Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V04 – Chapter 46 Raid on Sadera RM


--- Apex Liberty Bar, Alnus Community ---

July 4th, 2025


It is getting late into the morning; the Apex Bar is usually closed by now. When it is open, the place is always loud, people laughing giggling, everyone enjoying themselves.

Right now, though, the bar is staying open longer for this special moment. When the bar open, one of the soldiers sneaked a military radio into the bars. He was trying to impress one of the waitresses.

The bar is packed, never being this full before. Even the Alnus Military Police is here, not to kick the customers out or to control the massive crowd but to listen. Everyone is dead quiet, all listening to the radio.

"We got incoming!" A Ranger said over the radio. A massive amount of yelling and gunfire can be heard in the background.

"This is X-Ray, taking heavy fire. Lightening artillery. Repeat. Lightening artillery," Another Ranger yells.

Everyone is trying to get as close they can to the radio, wanting to listen to every piece of information.

Wolf is there, listening. He has heard many things from the radio. The battle sounds very intense and right now he feels more useless than ever. Wanting to be there, wanting to do something.

"This is Vanguard-7 Lead, we are engaging an Apostle. Need backup now!" A female voice can be heard.

"This is Echo-2, I see you Vanguard-7. You are all in the kill zone, I can't do anything."

"This is Echo-1, we cannot lock on to any targets. This cloud thin is blocking all radar contacts," An Apache pilot said as he tries to figure out what's going on.

There is some static over the network, interfering with the signal. Then all they can hear what weapon fire and some explosions in the background are. It will be confusing what is happening where.

"This is Colonel Yang, LZ is closed. All aircraft stay away from those purple clouds. Repeat, do not go into the clouds."

"We advise, we have a KIA, Staff Sergeant Donald. Arrow in the neck after a lightning strike." Another Ranger yells over the network.


--- Vanguard-7 Office, Fort Alnus ---


Sarah walks into the Vanguard-7 officer office. She sees Selina sitting in Sharpe's chair, just waiting.

She is not surprised by that; she finds it cute.

"Hello, Selina. Keeping the seat warm?" Sarah asked her, smiling. "Shouldn't you be asleep though?"

Selina looks up at her and thinks. The right words could not be formed.

"I understand. I will be right over there if you need anything," Sarah said. She then turns around and begins to walk off. It is a big operation going on right now, she never been able to sleep the night of operation.

"How do you do it?" Selina asked.

Sarah turns back around, looking confused. "How do I do what?"

"Stay here while they are at war," Selina said.

Sarah gets it. She had those feelings too, even right now. "Well, it comes with the job. But I still worry. They are my team after all."

Selina looks away, not thrilled with that answer.

Sarah begins to think. She realizes this must be hard for her. After losing everything, she finally has somewhat of a home here. Someone that cares about her, someone that she cares about.

"I just have faith, Selina," Sarah said as she walks back over. She takes a seat on top of Sharpe's desk.

"Let me tell you something about men since you’re getting to that age anyway." Sarah continues. "They are pretty simple. They can be either destroyers and monsters, but they also can be builders or protectors. It all depends on what their motivation is."

After hearing that, Selina thinks back at Italica, where the boy stole her purse.

"I take it you had a similar experience?" Sarah said, reading Selina's reaction. Right then she thinks about what she just said. "Shit, that was a very stupid thing to say. I am sorry Selina. That was a bit insensitive of me."

Selina closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Her legs get closer to her and she wraps her arms around them. Looking up at Sarah now, "It is ok. I understand what you mean."

"Yeah...," Sarah said. After everything Selina has been through, she understands the cruel side of Humanity. Well, not just Humans but all races it seems. This is ending up harder than she expected. "All I was trying to say is this… well damn."

Realizing that she is botching what she was trying to do, Sarah takes a deep breath. "He's not going to die. I don't fully understand how this world religion works but, in my world, we pray to a single all-powerful god. Well, most of us anyway."

"But everyone else has," Selina replied, implying that everyone else she knew is dead or worse.

"But not him. Trust me," Sarah said and thinks. "Look, women like you have a powerful pull on a man. That I was trying to say. If a man loves a woman, it does not have to be romantical. He will move heaven and earth for her."

Sarah then leans forward and lightly pokes Selina in the cheek. "He's not going to die because he has a reason to come back. You. That's worth living Selina."

Sarah leans back and looks away. "I don't know what happens, but he is smiling again. Talking more. Being more interactive with people. That's because of your girl."

Sarah then hops off the desk.

Selina watches here and thinks. She is not sure she understands everything she just said.  However, she does feel a bit better. "I believe you."

Sarah smiles. "Come on. Let's watch a movie. Then we can prepare something for their return."

Selina thinks. She knows Sarah trying to find something distracting. She begins to think of a movie. "There was a movie I heard Frost and Scoot talking about. It had that guy from Ghostbusters."

Sarah looks at her. "Bill Murray? What film are you talking about?"

Selina nods her head as she gets off Sharpe's chair. "I think it's called Stripes?"

Sarah's eyes widen as her cheeks get a little red. "No. You're too young for that." When they come back from the battle, she fully intends to kill them all now for this. "Let's watch a Pixar, never can go wrong with them."



--- LZ X-Ray, Royal District Sadera ---

July 4th, 2025


At Landing Zone X-Ray, things are looking bad. Apache air support has been reduced to sniping roles with their chain guns. For some reason, the magical clouds are preventing the helicopters from getting close and using their missiles.

As another lighting strike hits the landing zone, Lelei is on the roof, breathing heavily.

Whoever this magical woman is, she is clearly a master mage. She has even able to block most of Lelei attacks or overcome anything new she throws out at her.

Feeling the stress of the situation, she falls on her knees.

"Ha, you thought you could stand against me, little girl. Go home and play." The female mage said. She goes back to her staff and begins chanting something else.

The clouds above being forming into a whirlpool-like shape. Lelei looks and believes that the women are trying to destroy the plaza, killing everyone, and preventing them from escaping.

"Damn… she is too tough,” she said to herself. All the knowledge she has learned, everything she has experienced recently seems to be useless.

Lelei begins to tear up, feeling very scared of the situation. That she has failed to live up to Colonel Yang and Major Sharpe's expectations. They trusted her to help them, to protect them. This was her one job, and she cannot do it.

This entire morning, she has felt scared. Since getting on the helicopter, her confidence has been getting weaker. Even with Yang bets efforts, she just feels weak.

But they did say, he did say that 'I can't displease'. They all believe I can do this otherwise they would not let her come.

Lelei looks forward and watches the mage. The mage is overconfident, focuses on the soldiers then her. She does not consider her a threat and she specialize in sky magic. She is protecting that staff though, that must be the source of her power. At least for what she is currently doing.

Her eyes widen, "I know I can do this."

Lelei uses her staff to stand fully up. She must trick up her sleeve that might work. It is dangerous but not even this woman will not see it coming. All she must do is stop the cloud magic; the Rangers will do the rest once they get a chance.

Lelei closes her eyes and holds her staff out. She takes a slow deep breath, concentrating. From her books from the other world, she read these laws about gravity, by a man named Newton.

Gravity is a force that attracts objects together. All depending on the size of the object. Everything has a reaction and an opposed reaction. Even in this world, everything is being held down by this gravity theory.

If Lelei does this right, she can use these laws to hopefully manipulate the gravity around her. Turn it into a weapon and crush this mage woman.

Lelei staff begins to glow brightly, and she feels a heavy force around her. It is getting harder to stand, taking all her energy to finish her chant.

The purple magic women sense something and look towards Lelei. "What the? What are you doing little girl?"

Noticing all the energy gathering around the blue hair girl and the strange feeling around her. Some parts start to feel heavy while other areas of the roof feel lighter. "What are you doing girl? What is this?"

Lelei opens her eyes. She lifts her staff and points it to the magic women.

Right then a massive explosion appears on the roof. The building already weakened from battle, so it collapses. The heart of the explosion happened close to where Lelei was standing.




