Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V05 – Chapter 53 RM


--- Italica Palace ---

July 13th, 2025


When the current military convoy arrived at Italica, Ambassador Harland Willington went straight to the palace to see Countess Myui. It has been a while since Willington been here, his duties here in Uros so far have been surprisingly far busier than he expected.

Unlike the last time he was here, he now can feel a change in the air here, both good and bad taste. From the reports from Diplomatic Outpost Alpha, the crime rate as skyrocketed. A developing underground crime network is taking place, just like in Akusho. So many of their soldiers were sent to invade our world and sensually died for nothing. The Siege of Italica(1) seemed to have been the nail in the coffin in maintaining their version of a police force. Kidnappings, rapes, theft, drugs and more seem to be becoming the norm here.

On the other hand, the report has also stated from the diplomatic staff and the Marine guards here that the population has been very friendly with them, the noncriminal ones that are.

While the patrol teams we have on the highways are limited to the highways themselves, they have helped stabilize what is left of the economy. Many are happy we have been returning Italician prisoners and some basic foodstuff.

What has been more surprising is that many of the local citizens seem interested in change. The slave auction sits have been slowly relocated and limited. More by the mob then law but still, progress. It seems the people are tired of the current situation and evaluating their beliefs.

Willington is sitting in the lounge of the palace, waiting for the Countess. The lounge is pretty fancy looking, nothing like the throne room in Sadera but still well maintained.

That is when this older woman in a maid outfit came in. If he recalls, he believes her name is Kaine.

"Hello Ambassador, it is nice to meet you again," Kaine said. "I am here to introduce Countess Myui Colt." She then steps away to allow the Countess to walk in.

Willington sees this young lady walk in. She is wearing this very colorful rob with this purple cap on.

Myui walks up to Willington. "It is nice to meet you again. I am sorry for the current situation within the city. It has been… hard to maintain proper order."

Willington nods his head. "No need to apologize, I fully understand that situation. I hope my people have not caused any trouble for you."

"No, no. They have been great. The criminals mainly stay away from them. They fear your power and know you will not intervene if they leave you alone. And everyone else still respects what your people have done," Myui said in a slightly tired voice.

Willington notices. She must be about eleven years old, give or take a year. It must be hard for someone this young to maintain a city-state like this.

Myui takes a small breath and smiles, recomposing herself. "I am ready to see my father."

Willington stands up. He nods his head. "He is outside. I will take you to him."

During the clean up after the battle, the United States government recorded everything they could of the enemy. Everything needed to be documented as much as possible during the cleaning up. Later, they found Myui father among the dead. He looked like an important leader, so his body was taken with care. At the time we did not know but now we have a picture to compare, he knew we had his body.

Myui nods her head and follows him out of her palace and into the small courtyard. Once outside she sees a few of what remains of her guard and a few of the American soldiers. It is funny, the first time these Other Worlders arrived she was very scared of them. Now, she feels no fear or negative feelings towards them.

Over by one of their vehicles, there is this heavy looking box. Three soldiers are offloading the coffin box and lay it on the ground carefully.

Myui looks at the box, knowing her dead father is laying in there. When they told her that they have her dead father's body and offered to return him and others follow warriors, she was more than pleased. While not a perfect father, he was loved by his family and people.

"Thank you, Ambassador. I know he attacked your world and died fighting your people, but it is honorable that you brought him back home. He always believed you can show respect, even to your enemies," Myui said, tearing up a little.

Willington looks to her, not knowing how to say this part. "With all due respect your highness but we didn't kill him."

She looks to him confused. "What are you saying? Speak clearly."

Willington looks to her, knowing this is going to be hard. "We found his body by this tent. It looked like some kind of command post. He was laying down on the ground dead. However, he didn't have any bullet holes in him."

She has learned enough to know what bullets are. Small arrows that come out of their rifles. They are fast and deadly, able to go through most of our soldier armor.

"Our people tried to document everything we could. Our forensic investigation showed that he was stabbed in the back by a sword," Willington said, knowing full well the meaning behind this.

