Gate of God

Chapter 153-159

Chapter 153: Battle


Anything that could be called a treasure must possess certain extraordinary abilities. If the treasure failed to benefit you, it could only mean that the treasure was not meant for you.

This was what Fang Zhengzhi muttered to himself.

Yan Xiu did not really understand it initially. He had thought that treasures were only differentiated by their power, why would anyone think of suitability?

In actual fact, he did not really approve of it when Fang Zhengzhi hugged and kissed the Hypnotic Eye. Fang Zhengzhi was also screaming that his Enchanting Incense could be retired.

What was the Enchanting Incense?

It was just a very ordinary tool. Just because a treasure could replace it spoke little of its value.

Yan Xiu felt that the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Treasure Hall was extremely precious and one could only bring out one piece of treasure. He felt that Fang Zhengzhi should have taken a powerful manual to study, or a legendary armor. At the very least, Fang Zhengzhi could have chosen a weapon.



In a duel, only a fool would stare at the item on your hand for a few seconds.


On the battlefield, it would be a bloodbath and no one would be staring at what was in your hand.


A glance was possible.


But it would be miraculous if anyone stared at it for three seconds or more.

However, now, Yan Xiu was doubting his own judgement. The incredibly experienced and powerful Chi Hou lay on the ground.

That was an undeniable fact.


Chi Hou had stared at the Hypnotic Eye for more than three seconds…

Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi, who was keeping the Hypnotic Eye. Perhaps it may be of some use?

What he did not know was that this Hypnotic Eye would be termed as one of the 10 legendary treasures. Fang Zhengzhi’s innovativeness would fully exploit its power. This showed the world how powerful this thing was.

Fang Zhengzhi kept the Hypnotic Eye cautiously. Then, he glanced at Chi Hou and the surrounding servants, who were all in shock.

“The floor is very cold!” Fang Zhengzhi reminded.



“Are you all really going to stand there and watch your master sleep on the ground? I really don’t mind it!” Fang Zhengzhi waved his hand in exasperation.

“Oh gosh!” The servants all screamed. Then, they rushed over to pick Chi Hou up and place him on a chair.

“Master has fallen, call for help!”

“What are you talking about? Master is just asleep. Maybe he’s too tired!” Just as the servants were all screaming, Housekeeper Wen finally showed up.

He looked at the snoring Chi Hou on the chair and then turned to look at the innocent looking Fang Zhengzhi.

He was incredibly shocked and terrified.

Regardless of how Fang Zhengzhi did it, he had knocked Chi Hou down. This fact alone would have his name reverberate throughout the entire empire, even shocking the demons.

It was a pity this would never be made known to the public.

“Young Master Fang, missus told me to invite you over to her place once you exit the Heavenly Treasure Hall. She should be playing her instrument in the pavillion, please follow me!” Housekeeper Wen bowed politely.

“I’m busy, ask her to come look for me if she needs to find me!” Fang Zhengzhi rejected the invite without hesitation


Housekeeper Wen was stunned for a moment. In the entire North, much less the Divine Constabulary, no one dared to order the missus around.

Just as he was about to retort, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xi were already walking away.

Housekeeper Wen felt a chill down his back, Is he really leaving? Just as he was thinking about it, Fang Zhengzhi halted suddenly and turned around.

Housekeeper Wen smiled.

“Did Master Fang have a change of heart?”

“What change of heart?” Fang Zhengzhi looked on in confusion. Then, he pointed at the “secret weapons” scattered all over the floor. “I would like to request that the ladies help clear up the mess on the floor and return the things to my room. Thank you!”

Then, he turned and left, leaving Housekeeper Wen and the servants standing in the wind, staring wide eyed at his silhouette…

Fang Zhengzhi felt that Chi Guyan was unlikely to put her standing aside and come look for him. After all, Chi Guyan’s life story was rather unique.

She was born with a silver spoon, started cultivating at the age of four, solved the Illustration of All Creation at five, entered the Star Conglomerate State at eight, and became the leader in two of the boards at thirteen.

All of these pointed to the fact that she was an incredible talent.

If someone like that was not even a tad arrogant and spoke to the people around her humbly, one would even accuse her of being hypocritical.

But, Chi Guyan came.

Just as Fang Zhengzhi was sunbathing in the courtyard, a figure dressed in pink showed up. Her aura was intimidating, and sent chills down the spines of others.

“I heard that you defeated my Lord Father?” Chi Guyan walked over and sat down opposite Fang Zhengzhi, her posture refined.

Fang Zhengzhi knew that there was a servant who followed Chi Guyan around all the time. Her name was Yue Er. Her absence meant that Chi Guyan had a motive for finding him.

“A small matter that is not worth talking about.” Fang Zhengzhi was not one to pass on a beauty and he leaned in to admire Chi Guyan’s beauty.

However, he quickly readjusted his posture. Afterall, Chi Guyan was so refined and he had to ensure that he wasn’t too shabby.

“I never thought that you would be able to hypnotise the Lord Father with the Hypnotic Eye. I am impressed.”

“You’re praising me?”


“Yes, it is a compliment.”

“I’m sure that your purpose in coming is not just to compliment me?” Fang Zhengzhi picked up a snack with his fingers and gobbled it.


“Of course, I came to tell you that King Duan has already left the Divine Constabulary and is making a mad rush for Yan Capital!” Chi Guyan also picked up a snack, but nibbled on it.

Her actions were incredibly slow, gentle, and refined when compared with those of Fang Zhengzhi’s.

“Who is King Duan?” Fang Zhengzhi asked.

Then, he picked up the plate of snacks and placed it on his side of the table.

“He is the commander of the armies of the empire. Furthermore, he is the commander of the guards of the capital, and is on par in status with the heir to the throne.” Chi Guyan raised her hand and a snack flew right into her open palm.

“What has that got to do with me?” Fang Zhengzhi frowned and shifted the snacks towards him even more.

“If my guess is right, he is returning to the capital in an attempt to become the Chief Examiner for the Imperial Examinations.”


Chi Guyan no longer sucked up the snacks with her palm. Instead, she gently stood up and walked next to Fang Zhengzhi.

She extended her hand and grabbed a snack.

Fang Zhengzhi winced as he saw Chi Guyan place yet another snack in her mouth. He no longer shifted the snacks around. Instead, he lifted up the entire plate and swallowed all the snacks.

“I still don’t think it has anything to do with me.” After licking the plate, Fang Zhengzhi finally heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he offered the empty plate to Chi Guyan.

“Incredibly shameless!”

Chi Guyan chided as she frowned. Her starry eyes glanced over the areas where the snacks were before. Her fingers moved slightly and a few flashes of light later, the areas licked by Fang Zhengzhi were instantly shed.

As for the clean areas, they morphed into flower shaped snacks.

Chapter 154: Eyes on the Capital



Then, Chi Guyan picked up a flower shaped snack. Her luscious pink lips parted and the flower shaped snack disappeared as her tongue deftly nicked it into her mouth.


One had to admit that Chi Guyan’s actions were incredibly beautiful.

“I only came here to tell you this. You’ll have to decide for yourself if it has anything to do with you.” Chi Guyan blinked as she swallowed.

