Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 141 Politics


--- Earth, United States, Washington D.C., White House ---

January 31st, 2026


President Emily Potts leans back into her chair while sitting in the Oval Office. She is drinking from her 'Best Mom' mug that her kids got her for Mother's Days fifteen years ago.

It was a hot day in eastern Afghanistan and she just finished her shift. When she got back to base, she had a package from her kids. She wishes that she were at home when she got it but wished she was at home.

She looks through her daily desk reports. The Chinese war in Afghanistan is heating up, China conducting a bombardment on Fayzabad, solidifying its position. The Chinese government said they are clearing out Islamic Terrorists, but the CIA discovered that dozens of trucks are transporting Afghan civilians back to China. While her Intelligence agencies are still investigating, most likely they are being transported to the Xinjiang concentration camps in western China. China has been creating these ‘re-education camps’ and forcing the many different Muslim ethic groups into oppression. This has resulted in the regional lands being clear for the State-run mining companies.

As the saying goes, you prepare for the last war when trying to prepare for the next. Most wars happened where you least expect them. During the Cold War, everyone always thought the next war would happen in Europe through the Fulda Gap(2) in Germany but wars happened everywhere else. 9/11, no one expected a twenty war in the Middle East before that day. Reality showed that wars popped up everywhere but that.

Since the Chinese Coronavirus and the discovery that China was funding Cartels on the southern border. Everyone thought China would make a move against Taiwan, Japan, or North Korea when they switch sides. Or them officially annexing the Nine-Dash-Line in Southeast Asia.

But no, China went west for resources and to expand its Road-Belt project. And a magical Gate appeared in the United States. Two wars no one saw coming in places no one saw coming.

"That is enough of drama," She mumbles to herself and then takes a sip of her coffee. "What's going on in the Interstellar war these days."

She grabs the Uros files and begins getting caught up on the latest reports. Two rare earth mining sites have been discovered and construction has begun. China represents over eighty percent of rare-earths metals. These metals are vital for the modern economy and a major weakness in the United States and the world economy. Securing other rare-earth sights is key to the US defense interests in the new Cold War.

She then reads up on the newly discovered metal called Adamantium. While the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement and the United States Geological Survey will have to do more research on that ore, but it looks promising. Stronger and lighter, that could make some massive changes to the economy.

She then sees two proposed natural gas and one oil rig sits recently discovered in the Elbe Fiefdom. The alliance with King Duran is providing a major anchor in the region. There already have been three major fruit trade exchanges.

"Not a bad start," She mumbles to herself as she adjusts her glasses.

This war is becoming expensive. While she does not want to start a colonial empire on Uros, there needs to be some kind of economic return to pay the bills. She wants to work with the natives to make a win-win agreement. She understands her actions will set the tone for future administrations on how they handle the new world.

She then sees a report that Senator Ryan Laymen wants to have a meeting with many of our allies on Uros. King Duran, Countess Myui, and Princess Pina. She then sees Rory Mercury and Lelei La Lalenaa on the list. The new Elf on Vanguard-7, Tuka Luna Marceau, and the new prize Princess Selina Sharpe.

The Senate has been wanting to have an interview with many from the new world, wanting to experience the aliens themselves. Because the war has been going well, she has been able to maintain control and order with Congress. But now they want to know who we are allies with.

Meeting King Duran and Countess Myui make sense. Both are becoming major trading partners and military allies. It will be good to form a more official treaty with them.

The rest she remembers having a great time at the resort(3). They were so excited to meet her; it was a nice change of pace. She is used to meeting people who just wanted something from her, politics. But they were genuine in wanting to see her.

Rory Mercury, being a powerful woman from their world with supernatural powers. She is the US number one assist and ally. Because of her help and guidance NATO forces have been able to overcome many unexpected challenges. While NATO would still be winning the war, NATO would have suffered far more casualties and probably created more enemies than allies, just because the US does not know who’s who. She loves how she speaks her mind and how much life she has in her.

Lelei La Lalena, the smartest girl in two worlds, or that is how people describe her. She saw her using her magic during the Chinese assault on the resort. It was the most amazing sight she has ever seen. It made her question many of the old legions of Earth’s past. She seems to be a very respectful woman. She was impressed by how quickly she understood how the US Republic worked. How American merges from the natural chaos in Mankind with order, each balancing it out. She called it 'Mini-Pulse'. She had to admit, she never saw it like that before.

Now here is a new woman who joined our forces, a High Elf named Tuka Luna Marceau. While she has not yet gotten a chance to meet her, it makes sense that the Senate wants to meet her, being a fantasy Elf alien.

Then there is the most surprising one out of them all, Princess Selina Sharpe. She remembers when she met her at the resort. She was so cute when she first met her but at the same time, she noticed how much pride she had deep down inside. From the moment she set eyes on her she saw a potential future with her, expecting great things. The one thing she noticed that night was the glow in her eyes and the other girl's eyes when they looked at Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe. When she thought she was an alien, her eyes told her everything she needed to know about what the 'Girls' see in Sharpe. That is a trust she does not want to break.

The only recent issue that she had to deflect was that she is royalty. Since the beginning of the war, they had a political refugee within their ranks in Alnus and they had no idea. One of America's officers adopted a Princess of a foreign land. While she does not care about that and that is because she already met them before that came out. It is still bad optics in the media.

