Gate of God

Chapter 160-165

Chapter 160: Tore it up


More importantly, he must not show any bias to the Emperor. Else, the emperor will deem that he too was involved in this power struggle.

Xing Yuanguo thought quickly on his feet before providing his reply.

“Replying to the Emperor, this official believes that the Crown Prince is trying to abide by the royal rules and wishes. Official Han is incredibly experienced in invigilating the Imperial Examinations. He is able to spot talents from a distance and is a great choice for the Chief Examiner of the Imperial Exam. On the other hand, King Duan is experienced in the other fields. His skills are also equally capable. Having him as a supervisor would also allow him and Official Han to learn from each other. However, this may make the Crown Prince feel that you do not trust him enough. As such, I suggest a triumvirate!”

“Triumvirate? Please elaborate!” The Emperor’s tone had traces of surprise.

“You can have Official Han be the Chief Examiner, and pick King Duan and another prince to assist him. This way, the Crown Prince will not be antagonized, and King Duan’s experience can be grown!”

“Mm, what you say is reasonable. But who do you think I should send as the other person?”

“This will depend on who you favor. I am rather slow, and can’t think of anyone at the current moment.” Xing Yuanguo knew that saying anymore could potentially be dangerous.

“Haha… you are just like before. Okay then, since it is rare for you to visit me, let’s go take a walk in the park.” The voice chuckled, relieved of a heavy burden.

“Yes, my lord!”

Xing Yuanguo replied immediately and heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately thought of what he had discussed with Chi Guyan about the Imperial Examination when she visited him. He sighed to himself, “No wonder the emperor pampers her this much. She is the top of the ranking boards and is a true talent indeed! That Fang Zhengzhi? I think he is just a joke!”

Naturally, Fang Zhengzhi did not know what Xing Hou was thinking. At this point, he was happily wining and dining away with Yan Xiu.


However, Yan Xiu still seemed quite hesitant.

“What’s going on?” Fang Zhengzhi asked as he looked at Yan Xiu.

“About the… Mirror Projections that you told me about last time. I still don’t really get it.” Yan Xiu had always tried to figure out cultivation matters himself, and found it difficult to ask for help now.

“Mirror Projections?” Fang Zhengzhi had a revelation. In this world, there was only the “Book of Dao”, there was not much research into physics.

His Mirror Projection theory would be easily understood by anyone in the previous world who had an understanding of physics. However, for someone like Yan Xiu, this was a completely foreign concept.

“Let’s do an experiment!”

“Experiment? Sure!” Yan Xiu did not know what an experiment truly was, but he understood that Fang Zhengzhi was about to demonstrate something.


But, how was he going to demonstrate Heavenly Reflection?

Just as Yan Xiu was thinking to himself, Fang Zhengzhi called a waitress over and asked for candles and white paper.


The waitress quickly brought them over.

Before long, everything was ready. The only thing missing was a convex lens.


But this was no problem for Fang Zhengzhi. He managed to form an ice cube in his hand, which he quickly molded into a rudimentary convex lens.

Then, as Yan Xiu watched on in awe, Fang Zhengzhi used a simple experiment to demonstrate mirror image reversal.

As he worked, he explained the concept to Yan Xiu.

“When you’re in the Heavenly Reflection State, your pocket dimension is the reflection of reality. Then, all you have to do is combine what is in your pocket dimension with what is out here. It’s very simple, you can try it out.”

“That simple?” Yan Xiu felt that something was not quite right after hearing what Fang Zhengzhi had to say. If it is that simple, why are so many people stuck at this level?

But he did not doubt Fang Zhengzhi. It was a fact that Fang Zhengzhi had done it.



He began to try out what Fang Zhengzhi said.

Very quickly, he felt that his pocket dimension seemed to link up with the outside world. This came as a surprise to him. However, it was not as easy as Fang Zhengzhi said to breakthrough into the Heavenly Reflection State.

Yan Xiu still had some trouble having his pocket dimension reflect everything in the real world. After all, he did not have Fang Zhengzhi’s foundation.

Even so, Fang Zhengzhi had given Yan Xiu the key to breaking through.


With the key, he believed that even if he could not do it now, he would be able to do it in the future.


“Thank you!” Yan Xiu thanked Fang Zhengzhi sincerely.


“You’re welcome. When we get back, I will show you a few more experiments. I will also further explain the uses of mirror image. Back on… erm, anyways, mirror image can be used in many areas.” Fang Zhengzhi took a sip of wine. He nearly let slip tha he was from another world, but he managed to catch himself in time.

Yan Xiu was deep in thought and naturally did not notice Fang Zhengzhi’s slip.

A few days later at noon… The sun was shining brightly on a patch of blooming flowers in Ping Yang’s residence, and the aroma of flowers filled the air.

“How is it, have you sent the invite?” Ping Yang wore a purplish red cloak as she swayed on a swing. Next to her was a servant like middle aged man.

“Replying to master, the invite…” The middle aged man hesitated.

“You didn’t send it?”

“No no no… I sent it over myself the first thing in the morning.” The middle aged man fell to his knees when he saw Ping Yang’s expression change.

“That’s good. Was he very happy to receive the invitation?” Ping Yang smiled radiantly when she heard it.


“Erm… Young Master Fang did not even look at it before he tore it up.”

“What?! He tore it up? I invited him to my birthday party and he tore up my invitation? What did he say?” Ping Yang’s smile froze as she jumped from the swing.


“Replying to master. He… he said that you were just trying to butter up to the powerful. Then, he said that he did not know many in the city. Those who sent him invites on their own accord probably wanted something from him, or wanted to rob him… idiot!”

“I? Butter up to him?! Why do I need him to like me? He will be the death of me! Fine, since you won’t take the easy way out, I will make sure you suffer!” Ping Yang’s eyes flashed with fury as she clenched her fists.


However, she recovered quickly. After her chest heaved a few times, her eyes flashed with a bright glow.

“Bring me pen and paper!”

“Yes ma’am!”


After a while, the middle aged man brought pen and paper. He also set up a table in the courtyard for Ping Yang.


Before long, she passed the man a letter filled with feelings of love.

The middle aged man could not believe his eyes.

“A love… love letter?!”

Ping Yang was writing a love letter. Furthermore, it was a spicy love letter. Every word and phrase was carefully chosen to arouse.

The final sentence was.

“My greatest hope is for us to meet once at Ping Yang’s residence!”

After she was done, Ping Yang placed the letter in an envelope. However, she still doubted its effectiveness, so she penned a name at the bottom.


“Chi Guyan!”


After she was done, Ping Yang smiled to herself.

“Go, send him this letter. Make sure he reads this in front of you and sees who has signed off on it! Do you understand?”

“Yes!” The middle aged man nodded.

