Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V04 – Chapter 47 Good Morning RM


--- The United States President Emily Pots addressing the Nation ---

July 4th, 2025


My fellow Americans, I give you this address today about the current events in the Special Region.

As you all know a situation arises with some members of the Royal Family of the Empire. With my full support, we quickly arrange terms for negotiations.

I authorized the State Department to form a delegation to meet with the Emperor. The goal was to lay terms for a peace treaty, effectively ending the war.

Once the delegation arrived in the Capital city Sadera, they found an American girl that was taken during the Battle of Philadelphia and turned into a slave. The bravery of our U.S. Rangers and the diplomatic team swiftly freed the girl and brought her back to our forces at Alnus Hill. We later learned that the Empire has more of our people as slaves, the exact amount is still unknown.

Fearing the safety of any other of our people that were captured, I authorized Lieutenant General Stanford to launch a rescue mission to get all our people back. I am here to tell you that the mission was a complete success, with the freeing of four Americans and one Brazilian national.

The battle was intense however the bravery and professionalism of our Army Rangers and Navy Seals allowed them to overcome the Empire forces and free our people.

However, this situation should have never happened. While exploring and waging war on this new world, my administration… I should have foreseen that this barbaric medieval world kidnapped and enslaved some of our people.

Because of this and if the enemy continues to hold our people as slaves, there will be no peace.

I am here to lay out a new military strategy for the Special Region. Currently, we are employing a defensive stance to prevent a second attack. I am now expanding the role of our forces to actively engage the Empire and their allies.

Our troops and with our Coalition allies, we will roll back the Empire until they accept nothing less of unconditional surrender. With our new strategy, we will be expanding our presence in this new world.

 I am deploying the rest of the 101st and 82nd divisions. The 10th Mountain will follow afterward. I am also requesting Congress for the reactivation elements of the 2nd Armored, 5th Infantry Divisions, 5th Marines and with an addition of five more Air Force squadrons and the creation of the 25th Space Wing for deployment to the Special Region. We will establish a military presence in one new occupied and allied territory.

… My fellow Americans, let me explain to you the full situation that we are facing. This is a strange unknown world to us. There are things that defy everything we have ever known about our world and the universe. That we have faced and seen things that we can fully explain.

We are going to face situations that our world has not seen since ancient times. Events and anomalies that we might not fully understand. What might be normal to the people of that world might seem so alien to us. Everything we believed to be a fantasy, a dream, is now all true.  Many of you might fear this new world.

However, though, I am not afraid and none of us should be. I genuinely believe that we are going to win this war.

Since when the Gate opened, our troops have bravely faced the unknown. Taking Alnus Hill while facing nearly a hundred thousand enemy troops. Fought a bandit army that nearly destroyed a civilian city. Defeated legendary beasts that were considered to be unstoppable and much more since then.

I know what many of you are thinking. Not just in the United States but around the world. This is a strange and unknown world that is vastly different than our own. I know many of you are afraid since the Gate first appeared there are still more questions than answers.

This is why we are going to win this war, this is why I am not afraid.

Our enemy literally uses bows, arrows, magic abilities, and monsters. Our technology is far superior to anything on their world. Even their most powerful of beasts are no match for our weapons. That is not why we will win this war.

I have faith in God's will. With that faith, I find it interesting that the Gate appeared in Philadelphia, the city that birth Liberty and our great nation. Our liberty has allowed us, the American people to overcome great and mighty nations. It allowed us to challenge ideas that have been the norm since the beginning of Man.

Our tanks, our planes, our missiles, and everything else in our mighty arsenal will allow us to defeat any threat this world has. What will allow us to overcome this great unknown, the challenge of our generation, is our core beliefs that have allowed us to overcome the challenges of the past. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. And our troops are the spearheads of these values.

I believe this because while we face many unknown threats. We have also made great friends and allies in this new world. We have established a beautiful town of Alnus, to who they are loyal to our efforts and values. Neighboring cities have aligned with us in the name of peace. Civilians who have helped our soldiers on the field, allowing us to establish a peaceful contract with new people and enhance our understanding of their world.