Fang Zhengzhi was slightly angered, What a pitiful snack. Even after all that I’ve done, you still managed to land in Chi Guyan’s palm.

Then, he raged.

He lifted up the entire plate of snacks and poured everything into his mouth as Chi Guyan looked on, wide eyed.

“Oh… then thanks for telling me this!” Fang Zhengzhi chewed as he spoke, his voice barely audible.


“You’re becoming increasingly shameless!” Chi Guyan exclaimed as she gave up the notion of snatching the snacks from his mouth.

“Thanks for the compliment.”


“You think that I’m praising you?”


“Of course.”

“Okay then… since you’re so shameless, do you dare to gamble with me?” Chi Guyan snickered as she challenged Fang Zhengzhi.

It was almost as if a goddess revealed her mischievous side. It was incredibly alluring.

Fang Zhengzhi had never seen this side of Chi Guyan. Maybe the almighty Chi Guyan has a side of her that I don’t know?

Either way, she was in no way related to him.

“I have nothing to fear, but, you must first tell me what the wager is!” Fang Zhengzhi was not dumb. One needed to know everything about the wager before they accepted a wager with Chi Guyan.

“I will get someone to bring over 10 boxes of snacks. If you can finish them all, I lose. Else, you lose. What do you think?” Chi Guyan challenges as she looked at the empty plate.

Fang Zhengzhi’s heart fluttered. 10 boxes of snacks are not difficult to finish. What is Chi Guyan thinking?

“And the odds?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at Chi Guyan.

“I heard from Housekeeper Wen that you have quite a few secret weapons. It must be a hassle carrying the all. I have something that can resolve that problem!” Chi Guyan said as she produced a silver, mirrorlike item.

It was incredibly bright and it was attached to a soft leather strap.

“Heart Protection Mirror?” Fang Zhengzhi knee that even though it looked like a belt, it was widely used as it could protect the heart extremely well.

“Mm, Heart Protection Mirror. But, it is different from an ordinary Heart Protection Mirror. It can store things.” Chi Guyan nodded and placed the Heart Protection Mirror in front of Fang Zhengzhi.

“It can store things? Is this a legendary storage item?” Fang Zhengzhi was taken aback. He never expected Chi Guyan to wager this much.


She was actually willing to bet a piece of treasure.

Storage treasures were incredibly rare. Only the richest people could afford them, yet, Chi Guyan was willing to use it on a wager?

Ten boxes of snacks…

Could she have poisoned them?

“Don’t regret it!” Even though Fang Zhengzhi did not really believe it, he still grabbed the Heart Protection Mirror. He was not going to give Chi Guyan a chance to regret.

“Of course I won’t regret it. However, if you lose, you will have to stay in the Divine Constabulary for a month. During this time, you must serve me every day and listen to my every order…” Chi Guyan rattled on.

“That much huh?”


“Do you dare?”

“You have to let me see the portion sizes first. If you bring 10 water tank sized boxes, I definitely can’t finish it!” Fang Zhengzhi was cautious despite his excitement.

“Ok!” Chi Guyan nodded. Then, she looked in the direction of the entrance, “Yue Er, bring me 10 boxes of snacks.”

“Yes, missus!”

Yue Er’s crisp voice rang out, and it was closely followed by rapid footsteps.

Before long, 10 boxes of snacks were laid out in front of Fang Zhengzhi. Each box was filled with a different kind of snack, but all of them were exquisite.

Fang Zhengzhi examined each of the boxes. The portion sizes were not large.

Ten boxes…

He could definitely finish them!

What was the catch? Chi Guyan would not be so nice as to gift him a treasure.

However, he had to admit that Chi Guyan knew how to hook Fang Zhengzhi. The prize was too attractive.


Fang Zhengzhi wanted to pick up the Heart Protection Mirror and kiss it.

“Okay, it’s a deal!” Fang Zhengzhi felt that there was no way Chi Guyan could have poisoned the snacks. This Heart Protection Mirror was his.

“Then eat up!” Chi Guyan pointed at the snacks.

Chi Guyan walked out of the courtyard, leaving the Heart Protection Mirror behind.


She was incredibly frustrated. It wasn’t because Fang Zhengzhi cheated. In fact, Fang Zhengzhi finished all 10 boxes in her presence.

But, why is he fine?

That’s impossible, I definitely put a laxative inside!

Fang Zhengzhi was lazing around in the courtyard. This wager was way too easy. Did she really think she could get me with laxatives?

Does she underestimate me that much?

Fang Zhengzhi did finish the 10 boxes of snacks in Chi Guyan’s presence. However, he didn’t eat them. Those 10 boxes were sitting prettily inside the Heart Protection Mirror.

The technique was not difficult.

“Aish… she lost such a great piece of treasure so easily?” Fang Zhengzhi did not expect that anyone except for himself would do something like that.

Losing a Heart Protection Mirror just to tempt someone into taking laxatives?!

Even the rich should not be this willful…


“Missus, you already planned to gift him the Mirror, why did you put laxatives inside then?” Yue Er followed behind Chi Guyan, still confused by what just happened.

“That would be too easy! He must make some sacrifices to get it. He refused to come when I invited him, defeated my Lord Father, and even snatched snacks from me! I must punish him!” Chi Guyan’s lips twitched, Maybe the medicine hasn’t taken effect.

“I see!”

“Has Lu Yusheng left the Golden Scale City?” Chi Guyan’s mind was off the laxative. She looked at the sky, deep in thought.

“After King Duan left, Lu Yusheng also said his goodbyes. He seemed to leave in a hurry. By now, he should be a few miles outside the city.” Yue Er nodded.

“Is General Li out?”

“How does Missus know?”

“My Father Lord… takes too much care of King Duan. However, the incident with Lu Yusheng is insufficient to affect the relationship between the Divine Constabulary and the Battle Constabulary. I have a letter with me, have it sent to the Battle Constabulary in the quickest possible time!” Chi Guyan sighed lightly and retrieved a letter.

“Yes missus!” Yue Er received it promptly.

“Get everything prepared, I want to go out.”


“Where does missus want to go?”

“Yan Capital.”

“Missus wants to go to the capital?! Then… why don’t you travel with young master Fang?”

Chi Guyan did not reply. Instead, she raised her head and stared at the darkening skies. Her lips parted slightly and she murmured to herself.

“For this edition of the Imperial Exams, the Stabilisation Constabulary’s “Xing Qing Sui” would probably participate. The one from the Su Clan… will also participate… the one from the Southern Palace… I’m afraid it’ll be difficult for King Duan to be the Chief Examiner of this edition.”

The next day, Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu went to say goodbye to Chi Hou. They then set off for the capital.

However, Chi Guyan and Yue Er did not appear. Fang Zhengzhi did not probe and Chi Hou did not say anymore than ‘Take care.’

Fang Zhengzhi suggested borrowing two of the Snow Treading Dragon Stallions…

Chi Hou immediately flared up.


His demeanor as the Iron Blood Army Marquis immediately showed.

“I won’t lend them to you!”

