Gate of God

Chapter 133-134

Chapter 133: Too Cold At The Top

In reality, other than Housekeeper Wen feeling sick, Fang Zhengzhi sitting at the strange corner also didn’t feel very well. Or, it could be said that he felt extremely sick.

Fang Zhengzhi didn’t believe that with Chi Guyan’s intelligence, she would suddenly choose such an unimportant matter to discuss in such an important setting.


There was only one possibility.

Chi Guyan did it on purpose!

What was her purpose? First, casually point him out, then, find an opportunity to attack him? Or, directly order him to be arrested?

This was the Divine Constabulary?

Where am I supposed to run to…?

Fang Zhengzhi thought about the winding road when he entered, and a sense of helplessness rose inside his heart. Not mentioning how well-guarded the Divine Constabulary was, even if he really was allowed to run, he probably wouldn’t even be able to run out within an hour.

The entire atmosphere of the feast suddenly became strange, and everybody’s gaze instinctively fell on Fang Zhengzhi who was in the strange corner.

They naturally saw Fang Zhengzhi.

But, they didn’t understand, he was just a double roll champion of the capital examination, why did he deserve Chi Guyan’s attention?

Beads of sweat had already formed on Housekeeper Wen’s forehead at this moment, and he pondered quickly in his heart.

What was wrong?

Not serving him properly? That’s not true, I had personally served him, furthermore, I had even specially instructed the people below to prevent any incident in which Fang Zhengzhi would be mocked because of this status.



Housekeeper Wen suddenly realised a huge problem, but this problem wasn’t related to him. Because, the seating arrangement in the Divine Constabulary feast was personally ordered by Chi Hou to sit based on status.

Even though Fang Zhengzhi was the capital examination double roll champion, but his status was still a civilian, a civilian villager.

But, even though this was so, if there was really something that Chi Guyan was unsatisfied about, then he would definitely be the person who got into trouble.

Not Chi Hou.

“Missus, please forgive me. My arrangement was wrong, I am willing to pay for my mistake!” Housekeeper Wen knew that this moment that arguing would definitely result in a heavier punishment than confession.

“What mistake does Housekeeper Wen admit to?” Chi Guyan’s voice rang out again. It was very calm.

“This… is… because of the seating arrangement…” Housekeeper Wen instinctively looked at Chi Hou, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead like rain.

When Chi Hou saw the look Housekeeper Wen gave him, he had also more or less understood. However, this seating arrangement was personally ordered by him, if he had admitted this now, based on Chi Guyan’s personality…

When he reached this thought, Chi Hou gave Housekeeper Wen a very motivating look, then, slowly turned his head to the side.

When Housekeeper Wen saw Chi Hou’s actions, his heart instantly fell to the bottom of a valley.

He knew…

It was time for him to bear the consequences.

“As the saying goes: Meritocracy is key. My Divine Constabulary that protected the Northern Desert with our army, and defended against the Northern barbarians had never depended on judging people based on the family in which they were born. This mistake that Housekeeper Wen has committed today is no small crime!” Chi Guyan continued.

“I admit my mistake, and hope that Missus can take into account my years of service to remove my housekeeper appointment, then fine me three years of annual salary!” Housekeeper Wen knew that he had to bear the consequences, hence, naturally took the initiative to suggest his punishment.

“Yes, it’s fine as long as you know you are in the wrong. Go and make further arrangements!” At this moment, Chi Hou finally spoke.

To have someone to bear the consequences was naturally a comfortable thing. Chi Hou definitely knew that Chi Guyan was just bringing up a topic, now, they could finally enter the main issue at hand.

“Roger!” When Housekeeper Wen heard this, he instantly felt as if he had been granted great amnesty, and instantly prepared to carry on.

“Wait a moment!” At this moment, Chi Guyan suddenly stood up.

“I’ll go personally!”

Once the words left her mouth, all the officials and scholars in the feast were completely stunned.

The Divine Constabulary’s feast invited the officials from the five capitals of the Northern Desert, and also the scholars from all around. Before the start of the feast, Chi Guyan leveraged on Fang Zhengzhi’s incident to demonstrate the Divine Constabulary’s resolve to value meritocracy.

This move was naturally intended to win the hearts of the people.