Just like in our world, we have become an alternative vision for these people. Just like the Hong Kong revolutionizers waving the American Flag and all other groups seeking freedom, our flag is a symbol of something far more.

Even though peace talks have broken down with the Empire. That has not been the only we bene working with. We are working with the Kingdom of Elbe in finalizing a peace treaty with them. Once finished, I will bring this treaty and future treaties to the Senate.

With them and our other friends, in this world and theirs, that is why we will win.

God bless America.



--- Sadera, Royal District ---

July 4th, 2025


Princess Pina is walking along the battlefield. This is not some distant location but within the capital itself.

She is not alone; her loyal servant Hamilton Uno Ror is by her side. Her two closest lieutenants Bozes Co Palesti and Beefeater E Caty be walking behind her with some distance.

"Those bastards will pay for this!" Bozes said with much anger.

They are walking in the elite section of Sadera. The most wealthy and powerful of the Empire citizenry. It was considered the safest place in the Empire.

All around them are layers of dead bodies from the Royal Guard, once considered the best warriors. Once beautiful buildings now are destroyed, collapse, filled with holes and worse.

"How could this happen?" Beefeater asked herself out loud.

Pina looks behind her and looks at Beefeater. "How couldn't of this happened?"

This is not the first time Pina has seen something like this before. She watched now their helicopters wiped out the bandit army. This though is just ten times greater.

Bozes looks at them all, throwing her arms out with anger. "For what? A couple of slaves? They killed thousands. How is that a fair trade? If they think there is any chance of peace after this, they are mistaken."

Pina hears what her yellow hair friend Bozes said. She knows any hope for peace is now gone. Everything that she feared since the Siege of Italica has happened. But why? Just for a few slaves? Were they worth that much to those people?

Hamilton walks over to her princess. "Your highness, this wasn't your fault. You did everything you could have to prevent this. Don't feel." She said in her usual cheering self. Always trying to keep her princess happy.

Pina looks at her and tries to smile. "I know. Thank you."

As she agrees with Hamilton a strange feeling deep down inside her. A feeling she has never experienced before appears. Not knowing how to translate it, she tries to ignore it.

All around them are soldiers and civilians looking around the dead bodies and rubble, trying to clean up the place. There is just so much dead, this process will take a long time.

Bozes walks around, amazed at the destroyed building. "I am happy now that I beat that man in the face back in Italica. What was his name?"

"Oh, shut up!" Beefeater said as she looks to Bozes with this dumbfound look. "This is no time for jokes. Just look around you." She waves her arms around, displaying all the bodies and damage.

"That is my point. I do not understand how this even could happen! There was not that many of them. Less than a hundred of them? They killed thousands of our people." Bozes yells, letting out her frustration. "This had to be some kind of trap. To throw us off so they could attack the city."

They begin a long argument on how this attack happened and what they should do next.

The man Bozes is talking about is Major Sharpe.

Hearing the name Pina begins to think. She was impressed with the conversation they had while on the way to Sadera. It was an interesting and enlightening experience. The topic of glory was a big topic of discussion. No wonder he does not value it, they can kill so many people with such ease. It seems more like a sport than an honorable battle.

Thinking back on the conversation, she remembers them talking about how their world was stained worth their blood. They referenced what sounded like some big conflicts that changed them.

Pina looks down nothing that her metal boot stepped in a small pool of blood.

Remembering more parts of the conversation. "There is no glory in war, only duty…" Pina mumbles. Trying to understand the meaning behind those words.

Beefeater walks over. "What was that your highness?"

Pina waves her off. "Nothing, something stupid."

 A horseman rushes up to where Pina is at. Once he arrives, he looks down. "Your highness, the Senate is calling for an emergency meeting. You have been summoned."

Pina looks at the man confused. The Imperial Senate building was destroyed right after the enemy attack force left. By one of their flying air machines dropped one of their firebombs on the building. "The Senate is still alive?"

"Yes. None of the senators were killed. The cowards failed to assassinate our leadership." The horseman said with confidence. "You must report there now." Then he rides away, to do whatever task he has to do.

As the man rides away, Pina looks around again.