“You’re indeed the foundation of the Five Northern Constabularies. I am sorry for thinking that you were petty. Since you think that giving them to us is more appropriate, Yan Xiu and I thank you sincerely!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled and replied.


“Thank you sir!” Yan Xiu bowed in sync.


With the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion, they were elevated to the Divine Constabulary’s Red Pinion Squad status. No one dared to stop them en route to the Golden Scale City.

Ever since he saw these beasts when he was six, he had been dreaming of them for many years. Now that he had one, he galloped excitedly out of the city.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you!” Fang Zhengzhi finally remembered the conversation he had with Chi Guyan.

Even though Chi Guyan did not say anything explicitly, Fang Zhengzhi felt that there was something amiss and he wanted to clarify it with Yan Xiu.

“What is it?”

“Yesterday, Chi Guyan came over to tell me that King Duan had left the city on a mad rush to the capital. She said that he is looking to be the Chief Examiner of the examination, what do you think?”

“King Duan came to the Northern Divine Constabulary? Rushed back to the cap… to be the Chief Examiner of the imperial examination!” Yan Xiu murmured to himself. Then, his expression changed, “If King Duan is the Chief Examiner of this edition of the Imperial Examination, there may be trouble!”

“Why so?” Fang Zhengzhi did not understand.

“Even though I can’t figure out why King Duan did not show himself in the Divine Constabulary, Chi Guyan’s must have a reason for her actions. Furthermore, King Duan admires Chi Guyan. He frequently deals with the military affairs but never in political affairs. As such, his wanting to be the Chief Examiner of the examination must have something to do with you!”

“You’re saying that King Duan will try to make me fail?”

“I don’t think it’s that simple. If King Duan really is the Chief Examiner of this edition of the Imperial Examination, I think… you should withdraw!”

“Withdraw?” Fang Zhengzhi understood Yan Xiu’s intentions. If King Duan wanted to stop him from passing, then failure was the only outcome for him.


His life may even be in danger.

Chapter 155: Out of one’s element


Fang Zhengzhi did think of giving up. However, upon thinking about Qin Xuelian’s and the villagers’ looks of anticipation when he left, he could not bring himself to return without some achievement.

Furthermore, would he be able to escape even if he withdrew?

Since we only live once, Fang Zhengzhi decided not to give up. That being said, he had no intention of butting his head against a brick wall.

“Why do you think King Duan wants me to fail?” Fang Zhengzhi did not really understand. He had no feud with King Duan. He had not even met King Duan.


“I think it has something to do with Chi Guyan.” Yan Xiu answered.

“Jealousy?” Fang Zhengzhi felt that this was quite the farfetched reason.

“Possibly, but more importantly, it should have something to do with the Divine Message. You must have heard about it!”

“Mm, the the Double Dragon Roll Champion would shock the world, and bring peace to the world? However, isn’t this referring to Chi Guyan?” Fang Zhengzhi was confused.

“Yes, King Duan thinks it’s Chi Guyan, and so does the Crown Prince. Even the Sages have said that it is Chi Guyan, but what if you defear her?”


“Defeat Chi Guyan? Haha… I doubt that it’s possible?” Even though Fang Zhengzhi had said he would at the banquet, it was just a ploy to gain some support. He did not actually think that he could defeat Chi Guyan.

“Yes, everybody thinks that it is impossible. However, you’re in the Heavenly Reflection State now. Other than Chi Guyan, you’re only the second person to attain this state before 15 years old! What would the others think?” Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi.

Even though Yan Xiu was not particularly interested in politics, his background gave him a good understanding of it.

“…” Fang Zhengzhi seemed to understand, “You think that I shouldn’t have broken through?”

“You should have only broken through after the Imperial Examination. Once you pass it, you would have the right to enter politics. When you’re finally appointed as an official, more eyes would be on you.” Yan Xiu explained.

“So, what you’re saying is, they don’t want me to become an official?” Fang Zhengzhi understood what Yan Xiu was getting at. If he was just a peasant, his death would not cause that much of a commotion. However, if he was an official, there would be investigations into his death.

In the ancient world he knew, the murder of an official could escalate all the way to the palace.

“Yes, I think that King Duan doesn’t want you to become an official!” Yan Xiu nodded.

“I understand now. So what you’re saying is, if I want to live, I need to pass the Imperial Exam and become and official? And this will make them hesitate?”



“I’ve really stirred up a hornet’s nest!” Fang Zhengzhi finally realized the gravity of his actions and words.

If he had just waited to fail in the challenge two years down the road, he may not be in this much trouble. However, his breakthrough into the Heavenly Reflection Realm meant that he was now in the eye of the storm.

No matter how much he tried to avoid it, trouble will come looking for him. Since that’s the case, he had no other choice. He had to fight to the end!

“You just said that King Duan deals with the military affairs, so, who deals with the politics?” Fang Zhengzhi had to know his opponent if he was to fight to the end.

“Other than the sages, the Crown Prince is the main leader.” Yan Xiu answered.

“The Crown Prince? King Duan…” Fang Zhengzhi had seen cases of power struggles before, but he never expected to be in the middle of one.

Sadly, this was not a repeat of the history he knew. If he knew who would come up on top, he would just pledge allegiance to that camp.

But now, he had no idea…

How was he going to play this game?

Since he did not know, his best shot was to remain neutral.

Fang Zhengzhi had some ideas on how he was going to achieve this. A power struggle was always incredibly vicious. If he took sides too early, he would not be able to extract himself from the furball.

Remaining neutral was the best strategy he could adopt.

“If the Crown Prince is the Chief Examiner of the examination, would it be better for me?” Fang Zhengzhi asked after some thought.

“At least it’ll be better than King Duan.” Yan Xiu answered.

“Then, what can I do to make the Crown Prince challenge the hosting rights for the exam?” Fang Zhengzhi did not really understand the inner workings of the palace.

“If the Crown Prince heard about your breakthrough, then I think the Crown Prince will be able to guess why King Duan wants to be the Chief Examiner of the examination. He should try to interfere. However, King Duan left the Golden Scale City a day earlier. Based on his speed, we can never catch up to him. Even if we do catch up, it would be impossible for us to get news to the Crown Prince fast enough.” Yan Xiu said listlessly.

“If our aim is just for the Crown Prince to know I’ve broken through to the Heavenly Reflection Realm, then it’s not difficult at all!” Fang Zhengzhi thought of someone immediately.

“You have an idea?”



“What idea?”

“Advertisement, announcements, everywhere! As long as I can find this person, I believe that she would be able to spread the news to all corners of the kingdom in the quickest possible time!”


“You want the entire kingdom to know about your breakthrough?”

“Yes, since they will find out sooner or later, we should announce it and use it to our advantage.”

“What do you mean?”

“We already know King Duan’s intentions. I’m not sure about the Crown Prince and one other person!”

“Who’s intentions?”

“The Sage’s!”

“The Sage’s intentions?!”

Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu quickly arrived at a small city near the Golden Scale City. Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu quickly arrived at a town nearby the Golden Scale City. Because they were riding the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion, the guards at the gate were incredibly respectful.

The moment they entered the city, they saw Su Jiu, dressed like a boy servant, waiting for them.

