed that she was practising in the Heaven Dao Pavilion? Where was the trust between people?


Can I run now.

“Young Master Fang, please come inside. Missus had specially instructed to serve Young Master Fang well when he enters!” When the servant saw Fang Zhengzhi pause, he instantly felt somewhat confused.

Even though he was spiteful of Fang Zhengzhi’s gift list, but, he didn’t dare to be spiteful of Fang Zhengzhi himself. After all, this was the character who had just attained the River of Trust Capital double roll champion.

Furthermore, Chi Guyan had indeed instructed that they mustn’t offend him.

Else, why would he, a little servant, risk infuriating the ninth son of the Battle Constabulary, Lu Yusheng, just because of Fang Zhengzhi’s words.

Fang Zhengzhi turned around. Chi Guyan actually had special instructions for him.

Something is wrong!

But, once he turned around, Lu Yusheng appeared in front of Fang Zhengzhi again.

“Young Master Fang, don’t tell me you don’t dare to enter?” A cold smile formed on Lu Yusheng’s lips. He knew very clearly how much Chi Guyan hated this person in front of him.

Lecher, shameless, gathering every scholar under the skies to prevent his advance.

Such hatred wasn’t something an average person could enjoy.

“Idiot!” Fang Zhengzhi huffed again, then, entered the constabulary.

The cold smile on Lu Yusheng froze once again, and a gaze black as night flashed in his eyes, and his two hands instinctively tightened into a fist. Country bumpkin, let me see how long you can stay happy!

After entering the constabulary gate, it was deep as the sea.

Fang Zhengzhi had never entered the constabulary gate, hence, he really felt very deep now. Right after entering the gate, he felt as if he had stepped into a maze.

The paths were bending and winding, and each of them led to a house.

And, most importantly, every house looked more or less the same.

Without a servant familiar with the path, he really felt that he wouldn’t be able to come back out.

Along the way, the fragrant aroma of flowers filled the air, and the jade green pines made a faint sound. Compared to the well-guarded situation outside the door, this place was evidently another world altogether.

After walking for almost fifteen minutes.

A middle-aged man wearing a big robe went up to them.

“Young Master Yan Xiu is here, the person beside you… should be Young Master Fang, Fang Zhengzhi, right?” The middle-aged man looked at Yan Xiu, and a genial smile appeared on his face.

“Greetings, Housekeeper Wen.” When Yan Xiu saw the middle-aged man, he made a slight bow.

Fang Zhengzhi had initially disliked such customs, but, since he had already entered, there was no point in being special. After all, all he wanted to do now was to safely finish a meal.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi also bowed slightly.

When Housekeeper Wen saw this, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, he even seemed to be somewhat shocked. After all, the outside rumours had claimed that Fang Zhengzhi was a lecher who didn’t understand customs.

“This time, lord has directly set the great feast outside the Heavenly Treasure Hall, both of you, please come with me!” Housekeeper Wen returned a bow to Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, then explained.

Outside the Heavenly Treasure Hall?

Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat curious about the Heavenly Treasure Hall. After all, this was one among the three thousand parallel dimensions in the Law of Dao.

I wonder what’s special about it.

Yan Xiu’s expression remained very calm, as if he had already guessed it.

Under the guidance of Housekeeper Wen, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu once again passed by a corridor completely paved with white jade, then, began to be able to hear some lively chattering.

Evidently, they had arrived at the location of the feast.

But, Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat confused. He could clearly see guests at the constabulary door, yet, the entire way here, other than the servants and maids of the constabulary, he didn’t see any other guests.

“There are quite a few roads in the constabulary. In order to allow guests to enjoy different kinds of sceneries, the roads taken for this feast were specially chosen!” Housekeeper Wen seemed to have understood Fang Zhengzhi’s suspicion.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

Even though he hadn’t said a word, but Housekeeper Wen was still able to understand what he was thinking. From this point alone, it could be seen that the housekeeper of the Divine Constabulary wasn’t as simple as he thought.