It just does not make any sense. Yes, we are at war with the people on the other side of the Gate. But this, this is just pointless bloodshed. All this just to rescue some worthless slaves. Wouldn't they have a large population in this world? Couldn't they just replace those few that we take? None of it makes sense.

Pina looks over to her comrades. "I am needed at the Senate. Tell the Rose Order to be ready to leave."

"And then we finally strike back, Payback for this!" Bozes states, wanting to get into the fight.

"Bozes… you saw what happen at the throne room. We are all good as dead…" Beefeater said, honestly saying what everyone thinks.

As the two argue again, Pina and Hamilton head to the Imperial Senate building.

As the two walks through the city, the carnage can be seen everywhere. Pina stops and notices Hamilton is lagging a little, distracted.

"Hamilton. We must go." Pina said in an annoyed tone.

Hamilton pops with surprise and rushes back to her princess. "I am sorry Princess."

"It is ok. I know it is horrible. We just need to go." Pina said and looked at her. "Is there something else?"

"Well. I just notice. Where are their bodies?" Hamilton said, asking a strange question.

Pina takes a glance around the head bodies and sees that to now.

Now that she thinks about it, she has not seen a single American body at all. Taylin did report that he did kill one of them and wounded another. Our people had to kill at least a few others. Did they take them with, if so why?

When they reach the Senate building, the facility is in ruins. Only one bomb was able to destroy a structure that has stood since the early days of the Empire.

There are a few guards are standing outside but as Pina walks pass them. The safety and security they are supposed to represent seem meaningless now.

Inside in the Imperial Senate building is a massive argument going on with the senators and generals.

Pina walks in, ignoring the loud 'debate'.

 The roof is caved in, the once white stone and beautiful marble now blacken with death. Both her and Hamilton sits down on a fallen pile. The floor is stained with this black scorch.

As the arguments go on, many more Senators and Generals jump into the conversation. It is the usual talking points, one side wants to continue the war, some even want to attack Alnus Hill directly. Others want to continue to find a peaceful solution.

As the debates go on, Pina can see one thing about them all. In their eyes, they are genially afraid.

That is when Pina hears General Calasta say something that just stunned her.

"Today has been a great victory. The Empire drove away from the enemy attack in only a few hours. This assassination attempted on the royal family was stopped, thanks to Crown Prince Zorzal. I know many of you are scared of what happened, but I believe this is the turn of the tide." Calasta said in a confident voice.

Pina could not believe what she just heard. This was a great victory for the Empire? Thousands lay dead. Is he this crazy?

Yes, the battle only happened to turn a single night, unlike most sieges that can last for weeks to months. Normal sieges do not apply to these people, their weapons are far more advance. Don't they understand what the Empire is facing?

She stands up and walks forward. "Are you crazy? Haven't you been outside? Thousands lay dead. How is this a victory?"

Zorzal walks up. "Sister. If I recall you and your so-called Rose Gardens were not on the battlefield with our men. Our brave soldiers fought and died in stopping the enemy."

Zorzal calling Pina knights Rose Gardens is an insult. She always hated how demeaning he has been to her and her knights.

"Yes. As some of you know a small team was able to infiltrate the palace. Their mission was to assassinate the royal family or take them hostage." Calasta continues. He then looks to Pina "If it wasn't for Prince Zorzal and his defenders, they would have probably come for you, next Princess."

"No, that is not why they came here," Pina said, challenging them.

 "Then what was it then?" Calasta asked her, smiling as he crosses his arms.

Everyone in the room then looks directly at her. The pressure begins to build and sensing the room turning against her. "They came to rescue their people."

A few people in the chambers can be heard laughing at the idea.

"Do not be silly your highness," Marcus said. He is her father must loyal adviser. When he speaks, everyone listens. "You are correct that we lost a massive amount of our soldiers in the defense of this great city. Are you honestly telling this Senate that the enemy did all of this just to free some slaves?"

"On top of that, are we going to tell the peasants that is why that Sadera was attacked just for that?" Senator Cicero La Moltose explains. "We cannot afford to lose any more creditability, or the city will plunge into chaos."