“Greetings, young master Fang!” Su Jiu smiled radiantly upon seeing Fang Zhengzhi.


“Su Jiu? Aren’t you at the River of Trust Province? Why are you here?” Fang Zhengzhi was just about to go look up Wu Yuer. Meeting Su Jiu at the gates was too suspicious.

“We know that you have attained the Heavenly Reflection State, as such, I was sent here to congratulate you.” Su Jiu replied promptly, already expecting Fang Zhengzhi to ask that question.


“You’ve been here the whole time?” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly emotional.

He had just attained the Heavenly Reflection State the day before. Furthermore, he was in the Divine Constabulary when it happened. Yet, Wu Yuer was still able to know that he had broken through and even arranged for Su Jiu to wait at the gates.

That could only mean one of two things. First, she had arranged for Su Jiu to wait nearby the Golden Scale City. Second, her sources extended to the Divine Constabulary.

“Before yesterday, I was at the Golden Scale City. Once master knew that you attained the Heavenly Reflection State, she had me leave the Golden Scale City and wait for you here. I just arrived.” Su Jiu shook his head.

“I see, I have something to tell Wu Yuer, is she here?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded.

“She is already rushing to the capital. If you have anything to say, you can just tell me!” Su Jiu replied respectfully.

“Wu Yuer is going to the capital?” Fang Zhengzhi nodded. He did not know why Wu Yuer was going to the capital, but he did not question further, “I want you to tell everyone that I have attained the Heavenly Reflection State!”

“Master, how far do you want the news to go?”


“The capital!”


“That will take at least three days!”

“Mm, three days is not a problem, but I have a request.”

“Please go ahead.”


“I want this news to reach the ears of as many people as possible.”

“I understand, please rest assured.” Su Jiu pounded his chest in assurance.

“What about the silver that Wu Yuer gave me to congratulate me?”


“Isn’t master going to give it to me?” Su Jiu looked on in anticipation.


“What do you think?”

“Haha… I’m just kidding. Master has prepared a thousand ounces of silver, please accept it!” Su Jiu smiled.

“A thousand ounces? I will reward you with a hundred ounces then!” Fang Zhengzhi rudely took the silver from Su Jiu and kept it in the Heart Protection Mirror.

Then, he retrieved a cheque for a hundred ounces of silver and threw it out.

“Thank you for the reward!”

At dusk two months later, the sun was slowly setting. It cast a golden crimson light on the high wall of the capital.

The capital looked like a ferocious beast crouching on the ground, its aura intimidating.

Even though it was close to night time, the roads leading to the capital were still packed with people. As the capital of the empire, it was incredibly prosperous.

The rivers inside flowed quickly and crisply.


The guards patrolled the walls, each one with a spear in one hand and dressed in bright armor. They were all incredibly solemn.

This was the core of the empire.

It was magnificent and sacred.

However, no matter how magnificent and sacred the place, there will still be people who don’t belong. For example, there was a youth dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt entering the city, his sleeves fluttering in the breeze.


This would have been decent.


The youth’s expression was lazy. He was slouched on his stallion. If not for the fact that he was riding the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion, most people would suspect that he would fall off his ride.

Next to the blue sleeved youth was an impeccably dressed youth. He was much more solemn, in fact, a little too solemn.

He was so solemn he looked a little icy.

No one would have expected these two men to be a team. But the fact was that they were riding together at the same speed.

Chapter 156: Trials and Tribulations in the Capital


Fang Zhengzhi did not rush to the capitol. If he had galloped the entire way, the Snow Treading Dragon Stallions would have only required a month to get here.

But, he was not in a hurry.

For one, he wanted to prepare well for the Imperial examination. Secondly, he wanted to see what everyone was saying about him breaking through to the Heavenly Reflection State.

Fang Zhengzhi had travelled to the capitol from the Northern Desert. Along the way, in the various teahouses in the cities and towns, he had heard the storytellers weave a tale about his breakthrough although each edition was slightly different. The kids playing on the streets had also composed poems and songs about his breakthrough.

The gist of it was that Fang Zhengzhi came from a poor mountain village, but managed to top both the County and Capital Examinations. He even managed to attain the Heavenly Reflection State at 15.

All in all, Fang Zhengzhi’s reputation was much better than it was when he had participated in the River of Trust Province Examination. He was now a role model for kids everywhere.

He was particularly popular amongst the younger generations.

Kids in the streets frequently wore blue long sleeved shirts and held wooden swords as they announced Fang Zhengzhi’s arrival.

The first time Fang Zhengzhi heard it, he was shocked. Those kids were incredibly haggard, but yet, they got the job done.

He had to admire Su Jiu’s methods.


And kid’s songs. These were really the fastest ways for news to travel.

He made many stops along the way, reading up and enjoying the scenery. Every time he saw a place he liked, he would stop for a rest to read his books and taste the tea.

Fang Zhengzhi wasn’t particularly lazy.

However, he had a feeling that he should enjoy this lifestyle while it lasted. Once he reached the capitol, he probably had to fight for his life.

Even so, the Snow Treading Dragon Stallions got him to the capitol in two months, faster than Fang Zhengzhi had expected.

“We’re finally here…” He raised his head and stared at the words “Yan Capital”. Fang Zhengzhi shifted into a more comfortable position and nodded as he approached the gates.

“I think that most of the hostels here are full, why don’t you stay with me?” Yan Xiu was keenly aware of the crowd during the Imperial Examination period.

This was something that happened every other year. Not only were people rushing here for the exam, there were people coming as spectators, and there were officials who came to relive their experiences from back in the day.

“Stay with you? I expect quite a bit of trouble whilst we are here, can you handle it?” Fang Zhengzhi knew that Yan Xiu was just using a cover reason to mask his worry for Fang Zhengzhi.

“I’ll try.” Yan Xiu replied calmly.

“Okay, let’s do it then.” Fang Zhengzhi did not reject the offer. They were friends, and pleasantries were unnecessary.

The two of them passed through the city gates. Upon seeing the Snow Treading Dragon Stallions, the guards at the gate were stunned for a moment, their eyes glimmering.

The Snow Treading Dragon Stallions were the mark of the Northern Desert Divine Constabulary.

News that Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu were riding the Snow Treading Dragon Stallions had spread very quickly. Seeing the two men outfit riding towards the gate, two names flashed in the minds of the guards.


“Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu are in the capitol!”

The moment they came to that realization, one of the guards rushed towards the city centre hurriedly, probably to deliver a message.

Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu looked on calmly. They had seen this happen too many times along the way and thought nothing of it

“Let’s go!”


The Fragrance Restaurant is the oldest teahouse in the capitol. It is said that it was founded centuries ago, and has always been a melting pot of ideas and conversations.


Then, the people would write poems on the walls. There were love poems, poems describing scenery, but most spoke of revenge and armies.

The ancient writings on the walls of the teahouse attracted many tourists.

With business flourishing, the teahouse managed to blossom. Even the teacups had a natural tea aroma as a result of the number of cups of tea they had held.


There was also an exquisitely designed space inside the teahouse.