Then there is Princess Pina of the Empire. She wonders how loyal she is to the Empire at this point. When the peace treaty fell apart, she was furious at the Princess, nearly ordering an assassination. The only reason that did not happen was because of General Donald Grant. Since then she followed what many are calling it the Pina’s Redemption path.

It would have been easy for Pina to go home and sit out the rest of the war, but she chooses not to(4). She went off to find the American slaves the Empire took(5) and the returned knowing there was a chance that would have been her last moment(6), just because she wanted to prove herself.

While she is still trying to form an opinion on her before she decides to throw her support behind her, she does seem promising as a future leader of the New World. One of the big problems with the War on Terror was there was no exit strategy, not after the war plan. No one was able to stand up and lead the countries we invaded. Pina with Myui and Duran could help establish a peaceful long-term future.

She then goes to the last document she wanted to look over. She has been following his career after the Siege of Italica. Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe of the 75th Rangers.

She has been impressed with his ability to understand the facts on the ground. She served many years in war but never had the instincts he had. Sometimes she wonders if it was luck, an act of god or all just him. She has placed a lot of trust and leeway with him, taking a massive gamble.

So far, she believes her bet has paid off. Sharpe has been able to recruit many natives, even getting some Imperial like the Guardian of Legrath(7) to the NATO’s side. His dealings with General Krysist thatoi almost ended the war, which failed. However, it did show her that not all within the Empire are against NATO and helped show her who is and is not the enemy.

It has become clear to her he was born for this war and his experience in Southeast Asia has definitely helped him lead a new generation of soldiers.

With a strange twist a fate, he is ex-Delta and General Holland, head of SOCOM(8) placed into the 75th Rangers after the Mexico fiasco. But from what she understands that is ancient history and was overblown because of military politics.

She recently promoted Lieutenant General Charles Stanford of the NATO Expeditionary Force, the head Army the Joint Chief of Staff General Donald Grant, head of SOCOM General Holland and Ambassador Harland Willington and Secretary of State Bobby Gates came up with an agreement to turn our recent allies and get them up to speed with modern tactics.

The 8th Division is a reactivated Combined Arms division being nickname the Alnus Division. The division is the first stage of a more permanent future for US presence on Uros. Because the growing native allowed and needed to react to the new threat this work keeps throwing at US forces, it was decided to form a unit dedicated to working with the natives.

She wanted Lieutenant Colonel Sharpe to have a major role in this new task force. He has experience in training people from nothing into a fighting force. He seems to understand how to work with the locals or at least make them feel like they can trust him.

She grabs his file to read the latest updates. As planned, he is starting to train the natives at Fort Minick, starting with the Rose-Order of Knights and the Legrath Knights led by Beluutie, Guardian of Legrath.

She then sees the latest report about how Vanguard-7 stopped a raid attack against a trader. This Dark Elf named Yao Haa Dushi explained her people were nearly wiped out by the Flame Dragon which Vanguard-7 fought against early in the war. Of course, the Sharpe wants to go and help.

As she read the report something caught her eye. The recent report said Major Jackson Sharpe, not Lieutenant Colonel Jackson Sharpe.

Seeing that she stands up infuriated. During the conversation CIA Director Brent Quintin protested the idea of promoting him. The original plan had it where the CIA had a minor role at Fort Minick helping with the training, but she had to remove him from the equation.

She grabs the phone and then calls Grant.

It takes a moment for Grant to pick up. "Sorry for the delay Madam President, I am in the middle of a meeting."

"I don't care. Get in here." She said and hung up.

She starts to pace in front of her desk as she thinks. As the President, she does not have the authority to just promote people she likes but everyone agreed that it was for the benefit of the nation. "God damnit. The fucking Greenland purchase negotiations are less of a pain than this."

"Only because the Danish want to put up a front madam President," Grant said as he walked in. "They just want a role in the development of ma'am."

She stops and looks at him. Since World War Two the US has been wanting to buy Greenland because of the economic wealth and for its strategic position in the arctic. While the topic only appears every few decades, mainly as a thought experiment, the US secretly still wanted it. It was just never worth going public because we already were allowed bases there.

But like always, China and Russia started gaining influence in the Danish colony. The idea reappeared in 2019 but it was a joke. But then China was caught extracting resources illegally and the Danish government was helpless to prevent it because of domestic issues in rebuilding its economy. Seeing an opportunity her administration is working on stealing the massive island away from China and Russia right under them.

She looks at him, enjoying the joke but is too angry to laugh.

Seeing the mood Grant closes the door and walks forward. "Is everything ok madam President? Did I do something wrong?"

She takes the report and hands it to him. "Read the report. What does the Rank say?"

Grant stands there and reads the report. He skims it. "Evacuation mission. Your favorite soldier… Major?"

"Exactly," She said. "Major. Why is he still a major? We need him to be a Lieutenant Colonel for our plans to work. We agreed a Major is too low of a rank to operate in this new world. To represent our country."

She then stops herself and calms herself down. She adjusts her glasses and then looks at him. "Look. I know you and Brent were not the biggest fan of this move, but we all agreed to move forward."

Grant looks puzzled by the report. "With all due respect madam President but I talked to Holland and the order was given."