Only now did he realize what his master was thinking.


This is a forged love letter!

But will Chi Guyan smack her for doing this? Okay… that is between them, who am I to question?

Fang Zhengzhi was rather bored. After Yan Xiu had learnt his mirror image theory, he had locked himself up inside his room, refusing to come out.

As such, Fang Zhengzhi would occasonally go to the gardens to admire the flora, sit down to have tea and read books.


Just at this moment, a man was rushing over in his direction.

Fang Zhengzhi recognized the man as the same person who had sent the invite. What is wrong with the people here?


Two invites for a birthday party?

The middle aged man quickly arrived in front of Fang Zhengzhi. He bowed politely and placed a letter with impeccable handwriting in Fang Zhengzhi’s arms.


Fang Zhengzhi received it and saw Chi Guyan’s name on the envelope.

“Chi Guyan?” Fang Zhengzhi looked at the middle aged man.

The middle aged man looked back at him.

“She hopes to meet you in Ping Yang residence!” The middle aged man said carefully. He had no other choice.

“Meet her? She must be dreaming!” Fang Zhengzhi snorted derisively.

Then, he tore the letter to pieces right in front of the middle aged man’s eyes.


“Tell Chi Guyan that I am very busy!” Fang Zhengzhi continued sipping his tea, ignoring the middle aged man thereafter.

The middle aged man was completely rooted to the ground. This was unbelievable.

That’s Chi Guyan’s letter!

Even though it’s a forgery…


Why didn’t Fang Zhengzhi take a second look?

Very quickly, Ping Yang was the one to be stunned by what happened. Her happiness was quickly extinguished when she heard what happened.


She was not scared, she was completely floored.

“You’re saying that he ripped it apart?! Are you sure he saw Chi Guyan’s name?” Ping Yang was in disbelief. However, she knew that the man in front of her would never lie to her.

“I am sure, I even made sure I reminded him that she wrote it.” The middle aged man answered.


“Then he tore it up?”

“Yes, he ripped it up, he didn’t even take a second look!”

Chapter 161: Yan Capital Reels in Shock


“How is this possible? What was the problem? Could it be that this jerk was not shamelessly dead set on marrying my Sister Yan? How could he tear the paper from Sister Yan?”

Lady Ping Yang did not understand. She really could not comprehend the reason behind Fang Zhengzhi’s actions. Was she exposed? That could not be possible. How could she be exposed when he did not even open the letter?

Could it be that Fang Zhengzhi really did not want to marry Sister Yan?!

Her rejection of this thought came just as fast as the appearance of it. That woodlouse did not want to marry my Sister Yan? That was not possible.

“Oh right…He tore up Sister Yan’s letter. I expose him!” Lady Ping Yang’s eyes brightened immediately. She happily skipped towards the lone building with a loft at the side of the courtyard.

Chi Guyan dressed in a simple yet elegant garb. It was an easygoing dress with a purple sash tied around as a belt.

Currently, she was studying a piece of chart in the loft. On the chart, there were many varieties of soldiers and horses set up. There were also some thin lines and careful dots. It was clear that it was an ancient chart containing a war formation.

Beside the table was a huge plate of sand, with sand piling up like mountain ranges. There were tiny flags of different colours stabbed into the sand.

Lady Ping Yang barged in at this moment.

Compared to her previous energetic skipping, Lady Ping Yang became much more cautious when she entered the loft. She quietly walked towards Chi Guyan like a docile kitten.

“Sister Yan, are you researching on matrix set-ups again?”

“Mm, shouldn’t you be swinging on the swing? What are you here for?” Chi Guyan nodded. Her eyes never left the paper chart in front of her.

“At first, I wanted to find someone to accompany you. Unfortunately, I wrote a letter to that someone using your name yet he tore it up. That was too audacious,” Lady Ping Yang fired from her tiny mouth with a face of fury.

“Oh,” Chi Guyan nodded once again.

“Doesn’t Sister Yan want to know who tore your letter?”

“It was your letter!” Chi Guyan swiftly corrected Lady Ping Yang. Afterwards, she held up the chart in her hands and put it under the sun’s rays, “Are you referring to Fang Zhengzhi?”

“Sister Yan is just too smart. There’s nothing you can’t guess. Then…Aren’t you angry?” Lady Ping Yang’s eyes shone with traces of honest hope.

“I’m not. Why would I be angry?” Chi Guyan shook her head.

“He tore your letter! Are you not mad? If it’s me, I would divorce him! Er…I’m mean, call off the engagement. I will immediately call off the engagement unless he comes here on his knees and begs!

“Firstly, that was your letter. Secondly, it is expected that he will tear up my letters. It will be out of the norm if he did not tear it,” Chi Guyan once again laid down the matrix paper chart that was in her hands.

“Ah?! Is it really that complicated between you two?”

“Indeed it is.”

“But I want him to come to my birthday banquet. He did not reply to the invitation letter. He did not even budge when I use Sister Yan’s name to write a letter to him. I can’t just tie him up and drag him there, can I?” Lady Ping Yang was seemed slightly disappointed. Just the thought of her carefully thought-out plan going to waste was enough to break her heart.

“You really want him to attend your birthday banquet?” Chi Guyan finally turned her gaze towards Lady Ping Yang.


“After that, you are going to mess with him?”

“Why would you say that? I’m not someone who would do something like that. I will treat him like a VIP and let him have a time of his life…” Lady Ping Yang blinked innocently but the corners of her mouth curled revealing traces of her cunningness.

“If you want to invite him to your birthday banquet then it’s simple.”

“Sister Yan, you have a plan?”

“En, you shall send someone to deliver some silver notes over. Next, tell him those will be his as long as he comes to your banquet. Additionally, tell him there’s no need for him to bring gifts. He will naturally come,” Chi Guyan answered with barely a single thought.

“That simple?”

“Yes. Just that simple.”

“That can’t be,” Lady Ping Yang found it hard to believe. However, this idea was from Chi Guyan herself, there was no way she would doubt Sister Yan.

Fang Zhengzhi was flabbergasted. There was actually someone offering him money to appear at a banquet. Furthermore, they specifically told him there was no need to bring gifts?

Wasn’t this too outlandish?

Staring at the piece of 500 silver note, Fang Zhengzhi felt that returning this would be too hard on the person’s heart.

So he turned his attention to middle age man in front of him.

“No gifts required?”

“Yes. Absolutely no gifts required!”

“Let me think about it. Depends on whether I have time,” Fang Zhengzhi kept the 500 silver note into his shirt and waved, indicating that the middle age man could leave.

“This…Mister, how do you expect me to answer to my mistress?” the middle age man was stunned after hearing Fang Zhengzhi’s answer and watching him pocket the money.