“The seats of you two young masters had already been arranged, but…” When Housekeeper Wen brought Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu to the entrance, he gazed towards Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, seeming somewhat hesitant.

“Is there a problem?” Yan Xiu opened his mouth and asked.

“The status of you two young masters are somewhat different, based on the arrangements of the constabulary, I fear you wouldn’t be able to sit together.” Housekeeper Wen replied.

“Oh, then please arrange my seat based on Fang Zhengzhi’s seating location.” Yan Xiu nodded to show his understanding.

The constabulary naturally had its own rules.

The different statuses and natures of the guests naturally were already arranged for.

Yan Xiu came from a noble family, hence he understood this logic. Thus, he also knew that it was difficult to go from low to high, but, there wasn’t such a big problem going from high to low.

“Then Young Master Yan Xiu will have to sacrifice!” Housekeeper Wen nodded, and didn’t speak further, directly bringing Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu into the door.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t have any opinions. He was just here for a meal; did it matter where he sat?

If he really sat at the main seat of the Divine Constabulary, then that wasn’t very possible. Moreover, Chi Guyan had returned. In view of his safety, he felt that the stranger the position of his seat was, the better…

Entering the door.

Fang Zhengzhi instantly felt as if he had walked into a vast sea of books. Rows of antique tables were placed in the centre, and around them hanged various kinds of classical landscape paintings.

The great feast hadn’t started yet, hence, there were scholars in brocade robes looking at the paintings.

Occasionally, some even recited a few verses of poems, attracting a round of praise from all around.

Fang Zhengzhi’s appearance didn’t cause any great movements. Because, only a few people had noticed these two people, then, shock appeared in their eyes.


Everybody knew that Chi Guyan had sent out the criminal demand order.

Based on normal logic, Fang Zhengzhi shouldn’t participate in this feast. After all, compared to the opportunity of entering the Heavenly Treasure Hall, life was definitely more important.

Yan Xiu’s coldness indeed saved Fang Zhengzhi quite some trouble. At the very least, nobody had mocked him like Lu Yusheng did.

Then, Fang Zhengzhi really understood what was called a strange corner.

Because, that was the strangest seat in the entire venue.

A huge tree completely blocked the view of the main seat. When one discussed about admiring the scenery, such a seat was definitely the best seat in the entire feast.

Because, this seat was almost able to enable one to admire of all the natural scenery around.

But, how many people participating in the feast were here to admire the scenery? Each of them all wished to be as close to the main seat as possible, in order to interact with the important officials in the government.

“Young Master Fang, here…”

“Very good!” Fang Zhengzhi nodded. This was the kind of seat he wanted.

If the Divine Constabulary feast didn’t have fixed seating, if he chose, he would also definitely choose this. It was a feast, hence, the better the scenery, the more comfortable one would be.

“Not bad.” Yan Xiu also nodded.

“Then, I’ll have to sacrifice both of you young masters!” Housekeeper Wen once again bowed towards Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu, then, turned around and left to continue entertaining other guests.

Not too long later, Housekeeper Wen appeared at the door again. This time, the person he guided over was Lu Yusheng.

Other than Lu Yusheng, two men wearing brocade robes stood beside him. Evidently, these should be people whose statuses were rather high, such as young masters.

Because, once they entered the door, Housekeeper Wen directed them towards a location near the main seat.

On the other hand, Lu Yusheng revealed a humble expression.


This humble expression quickly turned into a joyful surprise. Because, he had, very luckily, seen Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu sitting in the strange corner.

Then. Lu Yusheng, bringing along the other two people, walked towards Fang Zhengzhi.

“Oh… sitting here? Isn’t it a little too far? Isn’t that a little disrespectful of Young Master Fang’s double roll champion status? Housekeeper Wen… how can you arrange for Young Master Fang to sit here?” Lu Yusheng gazed at Housekeeper Wen, who was standing behind him, and seemed to be slightly blaming him.