Myui stands there looking at him. She had no idea what he meant by ‘forensics’ but that wasn't the point. She then looks back at the skeleton of her father. Pure shock and then rage full of her body. The meaning is clear, her father was betrayed by the Empire. Probably because of his ideas.

She always knew her father was not popular with the lords in Sadera and other city-states. Clashing with them many times about how to treat the peasants and commons.

"It is sad…," Myui said out loud.

"I am sorry. I wish I had a chance to meet your father," Willington said to her, trying to be diplomatic.

"No. He was never popular for his beliefs." Myui speaks as she looks at her father. "Unlike most of the other city-states and the high nobles in Sadera, father tried to show kindness and respect to others. Regardless of their race and heritage."

She then looks to Willington. "I know your people hate slavery and I fully understand that. Father was not too keen with the institution himself. He took in refugees from others like the Warrior Bunnies. Even pass laws on restrictions on the manner. Which angered many outside Italica."

Willington stands there, somewhat surprised. It is quite easy to lump everyone in this world into this one barbaric category. It is easy to forget there might be more progressive factions in this world.

That is then he sees her cry, with anger.

"Even then, my father was always loyal to the Empire. For what, just to backstab?" Myui said as she cries for the death of her father.

Willington lets her have her moment. It is sad, it is never easy to lose a loved one. Based on what she said, there could have been a good chance this man would have been on our side if alive.

Myui leans herself up and looks to Willington. "I want an alliance. None of this treaty and agreements. I want a full alliance."

Willington looks at her, slightly confused. He knows she wanted to improve relations but never a full-blown alliance. This meeting was just to talk about trade terms and return her people. "Excuse me, Countess, I know you are upset by this news but-."

"No. I mean what I said," Myui looks to him. "I know you have noticed but my city is barely surviving. We are trying our best but foreign criminals are setting up here. The legacy of my father is being washed away by thugs and the Empire does not care. They do not care about Italica besides our financial tribute."

Willington stands there and listens. He understands her position. "Let's say we decide to move forward with your proposal."

"I know what you speak of. I have been preparing. Besides having an outpost, you would be able to have a full functionary base if you please. We are both enemies of the Empire and all their vassals, I will tribute to your war effort. I want what you gave King Duran(2)," Myui said in a determined voice. She has put a lot of thought into this.

You would think the State Department would jump at the opportunity to form an agreement with Italica. It is at the center of three road highways and a massive river highway. Out of the city-states, Italica is relatively close to the capital and the Empire will notice that. More importantly, it is what she said. Her city is falling apart and if we agree to an alliance, that possibly means our resources would get sucked into it. Just like what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.

On top of that, our alliance with the Kingdom of Elbe secured our southern flank and helped supply Alnus with much-needed foodstuff. Italica would draw more military forces to our northern flank, exactly where we do not want the Empire to concentrate their forces. Especially for the upcoming invasion of the rest of Elias Region.

Willington looks at her and sees this determination in her eyes. He must give the girl credit.

"I have to reject," Willington said that he sees the shock and disappointment in her eyes. "Listen, we cannot base an alliance on your desire for vengeance for your father."

An alliance is what he wants however he knows he must be diplomatic. Myui is emotion right now and accepting any deal would bring long term consequences. Rejecting under this situation would also help build trust between the US and Italcia, because it would show they are not taking advance of a bad situation.

"I did not say vengeance. I am not interested in putting my people through more suffering. I just don't want my father's ideals to die with this city," Myui said, not wanting to give up. "I want Italica to prosper again and not to have my city be whored out by others. I want Italica to be free, like Elbe, like your country."

Willington nods, seeing he completely misread the situation and somewhat got put in his place. Very respectable. His biggest fear now out of the way, there still many big issues we will need to take care of.

"Lets just say yes. That will mean the full weight of the Empire will come down on you. Your trade will drop to nothing as the other vassals stop trading with you. We are still new and still building up an economy in Alnus. Things will get harder before they get better," Willington explains.

