Gate: War of Two Worlds Part 1

V12 – Chapter 142 Training Day


--- Fort Minick, Training Ground ---

February 3rd, 2026


It is nearly 0900 and Sharpe is walking along the firing line.

Across the line is his Rangers conducting their daily practice. They are lined up firing their rifles at targets down the range.

Today is slightly different. This time the 'Girls' are with them. Rory Mercury, Lelei La Lalena, and Tuka Luna Marceau are lined up and firing at the targets down the range.

Each one of the girls has their own special way of fighting. Rory being a melee fighter, Lelei being the team mage and then Tuka being his scout and archer. He does not want to take away what makes them special and unique on the team. Their differences have made the team more efficient.

Still, he wants them to have a sidearm just in case they need it. And it will be good to get them more familiar with more US technology.

He already gave the girls a lesson on the SIG M17. The safety, how it works, the basics, and now they are firing downrange.

The firing range is a semi -outdoors facility. Where the soldiers stand is covered and leads into a building. The actual range part is outside with a four-foot wall all around. There is a roof over the range with a track to allow soldiers to adjust the distance of their target.

He looks downrange and sees the 'Girls' targets. It is the standard target you see at ranges. All three of them are getting used to the firearm. In the beginning, it is key to get the user comfortable with the weapon.

He has to do that with Selina early on(1). He had to teach her how to respect the weapon and how to properly use it. He is hoping he can multiply that lesson to the girls and Knights.

He looks over to his right and sees three Knights on the firing range. It is Pina Co Lada, Beefeater E Caty, and Boze Co Palesti. He ordered Pina to find two others who she trusted to learn the firearm.

As he watches, he sees most of them are missing or barely hitting the target. It is their first time and he expected it. Today is more about them learning the basics.

Rory seems to be getting used to her M17, getting close to the target center.

To his surprise, Tuka seems to be doing the best of them all even though this is her first time. She has been the closest to hitting the target man in the head or chest. The skills she has learned from being an archer clearly has spread over. The only issue he sees becoming a problem is that she takes too long to line up her shot, treating it like a bow.

And then there is Lelei. She has been struggling the most between the Girls and the Knights. During the first round, she never hit the target. The second round she did hit the target but on the outer rim of it, never hitting the man on the target.

The range drill sergeant blows the whistle telling everyone to stop firing because they all finished unloading their magazines.

"Ceasefire. Safety on and place your pistol on the table beside you," Jacob orders.

As everyone sets down their M17s for safety reasons, he walks over to Lelei. "Hey Lelei, how are you feeling?"

Lelei looks at him frustrated. "I suck at this. I don't understand why. I am telling it to hit the target, but it refuses to do so."

"No, no," He replies. He thinks about why she is struggling and then he gets an idea. "Lelei, when you use your staff what is going through your mind?"

Lelei thinks about how to answer his question. "When I am about to use a spell, I visualize what I want and how it works. I have to think about what the spell is and all the elements I need for the spell to work."

"That is why the more you know, the better the spell is," Lelei adds. "What my staff does is to allow me to channel my mana and helps direct my spells."

"In dumb people terms you are communicating with your staff," He replies and thinks. "I think I see the problem. You are thinking too much."

"No wonder you're good at this. You never think." Rory comments.

He hears everyone that is around them chuckling. He looks over to Rory. "And yet you use the simplest weapon out of us all, shorty. At least I have the lights on."

"Hey!' Rory yells, angry at being called short. "And I don't think lights flickering count." Rory shoots back and then gives him an air kiss.

"Knock it off you two," Lelei mumbles. That's not helping."

He looks back at his blue hair friend. "Sorry Lelei."

He then kneels and pulls out his Colt M1911. He holds it out so she can see it. "Lelei. This is a simple but powerful tool that must be respected."

He sees her looking at it and then looks back up at him. "I know. Selina says that all the time."

