Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V04 – Chapter 48 RM

“US Forces have security Deabis, south of Alnus. Security responsibilities will go to the Australian 1st Brigade.

Victory finally came after the complete surrender of the Elbe Fiefdom Tube Fortress. They surrendered after a military diplomat and an Elbe representative met with the Fortress commander with a letter from King Duran to Surrender. A treaty was signed between the US and Elbe, ending hostilities between the two nations, and forging an alliance.

The commander agreed to the peace terms and surrendered the fortress without the need for battle.” – Free Alnus News



--- Alnus Military Police Compound, Alnus Community ---

July 4th, 2025


During that early morning, Myuute was lucky to be one of the few Alnus Military Police to be assigned to the Other Worlders airfield. While it was not a sightseeing event, it was still very amazing to see all their amazing flying machines.

That excitement ended as she sees the first flying machines, they call V-22 Ospreys landed.

Myuute watches the soldiers walk-off, fresh from battle. This is a source sight not too long ago she was on the receiving end of their firepower. A time she wishes to forget.

Everyone in Alnus knew of this mission, attacking Sadera to save their people.

Attacking Sadera, an insane plan on the best of days. The fact these people were able to pull that task off, successfully is an impressive feat.

As everyone is getting settled, the last Osprey lands and outcomes Rory and her friends.

"Alright, that helo has the enemy prisoner," Her French officer Colonel Séverin Bourque said. Her boss got orders that they picked up someone who is defecting to our side. Our job is to escort him to prison and see if that is true.

Myuute and four others walk over to the last Osprey. That is when she sees Rory. She waits until she finishes help the love of her life move out of the helicopter.

"Hi, Rory." Myuute then looks over her clothes and how ragged they look. "You look like you just faced a horde of goblins." She said, patting her on the back and begins to giggle. "I see you are still trying to get him into bed."

Rory looks at her 'friend' as her face turning bright red. "Shut up! I hate you!"

Myuute laughs at that, just teasing her demi-goddess. "Welcome back. Where is the prisoner."

Rory turns around. "I had a rough morning. I'm in no mood for your jokes."

"I am sorry Rory. What is bothering you?" Myuute asked.

"He's back," Rory said, looking back to her. She points to the Imperialist civilian being escorted by two of the Navy Seals. "And there he is."

Myuute nods her head and looks to the French MPs. "That is him."

She then looks back at Rory. "Who?"

"… Taylin…" Rory said, embarrassed.

Myuute eyes widen. "Holy flying dragon. Really? What was he doing there?"

"I don't know. We can talk later." Rory said and then looks back to the team she is helping. "I need to make sure they are ok." She then looks over to Sharpe as he talks to some base officer. "He went toe to toe against him and nearly died."

"Wait, a mortal went toe to toe?" Myuute looks over. "I thought he was just this scrawny weird." Then she pats Rory on the back again and then giggles. "He's a keeper."

Rory falls forward, not expecting a second pat from her. She sits back up and said every threat in the book. And then some new ones. All which Myuute ignores.

"Ok. I have to escort this man to base anyway." Myuute states. She then walks to the Imperialist civilian.

"Hello sir, you have to follow us. We have some questions to ask you. Security reasons." Myuute said to him.

Ekloias looks at the three men and her. He looks scared, not knowing what is going to happen.

That is when this tannish looking woman runs up to them, trying to protect this man. "Wait, he is on our side. He is my husband. He helps free us from the Empire. All of us."

"Mam, I understand that. We still have to ask some questions and process him." Myuute French commander said. "Lieutenant General Stanford orders."

"Yes, Mam. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can figure out what to do with him. If he truly has defected to our side, then this should prove it." Myuute adds, being serious.

Even though the man is scared, he tells the woman that claims to be his wife that everything is fine and agrees to follow them.

The four of them take the defector off the airfield, to the Alnus Military Police base.

There, the man known as Ekloias is sitting in a room.

Myuute is outside the room, watching as both Lieutenant General Stanford and the Ambassador Harland Willington. She is surprised to see them here.

Myuute salutes to them, learning their military-like that type of greetings. "Sir, we have the prisoner."

"Thank you, Corporal," Stanford said to Myuute.

"Can we trust him?" Willington asked, looking through the one-way glass.

"Well, if it wasn't for him, we never would have known about that nine-year-old girl," Stanford replied. "Also, Seal Team-3 states that this man brought the hostages to them, saving much time. If it wasn't for that, we probably would have had suffered more casualties."

"But why?" Willington asked out load, speaking more freely. "That is what is bothering me the most."

"Sirs. While on the airfield. There was this woman who claimed to be his wife. She is one of your people that was rescued. I think they love each other so he decided to defect." Myuule said, thinking that is quite romantic.

Both Stanford and Willington just look at her, quiet.

Myuute looks at them, realizing she probably spoke out of term. For people without nobility and royalty, they sure do like their order and statues.

"Thank you, Corporal. That is very good insight." Stanford said after thinking about what she said. He was against the idea of including the local population into any form of military service. Slowly that idea has changed seeing the value like Myuute, Rory and Lelei has brought to the table.

"Love," Willington said. "Can't believe it might be that simple. But it makes the most amount of sense."

"The Trojan War was fought because of that," Stanford said.

"Indeed," Willington said. "Sounds like some teen drama."

Willington looks to the siren women. "Corporal, Myuute is it? You may begin the integration."

Myuute salutes and then walks into the room. She sits down and looks directly at him.

The man in front of her, name Ekloias. He seems nervous, not fully understand the situation.

Now she sees why they wanted her in here, to talk to him. Not too long ago, she sat on the other side of this table. Thinking that she was about to become someone sex slave or some labor camp. How wrong she was. She understands everything this man is feeling, thinking, is relatable, which gives her the advantage.

"So tell me. Why did you do it?" Myuute asked him, in a sweet voice.

Ekloias looks to her, shocked to see her. "A hybrid beast lives here? Freely?"

That question annoyed her but understand the context behind it. The Empire is not a big fan of mixed-race people. They seem them as weak, inferior, a subspecies. "Yes, in Alnus. We accept all who want to embrace Liberty. The value of someone is not based on what they look like but from within. That is what the Other Worlders believe and that is what Alnus believe."

Ekloias nods his head. "That is what Amira told me. It is very impressive that there is a land like that."

"Please answer the question." Myuute restates.