Since that defector Ekloias Jw Fremis started helping set up an economy in Alnus, trade with other cities under allied control has gotten easier. Mainly with Elbe Fiefdom since they are the largest kingdom in the area. Italica is a trade-up for all the Empire and from what Willington can tell, the Empire is a goliath in landmass. If they switch sides all that trade will just disappear.

"That is fine. My people can handle it." Myui said. "Ambassador let me tell you this. In the past few weeks, we have seen raiders and bandits setting up camps throughout the region. We don't have the strength to remove them anymore."

"I have read the reports. They don't attack the city as long as our Marines are here." Willington comments.

"Do your reports tell you about the fifteen children that have been kidnap in the last two weeks? Five women and two men were taken, mugged and raped. Two of them were murdered afterward. We had three shops raided." Myui said, feeling a bit desperate in getting this treaty. Italica's future depends on it since the rest of Falmart has abandoned them.

Willington stood there thinking. If what she is saying is true, the reports underrepresented the situation here. The situation reminds him of the Invasion of Libya in 2011. How Libya fell from a prosperous state to a failed state. That situation helps sparked a massive migration crisis that brought Europe to its knees and is still recovering from it.

That is not something he considered before. That is a situation he does not want to happen here. A failed city-state so close to Alnus would hurt our objectives in this world. However, showing this world that if they accept our ways, it will very benefit able for them. Italica could be that example for Falmart.

"Will your people side with you? People rarely support massive change. In my world when a leader or faction wants to radically change something, it usually ends up in genocide," Willington said, thinking about how the communist and fascists took power in Earth history.

"My people will follow me. I am Myui Colt, leader of Italica. They want an end to this crisis. They loved my father, and I won't let my father legacy die." Myui said with much conviction and passion. She does look and feel stressed out, somewhat at her limits in the negotiations.

Willington smiles at what he hears, always impressed with some of the people in this world. Kids her age back in his country are usually busy worried about zits, getting a date or the next big thing on social media, etc. On the other hand, is trying to save her city and start something new.

He notices that his long silence is bothering her, clearly not trained in the arts of diplomacy. He gives her much credit for going this far.

Truth is he wants to help her however that is the problem. Earth history is full of states trying to do the right thing and ends up doing more harm than good. That is why diplomats usually try to stay objective. You must be careful about what you do, be very legalistic. Let us make the world a better place policy usually takes you to have fifteen steps backward.

In this world, it seems that the idea has been tossed out the door with some of our troops. 'We act because we can,' at least that has been a motto he heard some say.  The feeling of that good old American frontier spirit seems to have remerged in some ways.

"Countess, I admire your strength. I really do. When my people came to this world, we had little understanding of it. Let me tell you a story, the technology of the European nation advanced father than the others in my world. That resulted in mass genocide and the destruction of many cultures. We still feel the consequences to this today." Willington states in a very oversimplified way.

"Today we try not to make those same mistakes," Willington continues, wanting her to understand why he has been acting the way he has. "But I do have to say, I do believe you. I believe you will be able to lead your people and I do believe the United States government and our NATO allies will be honored to stand by your side."

“I will talk with Lieutenant General Stanford and see if he can deploy a unit of Military Police to your city. They will help route these criminals and help you rebuild your city Knighthood. It would be wise having your Knights and our MPs working together as a joint effort.”

This sign of relief can be seen on Myui face. In the game of negotiations, you never want to show any sign of emotions and weakness. Always want to keep them guessing.  She is young and will learn that. He had no interest in using her situation against her.

"Now we can work out an agreement but first. I think it will go a long way if we start with the crime crisis in your city." Willington said.

Myui nods and extends her hand for a handshake. Glade she got a true ally again and hopeful her city will survive.



--- Alnus Community ---

July 13th, 2025



Today in Alnus, the sun is shine as it sets in the west. A sign that the day is coming to an end.

Tyuule is in this second-floor room, staring out the window. She looks down at the street, watching as everyone conducts their business. What a strange place this is.