“Just say it’s up to my mood,” Fang Zhengzhi impatiently waved off the guy once again.

In the Three Kingdoms Era, to convince Zhu Geliang to come out of seclusion, Liu Bei went to find him three times; during the Song Dynasty, the gold medallion that beckoned Yue Fei to return back to the capital court was sent out in eighteen different directions. With just one visit, it would never be enough to invite him over too.

Fang Zhengzhi really had no idea who was the master that the person just mentioned. However, that person was persistently trying to invite him over to this birthday banquet must have his reasons.

In that case, he held power in this exchange. Yan Capital was filled with wealthy families. Wouldn’t this be considered as the heroic act of stealing from the rich to give to the poor?

That’s right…

He was the poor!

“Depends on his mood?!” Within the Ping Yang Residence, Lady Ping Yang was once again furious.

Afterwards, she immediately raced towards the loft beside the courtyard. This time, Ping Yang was obviously in a fit yet the instant she entered the loft, she reverted back to the demeanour of a kitten.

“That jerk said it depends on his mood, his mood… Sister Yan!” Lady Ping Yang tone was desperate but her volume was suppressed to the minimum.

“Hm?” Chi Guyan was puzzled. Logically speaking, he would not have rejected the offer. So what was the problem?

After a moment of thought, Chi Guyan came to a realisation.

“Looks like I underestimated his shamelessness. He is currently taking advantage of the situation, absolutely crossing the line…”

“Sister Yan, do you have any more ideas?”

Chi Guyan was silent. If she was not wrong, the best move to make was to ignore Fang Zhengzhi for now and utilise other methods to make Fang Zhengzhi bend.

However, with this, there was a one percent chance of failure. This was because Fang Zhengzhi might back out in a fit of rage, take the money without showing up at the banquet.

“Is it a must for him to go?” Chi Guyan decided it was better to clarify what Lady Ping Yang wanted.

“Yes! He must come at any cost!”

“Then, you have to send again.”

“Send again?”

“Yes. Send them until he is satisfied.”

Looking on as the middle-aged man went on his once again with the notes, Lady Ping Yang clenched her fist until her knuckles were white. Hn, I shall let you have your satisfaction for now. There will be hell to pay once you enter the Ping Yang Residence!

In the coming days, Fang Zhengzhi lived a very cosy life. Every day, he had someone sending him money. Furthermore, to show their sincerity, the other party had shifted from notes to silver taels. Chest after chest was carried into this room.

The traffic into his room was not light…

This kind of life sure was comfortable for Fang Zhengzhi.

However, for Yan Capital, this was a stupefying occurrence.

Who was Ping Yang?

She was none other than the infamous demoness in Yan Capital. In the whole of Yan Capital, she had always been the one that was taking. Since when did she starting giving people money?

But now…

Everyone was faced with a puzzling sight. Every day at the exact same time, someone from the Ping Yang Residence would carry a chest of silver taels to the inn where Fang Zhengzhi was staying.

They would just drop the money there and leave.

A mere country bumpkin. Firstly, in the Law of Dao Examinations, at the county level and provincial level, he became the Double Roll Champion. Secondly, within the Divine Constabulary, he managed to set a date for a showdown with Chi Guyan in two years’ time and had the people from the Divine Constabulary publicly announcing his engagement to her.

Now, after coming to Yan Capital, he had the infamous tyrant of Jin Capital providing him with a stream of silver taels.

This was just too extraordinary…

Everyone felt that this was so inconceivable that a woman who claims that she is still a virgin after marrying and having a child would have been more believable.

In the tent of the Patrol Guards, King Duan, Lin Xingjue was so shocked by the news, his teeth almost dropped out.

However, his analysis of this news was expectedly more insightful than those bystanders within the capital. He felt that there was more than meets the eye on this issue.

Ping Yang badgering Fang Zhengzhi?!

That was ludicrous. However, he could not for the life of him think a reason as to why the arrogant and tyrannical Ping Yang was sending Fang Zhengzhi money.

“How do you view this issue?” King Duan turned his gaze towards Mister Hua and Elder Wen.

Elder Wen shook his head, his skills lied in the bigger scheme of things. Regarding these bizarre events, he was not well versed in their intricacies.

Mister Hua seemed to have some thoughts on this but the more he thought, the more it escaped him.

“I have sent people to investigate. Seemed like Ping Yang wanted Fang Zhengzhi to grace her birthday banquet, therefore she sent people to send him money non-stop,” Mister Hua revealed the results of his investigations.

“Ping Yang inviting Fang Zhengzhi to her birthday banquet? The…The credibility of this information aside. Logically speaking, shouldn’t it be Fang Zhengzhi giving to Ping Yang? Why are the roles reversed?” King Duan was even more mystified after listening to what Mister Hua had to say.

“That’s why I can’t wrap my head around this. Moreover, I remember that Fang Zhengzhi actually sold of Ping Yang’s Snow Cloud Stallion. Shouldn’t those two be enemies? Yet the act of sending money is symbolic to making friends. This is really a conundrum.”

“Whatever the case is, Fang Zhengzhi is not allowed near Ping Yang under any circumstances! You should know the uniqueness of Ping Yang. This concerns the existence of that place… She is not just Princess Ping Yang. Also, she is adored by Father. If she was to be acquainted with Fang Zhengzhi…”

Chapter 162: Sure Hit One-shot Kill


“Rest assured, Your Highness. I will definitely get to the bottom of this!” Mister Hua nodded. With the approaching Imperial Examinations, they knew very well that they could not afford any more mistakes.

But just the thought of the peculiarity of this situation…

It gave Mister Hua a headache. If Ping Yang was continuously sending silver taels to Fang Zhengzhi, her aim was definitely to invite Fang Zhengzhi to her birthday banquet. But why…

“Fuck…That’s pain!” Fang Zhengzhi looked on as another chest of silver taels was carried in front of him. He stopped the middle age man that was about to leave, “How many more days to your mistress’ birthday banquet?”

“To answer young master’s question, there are still 3 days!” Once the middle-aged man heard this from Fang Zhengzhi, his heart soared. According to his mistress’ wishes, he was supposed to send until he was satisfied. Could it be that the day had arrived?

“Understood. Once you send three chests tomorrow, I will naturally go your mistress’ banquet. There’s no need to disturb me in future.” Fang Zhengzhi waved his hand, signalling that the man could leave.

“…” The middle-aged man jaw dropped, “Three chests at once?!”

The person in front of him was much more shameless that he could have imagined. However… For someone to reach this level of shamelessness, it was kind of impressive.

Three days later, with sun almost at its peak, brilliant warm light bathed Yan Capital.

As the residence closest to the palace, Ping Yang Residence architectural style was most similar to it. If not for a gigantic wall between them, such a residence within the palace would not look a single bit out of place.