"Good," He replies. "This is what you are doing. You are overthinking the matter. This is an extension of your arm. You need to close everything else off around you and focus on your target."

Lelei blinks in confusion. "But the pistol is very complex. You need to aim, remembering the number of bullets. There is the trigger that pulls the gears inside the weapon to trigger the reaction so the bullet can-,"

He stops her from continuing. "Lelei, right there is the problem. This is not your staff. You need to keep calm and focus. You are clouding your mind too much."

He thinks of a movie they watched again a few months ago. It is one of Rory's favorites and demanded they watched it together. It is called The Last Samurai and it is one he likes a lot. There is a part in it where the American prisoner learning the arts of a Samurai and one of the Japanese men explained that he had too much on his mind and that was why he kept losing.

"Lelei, remember the movie The Last Samurai?" He asked.

"Yeah," Lelei said. "I liked the style of the film. What about it?'

"Remember when the American Captain was taken prisoner," He said, already knowing that she does but wanting her to picture that part of the film in her head. "He lost another fight in his sword training."

"And that other Samurai walked up and explained that he was overthinking," Lelei adds. "Are you saying I am having the same problem?"

"I think so," He replies. "You are treating this like your staff. This is nothing like it. It is far simpler than that. Just aim, breath, and shoot. You need to tune out everything around you and focus on your target. Everything is a distraction."

"But," Lelei starts to protest.

He hushes her and then hands her the M17. "No buts. Just aim, breathe, and pull the trigger. Don't think about the science behind it."

"Magic isn't science," Lelei mumbles but then does what he said. She grips the handle of her M17 and then aims.

He sees her stance is wrong. He should have seen that coming, she is standing like she is about to cast a spell. He walks around her and then starts helping her stand properly. He then lightly touches her arm and helps her aim properly.

Once done, he takes a step back. "Fire when ready."

He watches Lelei fire her pistol. She misses the first three shots but then she hits the man on the target. Still not in the kill zone but a far greater improvement. "Good job Lelei."

All around he hears the other 'Girls' and some of the Knights clapping, celebrating Lelei hitting the target.

"Good job," He said.

Bozes begins to chuckle a little. "It isn't that hard. I don't understand all this strict training about this."

"Bozes," Pina said. "Be respectful."

"Just saying," Bozes said, shrugging her shoulders. "This doesn't seem hard. I was expecting more."

Tuka looks at Bozes. "Imperial Knights. Always thinking they are better at everything."

"Hey! We gave up our station in the capital!" Bozes yells, looking at Tuka.

"And I lost my village because your people kept attacking Edras and forced them to break a peace treaty," Tuka responds.

"Knock it off," Beefeater said. "Still, Bozes has a point. This doesn't seem that hard. Point and shoot."

He looks at them as the debate begins. He starts to assume the novelty of their advanced technology might be wearing off. He assumes that because their technology is far more advanced and effective, a pistol is centuries ahead of them. However, the more complex something is the harder it is to employ and teach people.

However, he comes up with an idea to shut Bozes up.

"So, you think it is easy?" He said, getting everyone's attention. "You're right. It isn't hard at all."

"I feel like this is a trap coming from you," Bozes states.

"Hey Major," Pina said. "How far can you shoot? I usually only see you fight close up."

Hearing that he smirks. He turns around and looks at Rory. Rory is smirking and gives him a nod of approval. Full smartass time. "Let us see."

He takes over Lelei's station and presses the button to recall the target. He starts to hum the American classic war time song 'Over There'(2).

He puts a new target of a man on it and starts going down the range. As his targets go past everyone else's targets. He sees all the women around him eyes widen their eyes noticing how far the target is going. His target gets to the very end of the range.

He continues to hum 'Over There' as Lelei hands him her SIG M17. He reloads it and then aims, still humming. He then fires his pistol until it is empty.

He looks over to Lelei and hands her pistol back. "Thank you." He then presses the button to recall the target.