This has been Delilah's home since the formation of Alnus. A small room, a bed in the corner with two tables and this small couch. She still has her swords from when she was an assassin on the wall.

Right then she sees one of these Other Worlders drive by in one of their so-called 'jeeps'. Based on their arm patches, they look to be French, whatever that means. She has found out there are many different nationalities that came through the Gate.

However, she has found that there is this one above all. What her friend Delilah told her is that this… the nation is their world's dominant power. Their version of the Empire but, different. So, she said. They call themselves the United States of America, the so-called leader of the free world.

Tyuule does not believe that for a second. Even though they came to rescue her from Prince Zorzal, there is no way they did it from the goodness of their heart. But still, Delilah was with them and she trusts them.

Since being rescued from that palace, she has been watching, studying these people. Besides the basic enforcement of order, she has yet to see any real oppression committed by these people.

Delilah has tried to explain what has happened since her kingdom of Bunnies fallen. Defiantly a hard time for everyone. The Empire seems invincible since the Fall of Edras. All major powers in Falmart have finally fallen under the might of the Empire, which she has experienced herself. But then in their arrogance, they invaded Earth and were destroyed themselves.

That is when the door of this room behind her. When looking behind, she sees Delilah rushing into the room.

"I am so sorry I am late. We got rushed and I couldn't get out on time." Delilah said, referencing her job at Liberty Apex. She begins taking off her work clothes to put on something more professional.

"I still can't believe you would do such a task," Tyuule said to her, talking about that an assassin is now a bartender.

"Well, it was just a job at first. It was that or go hungry." Delilah said, putting on a jacket now. "But since then, I have grown to enjoy it. Meeting all the soldiers and learning from all the different places in their world. It is interesting."

"Now, are you ready to go?" Delilah asks while smiling. She finished up by putting on this olive-green military baseball cap.

"I have been waiting since I arrived. I want my questions to be answered." Tyuule tells her. Even after everything that has happened to her for those three years, she still speaks strong.

"Then let's go," Delilah said, excited.

They leave Delilah's apartment and head outside. As they walk, heading to the military base, Tyuule looks to her friend. "So, you like this place?"

"Well yes. I would not have stayed here. I am free, I do not have to worry about being enslaved or anything. Being kicked out on the streets or have to prostitute myself," Delilah tells her. "And besides, these people are very good. They mean well. Horny and stupid at times but good-hearted."

"Crown Prince Zorzol meant well and that turned out to be a lie." Tyuule bluntly said.

Delilah looks to her and frowns a little. "I am sorry. But trust me, these people are not the Empire. They have been here for a while, if they were lying then the truth would have come out. By no means, they are not perfect. They can be kind of dicks if they do not agree with our ways but still. They did save you. They didn't have to."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult," Tyuule said as some people pass by her. Then this wagon passes her by the street with one of the Other Worlders vehicles follows behind it.

"I just don't fully understand these people," Tyuule said, glancing down. She then looks up and looks to Delilah.

Tyuule knows that she has been a little hard. But she is happy that Delilah is happy. They reach the checkpoint, the divide between the town of Alnus and the Other World military base.

One of the soldiers at the checkpoint walks up. "Paperwork?"

"Oh... yes. Here." Delilah said to him as she reaches into her pocket. She pulls out this piece of paper, giving they permission to enter the base.

After the guards let them through the checkpoint, the two begin to walk down the harden street.

"I have noticed you been spending a lot of time with that one man. While you are working." Tyuule said. She has been to Delilah's work, the Apex bar. Most of the time she just watches, trying to learn what this place is about.

Delilah blushes a little bit. She knows who Tyuule is talking about. Captain Bailey from the Ranger team Vanguard-5. She has felt bad about his two men getting hurt(3). One died by a Volralden and another one got wounded from an arrow in the back. These people from another world risked their lives to save her queen.

"Well. I am just grateful for them. That is all," Delilah said back to her queen.

"Ok, so when you get all rosy when their commander arrives, I guess it is for nothing," Tyuule said, teasing her.