Colonel Yang and some other Rangers saw all this happen. "Go!"

Seeing the building collapse, he and others begin running to the building. Rubble is everywhere.

"Find her," Yang orders. He and a few others begin moving rubble around, looking for any clues of Lelei.

"Over here!" A Ranger yells. He helps Lelei up from the ground

Yang runs over to them "Are you ok!?"

Lelei looks up, all dirty and a bruise on her cheek. "That wasn't supposed to happen like that."

After hearing that, Yang bursts out laughing. The other two Rangers next to him and the one holding her up would chuckle too.

Lelei looks at them all, confused why they are laughing. "I.., I.."

"Don't worry about its kid. Glade you are alive." Yang said. He looks to the Ranger holding her up. "Take her to my CP."

"YOU BITCH!" The mage yells as she walks through the building. She is all cut up and bruised. One of her hands is on her head, holding a wound.

"I am going to personally kill you," The mage continue as she stumbles through the rumble.

The Ranger picks Lelei up and begins running to the Colonel’s Command Post. Same with Yang and the other Ranger.

The mage begins forming a magical spell, forming this large white disk.

"This is Davis. Clear the target." Davis said over the radio.

Lelei looks back and sees this rocket flying. It would hit her dead on, not fully understand what a rocket is. A big explosion happens right where she was at. Once the smoke clears, all she can see is debris.

Once Lelei is taken to the Colonel’s Command Post, a realization occurred. "Colonel. Her staff is still up there. Now undefeated."

Yang looks at her and then back at the building. Since the building is mostly destroyed, they now have a clear line of sight of her staff.

"Is that the weather devise?" Yang asked her.

Not fully understanding the context he is saying, she believes she gets the point. "Yes, her staff is what's producing the clouds.

Yang grabs his radio. "All Rangers engage the staff in the building. Weapons free."

Lelei looks over her cover. She sees some random gunfire heading to the staff. Weapon fire picks up and then another rocket from an M3e1 recoilless rifle is fired. The rocket blows up the staff, causing a massive shock way.

Once the shock wave is finished, the clouds slowly begin to disappear. It looks like the sky magic is finally over.

"This is Osprey-4. We see X-Ray clearing yup. Directing air support back to you."

A rocket that the Americans call a Hellfire Missile can be seen moving through what is left of the clouds and into the street, blowing up a large formation of Royal Guard formation.

Every part of Lelei's body feels weak, screaming to just lay down and go to bed. Or a hot bath, her body is demanding for a hot bath. That spell took everything she had, not having many chances to test it out.

She looks over to her right and sees three Rangers being treated by medics, this version of a healer. She also sees this man with an arrow through his neck, laying there lifeless.

"Don't get worked up about its kid," Yang said as he kneels next to her.

Lelei looks over to him. "It is my fault. You and the Major trusted in me. He died because I couldn't stop her."

Yang thinks for a moment and smiles. "You are completely wrong. He did not die because of you. You did not screw up; you saved the landing zone. Ok?"

"But," Lelei continuous. "My spell didn't even work."

"That didn't work?" Yang points back to the destroyed building with his thumb. "You’re kidding right? That looked effective to me."

Seeing that he has not fully gotten through. "Look. You did great. You faced someone stronger than you and did everything you could. None of us can ask for more."

Lelei takes a deep breath and nods. "Ok."

Yang nods and stands up. He picks up his rifle. "Just remember, you saved the Landing Zone. We can take care of the rest."

Lelei watches him run off back into the plaza, going to go lead his men to victory. She leans back as she catches her breath.

She then looks back at the wounded and dead soldiers. "He wouldn't stay here."

Lelei got back up and walks back into the plaza.


--- Outside Brothel, Sadera ---


The last of The Knights of Talis horsemen is laying on the ground. His arm holding up in the air, like it is trying to stop something from falling on him.

"Don’t kill me! I am a servant of Emroy! Please!" The Knight yells, begging for his life.

Rory smirks and runs her halberd right into the man's body, killing him.

She feels his soul moving through her body, bring this light orgasmic feeling. "Mm."

Once the feeling of the soul disappears, she looks around to admire her work. All around here is about two hundred The Knights of Talis bodies, littered everywhere.

"They had it coming," she said to herself.

She then hears loud explosions in the distance. Hearing that she turns her head around and sees smoke coming from the landing zone. "What is up with these men in explosions. Can't do one mission without blowing something up."

She rips her halberd out of the man's body, leaving a trail of blood.  Swings her weapons onto her shoulders. "However, it is very adorable. Them and their toys."

That is when Rory hears a lot of weapons firing coming from the intersection.

"Hmm, sounds like they are having fun too," she said and then realizes something.

Rory has a small neck radio set. Turing the fight she turned it off as it was distracting her. Everyone yelling and giving reports sounded very boring and there were people to kill.

"I guess I better turn it back on. Even though all they do is yell," she said, just being silly.

After turning that radio back on, she hears how bad the situation nearly got. Even worse, she hears her good warrior friend Alicia.

Before she could reply to Alicia, she picks up something she never heard in her voice before. She sounds genuinely scared.

"We need back up now! Engaging an Apostle!" Alicia yells over the radio. "Rory! Do you copy?"

"No…," she said softly as his eyes widen.

Right then, she jumps onto a nearby rooftop and begins jumping and running, going as fast as she can to the intersection.

"No, no, no. Stupid. How stupid I am. I should have known!" she said, nervously. "Please don't be dead. I will kill him if he's dead!"


--- Intersection, Sadera ---


Sharpe is looking right at the boy's eyes. They seem to be dark blue however he can see what looks like the Aurora lights in his eyes.

The boy is holding him down, having Sharpe by the vest. The fight has been tough, but he has been able to beat everyone down who got close. Prevented everyone from separating his arms form his body.

"You're the leader of these people?" The boy asked, forcing Sharpe to his knees.

Sharpe's hands are on the boy's arm, trying to make him let go.

"One of them," he said, struggling to stand.

"Then listen to this. I have seen your people. You are the essence of insanity. The guardians of darkness. You bring chaos and violence. I do not understand why you side with Emroy but you will falter."

"Speak English boy," he struggles to say. "I am not on Emroy’s payroll."

The boy just looks at Sharpe and lifts him in the air. "Regardless. Your people have brought instability and unbalance to this world. As my God Idos commands, I, Taylin will cleanse you and the rest of your people form Falmart."

Sharpe listens to everything this boy has to say. He has seen much combat in his military career. He has faced many deadly opponents in his career; many times, he always wonders how he is still alive. Never once he thought this is how he would go out.

As the boy who calls himself Taylin raises his ax, preparing to slice Sharpe head off. Since running into Rory, he has been afraid of running into another one of her. These Apostles are dangerous. All he can hope is that he bought enough time for Rory to come and save the others.

Seeing the ax, he just begins to laugh.

Taylin looks confused, not understanding why this man is laughing. Usually, his victims are screaming or begging for their lives. "Why are you laughing."

He struggles to speak. "I don't know... Never thought I was going to die, because… because the lady is taking too long with her makeup."

Taylin looks very confused, not understanding the context at all. That just amused Sharpe even more. This just reminds him of the time with Nick, Cortez, Jessy, and the others.

Deciding to finally end this, Taylin begins to swing his battle-ax at him. He stops again and brings Sharpe closer to him.

"What do you mean by that?" Taylin asked, very confused. "Who are you waiting on?"

Right then both can hear this noise coming from Sharpe left.

With all her speed, Rory rushes right at Taylin, slamming her Halberd right into Taylin. "Let go of him!"

Taylin lets go of Sharpe and flies down a block and right into a building.

Sharpe falls on his knees, catching his breath.

Rory looks down at him, with this deeply worried look.

Sharpe looks up and gives her a thumbs up. Showing her that he is 'fine'.

Rory takes a deep breath, showing a sign of relief.

Rory then turns around and sees the other Rangers. Many looks battered like rag towels. That I when she sees one of the Rangers arms is halfway chopped off and another one is in two pieces.