Splendid golden buildings and white marble plated the corridors. Every corner exuded extravagance.

Just a simple residence yet it was built according to the palace’s standard. From this, it was clear how important the Ping Yang Residence was to the current Sacred Lord.

In front of the cinnabar gates, one horse carriage after another stopped there. After a moment, they would once again take off in a flash.

At the side of the gates, a few armour clad soldiers guarded the entrance. From the design of those armour, it was not hard to discern that they were the exact same kind of armour used by the Imperial soldiers.

In fact, they were the Imperial Ranger Squad of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Fang Zhengzhi stared at the three words “Ping Yang Residence” that was hanged on residence gates. Unrestrained curiosity welled up in his heart. Although he had never stepped foot into the palace, he had strolled around the entrance of the palace before.

He just had an attitude of a tourist as he strolled around the palace gates, wanting to admire the kind of palace this world had.

Therefore, he naturally knew the uniqueness of the soldiers standing outside of Ping Yang Residence.

“This person that invited me to this birthday banquet looks like a really big deal!” Fang Zhengzhi was slightly confused. Logically speaking, this kind of people did not have to give in to his whims.

Did he miss something?

Normally he would have asked Yan Xiu. However, these few days, Yan Xiu was enclosed in his room studying mirror projections. It seemed like he was at the most crucial part. He did not even take a single step out of the door and all his food was sent up by the people in the inn.

Fang Zhengzhi knew better than to ask him about such a trivial matter.

“Could this be a ruse to entrap me?” As Fang Zhengzhi thought of this, he felt that it was better to be safe than sorry. Therefore, after walking a couple of rounds about the gates, he got ready to stand the other party up.

Just as he was about to leave, a middle-aged man dashed out from within the residence. When he saw Fang Zhengzhi, he was so full of emotions it was as if he just saw his own father.

“Young Master Fang, you have finally arrived. Our mistress’ has long awaited your arrival!”

“Are you sure your mistress lives here?” These few days, Fang Zhengzhi had been seeing this man’s face every single day. There’s no way he could have pretended not to know him.

“Yes!” The middle age man confirmed with a face of confidence.

“Alright.” Fang Zhengzhi nodded his head. Since he was already outside to welcome him, walking out now would be quite distasteful. After all, he had accepted their silver taels.

The middle age man saw Fang Zhengzhi nod, immediately went in front to lead the way.

Fang Zhengzhi waved his hand instead to show that there’s no need to rush. Then, he took out a letter.

“This is a gift list.”

“Young Master Fang brought a gift?!” Middle age man studied the letter being handed. He was slightly taken aback. He clearly remembered that Fang Zhengzhi only reluctantly agreed to come after he said that there was no need for gifts.

However, now that he actually brought something, it was hard not to be shocked.

Did he previously misunderstand Fang Zhengzhi?

Could it be that he was down on hard times and rejected because he was unable to send a gift?

If that was the case, then these gifts on this gift list were probably not used with his own money but it was a courteous gesture nonetheless.

The middle-aged man knew that Fang Zhengzhi came from a mountain village, that’s why this was his first thought. When he opened the list…

He realised that he was too naive.

The list was packed with words scrunched together, filling up the whole page.

What were these things?

” One piece of homemade bacon.”

“One spiced hoof.”


More importantly, what was this roll of rabbit fur for?

Was there anyone that still used rabbit fur to make coats here in Yan Capital?

“Just a little something from the mountains, there’s no need for thanks,” Fang Zhengzhi generously blinked at the middle-aged man.

“…” The middle age man felt that if this came from anyone else, he would whack him upside down without hesitation. However, he did not dare to do it to the Fang Zhengzhi in front of him. He still had to welcome him with a smile.

He then very respectfully accepted the gift, “On the behalf of my mistress, I would like to thank you for this fine gift!”

His voice was not considered loud but it was enough to be heard clearly by the other officials and lords that was alighting from the carriages.

“Fine gift?!”

“This person seems familiar? Who is it? Is he a wealthy lord from somewhere?”

“Blue long sleeved shirt… If I’m not wrong, he should be Fang Zhengzhi!”

“Fang Zhengzhi? Isn’t he born from mountain villages? How does he have the money to send Princess Ping Yang a fine gift?!”

“Rumours has it that for the past few days, men from the Ping Yang Residence were sending him silver taels every day. Could it be…”

From the way this was put, the faces of those lords and officials instantly changed. Princess Ping Yang sent Fang Zhengzhi silver taels, and Fang Zhengzhi returned with a huge gift for the celebration of her birthday.

Was there an unspeakable secret between them?!

Fang Zhengzhi did not bother to correct these people. The middle age man heard the discussions around him and wanted to give an explanation. In the end, he did not dare to open his mouth.

After all, he might offend the VIP in front of him.

If he were to walk out on them, this problem would be on him… The paddles would be sure to follow. If they wanted to delve deeper, they might even ask him to cough out the silver taels wasted. Just these thoughts were enough to send a chill up his spine.

“Mister Fang, please!” The middle age man dare not speak more. His job was to fetch Fang Zhengzhi to the inside of Ping Yang Residence, no matter the cost.

Fang Zhengzhi nodded and followed behind. Since he already gave out the gift list, it would be his loss if he did not at least go in for a meal.

Seeing that Fang Zhengzhi finally stepped foot into the residence, the middle age man could finally sigh in relief.

A knowing glint flashed across his eyes as he glanced to the right of the gate after crossing it.

At this moment, there was an extremely unexpected sight in the Ping Yang Residence.

For not far from the right of the gates was a young lady that was almost looked like a fairy. She was called Ping Yang. The most adored princess by the current Sacred Lord.

The Ping Yang today wore a brilliant red dress with a peony sewn in the top using golden threads. On her head, a red sash gently floated in the breeze with her night hair cascading down to her waist.

Such a scene drew out admiration from the hearts of many of the lords but no one dared to approach her.


Everyone knew hidden under that noble appearance was a true monster.

Arson, robbery, there’s nothing she won’t do.

However, none dared to complain. She had a position as high as the dynasty’s adviser to the Sacred Lord. The lowest she could be viewed as was a noble merchant family. There was no one that dared to complain to the face of the Sacred Lord.

Today’s Ping Yang had glossy clear eyes with an absolutely stunning smile painted across her face.

Seeing this smile, people knew someone was going to get it today…

Ping Yang felt that her plan today was perfect. Unlike anything the world had ever seen, there was no chance of it failing.

To ensure the practicality of this plan, she had done countless of experiments.

The results were obvious…

Countless officials and lords would be unlucky. They were all the court palace’s respected officials or the lords of high-ranking noble families. They all had something in common which was that they were all skilled masters that reached the Heavenly Reflection State or higher.