As they walk, they get close to the Gate. Both stop as they see a stream of troops and heavy equipment come through.

Tyuule stops and watches, amazed by how large the stream of troops and supplies coming through. "My lord. How many are there?"

Delilah stands beside her, watching too. After being here for so long, seeing this still impress her. "Bailey said his country has about three hundred and forty million people. This must be the reinforcements they been waiting for."

"Three hundred… million," Tyuule mumbles. As she watches the convoy drive through all she can think is seeing the Empire city of Sadera burn. Until now she was skeptical that these people could destroy the Empire. Even with their advanced technology. Seeing this made her realize they she has not seen these people's main force yet.

Right then Tyuule begins to laugh. Happy that the Empire will fall against these people.

Delilah looks over. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing. The Empire will fall. That is all. Now let's go see Lieutenant General Stanford," Tyuule responds.



--- Alnus Fort, Stanford office ---

July 13th, 2025



Lieutenant General Stanford is sitting at his desk, looking at the two women. "Hello, there your highness. I apologize for this meeting taking this long to set up. Things have been busy. And thank you for arranging an appointment this time."

Delilah glances away, knowing he is talking about her. "Sorry…"

"I see that. We saw your forces coming through the Gate." Tyuule responds. "Who are those people?"

"The 10th Mountain Division, light infantry. Why do you ask?" Stanford said.

"I was just the course." Tyuule answer backs. "I have this question I like to ask first."

"Ok," Stanford said.

"What do you plan on doing with me? You went out of the way to come and get me. I want to know why." Tyuule asks him.

Stanford thinks about her question. He likes how direct she is, no bullshit. "Honestly, I haven't had the chance to think about that. As I said before, things have been busy here."

That answer annoyed Tyuule. "That's not acceptable. I want to know if I am a political prisoner or not."

That statement confused Stanford. "Where did you get the idea, you were a political prisoner?"

"You recused me. There must be a reason behind that. I am grateful but my experience has shown me that everything has a cost." Tyuule said.

"Hmm. That is true." Stanford said and then thinks. "Well, as I said before it was Delilah here who convinced us to rescue you. I saw it as an opportunity to gain an ally in the war effort. However, you do not need to hold any allegiance to us. You can stay in Alnus or leave."

"Really? I can just leave if I wish to?" Tyuule asks him.

"Yes," Stanford said back. "Free will is important to my people."

Tyuule thinks about what has been said. "As I said, thank you and your men for rescuing me. But what about the rest of my people? The only reason I surrendered to Crown Prince Zorzal was that he promised to protect my people. He betrayed that promise. Will you extend the same kindness to my people?"

Stanford looks at her and thinks. He expected a question like this, soon or later. The worse part about good intentions and doing the right thing is that people expected you to do it for the next. "No. We won't be going off on a crusade freeing the people of this world."

Delilah expected that answer. She now understands why her kind of tore her down when she proposed her plan. She wants them to go out there and save the rest of her people.

"I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but we can't fix every problem this world has. We can help where we can. But I cannot send troops in the middle of anywhere fixing every wrong. That is not why we came here." Stanford explains.

"I thought your people are against slavery?" Tyuule asks him.

Stanford can tell she is trying to test him. Trying to dig a little. "The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution outlaws the ownership of anyone. Slavery will be outlawed in occupied territory in one way or matter. If any of your people have slaved in those areas we occupy, I promise they will be freed. Anyone who sneaks to our territory will also be freed."

Tyuule thinks, understanding what he means. Since she was once a leader of a Kingdom, she understands the limits of a leader. She now understands their limits.

"I would not worry about your highness. The war is not ending anytime soon, opportunities might arise and then we can add to this conversation. Besides, before this meeting, I got word that Italica is proposing to end slavery. Maybe one day other cities will ban it. And maybe, you will be able to reclaim your throne."

She looks up at him. "Interesting. Italica has always been the old one out. It sounds like Colt Formal has finally got his way. The only reason they even tolerated him was because of Italica's location."