Rory must admit, fighting an Apostle, they did fairly good job fighting one. Only two dead so far.

Rory looks back to Sharpe as Alicia and Randy rush up to him. Randy also looks like crap, like he just finishing fighting a bear.

"I will take care of him. You all finish the mission," Rory orders.

"Roger that," he said in a tired voice as Alicia helps him up.

Right then Rory charges towards Taylin.

Alicia starts helping Sharpe over to the statue. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah… no…," he said, finally catching his breath. "Mainly my pride."

"Your pride?" Alicia asked, looking at him confused.

As Alicia and Randy sit Sharpe down by the statue, he looks over to the raging battle Taylin and Rory are having.

"I don't know what's worse. Never thought I would get my ass kicked by a thirteen-year-old boy. Or getting saved by a thirteen-year-old girl." Sharpe said, resting.

"Not how it works sir," Alicia said. Sharpe gives her a 'shut up' look. "Situation report."


--- Intersection, Sadera ---


After the situation started to improve at the intersection, Seal Team-3 repel down the wall into friendly lines.

Some of the Rangers help the civilians down and move them to safety.

Daniel rushes over to the statue, where he sees Sharpe.

Sharpe sees Daniel running over and stands up.

"Lieutenant Commander, I see you finally arrived," Sharpe said to him in a tired voice. "Do you have the packages?"

Daniel looks at him, noticing that he looks like trash. Looking around he sees all the Rangers who fought the apostle also look like trash. He did not like the question though, because of the historical context of it. "Of course. Now, what is the situation."

"Intersection is still ours. No thanks to-." Sharpe said before Daniel interrupts him.

"Taylin?" Daniel adds.

"Yup. CIA definitely missed that one." Sharpe commits, looking over to his right.

Over there they see smoke and some buildings being smashed. It is like watching two titans who cannot die fight. The sounds of impacts can be heard over the sounds of the modern battlefield.

That is when Sharpe notices the Imperialist civilian. "Who the hell is that?

Daniel looks behind him and then back at him. "An assist. Now, we should go before the helos leave us."

Sharpe takes a deep breath and looks around. "Sergeant Major. Get Lieutenant Johnson and Captain Eger. We are moving out."

Like the word that everyone moving out, the Imperialist civilian rushes over to Daniel and Sharpe. Two Rangers and a Seal aims their rifles at him. They all yell do not move.

"Wait, wait, wait!" The man yells.

"What is it Ekloias? We need to leave." Daniel said.

"There is more." Ekloias answers.

"What do you mean more?" Sharpe asked, not believe the reality of this.

"Why didn't you bring this up before?" Daniel asked him, angry at him.

Amira rushes up. "I am sorry, we're all scared. So much is going on."

"No. No more of this. The mission is competed. This is the list we were given. The CIA didn't inform give us of any extra survivors." Daniel said.

"Where did you think the CIA got that information from?" Amira said.

"You are telling me he is a mole for the CIA?" Sharpe asked, taking more interest in the conversation now.

"Well, not directly with the CIA. It is a long story." Amira said.

"I don't care. Look, half your men are wounded. One critical and the other is dead. I was on the wall; the Landing Zone is in smoke. We leave now." Daniel explains, making it clear there is not another option.

"No. We are not leaving anyone behind." Sharpe said right at Daniel.

"Not now Major! This isn't up for discussion." Daniel responds.

"You're going to do this again aren't you. That other hostage is going to get crucified just for revenge after this." Sharpe explains.

"Ekloias, where is this person?" Daniel asked.

"Over there," Ekloias said pointing. There is this semi-tall building by some market zone, less than two miles away.

"No god damn way we are going over there," Daniel said.

"Ekloias, how sure are you?" Sharpe asked him again.

Daniel looks to Sharpe. "I said no!"

"I am very sure. I have seen her there many times." Ekloias answers.

Sharpe looks to Daniel, getting very annoyed by time. Tonight, has not been a good night. "You're honestly going to do what you did last time aren't you? God damnit."

They argue on what they want to do, Sergeant Major Randy walks over. "Hey!, Knock it off. Both of you."

Both stop their fight and look at the Sergeant Major.

"It's done," Daniel said.

Sharpe looks at the building and then back at Ekloias. "Fine, you win."

Daniel is surprised by that.

Sharpe looks to Randy. "Randy, tell Johnson Daniel is in command. Gather everyone and head back to the LZ." He then looks to Ekloias. "You're with me. If your lying, I will personally slit your throat."

"Wait, no. Major Sharpe. I am ordering you to stay here." Daniel said.

Sharpe looks to him. He wants to say something and decides against it. He looks to Ekloias and heads out.

Both of the head out, Sharpe following him to some back-door alleyway.

Daniel stands there, not knowing what to do. "God damnit Sharpe. This is what I am talking about."

Private First-Class Alicia Moore walks up and watches him laves. She then looks to Randy and the rest of Vanguard-7. "So, what are we waiting for?"

She and then the rest of the team follow Sharpe and the other man down in the alleyways.

Daniel stands there as Vanguard-7 leaves. "FUCK!" He then points to the Vanguard-6 team leader. "Captain, take the survivors and head to the LZ. I am giving you the bulk of my team as an escort. You three with me."

Daniel and three other Seals begin chasing after Vanguard-7.


--- Palace, Sadera ---


As Vanguard-5 and Delilah move down the hallways, they are leaving behind a long trail of blood and bodies.

Currently, they are hung up in a three-way split of a hallway.

"Fire in the hole!" A Staff Sergeant Trenton Hicks yells. He tosses fragmentation grenade down a hallway. A few seconds later an explosion, killing everyone down there.

"Go!" Captain Bailey orders. Everyone gets up and moves down that hallway.

As they move down the hallway, there are some details they notice from Noriko's description.

Out of nowhere a Volralden breaks through the wall and rams right into one of the Rangers. Another Ranger that was in front of him falls forward from the sudden attack.

The Volralden looks down at Staff Sergeant Gerald Foley, grabs him with his right arm and then bits down on the Ranger's left shoulder.

The Range scream loudly from the huge amount of pain.

"Get off him you bastard!" Bailey orders as they all try to reorganize themselves.

Delilah takes her sword and pushes her sword right through the Volralden side.

That angers him and begins moving around, trying to reach for Delilah. As the beast moves around, she pulls her sword out of him and then lands. Using her natural speed, she bounces around the Volralden, slashing from all sides.

After many strikes, the Volralden falls backward dead.

"Oh damn." One of the Rangers said, shocked on what just happen.

One of the other Rangers helps the wounded man up. "He looks, bad sir. We need to get him out of here."

Bailey looks at the wounded man. This is great, his team was already under strength from the Elias Forest Campaign. He cannot afford to lose more men.

"I can go. You guys help him." Delilah proposes. "We are close already. If you just hold them off, I can save her."

"You have five minutes and then we are out of here," Bailey said to Delilah. He does not like the idea of splitting up but has no choice.

"Go. We have your six," Bailey finishes.

"My six?" Delilah asked, confused by the term.

"… Just go," Bailey adds. "Everyone else, defensive position."

Delilah runs off, letting them cover her 'six'.

Just around the corner, she sees another two guards. It would be easy to take them out, using her speed to get around them.

While the Rangers are good, she is finally happy she does not have to slow herself down for them.

After going around a few more hallways, she sees Zozal family crust on the wall. She has finally reached Zorzal chambers.

She leans against the door, trying to hear what is inside.

"You take the left. Be ready," Someone said.

"Hmm… sounds like four… maybe five." Delilah said to herself.

She looks around, seeing if there is another way in. Seeing a window, she gets an idea. He is a prince; he has a balcony for her to break in.

She hops through the window and grabs the side of the outer wall. She looks down and realizes how high she is. "Wow… shouldn't have looked."

Slowly she moves to Zorzal room. After a good few minute, she can look inside.