Pina stands there not knowing how to respond. What Marcus said make complete since no army would ever launch such an attack for a mere slave. Maybe if they were noble blood but a slave, never. That has been the order of things since the beginning. And what Cicero also said make sense to. It is not like we can tell anyone that our best defenders were massacred.

Even though what they are saying makes sense. Before meeting these Other Worlders she never would even consider what she said. Still, her feelings keep making her self-doubt herself. Everything sounds right but it does not feel right, not anymore.

"I… I guess not," Pina said. "But still. We cannot attack Alnus Hill. We can't fight them; they are too powerful."

"Are you saying we should surrender? has that been your plan all along?" Calasta states.

Pina struggles to react to what Calasta said. "What? Speak your meaning?"

Calasta smirks, seeing that she is following into his trap. "Wasn't it you who pushed for this so-called peace? That allowed their assassins into the throne room unopposed and steal our property. Then they attack us again. And now you stand here trying to tell us to give up? As of now, everything that has happened is on your feet. I question your motives princess."

"You're kidding me!? I have nothing but loyalty to the Empire. I pushed for peace because I want an Empire to exist after this war. I want our people to remain to dominate on these lands." Pina said, trying to defend herself. Everything Calasta said just infuriated her.

"I was at Italica and I saw their raw power. I did everything to find a way to save the Empire." Pina yells into the chambers. What she said felt forced, more like she was trying to convince herself of her motives. Everyone in the chamber’s notices that.

"And yet every act you have done has resulted in the slaughter of our people," Zorzal said to her. He then looks to the chamber. "Look, these are a hard time. But we can't follow the weak heart of a woman to lead us through these hard times."

Zorzal continues to look around. "They have failed to kill me twice. Even if we wanted peace, that door has been closed thanks to my sister. Our only option is war! The fact that I am still alive, that everyone in this chamber is still alive. That our leaders from our expedition force have returned. All this shows that the gods are on our side." He said as he raises his fist into the air.

Many of the people in the Senate chamber begin to clap.

Pina walks back to her seat and sits down, feeling defeated. Both of her hands held up her head as she looks down at the dirty floor.

"I just don't understand. I just don't." Pina said, trying to understand what is going on. She can feel Hamilton's hand on her back, trying to cheer her up.

Everything Pina has worked so hard as exploded right in her face. The war will not just continue but will escalate which means the end of the Empire. Everything they are saying she could not counter, but deep down inside she felt like she could. The answers are thee but refused to come to words.

It makes no sense for the Americans to do all this just to save some people. But deep down inside her gut is disagreeing with that Marcus said. Why did these Americans act like this? If they just acted like normal men, then none of this would have happened.

"It looks like you have given our brother a golden goose."

Pina looks up to her left. Standing by her is her second older brother Diabo El Caesar. "What do you want brother?"

"Nothing. It was entertaining watching you making a fool of yourself." Diabo said, looking into the chambers as everyone talks about war plans.

"Be nice. She is your sister after all." Hamilton said, looking right at him.

"Is a servant speaking to a prince?" Diabo asked, looking at her.

Hamilton's eyes widen, seeing that she spoke out of turn. "I'm… I am sorry."

"Forgiven," Diabo said in a non-offensive tone. He then looks down at her sister. "Don't worry sister. I agree with you. Too bad your plans only helped Zorzal claim to the throne."

"I know… everything was working so well." Pina said, tearing up a bit. "How did it come to this?"

He lets her cry a bit, listening to the insane plans on what to do the war.

"Pina, why did you believe you could trust these Other Worlders?" Diabo asked her, not fully understand why she been so trusting to them.

Pina cleans herself up and looks up at him. "I… I don't know anymore. Nothing makes sense."

Diabo looks at her, not happy that his sister is this upset. He looks back into the crowd, watching his older brother Zorzal talking about his glorious war plans.

"Who was that man in the throne room? That you personally escorted." Diabo asked.

"His name is Major Sharpe… I thought he was an honorable warrior. Then he killed all those people. His people seemed to be very honorable up until this. I don't know what to think." Pina said. "These people have no honor, no glory."

"Hmmm… Interesting." Diabo said as he thinks. "Based on the damage, I don't believe they came to assassinate us. They took Tyuule."

Both girls look upright at him, shocked by that news.

