Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V05 – Chapter 54 Operation Donut RM


--- Resort, United States, Earth ---

July 14th, 2025


Early in the morning of the next day, Rory is walking around the lobby, thinking about what happened last night. She has seemed so much death during the near thousand years she has been alive. Some of it is very brutal and horrific. For a while now, she always had a feeling something like this would happen with him.

She remembers when she first time she saw Sharpe. At first, she thought he was just another man. It was remarkably interesting that he was ordering his people to help the villagers though(1). But sometimes you run into noble ideologue idiots like him, trying to help but they usually end up dead. This time though she saw something different. Something she never saw in her world. He stopped everything and saved that little girl Selina. If he knows her in some manner that might have made sense, but he was not even from this world.

In a world where women are taken advantage of by bad men daily, especially cute little girls like her. That moment told Rory everything she needed to know about him. Everything else since has been icing on the cake, so the Americans say. Just like she told Sergeant Alicia the night before attacking the Elies fort(2), it is that he loves people. As Sarah said about Apollo, he willing to go out and protect anyone he does not know.

Both Selina and Lelei are walking to her right. They do not know what happen last night and she has been debating on if she should tell them or not.

Looking at them, smiling and happy. Yesterday was probably the best day for them. Hell, for all three of them in a long time. All this time he has been dealing with that pain but always taking care of us three. Always making sure they are included, feel like they are not strangers and but more.

"I have an idea," Rory states. Her face clearly shows she is scheming of something.

They look at her.

"What is it, Rory?" Selina asked her, confused.

"Well, we had fun, right? Our fearless leader help set all this up, just for us," Rory said. "Let's try to do something back."

"Like what?" Lelei asked, confused about what Rory is thinking. From her experience, she has discovered that Rory is the random one of the team. The wild card as the Americans saying is.

From her long life of experience, she has learned much about Man. "What is the most important feature that all men have in common?"

"Sex?" Lelei answers back, confused why Rory brings this up.

Selina then answers. "How about war and fighting?"

"How about being rude to their friends. I think it is called sarcasm?" Lelei understands what sarcasm is but does not understand how it works.

"What about drinking?" Selina adds.

Rory signs and then glares at them. "No…, well all that is a yes but not what I meant. I meant food…!"

"You don't know much about boys, do you?" Selina asked, also confused at what Rory trying to say.

"I know more than you!" Rory yells at Selina and then crosses her arm, marching forward.

"I was thinking we go into the kitchen and make Major Sharpe something," Rory explains her plan.

"I love that idea!" Selina said, on board of the plan.

"But we don't know how to use their cooking equipment," Lelei points out.

"… We will figure out something," Rory responds.

After a short bantering between the three, they agree to do Rory plan.

Rory takes the lead as they move along the resort. She is acting silly as she moves through the bar they were in last night. Acting as a secret agent, moving past table to table, heading to the back where Sharpe came from with the pizza last night.

"Shhh…." Rory slowly walks through the kitchen door, seeing if there is anyone in there.

She peeks around the corner to see if anyone is in the kitchen, acting like one of those secret agents she has seen on Sharpe movies. As she looks, she sees no one around. "It looks clear."

Rory then looks to them and begins doing these hand signals, like giving them orders on what to do.

Selina and Lelei look to her, completely confused.

"What are you doing?" Lelei asked Rory, beginning to think something might be wrong with her.

"… I don't know. I see Sharpe do this all the time. I thought it meant something." Rory said, confused why it did not work for her.

"I think they do mean something. Him giving basic orders to his team," Lelei replied. "Don't you pay attention to how they communicate?"

"…" Rory glares at Lelei, now regretting bringing her along. Of course, miss book knows everything about what he does.

"In the kitchen and let's find something," Rory responds. She then turns around and quietly sneaks into the kitchen.

As they all walk inside the kitchen, they are all amazed by how shiny it is. All the different cooking equipment is this stainless-steel color, all polished and clean.

"Wow… so shinny." Selina said, amazed by the sight.

"They must be able to make amazing foods in here," Lelei said.

"Like that pizza?" Selina comments.

"Maybe even better?" Rory said. "Ok. Now look around for something. Maybe we can make something."