Her eyes open wide seeing her queen Tyuule, standing there naked. Zorzal has his big boy sword, standing by her side. Also, there are four other royal guards in his room.

"This is not going to be easy. Kind of wish they were with me." She said to herself, referencing the Rangers.

Seeing that she must take out the guards first then help her queen.

Delilah pulls out her sword and jumps down, swinging herself into the room. Before the first guard can reach, she can slash his head right off him.

Turning around, she hops again, spinning backward in the air. She lands and charges forward, stabbing her sword right into another guard.

She tries to pull her sword out of the man's body, but it seems stuck. She lets go before the third guard can hit her with his sword.

She rolls on the ground and pulls out two knives.

"Stop!" Zorzal yells. He then begins to chuckle.

"Delilah, what are you doing here. Run now ahh!" Tyuule said in a painful voice. Zorzal has a chain around her neck, her arms bound behind her body.

"If you don't stop, I will slowly cut this whore of a queen," Zorzal said, snickering at the idea. "I know she can take a few cuts; I know how enduring she can be."

Delilah glares at him. "You bastard." She about to charge right at him but stops.

Zorzal moves his sword down Tyuule's body until it reaches between her legs. "Watch it pretty bunny. Or some fun goods might get damage."

Delilah can see he is intentionally toying with her. How could something be this sadistic?

The other two guards go by Zorzal to protect him. She then sees the door open and three more Royal Guards walk in after hearing all the noises.

She looks around realizing that there is no way she can take them all on by herself. One moves and Tyuule gets hurt or death.

"Let her go and all of you will live." Delilah, threatening them all.

"Don't believe her," Zorzal replied. He then thinks, glancing up and down her body. "I think you will make an interesting body for my collection."

Zorzal then looks to his men. "Take her."

The five guards charge at ger.

Delilah stands there, trying to figure out what to do. That is when her long ears pick up a very faint voice, coming from outside the room.


Right then the wall behind them explodes. Everything in the room gets shaken. Two of the guards fall over, the others, shocked by what just happen. Zorzal let go of Tyuule, falling back against the wall.

"What is that ringing sound!" Zorzal yells, holding his ears.

Delilah lets go of her ears, closing them right before the explosion happens. One thing she has learned about those Other Worlders, they like their nosy toys.

"US Rangers! Everyone one the ground!" One of the Rangers yells as he walks in. Another two walk inside, aiming their rifles.

Two of the guards ignore what the Ranger said and begin to charge at them. They did not get far as they were shot at point-blank range.

Delilah sees Tyuule and grabs her, pulling her over to the corner of the room.

As one of the guards tries to stop, she, Delilah slices her knife at his throat.

Zorzal seeing his men getting slaughtered, he turns around and runs on his balcony.

Captain Bailey sees him running. "Stop him!" Two Rangers charge after him.

 Zorzal jumps off the balcony, dropping to the next one down. It still a big drop but he was able to getaway.

"Damnit. We lost him, sir." One of the Rangers say.

"That is fine. Clear up, we move in ten." Bailey orders.

Tyuule looks at these strange looking Humans in these very strange looking close. She just witnessed five highly trained soldiers just get slaughtered within seconds. "What is going on, who are these people?" That is when she thinks about what she heard from the throne room. "Are these those Americans?"

Delilah walks over to her, cutting the bondage so her arms are free. "Yes, they are. We came to rescue you."

"How did you even get up here? How did you even know I was here?" Tyuule asked, looking at Delilah, not trusting those Americans.


"Hey, we leave now. Questions later." Bailey yells at them. He looks at his men. "Sergeant, take point."

"Sir." The Ranger answers.

"Bailey," Delilah calls out his name. She sees him give her a slight glare. She gives an apologetic look. "Captain Bailey. What are you doing here? Thanks for the help but…"

"He's dead. We leave now." Bailey said, not thrilled about losing a man.

Delilah's ears drop after hearing that. When she first proposed this mission, she never expected someone will die. Especially those Americans, with all their power and might. Even they are still mortal.

She looks to her queen. "Tyuule. You must trust me right now. We need to go now." She grabs her arm and begins pulling her, following the Rangers.

They all be rushing through the hallways. As they pass, bodies are littering everywhere. Blood splattered all over the place.  Bullet holes everywhere. Walls destroyed from grenades and other creatures.

Tyuule be looking at the carnage, in pure shock, these few soldiers were able to do all this damage. How is this even possible?

Before they get to a staircase, the team stops.

Right there both Delilah and Tyuule sees this dead Ranger that is leaning against the wall. The body seems lifeless with blood all over his left side, where the deep bit happened.

The reality of this mission hit Delilah hard. "What was his name?"

One of the Rangers picks up him and swings his body over his shoulder. "First Sergeant Timmy Write."

Delilah could not form any words. She just nods to the Ranger. Right behind them one of the other Rangers fires a burst from his rifle. The sound still startles Tyuule.

"Running low on ammo sir!"

Tyuule leans to Delilah. "What are they doing, we need to go. He's just dead weight."

Delilah looks at her, not happy what she just said. "Yeah, but he died coming to save you. They do not like to leave their people behind enemy lines. Dead or alive. I see why now." She said with a tone that tells her queen to drop it. The sight made her understand the culture behind the act.

The team behinds moving down the stairways, heading to the floor they need to get to.

Once they get to that floor, moving through the hallways seem to be easy. Resistance looked like it died down.

"Maybe they are running out of men." One of the Rangers said.

"Watch it. They might send another beast out." Bailey replied.

"No. They have a thousand soldiers guarding this one building alone. Unless you killed them all, they are up for something." Tyuule said, knowing the garrison more.

They turn the corner. At the end of this hallway is the balcony to the extraction site.

Bailey gets on his radio. "Osprey-1 this is Vanguard-5 Lead. Almost at Extraction. Need to pick up now!"

"Roger that, inbound now."

As they run down the hall, all of a sudden, an arrow flies right down.

No time to warn anyone, everyone just gets out of the way at the last second. Expect for the last Ranger who was firing his rifle at the team six clocks. He falls forward, screaming in pain.

That is when they find out they are trapped. Royal Guard soldiers and archers are covering the extraction point. And now there are some troops behind up, both forces keeping the team pinned down. Unlike before where the hallways were an advantage for the Rangers, now it has switched.

Delilah kneels there looking around. She watches as the Rangers fire at the enemy. They might be able to fight through, but it will be a tough fight.

She looks around and sees this open window above. It is small and tight, but she thinks she can slip through.

"Captain, cover me," Delilah said. She would not wait for him to reply. She jumps up against the wall and propels herself through the window. Once through she grabs the edge, just nearly slipping.

Once Delilah stabilizes herself, she begins moving along the side of the palace, just like last time. She keeps going until she gets to the balcony.

Looking at the balcony, there seem to be about fifteen soldiers outside and a few more inside. All trying to block them from getting here. Maybe they understand they are trying to escape from this location.

The flying machine they call an Osprey arrives. There is a man on the side armed with a minigun.

Delilah waits here and watches and that minigun rains a massive about of bullets into the balcony. She waits until the attack stops.

She jumps onto the balcony and sees the remaining guards inside. Pulling out both her knives, she jumps into the room and slaughters them all.

Not holding back at all, all her anger about how they treated her queen and her people unleashed. Unexpectedly, she even wanted to take revenge for the Rangers who got hurt and the other who died on this mission. Never meant them, never seen them before but still, this is very personal.

Tyuule stands up as they all hear those soldiers yelling and screaming. The sound of slaughter. She smiles, remembering how great of an assassin Delilah was. "That's the Delilah I know."

Once Delilah is done killing all those soldiers, she waves down the hallway, signaling that it is clear.

No one had to say anything as the Rangers get up and help their dead and wounded to the balcony.

As the V-22 flies get into positions for everyone can jump on. Delilah looks down and sees these two girls. They were the two servant girls that helped her, now dead. She can only guess that they were waiting for them to arrive and the guards saw them.