"What?" Pina asked, not believing that fact.

"Yes. A small team went into the palace and took Tyuule away. That means that I had every chance to kill both you and me. Even him but they didn't." Diabo said, speaking out loud. Also trying to understand what is going on. "I wasn't in Italica, I haven't had the chance to see these people face to face and judge them. Maybe they are inglorious dogs but with all their power you were convinced that you could have created peace."

Pina sits there and thinks about what he said. At first, she wanted peace to save the Empire. The more she thinks about that, she begins to question what even the Empire is.

 "I think it will be best if you don't show yourself around here for a while. Now that they all think all of this is your fault." Diabo said, fearing for his sister's safety.

Pina ignores her brother, thinking now. All she can think about it her conversations in Italica, the ride over here. Honestly, she wants to believe what her people are saying. That is the easiest answer, that the Other Worlders were just using her. That feeling inside her is just fighting, resisting what she wants to believe.

Remembering that she was the one who requested Major Sharpe and his people. Rory Mercury is allied with them, which makes things more confusing. She never sides with anyone, always acting alone. Why now? Even the stories at Alnus hill, being a safe haven.

Right before Major Sharpe left with that slave, he said something. She wants to blame them for the failure of peace. However, if anything her brother Zorzal and General Calasta said, all this is her fault.

Pina finally stands up and begins walking out the door.

"Princess!" Hamilton said as she stands up. She begins following her, like the loyal servant she is.

Pina ignores her friend, heading outside of the Senate building.

"Princess Pina, where are you going?" Hamilton asked again.

Pina keeps walking. "To get some answers."



--- Alnus Airfield ---

July 4th, 2025


It is early morning; the sun has only been up for a few hours.

On Alnus Airfield is this sense of organized chaos. Four of the five V-22 Osprey have arrived and began offloaded everyone.

Lieutenant General Stanford is walking around is area. All around him are Rangers laying on the concrete resting. Their clothes and demeanor tell the story of an intense fight. Emergency vehicles bring personally to help the incoming soldiers.

In the background, he can hear helicopter engines turning off. A few wounded soldiers screaming in pain and doctors begin treating them.

As he walks through the ranks, he pat is some of them on the shoulders. Congratulating them on a job well done. Doing anything he can to show his appreciation for the tough mission.

This was a rush high-risk mission, and he knew it. Normally a mission would have plenty of time to properly prepare. Figure out the best method and gather the proper assists for the job. The fear that the Empire would either crucify or taken out of the city was too great.

Stanford walks over the medical tents. They were set up before the arrival of the first Osprey, knowing there are casualties.

Once Stanford arrived at the temporarily medic tents, he passed a soldier laying on the ground. An arrow in his left leg. Blood all over his leg pants. Two medics are by him, trying to properly take out the arrow.

Another man is laying on a bed with five doctors and medics around him. Burn Marks are all over Ranger's body, some of his clothes are black with burn Mark's. This is clearly from that lightning magic attack he watched in his command center.

The doctors and medics around him are panicking, trying g to treat the man. It looks like they are afraid that they might lose him from the burns.

That is when he sees the dead. One man with an arrow through his neck. Another looks like he had his right side bitten off. To Stanford surprise, another man's body is split into two.

He walks over to Captain Eger, leader of Vanguard-6. "What happens to him?"

Eger looks to his general. "We were ambushed by an apostle. I can't believe we only suffered two casualties."

Stanford saw what happen through the IRS and cameras on some of the soldier's equipment. Seeing that boy that identifies as Taylin is clearly a threat.

To his surprise, not as many of his Rangers died. When Taylin showed up, it seemed like the body count was about to explode. They got lucky that Vanguard-7 was able to delay the apostle so Rory could save them.

Stanford hates luck. When you thank luck for a win, that means you did not properly prepare. He is committed to making sure his soldiers are ready to fight an apostle.

He places his hand on the captain. "You did good son. Tend to your men."


Looking over to the left, he sees some Italian soldiers escorting the hostages. They escort them to a separate tent and sit them down.

As civilians arrive at the tent, suddenly he can hear some clapping pass the fence.