"He is dead. The Empire executed him back on my planet. His daughter is taking the charge." Stanford said.

"Interesting," Tyuule glances down and think. She remembers what happened on the Senate floor. Those generals accusing him of treason and that was why the expedition force failed. "Sir. On the Senate floor, some of the prisoners you brought back said that Colt Formal betrayed his people. That he was the reason why the invasion of your world failed."

Stanford looks right at her, now interested. "That is interesting." He then begins to think. "If you do not mind, can you tell me everything know about the Empire and the inner workings of the government. Their generals, princess, anything."

Tyuule thinks. She decides it is in her best interest to help him. She then begins to explain her story and everything she knows about the Empire. The people who are in charge and how the government has split into two factions. The pro-peace and the pro-war side. That Pina failed peace attempt has strengthened the war faction.

Stanford nods his head, listening and taking notes. "Tell me about this Prince Zorzal. That Ranger unit from the throne room reported mentioning him to."

"He is an idiot. Like the definition of one." Tyuule bluntly said. "He likes to rape women because he feels inferior and that's the only way, he can feel important. He takes no task seriously. He is an ok strategist but even then, his ego likes to get in the way. What else?"

Tyuule stops to think. There is so much about him she could say. "He does not like his siblings; afraid they might take the throne away from him. However, he is a people person. He knows how to woo the people he needs to. Most of the noble elites, senators, and generals are on his side. That is what makes him dangerous. He rewards loyalty greatly."

She then continues giving information about the Empire and Prince Zorzal.



--- Elies Region, West Ligas Mountain Range ---

March 12th, 2025


Tuka is rushing down the hillside, passing all these trees. She would not be alone, two other elves from her people are with her. Right now, they are being chased by forces of the Empire. They were spotted by the guards of one of the local towns.

Their mission was to scout the area, looking for a new home for her people.

When King Juleas betrayed her people eight years ago, they have been moving place to place, always on the run. Once and awhile, they find a new home, sometimes even able to stay in one location longer than a few months. But the story is always the same, being forcibly removed. They have been pushed from the far west of Falmart to the Elias Region, thousands of leagues away.

The journey has taken a toll on her people, hundreds have died, been enslaved, or gone missing. They were forced to travel deeper into Empire territory or face capture by the Edras Kingdom.

"RUN!" One of the elves yells.

Right behind them are soldiers, mostly Humans but there are some hybrid races too.

"How are there so many of them?" Another one yells. "I thought the Empire didn't have forces out here."

"I don't know. Just keep running!" Tuka yells as she runs as fast as she can.

As the three runs as the arrow hit one of the elves. He flies forward, rolling down the hill a bit.

Tuka stops to help them elf. "Hey, help me here!"

The other elf stops, grabs Tuka arm and begins to run, pulling her with him. "No, we can't help him. We have to get back to the clan and warn them."

Their wounded comrade yells, begging for them to come back.

Tuka cries, not happy that they left him behind. Deep down inside she knows they had no choice.

They get to the base of the road and stop. They look to the horizon and all they can see is the goliath of a fortress, Fortress Legrath. A massive facility built into the hill, with tall walls and towers all around it. It is massive, the largest fortress she has ever seen.

The longer she looks the more details she sees. There are two walls, an inner and outer wall. Many towers covering all paths. Smoke from fire coming out of the fort, dozens of them. It must be the size of a medium city, if not bigger. Defenses weapons all around the walls with large trenches around the walls.

The eight years have been rough on her people but because of their god Lunaryur, they have been able to keep their spirits up. Moral staying high with the songs of their people. The belief that they will find a new home one day.

The stories behind Fort Legrath do not do justice to the amazing sight of it. How, how can anyone even challenge the Empire? Challenge this place? They believed their only hope was to cross Elias to the far east. Hopping the Empire would not follow them there. How could they pass this fortress?

There are about eighty soldiers at the base of the hill. They were fighting for the three elves. They ran right into their trap.






(1)Chapter 14-20

(2)Chapter 43

(3)Chapter 45 & 46





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