“The arrangement of the seats had always been arranged based on status, I hope Young Master Lu can understand.” Housekeeper Wen naturally understood Lu Yusheng’s intent, and a trace of worry appeared on his face.

He didn’t wish for such a thing to happen. But, he had no way of preventing Lu Yusheng from greeting Fang Zhengzhi.

“I see, I had wronged you, Housekeeper Wen!” Lu Yusheng replied Housekeeper Wen very apologetically, then looked at Fang Zhengzhi again.

Just as he prepared to speak.

Fang Zhengzhi’s voice rang out.

“Idiot, scram!”

“What… what did you say?” Having been scolded two times in a row by Fang Zhengzhi, Lu Yusheng had controlled himself. This time, he was scolded again, and furthermore, he was scolded in front of his two companions.

His expression naturally didn’t seem too happy.

“Young Master Lu, the great feast is about to start!” Sensing this atmosphere, Housekeeper Wen knew that it was more or less time for him to hold this back.

“He’s just a country bumpkin, to be of the same level as this guy, wouldn’t Young Master Lu lose your identity? Let him eat here quietly, we will go sit at the front!” The man standing at the side, wearing an ink green brocade robe, also spoke. He looked at Fang Zhengzhi with a haughty look.

“That’s right, anyway, sitting here, nobody would be able to see him. Isn’t that right?” Ha ha ha…” The other man in a brocade robe also laughed.

Hearing their words, Lu Yusheng’s chest rose and fell a few times, then, finally held back.

He also knew the importance of this Divine Constabulary’s great feast. No matter how angry he was, he still wouldn’t be able to attack Fang Zhengzhi in this feast.

“Hmph! Watch out in the Heavenly Treasure Hall!” Lu Yusheng huffed coldly, turned around, and left.

“Idiot!” Fang Zhengzhi replied, his expression filled with disdain.

“Can… can you at least change a phrase?” Lu Yusheng’s stopped in his tracks again. Turning around, his face was hideously dark.


Chapter 132: Chi Guyan’s Thoughts


If there was one thing in this world that Lu Yusheng couldn’t stand.

It was definitely being scolded by a country bumpkin, who to him, occupied a much lower position than he did in his heart. Furthermore, it was a continuous scolding. Most importantly, he even used the same term to scold him continuously.

“You dare call me an idiot?!” Lu Yusheng almost couldn’t control himself anymore.

Fang Zhengzhi, on the other hand, was filled with indifference. Anyway, the other party had already disliked him once they met, hence, naturally there wasn’t such a thing as offending him.

“Don’t tell me you want to fight? This is the great feast of the Divine Constabulary, can you show some character?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Lu Yusheng with despise.

“Character?! You are talking to me about character?” The anger in Lu Yusheng’s heart rose again. Being lectured by a poor country bumpkin about character was intolerable to him.


In the end, Lu Yusheng didn’t have the opportunity to attack.

Because, when the two people beside him saw this, they instantly grabbed Lu Yusheng and pulled him away.

If Lu Yusheng had really caused a commotion in this great feast, that would definitely not be a small matter. They all knew very clearly how important this feast was.

The officials of the five capitals of the Northern Desert were looking, and naturally, Chi Guyan didn’t have to be mentioned. Furthermore, they had all received a piece of information. King Duan, Lin Xinjue, had also arrived.

“Release me, all of you, release me…” A desolate tone filled Lu Yusheng’s voice.

The buzzing fly beside his ear had finally left.

Fang Zhengzhi also had the rare opportunity to enjoy a moment of peace. Even though the scholars around them that witnessed this scene more or less seemed to want to enjoy a good show, but, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t bother about these.

Instead, he began to admire the surrounding landscape with great interest.

Where’s the Heavenly Treasure Hall that they mentioned?

Why can’t I see it…?

Fang Zhengzhi looked to the left, then looked to the right. But, other than paintings, there wasn’t any great buildings or halls, furthermore, there wasn’t even a small pavilion…

“Liar!” Fang Zhengzhi pointed a middle finger towards the direction Housekeeper Wen was leaving in.