"Aww, well. When I bought her, I wanted her to be happy." Ekloias tells her.

"You wanted a slave to be happy?" Myuute asked, not fully believing him.

He nods his head. "When I first saw her, what a beautiful woman. I was curious about the world she came from."

"A slave?" Myuute state.

"She was a slave but not to my eyes," Ekloias replied. He sees where she is going, this is unheard of. "It is not like I could have married her while in the city. I would have lost everything, including her."

"Let's talk about that. What did you do for the Empire?" Myuute changes the subject.

Ekloias takes a deep breath. "I worked for the treasury. I helped manage Sadera economy and trade. The city is a hub for the Empire economy."

That is a wealthy and respectable position in the Empire government. You must be insane to toss a job like that away.

"What is your plan now?" Myuute asked him. "You save the girl. Brought their people to safety and now you got your wish. You are at Alnus. What was your plan?"

"Well…" Ekloias stubbles on answering that question.

Outside the room, Willington and Stanford have been listening to the conversation.

"Do you believe him?" Stanford asked.

Willington rubs his chin thinking. "Honestly, yes. Otherwise, why did he help free our people? That alone is worth a lot of brownie points."

"I do agree." Stanford comments. "I am more interested in his trade abilities."

Willington knows what Stanford is thinking. The town of Alnus is still very new, only been around for about six months or more.

The community has grown rapidly since the first refugees, blooming in trade between Earth and the rest of Falmart. That has become a major problem in managing the economy. Many of our laws and customs do not apply to this world and while our people understand this world economy academically, that rarely means we can apply it in real life. Finding people with large scale governing skills has been a challenge since most of the refugees have been farmers and traders.

"I say employ him. We create an Alnus commerce department and see where that goes." Willington responds.

"I don't like giving an Imperialist that much power," Stanford said quickly.

"Is he though? It is in his best interest for Alnus to thrive if he wants Amira to be well off." Willington said. "Trust me, my last post I had to do something very similar to this. We will put our guys around him, making sure nothing bad happens."

Willington continues to think, seeing the potential of this arrangement. "This about it like this Stanford. Part of war is economics. He understands this world economy far better than we can. We can start there and slowly change it to our way of thinking."

"And besides, everyone in Alnus was technically a citizen of the Empire and we allowed them in without issue," Willington adds. "This time we have someone who has the skills we need to get Alnus off the ground."

"I understand very well Ambassador. I just don't like having to rely on an Imperialist." Stanford said again.

"That is what we get for invading a medieval world. Everyone is a farmer." Willington responds. "Now if you disagree tell me now otherwise, I am going in there and give my offer."

"Alright, you have my support. This is the State Department jurisdiction, but I want to stay in the loop. Alnus security prosperity is my business. And if anything happens, I will take action."

Willington nods in agreement. Then he walks into the room.

"Thank you Corporal Myuute. I will be taking it from here." Willington said as he adjusts his brown stripe tie with his black suit.

She turns around and looks up at him. "Yes, sir."

"You can stay if you like Corporal," Willington said and walks over to the table. He would not sit down, just stand there looking at Ekloias.

"Mister Ekloias. I have a deal for you." Willington said to the man.

Ekloias looks up at him, wondering what these people are going to do with him.

"How loyal are you to the Empire?" Willington said.

Ekloias takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He opens them again and looks right at Willington. "I murdered my employer, my friend that I have known for ten years. Just to release one of your people. Is that enough?"

Hearing that takes Willington and Myuute by surprise.

"Really? You did that for love I take it?" Willington asked him.

"Yes. But that is not all. The Empire is strong. It has brought stability to a continent for generations. However, it has become very corrupt. The original reasons why the Empire was formed do not represent the current regime." Ekloias said. "Not everyone agrees with the current situation. They attacked you blindly and look at all the chaos that caused. This needs to be stable."

Willington nods to what he said. "That is an interesting insight. I do not know what the Empire propaganda said about us but…"

"My wife told me about your people and customs. How your nation defined similar Empires, brought freedom to other races and people. More importantly, it created amazing wealth." Ekloias interrupts the ambassador. "I am interested in learning more about your economy called capitalism."

"That brings me to my proposal. I have a job for you.” Willington said, wanting to get to the point of this conversation. "You said you worked for the treasury. I take it that means you help manage Sadera economy?"

"Yes," Ekloias responds, slightly confused about why the man in a suit is asking that question.

"One of our goals is to make Alnus an economic hub of this world. You work with our people in establishing a stable economy. Establish fair order and regulations and guide free trade with the other city-states that are under our control. In return, we will give you a high-level position in our commerce department." Willington said. "You obey the laws and values that we set. No acting in your self-interest, only in the self-interest of this community. Otherwise, you will be kicked out. Without your wife."

Ekloias eyes open. The offer was a big surprise. He was expecting, well he had no idea what he was expecting. Not a job. "I, I accept your offer."

"Good," Willington said, smiling. "If Alnus do well then you will be rewarded well."

He then looks to Myuute. "Corporal, if you don't mind finding this man some quarters?"

"Yes, sir," Myuute said to the Ambassador.



--- Fort Alnus, Army Hospital ---

July 4th, 2025


Sergeant Major Randy is heading into a separate section of the hospital. Right now, he is carrying the little girl that one of his men saved.

When the team separated to get checked out at the hospital, Randy wanted to make sure this girl got the treatment she needed. At least make sure she got the proper care.

When Frost brought her out of that building, he saw the girl.

She reminded him of his two children, Sally and Tim. Both are around the girl's age. Right then and there, the war hit home right there.

"It will be all ok kid," Randy said as he carries her down the hallway.

The girl is holding onto him tightly, teary eyes. "I was so scared you weren't going to find me."

Randy takes a breath, thinking about what she said. "Never." Truth is, he originally agreed with Lieutenant Commander Daniel from Seal Team-3.

He served three tours in Afghanistan and there he learned never to stray off the mission. The minute you do someone dies ended up behind enemy lines or the primary mission could fail.

Since Major Sharpe took command of the team, he struggled on how to deal with him. The whole situation made no sense and brought the team morale down like a rock. The first two months we barely saw him.

While team members like Alicia just assumed, he was one of those spineless academic officers that thought too highly of himself. Randy's experience told him that there was more going on.