Stanford looks, seeing some military personal gathering. Security forces are guarding the fence, so people would not bother Rangers, allowing them to rest.

More personal appear and begin clapping. Even some people from Alnus that nearby showed up and begin to clap, celebrating the fact that they saved the hostages.

The Vanguard teams look over, noting the noise.

Stanford can see a renewed spirit within his men. It had to be intense, fighting and facing things that we do not understand. They would scare any man and women, but they did it.

"Rangers. That is for you. You faced the unknown and overcame it. Feel pride for yourself and your brother at arms. You earned every bit of you. You have done your country proud." Stanford explains in a short speech. He got the effect he wanted, seeing a renewed pride in their eyes.

Stanford hears someone calling for him. He turns around and sees Captain Bailey. He also sees two bunnies standing by him, one being that Delilah women. The other must be the secondary target.

He walks over to the captain's team.

"Captain Bailey." Stanford then looks to Delilah after a quick salute. "Delilah…"

As he said her name, a soldier is helping the Ranger that was shot in the back.

Stanford sees this. "Come on, get him over there. Your all home."

Delilah watches as that wounded soldier is carried away by some base personal. She feels bad for the Captain, his team was dragged into her mission and suffered hard. "Captain."

Bailey looks over. Before he said anything, she gives him a big hug. "Thank you and your team. My people will remember this."

With a confused reaction, he Pat's her on the back. "Just another day's work mam."

Delilah let us go of him. "No. I understand." She said with a teary eye. Not that long ago she questioned the motives of these people. "Your true colors have been shown."

Bailey hears that and looks to what is left of his unit. This war has not been kind to his Command but hearing that almost made all their sacrifice worth it.

Delilah then looks back to the general. "General. Wait… Major General Stanford, this is my queen Tyuule." She moves her hands, directing him to her queen.

Since getting on what Delilah a helicopter, Tyuule has been noticeably quiet. Maybe her friend Delilah fully trusts these people, but something seems off to her. After three years with Zorzal, she has learned the desires of men and that there is always a hidden agenda. The fact they sacrifice their own to 'save' her screams there is a hidden catch.

However, they did give her one of their jackets so she could cover herself up. None of the Ranger soldiers seem disrespectful to her so far. When her friend Delilah just did was a real shock, hugging that man. Honestly, she feels conflicted about how to feel. Experience said do not, but her eyes say yes.

Stanford looks at her and reaches his hand out. "It is good to meet you, your highness."

Tyuule looks at his hand. Delilah leans into her ear and informs her that it is a greeting they do.

After hearing that, Tyuule accepts his greeting. "Nice to meet you, your highness."

Stanford looks at her and then smiles. You can learn a lot from someone's demeanor. Based on Sharpe and Norkio report about Zorzal, about his character and how brutal he can be. Even now he sees Tyuule stands tall and defiant. After that three years of horror, she still has her respect and he respect that.

Delilah's eyes widen after her queen implies that Stanford is royalty. Remembering her experience with his title just yesterday.

"Just Major General or Stanford mam. My people don't have royalty." Stanford corrects her.

Tyuule ears bend confused by that. Her trust in them goes down. What does a non-monarchy want with her? She just assumed that he wanted to marry her since they are both enemies of the Empire. Now, what is their motive for her rescue, before of their kindness?

"My apologies Major General Stanford." Tyuule corrects herself. "I have some questions."

Stanford nods his head. "I understand, I would too. First, I do want to thank Delilah here. The mission never would have happened if it were not for her. Now please head to the hospital and we can have a conversation later."

Tyuule did not enjoy him dismissing her desire to have her answer questions. However, she is not really able to challenge his rule. Looking to her loyal friend Delilah, they both follow one of the fresh soldiers that are helping everyone out.

Right above them all the last V-22 flies overhead. It begins to land on the concrete.

Knowing that is Colonel John Yang helo, Stanford rushes over there.

When he gets there, he sees the soldiers rushing out. Two Rangers are carrying out a wounded Ranger, blood all over his right side.

The Vanguard-7 medic, Sergeant Jerry William rushes out and begins calling for a medic.

Almost a dozen doctors, medics and other soldiers rush over. Once they arrive, they help the Ranger, Sergeant Frost onto a stretcher.