"Delilah, let's go." Captain Bailey said, standing on the edge of the Osprey. He holds out his hand.

Delilah walks over and takes it. She hops into the helicopters.

"Thank you very much," Delilah said to Bailey. She then looks to the other battered Rangers. "All of you."

They all look at her and raise their rifles slightly, a nod of respect.

Bailey moves over to Delilah position and pats her on the shoulder.

"Thank you for bailing us out back there, killing that wolf thing. You are a surprisingly good fighter. Never expected locals to be that big of an assist," Bailey said as he sits down.

Delilah does not know how to respond to Bailey. She nods and glances away. “Thank you. You guys know how to fight to. I am impressed myself. Thank you. All of you.”


--- LZ X-Ray, Sadera ---


At Landing Zone X-Ray, after the strange magical clouds disappeared, Colonel Yang was able to call in the full might of the AH-64 Apache gunships. They were able to roll back the gathering enemy force that was building up during Lelei's fight against that mage.

Over the outer walls and towers, the sun or otherwise known as Flare begins to shine. The night, which was the biggest advantage for the American attack force is now disappearing. Which will make it easier for the enemy to hit their targets without relying on magic or other tools.

Lelei is on the right flank. About six Rangers are with her, all taking cover, firing down the street.

What is left of the Royal Guard is trying to besiege the Rangers. Over Lelei radio, she can hear some news about the current situation.

"All ground forces be advised. We are detecting One, maybe two Legions inbound. They look like the regular army so pull out as soon as possible." Helion-6, the F-35 pilot said.

"Roger that Helion-6, advisement received," Yang responds. "Echo units, I need a weapons check. Are you able to deal with the incoming force?"

"This is Echo-1 Lead. I am about dry. On a holding pattern picking off targets of interest. Echo-2 is out, and Echo-3 only has two Hellfire missiles left." Echo-1 responds.

"Also, be advised, I have friendlies heading to your location now. I have them on heading to your right flank." Helicon-6 said.

Hearing that, Lelei looks around. She finally can see her friends again, making this ordeal worth it.

Seeing a few more Royal Guards, blocking the path. She holds up her staff.

After a short chant, seven bright white stars start coming out of the top of her staff. Once she is finished, she directs them right at the enemy. The stars fly forward, ramming right at the enemy soldiers, slicing them in half.

Once her attack is finished, she stands there catching her breath. Using magic can take a toll on a person's body, not meant to be used consistently over in a short period. Usually, magic users are used as a support force, not as frontline soldiers.

One of the Rangers nearby her stands up and begins to wave. "Over here!"

Him yelling that had to mean it was the other team.

Taking a deep breath, Lelei looks over her cover, hoping to see the Major and her other friends.

The group arrives and moves through their defensive line. Lelei sees they all look ragged too. One man has his arm cut off and another, cut a clearing in half is being carried on a stretcher. There is also a few of the civilians she suspects are the prisoners they came to rescue.

"They are right behind us," One of the American civilians said in a panic.

Over the radio, someone begins reporting to Yang that the other team has reached the landing zone. There is also a large cavalry force inbound.

"Roger that. All Rangers take cover. I am declaring Emergency Alpha-One and lifting all airstrike restriction. Keep the Imperial Army back until the gunship in position. ETA, ten seconds." Colonel Yang said.

The Rangers around Lelei begin open firing, giving everything, they have left. The incoming cavalry is storming the streets fast.

"This is Angel-2, we copy you, Colonel. Emergency Alpha-One received. Everyone takes cover now, firing 105 around." Angel-2, the AC-130 coordinator said.

Lelei takes cover by one of the Rangers, the other does as well. She was out cold last time one of these flying machines were used. From what she was told, they are very deadly.

Everything is quiet until the first shell lands into the center of the incoming army. Right after that, a long bombardment begins right in front of them. 105mm round is landing all over the advancing Imperial Army force, wiping them out.

After about thirty-five seconds the bombardment stopped.

Lelei and the other Rangers around her stand up and look forward.

Many buildings are destroyed, bodies of Royal and Imperial Army soldiers lay on the ground dead. In the background, she can see more soldiers. However though, they are not advancing on us, they seem to be retreating.

Civilian casualties are probably low. They had plenty of time to run away, fearing for their lives.

"This is Helion-6. Drones are showing that the enemy army is falling back. It looks like the will to continue the fight is out. Will keep a Gray Eagle on them." The Helicon-6 F-35 pilot said.

After looking around, she looks back to the advance team. She wanted to go talk to Sharpe, wanting to just hug him and cry. She wants some of the confidence and feels secure again. The night has been stressful. As she looks at them, she notices something off.

"Wait…," Lelei said, speaking to herself. There is a lot of people missing. "Where are Sharpe and the rest of Vanguard-7?"

A Seal who looks like he is in charge. To her surprise, he is not that Daniel man who Sharpe fought with before. "They aren't coming here. He's taken them on some cowboy mission to look for another hostage."

Lelei looks at him, not understand this cowboy reference she keeps hearing. "Wait, so they are out there? We can leave them behind."

"I don't know what the plan is, but we are not leaving anyone behind. Now I have to go report to Colonel Yang." The Seal said and then rushes off.

Lelei thinks about it, now getting worried about her friends. She runs to Yang Command Post, wanting answers.

As Lelei runs, she passes many Rangers. Some of them are gathering their things like they are preparing to leave. Some look beaten up, that lightning strikes seem to have hit the Landing Zone hard. Medics are treating those soldiers who were harmed by the lightening or hit by arrows.

To her surprise, not as many were harmed as she originally thought. Still, a lot of people got hurt because she could not stop that mage woman sooner.

Once she arrived at Yang, he seems to be angry.

"What do you mean they went on a side mission? God damnit." Yang said, not taking the news well.

"Want us to go after them, sir?" The Seal asked.

"No, we are pulling out," Yang said. "Get your men and the hostages on the Osprey now."

"Wait. We can't leave them." Lelei interrupts.

Yang looks over at her. "We’re not, this just makes it more complicated."

"He's going after more of your people. Isn't that why we are here? Isn't that why you are here?" Lelei said in a tired but determines voice. "Soldiers have to act when the opportunity arrives. That is why I respect your kind, you act."

Lelei takes a deep breath, not knowing where that speech just came from.

Yang tilts his helmets up a little bit. On it is this large cut that ripped into the camouflage, probably came from an arrow. "Well, that is interesting. Hope on my helo kid. We’re going to go after them."

Yang then looks to Major Davis. "Major, you're in command. Get everyone out of here and home."


--- Adaulis House, Sadera ---



"What the hell was that?" Scott asked.

"That was 105 rounds. Gunship," Randy responds as he fires his rifle.

Right now, both Vanguard-7 and Daniels unit from Seal Team-3 is in a firefight on the main street.

"Ekloias, how much farther?" Daniel asked him.

"Over there, that building," Ekloias responds, pointing to a tall building on another level.

Sharpe walks over. "We need to get off this street." He then grabs Ekloias by the shoulder. "Is there another way?"

Sharpe can see that Ekloias is scared shitless. The only thing that seems to be keeping him mentally together is both him and Daniel's continuation of asking questions and direction. He has to say though, a huge amount of respect. Not a lot of civilians would not volunteer to do what he is doing.

"Ahh, that way. Around those buildings," Ekloias stutters, sounding very scared.

"Alright. Sharpe, my team will make a point. Clear the rear." Daniel said and looked to his Seals. He gives them commands and the move down the alleyway.

Sharpe looks to Lieutenant Johnson. "Johnson, you take our six. No one gets behind us. Everyone else moves out."

One by one Rangers from Vanguard-7 falling back into the alley, right behind the Seals.

Sergeant Major Randy Dodson and Private First-Class Harvey Frost stop at the fort within the ally. Everyone left be moving right, running down the very right path.

"Go Rangers go." Randy looks to Frost. "Ready the grenade launcher."

Frost loads his M320 grenade launcher that is attached underneath his M4 rifle. "Lock and loaded sir."