The rank of Sergeant Major is an enlisted rank, the highest in the Army for enlisted. But it comes with a huge amount of weight behind it. Even officers must listen and respect that rank. It gives you much perspective and foresight.

"My name is Randy. What is yours?" Randy asked the girl.

"My name is Mandy Lorine." She answers softly.

Randy looks at her. "That is a nice name, Mandy."

To his surprise, Mandy seems to be a tough girl. Did not hesitate when the moment came to escape, so he was told. When scared, she seems to be able to keep her wits.

He then opens the door and sees some medics treating some people. "Corporal. Can you take her? She is one of the hostages."

A Spanish woman from the Spanish Army walks up and takes a quick look at the girl. "I will be happy to. Any signs of wounds?"

Randy shakes his head lightly. "No. Just a chain bruise around her neck and wrists."

"Ok." The Corporal said. She then points to a bed, telling Randy to set her down there.

Randy sees and walks over to the bed. He then sits Mandy down on there. "Everything is going to be ok. You are safe here. Those people are not going to be able to take you again."

Randy looks at her. He wants to ask her about her parents and what happens, but the truth is he already knows the answer. Parents are probably dead, and she was kidnapped. It is not worth bringing up the memories right now. She has suffered enough.

This must be how Sharpe felt when he freed Selina. An act he deeply disagreed with at the time. The United States Military is not the Salvation Army, we cannot take in every child in their world. Hell, we cannot even do that in our world. At least Mandy is one of ours.

However, it is far easier to stand on the sideline making that judgment afterward. That is until the situation lands on your lap and then you have a choice. To act or not to act.

As Randy looks at Mandy, watching the Spanish medic treating her. All he can do is thinking about his daughter Sally.

Mandy's hair color is close to his daughter, this goldish brown color. Mandy is just a bit darker. Age-wise, close. While Sally has these bright blue eyes, Mandy has these hazel color eyes. 

Life is strange. Out of the billions of people on Earth, Mandy was one of the few who was taken. Same with the others. That means it could have been one of his kids.

"Mandy. This woman is going to treat you. I have to go but I will check-up." Randy said to her.

Mandy looks up at him. "What happens to the other soldier?"

Randy smiles, placing his right fist on his shoulder. "You mean Harvey?"

Mandy nods. "He got hurt killing that lady."

"Yes, he got hurt but don't worry. It didn't look life-threatening." Randy said and then thinks. "Looks kid, how about this. If you let the nice medic here, do her doctor stuff with no complaining. I will bring you to him so you can say hi."

Mandy looks at the medic and then back at Randy. She nods her head in agreement.

Randy gives her a thumbs up, smiling.

He then leaves the room, heading down the hallway towards where his team is at.

It will take a while because the hospital is unusually busy today, treating all the Rangers that were wounded on the operation.

He finally arrives, passing some beds with his men.

"Ouch… that hurt." Alicia complains as a medic is trying to give her a needle shot. Tough girl but seems to be a pansy when it comes to needles.

Private Second-Class Marvin Scott and Corporal Andrew Steele are also there.

Andrew mostly seems fine; he was on overwatch duty with his sniper rifle. The two of them seem to be talking about that apostle, how even his sniper shot did not fully faze him. Both trying to come up with ideas on how to stop him if they face Taylin again.

Marvin on the other hand help Randy in a wrestling match with that apostle. It was a tough fight with death facing right in their faces however, they were able to delay the boy so Rory could take him on. Even in the end, helping aim that Scorpio weapon, after being battered around.

Randy then sees Sharpe standing in the hall, watching some TV screen on the wall. He walks over to him. "Hello, sir."

Sharpe looks to him after hearing his name. "Sergeant Major, shouldn't you be getting checked out?"

Sharpe, always being more robotic when speaking. Sometimes he catches him being more natural during downtime or out in the JLTVs, but that seems rare at times. Until recently though. Like during topics he enjoys. Who knew there was a nerd deep down inside?

"I am fine. I wanted to make sure Mandy was getting the care she needed." Randy said as he walks up to him.

"Mandy? Oh, the girl." Sharpe gives him an approving nod and looks back at the screen.

On the screen is surgery on Private First-Class Harvey Frost. They are operating on his right shoulder, fixing the knife wound.

"Is he going to be fine?" Randy asked.

"Doc said he will be fine. William is in there so I am pretty sure Frost will be ok." Sharpe said, showing confidence in Specialist Jerry William medical abilities.

Randy has noticed that he rarely uses people is first names. He always thought that he was just being overly official when he speaks. However, he always thought it was strange that he never allowed anyone to use his first name. Andrew brought it up once when he first got transferred to the unit and Sharpe tore him apart for it. That was a long time ago though.

 "Sir, shouldn't you get yourself checked out?" Randy asked him, showing concern for his commander's health.

Sharpe looks to him, feeling his side. "I will be fine, one of them already checked out my side. Not the first time I have gotten beaten up. The medics need to focus on the more important wounded."

It is strange Randy thinks to himself. He has been in the Army for nearly twenty years, approaching forty. He has served under many commanders, from all walks of life. He has never met a more distant officer but one who is this concern and protective. Those two traits do not normally go together.

"You do know there is nothing you could have done. This happens in war, sir." Randy points out.

"I know. In war there are casualties. It does not mean there was not something more that could have been prevented this. Maybe that was the wrong call." Sharpe said, question himself. Talking about going off on his side mission to see if the girl Mandy was there.

"No sir, it wasn't. I thought it was at the time. I thought your ego or pride was blinding you, wanting to one-up the Lieutenant Commander. But your gut was right." Randy said, crossing his arms. "Just like in Italica and at the Elias Fort."

"Don't say it like that. I screwed up plenty of times." Sharpe responds, watching the screen. "The only reason I made it this far is because of the team."

Randy is happy to hear that. Though which team is he talking about? The old one or the Rangers.

Sharpe then looks to him. "Still, you guys should have stayed with the Seals."

"Don't give me that bullshit sir." Randy bluntly said. "We might have had a rough start sir, but we are a team. We have each other back."

Sharpe does his usual silent nod.

"All hail the God-Emperor," Randy said, chuckling afterward.

Sharpe looks at the surprise and confused. He then gives off a tiring chuckle. "You're still saying that. God, you remind me of someone else. He would be pissed though that he didn't come up with that one."