She stands there confused by that. She knows for a fact Stanford would not go against her; she trusts him completely. She had to fight to keep him from staying in charge of the war and not implement the rotational model from the Afghanistan War.

She looks at Grant and can see he is confused by this too. Then both look directly in the eye and have a sigh. "Do you think?"

"He wouldn't dare to," Grant said. "Even he wouldn't go that far."

"God damnit…," She mumbles and then walks to her desk and turns on the microphone and calls the CIA Director Brent Quintin.

It took a few minutes, but he finally answered. "How can I help you Madam President?"

"I want a yes or no answer," She said, her tone stating she wants no bullshit. "Did you change my orders to have Major Sharpe promoted?"

There was not a delay in the response like he was expecting this phone call. "I was protecting you, ma'am-."

"God damnit Brent," She said as she leans away. "Talk about the definition of the 'Deep State' crap."

Grant leans forward on the desk. "Director. You have no business to interfere in military matters. This is a massive gross of overstepping."

"I tried to explain this, but you don't want him to move up the ranks or have more attention on him," Brent said. "Madam President, he will result in your downfall. His fast and loose policy in Mexico nearly created an international incident."

She looks down at her phone. "Cut the bull, Brent. I know what happened. We went our best to fight a crazy man. His whole career has been us sending him and his boys into the worst-case scenario situation and they came out on top. Don't you dare give me this he failed one-time Hollywood crap so all the bricks must fall."

"But-," Brent said before he was cut off from Potts.

"I was not finished," She said as she leans down on her desk so he can clearly hear her. "I know what happened Brent. The reason you don't want him around is that you screwed over his unit in Mexico. You tipped off Armando Carvallo about Major Sharpe’s Delta team location."

This time she noticed that Brent remained silent. He thought she didn't know but she found out.

When she first read learned of Major Sharpe(9) and what happened in Mexico something always felt off. The joke in the office is that his file is so redacted only the dashes on the date are readable.

She used his contacts in the White House and her contacts while she was a Major in the Army to do some investigating. She later learned that the CIA leaked Delta Force location as a way to lure out Armando Carvallo, to force an encounter.

The problem is that they did not tell the military and it ended up in two Delta operatives and three Mexicans butchered like cattle. After learning that she correctly assumed that elements in the CIA are using Sharpe as a scapegoat.

The problem she has noticed with Sharpe is that he would accept taking the blame. He is too prideful and accepting of his responsibility and he would accept full responsibility for the failed mission. He is a perfect fall man to wipe your hands clean of a dirty mess. Except for the fact that he never went away and Brent hates that.

"I am sorry?" Brent asked.

"I know you were directing that operation and I know you abused that man to protect your political career," She said. "And before you ask how I figured it out just remember I am the President of the United States and I am your boss. Now he will get promoted and if I find out you interfere with my will again you will wish you will be sent to Guantanamo Bay."

She then hangs up and sits down in her chair. "Fucking spooks."

"I don't think I ever have seen you this anger madam President," Grant said.

"Please not know the madam… sorry," She replies.

"Nothing is personal ma'am," Grant said. "We’re All doing our duty. If you do not mind me asking, how did you know?"

"Female intuition General," She replies and looks at him. "Something didn't feel right."

She takes a moment to relax and takes a deep breath. She then looks up at him and smiles. "I think it is time to meet them all. Make the arrangement, please. And please get that promotion going. I would like to properly address him."



--- The Ticaret Conglomerate, Capital city of Ticaret ---

February 2nd, 2026



Falson Altin storms into the Tozuko House within the capital city. Outside the house is very decorative with ribbons and hanging rugs everywhere. The home is built into the mountain side with these imported wooden doors that have been specially designed.

There are guards at the door to prevent unwelcome guests. While all the other major houses in Ticaret who deal with transactions and contracts, Nara deals with many important guests here and around Falmart, owning an powerful and successful brothel network throughout Falmart.

Her main clients are high nobles, royalties from Imperial leaders from the Empire or vassals’ kingdoms, and fiefdoms. She also serves other smaller independent states across Falmart. She has made connections within many of the major cities inside and outside the Ticaret Conglomerate like Rondel, Bellnahgo, Knappnai and the capital of Edras, Edmos.

The guards do nothing as he walks inside. His house is one of the main four that govern the Ticaret Council and her house is technically under his house. However, he has learned to let her act independently as much as he can.

Most of the other families will backstab you in a heartbeat if it benefits them. There is not a single society like you see in most other countries. The Ticaret Conglomerate has four major houses on the Ticaret Council. The Tecim Union, Seckin Sanctum, Altin House, and Gumus House.

He glances down at her Machina assistant and bodyguard Keyra(10). She is the other reason why the guards would not want to stop him, Keyra would easily kill them. Besides, he would never threaten Nara. It is never wise to mess with a Kitsune.

"Keyra stays close," He said in an annoyed tone. He looks forward and heads up stairs. Every time he has come here, he has always admired her beautiful home. She has goods from all over Falmart. Different dishes, pottery, clothes, and more. Today he does not care. His Family House is above hers after all and he has the right.

He opens her door and walks in. He planned on yelling at her once he entered her chambers. But the first thing he did was stop and look away seeing five naked women standing there. One is a Cat-People, two are Elves both female, one is a brown hair Bunny, and another is a Succubus.