"Fire it right when they gather." Randy orders.

It only takes a few moments for them to see the enemy gathering. As they gather at the entrance of the alleyway, Frost fires his M320 and gets up running.

They can hear a small explosion and scream of people dying.

As Sharpe runs, he does not like the idea his people are in this alleyway. It is to crap, easy to get ambushed. He can hear horsemen and infantry on the other side of the building, on the main street. They sound like they are confused about where his people are at.

As they get to the end, a Seal and Private Second-Class Scott Marvin be outside engaging some Imperialists.

"End of the alley!" Alicia yells.

Both teams get to the end of the alley. It leads back to the main road. To its left is a stone ramp, heading up to the next level. They begin heading up the ramp but then some arrows begin raining down on them from the building in front of them.

"Contact," Specialist Jerry Williams yells.

Sharpe looks up the ramp. He then looks at the Seal with an M3E1 Recoilless Rifle, their last rocket. "You, take that M3 and blow up that building."

Daniel turns around to face Sharpe. "Don't you dare order my men around Major."

Sharpe looks back at him. "Then you order him to." He then looks to his Rangers, stepping out on the main street. "Rangers, cover fire!"

Daniel orders that same Seal to take the M3E1 and destroy that building with the archers on it. His Seals rush out and lay suppressing fire on the building.

All Sharpe Rangers run out of the alleyway and into the main road, forming a firing line. All of them open fire at the coming Imperialist Army.

A horsemen charges around the corner and coming right at them. A bullet hits him in the head, making him swing back and roll on the ground. All the Infantry that he either gets shot up and trying to find real cover with the realization that their shields are useless.

"Crist, how many are there?" Alicia asked as she fires her rifle.

"They look like the regular army." Jerry points out.

"Knock the chatter off and fire," Johnson said as he walks along the line.

The Seals behind them fires their rocket, destroying the building.

"Seals, storm the hill!" Daniel yells. He and his three other Seals charge up the ramp, killing anyone that gets in their way. Once the top of the ramp is clear, he turns around to the Rangers. "Sharpe!"

Hearing his name, he looks behind him. Seeing that the area is clear he looks back to his Rangers. "Rangers fall back."

They all get up and begin rushing up the ramp as the Seals cover them.

Once they are all onto the ramp, all of them begin rushing left, heading straight to the target building.

"Vanguard-7, Seals-3, this is Colonel Yang, we see you. You have tangos all around the area," Yang said over the radio.

Daniel grabs his radio. "This is Seal Lead, I hear you. We are at the target location. Need extraction."

"Negative. All areas are too hot. And this bird is too large for the area." Yang said.

Daniel looks around.

Sharpe sees him. "What's going on? My Radio busted." During the fight with Taylin, his radio was destroyed.

Daniel looks to him. "Careless fool, that figures. Colonel Yang on the horn, looking for an LZ."

Sharpe looks around and thinks. "We don't need an LZ, we just need a roof."

"…agreed," Daniel responds and then points, seeing what looks like a flattop roof. "Colonel, we are going to use a roof as an extraction point."

Sharpe looks to his men. "Johnson, storm the building and find the package. Everyone else kills anyone who gets close."

"With what, were almost out of ammo," Scott said.

"Then use your helmet then Ranger," Sharpe said, looking away.

Daniel looks at the building. "I am going to clear that LZ. We will cover from there."

Sharpe looks at him and then at Steele. "You are going to need a snipe then. Andrew, you're with Daniel."

"You trust me with one of yours?" Daniel asked.

"Just looking for a good reason to kill you, Commander," Sharpe said back to him. He then reloads his Colt pistol. "Hold this line, everyone."




As the Seals move out to create a new LZ and Sharpe outside helping keep the Imperialists back. Johnson and Frost to go inside the building.

They break the door down, aiming their weapons. The room is full of jewels and other items that look expensive.

"Stay focus. Let's check the rooms," Johnson orders.

They move around, beginning to break down doors into any room they see. Each time calling out 'US Rangers'.

Once the main floor is clear and no sign of the prisoner. They move up to the next floor. Outside the hear a short string of mini gunfire.

"I hope that guy is telling the truth," Frost said, clearing the second floor.

"You and me both. Just make sure you don't miss anything." Johnson said. "Fuck, I hate this country." He then mumbles.

That is when they see this man appear out of nowhere. "What are you doing at my house!"

"US Rangers! Stand back!" Frost yells at him.

"Where are our people! Tell us now."

The man picks up what looks like a butcher knife. Seeing that Frost fires at the man, shooting him in the shoulder.

"Stand down Frost!" Johnson yells. He then looks at the man as he tries crawling away.

That is when they both hear this light voice, coming from one of the rooms. They both look at each other and nod.

"I will watch him. Go." Johnson orders.

Frost turns around and runs down the hallway. He breaks the door down. "US Rangers!"

He looks around and then freezes. He sees this nine-year-old girl in this pink dollish like rob. She is sitting on this straw bed with a chain around her neck, which is connected to the wall. It looks like she was some teenage pet.

"Holy fuck, what is this?" Frost said, struggling to understanding what he is seeing.

"Watch out!" The girl yells softly.

Frost looks to his left and sees this other girl running right at him. She tackles him right into the wall and stables him in the shoulder with this knife.

She lifts the knife out and tries to stab him again. He catches her arm and pushes her away. "You bitch!" He said as he looks at his bleeding shoulder.

"Get out of my house you mulls!" The girl said. She only looks like she is in her teenage years but what is considered teenage in this world? “And this slave belongs to me you thief!”

"Stay back or I will shoot. I am just here for the girl!" Frost yells back at her, pulling out his SIG M20 pistol and aiming at her.

"She belongs to me!" The girl said and then charges him again.

Frost shots her three times as she charges. She falls back, dead.

Frost takes a deep breath but then looks to the girl. "I am here to help. Keys…," He begins to look around.

The girl points to the wall, where a set of keys are at.

Frost gets up and takes them. Then he unlocks her. "Let's go."

Frost walks out with the girl, holding her hand.

Johnson looks behind. "What the hell happen?"

"Never mind. We should go, sir." Frost said as he goes down the stairs.

Johnson follows right behind them.




As Johnson and Frost exit the building with the girl, Sharpe orders his team to begin moving out.

"I am out of ammo," Scott said, pulling out his SIG M20 Pistol.

"Alicia, tell Daniel we are on our way. We have the package." Sharpe orders her.

Alicia tells Daniel that and begins running.

Everyone in Vanguard-7 moves down the street. In the background, they can hear sounds of sniper fire, Steele covering them.

Behind them they can hear loud formations of Infantry, trying to catch up with them.

It was an awfully long sprint, but everyone got to the base of the building that the Seals are at. Everyone gets in an open fire at all the soldiers behind them. Half the team is currently using their sidearms at this point.

Most of the Imperialist soldiers that were behind them fall dead, filled with bullets.

Above them they see and the V-22 coming about. The Helo is turning around, getting in position to pick them up as they hover. Both mini guns on each side are raining down bullets, trying to keep the Legion away from them.

"Double Time Rangers," Sharpe said. He stands there firing his weapon as each one of them moves inside the building. One everyone else is in, he pulls out a fragmentation grenade and tosses it at the incoming soldiers.

When she enters the building and heads up the stairs, the grenade explodes. As he runs up the stairs, he hears this other loud noise. "That's not a bomb."

Once he gets onto the roof, he sees his team around, taking a position on the edge of the roof. He rushes over to Daniel.

"Why aren't we loading up?" Sharpe asked.

Daniel looks at Sharpe and then points out into an intersection. "I am calling in an airstrike."

Sharpe looks and sees this catapult being loaded. That must be what he heard, they are firing projectiles. He then looks to the V-22, it being a sitting duck.

"Get that Air Strike here now. I will wave off the bird." Sharpe said. He grabs Daniel's radio set and calls yang. "Yang pull out. Enemy artillery."

"Wait," Yang said over the radio.