Randy nods and looks to the screen. As he watches Hervey's operation, all he can think about is Mandy and his kids. He knows they are safe but still, just wants to be beside the kid and make sure nothing more happens.

He glances at Sharpe again, now wondering why he is still here then. If he already was checked out, shouldn't he go to Selina? We all know they became close over the months.

"Sir? Why are you still here?"

Sharpe looks to him, confused again. "What? I am making sure-."

Randy stops him, placing his hand on Sharpe's shoulder. "Shouldn't you go to Selina, so she knows you're alright? If my kids are here that would be the first thing I would do."

Randy is shocked by the expression he saw on his face. More like Sharpe did not know how to react to that. Like he is trying to solve an unsolvable math problem.

"She is fine, Sarah is with her. Besides this is only a temporary arrangement, until something more permanent comes along." Sharpe answers.

Randy shakes his head, not believing how thick his head can be. Great soldier, great leader, horrible with people interaction. He has seen it before when he came home after tours. Some soldiers so harden from war they struggle to be social with others.

One of the many jobs of a Sergeant Major is to keep an eye on the team, make sure unit morale and integrity stays at acceptable levels. On top of that, putting the commanding officer in their place when there is a complete ass.

Again, Randy places his hand on Sharpe's shoulder, making sure he has his full attention. "Sir, it is ok to leave. I will watch things here. If anything happens you will be the first, I call."

He can see Sharpe wanting to protest, but he also can tell Sharpe struggling. He knows Randy is right, just having a hard time admitting it.

"Do you care?" Randy bluntly asked him. Trying to get him out of his head.

"Of course? Is this related to your kids?" Sharpe responds, remembering what Randy just said before this topic went on.

"Of course. As I said, all I want to do right now is give my kids a big hug." Randy said in a serious tone. "I know I am a big guy but still, I wish I could. After each fight, we come back and want to go to the video station and say hi. Just to let them know daddy is alright."

Randy can see the point finally hit Sharpe.

Coming back from his tours in Afghanistan, not every soldier had someone waiting for them. It becomes another day, another job. Randy's best guess is that Sharpe does not have attachments back home. This is his life, what he is accustom to. Otherwise, he would not be standing right here still.

Sharpe thinks and nods his head, reconsidering his priorities. Truth is he wants to go check on her.

"Alright, Dodson. If there is anything call me." Sharpe said. He then pats him on the shoulder and starts walking away.

Another thing is bothering him though. "Major."

Sharpe stops and looks.

"How did you know that Imperialist Citizen was telling the truth," Randy asked.

"It made sense. He already helped. Besides, if there was a one percent chance that is still higher than zero. And we don't leave our people behind."

As Sharpe walks away, Alicia walks up to Randy. "God he is thick-headed."

"Knock it off Alicia! He is trying." Randy said, remembering how hard it was to be a warrior father. Managing a double loyalty, almost like a double life.


--- Sharpe Quarters ---


After spending a few hours at the Army hospital, making sure his team is ok. Making sure they get the care they needed, like Harvey Frost knife wound. He would head back to his quarters.

As he catches a ride there, he thinks about what Randy said to him. Things he never really thought about before.

A Humvee drives up to the officer barracks, a four-story building that looks more like an apartment building. One of the privileges of being a Major is having his own personal quarters. It is a small place, only room for a bed and desk. He has a small couch and television but those are items she had to arrange for himself.

Sharpe gets out of the Humvee. With him are Rory and Lelei as they begged him to let them come. He had a hard time finding a reason to say no this time and agreed.

It is very unusual for people to come over to his quarters, preferring to keep his privacy. He does not even spend much time on it.

"What are you planning to do now you have the next few days off?" Rory asked, following right behind him, all excited. Unlike everyone else she can heal quickly so how she is all good and well, besides her clothes which has holes and tears on it. 

Sharpe gets to the door of his quarters. "Well, I was thinking to either watch season one of Beast Wars or watch 300 and then pass out."

"300?" Lelei asked, thinking that is some math-related film. "That doesn't sound like something you would watch."

"Oh no, it is my favorite movie of all time. Three hundred Spartan warriors slaughtering thousands of their enemies." Sharpe said, enjoying the image in his head.

Lelei just rolls her eyes but what he said caught Rory's attention. "Slaughter, you say?"

As he is about to open the door, the door burst open. Selina rushes out and tackles him right into the ground.

"Ouch…" Sharpe said, falling on his rear. Amazing that the Army spent millions of dollars in training him to keep his guard up, but a twelve-year-old girl was able to surprise him. "Selina, get…"

As he tries to speak, he looks down and finds her crying. She is holding onto him as tight as she could. Looking at her, he struggles to see why she is acting like this.

"Selina?" Sharpe asked.

"I thought you died!" Selina bursts out saying.

Sharpe struggles to find the words to respond, not fully understanding why she said that. Every time he does out there is a small chance of that happen, why does that matter now?

He slowly moves his hands and places it on her back. "I'm not going to die; you don't have to worry ok."

As Selina holds onto him tightly, he sees that her emotions are genuine. She really thought he died out there, or at least something happened.

Glancing up, seeing Lelei and Rory standing there smiling. He then sees Sarah standing by the door, watching. While the team was in Sadera, Sarah was being nice and keeping an eye on her, so she did not feel alone. He thought that might have been enough but clearly, he was wrong. Maybe what Randy said has some merits.

Sharpe looks down at her again. All this just seems strange to him, he never had someone act like this before when coming back from a mission or tour. Yes, he had been welcomed by his old team spouses but that is pretty much it. More he thinks about it, the more he realizes that the past ten years have been nothing but the Army. Lieutenant Commander Daniel said something like that before.

It always has been going on the next mission, getting the job done. Spending time with the team and the job at hand. Always about the duty to his country, making sure the nation is safe.

Outside his old team, there has not been anyone to welcome him home. It has never crossed his mind before. He never signed up to get his name in the news, to become famous. Watching Selina as she hugs him tightly, it felt very weird, but it also felt good. Having someone that cares coming home.

She must have been so scared, fearing to lose what little she has left. Thinking about that made him feel bad. Fighting Taylin, he was so willing to die without a second thought. So long as his new team survived. During the fight, he never once considered her or anyone else feelings if he did. What Sarah was saying back in Italica is correct.

Sharpe takes a deep breath, patting her on the back lightly. "Kid, all is well. Everything is alright, I am not dead."