He was still somewhat curious about this Heavenly Treasure Hall. If the pocket dimension was created by man himself, then, who was the person who created a parallel dimension such as the Heavenly Treasure Hall?


Or, was it God?

Don’t tell me that deities really existed in this world?

As he thought, a ritual music sounded out beside his ear.

When the officials and scholars heard this music, they returned to their respective seats one after another. Fang Zhengzhi guessed that this signified the start of the feast.

Then, he swept his gaze across the arrangement of seats.

On the left, it was mostly official robes. That should be the place where the officials from the five capitals of the Northern Desert sat.

And on the right, scholars wearing various kinds of brocade robes sat.

The main seat was set up at the most easternmost part of the small courtyard. It was said that purple clouds came from the east, and people also respected the east as king. Thus, that should be the reason why the main seat was set up in the east side.

From the main seat all the way to where Fang Zhengzhi was, his seat seemed to be the last one.

Luckily, it wasn’t an examination, and there was no elimination of the last person. Furthermore, the dishes should all be the same, and he shouldn’t receive different treatment due to the difference in seating.

Furthermore, the scenery here was beautiful, and the environment was peaceful, hence, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t mind at all.

Very quickly, Fang Zhengzhi realised that Lu Yusheng’s seat seemed to be at the second level among the scholars, and wasn’t the first. He remembered that Lu Yusheng had the status of being the son of the thirteen constabularies.

Then, based on the seating arrangement of the Divine Constabulary, what was the status of the first level? Don’t tell me that there are people more important than the thirteen constabularies here?

“If, based on the seating arrangement, which level will you be sitting at?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Yan Xiu.

“Temporarily at the second level.” Yan Xiu thought for a while and replied.

“Temporarily?” Fang Zhengzhi heard the implied meaning behind Yan Xiu’s words.

“Yes, two years later, I will be at the first level.” Yan Xiu added. He didn’t state the reason, but his tone was confident.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded. He knew that Yan Xiu wouldn’t lie to him, but, he didn’t quite understand why must the time be set two years later?

Just as he prepared to ask, a wave of clear laughter rang out.

Immediately after, a group of people walked in from outside the courtyard door.

The person in front of was a middle-aged man, wearing a dark purple official robe that had a huge fanged beast sewn onto it. On the forehead of the huge beast, there was a bright red triangular seal.

He seemed to be around forty years of age. His eyes were like that of a tiger, and his body emanated a chill in the air.

Evidently, this was an iron blooded lord who had fought at all corners of the world, with outstanding military achievements.

On the left side of the man followed a woman around the age of thirty. She wore a jade green hairpin in her hair, and a bright red brocade dress with a flying white crane sewn onto it.

An air of dignity and elegance formed a stark contrast between her and the man.

On the right…

Naturally, it was Chi Guyan.

To be able to walk together with Chi Hou, one could infer Chi Guyan’s position in the Divine Constabulary.

This was the first time Fang Zhengzhi had seen Chi Guyan after she had grown up. Today, Chi Guyan wore a long pink dress, with a white, fur shawl draped over her shoulders and a pink belt at her waist. Her jet-black hair fell to her waist.

On her head, there was a jade green sparrow pin, and in the mouth of the sparrow was a small pearl. It was crystal clear, and one look at it showed that it wasn’t an ordinary good.

Once she appeared, she had attracted the attention of all of the scholars.

But, a white veil covered her face, concealing her nose and lips, only exposing a pair of eyes that was as bright as stars.

Even so, one could still see the powerful temperament emanating from Chi Guyan’s body.

“Welcome Lord, Mrs Chi, and princess daughter!” When the scholars and officials saw them, they instantly stood up.

“Why did she still put on a veil?” Fang Zhengzhi was somewhat disappointed.