Nara specializes in utilizing other humanoids that are not Human. Because Humanity is the dominant race in Falmart right now, other races are considered more exotic, thus they give bigger returns. The other reason he has learned is that she employs non-Humans to help protect them.

"Her breasts are not big enough," Nara said as she is analyzing her employees. "They don't like Bunnies."

Nara then snaps her figure and this pink Fairy flies over and a blue feathered Siren. "Titee."

"Yes, head Mistress," The Fairy Titee said.

"I want these two. The Dark Elf and the Succubus. They will be heading to Hiegvlad." Nara said.

"Yes Mistress," Titee said and then directed two other slaves to take them.

She then looks to the blue Siren. "Tyuwal. Take the Bunny and the Cat to process. I want them to go to Knappnai."

"Mistress," Tyuwal said. "Count Assuhhrasha still has not paid his dues from the Summit."

"That is right," Nara mumbles as she puts her hand on her chin. "If it wasn't for the fact that I make nine percent of my profits from that city alone I could have cut off his balls." She then looks to Tyuwal, holding her hand at Falson, ordering him to wait. "Forget that. Bunnies and Cats are immensely popular in Sadera and we’re allies now so send them with the rest. I want my new brothel there fully stocked when we open."

"Yes mistress," Tyuwal said. She then bows and walks away with the other two prostitutes.

Nara looks at him with a smile. "Falson. It is nice to see you again but never barges into my home again."

He sees the look in her eyes. Kitsunes are a rare and mysterious race and understands that he has to respect her, which he does. "Let's not forget I am in charge."

Nara walks past him to her drinking station. "Yes. Let's not forget, Falson, that your house might be powerful, without me it would be a shadow among the others. And your business arrangements with the Hinregs."

He clings his fits together with his rage. He then looks to his creation Keyra.

Machina is a rare crystal that if you stick it to a metal surface, it takes control of it. An example is if you attach it to a knight armor, it will be able to control it. It can move the arms and leg pieces so he can walk and pick up objects. While rare and hard to master, he learned how to do it at the Fire Mage College and created his own personal assistant and bodyguard. 

Some of the materials he needed came from the mountains the Hinregs are settled in. In exchange for the materials he needed, he agreed to share some of his Machina knowledge with them as part of the mining rights.

The only reason he was able to secure that arrangement was because of Nara. Vampires are extreme isolationists and they only trade or deal with outsiders when they have no choice. Their leader, Hiegvlad has a dirty little secret, he likes to have sex with other races and Nara only offers the best. After his family was murdered, he became a lonely male Vampire.

He takes a deep breath and calms down. "How could you betray me like this? I have been particularly good to you."

"I betrayed nothing," Nara said as she took a drink from her cup. "Water?"

He looks at her confused. "You sided with the Gumus Family, the Seckin Sanctum. And then I learned you convinced Boldus Keswick of the Tecim Union to side with them. I looked like a fool."

Nara stands there and takes another sip of her water. He knows he has to be careful with his anger as Nara knows how to play people when they are emotional. He knows this from experience, falling for her tricks twice.

Nara Tozuko is one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen in Falmart. A Kitusne, Humanoid fox with great curves and a well-balanced body. She enjoys wearing robes that overlap each other, intentionally showing her beauty. Depending on her mood or day she wears these different color roses. She enjoys walking around with these hand fans. The fan is white with a red rose on it.

The Ticaret Conglomerate is in the western half of the western desert known as the Colhar Desert, so it is known to get very hot. That fan is not only to keep herself cool, but she uses it as a quick weapon, scaring anyone who breaks her rules.

He takes her offer and drinks from her high-quality cup. "Is this one from Edras?"

"Yes," Nara said. "Poor things. I loved all their little different Cults and their beliefs. It was good for business. Now about-."

Then he sees the blue haired Siren walks back into the room. He has seen her before, her name being Tyuwal. As she walks up to Nara, she takes a glance at him. She gives him a small wave.

He smiles and halfway waves back. Tyuwal is one of Nara's top prostitutes, one he has found attractive.

Being a Half-Elf, his father was a Human, and his mother was a High Elf, both were killed in a fire when he was young. Half-Elves are not well respected as Humans and Elves prefer their own kind. They can work together and be friends but having children has always seemed to be a taboo. That has made it hard for a business and building romantic relationships.

"Mistress," Tyuwal said. "We have a situation down below. One of Mortimer’s children is being rough with one of your employees again."

Nara takes a deep breath. "The Gumus Family. Why is it always them? I am sorry Falson but today has been unusually busy. You can follow me."

He sees Nara walking away, her robe dragging behind her. He quickly follows her, needing to get his questions answered.

As he walks past Tyuwal, she waves goodbye and wishes him luck. They have coupled a few times, paid of course. The first time was after he helped Nara establish the Tozuko Bank which is now the first and most successful bank institution in Ticaret. Without him knowing, Nara sent Tyuwal to him as a thank you. He later learned the truth and felt ashamed but enjoyed the comfort in a lonely life. Since then they met a few other times.

"I understand you are busy, but I must know," He said as she follows her. "Why did you vote for the war? You told me you didn't want to go to war. Why did you even want me to go to the Summit with the Empire if you were going to betray me? I now look like a fool! My Family estate has dropped dramatically now."