This operation by Ping Yang was given the name ” Sure Hit One-shot Kill”.

The inner workings of this plan were quite simple.

Speed. Blinding Speed. In a move faster than the other party could react, a pail of leftover water from washing feet would pour down on his head.

Would the skilled masters that reached Heavenly Reflection State be caught in the area of effect?

Of course not…

Therefore, Ping Yang used a matrix spell. This originally was a matrix spell used in the Small Dimension. It can swiftly bind masters of the Heavenly Reflection State for a brief moment of eight seconds.

Of course, to move such a powerful matrix spell from the Small Dimension to here by hand, and set it up at the gates of the Ping Yang Residence required a ton of silver tales. However, this was not something Ping Yang was bothered with.

Only the results mattered.

Will the results only be a pail of feet washing water on the head? Of course not!

The outcome Ping Yang wanted did not just simply stopped at a pail of feet washing water. There was still a lot of follow-up work to do. She could already imagine Fang Zhengzhi’s face when the pail of feet washing water rain down on him as he walked through the gates of the banquet hall.

She was really looking forward to that expression of shock and confusion.

After that, as the host, she will generously apologise for bumping him while he was still stunned. Then, order her housekeepers bring the putrid Fang Zhengzhi around and parade him in front of the esteemed guests.

After Fang Zhengzhi completely lost his face, she would then bring him to a bathtub she already prepared beforehand.

After that, something would emerge from that bathtub. That thing would be very slimy and slippery. Furthermore…

It definitely will bite!

Chapter 163: The Darkness Plaguing The Heart


Ping Yang was not bestowed the title of Yan Capital’s demoness by being merciful and gentle. Therefore, she specially ordered people to bring in a live ‘Scarlet Thread Cyclops Viper’ that lived around volcanoes.

Except for its poor vision, this creature was a killer in every other aspect. Furthermore, it possessed a very convenient characteristic. It loved hot water. Once bitten by its needle-like fangs, there was little hope of getting it off…

However, its venom was not fatal.

After all, Ping Yang still had many other tricks that she wanted to try out.

How could she let him go just like that?


Ping Yang would not find something just for looks and no practical applications. Although the venom of this Scarlet Thread Cyclops Viper is non-lethal, it had an interesting effect on the body. It would instantly increase the sensitivity of the pain receptors.

In other words, a single bite would have you screaming for your mummy and daddy.

This was what caught Ping Yang’s attention.

For the sake of ensuring that Fang Zhengzhi would jump out of the bath screaming, Ping Yang had invested a huge amount of effort. No fewer than ten people were involved in bringing this to fruition.

It was just a pity for the guinea pigs. Every one of them went out of Ping Yang Residence with tears in their eyes.

“You despicable lowlife. I will definitely have you walking in and carried out!” Just the thought of what was going to happen was enough to bring a smile to her face.


The middle age man that she ordered to be the lookout at the door had gone out.

That meant that Fang Zhengzhi had arrived and he was about to enter the grand gates of the Ping Yang Residence.

Ping Yang was getting excited. She bent down and stroked the silk-like snow white coat of her noble steed.

The king among horses, a jade in the snow.

Ping Yang’s love for it was to the extreme. Previously, her Snow White was sold off by Fang Zhengzhi. This too had to be avenged. Furthermore, it would be avenged by both her and Snow White.

While riding on Snow White, she would aim to pour the pail of feet washing water over Fang Zhengzhi’s skull.

This was a consideration on the account of speed and the deep “friendship” between the master and the servant.

Fang Zhengzhi did not have any idea that he was about to walk into a trap made especially for him. Under the purposeful guidance of the middle age man, he arrived before the bright cinnabar gates to the hall.

“Mister Fang, please!” The middle age man walked to the side of the gates with a face of utmost courtesy.

Such courtesy was common with some high-class residences. The servants that fetched guests would always let the guests step into the gates first.

Although Fang Zhengzhi did not feel a need to follow such traditions.

This did not arouse his suspicions.

Therefore, he tried to humbly give way too.

When the middle age man saw this, his face changed. He immediately welcomed him in again.

Fang Zhengzhi could not beat his stubbornness. He nodded and took his first steps through the gates.

The eyes of Ping Yang who was riding on Snow White’s back burned with brilliance. She saw the blue long sleeve that she wanted to rip to shreds even in her dreams.

That’s right.

That was indeed Fang Zhengzhi!

The man behind all those nights spent grinding her teeth.

“Go, my Snow White!” Ping Yang gave an order and forcefully kicked both her feet back. The hand holding the pail of dirty water could wait no longer.

Snow White moved. It recognised the order given by its master. Moreover, it had been repeatedly practising this for quite some time.

Its four hooves began to move into a gallop.

Fang Zhengzhi did not notice anything amiss at the moment. After entering the Ping Yang Residence, looking around in admiration was all he could do.

After that, he heard the faint sound of clopping hooves.

Was it possible to ride horses in the residence?

Fang Zhengzhi looked towards that direction in bemusement. Then, he saw Snow White.

Naturally, Snow White also saw Fang Zhengzhi.

The two pairs of eyes met.

Mild curiosity blossomed in Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes. He felt like he had seen this horse somewhere before. It almost looked like the horse that he sold off not too long ago.

On the other hand, Snow White’s eyes betrayed fear. Pure, unadulterated fear.

As the king of horses, Snow White was meticulously cared for and treated with the utmost respect from the moment it was born. All it ever ate was the freshest of grass and lived in a separate court just for it.

No human had ever abused it or shouted at it.

The human in front of him was different.

He was the first who beat and shouted. Furthermore, he used all his might and did not hold back. He left several lines of blood along its backside with no trace of compassion.

This kind of pain…

It was called its first time.

This kind of pain was engraved into its bones and left a deep impression. It could be even said that this pain in certain situations could become a darkness that plagues its heart.

It was obvious.

Fang Zhengzhi was that darkness in Snow White’s heart.

In addition, this darkness was immense. More importantly, this darkness was formed not too long ago. In fact, it was so recent that it could not forget even if it wanted to.


A drawn-out hiss came out.

Snow white raised its two front hooves. It was spooked.

Ping Yang was a lover of horses, naturally, she would be adept at riding. However, at this moment with her eyes focused on Fang Zhengzhi, she had one hand on the reins and the other one holding on to the pail of feet washing water.

At this point, she would have never thought that her beloved Snow White would raise its legs.

Something like a spooked horse?

Who would have expected this?

Fortunately, Ping Yang was calm. When Snow White suddenly raised its hooves, she instinctively held out her hands to hold the reins steady.


She forgot about the pail of feet washing water in her other hand

As a result, the feet washing water slipped out of her hand and travelled unceremoniously up into the air.