There were many rich people in Yan Capital, however, there were no more than 20 people in the entire city who could make the owner open up the space for them.

Now, there were three people in the room.

Two females and one male.

It quickly became one male and one female. After the waitress made and served the tea, she respectfully took her leave.

The faint aroma of the tea wafted into the air. The scent was incredibly refined and soothing.

“Ninth brother, I am unwell!” The lady exclaimed in a coquettish voice. Her voice was crisp and did not really fit with the environment.

Her makeup was also incredibly unique. Her hair was bound by a red hairband. She wore a purplish red cloak and rose gold high heels. Her eyes were as clear as water.

She exuded an aura of class.

If not for her dainty, small mouth, and her shaking slender legs, the aura might be a lot stronger.


The youth sitting opposite her was much more refined and well mannered. He wore white and had a flower pinned on his top. His face was white, but a little too pale, making him seem slightly weak.

The youth sighed as he stared at the girl.

“Where are you feeling unwell?”

“My heart!”

“If it’s your heart, then I can’t do anything about it. After all, heart problems can only be cured by heart medicine!” The youth replied calmly. He was all too used to the girl’s antics.


“But you have the medicine?” The girl pressed.

“Aish… I can give you whatever you want, but I can’t give you the Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion!” The youth quickly saw through the ruse of the girl.

“I see… how about we have a wager?” The girl took her legs off the table, her eyes filled with anticipation.


“No one here would be willing to wager with you.” The youth shook his head.

“But you’re different from them. You pamper me so much. Ever since I was a little kid, you have been extremely good to me. You’re almost like my brother…”

“Okay okay, tell me how the wager will go.” The youth interrupted in exasperation.

“Do you know Fang Zhengzhi?” Once the youth agreed, the girl’s eyes brightened and she rushed to his side, her eyes blinking.

“Mm, the entire empire is buzzing over the news that he has attained the Heavenly Reflection State, how can I not know him?” The youth unconsciously leaned backwards. Then, he picked up the glass in front of him, sniffed it lightly, then took a sip.

“Tell me what is your opinion of him.”

“I don’t have much of an opinion. However, he must be quite smart for Chi Guyan to openly declare a possibility of marriage in front of the Five Constabularies. From an ability point of view, he topped both the examinations he has participated in. He also achieved Heavenly Reflection at 15. These points alone make him quite extraordinary.” The youth took another sip.

“Can you not talk about the engagement between her and sister Yan?” The girl pouted.

“Okay, I won’t talk about it.” The youth said in exasperation.

“Mm, you’re the best to me! Since you think that Fang Zhengzhi is quite extraordinary, let’s use him as the center of our wager?” The girl beamed.

“Use Fang Zhengzhi? How?” The youth asked.

“I think that once he has met me, he will willingly help me feed and take care of my ride. He will be my servant!” The girl blinked confidently.

“Servant? I don’t think so. I heard that he had challenged becoming an in law of the Divine Constabulary. Even though he comes from a poor family, I think that he is quite the principled man. He will not be easily tempted by riches.

“Since you don’t believe it’s possible, do you accept the wager?”


“Sure, but if you lose, I don’t ask for anything in return. Just stop having ideas about my Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion, okay?” The youth nodded after a moment of silence.

“Sure!” The girl leapt in joy, “You better keep to your word. I have news that Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu arrived in the city some time ago, I will go find him now, hahaha…”

Just as she was about to leave the elegant space, she turned back to look at the youth.

“Actually, I am killing two birds with one stone here, aren’t I smart?” Then, she turned to leave before the youth could respond.

The youth looked at the disappearing silhouette of the lady and looked on pamperedly. However, he quickly shook his head and turned to watch the darkening sky, his expression increasingly worried.

“There’s always something to worry about!”

Chapter 157: Well Done


This was the first time Fang Zhengzhi was in the capitol. As such, he was quite curious and decided to go take a stroll, trying out the local delicacies along the way.

He did not call Yan Xiu along. He knew that Yan Xiu had already visited these places before and preferred the serenity of home.

He casually strolled out the front door, humming a tune as he walked.

The capitol was bustling with activity. There was something that captured his attention every few steps. There were baskers, delicacies, poets, painters…

Fang Zhengzhi loved to look at the scenery too.

After all, good things are meant to be shared. Good scenery makes one incredibly happy. Looking at it every now and then made life a lot easier.

“I searched for her in chaos a million times, yet, when I turned around, she was standing there in the dim light!”

Many a times, people thought of ‘her’ as various types of items, beauties, flowers, top grade tea, etc…

For Fang Zhengzhi, ‘she’ was money and treasure. Even though he was not greedy, who would ever complain about earning more money?

Right now…

Fang Zhengzhi felt like he had found ‘her’.

In front of him was a young lady. She was smiling rather proudly, her purplish red cloak making her stand out amongst the crowd.

She was like an elf in fire.

Her clear blue eyes stared at Fang Zhengzhi.

Of course, this was not the point. An ingot appeared in Fang Zhengzhi’s palm. It was about the size of his fist and represented at least a hundred ounces.

Fang Zhengzhi felt like he was incredibly lucky. He was being paid to walk around. He wasn’t even given a chance to refuse!

What is this girl trying to do? Fang Zhengzhi was slightly suspicious.

“Bring my horse back to the stable and feed it, do you understand?” The young girl threw the reins to Fang Zhengzhi, then walked to the residence at the side.

Fang Zhengzhi was stunned. Is this girl treating me as her servant?

Do I look like a servant?

Fang Zhengzhi did not think of himself as a servant. However, if he listened to this girl and took the horse to the stable, he would be able to earn a hundred ounces of gold easily.

All he had to do was go to the residence and say he was the subordinate of the girl and it would all be done.

A hundred ounces of gold just to bring a horse to a stable. What a steal!


The question remained, should he set aside his ego for a hundred ounces of gold?

There was no way he was going to return the hundred ounces of gold. He would rather lose his life than give those gold back.

Fang Zhengzhi’s gaze fell on the reins in his hand.

Then, he looked at the jade white top grade horse. Even though he didn’t know what breed it was, it looked incredibly powerful, possibly even better than the Snow Treading Dragon Stallion.

This girl…

Seems to be quite rich?!

Fang Zhengzhi virtually confirmed that the girl must be from a wealthy family. She was just quite the spoilt child.

“Okay then, since you’ve been so pampered, I shan’t give you any chances!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled and tightened his grip. Then, with his other hand, he stroked the Snow White neck of the horse in front of him.

The girl happened to turn around. Seeing this scene, her eyes glimmered and her smile widened.


“What a classic villager, easily tempted by money. I bet you didn’t know that that’s the quality I’m targeting, humph!” The young girl scoffed as she walked back to the residence.

One must act out the scene to perfection!

In the residence, a youth was staring wide eyed out the window of his room, his expression pained. He could not believe what he was seeing

“That’s… quite a despicable method?” The youth felt that the girl’s methods made it hard for him to believe this was a fair bet.

But he had no other choice. After all, the terms were that Fang Zhengzhi would help her feed and lead her horse. Everything else was fair game.

Even though her methods were questionable, no one could argue with the results.