"Please don't fill your mouth with sand," Nara in a calm smooth tone. "Did you think I was going to go against the Seckin? Their intelligence made a good case for war. The Other Worlders do threaten our way of life."

He knows who she is talking about, Galen. She is one of the rare Dark Elves. No one knows where their tribe is located but they appear when they want to. The Seckin Sanctum is the primary military and intelligence institution within the Ticaret. All the top warriors and spies work for Galen.

Each house can control its own army but the Seckin is the main unified military. They have been credited on why there has been so much peace in The Ticaret Conglomerate. Families compete and backstab each other for business reasons but no one wants to cross the redline where the Seckin must get involved. There was once a powerful Family hundreds of years ago and one night it was dismantled in a night.

While most would think the Seckin with all their power would just take over The Ticaret Conglomerate, Galen and the other Conclave leadership are zealots when it comes to the primary god of the land, Deldort.

Deldort is the God of the Covenant, Contract, Property, Business, and more. His Apostle Martimus Onur is the official sealer of contracts and deals, binding everyone to their agreements. Long ago the Seckin promised to protect the Ticaret and they entered that agreement with Martimus, forcing them not to overthrow the Conglomerate.

"Galen sees the Other Worlders as a threat to our way of life. It is natural for them to see them as a threat and want war. Besides, these Americans seem to be powerful and that is attractive to them." Nara states.

"But working with the Empire?" He asked. The Empire has been the primary threat to the Ticaret and the Seckin hates them. He thought they would not agree to war solely because it would mean working with the Empire.

"We might be fighting the same enemy, but we are not allies," Nara states as she walks past some room of her fancy home. "But did you notice the Seckin was not unified?"

He thinks back on yesterday’s Council meeting. Now that he thinks about it Galen and her Generals seem quiet and frustrated, not with the Council but among themselves. This war will be bloody, and it seems they are not in agreement on what to do or who to side with.

"And since you brought up the Summit(11), I think you already knew that Sand Shield deep and Mortimer Gumus’ position." Nara states.

As he thinks about what she said he looks around her home. He sees three other Kitsune wandering around in her home. There are some relaxing, talking long couches, other walking about and walking. Another playing with a child. He does not know much about their race, all he knows is that they were exiles from a faraway land from the south, past the ocean.

Sand Shield deep is a Dwarven kingdom led by Gagnog Sand Shield. They are very pro war against the Other Worlders, more for their own ego and pride. Mortimer Gumus controls one of the strongest and wealthiest Families in the Ticaret. While most Houses and citizens of the Ticaret do not like the Empire, he has always pushed for better relations with the Empire. That is because he wants to expand business into the Empire’s market and get into the Guilds system. War gave him that window for better relations.

"Yes, but they never would be able to sway everyone else for war if you didn't convince Boldus Keswick," He states angrily.

Boldus Keswick is the head of the Tecim Union. He operates the Trade and Wealth Guild and has a history of helping smaller businesses who cannot compete against the larger Houses business. Many thought that was a silly investment however that proved to be popular with the people. His advice has helped many businesses and in return, he got rich. While not as wealthy as the Gumus Family, he has far greater influence within the Conglomerate.

Baldus is usually against war, seeing it as a distraction from his business with the people. But he has learned not to underestimate Boldus as when he chooses to fight, he is a warrior. He helped accelerate the end of the Southeast neighbor, Edras.

Boldus siding with the war pro group what shocked him the most. It came out of nowhere for him and he had to spend a good sum of money to find out why. That is when he learned Nara Tozuko influenced Boldus to go to war.

"Why?" He asked as they headed down the stairs, heading to her flagship and most famous Brothel, the Half-Moon.

"Look where the winds are blowing Falson," Nara said as she enters the Half-Moon. "War was going to happen no matter what. I just made it, so we were more unified behind it. If we are divided in this war, we have already lost."

She stops and looks at him with a smile. "Even the Salamanders agreed with the Empire deal. If they are willing to accept an alliance with the Empire, it was only a matter of time the others would too."

He stops and thinks. While Boldus’ switch he did not see coming, the Saskax Fury Skin is a powerful warrior like Draconian tribe. Normally the Families and Houses would never tolerate a Tribe like them, but they have been around since the Year of Kan, the day of Unification of the Families.

Their kind came from the eastern part of the Colhar Desert, but the Empire purged their villages and pushed the remaining to the west centuries ago. They want to retake the eastern part of the desert from the Empire.

During the Summit Emperor Zorzal and a few of the Imperial Senate offered to hand that region back to The Ticaret Conglomerate if they joined the war effort. That land transfer alone would double The Ticaret Conglomerate landmass and help allow access to the Falmart economy.

While some believe the Empire will betray the offer, there was no way the Council was not going to consider it. Saskax gets his land back and gets to fight in the greatest war Falmart has ever seen, Nara is correct, it was only a matter of time. The peaceful option just had too much against it, even though so many want it.

"Ok," He said. "I see what you mean but why did you betray me. You didn't even consult me." He then thinks about past events and realizes that she helped pusheeveryone to war and yet, she did not meet with his friend and close ally Eliot Bilberry.

Eliot Bilberry runs a small but successful alcohol trading business. His grandfather saved Eliot's grandfather and since then their business has been interconnected. While he does not not have a large say in the Council, he does have a position.