Lelei jumps onto the roof. She slowly gets up. Sharpe gets up and slides right at her. "What are you doing?"

That is when he hears someone yells 'incoming'. Most likely that is a projectile from the catapult.

Lelei pushes pass him and begins chanting. It is a quick spell, trying to do something fast. She raises her staff and an orange bright light appears from her staff. It swings around the helicopter and rams right into the rock, blowing it up.

The spell was not as powerful and large chunks would still hit the Osprey, no serious damage though.

Above they all can hear an F-35 doing a fly by. A laser-guided bomb hits the catapult.

"Did I get it?" Lelei said, falling to her knees, tired.

Sharpe smirks and picks her up. "Yup, let's go."

Lelei looks up and gets a little rosy.

As everyone loads up, Sharpe and Daniel look around, making sure everyone is on the V-22. Once they are both sure, they look at each other and then hops on the Osprey.




Everyone sits down, exhausted. Both Rangers and Seals.

Sharpe sits Lelei down on a seat. "Thanks, Lelei. We own you one."

"A lot of that going on today," Yang said as he walks down the helicopter. "You are lucky you found her, or I would have a grill you both and demote you to cooking duty for the next decade."

Both Sharpe and Daniel nods to Yang. It did not matter what he said made no sense, they understood the message.

Yang then reaches for his radio. "Pilot, get us the hell out of here."

"Belay that," Sharpe said in an exhausted voice. "We need to go back for Rory."

"What?" Yang said, looking back at them.

"Vanguard was engaged by an Apostle sir. Rory is holding him off so we could finish our mission," Daniel adds.

Yang takes a deep breath. "Pilot, circle and find Rory. She should be close to the Intersection."

"We are getting close to bingo air. We need to get to a tanker soon," The pilot said, referring that they are low on fuel.

"Request the tanker to come closer. On my order." Yang said

"Roger that." The pilot said.

The helicopter begins to circle, heading back to where the mission began.

"Where is everyone?" Sharpe asked, noticing the helicopters are all gone, and the fighting has stopped on the ground.

"They are all gone. We are all that is left." Yang answers, getting closer to them.

It takes some time as they all lookout, looking for any sign of battle.

Not seeing anything, Sharpe begins to get worried. Maybe that brat Taylin was able to beat her.


--- Luxury District, Sadera ---



As Rory and Taylin fight, carts, building walls and anything else that gets in their way would be destroyed.

Rory is charged as fast as she can right at him. She swings her halberd at him. He was able to block but is flown back a few yards.

Taylin recovers from the attack and charges at her.

They continue to swing at each other, trying to hit a massive blow. Small shock waves can be seen and heard as their weapons collide.

Taylin slides and swings his ax down at her.

Rory smirks and swings her halberd up, hitting him in the air.

After a shortfall, he recovers and lands on a roof.

Rory jumps and lands on the opposite of the roof. She has cut and bruise marks all over her body. Cloths all damage and dirty with blood be pouring out of her body. She is breathing very heavily, exhausted from battle.

Taylin stands there, also battered to hell. But he does not seem to be breathing heavily like Rory. Like when Rory gains strength from souls moving through her body, he gains strength from Idos, the moon. And tonight, the moon was almost full.

"Are you done already?" Rory yells.

"How many times we have done this Rory?" Taylin said.

"Enough…" Rory said, getting angry. She has had an exceedingly long history with this boy.

"Why are you helping those people? I know you serve your god Emroy but they do not from this world." Taylin asked her.

"That is why. You should talk to them. They are good and decent people. They can help this world!" Rory said, lifting her halberd.

"No. Stability and tranquility have to be supreme. Their presence is destroying this order of our world. Soon this world will fall into pure chaos." Taylin said to her.

Rory gets frustrated. "Can't believe I dated you once. Stop being so literal with your beliefs!" She then tries to calm herself down. "They are not here to destroy anything. They are not the bringers of chaos."

"You sound like them," Taylin said. "Look, they did all this to free a few slaves. All this blood and carnage. A stable world is a top-down power struggle. Everyone knowing their place. You used to believe in that remember."

Rory glares at him. Taylin is credit in helping the Empire formed in the early days. He believed in a strong central power could be able to bring stability and order throughout the lands. He was able to convince her that would help her god and aided in her cause.

"Yeah, but I was wrong. This wasn't what I wanted. Look around you! You can't have ordered through slavery. Not through tyranny!"

Taylin looks at her. He can see how much she has changed, and not for the better. He glances down at the roof. The building looks like it is about to collapse. There are holes on the side form them fighting.

To his left, he can hear some noise. He can see some movement, Imperialist soldiers moving a Scorpio into position. While that cant harms her, it could be useful. He aims his ax down to the roof, singling them to aim for the roof.

He keeps looking at Rory, the apostle of Emroy. She has always been a wild one. At one point in time, he thought he could use her to bring order to this world. Her love for people keeps getting in the way, not wanting to be too strict.

You must maintain a strict order. Otherwise, that is how you get wars, crime and worse. She gets to passionate about her beliefs, which is perfect in this situation.

"Rory. If you do not join me in driving these people back across the Gate, then you are my enemy. The Empire needs to thrive for there to be peace." Taylin said. He raises his ax to his waist level. Aiming it directly at her. "If not, I will call upon all other Apostles and gods of their world and banish you."

"… We don't have to do this Taylin. Come on, we can work together. Again, to bring peace to this world. Real peace." Rory said to him, getting ready to charge at him.

Taylin thinks for a second, remembering what that strange soldier said. "Always waiting for the lady too long with her make up."

Rory looks directly at him, not believing what he just said. "… God damnit Sharpe!"

Taylin smirks, seeing the truth now. "Sharpe then. Once I am done with you…" He knows exactly what strings to pull.

Rory glares at him with pure rage. She begins charging towards him.

"NOW!" Taylin yells He slams his ax into the roof, nearly shattering the surface.

The Imperialist soldiers manning the Scorpio fires when Rory started charging.

Rory stops when Taylin yells, realizing that something is wrong. Before she could react though, the ballista hits the roof. The building begins collapsing down, sucking Rory down with it. All the rubble from the building lands onto her, trapped within the building.

Taylin can hear the soldiers cheering, seeing that their side is winning.

He just jumps down into the rumble, looking for her.

After a short search, he finds her arm and grabs it. Pulling her out of the rubble he hears her mumble something.

"Fool." Taylin drags her out of the building and then swings her around, slamming her into the ground as hard as he can.

"Ahh…" Rory lays, struggling to move. Her body is screaming in pain.

"For your betrayal to Falmart and your god. I shall perform the Ritual of Elbaga." Taylin said as he lifts his ax, ready to chop her body into many pieces.

Elbaga was once an Apostle from thousands of years ago. When the people of this world were able to cut him into many pieces and spread him across the lands. While those pieces healed, they could not remerge into one body like an apostle normally would.


--- V-22, Sadera ---


"Over there, it looks like there still some combat." The Pilot said over the radio.

Sharpe looks over and sees some fighting. A building halfway falls apart. "Yup, that has to be them."

Daniel is by Sharpe's side, looking out. "The fight doesn't look good."

Sharpe does not respond, noticing that too.

"Call in an airstrike?" Daniel asked.

"No. We can't hurt Rory." Sharpe said, trying to think of another way.

"Figured it wouldn't be that easy. I am not sending anyone down there. I saw what he did to you."

"I don't need a reminder. But I am going down there." Sharpe said, watching the fight.

"And do what, give him a 'One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall' speech?" Daniel said back at him, making a point. "Anyone who goes down there is dead. Period. Maybe if we had any rockets left."

"Hmmm." Sharpe thinks on that point.

Daniel looks at him. "We don't have any more rockets. All the Apaches are gone. We got no ammo."

"We have that." Sharpe points to a few Imperial soldiers preparing a Scorpio.

Daniel looks. "Not fast enough, or enough impact."

And then Daniel looks inside the helicopter, directly at Lelei. "Unless." He did watch as Lelei destroy that rock from the catapult.