Ping Yang’s hands tightly gripped on to the reins. She took pride in her elegant riding skill.

Even when the horse was spooked, she was able to stabilise and hold on.

However, her proud moment was quickly doused by the falling pail of water.

The pail of feet washing spun two and a half rounds in the air and dropped squarely on her head. Expectedly, all the feet washing water that she saved for a week drenched her.

Sharp chills…

A soaring heart!

Ping Yang’s heart was soaring. She had an earning to fly but unable to due to a lack of wings. Then, she landed. There was no way she could have held on after being hit on the head with the pail and getting drenched with the foul-smelling water that was enough to knock her out.

Hence, the noble horsewoman Ping Yang fell off her ride.

Her butt made contact with the ground.


It was a dull sound but a sound that brought about a world of pain.

“Ouch!” A distinct sniffle came of Ping Yang’s mouth. The pair of glossy eyes were filled with water. It was uncertain whether it was feet washing water or tears…

In that brief moment, everyone in Ping Yang Residence was stunned.

They were not able to comprehend why Ping Yang’s calm and composed Snow White would be spooked. What confounded them more was how did such an excellent rider like Ping Yang would fall off her horse?

Everything happened too fast, they did not even have any time to react.

The middle age man was confused.

According to the schedule, by now, Princess Ping Yang would have flipped the pail of feet washing water over Fang Zhengzhi’s cranium.

But why is it that there was no movement?

Or was it…

There was movement. It just did not happen in front of his eyes but to the right of the residence.

Therefore, the middle age man stepped forward and turned his head to the right of the residence. Right away his face froze.

“Princess Ping Yang fell?!”

Was there anything more absurd than this?

He could clearly see that Fang Zhengzhi was still in his original position. He had not moved a single step or twitch even a single muscle.

Then, why would Princess Ping Yang fall?

Princess Ping Yang and Snow White went through countless of simulations to build that seamless cooperative action. Where did it all go wrong?

The middle age man was stumped. Fang Zhengzhi was in a similar state of confusion. With a just quick glance, he was not able to recognise the woman in front of him. After all, she was decked in a different set of clothes and accessories today.

Furthermore, last time Fang Zhengzhi could only see her back for the majority of the time.

“Is the lady an acrobat?”

Fang Zhengzhi thought it was better not to laugh at an acrobat that fell while performing. That was too disrespectful to their profession.

Then again, such a standard was enough to get hired in such an established residence?

Such a pity for that exceptional horse that looked just like the one he sold. That creature was worth anywhere between sixty to seventy thousand taels.

Chapter 164: Hysteria In The Building


Just as Fang Zhengzhi was about to get a clearer look at the lady who fell, she already covered her face with both hands. She jumped up so quickly that she almost flew and immediately sprinted into the residence.

“Ah! The smell, ugh…”

A pitiful and miserable moan reverberated within the walls of the residence.

The feet-washing water that was left to sit for a week permeated every inch of her body from top to bottom… Such a feeling could only be fully appreciated by those who had experienced it.

Especially the “Ouch” that came after Ping Yang planted her butt on the ground.

It was subconsciously made but the cause of such a sound was enough to destroy her appetite for the whole week…

Ping Yang ran, leaving a trail of water as it dripped from her body. She did not stay at the gates for long. Instead, she abandoned her panic-stricken Snow White and ran into the residence alone.

Upon seeing this scene…

Everyone in the Ping Yang Residence finally had a chance to react. A whole bunch of handmaidens, guards, servants, including the middle age man standing behind Fang Zhengzhi, took off immediately chasing behind Ping Yang like the wind.

Fang Zhengzhi looked at the suddenly deserted residence gates, he was slightly taken aback.

What was going on?

Why was everyone chasing behind that lady? Will there still be anyone showing him the way? Where exactly was this birthday banquet going to take place?

Nevermind, let’s just go with the flow.

Fang Zhengzhi did not think much of it. Since everyone was following that lady, he might as well follow and take a look.

Surely this wouldn’t be the wrong way, would it?

Ping Yang’s destination was clear. She needed water. Clean, warm water.

In this humongous estate, there were flowers, grass, hills, trees and of course, water. However, that was the clear pond water and Ping Yang would never jump into it.

After all, there were numerous guests present. If any rumours of the incident like Ping Yang jumping into in pond within the residence to commit suicide were to spread, she would predictably become the laughing stock of Yan Capital.

Therefore, Ping Yang purposefully ran in the direction of a pre-prepared bathtub.

The handmaidens knew where Ping Yang was headed and they knew very well what was inside. So, they must reach there before Ping Yang and scoop that creature out of the water.

Fang Zhengzhi’s walking pace was not slow but the crowd in front was in such a hurry that he had no choice but to increase his speed.

He caught up quickly.


The building’s door finally flung open by the two handmaidens in a mad rush, under the stares of the guests with their mouth agape.

Following close behind, all those guards and servants kneeled down one after another.

Ping Yang dashed in.

The only thing was she did not realise that someone followed her in.

That, someone, was Fang Zhengzhi.

Along the way, he saw more and more guests. So, he was quite pleased with himself for choosing to follow this crowd.

He was still curious. Why did the lady bring him into one of the rooms in the living quarters? Wasn’t the banquet suppose to be in the main hall?

Was it moved to the living quarters instead?

Or was this part of the living quarters part of the Small Dimension?

Fang Zhengzhi still did not fully understand this world. He was here to eat. After following the right people, he arrived and sat down obediently waiting for the food to be served.

The bunch of servants and guards kneeling outside did not dare to raise their heads. Therefore, they did not realise Fang Zhengzhi rushing into the quarters after following them there.

Scooping out the Scarlet Thread Cyclops Viper in time was all that occupied the minds of the front two handmaidens. They did not even have time to think that someone would be foolhardy enough to follow in behind them.

Ping Yang only had the thought of bathing on her mind. As soon as possible.

Hence, after entering the living quarters, she made a mad dash towards the direction of the bathtub. All the while, she was taking off her clothes piece by piece.

The stench…

The stench was just too strong!

She could bear it no longer.

From the outer red dress, moving on to the inner silk shirt. Ping Yang was taking it off at light speed. At this point, she had lost the patience to elegantly let her handmaidens undress her.

Unfortunately, Fang Zhengzhi was following right behind.

What the hell? We are here to eat! What are you undressing for?

The sight before him was quickly turning into one that was not meant for children. A strong feeling of justice welled up in his chest. He definitely could not allow such an unsightly scene unfold.

This mistress of Ping Yang Residence first send him silver taels, now lured him into the living quarters and intending to use such a cheap trick to get close to him.

There was absolutely no way that he was going to let the other party have their way.