"How do we even make something in here? And what will we make?" Lelei asked as she looks around for a book. "Maybe one of these books can help." That is when she sees this cubby full of cooking books.

Rory walks over to this large and tall device. She opens it and sees all these ingredients inside it. "I think this is what they call a refrigerator." She looks at everything and study. Waving Lelei over.

Lelei walks over. "What is it?"

Rory reaches inside and grabs this small soft rectangle thing.

"That said butter on it." Lelei translates as she reads the wrapping.

"Hmm…" Rory opens the wrapping around it. She smells it and then takes a big bite out of it.

Lelei sees this strange-looking expression on Rory's face. She finds that expression hilarious. "I don't think that is food, just an ingredient they use."

Rory rushes to the sink and spits out all that butter she ate. "That's disgusting…"

That is when Selina walks over and looks at Rory. "Your strange today. Maybe we should go."

"We can't stop, we just started. Lelei, can you do something with what's in there?" Rory asked.

Lelei looks inside the refrigerator and then back at Rory. "I am a magic user, not a cook."

"But you are smart," Rory asked, seeing her plan falling apart.

"…" Lelei just looks at her. "I know you want to do something nice but, we don't know how any of this stuff works."

That is when Lelei reaches into the refrigerator and pulls out this thin long green vegetable. She sniffs it, wondering what it is. "Must be some kind of vegetable."

Selina walks up, watching. "I dare you to eat all of that in one bit."

Lelei takes a large bite of the green vegetable. Her eyes widen as her mouth explodes with fire. She looks inside the refrigerator and looks for something that can put out the stinging hotness of the fruit. Seeing milk cardboard carton, she grabs it. She opens it and lifts it to her mouth, so milk goes into her mouth, to cool it down.

Besides milk, it would be cream, not milk. Lelei stops and spits the cream out. "What is this?"

Selina stands there, not understanding what is happening. "I think it said cream on the side. Not milk."

"But it is in a milk carton! Like at the military base! Why would they trick someone like this!?" Lelei asked, annoyed by the mess she just made and now her mouth is on fire.

Rory points and laughs at Lelei. "Ha! I just did one stupid thing. You did two!"

Lelei looks to Rory and turns around. "I am leaving."

"Wait!" Rory jumps in front of her. "We still need to figure out what to make!"

Then they have a debate on what to do next. This happens a lot, both arguing on topics. The thing is, they usually agree on what they are arguing about. Rory, always being the expressive one out of the two. Lelei, always keeping her cool and lecturing Rory on the given topic. Which only fuels Rory ranting.

Selina has always found it interesting how these two fights. They never completely solving a problem but always agreeing with each other. It is like some strange game they like to play.

That is when she looks behind her. Thinking she hears something she looks back to the two arguing. "Guys, I think someone is coming."

They then look to Selina and then listen. They also hear some bantering coming. At least two men coming.

Quickly they close the refrigerator door and then take cover behind the many island counters in the kitchen. A minute later they see these two men in black suits. One of the men is a white man and the other one is black. The black man is holding this strange white box.

"Nice of Frank to get these." The black man said as he sets the white box on one of the islands. He then opens it and takes out this puffy looking piece of bread with all this white powder on it.

The other man in the suit reaches into the box and pulls out this around a piece of bread with a big hole in the middle of it. It is governed in this glaze like substance.

Rory looks over the island counter, watching as they turn around and face, talking. She sees what they are eating and gets a new idea. Looking to Lelei, she points to that white box. "Can you use your telekinesis to move that box to us?"

Lelei looks over and sees the box Rory talking about. She then looks back to Rory and shakes her head no. "One that is stealing. Those men are here to protect us. Also, magic isn't supposed to be used like this."

Rory moves her arms and hands in the oh well expression. "I guess when those scary agents leave, we can go back to cooking." She said with a devilish tone.

Lelei thinks about that and then decides this was a better plan. She fully sits down and begins to think. Her staff glows slightly teal.

Rory looks over the counter all stealthily. She gives a devilish smirk as she sees that white box glows. "Ok, you have it. Now slowly, don't make any noise."

As the two Secret Service agents stand there talking, the white box floats over the kitchen. Slowly but steadily the box gets to them.

As Rory watches. She sees that the agents are about to turn around again. "Hurry."