The rest of the Rangers and Seal Team-3 all walks out. All looking battered to hell like they faced death and came out.

Colonel Yang walks out of the Osprey. Right behind him is Major Sharpe, being helped by Rory Mercury. Daniel walks follows behind them.

Yang looks like he had a fistfight with a dirty rag. Both Sharpe and Rory look like they lost a fistfight from a stamped.

"Morning sir," Yang said when he walks up to him and salutes him.

Sharpe comes up and offers a salute. "Sir. Mission accomplished. My team needs medical attention."

Lelei walks up right behind them, her clothes all dirty.

Stanford looks at them all. "Don't worry Major. Your home, we will take care of your people."

He then looks over and sees Sergeant Major Randy Dodson walk out, carrying the girl they rescued.

When Stanford sees how young the girl was, the mission hit home.

"Sergeant Major. Take her to the tent with the rest of the civilians. All the hostages are gathered there." Stanford calls at him. He then looks to both teams.

Randy stops and looks over to the officers. "Sir, she's old enough to be one of my kids. These people need to pay."

The statement hit everyone. The war now has hit the heart. When the war started, it was about getting payback from this unknown enemy. Now, everyone understands the clear differences between the two factions.

Stanford hears that and understands. He looks to them all. "Everyone, congratulations. In this fight, you faced the best the enemy could throw at us. From fighting an apostle to facing a master magic-user. Never once did any of you give up when the challenges raised. You brought honor to our cause here."

He then looks to both Daniel and Sharpe. "Major Sharpe, Lieutenant Commander Daniel. My office tomorrow for debriefing."

Saying that Stanford salutes them all. It is not natural for a person to fight someone who cannot die. Fighting Taylin should have been guarantee death but they overcame it. Preventing the amount of death, they should if had.

Everyone salutes him back.

"Everyone gets some rest. Heal up. Sharpe, Daniel, Yang we will debrief tomorrow at ten forty-five hundred. Now go see a medic." After Stanford said that he leaves to visit the rest of the Rangers.




Sharpe takes a deep breath but that makes his cough a little.

Colonel Yang looks over to Daniel, but he is already leaving with his Seals. He then looks over to Sharpe. "Remember our previous conversation?"

"Right now, or after some sleep? Sir." Sharpe said to Yang.

"Figures." Yang chuckles and pats Sharpe on the shoulder. He then looks to the rest of Vanguard-7 and then nods. He walks away to finish his duties.

Sharpe raises himself. "You can let go, Rory. I am fine."

"No," Rory said right when he finishes speaking.

Sharpe places his right hand on his chest and turns around. He sees Lelei standing that.

Lelei notices Sharpe and looks up at her.

Sharpe gives her an approving nod and then looks to the rest of his team. The rest of the team are chatting, congratulating themselves on that they survived that raid.

It reminds him of his early days in Delta. After what happened in North Korea, the survivors became close to death. Truly brother and arms, know everything about each other. That we can trust each other to watch each other back, able to pull their weight. He has not felt that feeling since put with the Rangers, at least until now.

"Sir?" Alicia said to him.

"Yes, Alicia," Sharpe said back to her.

"Were your missing in Delta like this one? This insane?" Alicia asked him, curious about what he is going to say. She looks like she is pumped up, ready for another round.

Everyone that is there stops talking, wanting to know what he is going to say. Besides Sharpe, only Randy has seen combat before this War. A lot of this is still new to this.

"Pretty much. The enemy usually had rifles though." Sharpe responds. He then looks to the side, thinking about something. "The boy is a new one though."

Everyone begins to laugh, understanding the context. The only one who is not laughing is Lelei, not understanding the context since she was not there.

After a minute of everyone laughing, enjoying that they are all alive. Sharpe continues speaking. "Rangers. Great job out there. Go get checked up with the medics. Get some rest, we will regroup tomorrow at sixteen hundred."

Then Sharpe gives them a salute. The team gives him a salute back.

As everyone begins heading out, Sharpe looks to Lelei and Rory. He lets go of Rory but keeps a hand on her shoulder, as some support.