Perhaps, from the very beginning, the Divine Constabulary had already laid out this plan, hence, this wasn’t something that caused people to feel too shocked.

But, Chi Guyan personally going over, the meaning behind this was now completely different.

Who was Chi Guyan? She was the Great Xia Dynasty’s true number one talented girl, the Double Dragon Roll Champion that shocked the world, the future number one marshal of the Great Xia Dynasty. Having such a status, yet personally inviting a scholar who had only just passed the capital examination?

No matter how they viewed the situation, it still didn’t seem as simple as bringing up a topic.

A trace of shock also flashed across Chi Hou’s face at this moment.

He was very fond of and loving towards Chi Guyan. Or, it could be said that without Chi Guyan, it was still reasonable to say that he might not even be in such a stable position of power today.

When he heard Chi Guyan’s attempt to win the hearts of the people, he also understood very well Chi Guyan’s intentions, but now…

He didn’t quite understand.

From what he remembered, the Great Xia Dynasty didn’t consist of much people whom Chi Guyan would personally invite. Does it matter if he was King Duan? The imperial prince had waited more than ten days in the Divine Constabulary, yet, Chi Guyan hadn’t even met him once.

If one had to think of someone whom Chi Guyan would invite personally, that might only be Nangong Hao.

But who was Nangong Hao?

The true number one scholar in the Great Xia Dynasty, Heavenly Reflection Peak Stage, occupying the first place in the Hidden Dragon Roll the moment he came out, then, occupying the first place in the Rising Dragon Roll.

If it wasn’t for Chi Guyan, perhaps, he would truly be the brightest star in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Compared to such a great genius like Nangong Hao, what abilities and character did Fang Zhengzhi have? He was just a double roll champion of a capital examination, and only had the ability of Star Conglomerate State, at most, he would be at the Star Conglomerate Peak Stage.

He might be able to be among the top ten of the Hidden Dragon Roll, but, on the Rising Dragon Roll, there were so many Heavenly Reflection States, who would even pay any attention to a youth who hadn’t even reached the Heavenly Reflection State?

The meaning behind Hidden Dragon, meant that one just had some hidden potential.

That was all…

But, does having hidden potential mean that one would definitely become successful and achieve great things?

Nobody would agree with that. Because, from the Star Conglomerate State to the Heavenly Reflection State, there was a huge and heavy door separating them. Who knew how many people, in their entire lifetime, hadn’t been able to take the crucial step out of the Star Conglomerate State into the Heavenly Reflection State.

As Chi Hou and the crowd were filled with shock, Chi Guyan had already walked towards the direction of the last seat.

This scene.

Even caused Yan Xiu’s eyes to reveal a glimmer of shock and confusion.

“You know each other?” Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

“…” Fang Zhengzhi didn’t reply. Because, he simply didn’t know how to reply this question. Answer that he didn’t know? Eight years ago, he had successfully kicked Chi Guyan into the river.

But if he answered that he knew.

Within these eight years, not even mentioning communicating through letters, he had never even met her once.

Do we know each other?

We don’t know…

Don’t know?

Alright, actually, we know each other.

No matter whether they knew each other or not, Fang Zhengzhi felt that he could start running now. Without meeting in eight years, yet you still recognise me? That was really like seeing a ghost.

No matter whether other believed it, Fang Zhengzhi definitely didn’t believe.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi ran.


Just as he left his seat, Chi Guyan had already blocked Fang Zhengzhi’s path.

This caused Fang Zhengzhi to feel somewhat shocked. How is this possible? In front of so many people, how did she recognise himself in one glance? Don’t tell me it is because of Yan Xiu sitting beside him?

“Young Master Fang, how are you these eight years?” Chi Guyan stood quietly in front of Fang Zhengzhi. She was very close, and her eyes were as bright as stars.

Fang Zhengzhi could even feel the faint heat emanated from Chi Guyan’s body. It was very real, but, he didn’t quite like this reality.

“Eight years? What eight years? What is princess saying? I absolutely don’t understand…” Fang Zhengzhi felt that at this moment, if he acknowledged Chi Guyan’s words, he would be so stupid that it would be cute.

Wasn’t that just admitting that eight years ago, he had kicked her into the river?