"And why didn't you talk with Eliot?" He asked. "We both have been kind to you. Are you plotting to merge with another house? Don't tell me it is with Mortimer? I know you’ve been wanting into the Sadera markets and I heard you back there."

Nara stands there and folds her hand fan. She then lightly slams it against her hand. "You know Falsom, you are a very smart young man, but you fail to see what's between the lines."

"I don't understand what you mean?" He asked.

Growing up he went to the Egitim University to learn how economics works and then to the Fire Mage College to become a sage. Being Half-Human allowed him to learn some spirit magic however his skills are weaker compared to full blood Elves and Humans. He is considered the smartest man in his family, what is left of it.

"Of course, you don't," Nara said as she thinks. "The winds are blowing in the wrong decision and you are right, I do have plans." She then walks up to him and gets uncomfortably close to him, knowing he is too innocent. She moves her head close to him as she places her hand on his upper chest. Her other hand grabs his side. "I am offended that you would think I would betray you after everything have been through."

He feels his body heating up and takes a step back. "Hey, no games."

Nara giggles and places her fan between her open armpits. "I love how shy you are. Anyway, I must address what's happening to one of my employees. I don't want another one of my girls being raped by the Gumus Family." She then walks off in a hurry.

He stands there watching her walk away. "Why can't she ever speak plainly." He then rushes after her.

As he moves through the Half-Moon Brothel, he sees clients from very wealthy families and nobles. The place is not crowded with clients because Nara only serves the rich and powerful. This also means this brothel is not like most others you see on the streets. It is exceptionally clean, with nice and expensive decorations everywhere. You get the feeling that you are royalty when you walk in.

As he passes the front desk, he sees this blondish hair Kitsune standing there talking to one of the brothel slaves.

He has always been impressed and confused by how Nara views and treated slaves. None of her prostitutes are slaves. Many were once slaves at one point in their life, but they are normal employees. The slaves he has seen are usually doing domestic work like cleaning and maintaining her home and brothels. But none of them have been treated with ill-will but respect for slaves' standards.

She once explained it to him that it is harder to defend her male and female prostitutes from abuse if they were only common slaves. So, she employs them just like you would for any other job. And the slaves she does have are treated better than any he has ever seen.

He finally catches up with Nara. While her body is very feminine, she is quick with her fox traits.

He walks into one of the high-class private rooms and sees this man standing there naked. Nara is standing there, and she looks furious.

He then looks over and sees a Wood Elf and a Catgirl prostitutes cuddling this naked Monarch Wing as the Wing woman cries. The Monarch Wing looks like she has a recent black eye and some of her yellow feathers from her wing look to be missing, by force.

He looks up and recognizes the man. He is Mortimer Gumu's youngest son, but he does not remember which wife. But he is pretty sure he is the son of one of the slave wives. He is Dordimur Gumus.

"What is it, Nara?" Dordimur asked in an arrogant tone.

Nara looks down at the Monarch Wing and then looks back at him. She then pulls out her closed hand fan and then starts hitting him. "I told you not to rape my girls! They are not common whores for you to do as you please!"

Dordimur backs away as he holds up his hands to protect himself. "I paid for the services, I-."

She then hits him hard with her hand fan. "You know the rules! I had enough! You are banished from all of my brothels! Go to the slums where you belong."

"My father will not tolerate this treatment," Dordimur states as she heads to the door.

"Then tell him to come here and we can have another talk," Nara said, showing no weakness. "If your father wants to lose more money and my support!"

He gets out of the way as Dordimur walks out. He looked frightened as he did was not expecting Nara to beat him.

He then looks to Nara as she hugs the Monarch Wing.

"There, there," Nara said in a motherly tone. "The bad man is gone. I should have banished him last time."

He watches and then walks out of the room, feeling like this should be a private moment. He heads downstairs and into the main lobby. When he gets there, he sees his assistant Keyra standing there waiting.

"Is everything ok Master Altin?" Keyra asked. "Do you need assistance?'

"No," He replies. "Just domestic issues."

"I noticed Master Altin," Keyra. "I wish to ask you a question."

"You always do Keyra. Please ask." He replies and sits down. Keyra was created twelve years ago and is still trying to understand people's emotions, so she can act more Human.

"Why do you Humanoids use aggression like that? Hurting others for pleasure?" Keyra asked as she sat down next to him.

He thinks about the question. He himself is not a violent man. He learned magic so he could defend himself and his Family estate. A man who can't defend what he has, family and property is no man at all his grandfather said.

"I don't know Keyra. There is no logical benefit. Sometimes people just like to be monsters." He said and looked at her. "Because people can and that's how the world works. Because someone can do something usually means they will."

"Like murder and rape?" Keyra. "Even though someone was being nice to them. So why should people be nice then if it only gets you hurt?"

He thinks about the question. "Because ideally, good things flow back to you. You either flow good or bad spirits to people. I believe most people respond better when you flow positive spirits. People respect the nice, it is just the bad that gets the attention."

After waiting for a moment, he sees Nara walk downstairs and address him. "I am sorry about that Falson. Please follow me to my office so we can settle this dispute."

"Stay here Keyra. I don't think Nara will murder me." He said and then stands up. He follows Nara to her office, a place he has been before.

He walks into her office and sits in her fancy guest chair.