Right when the box gets in range, she grabs it and hides behind the counter. As she did that, she thought that one of them saw her.

"Wait… didn't you set the donut box here?" One of the agents said.

"What?" The other one asked. He turns around and looks. "Wait… I swear that we had a box. I left it right here."

They both look at each other, confused as hell.

The three girls remain to hide behind the counter, giggling at the fact they cannot find their box.

The two men radio go off and then they walk off.

They wait a minute, making sure the coast is clear. Then Rory peeks up to double-check that they are gone. "Looks clear."

Everyone stands up and quickly tries to clean up their mess. Once they semi-finished cleaning, all three of them rush out of the kitchen and back into the bar area. Then they go to one of the tables set the box down on it.

"Was it wise to steal this?" Lelei asked, wondering the wisdom in this.

"Yeah, wouldn't Sharpe get angry if he found out?" Selina asked.

"I wouldn't worry. He has other things to worry about. Besides, we are doing this for him," Rory said with much pride.

"So, were stealing for me? And that makes sense to you Rory?" Lelei said, knowing she is full of shit.

Rory glares at her and then opens the box.

All three of them look inside it, their eyes grow big with a big glow coming out of it.

I believe I heard those men calling these things donuts." Lelei said, recalling the agent's conversation.

Selina just reaches in there and grabs one. She takes a bit, and she jumps with joy. "By the Gods! This is amazing!"

Seeing her reaction, both Rory and Lelei reach down and take one. They take a bit and then have the same reaction as Selina.

That is when Sarah walks up behind them. "What are you three doing? I figured you all would still be asleep."

They all turn around with this guilty expression. Like they just got caught robbing a bank.

Sarah notices that and looks more closely. "Girls…? What is going on?"

They have this blank state as they try to come up with something.

That when Selina speaks first. "We found these donuts. We wanted to give them to Sharpe. And you." She said, somewhat trying to get out of trouble.

Sarah looks at them, smirking. She believes the motivation behind the act but not the part that they just found donuts. "He is still asleep."

"Really? He is always up before anyone." Lelei said, very shocked by that. Sharpe is always up before the sun raises, wanting to be awake if something happens.

"Yesterday was a big day for him too. I bet it has been years since he's slept in, so give him a break." Sarah said to them. What she said was true, he got a little drunk last night after telling his story. She then looks past them and sees that donut box. She looks back at them. "How about this, I will set the donut box by his bed and leave a nice note. So, when he wakes up, he knows it is from you."

The three looks at each other and debate Sarah's proposal. It was not what they wanted but decided that is the next best option. Once they agreed, Rory grabs the donut box and hands it over to Sarah.

Sarah takes it and looks inside it, making sure there is anything left inside. "Thank you. So why don't you get into those cute bikinis I got you yesterday and go swimming. Just wait about an hour before diving into the pool."

"Well… I can't," Selina said.

"I can't either," Lelei adds.

"Why not?" Sarah asked, looking confused. That is when it clicks. They probably do not know how to swim since they do not live on a coast. "Ahh, don't know how to swim. Well, you can hang out in the hot tube. It is great. We don't have time later to have fun."

"You mean like a hot spring?" Lelei asked, trying to imagine what a hot tube is.

"Close, it is like a hot spring. Just get changed and I will show you." Sarah said.


--- 55 minutes later ---


Sharpe finishes putting on his military shirt, that being the last item for him. Now ready for this morning, at least until the President arrives. When he awoke, he realizes the time was about ten in the morning. Way too late for him to wake up.

To his surprise, he found this white box on the room dresser. It had this big red heart drawn on top of it that said, 'We love you, Jackson!'.

At first, he thought he had too much to drink but realize who it came from. A strange happiness emerges inside him as he reads it. First, he takes a picture with his cell phone and then takes one of the donuts, not wanting to displease.

He then walks out of his assigned room. He can hear the girls talking, always being loud and one of them being extremely expressive. When he got there, he sees the three in the hot tube, talking about some old adventures back on Uros.

Rory suddenly jumps up, standing in the hot tube. Clearly explain how she defeated this one monster a long time ago. And how epic the fighting was. To his surprise, she is wearing a fancy black bikini.