Ha ha…

Even if he was beaten to death, he still wouldn’t admit it.

“Is that true?” A trace of a smile flashed across Chi Guyan’s eyes.

Then, gently lifting her feet, she took another step towards Fang Zhengzhi. The distance between the two people was already extremely close, but, Chi Guyan still took a step forward.

Fang Zhengzhi felt as if the distance between them was a little too close.

Not only Fang Zhengzhi, even the officials and scholars at the scene also felt that the distance between them was a little too close.

“Then, do you know what’s ‘too cold at the top’?” Chi Guyan’s voice rang out again. It was very soft, as if she had forced her voice into a very thin line.

Furthermore, when she said this, she evidently seemed to be smiling faintly.

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes instantly widened.

He finally knew why Chi Guyan would take another step, because, she had to say this sentence, and this sentence mustn’t be heard by others.

Too cold at the top…

The meaning of this actually wasn’t complicated. It described a person who stood at a high position, yet being unable to handle the cold wind there.

But, Fang Zhengzhi didn’t quite understand what was the reason Chi Guyan said that to him. Or, in other words, what was her intention?


How high was the top?

Before Fang Zhengzhi understood, Chi Guyan spoke again.

“Young Master Fang is powerful and talented, yet, you are neglected by the Divine Constabulary. I don’t feel good about this, hence, hereby apologise to Young Master Fang. Young Master Fang is magnanimous, hence would definitely forgive me for my mistreatment. I wish to invite Young Master Fang to sit together with me!” As Chi Guyan spoke, she bowed gently towards Fang Zhengzhi.

In an instant.

The entire feast grew absolutely silent, not a single other voice rang out.

Everybody stared with their eyes wide open. Nobody would have thought that Chi Guyan would actually invite Fang Zhengzhi to sit together with her.

That was the main seat…

The main seat of the Divine Constabulary!

Who would have thought that a youth who had just passed the capital examination, and hadn’t even donned an official rank, would be able to sit at the main seat of the feast in which the Divine Constabulary organised and gathered the officials and scholars from the five capitals of the Northern Desert.


He was personally invited by Chi Guyan.

Lu Yusheng’s mouth at this moment was opened so wide that a fist could be stuffed into it, and his face flushed with red. He recalled that the previous moment, he was still mocking Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi, invited to sit together with Chi Guyan?!

This was definitely an incident that trembled the five capitals of the Northern Desert, and even the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

Chapter 134: The Desolating Gale Freezes River Yi


At this moment, even Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan, his face filled with shock. He really couldn’t understand why would the pride of the Heavens, Chi Guyan, suddenly make such an invitation towards Fang Zhengzhi?

Sitting together!

Yan Xiu wasn’t one who valued family backgrounds, but, these two people in front of him…

One was the daughter of the Northern Desert Divine Constabulary, the number one talented girl in the Great Xia Dynasty, the Double Dragon Roll Champion, the future assigned number one marshal of the Great Xia Dynasty.

How about the other?

He was just a scholar from a faraway village, who had never even entered a Hall of Dao before.

These two people, no matter how he looked, shouldn’t be able to interact with one another, right?

Furthermore, most importantly…

Not too long ago, Chi Guyan had even sent out a criminal demand order. The accusation and harming power in her words didn’t require further guessing, but now…

Wasn’t the change in attitude too fast?

Just because Fang Zhengzhi attained the River of Trust Capital double roll champion?

No matter how he looked, he didn’t seem quite possible.

“Don’t tell me that between them… there really is a secret that nobody can know about?” For the first time, Yan Xiu seemed to feel that his brain wasn’t useful enough.

The officials of the Northern Desert five capitals also dropped their jaws. How can a person who was only a double roll champion of a capital examination receive such treatment?

That seat…

Other than the master of the Divine Constabulary, only people with statuses such as King Duan or the crown prince would be able to sit there, right?

An ordinary civilian…


Actually, Fang Zhengzhi also really wanted to ask why. Because, once Chi Guyan’s words left her mouth, he felt the deep implications of Chi Guyan’s words.

Looking at Chi Guyan’s clear yet bright eyes.

Too cold at the top?

This top was really high up!