As the target comes back, he looks around with a smile on his face. No stress, no worry, no concern, nothing.

When the target stops at the station, he can see them all staring at it in disbelief.

"All the horse's shit," Beefeater said as she looks at his target.

"I have been correct," Bozes said in shocked at what she sees.

He looks at his target with pride. He sees a smiley face on the man's head. Two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. "Not too bad I say."

"Amazing," Rory said, impressed. "Too bad you can't shoot like that in bed."

"Rory!" He yells as he tries to cut her off but fails. He sees Rory snickering. He looks to the Knights and they all are chuckling and looking away. "" He then looks to Lelei and sees her embarrassed.

"You realize you encouraged her, right?" Lelei said.

He scratches the back of his head. "Princess of Darkness I guess."

"I see you all are having fun," Sarah said. "Thank god we don't have an HR(3) department yet."

He looks at Sarah and sees Selina and Guardian Beluutie or has he calls her 'Pinkie'.

Before he can say anything, he hears everyone greeting her, all calling her mom. He can see this defeated look on Sarah's face. Early this morning the same thing happened to him, they all called him pops or dad.

They decided to start dating and thought it would be wise to tell the Girls. They found out they all texted everyone breaking the secret. Now everyone has been torching them both by calling them, mom, and dad.

"Yes Captain" He replies.

He looks down and sees Selina standing there confused. She is in a cute pink and white dress with small flowers on it. Today is her first day of school. He can see her Glock 43 strapped to her leg, just hidden up her dress. Both him and Sarah had a debate about her bringing a pistol to school.

The debate started off with Sarah explaining that she is already armed, and he has nothing to worry about. He disagreed on the grounds that there are Wood Elves with the sole purpose of murdering her and that she has already proven to be responsible for it. That she feels more comfortable and safer with it and it is a sign of trust between them. In the end, Sarah agreed with him, if Selina remain disciplined on the matter.

He then sees that purple ribbon around her arm, relating to her faith in Miritta. While Selina will explain it in more colorful and religious ways, the color of the ribbon pretty much tells anyone who and understands the meaning that she is open for business. Her faith has been a struggle with him.

"Hey kid," He said. "Have fun in school."

Selina gives him an annoyed glare, showing how happy she is going to school. "No promises."

"Come on Selina. You can't play soldier forever." Sarah said.

Lelei walks past Sharpe. "When you get back, I can help you with any studies you might have.

"... when I? You all are going on another adventure without me," Selina said.

"Half of war is fighting Smart Selina," He said and sees Rory walk up beside him.

"The other half is slaughtering your enemies and looking sexy doing it," Rory said. She then looks up Sarah and Sharpe, seeing their reaction. "What?"

He then hears laughing from the Knight Beefeater. He turns around and sees her.

"By the gods and the underworld of Hardy," Beefeater said just laughing at the sight. "When we first learned about your people, we had all these debates on what you people were. We thought you were these murderous monsters but no. These scary warriors with these impressive machines that slaughter thousands. Never in the light of Zufmuut I would have ever guessed you all are like noble schoolgirls at the courtyard."

Lelei looks at Beefeater confused. "What is wrong with being a student?"

"Stand down Lelei, don't worry about it." He said.

Pina places her hand on her hip. "She is right though. At Italica, I assumed the worst(4) of everything. I actually thought you were going to take me. Now... I don't know what to think."

He looks directly at Pina. "I have enough headaches around me."

"Why do I have a feeling you are referencing me?" Rory mumbles.

"Hey," Pina said. "I might be here, but I am still royalty. You can't call me a headache!"

Bozes walks up to Pina and slaps her on the back. "Pina, the Princess of headaches."

He watches as the three Knights laugh. He then looks to Pinkie which is by Sarah. The reason he calls her Pinkie is that she is a Siren like Myuute but her feathers are pink. During combat, he had to make up names for their sudden new alliance and that was the first thing that came to mind(5). "Hey Pinkie, long time no see."