The youth suddenly remembered the last thing the girl had said to him, “Don’t you think it’s very smart of me to kill two birds with one stone?”

Two birds with one stone…

I guess she did it. She got my Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion and her revenge.

This seemed like the perfect plan. A coincidental meet outside a hotel, a huge sum paid for a menial task.

There was no risk, yet the rewards were enormous.


Any normal person would not be able to resist the temptation.

Fang Zhengzhi was no different, in fact, he had no intention to resist it.

The girl had gotten him there.

However, even the most perfect plan is bound to have flaws. The girl predicted that Fang Zhengzhi would keep the gold, and he did.


She had underestimated Fang Zhengzhi, or maybe, overestimated him.

Fang Zhengzhi quickly placed the gold in his Heart Protection Mirror. Then, he smiled as he saw the girl enter the hotel.


She did not turn back.


Fang Zhengzhi did not turn back either. But, he did not head towards the hotel. Instead, he headed in a completely opposite direction, riding the girl’s snow white stallion.

“Since you’re so rich, I will satisfy your willfulness!” Fang Zhengzhi hummed as he rode the stallion, kicking up clouds of dust along the way.

The youth saw it all from the window of his room.

His eyes widened considerably and his jaw dropped. He looked on in disbelief. As the brother of the girl, he felt like he should stop this.

But he did not…

In fact, he wanted to jump up and shout, “Well done!”

After some time in the hotel, the girl finally came out. The time was about right, Fang Zhengzhi probably left after feeding the horses.


He was indeed a hillbilly. How could someone like that be a match for sister Yan.

The girl smiled as she waved the reins in the air.

“Piak!” A crisp whip echoed through. Her smile became increasingly radiant. She thought she saw a black stallion with a bolt of purple lightning on its head appear in front of her.

“Purple Lightning, White Snow, what a match made in heaven!”

Her crisp voice rung out. Her golden braids bounced in the wind as she skipped her way to the stables.

She would never let her beloved stallion stay in such a run down stable.

“I’m sorry White Snow, once we’re back, I will feed you your favorite golden grass! I will also find you a good man, hahaha…”


The girl was incredibly excited as she bounded to the stable, her smile incredibly wide.


However, her smile quickly froze. There were only three horses in the stable, and none of them were her White Snow.

“Where is my White Snow?!”

The girl looked on in confusion. She looked around at the enclosures, “Why is my White Snow gone? Who stole my White Snow!”


Just as she fumed, her gaze fell on the caregiver at the corner of the stable.

She bounded lightly and arrived like a flame in front of the stableman. Her purplish red cloak flapped in the wind, revealing her intricately designed armor.


“Tell me, where did my White Snow go?”

“White Snow? What White Snow?!” The stableman was just feeding some of the other horses and was shocked by the question.

“Snow Jade, my Snow Jade!”

“Snow Jade?!” The stableman looked on in fear. He was keenly aware of what the Snow Jade was. There were less than five people in the entire city who were qualified to own such a fine stallion.

Coupled with her dressing, there could only be one person!

My god…

The stableman’s legs turned to jelly.

“No, I swear to god, I did not see any Snow Jade. I did not even blink from when I came in the morning. I swear I did not see it!”

The stableman fell to his knees. Tears streamed from his eyes. He was keenly aware that his head could roll with a single command from the girl.

“No? Did a hillbilly not bring my Snow Jade here to feed it?” The girl asked in disbelief.

“Just now?! No, I swear on my life!”

“If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you now!”

“I would not dare, I really would not dare! Even if I was the most courageous man on earth, I would not dare to lie to you!” The stableman raised his head and pleaded.

“Let him go, he is telling the truth. Snow Jade was ridden away by Fang Zhengzhi.” The youth finally appeared, slightly exasperated.

“What?! That b*stard took my gold… and my Snow Jade Stallion?!” The girl could not wrap her mind around that fact. Her crystal blue eyes were filled with disbelief.

In that instant, she remembered the snicker at the edge of Fang Zhengzhi’s lips. She had thought that he was smiling at the thought of easy money.

But now…

She knew that it was a smile of mockery, pure and unadulterated mockery!

Chapter 158: Scapegoat


Ever since she was a little kid, she had never been mocked this way. She could not accept it and swore revenge for the humiliation.

“I want to kill him!” She raged. This was the first time she was driven to such fury.

The youth looked at the girl and shook his head. He did not want to destroy her hopes, but he felt that he had to remind her of a bloody truth.

“But you can’t beat him, he’s already in the Heavenly Reflection State!”

“…” Her lips parted gently. This was the first time she had felt so helpless. “Yes, Fang Zhengzhi is in the Heavenly Reflection State. How did someone like him manage to breakthrough?!”

“Shameless, disgrace. I will bite him to death if I have to!” The young girl clenched her fist tightly. Even if she could not take him on, she had other methods. For example, she could scratch, claw, bite… anything that could inflict pain on Fang Zhengzhi.

“Bite?” The youth looked at the dainty lips of the girl and sighed, “I don’t think you can bite him either!”

“Ninth brother, why… why are you helping an outsider!” The young girl’s eyes turned misty, tears threatening to fall at any moment.

The youth could not stand seeing her cry. He may have been a little too harsh after all.

“Okay, don’t cry, let me make it up to you.”

“If you want to make it up to me, give me your Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion!”

“Then forget it.”

“How about you lend it to me for a month?”



“Half a month? Seven days… three days, one day!!!”

“I won’t even lend it to you for two hours. Everyone knows your style. Once I lend it to you, I can forget about having it back.” The youth smiled and left.

The girl was left hopping, “Fang Zhengzhi, you caused me my Purple Lightning Dragon Stallion. I will definitely take revenge for this! Hang on… my White Snow!”

White Snow was still being ridden by Fang Zhengzhi. Even though it was slightly disobedient at the start, a few whips quickly solved that problem.

White Snow cried as it was being ridden by Fang Zhengzhi.

As the premier breed of horses, White Snow came from a superior bloodline and could sense the changes in the environment. As such, it had a special name, Traceless Snow Treader. It could maneuver through thick snow without leaving any tracks behind.

Everyone who had own it before treasured it immensely. Who would dare humiliate it this way.

The more humiliating thing was that this b*stard riding it was prepared to sell it away…

“Hi, brother, do you know where the horse market is?” Fang Zhengzhi asked a youth who looked like a peddler.

The youth was completely taken aback as he looked at the Snow Jade Fang Zhengzhi was riding. This was the premier breed of horses!

“East… there’s a horse market in the East!” The youth did not know Fang Zhengzhi’s identity, but anyone who could ride a Snow Jade was not antangonizable.

“Thank you!” Fang Zhengzhi threw out a bunch of coins as a reward.

The youth was incredibly excited and grabbed the coins out of the air with both hands. Seeing that it was just a bunch of tattered copper… he was incredibly disappointed. Could he be any less stingy?

The horse market in the east was bustling with activity. There were many sellers who flocked to this place. After all, this was where all the money was.

When Fang Zhengzhi arrived, there was a huge uproar.

“Wow, it’s a Snow Jade!”

“It really is a Snow Jade, there’s actually someone willing to sell a Snow Jade?!”