Sharpe looks at Daniel and then at Lelei. "That could work."

Lelei looks over, tired. "What is it?"

"Kid, do you have one more in you?" Sharpe asked, confidently smiling, with a sense of certainty that victory is guaranteed. Even though he all banged up like everyone else, not ready to give up quite yet.

Lelei sees that and smiles. She takes a deep breath and slowly stands up. "Anytime."

"Roger that," Sharpe said as he nods at her.

They look back out of the V-22.

Yang walks back up to them. "Wow, both of you. What are-."

Sharpe and Daniel point their index figure at Yang, telling him to wait a minute.

"I take it you are going down there," Daniel asked him.

"Yup. I take it you are taking the wall." Sharpe asked him.

"Yup," Daniel responds. "You know why I hate you. You go head in, not afraid of a fight. Always the direct approach."

"And you know why I hate you,” Sharpe said. "Always trying to outthink everyone. Taking the side approach."

Then both agree on the plan and say at once "Let's go this."


--- Luxury District, Sadera ---


Right then, a sniper round would go right through him. The shot goes right through him but this time he moves back. The shot had a massive amount of punch to it.

Taylin looks around and sees in the distance one of their flying wagons.

"Hey!" He hears and smaller bullets begin hitting him. While still packing a punch, not as powerful as the first one.

Taylin looks at the man who is now shooting at him.

He sees that man from before, the one Rory tried defending.

"Let's dance boy," Sharpe yells, reloading his pistol.

Taylin begins to rush towards him, getting his battle-ax ready. As he starts though, he falls face-first into the ground.

Rory was able to grab his foot after hearing Sharpe's voice. "You prick…" She said softly.

She gets up and jumps over to Sharpe.

Rory struggled to land, holding her side once she touched the ground and is breathing heavily. "What are you doing here?"

"Saving your ass. I thought you are super strong?" Sharpe asked her, chuckling slightly.

Rory glares at him and gets angry. "It is not my fault. He is at full strength because of the moon!"

"Calm down," Sharpe said. He then gets into his normal cold voice. "You can tract his movements easily correct?" He asked her as he watches Taylin.

Rory looks over to him confused. "Ahh, yes? Why."

"When he is about to hit me, pull both of us away as far as you can," Sharpe explains. "Can you do that?"

Rory looks at him, not understanding what he is saying. "Sharpe, I can't protect you. My halberd is in the rubble."

"Rory, trust me." He said in a soft tiring but a cocky voice.

Rory smiles and grabs the back of his vest.

Taylin gets up. "You… why won't you just die mortally!"

Taylin raises his ax and pushes his body as hard as he can, heading directly at him. He takes his ax and slams it right at where they are.

At the last second, Rory pushes off the ground, bring Sharpe with her. They fly back about fifteen yards and fall on the ground hard.

Taylin stands there, his ax deep into the ground. He used a lot of his strength in that strike, wanting to kill them.




Back at the wall were the Scorpio, Daniel and two of his Seals with Randy, Scott, and Lelei be there.

It was easy to kill them, soldiers, around it. Once clearing the Scorpio, the three begins loading up.

Lelei looks down from the wall, watching the fight down below. She takes a deep breath, gathering all the energy she can. "I can do this. I know I can."

"I know you can," Daniel said, committing on her mumbling. "He keeps you around for a reason. Time to show it."

Lelei looks at him. "You have a strange way of being nice."

Daniel looks at her and nods. He then looks at his men. "Ready to fire?"

"Ready sir," Randy said.

Back at For Alnus, there have been many training classes on medieval weapons. Experts from Earth have been allowed to come so everyone here is a basic understanding of what they are fighting against. Just in case they might need to use them, like right now.

"Alright. Aim where Sharpe is." Daniel orders.

The two Seals and two Rangers move the Scorpio and aim it right at Sharpe and Rory position.

"You are up kid," Daniel said.

Lelei closes her eyes and begins focusing all her energy. She first used her sonic boom spell during the Elias Forest Campaign. It was large and just pure raw power. Since then she has been working on controlling the spell more.

This time though, they just need a micro version of the spell. Just enough to propel the ballista shot from the Scorpio so it goes faster. Increasing the speed to Mach 1 should be fast enough to hit him before he notices. With enough kinetic impact to cause some real damage to.

Enough to get out of the city.

When Taylin charges towards Sharpe and Rory, Daniel orders the team to fire the weapon.

The ballista begins flying, heading to Taylin position.

Lelei holds out her staff and cast her spell. She manipulates the ballista as it flies. Everyone hears this small sonic boom, pushing the ballista much faster.




Sharpe and Rory be laying there, slowly recovering from the hard drop. Then look up at Taylin.

Taylin stands fully up but then the ballista rams right into him. Because of how fast the ballista was going and all the kinetic energy, Taylin flies right into the next building.

Rory just watches. "Ahh… what just happen?"

"Holy shit. That actually worked?" Sharpe said, chuckling a little before feeling a sharp main in his body.

Rory looks at him. "Wait, you didn't think that was going to work?"

Sharpe looks at her, dirt, and semi-dry blood all over his face. "Well… what answer do you want?"

That is when Sharpe receives a light slap on his face.

Rory stands up and rushes over to the rubble. She picks up her halberd and runs back to Sharpe.

Sharpe slowly stands up, feeling his body giving.

"Come on old man," Rory said, smiling. She helps him up and they both begin rushing to the Osprey.

Rory looks over to the wall and sees five people there, running in the same direction as they are. She can see blue hair, must be Lelei.

She smiles, happy that they had her back.

Since the Osprey cannot land, a rob line is sent down. Sharpe grabs it and buckles up.

He then grabs Rory and holds her close to him, making her blush. They slowly raise to the helicopter. Once up there, everyone that inside helps them in and sit them down.

The Osprey moves round once Sharpe and Rory are onboard. It descends to pick up the other team.

As they are loading up Daniel's team, someone yells 'look'. Everyone looks outside and sees that boy Taylin slowly moving out of the building. He is stumbling, finally showing signs of fault.

"By god… why won't he just stay down." Johnson asked, shocked by how much damage he can take.

"Leave that to me, Lieutenant," Yang said. He then looks to Alicia. "Private."

Alicia smirks, happy to follow this order. "Angel-2 this is Vanguard-7. Requesting 105mm support. On target marked as Foxtrot."

The Osprey begins flying away.

"Vanguard-7, this is Angel-2. We copy that. Firing three 105mm rounds. Stay clear." The AC-130 coordinator said.

Everyone looks out of the back of the helicopter. They see these three shots ram right into the spot Taylin is standing at. After the final shot, a large crater can be seen as they fly away.

As they fly away Sharpe was about to head to his seat. Before he goes something catches his eye. He looks down and sees a man in a cloak looking at them, standing on a rooftop.


--- On V-22B, heading back to Fort Alnus, 45 minutes later ---


Sharpe is sitting on one of the seats. Almost everyone is asleep or resting in some way. It has been one hell of a morning.

To his left is Rory sleeping, holding onto his arm while her head lays on it. To his right is Lelei, laying her head on his side fast asleep. His arm is around her.

He is happy for them, happy for his team. While beaten up, they never gave up and came out on top. Not without issues of course.

He is proud of both girls, both overcoming many challenges. Proving how deep the trust everyone has in each other.

That is when he sees Daniel walk over and take the seat right in front of him.

Sharpe takes a deep breath. He must admit, he did a good job in the end. There was no way he could have taken on Taylin alone. His support was a great help, even with their differences.

Daniel looks at Sharpe and then the two girls on both sides of him. He shakes his head but then reaches down into his pocket.

He pulls out two cigars and hands one to Sharpe.

Surprise by this, Sharpe reaches with his free hand, which is on Lelei's side. He grabs it and puts it in his mouth.

Daniel then pulls out a match and lights Sharpe cigar. He then puts his in his mouth and light it.

Both lean back and rest while on the way home.







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