"Stop calling me that!" Beluutie demands. "My name is Beluutie. If you must call me by something else, call me Bel."

He thinks about that idea for a moment and then waves it off. "Sorry but that's too hard to remember."

"Its Bel Major," Pina comments. "How can you not speak that?"

Before he could answer Lelei holds up her hand. "I once was told a phrase. If there is a will, then there is a way."

"Damn right," He said with pride.

"So... you are telling me you are choosing to make this harder by saying a made-up nickname over a simple nickname?" Bozes asked.

He thinks about that and nods. "Pretty much."

Beluutie stands there in disbelief. "I should have just died at Legrath."

"Could of, would of, should of," Sarah states. "You will get used to it."

Selina looks up at Beluutie. "Maybe but then you can't eat the sweets they have. Like Rory's donuts! Also, it really cools seeing them blow things up!"

There are a few chuckles as Selina tries to cheer up Beluutie. Right then he realizes something. Beluutie is the commander of the newly established Legrath Knights. Everyone who switched sides during the Battle of Legrath and aided the Americans is not being integrated into the armed forces, just like Pina's Knights. They are here to train just like everyone else. He starts to wonder where everyone else is.

"Pinkie, where is the...," As he said that he sees Beluutie smirk.

His eyes widen as he hears something that stomps behind him. Before he could do anything, he feels these large arms wrap around him, locking him in place. He is lifted in the air as the man holding him squeezes harder.

"Down Terminator, down!" He yells already knowing who it is.

"Noo!" Gal-joa said in a very deep accent.

Beluutie is standing there, fist on her hip smirking. "He has been wanting to meet you since taking the fortress. He is happy you led him to victory and saved his life. For accepting him and everyone else."

"I... can... see... that," He mumbles as he tries to speak. He is from a different reason where they do not speak the common tongue so Beluute translates for him. "Terminator... please."

Everyone is laughing at Sharpe's suffering. Just like Beluutie, he called Gal-joa the Terminator because he reminded him of Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie the Terminator two. He does not know why but that was the first thing that appeared in his head. Gal-joa being this seven-foot muscular man.

"Alright," Sarah said. "Don't kill him. We still need him."

"Just a little longer!" Beefeater yells as she cheers.

Sarah sighs at that. She looks at Rory and tells her to save Sharpe.

Rory walks over and lifts up Gal-joa up with both hands with ease. "Should I throw them?"

He looks down at Rory, impressed by her strength. He sees everyone else's reaction and they have the same. He always knew Rory is this strong girl, he has seen her lift up a HUMVEE during training before, but it is easy to forget because she still has the body of a twelve-year-old girl. Because of that, it is easy to forget.

"No..." He struggles to say.

Sarah stands there looking at him, thinking. "Not today Rory. But we will keep that option on the table for later."

Rory sighs. "You people are no fun." She then drops them both and lands on the ground.

He gets up and looks up this seven-foot man.

Gal-joa leans down and pats his chest plate. "Me... Thank... Still. Alive..." He said in a broken way.

He looks to Beluutie in confusion.

"He and the other Knights are happy that you didn't just kill them. You protected their honor so that is why he is happy," Beluutie said with a smile.

He looks around and then back to Sarah. Today is her day off, starting her big day at the school. The earthquake put a massive delay on her project and is happy that it is finally happening. "If he here?"

"Yes Major," Sarah replies. "He is on his way now. Fifteen minutes."

He nods. "Thank you." He said and then looks at Selina. "Have a good day at school. Be good."

"Ok sir," Selina said, not happy that she must go to school.

As he watches Sarah take Selina to a HUMVEE to go to Alnus. He then looks to Pina. "Princess, rally your Knights and assemble. Pinkie, rally your Knights." He then looks to Rory. "Rory, get your Militia to form up."




It took far longer than he wanted for all three grounds to assemble. That something he will have to teach them. While it is minor, every small detail is what creates an effective soldier. Assembling creates speed, urgency, and discipline, so his drill sergeant explained to him.