When people found out that Fang Zhengzhi was thinking of selling the Snow Jade, all of the sellers were incredibly excited. This was something royalty loved.

“Ten thousand ounces!”

“Are you trying to take advantage of him? Young man, I’ll give you 15 thousand!”

“Get away, I will give you 30 thousand, and we can deal right now!”


“50 thousand, I’ll give you 50 thousand!”

Before long, Fang Zhengzhi got rid of the Snow Jade. He sold it for 68,888 ounces, an incredibly prosperous amount.

The one who walked away with Snow Jade was a young male with small eyes. Yet, he was impeccably dressed and clearly from a rich family.

He gently stroked the Snow Jade and looked at the quickly disappearing silhouette of Fang Zhengzhi. He mocked, “This fella sold a Snow Jade for less than 70,000 ounces? How dumb! This time, I will show the Wangs what a true horse is! I now have a Snow Jade! He can no longer be as cocky when talking to me!”

Fang Zhengzhi knew that he did not get a fair price, but he did not mind. Money was king here.

For doing absolutely nothing, he had managed to get over 60,000 ounces of silver and a hundred ounces of gold. He was incredibly happy and wanted to trat Yan Xiu to a meal.


He hummed a song as he walked back to his hotel…


A soldier stood next to the young girl.

The soldier was petrified. He knew all too well that the young girl in front of him was consumed by rage and ice.


“You’re saying that Fang Zhengzhi sold my Snow Jade?!” The young girl never expected that Fang Zhengzhi would let go of it so soon.

“Yes!” The soldier trembled.


“How much silver did he sell it for?”

“I think he sold it for 60,000+ ounces…”

“He sold my Snow Jade for only 60,000 ounces of silver? That’s preposterous!” The girl clenched her fist tightly, “Do you know who he sold it to?”

“The second son of Han Zhengfeng, Han Tianzhen!”


“Han Tianzhen? He is just the son of the Imperial Academy’s Chief Imperial Messenger. How naive…. how dare he buy my Snow Jade! Come, let’s go to the Han Residence to get my horse back! Oh, no… let’s go catch the thief!”




The Han residence was destined for bad luck this day. However, Han Tianzhen had not realized it just yet. He was extremely happy and was grooming his recently bought Snow Jade personally.


“Build a special stable for my Snow Jade, she cannot live with these ordinary stock!”

“Yes master!”

“Hahaha…” Han Tianzhen smiled radiantly. He felt that he would finally be able to hold his head up high in the city. He will show those who doubted him what he was made of.


However, Han Tianzhen’s smile quickly froze.



A large group of armored soldiers barged through. He was quite surprised. There were few people in the city who would dare to barge into the residence of the Imperial Academy’s Chief Imperial Messenger.


That was until he saw a young girl holding the reins to a horse.


She looked like an elf. She had crystal clear eyes, but those who knew her were keenly aware that her eyes merely masked her devilish heart.

And her Snow Jade had been taken away from her.

Han Tianzhen did not deny that fact. However, he did not understand why he was still beaten 50 times despite the fact that he did not resist. Why was he being labelled a horse thief?


He had bought that horse…

He had bought it using real silver.

“This is a set up!” Han Tianzhen grabbed his butt as he was being dragged out of the Han Residence, his small eyes filled with pain as he stared into the sky.

The young girl was also quite heartbroken. She had saw whip marks on the butt of her White Snow. White Snow had clearly been whipped.


“Fang Zhengzhi, I will fight it out with you!”

For someone who loved her horse almost as much as her life, whipping her horse was extremely infuriating. This was compounded by the fact that he had humiliated her before humiliating her horse.

She was now filled with an uncontainable rage.

Fang Zhengzhi was not aware of the storm that he had kicked up in the city. He was now sitting comfortably in the best restaurant in town.

“Bring me all of your best dishes!” Fang Zhengzhi smiled at the waiter.

Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi with confusion. He knew that Fang Zhengzhi was not a particularly generous person. When it came to food, he would never be this willing to spend.

“What’s the happy occasion?”


“Nope, nothing at all. I just made a small fortune.” Fang Zhengzhi knew that Yan Xiu was incredibly rich. As such, his 60,000 ounces of silver was just a small fortune.


“How much?”


“Not much, just 68,000 ounces of silver.”


“Ah?!” Yan Xiu looked at Fang Zhengzhi. He wasn’t too surprised by the amount, but he was stunned at how Fang Zhengzhi managed to earn that much in two hours.


Fang Zhengzhi did not say anymore. He felt that this money was insignificant to Yan Xiu.

Yan Xiu did not probe further either.

As such, the two of them began to eat and drink happily.


Fang Zhengzhi and Yan Xiu’s happiness was not echoed by King Duan, who was sitting in an army camp. His brows were furrowed deeply.

“Is there no other option?” He looked at Elder Wen and his other advisors, his expression pained.


He had never expected that news of Fang Zhengzhi’s breakthrough would spread so quickly. News had reached the capital even before his people could.

He knew that it would be meaningless to go to the Eastern Palace now.

“This has been a matter that has been discussed for more than a month now. However, the sage has not made a decision. It would not be wise to continue the fight, you should aim for second!” Elder Wen shook his head.

“Are you saying I should attempt to become the vice Examiner?” King Duan was visibly unhappy. He had already said that he would like to be the Chief Examiner of the examination. If he withdrew in favor of second place now, it would be a completely different dynamic.

“King Duan, I have a plan!” One of his middle aged advisors chirped.

Chapter 159: Challenge to to be the Chief Examiner


“Mr Hua, please speak!” King Duan said impatiently.

“the Crown Prince is favored by the sage to be the Chief Examiner of the examination because of Han Zhangfeng’s support. Han Zhangfeng is the Imperial Academy’s Chief Imperial Messenger. He has immense experience in invigilating the imperial examination. As such, the sage will feel easy if someone he recommends is the Chief Examiner of the examination. Why not you try to do a little switcheroo!” Mr Hua’s eyes glimmered.

“Switcheroo? I don’t think that’s very possible. Han Zhangfeng is the Crown Prince’s teacher since a young age. They are incredibly close and it would be virtually impossible to come between them.”

“It would be difficult to come between them. However, that is not your intention!” Mr Hua added.


“What do you mean?”


“I have researched Han Zhangfeng’s invigilating of the River of Trust Province Examinations. At that time, he had sent the Crown Prince various secret mails. Even though I don’t know what the content of the letters was, but based on the events during the examination, Han Zhangfeng probably did not want Fang Zhengzhi to top the examination.”

“Why so?” King Duan was slightly confused.

“Han Zhangfeng has been the Chief Imperial Messenger for many years. He is incredibly scheming and probably has seen the threat to the dynasty long before us. As the Crown Prince’s teacher, he would want the dynasty to remain stable. If it is unstable, the Crown Prince would be unable to ascend the throne of the Eastern Palace!”


“What do you mean?” King Duan’s eyes brightened.

“Han Zhangfeng would not allow too many variables to enter the courts. If Fang Zhengzhi was not so unpredictable, he would definitely value and use him, but…”

“I understand now, you want me to work with Han Zhangfeng and prevent Fang Zhengzhi from participating in the examination?”