Nara sits down in her fancy looking chair with silver stone all over it. "Ok. You think I am going to betray you?"

"Well…," He mumbles and thinks. He has had some time to cool down and get control of his emotions. "Not anymore. But I am still pissed. I have been humiliated as the only real opposition to the Council. You went around to the other Families and influenced them to go to war. You officially supported them going to war."

"I know," Nara said in a calm tone. "That is how I planned it."'

"Because we need to be unified in this war," He states.

Nara nods. "Like in any war."

"And you are not worried about how powerful these Other Worlders are? If the Seckin spies are correct, they are a coalition led by an even more powerful state called the Americans. They have been destroying the Empire like water on paper."

"I know," Nara said as she pulled out Wane root from her desk.

Wane root is known to be used as a smoking drug. Nara has a love for the root, smoking it a few times a day. She only buys the highest end of Wane roots. She lights it and starts smoking it in front of him.

"I have read yours and everyone else’s reports," Nara said. "The Empire would never form a coalition to fight them if they could do it themselves. That is the scary part and that is why the war was coming no matter what. I understand that I don't understand how powerful these Americans are."

"And yet you speak so plainly about the subject?" He points out. He is baffled by her handling of this situation. In all his years he has never seen her act this reckless unless she has something else planned. "What is going on Nara? I need to know."

Nara leans back and crosses her arm, exposing some of her legs. "I was going to tell you soon Falson. I like you and respect you. When my House was on the verge of collapse you stood by me. Our banking arrangements have been very profitable for both of us. I do feel bad you assumed the worst case."

He takes a deep breath and leans back, crossing his arms. "Then please explain. As you said, I stood by you during the bad times. I earned the right to know."

"War is coming no matter what," Nara said. "There is not a point in hiding that. So many of the other Families will push for it no matter what. Their egos, pride, and self-economic interests will force them to go to war against the Americans. If the rumors are true these people are abolishing slavery and can provide other means to make wealth, everyone here will fall into ruin."

"And now we will fall into ruin because we are at war," He said. "We don't know enough about them and because of that… We are just not as powerful as the Empire and if they can't win, how can we?"

"Exactly," Nara said calmly as she smokes. This purplish smoke starts to form around.

He looks carefully at her and thinks about how she responded. "You want this?"

He then leans forward and thinks carefully. "You know we will go to war and we will most likely be defeated with the Empire."

"Correct," Nara said. "Right now, all we are going off rumors and spy reports. We still don't know who these people are. But I do believe these people are different from the status quo of the nations of Falmart. I am convinced they are anti-slavery. That rumor has been too consistent to be a lie."

"I do agree with that," He replies and then thinks about the Submit. "The Empire confirmed that. They just claim they are stealing people, but I know you wouldn't fall for that propaganda."

"Yeah," Nara said. "I do think it is cute but naive that these Other Worlders are against slavery. While they are correct it is an immoral institution that only benefits the rich and powerful, I don't see how they will replace it without plumbing Falmart into an economic dark age."

"And yet they must have figured something out. Assuming their world has abolished the act." He replies.

He thinks about that. They have had many conversations about slavery and other institutions that are considered barbaric.

The Altin Family has slaves just like anyone else, it is a common practice that you cannot get around. Just like Nara he prefers having slaves only do the basics of tasks and lean contractors or employees to do the more important tasks.

But he prefers official contracts with free folk. While it is more expensive, he feels like he has been able to get better results. He believes his positive flow practice has benefitted him in meeting the right people that can help him live up to his values. Not like the Gumus Family, Tecim Union, and others which would do anything to get them more profit.

"So why didn't you talk to me and tried to convince me to vote for the war? If you really wanted a unified vote." He asked, looking back at her.

"Because you never would vote for war. We all can see you oppose it with all your heart, and you are right to do so." Nara said.

He looks carefully at her. "Wait a moment. You wanted everyone to rally against me? You wanted me to be the only one who votes no for war?"

"Correct," Nara said and then leaned forward on her desk. "At first your estate will suffer but that will only be temporary. The war will drag out and become unpopular. We fight defensive wars, not offensive wars. We will be drained, and the people will get tired. The Families and Houses who needed to be influenced to support war will slowly turn against the war. And then everyone will remember who the Family was who voted against it."

He widens his eyes as he finally understood what she planned. She wanted everyone to vote for the war to get them on record and back them into a corner. Over time he will become more popular as people will start to see that he was right and has the better path. This move could rebalance the power within The Ticaret Conglomerate to where his estate would have the most influence, with Nara benefitting from the rebalance.

"You are plotting a revolution?" He asked but a very certain tone.

"That is one way of putting it," Nara said as she smokes, confirming how to guess.

"But why?" He asked.

"As we said before," Nara said. "Change is coming. Let's say we didn't go to war then I expect the Ticaret will descend into civil war. The changes of the Other Worlders will put pressure on the Gumus, Gagnog, and Saskax Families to act and seize power to protect their interests. That will force Galen to start slaughtering half of the Ticaret Council, both tiers of it to maintain order and balance. This would force Boldus and his Tecim Union to rebel against Gumus and Saskax. And don't forget, your Family will get dragged into this mess."