“Stop you devil! This gentleman here is not this kind of man!” Fang Zhengzhi’s voice rang out in the quarters. He was going to suppress the lady’s evil aura with his aura of justice.

Ping Yang froze.

The two handmaidens that were trying to scoop up the viper froze too.

Three pairs of eyes slowly turned.

Then, they all saw a man standing behind Ping Yang. That garb consisting of a blue Changshan gently swaying…

“Fang Zhengzhi?!”

The two handmaidens’ jaw dropped in shock.

While Ping Yang’s face lost all its colour. No matter how much she thought about it, she could not understand why Fang Zhengzhi was behind her and within the room in the living quarters?

Of course, that was not the most important detail. What was most important was…

She was naked.

As she turned her head, her body naturally followed.

Fang Zhengzhi did not wish for this scene to unfold. However, he did indeed see a pure untouched body of a maiden.

“Ah! You despicable lowlife!” Ping Yang was the first to react. Initially, she wanted to give him a thundering slap but there was still a distance between them.

Therefore, she went with the next alternative. Find a place to hide.


She saw the bathtub behind her, and the two handmaidens silently standing there.

Ping Yang did not think too much.

Since they already stopped moving, then it definitely meant that the viper was out of the water.

Following that, in a movement quicker than the time it takes to blink, she jumped. Like a fairy dancing in the breeze, she entered the tub in one graceful leap.

The two handmaidens were completely overwhelmed by the appearance of Fang Zhengzhi.

After that…

They became horrified.

They wanted to remind Ping Yang.

However, in the instant that Ping Yang entered the water, she could feel that her feet stepped on something slippery. That slippery object was slithering up from her ankles at a lightning-quick speed.


For the first time, Ping Yang understood the excruciating pain that caused people to scream for their mommy and daddy.

For the first time, she understood why all those Heavenly Reflection State officials and young men went out with tears in their eyes.

The pain penetrated all the way to her bones.

Like a knife being violently stabbed into her heart.

Spreading to the depths of her brain and the depths of her soul.

The Scarlet Thread Cyclops Viper’s uniqueness was precisely this. It was a treasure that could cause human an absurd amount of pain. Previously, Ping Yang was elated to get her hands on this.

But now, all she wanted to do was cry…

She had one last thing to do which was to jump out once again from the bathtub.

This was a must.

It was also her instinct after the pair of sharp fangs sunk into her.

She leapt, similar to when she first went in, it was just as graceful. Even in the most difficult of times, she would always maintain her poised demeanour.

Fang Zhengzhi’s pupils dilated.

He originally thought the young lady had some sense of shame and jumped into the tub after his warning.

Now, it looked like…

The other party did not heed the warning. Instead, she was once again advancing on him with hidden intentions.

However, this scene of a beauty emerging from a bath was quite a sight for sore eyes. Those exquisite curves, and that elegant pose, especially when she just landed. That instant when one foot just touched the ground.



Why did the lady had something dangling from her backside?

Fang Zhengzhi’s eyes focused. He saw clearly that it was an unknown creature. Although he did not know exactly what it was, the experienced Fang Zhengzhi who hunted on the Cang Ling Mountain reacted without warning.

Within a second of Ping Yang landing, Fang Zhengzhi closed the gap to Ping Yang, with a flash of radiance, drew out the White Jade Whipping Sword.


Split by the sword into two. The viper’s life reached an end.

Credit had to be given to Fang Zhengzhi for that decisive action. It was swift with no trace of hesitation.

Ping Yang broke out of her stupor.


Now Fang Zhengzhi was too close to her. Close enough to see every nook and cranny of her body; close enough for her to smell the male scent emanating from Fang Zhengzhi’s body.


Inexplicably, Ping Yang cried. This time, she was really bawling, her clear eyes filled to the brim with tears.

Fang Zhengzhi was confused.

He clearly helped her. Why did she not cry when she was bitten and instead, crying now?

Just as he was figuring it out, Fang Zhengzhi felt something under his feet.

Looking down…


Fang Zhengzhi’s face flushed red. He had stepped on her leg.

“Oh my, I’m so sorry. The situation was urgent and I had a misstep!” Fang Zhengzhi immediately apologised. After that, in a blink of an eye, he turned and ran out the living quarters leaving behind a trail of smoke.

Now that he caused such a mishap, it was best he did not stay here for long.

Just an instant after Fang Zhengzhi escaped, an ear-splitting voice came out from the living quarters, rocking the whole of Ping Yang Residence.

“Fang Zhengzhi! I’m going to kill you!”

Chapter 165: Execution In The Courtyard


This room in the living quarters was chosen by Ping Yang because it was only a courtyard away from the birthday banquet location.

This room was specifically selected by her. The purpose for the distance was so that when Fang Zhengzhi screamed in pain, she would throw open the doors.

So when Ping Yang was wailing in trauma within the room, those guests sitting down at the banquet could hear everything.

For example, King Duan, Lin Xingjue. Another one was the Chief Imperial Messenger of the Imperial Academy, Han Changfeng.

Even Chi Guyan who was studying in another courtyard could hear Ping Yang’s cries. Those starry eyes looked towards Ping Yang’s room in curiosity.

“That shameless thief…What did he do to Ping Yang now?”

Her first thought was Ping Yang probably suffered some misfortune orchestrated by Fang Zhengzhi. This was within the realms of her predictions. It was just that what kind of misfortune caused Ping Yang to cry out in such distress?

When King Duan and Han Changfeng heard Ping Yang’s voice, they swiftly shared a glance. Both could see the killing intent radiating in the other’s eyes.

As for the other guests, all eyes were on the opposite living quarters.

There, they could see in the courtyard in the living quarters was covered with kneeling guards, handmaidens and servants.

They did not know what was going on.


They did indeed hear the princess shouting, “Fang Zhengzhi, I’m going to kill you!”

Therefore, their eyes naturally focused on the young man clad in a blue changshan, who was currently standing at the door to the living quarters. That man was Fang Zhengzhi.

The Fang Zhengzhi that just escaped from the living quarters also heard that exclamation. He was really curious. Who exactly was that lady in the room?

Why did she know his name?

Did he know her?

As he was thinking about this, he once again tried to recall the image of the lady in the room. He could not shake off the feeling that he met her before. Those eyes that were as clear as spring water seemed especially familiar.

Of course, Fang Zhengzhi did not have the time to ponder on such matters.

A more pressing issue was emerging in front of him.

He saw the courtyard full of handmaidens, guards and servants.

These people were definitely not kneeling for him.


There was only one other possibility. They were kneeling for the lady within that room.

This deduction was simple. After wandering around Yan Capital for the past few days, he realised that the people in this world had a strong belief in their caste system ideals.