“That is only half of it my lord!” Mr Hua shook his head.


“Mr Hua, please educate us all!”

“It would be parochial to just focus on the Imperial Examinations. My Lord, you should focus on the power struggle at hand. Han Zhangfeng is a valuable ally. If you can get him in your camp, then your path to the throne would be a lot easier. Even if you can’t get him over, you can take the chance to…” Mr Hua placed his hand on his throat and made a dragging motion across it.

“Mr Hua is extremely intelligent, killing two birds with one stone! However, Han Zhangfeng has always been extremely cautious. Even if he wants to prevent Fang Zhengzhi from participating, why would he ally himself with me?”

“That’s not difficult at all. I have just received a very important piece of news. Han Zhangfeng’s second son has been thrown into the Heavenly Jail because of an incident with a horse…”

“You’re saying that Han Tianzhen has been thrown into the Heavenly Jail? Who has that audacity?”


“It’s Ping Yang…”


“Ping Yang?! Why would Han Tianzhen antagonize her?”

“Han Zhangfeng has always spent his time on tutoring the Crown Prince and the the affairs of the Imperial Academy. He has traditionally neglected his kids. Even though Han Tianzhen is without any skills, he has not caused much trouble. However, he loves to race. With Han Zhangfeng as principled as he is, where will Han Tianzhen find a decent stallion to race with? Naturally, he loses more than he wins. As such, he always goes to the horse market t try his luck. He finally caught a break and found a Snow Jade. He spent 68,888 ounces of silver, but that Snow Jade…”

“Is Ping Yang’s?” King Duan finally realized what was going on.


“Mm, more coincidentally, the one who sold the horse to Tianzhen is Fang Zhengzhi! My lord, this is a golden opportunity for you. If you can save Han Tianzhen from the Heavenly Jail, Han Zhangfeng will have to thank you. Then, you can tell him about Fang Zhengzhi selling the horse to his son…”

“There are such coincidences in this world? But Fang Zhengzhi just arrived here, how could he have Ping Yang’s Snow Jade? That Snow Jade is her precious. Even I’ve never ridden on it before.”

“I am not sure about that. I do not know how Fang Zhengzhi managed to get Snow Jade from Ping Yang. Furthermore, he went to sell it on the market. This is quite inexplicable.”

“Forget it, let’s not care about this first, I am going to make a trip to the Heavenly Jail!” King Duan said loudly and walked out.

Elder Wen looked at King Duan and Mr Hua. He did not stop them. Fang Zhengzhi antagonized Ping Yang? Is this really a coincidence?


The capital was extremely crowded. However, there was a place forbidden to sellers and tourists. That was the palace, the residence of the royal family.

This was a huge city within the city. Everything here was coated in gold lacquer or made of jade. The floors were white marble and each structure was intricately carved, exuding an aura of magnificence and prosperity.

At this moment, a male in his forties, dressed in a purple robe, and having pointed, phoenix like eyes, was walking towards a room with the words ‘Advanced Academy’ printed in gold.

An elderly man stood at the door. He was rather fair.

“Xing Hou, you are finally here, the emperor has been waiting for some time!”

“Mm, thank you Mr Fan!” The man who was called Xing Hou smiled and nodded. Then, as Mr Fan opened the door to the room, he stepped through.

The room was impeccably designed. It was covered in the paintings of the most beautiful scenery anywhere in the empire. Huge canvases of calligraphy also lined the walls.

At the back of the room was a bookcase laid on golden satin.

“Greetings emperor!” The middle aged man fell to his knees without a second glance.

“Guest Xing, please rise and sit next to me.” A commanding voice echoed throughout the space. This was the aura of the Emperor, and it almost seemed like he scorned everything under the sun.

When the middle aged man heard the voice, he rose slowly. Then, he walked forward. However, he did not follow the command and sit next to the bookcase. Instead, he sat at a seat about five meters away.

After he sat down, the middle aged man did not speak, waiting calmly for the voice to ring out again.

“Aish… you guys care about tradition and rules too much. The ancestors of the thirteen constabularies ventured in all directions and conquered more than half of the empire’s territories. As the head of the thirteen constabularies, why are you still being such strangers with me?” The voice rang out once again.

“This official is a military general. I should actually maintain a 10 meter distance from you. Now, I am only five meters away, I have already broken the rules!” The middle aged man replied respectfully.

“Whatever, I heard that Qing Sui wants to participate in the Imperial Examination, is he prepared?” The voice’s tone changed to one of care and concern.

“Emperor, even though Qing Sui has been working very hard, he is still not up to speed. Right now, he is merely at the intermediate stages of the Heavenly Reflection State. I am afraid he will disappoint you.”


“To reach the intermediate stages of the Heavenly Reflection State at 22 is applaudable. Your expectations are too high. In my view, the favorites to top the examination are Qing Sui and Su Donglin from the Su Clan. Once Qing Sui tops the ranking, send him to me, he will get better training.”

“Thank you emperor! However, in my view, Su Donglin had already made it to the advanced stages of the Heavenly Reflection Realm five days ago. Furthermore, the Southern Palace is also participating. Their representative is Nangong Hao’s younger brother. Qing Sui’s chances of topping the board are bleak!” The middle aged man rose, then fell to his knees.

“Please rise, even though Qing Sui is only in the intermediate stages of the Heavenly Reflection State, but the Stabilisation Constabulary has many secret techniques. However, the Southern Palace fella might be a bit of a problem. Also, I haven’t seen Chi Guyan in very long. When you return, help me ask her to come visit me more!”

“You still pamper Chi Guyan a lot, I am incredibly envious! But Chi Guyan did not stay with me this time. Instead, she has chosen to stay… with Ping Yang.” The middle aged man rose quickly and sat back on the chair.

“Oh? Chi Guyan is staying with Ping Yang? Oh, how careless of me. Ping Yang’s birthday is coming in a few days and they are childhood friends. It is only normal that they are staying together. Mm… actually, I have invited you over today to ask your opinion on something.”

“Please go ahead.” The middle aged man rose upon hearing the request.

“For some reason, both the Crown Prince and King Duan want to be the Chief Examiner of the Imperial Examination. None of them seem to be gaining the upper hand on this. the Crown Prince has suggested letting Han Zhangfeng be the Chief Examiner. This is in line with the rules of the previous Imperial Examination rules, so I am assured. However, King Duan has had quite a good eye when it comes to appointing people. He has said that he wanted to use this experience to better himself. I am afraid that if I do not give it to him, I may destroy the fire in him. What do you think?”

The middle aged man understood what was going on. He maintained a respectful tone and stature as he lowered his head, his eyes glimmering.

This question was not difficult. All he had to do was say his opinion. However, the implications of his answer were beyond comprehension.

It was far more sensitive than the power struggle between the Crown Prince and King Duan

As the leader of the thirteen constabularies, Xing Yuanguo was keenly aware that his tone and reply would determine whether the Stabilisation Constabulary will still be able to lead the thirteen constabularies.

As such, his answer must be careful and well thought out.

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