Selina sits up, sniffing. She looks up and around, now embarrassed.

"You better get off him. He's an old man now." Rory said, teasing.

Sharpe looks at her with a glare.

Rory raises her hands halfway up, looking away. "What are you going to do? We both know you can't kick people my size up." She finishes saying, being cheeky.

"Who was the one that nearly got chopped into a dozen pieces?" Sharpe shots back, smirking.

Rory then shots him with an annoyed glare. "Hey! Not my fault!"

Selina watch is confused, not understanding the context. The conversation is only making things worse. She looks to Lelei, always being the one to explain things.

"Don't worry Selina. We all fought off Taylin." Lelei said in a tired but happy voice.

"You guys fought Taylin?" Selina said in a worried tone.

Sharpe looks down at her. "Yeah, we won though. No issues." He then messes up her hair and gets up. It is an understatement but then she does not need to know the facts. "Now then, I would like to sit down on my nice couch and relax."

Sarah finally speaks up, pointing behind her with her thumb. "You call that nice?"

"Yeah," Sharpe responds, not understanding the issue.

Sarah just facepalms herself. "Lots of work to do." She mumbles.

Sharpe begins getting up, Rory grabs him by the shoulder and helps him up. Then they all go inside.

Everyone walks in but Sarah stops him at the door. "You took a long enough time to get here. We have been waiting." She glances at his uniform. She also notices Lelei and Rory uniforms. "Was it as bidding as the radio made it sound?"

"It was a fight. They were ready for us. The team phenomenally." Sharpe responds to her. "Thank you for watching things here."

"You’re welcome. We’re a team, think you can fully trust us now?" Sarah said smiling in her cheerful self. "What are you planning? I thought this was your 'man cave'."

"… I have no idea." Sharpe said thinking, fully realizing the situation.

Sarah just softly patted him on the arm. "You will do fine. If they don't make you shot yourself. Now, I have a lot of work to do." With that Sarah walks off.

Sharpe nods and heads in.

The room is layout highly efficient. Everything is in a location to maximize space. Still, it is very cramped, not designed to host a party. A small desk for conducting paperwork and right behind it is a small bookshelf with all different kinds of books.

"Wow… why is it so tight in here?" Rory blankly asked, looking around through his stuff. "No wonder you don't invite people here. Can't have house parties in here." Then a thought occurs. "However, it could be a bit be romantic for two."

Sharpe has a response to what Rory first said but then stops himself when she starts to talk about the romantic stuff. He knows she is playing around, and he finds it cute. He does somewhat fear is she will take it too far though.

"Everyone makes yourself at home. Footwear off, please. I will see if I… what is that?" Sharpe said as he takes off his jacket and boots. As he does, he sees these pictures all over his walls, hanging.

"Oh… I did that," Selina replied as she cleans up her face. "When we first arrived, we tried watching something but…" She pauses for a second. "Well, I saw you had many boxes unpacked so I wanted to help you."

Sharpe looks at the pictures. Many of them are from his past, not thrilled that they were put up. But he is not going to tell her that. It was nice that she did that. He puts on a smile. "Thank Selina."

"Oh my god, I smell…" Rory said, sniffing her hand.

Sharpe looks over and both Lelei and Rory.

"That is the sign of a job well-done ladies," Sharpe said to them with a small chuckle. He points to a side door over in the corner. "Bathroom right behind that door. The fifteen-minute limit for a warm water so you both have to wash up together."

"Oh! You have your bath?" Rory said with some excitement.

"I think it is a shower, Rory. This place too small for a bath." Lelei responds to her.

Rory excitement just disappears hearing that. She really hates showers. "But… but… Fine… Let's go."

As the two go into the bathroom, Selina looks back up to Sharpe. Once he looks at her, she smiles at him.

"What's up kid." Then Sharpe thinks and then takes a breath. "Selina, I think we should have a chat."

"Hmm? About what? If what I did back there at the door was inappropriate, I am sorry. I didn't mean to…" Selina said, believing she crossed a line. She knows he has a lot of barriers and has feared breaching them.

Sharpe sits down on his bed, never feeling so good before. He looks at her. "Never apologize for showing affection. You bet you and be proud of that ok."

Selina nods her head happily. She walks over a sit down next to him.

Sharpe sees her sit down, looking cute in that blue and white dress. He thinks about what he needs to say, he does not want her to get worried every time he is gone.  "Look. I am a soldier and that means I have responsibility. My country is at war with this world, well some of this world."

"I understand. I know you must fight. Just like everyone else." Selina said, meaning more than just Vanguard-7. "It is just…" She mumbles, not able to finish what she wants to say.

"I am not going anywhere. You don't have to worry about that. I am on a good team and, I hate saying this, but I am pretty damn good at what I do." Sharpe said to her. "And once things calm down again, we will go back to those exploration missions. We just have to put the Empire into their place first."

"They deserve more than that. They all should die." Selina said in a hateful voice, showing how much, she hates the Empire.

Sharpe notices that, not just in her voice but in her eyes too. He knows that feeling, a deep-down desire for revenge. He does not want her to have that weight drag her down through life. That is not fair for a kid her age.

He knows that feeling all too well, every day, every night wanting to go back to Mexico and kill those Cartels. Every night hearing the screams and images as he sleeps off the people he failed to protect. Every day has been a struggle in keeping his inner desires in check, relying on his job and now the team to stay focus. He does not want her to succumb to the same desires.

"Selina. You are a young and beautiful girl with a lot of potentials. What happens to your people was unjust, but you can't live your life wanting to undo the past." Sharpe said to her, speaking with experience. "If you want to honor them, don't forget but live your life. Be an example."

He can see the conflict in her. She wants to protest but at the same time trying to understand what he is saying. "Remember our conversation at the shooting range? The first time." Sharpe asked her.

Selina nods. That was her most favorite day in an awfully long time. It was a big day of spending a lot of time with each other. Talking about lessons in life and the value of trust and responsibility. "Yes. I remember everything. I promise I will not do anything. I just want to be part of the team, be useful."

Sharpe pats her lightly on the shoulder. "You are always part of the team kid. Some people parts are bigger than others."

Thinking back on topics from Randy and Sarah, he begins reflecting on the changes going on in his life. Truth is he grown to enjoy her and the other presence. A sense of real purpose in life.

"How about this. Whenever you want you can stay here." Sharpe said to her, struggling to say it. "Regardless if I am here."