He wasn’t disappointed because he was unable to see Chi Guyan’s appearance, instead, he felt that if he could see what Chi Guyan looked like, he would be able to escape early if he met her on the streets.

“Chi Guyan hasn’t reached the age of sixteen, and isn’t engaged yet. During the feast, naturally, she would be veiled.” Yan Xiu heard Fang Zhengzhi’s question and explained.

Fang Zhengzhi was enlightened. Was this the fabled story about waiting in the boudoir to be betrothed?

But, which blind person would want to marry this runaway Lollita, wait, no! Now, she should be called, runaway lady!

If one really married such a lady, not mentioning anything else, if there was an argument, and not being able to win… that was definitely a rather miserable thing.

Fang Zhengzhi always felt that if a lady was too smart, it wasn’t very good.

It would actually be better for girls to be gentle and virtuous…

Wu Yuer?

No, too seductive. Furthermore, she always felt somewhat dark!

Yun Qingwu?

She was indeed gentle…

But, her identity was too mysterious.

No matter how much he thought, Fang Zhengzhi couldn’t think of a girl who met his conditions.

“Oh no, she’s coming over!”

As he thought, Chi Guyan had already walked towards his location.

Fang Zhengzhi instantly crouched his body behind the big tree beside the table. He sat at the last row, under normal circumstances, he shouldn’t be discovered, right?

As he thought, Fang Zhengzhi began to relax slightly.

As expected, Chi Guyan seemed to not have discovered himself, and quickly walked past. As she walked with Chi Hou and Mrs Chi towards the main seat, she even greeted the officials and scholars.

“Thank you lord for the feast!”

“Princess is really becoming prettier and prettier!”


“Ha ha ha…” Today, Chi Hou seemed to be happier, and carried a smile on his face the entire time.

As for Chi Guyan, it was hard to see. After all, she was veiled.

When the three of them reached the main seat and greeted the crowd, all the officials and scholars finally returned back onto their seats.

At this most, Housekeeper Wen also stood out from behind the main seat.

As a housekeeper of a constabulary, he had the responsibility and task of being the host of this feast.

He lightly coughed twice.

Very quickly, a kind smile appeared on his face. Just as he prepared to speak, a voice that was as clear as the chirps of a hundred birds rang out.

“Housekeeper Wen, why do I feel that there is a person missing?”

When Housekeeper Wen heard this, the smile on his face instantly froze. A person missing? How is this possible? Every person that was invited had arrived, even those who weren’t invited had arrived.

There wasn’t anybody missing…

He wanted to argue, but, he also understood that he couldn’t argue.

Because, the person who spoke was Chi Guyan.

Not mentioning that he was just a small housekeeper, even if he was Chi Hou himself, he also wouldn’t doubt Chi Guyan’s words at all.


Who is missing? Didn’t Missus usually not pay any attention to the invitation of guests to the constabulary feast? Could it be that girl Yuer badmouthing him in front of Missus?

As he thought, cold sweat broke out from Housekeeper Wen’s back.

“Who does Guyan feel is missing? Tell me more!” Chi Hou looked at Chi Guyan beside him, with the smile still on his face.

“I heard that in this Law of Dao examination, the River of Trust Capital had produced a double roll champion that had risen above the scholars of the five capitals, why didn’t I see him?” Chi Guyan’s eyes revealed a trace of doubt.

“Oh? Guyan is right, I am actually also extremely curious about this double roll champion. Our Northern Desert had indeed not produced a capital examination double roll champion in many years!” When Chi Hou heard this, he also nodded and looked at Housekeeper Wen.

Housekeeper Wen instantly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because, this person wasn’t missing…

“Replying lord and Missus, Young Master Fang, Fang Zhengzhi is…” Halfway through his sentence, Housekeeper Wen suddenly shut his mouth.

He suddenly realised that with this Missus’s genius talents, she would definitely not miss out anybody on the way here, and was instead questioning him for a special reason.

She definitely had other motives!

As he thought…

He suddenly felt somewhat sick.

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