"I understand," He said as he thinks. He runs everything she said in his head and he comes to the same basic conclusion. If the Empire falls that leaves the Ticaret the last major power on Falmart excluding Queen Famulis’ far east kingdoms. The thing that keeps the Ticaret functional is the balance of power between the different Families and Houses. Once it enters the civil war, that might be the end.

"Either way, the only way to save the Ticaret is to go to war now and try to find a way for peace later," He said.

"That is my plan," Nara said as she takes a puff.

"But why didn't you tell me before?" He asked.

"Because I needed everyone to see your reaction," Nara explained as she makes smoke rings. "Everyone needs to see how you look betrayed. That shock and desperation in your eyes. Otherwise, no one would believe me. Everyone needed to be convinced."

He takes a deep breath. While he hates to admit it, she is correct. "Why didn't you include Eliot in your plans? Is it because we are friends?"

"Correct," Nara said. "It would have been strange if he betrayed you. That would have raised questions I do not want to answer. And besides, no one cares what a hobbit thinks so he was not worth my time. No offense to Eliot."

"He understands," He said.

There is one problem he sees in her plan, the Americans. She is making a massive bet on an unknown enemy force. For all, she knows they will come here and take her for their own. Travelers, the Seckin, and the Empire all tell different stories based on their own biases.

"You are betting a lot on these Other Worlders," He points out. "Why? That isn't like you at all. You are plotting a revolution based on an enemy force from another world. Speaking of that, how did you even come up with this idea?"

Nara leans back into her seat again. "Change is coming and how we embrace it will determine the future. I know I am betting on blindness, but I see no other path."

"You trust them this much even though you know nothing?" He asked.

Nara takes a breath and looks at him. "It is a feeling Falson. Do you know of Llyr Pearchwell?"

"Of course," He replies. "He is the owner of the Pearchwell Merchant Navy. I have a close working relationship with him. He helps move much of my product. While he is a bit strange, I consider him honorable."

"Well he was in Italica during the siege," Nara said. "You know about that event?'

"I heard the rumors," He said. "The Other Worlders attacked and the Empire repelled it." He said that but he does not fully believe in the rumors.

Nara chuckles hearing that. "That's the Empire propaganda. Which makes no sense when you think about it since the Other Worlders are occupying the city."

"That part always confused me," He replies. "Anyway, what about him?"

"He was in the city during the siege. He was trying to help people escape with his trading boat on the Row Stream. It was bandits who were attacking the city, not the Other Worlders and you know how much he hates bandits. It was the Americans who swooped in and saved the city." Nara said with a smile. "What he said interested me."

He tilts his head confused. "A lot of things interest you, Nara. What could it be?"

Nara takes a pipe from her Wane root and blows another ring. "Pearchwell said he saw this soldier in strange clothes standing on the wall. He saw the Imperial Knights standing close by looking angry at what he was saying."

Nara then looks up at her ceiling. "That history has shown the common man able to overcome the great crisis, defeat great armies and even topple empires(12)." She stops and looks at him. "Pearchwell said he also heard that American also said he had faith in those common folks and that they would win."

"I find that fascinating," Nara said.

He thinks about that. Pearchwell is a man who loves to tell crazy stories, adding details that were never true to make the story sound better. He is a story man and people love it because you never know what he will say.

But if Nara believes his words then there has to be some meaning behind it and the truth is, he can't imagine Pearchwell making up those words. A man in power telling the peasants that they are powerful enough to overthrow their own government. That is crazy and yet, Nara seems to believe that statement.

"Ok," He said. "And you trust them this much?"

"Of course not," Nara said. "I asked Pearchwell to go down to Alnus to learn more about these people. As you said before, we do not know enough. We need hard facts to sort out all of these rumors."

"So why not wait until we get those hard facts?" He asked. "It seems you made up your mind about these Americans."

"That sounds cute," Nara said with a smile. "Like a child with a longsword. Strong ideals but no idea how to carry them out. While I am willing to admit when I am wrong, which I have yet to need to do. My heart is telling me to trust them and their intention."

Nara then looks at him. She places her legs on her desks in a sensual position, knowing it embarrasses him. "Your assistant. You could have made her look whatever you wanted with your illusion magic, but you choose a young blond woman. And I know you have been taken an interest with my prostitute Tyuwal."

He adjusts himself and glances away. "Well, she is a nice woman. I know you sent her to me that one time."

"It was a thank you. But I did notice you came back two or three more times and paid." Nara said with a smirk. "Don't feel ashamed that you lack the experience with a woman. Mortimer has what, five wives? By the gods who know how many slave wives he has. Do you think he treats them well or understands them?"

"What is your point?" He asked.

"Never underestimate the feelings of a woman Falson." Nara said as she started fanning herself with her white with a red rose hand fan.

"And that is why you are trusting these Other Worlders? Why are you starting a revolution? Because of your feelings?" He asks

"Of course," Nara said. "They haven't led me astray yet. Now, do you have any other issues to complain about?"

He takes a deep breath and stands up. "None. But next time, do not play me."

"I understand Master Altin," Nara said.







(3) Chapter 55

(4) Chapter 109

(5)Chapter 56

(6) Chapter 68

(7) Chapter 79

(8) United States Special Operations Command = SOCOM

(9) Chapter 25

(10) Chapter 127

(11) Chapter 127

(12) Chapter 16




Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman










Special Thanks to:





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