Selina smiles and nods her head, happy that she can 'move-in' with him.

That is when they hear the shower start. Sharpe looks to the bathroom door. "They just started… girls."

That is when he realizes something. "Shit, they don't have cloths here. And food…"

Sharpe stands up. "Everything ok Selina?"

"Yes, sir," Selina said, happy.

Sharpe nods his head, smiling. "Alright, will be right back. Hold the fort."


--- Bathroom ---


As the warm shower runs down on them, both Rory and Lelei be washing off the dirt, blood, and sweat from the early morning battle.

"Oh Emroy, this feels amazing," Rory said, enjoying the warmth of the water.

"I thought you hated showers?" Lelei said, teasing her a little.

Rory shots her a glare. "Showers are not natural. Having water falling that isn't raining. And besides, I prefer to lay back and relax. Not this."

Lelei just raises her head back, enjoying the relaxing warmth of the water.

"So Lelei, I heard you tried out a new spell," Rory said. "You kicked that magic woman ass. I wish I were there to see that."

Lelei remains quiet, not wanting to answer the question.

Rory looks behind her. "Lelei?"

"… well. I did try but I failed." Lelei said as she begins tearing up a little.

"What? It didn't sound like you did." Rory said, trying to cheer her up. "Sometimes things don't go as planned. I kind of got tricked by Taylin. He used my emotions to lure me into a trap." She then places a hand on Lelei back, trying to show support. "But hey, you helped save me remember. With your sonic boom attack."

"…I know. A lot just happened." Lelei confessed. "It was crazy at the landing zone. I felt alone. The Colonel tried, but it was just very hard."

"Don't ever worry again. We will always be together. Just remember, these people trusted in your abilities. You need to too." Rory said, elbow rubbing Lelei in the back.

Right then, as the two were bonding, they suddenly started to scream as the nice warm water turn ice cold, freaking them out.




Sharpe walks back to his quarters. He had to head to the girl's assigned quarters to get them some fresh clothes for them, which is only down the street. On top of that, something decent to eat from the mess hall. He knows the First Sergeant there and was able to mix something up special, pancakes and scrambled eggs.

When Sharpe opens the door, he sees all three of them standing there. Right off the bat, he could tell something is wrong. Both Lelei and Rory are wrapped in a towel. All three of them look nervous and afraid. He sees that they are staring into the bathroom.

He walks in and investigates the bathroom. It is somewhat destroyed, the mirror is gone, dark marks from spell. He then looks back at them. "I was gone for ten minutes."

That is when Rory speaks up, shaking her arm as she points to the bathroom. "That evil shower went cold! Like really cold!"

"I told you, fifteen minutes," Sharpe said, signing.

"Yes, we lost track of time," Lelei said, now blushing and looking away, holding her towel up.

"What is up with you people in literal time?" Rory said in a frustrated tone. "Why couldn't it be like sixteen minutes or seventeen minutes. Or like seventeen and thirty seconds… or something less orderly!"

"Holy shit… now I know what Rob Stark meant." Sharpe said out loud, more speaking to himself. He is referencing season one of Game of Thrones when Rob Stark states that war is easier than daughters. He then puts down their clothes and food and walks out, closing the door.

"You have five minutes to change." Saying that intentionally knowing that will make Rory angry.

After some time for everything to get reorganized and calm down, ever be eating and enjoying themselves. Lelei is looking at his books, studying what he has. Both Rory and Selina are sitting down on the couch, watching a film 300.

Sharpe walks over to Lelei, seeing that she is taking an interest in his small collection. "What are you looking at?"

Then they hear the other two girls screaming on how much they love the fluffy pancakes. This being this first time having that type of food before.

They get a short chuckle out of Sharpe and then focus back on Lelei.

"Interesting collection," Lelei said, nothing all different kinds of books. Some are military, other fantasy, science and much more. She sees this small stack of books that said magic. She picks it up and beings to read it. "Is this everything you have? I thought you read off your tablet?"

"Some of these are personal favorites and yes. Most of my material is digital. My favorite book or if I am doing research, I still prefer a physical copy." Sharpe said as he points to two books, We, Were, Soldiers, and Young. And the other book Extreme Ownership.

"These over here are for research. Ancient warfare, past gods and demons or another type of monsters and fantasy races." Sharpe then points to another set.

"You value research I see," Lelei said as she reads.

"The unknown is why soldiers die. The more you know about the enemy, the more preparations you can make." Sharpe said, then looking at what she is reading.

He notices Lelei smirking and giving off a couple of chuckles here and there. "What is so funny?"

"This is a book about the possibility of magic? By your people." Lelei said, continuing to read it.

"Yeah…" Sharpe said, confused. "It is some people on Earth trying to explain how magic works. This is still new to us."

"Everything in this book is wrong. None of it makes any sense." Lelei said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Well, we are people of science. We didn't even know that magic existed until the Gate opened." Sharpe said. "It has been hard to wrap my head around what you do. If I didn't see you do it, I never would have believed it."

Lelei closes the book and looks to him. "You are thinking about it in the wrong way. You are thinking about it as a math equation. I can help you understand. If you're looking to become a magic-user."

Sharpe chuckles. "Me, a magic-user. Probably not a good idea."

"Because he's too thick-headed!" Rory yells, holding up a fork. "Now quiet! I am enjoying watching these strong muscular men without armor killing people."

Sharpe looks over. "Maybe that wasn't the best film to put on. Should have put on Bumblebee."

He then looks back over to Lelei. "Well, I know you been interested in learning more about our science. Applying that with your magic. Let me show you something."

Lelei sees him going to his desk. He turns on his laptop. "Are you showing me that Internet you people use?"

"Yes. I will get you your own account. It is going to be under the military server, so something is restricted." Sharpe responds to her. He gets out of the way so she can sit down and explore.

"I been on it before, but I had only limited experience with it," Lelei said, learning to use the laptop. He then gives her a light pat on the back. "Besides, you earn it. I will get you an account. Learn as much as you desire."'

"Oh, my Emroy… we are trying to watch." Rory said, standing up. She walks over and watches the pictures on the wall.

"Who are these people?" Rory asked. There are the same six soldiers in each photo, all at different places. All of them look like they were taken after a mission.