"Are you sure you are ok?" Lelei asked him, now a concern.

"I am fine. Not the first time I was in a jam like that before." Sharpe responds. He then looks more closely at her. "Your magic still impresses me. That was a nice shot."

Lelei stands there, looking at him. She smiles and her cheeks rose a little, happy to get a compliment from him. That is the feeling she missed while she was with Colonel Yang. She nods at him.

Rory crosses her arms. "Now. You need to rest. You faced Taylin. You should be dead." She then thinks. "How did you?"

Sharpe looks at her and thinks. "They are my team. It is my responsibility to protect them." After saying that, he glances down and then back at them. "No more death."

Then he thinks about Frost. Still knew to the team, he got stabbed while in the house. Right now, he begins questioning if he should have gone inside. Textbook said he made the right order; an officer cannot control every situation. Still, what happened still angered him.

Looking at them both, he places his hands on both of their shoulders. "Look. I am sorry."

Both Rory and Lelei look at each other and back at him, confused.

"Sorry about that? You didn't do anything wrong." Lelei said to him.

"It is not your fault that things went sideways," Rory adds, smiling.

"Not what I mean," Sharpe said. "Both of you never should have been taken off my team. I knew you did want to, and things did go sideways. I will not allow that to happen again. I promise you that."

They smile and then hug him.



--- Sadera, Royal District ---

July 4th, 2025



After a long and pointless meeting at the Imperial Senate, Diabo walks out. He decides to look around the battlefield.

He has not seemed many battles, being more of an intellectual thinker than a warrior. Even though his father and brother war warriors, current events have proven to him that warrior leaders are not able to lead the Empire. Something must change and only can make that change.

When his sister brought the Americans to Sadera, he was afraid that her peace would make her more popular with the Senate. Maybe even to the point where they want her to become the next Emperor. While a woman becoming Emperor is not common, there has been a few in the six-hundred-year history.

If her peace plans worked, that would destroy any chance of him taking the throne.

While his older brother Zorzal is a bumbling idiot, he is popular. He knows how to entertain the people he needs to. Popularity, always the key to power.

While he loves his sister, she is too weak to lead the Empire. She cares too much about playing soldier and pleasing everyone. A leader must do what they need to, regardless of the people agree or not.

As he walks around, analyzing the damage, a dark elf walks up to him.

"Hello, your highness." The elf said.

Diabo looks to him. It is not every day he meets a dark elf. "Do I know you?"

"No. Not directly. I am here with my master. He requests your presence." The elf said.

"A man requests my presence? This is highly unusual." Diabo said, not pleased.

The Dark Elf bows. "I know however my master prefers to keep his identity quiet as much as possible. You will understand once you see the General."

Diabo was about to just leave however when the dark elf said the title General, that attracted his interest. He then follows him.

As they walk, they just pass people picking up dead bodies, cleaning up the rubble. A task that will take weeks.

After a short walk, they approve a man in a cloak, leaning down to the ground.

The man is holding up one of those goldish metal shells that the Other Worlders weapons make.

"Were you the one who requested my presence?" Daido asked, annoyed.

The man ignores him for a moment. Just analyzing the goldish shell.

"Very interesting." Then the man flips the shell away. "I notice your sister ploy failed."

Diabo looks at him, getting a little defense now since he brought up his sister. "That was a closed meeting. How did you know."

"I have my sources Prince Diabo." The cloaked man said.

The voice sounds like Diabo, something from a long time ago.

"She was awfully close to accomplish her mission. However, she failed to fully understand our enemies. What was her downfall."

Daibo crosses his arms, listening. "That is true. If she gave them our slaves. The balance of power within the Empire would dramatically shift."

"I do not care about royalty nonsense." The man stands up, rubbing his hands. "I only care about the survival of the Empire. Only if she truly took the time to understand, she could have become the most powerful politician within the Empire. Too bad, because now I am needed."

"Show your face or I shall leave," Diabo demands, getting annoyed by this conversation.

The man turns around, removing his head cloak.

Diabo's eyes widen, realizing who it is. "What are you doing here? I thought you were fighting in the North still."

"I am here to end the war." The man said. "We need to talk."








Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman





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