"Morning Major Sleepy."

He hears Sarah's voice coming from his right. He looks and sees her sitting in a chair, reading something.

"Major sleepy?" Sharpe asked, slightly annoyed by the name.

"Take a chill pill, sir, I take it you slept well. I thought you were going to be out for another hour." Sarah said. "We still have time before the main event," Sarah explains. "Did you enjoy the donuts?"

Sharpe looks at them as they splash some water at each other. "Ahh… roger that. And yes, I did" He stops and thinks on it for a second. "Who did they steal it from?"

Sarah just chuckles. "These two Secret Service agents. You should check out the video, the security command post recorded the whole event from this place security cameras. It is hysterical." She said, stretching out that last part. "They have truly adopted the worse parts of you." She finishes, enjoying that last part.

After hearing that, Sharpe nods his head all happy. "Good. Bad traits are the best traits"

"I will tell Selina that when she's old enough to date," Sarah said and then looks back at her tablet, knowing full well what his reaction will be.

He looks at her with a glare. He was about to say something and decides against it.

Sharpe sees the girls noticing him. They begin to wave at him all happily.

He stands there, giving them a light wave back. Then he notices that somehow a fight started, and they begin to splash water at each other. It is very entertaining. He begins to reflect on some things and what is going on in his life.

Sarah notices that and puts down her tablet. "Everything ok. Are you ok?"

Sharpe reflects for a moment and takes a slight breath. "Just a headache." Before Sarah could commit about what happen last night, he holds out his figure, implying does not bring up last night's topic.

He then takes a step forward, so he can speak to the girls. "Hey, why don't you get in the pool. It is not good to be in there all day."

"Lelei and Selina don't know how to swim sir." Sarah points out.

Sharpe looks to Sarah and then back at the girls. "What? You two cannot swim? What about you Rory?"

"I know how to swim; I just hate it. Last time I was in the ocean I faced a giant sea monster." Rory said in a commanding voice.

Sharpe stands there and thinks. He shakes his head not thrilled what he just heard. "Nope. Alright, in the water you two."

Lelei and Selina look over to him confused.

"We can't swim though," Lelei said.

"The water isn't that deep and girls your age should know how to swim. It is an American tradition." Sharpe said as he takes off his boots, socks and then his shirt. He tosses it on a table and walks over to the pool, hoping in.

Selina and Lelei look at each other and then back at Sharpe. They both realize they will not be able to talk themselves out of this.

They both stand up out of the hot tube and walk over to the pool. Selina, wearing multiple strings and rainbow color bikini while Lelei wearing a blushed color with a yellow lacing skirt version of the bikini. Once they get to the pool, Selina sits down on the ground with her legs in the water.

Sharpe can see they are nervous. Like Rory just said, he figures back on their world, even in the rivers are probably full of monsters. Just another reason to teach them, so they can conquer that fear.

Back at the table, Sarah watches as Sharpe begins showing them some ways to swim, before making them try it out. She then looks over to Rory. "You don't know how to swim do you."

Rory gives Sarah a devilish glare, pretty much confirming Sarah's question.

"I do have a question for you, Sarah," Rory asked.

"Hmm? What is it?" Sarah asked back.

"First, I do want to say I am sorry for eavesdropping last night," Rory said.

"No, you’re not. You're just saying that." Sarah counters.

"True but still. Are we going to keep it quiet or tell everyone?" Rory asked the question.

Sarah stops and thinks for a second. She watches Sharpe holding Selina up in the water, letting her practice her form. Always the fundamentals with him. "No. This will be our little secret for now. No point adding to the drama."

"Ok." Rory understands that. Everyone has their history they try to either forget or suppress, including her. She looks back over to Sharpe and watches him helping the other two swims.

As she watches, it reminds her of her time with Taylin. A part of her past she deeply regrets and wishes she could take it all back. If he can face his past, so can she. "Sarah, when we get back. Do you mind if you can arrange an appointment with the General?"

Sarah sits up and looks over to Rory, confused by that. "Why do you want to talk to Major General Stanford?"

"Just something I think he should know about our world. Please?" Rory asked again.

"Ahh… Yeah. I will set it up once we get back." Sarah answers.





(1)Chapter 5

(2)Chapter 32





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