Sharpe walks over to were Rory at, which is not far since the room is not big. He sees the picture Rory is looking at. "That was taken in Vietnam, that one in Taiwan. That one is Japan and the rest in other places in South East Asia. That was where I was stationed for five years."

He then points to himself. "That's me in the center. The tall one is Nicholas. That is Jessy, the one with the flaring personality. Cortez is the one making the funny face. The last two are Tim and Quincy."

"Wow… are all these in different places?" Rory asked. "You all look really happy."

Sharpe would not respond to that. He puts pas her on the shoulder. "Let's finish the film. They are about to defend Thermopylae from the Persians. The best part."

Rory gets dragged off back to the couch and sits down with him and Selina.

As the three watches the film and Lelei enjoy herself diving in the infinity knowledge of the Internet. Selina was to renew the mood of the room, seeing he did not like talking about his last team.

"Why did you get this ugly couch?" Selina asked, remember Sarah made a point about it before.

"Ugly?" Sharpe asked as he glances at Selina.

"That's what Sarah said," Selina responds, scooting deeper in her seat.

Sharpe thinks for a second and smirks. "It might be ugly, but it has a history."

"Bull," Rory said, now joining the topic.

"In the Philippines, we wanted to make a statement to the insurgents." Sharpe begins to say, enjoying his own story. "Jessy thought it would be great if we stole the leader of this terrorist group couch. Just to make a point."

Rory looks at him, not believing a single word of his story.

"So, in the middle of the night, we sneaked into his compound. And stole it. Since then, it became a trophy of our greatness." Sharpe said, enjoying the memory.

"I don't believe you." Rory bluntly said.

"You saw that on that one show with the fat man and talking dog," Selina said, agreeing with Rory.

Sharpe knows the show she is talking about, Family Guy Star War special. "That is where we got the idea. I didn't say it was original."

Rory lightly punches Sharpe in the shoulder. "You’re lying. There is no way you would have done something like that."

Sharpe looks to Rory. "Classified, I cannot confirm or deny if it actually happened or not." Then he gives her a nice wink.

Rory is about to say something then stops, getting distracted by what she saw was a flirtatious wink, which embarrassed her. Thinking more about the story, she realizes that he might be crazy enough to do something that stupid. Or at least his old self.



--- 8 years ago, Forest of Naslian, The Far West ---

September 18th, 2017


In the far west of the forest of Naslian, children are playing. Music playing and elves working.

Tuka Luna Marceau is walking around, carrying a basket full of fruit that she gathered outside the village grounds.

Some children rush up to her, trying to grab some of the fruit.

"No, no. This is for later. Go play." Tuka said in a sweet voice.

As they laugh and run away, she begins heading to the village storage.

The Naslian People, an elf village that has been around for over five hundred years. Always staying out of the world business.

There has been peace for twenty years since the treaty signing with the Edras Kingdom. Her father once fought the Humans of these lands.

Tuka people just want to be left alone and live-in peace. Just maintain their village and gather fruits and grain. Play music and enjoy the breeze and flowers.

Unless you are her father.

As Tuka walks, she sees her father Hodor Marceau walking to another woman. It looks like he is sweet-talking the elf women, and it looks like it is working. Her father has always been a womanizer, sleeping with at least half of the village or going out on 'diplomatic missions' to the nearby towns.

Seeing her father sweet telling her, Tuka rolls her eyes and giggles at her father's behavior.

She continues to walk, enjoying the music that is being played.

Tuka people are famous for their music. For as long as she has known, her people have been some of the most loyal servants to the music God of Lunaryur. People from all over the lands have come just to listen to their music.

Looking up she sees the tree huts all around here. They do up and up and up into the trees, with these long but strong bridges connecting each hut. While most other races keep their home close to the ground, her people, elves mostly like to stay high in the air.

Tuka reaches her destination, the village storage. Another elf is right there, doing inventory.

This elf would not be just anyone elf, but Tuka's mother.

Most elves do not marry, because of the ability of long life. Most elves see it silly to marry someone for a few hundred years. It is a custom of the short live races, to make sure they can quickly create offspring. Elves can take their time in having children so the need for a union between two coupes seems pointless.  Some elves villages have something similar customs of marriage, but her people have no such customs.

Live long and live free is the way of Tuka people. No stress and stay out of other business and peace and happiness shall spread.

"Hello, mother," Tuka said all happily.

"Hello dear. I see you brought more fruit?" Mom said.

"Yes. I figured I go out and see what I could find." Tuka said. She hands the basket to her mother. "Father is playing around again."

Tuka mother giggles and puts away the basket. "Your father. Always playing his games. Anyway, you are still planning on singing tonight?"

"I have been practicing. I am a ready mother." Tuka said with pride and excitement.

"Good. Tonight, is a big night." Mother said.

Tuka knows what she means. A delegation from the Edra Kingdom will be coming tonight. The purpose is to help reinforce the peace they have between their people. Even though they have been at peace for that does not mean there have not been some tensions.

There have been some border clashes recently and it does not help that the Empire is pushing deeper into the region. To help keep the Empire out of Naslian, the village elder has loosely allowed the Empire to use certain trailed unharnessed. That does not mean her people have not killed a few Empire convoys if they step out of line.

Tuka does not really blame them, their lives are short after all. On top of that, the Empire has been pushing deep into these lands, constant wars have resulted in much death and destruction. The Northern Wood Elves have not made things easy for anyone in this region. They hate other races, even other elves.

Still, that is everyone else problem. We bother no one so they do not bother us.


--- later that night ---


Dozens of large fires are blossoming around the village of Naslian, loud songs and dancing all around and both Elves and Humans drink and eat together. It is a loud party as nobles and elders from both the village and from the Edras Kingdom celebrate their continued peace.

Some of the Human soldiers are flirting and embracing the kindness and openness of the village. Some of the archers from both sides are testing who is the better man in the form of contest. The mood is strong and the feeling in the atmosphere is good.

King Juleas of the Edras Kingdom is sitting at one of the tables, taking a drink. "My fellow elves, we embrace your kindness and drinks!"

"We embrace continued peace. How is your Kingdom prospering?" The elf elder said to the King.

"Not well." Juleas states. "The Empire continues to push into these lands. Every battle we push them back however they somehow find more troops. Their siege towers have been popping up, blocking off key trade routes from the east."

King Juleas continues, showing his frustration. "And again, the Wood Elves are continuing to raid our northern border. We no longer can fight two wars at once. Your help in this war is necessary. Like ending the trade routes, you allow the Empire."