As the saying goes, evil stems from not being content, mistakes stem from greed, from only when one knows how to be content can one be truly happy. The meaning was clear. The root of all evils and mistakes was not knowing contentment.

Chi Guyan’s invitation seemed to be raising him high, and giving him the highest honour and unlimited glory. But, this glory seemed to be approaching dusk.

Do I have the ability now to sit at that main seat?

Definitely not.

Hence, Fang Zhengzhi’s current situation was just as she said. It’s too cold at the top, furthermore, it was a very bone-chilling frost.

Now, he had also suddenly understood why Chi Guyan would send out the criminal demand order. From the very start, Chi Guyan had intended for him to stand at the top.

Without that criminal demand order, naturally, the incident of scholars from the five capitals gathering at the River of Trust Capital wouldn’t had happened, and such a difficult capital examination wouldn’t happen.


He still attained the River of Trust Capital double roll champion.

Such an outcome naturally wasn’t what Chi Guyan wished to see. Hence, at the great feast, Chi Guyan once again placed him at the top.

But this time…

It was really a little too high.

If I sat down there, I believe the scholars of the entire Great Xia Dynasty would be discontented.

The final results would be very obvious. In the entire Northern Desert, or even the entire Great Xia Dynasty, people who wanted to sit at this seat to become successful overnight would challenge Fang Zhengzhi. Then, tell everybody in the world, look, I have defeated Fang Zhengzhi, the person who sat at the main seat at the great feast of the Divine Constabulary…

How domineering, how satisfying.

As for Fang Zhengzhi? He would undoubtedly be a stepping stone that all the scholars under the world would wish to step upon.

After the stepping stone had been stepped on over and over again, so many times that it loses its value, it would likely be the time when it was kicked away.

At that time, whether it was death or disability…

It was really hard to predict.

Fang Zhengzhi understood this point. After a moment of shock, Chi Hou and the officials of the five capitals naturally also understood this point. Hence, after thinking about the criminal demand order that Chi Guyan sent out not too long ago, and then thinking about Chi Guyan specially pointing out Fang Zhengzhi at the great feast a moment ago…

The shock on their faces began to gradually turn into mock and ridicule.

Lu Yusheng hadn’t understood, but, he had seen its effect. Because, he could already see the bright glow that flashed in the eyes of the surrounding scholars.

That was a cold glow which appeared when a wild beast met its prey.

At this moment. Yan Xiu also understood. His lips parted slightly. Just as he prepared to stop Fang Zhengzhi, he saw Fang Zhengzhi shaking his head lightly towards him.

Fang Zhengzhi naturally knew that refusal was an inferior plan.

Not even mentioning that after he rejected, Chi Guyan might even punish him for being “unable to differentiate good from bad”, just this action of rejecting alone might not even be possible.

If he was Chi Guyan.

Then, definitely, she would invite over, and over, and over again…

And when that time came, Chi Guyan would naturally be respected for valuing meritocracy. As for himself? Most likely, he would become a criminal condemned by everybody?

Both ways, he could be killed by everybody.

The difference was, one was being killed at the top, the other was being killed deep down the valley.


Sitting meant death, not sitting also meant death!

“Young Master Fang, please!” Chi Guyan saw that Fang Zhengzhi didn’t move, and bowed lightly once again. That attitude definitely seemed like a supreme commander that thirsted for worthy people.

When the officials at the feast witnessed this, they each began to nod.

“The Double Dragon Roll Champion shocks the work, indeed, that is a well-deserved reputation!”

“Just a double roll champion of a capital examination would receive such treatment, if we could contribute greatly to the Northern battlefield, I really wonder what would we get?”

“A general would have a tiger daughter. Chi Hou’s teachings are indeed impressive!”

Nobody paid further attention as to why Fang Zhengzhi would sit on the main seat. Because, they had seen a true general and commander that respected her people.

Chi Hou at this moment also stood up from his seat and nodded lightly towards Fang Zhengzhi, his face as gentle as the spring breeze.

Fang Zhengzhi knew that at this moment, he had already taken one step into the door of death. At the great feast of the Divine Constabulary, he was just a blade of grass that could be crushed by anybody.

His abilities were too low.

Time, location, and people…

He didn’t possess any of them.