Remembering what happened at the front gate, when the lady dropped from her horse, every one of them was unusually startled. After the lady ran towards the living quarters, all chased like their lives depended on it.

At that time, he did not think much of it. He simply assumed that the acrobat lady was embarrassed after falling off her horse. Those handmaidens were probably just busy preparing for the banquet.

Thinking back on it, suddenly, he achieved some clarity on the situation.

That lady was not an acrobat. She was the true mistress of the Ping Yang Residence!

That was the only explanation for what was happening in front of him.

Therefore the exact situation must be that after these people saw the lady fell from her horse and getting drenched, they chased after her in total panic. After reaching the living quarters, they all kneeled down, not daring to get up.

They did not immediately disperse after this.

Such a pose and practice meant that all these people were waiting for the punishment for their failure of protecting their mistress.

The mistress fell down in her own courtyard?

As her attendants, they failed to protect her at a critical moment.

This was the crime!

In this world, even if it was due to the mistress’ own carelessness that she fell off the horse, the servants and handmaidens would still kneel for forgiveness. The purpose of this was to take responsibility for the mishaps that befell their mistress.

This was the separation between the low-class and the high-class.

Fang Zhengzhi was not fond of this caste society. In this kind of society, even the best servants might lose their lives because of their master’s displeasure.

There was no need for a reason.

Similarly, he was someone born to mountain villagers.

Despite the raw talent that he might possess, those noble families and high ranking officials would never recognise him. They were more fond of those of equal standing as them. It was an arrogance that seeped into their bones.

Never will there ever be someone in the noble family that would declare that a mountain villager was of equal standing.

Just like how humans view dogs. No matter how smart a dog is. It is but a dog. To humans, it would just be a very smart dog. They would never treat it like a human.

In the eyes of those noble families, mountain villagers born in poverty was no different than a dog.

Different eras create different worlds.

Fang Zhengzhi understood this law. The Southern Mountain Village’s former Village Chief Meng Bai and Li Zhuangshi also understood this law, that was why they fought tooth and nail trying to get into the Law of Dao Examinations.

They want to fight against their own fate.

Through the Law of Dao Examinations, enter the Imperial Halls, to rise above all men!

Of course, Fang Zhengzhi’s mindset was different from Li Zhuangshi and such people. He understood this law but that did not mean he approved of it. The competitive Imperial Halls were filled with sinister intentions, and there was darkness within the Official Courts.

Those are not something that he needed to experience to understand.


From the beginning, Fang Zhengzhi’s plan was to pass the Law of Dao Examinations, get one of the so-called “titles” in this world, find a wife and live out the rest of his life back at home in peace.

An easygoing and relaxing life.

These had always been his dream. For the sake of this dream, he needed a lot of things. For example, money…

However, now he was faced with a problematic situation.

His life might be a forfeit.


After the voice rang out from the room, Fang Zhengzhi could see those guards that were kneeling suddenly stood up in unison. Following after this was a “Shiiing!”, a crisp and synchronized sound of swords being drawn.

The cold unforgiving swords shimmered under the sun.

Fang Zhengzhi’s first thought was to run.

However, this thought was extinguished just as fast as it bubbled out because other than the guards within the courtyard, outside of here were even more of them pouring in like ants.

Those guards wore the same as the guards within the courtyard but their weapon was different. On their backs were quivers full of arrows with pure white fletchings.


The whole unit’s bowstring sounded off.

In a blink of an eye, three rows of archers that their bow’s pulled fully.The courtyard walls and gates were all occupied by even more archers.

Too fast…

Almost as if these soldiers were already outside prepared for this. This change of scene was unbelievably quick. Furthermore, these soldiers’ training was famous for being intricately complex.

The atmosphere was suffocating. The killing intent in the air permeated the air like a sea of fog.

In the distance, the roaring of footsteps could be heard. It was clear that reinforcements were rapidly heading in this direction.

What Fang Zhengzhi did not know was that these guards were already prepared in advance by Ping Yang.

It was just that the situation did not go according to plan. Originally, these guards were supposed to grab him from the room after he jumped out of the bathtub, and serve him a few hard paddlings in front of the guests.

But now…

Their mission now was to surround and execute Fang Zhengzhi.

Fang Zhengzhi was in the dark about this but he knew that even with this Heavenly Reflection State power, trying to escape from this was all but nought.

Those officials and noble family members sitting down at the banquet had an unobstructed view to all of this.

Yet, no one stepped forward or even moved from their seats. They were all used to such rapid transformations of a scene because they too had such an amount of soldiers in their own residences.

Although their soldiers were not as highly trained as the Ranger Squad.

This did not affect their boisterous mood at all.

Everyone had their own thoughts about the current situation. They suddenly remembered the rumours not too long ago. Princess Ping Yang was ordering people to send silver taels every day.


She wanted Fang Zhengzhi dead.

Was she purposely luring him into Ping Yang Residence with silver taels?

With the power that Ping Yang Princess had, was it necessary for her to spend so much time and resources on such a trivial matter? What was in their past that led to such a contrasting treatment within the span just a few days?

No one understood but if Ping Yang was able to kill Fang Zhengzhi, this might greatly please the majority of the guests.

King Duan was squinting his eyes slightly. He was really looking forward to this scene.

Han Changfeng also had an almost undetectable smile on his face. If Ping Yang was able to get rid of Fang Zhengzhi, then he would not have to be concerned with the Imperial Examinations.

To him, this would definitely be safer.

Would Fang Zhengzhi really surrender without a fight?

Of course not.

Although he was unsure whether these soldiers with the swords and bows would really charge to eliminate him, he was not comfortable with his fate being in another’s hand.

God knows if someone’s hand just twitched…

A torrential rain of arrows would descend upon him. He would not be able to block them all no matter his skill level.

Especially those white fletching arrows. The frost aura from those arrows could be felt even from such a distance. Those were definitely not normal arrows that were found in his village.

The path forward was totally blocked.

Escape was no longer an option. Then, the only other option was to turn back in.

Hence, under the bewildered eyes of officials and nobles at the banquet, and the soldiers holding their swords and bows, Fang Zhengzhi did a one- eighty and dived back into the living quarters…

Ping Yang had always thought that Fang Zhengzhi was shameless but never in a million years would she had expected that he would be shameless enough to return back here.

She did not even have time to jump back into the tub.

The two pairs of eyes once again met.

Ping Yang saw the desperation on Fang Zhengzhi’s face, ready to perish together with her. Then, her mind inexplicably flashed to the conversation she had with Brother Jiu.

“I’m going to kill him!”

“But you can’t beat him. He’s already a Heavenly Reflection.”

Yes, Fang Zhengzhi was already at Heavenly Reflection and she was only at Star Conglomerate.

More importantly…

The two handmaidens behind her had not even accessed Dao.

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