"The Empire only uses the most traveled of paths. None that are even close to our villages and yours. Any of them who dare stray off the path dies. You know of this." Hodor said to him.

King Juleas did not like that answer but accepted it. "You're still allowing the enemy to invade your lands. If you give an inch to the Empire, they will take everything."

"You know we cannot go to war. The war of men so not bother us." The elf elder said. "We will stick with our arrange of supplying foodstuff to your people."

"Don't forget the prostitutes," Hodor said chuckling, waving his hand away.

Unlike the Naslian people who warship Lunaryur, the Edreas people worship Miritta.

The God of Miritta allows women to give birth with no chance of the mother or child dying from birth.

That has been the biggest advantage the Edra Kingdom has over other people. Their ability to quickly replaces losses from battle. The downside, however, is that their women must become prostitutes before any marriage or official union.

Juleas bursts out laughing. "Once my daughter Selina becomes of age, she will need to bed someone before marring to the son of the Sau Nobility Family."

"No please. Your noble rules do not concern me. Love maintains peace and there is lots of love we can share." Hodor speaks, having another drink. He personally enjoys the peace between their people, always able to visit the Human villages for diplomatic reasons.

"To this day it is amazing how you trade your blood for nobility reasons. Something that has no value, but you are made up to increase your power." The village elder said.

Juleas moves his cup to the side. That action was noticed by the two elves since he is well known to be a heavy drinker. It is still early in the night though.

"People must be governed or there is chaos. The darkness of Emroy cannot spread to these lands." Juleas states. "We are the only ones who are pushing back. This enemy is strong. Every new battle the Empire brings in new beasts. We are now facing Centaurs, Goblins and Orcs."

"I know what you are saying." The elder elf said. "What are you trying to say."

"We need a united force. A strong leader of this region. All under one banner. Only then we can remain independent from the Empire." Juleas said, saying what he finally wants.

Tuka walks up, handing everyone a new fresh round of drinks.

"Aww, who is this lovely creature?" Juleas ask, flirting a little with her.

Tuka giggles. "My name is Tuka Luna Marceau."

"Ahh. You are Hodo daughter. I wonder if you have his wild side." Juleas teases.

"…Father wild side…" Tuka looks to him knowing full well what he means by that. Hodor is sitting with his hand behind his head, embarrassed. She just shakes her head smiling.

As Tuka begins walking away, Juleas grabs her arm, softly. "Mind if I ask. Shall we have a song?"

He then looks to her father and the elder. "Your people songs are beloved by my people. I think it would help our conversations remain, friendly."

The elder looks to Hodor and nods.

"Sing that new song of your Tuka. The one you learned from these history books." Hodor said. He is referencing the time they went to one of the Edras cities. She was able to learn many legends from the soldiers and scholars.

"Ok father," Tuka said, moving her hair out of the way.

Tuka takes a deep breath and then picks up a lute and places it on her neck. She starts playing a harmonious sound from it and closes her eyes.


Yoola, Sooula,

The Winds are Flowing, and the Birds are Singing, the Knights of Sora continue to March.

The touch of Flare raises and falls on the Ashes of Battle.

The Bonds of Brotherhood Stands tall against the Darkness of old. There together we stand as one.

The Knights of Sora side by side facing the enemy of old.

The people of lost cowering in fear.

The touch of Flare raises and falls on the Ashes of Battle.

In a world of Darkness, the Knights of Sora stands tall.

From all the life of the World, we stand together as one.

As the Knights of Sora protects the World from Darkness a new Dawn raises and then the Power of Emroy raises to protect us all.

Races of all shall find courage as the Knight of Sora faces the old and free the fear of all.

The new light from far away shall slay the Darkness

Only then the Knights of Sora rests in peace for all.

Yoola, Sooula,

Once the need of the Knights of Sora is lost then Miritta restores purity and then all shall be as one.

Yoola, Sooula,

Let Love raise strong so the Knights of Sora rest in peace.

Yoola, Sooula…

As Tuka finishes her song, Juleas stands up clapping.

"Very beautiful young one," Juleas said loudly. "Well, young to one. Very beautiful."


Juleas then turns around, raises his cup of wine. "To my fellow comrades and elves brothermen. We have our differences, but we have maintained a peace that has lasted for generations. All hail Lunaryur, let her blessing shine light to us all!"

Everyone from both sides cheers and start drinking more. The celebrations begin to heat up.

Hobor sits there, checking out some of the Human server girls. Enjoying some of the exotic beauty.

That is when this Human nobleman walks up to him. "Sir Hobor, may I speak."

"Later, after I lay with one of your servants," Hobor states as he blows a kiss to three of them. He then stands up see them giggling at his act.

That is when the man grabs his arm forcibly and leans forward into his hear. "Run." The man said softly.

Hobor looks to the man. It is Noble Hethrin, one of Edra Kingdom nobles. This is very confusing.

Before he could ask any questions, Hethrin rushes away, hand on sword.

Hobor eyes widen, realizing what is about to happen. He rushes to his daughter Tuka and grabs her arm. "We leave now."

"Father? What are you doing… your drunk again?" Tuka said, mostly ignoring him.

"Tuka we-," Hobor said before they both hear screaming. Both look around and see the Knights that escorted King Juleas pulling out their swords and killing people.

Before anyone could react, a small force begins rushing out of the darkness, killing anyone they see.

Tuka stands there watching, not believing what she is seeing.

In the background, the sound of the Edra Horns can be heard. The main army approaches.

"Damn. Tuka, we leave now." Hodor said with authority.

"What about mother!?" Tuka said as she runs off, looking for mother.

Hobor rushes after her, not wanting to lose his only daughter.

They both rush through. Arrows suddenly beginning raining down. The Human knights rushing around, killing anyone they can see. Hodor sees King Juleas grab the Naslian elder. He pushes his sword into the elf, killing him.

"Bastard. This was a setup." Hobor said to himself.

"Mother!" Tuka yells.

Tuka suddenly stops, seeing her mother laying on the ground with a sword slash on her. Blood is pouring out of her as she lays there dead.

"Mother!" Tuka yells as she cries.

Hobor grabs her arm. "We have to go now! Warn the other villages."

As Hobor drags Tuka away, he looks over and sees Juleas, swearing revenge.








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