Eight years ago, when he defeated Chi Guyan in his masterplan, by dragging time, he had the advantage of time. He also utilised the advantage of location, which was the path below the stage. Furthermore, he ran away unexpectedly.

Naturally, he could escape even from Heaven.

But now?

Without possessing anything, how could he break out of this dead end?

Fang Zhengzhi looked at Chi Guyan who was only an inch away from him, and felt the faint laughter in her bright and clear eyes. He suddenly felt that, perhaps all along, he had never escaped from the palms Chi Guyan’s hands.

From the moment she sent out the criminal demand order, to the Divine Constabulary inviting scholars who made the first-class roll of the River of Trust Capital examination to the great feast.

All of these were within Chi Guyan’s control.

As for him, one step at a time, he walked into the dead end set by Chi Guyan.

A light gust of wind blew across, lightly blowing up Chi Guyan’s hair. The edges of her dress also billowed in the wind, it was very beautiful and mesmerising, like the most beautiful flower in the wind.

But, this flower contained thorns that flashed with a cold glint.

Fang Zhengzhi suddenly had an urge.

An urge to pluck out all of the thorns from this flower.

One thorn by one thorn, plucking all of them out!

Just like the clothes she wore on her body.

Then, leaving one pretty flower of unparalleled beauty, and her blooming, was all controlled by his thoughts.

One thought, the flower bloomed, another thought, the flower closed.

Since everything led to death, then what was he to be afraid of?

Since it was a dead end, why not die to the end?

The desolating gale freezes River Yi, the doomed hero has made his death wish…

As he thought, Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes suddenly lit up. Then, this light expanded in his eyes at a horrifying speed, just as if he had seen the brightest ray of light in the darkness.

“I know!”

Didn’t Chi Guyan want him to feel the cold at the top?

Then, he would stand even higher, a height so high that even Chi Guyan wouldn’t be able to control.

Fang Zhengzhi felt that he was betting. He betted that Chi Guyan didn’t want him to die yet. Even though he didn’t have a hundred percent confidence about this, he had at least ninety.

After all, with Chi Guyan’s abilities and status.

If she really wanted him to die.

Eight years ago, he would have already been dead. Then, how could he survive till now?

Wanting him to feel the frost at the top, yet, not wanting him to die immediately. This was definitely the attitude of a hunter.

It was said: When a successful hunter catches a fearsome prey for the first time, he wouldn’t immediately kill the prey, and would instead use various methods to incite this prey and analyse its reactions. Because, he needed to understand the habits of such a prey.

Then, catch even more prey of the same kind.

No matter how Chi Guyan thought, one point was for sure.

She didn’t want him to die yet…

Since that was so, then what was he to be scared of?!

After being clear about one thing, everything became clear. Fang Zhengzhi looked at Chi Guyan who was an inch away from him, then looked at her eyes which were bright as stars, and the edges of his mouth gradually curved into a smile.

The smile was very bright, just like the sunny spring after the snow had melted…

Chi Guyan was very close to Fang Zhengzhi, so close that she could feel Fang Zhengzhi’s breathing. Because, she had to ensure that her words were fully passed into Fang Zhengzhi’s ears.


It mustn’t be heard by a third person.

Hence, this was the distance that allowed her to achieve this.

Then, she saw Fang Zhengzhi, who had been carrying a bitter expression the entire time, smile. Furthermore, he smiled very brightly.

She really didn’t quite understand how could this shameless bastard laugh at such a time? Don’t tell me he had already given up struggling?

Just as she thought, she suddenly felt a warmth on her hand.

Then, lowering her head to look…

On her hand, there was another big hand?!

This hand was very big, but, it wasn’t rough, and there weren’t the calluses of war that her father’s hand had. On the opposite, it even felt warm and smooth.

Furthermore, she could even feel that when his big hand held onto her small hand, it even seemed to rubbed her hand on purpose.

That seemed to be stroking…

“Shameless bastard, how dare you!” Chi Guyan swore inwardly, and instinctively wanted to withdraw her hand. But, that big hand was too strong, and tightly gripped onto her tiny hand.

Chi Guyan looked at Fang Zhengzhi, and realised that at this moment, he was gritting his teeth. It seemed that her attempted withdrawal just now caused him to expend quite some energy. But, why is he still laughing?

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