Now that he thinks back on his days in boot camp, his drill sergeant is sitting in a warm bed, safe and getting paid while he is fighting on an alien planet that has creatures who will be happy to kill and eat him around every corner. Sucks for him he thinks to himself.

In front of him are three groups. The group on the right is Princess Pina Rose-Order of Knights. There are thirty-one standing there. While they have become soldiers, they are still new to the arts of war and he can easily see that. While not rookies, they still have to be drilled into proper soldiers.

The group in the center is Rory's Alnus Militia. There is a total of fifteen, as it is still a new group and gathering members. Wolf is Standing with a spear in his hand. The others, he sees a mix of different groups. He sees some Warrior Bunnies, they have scares that they have seen battle and been slaves. He sees a High Elf, assuming she is from Tuka'a people. A few of Human's and many are Wolf's people. He can see that many of the Militia recruits have battle experience however he can see they are more likely to act more independently than part of a unit. They will need to learn to work together as a team.

The last group to the left is Beluutie's group. Out of all three groups, they seem to look more professional. They are standing, weapons in their proper positions, properly spaced, everything he would expect from veterans.

Both groups are in their physical training clothes, some of them had to be specially ordered for people like Wolf or the Bunnies.

While no one is speaking, everyone is waiting for him to speak, he can sense a lot of tension between the groups. The history of Falmart, the Rose Knights are daughters of men who have oppressed the other group, and Wolf's group has a history of hunting and killing the Knights people.

He already sees many problems he will have to fix during their training. His job is to train the natives and turn them into a modern fighting force to help US efforts in the war effort. A job he plans to do.

This is not the first time he had to do a job like this. In 2020 and 2021, he had to help train Hong Kong rebels. Being in Delta at the time, still young and new in command of the unit, he helped train many students from civilians to guerrillas to fight the Chinese occupation of their home.

He remembers talking to his Delta, soldiers from the 1st Commando Regiment from Australia, and the Philippines Special Forces Regiment that a lot of the students they were training wouldn't make it a year once they return to Hong Kong and the students knew it. It takes a special type of bravery to do something they were willing to do but they wanted Hong Kong to be free and independent.

He can see some frustration in both groups. He has been standing there quiet for twenty minutes now, just looking at them. He starts to see some nerves appearing as many are annoyed for waiting for orders. He starts to see some glances between both groups.

He looks to his left as Rory continues to speak. While she is technically in charge of the Militia, she is more of a figurehead. Wolf is the primary commander of the new unit.

During their talk about the three groups, she was able to catch many of the same issues he did. You cannot build up if you do not know what to build. Everything has a foundation that must be started on and with three different groups, that will not be easy.

He did explain to her about his tour in training Hong Kong citizens. He wants her to understand so they were on the same page. She was sympathetic, understanding why he is taking this seriously. While training alone cannot prevent soldiers from dying in battle, a major reason why a soldier dies is because of a lack of proper training and preparedness. The more you know, the more you can adapt and adjust.

He looks to his right and sees Grey walk up to him.

"Hello Major, hello Rory," Grey said.

"Hi Knight Grey," Rory said."Grey," He responds.

"How long are you going to make them stay still like this," Grey asked.

"Until I solve the first problem," He replies. He then looks back to the Knights, hearing someone yelling.

"What are you looking at pointy ears?" Bozes yells as she looks over to the High Elf.

The High Elf looks at her. "Wondering how someone so short was able to butcher my people. Go home and play dress-up where you belong."

"What does that mean?" Beefeater said, looking frustrated at the Elf.

As more and more of both groups start to yell at each other, a small fight breaks out.

"I see what you mean," Grey said.

He sees Rory about to yell and go jump into the fight. He places his hand on her shoulder. "Standfast Rory. Let them be. As an officer, you must keep your cool and some level of distance."

He then looks to him and then looks back to the fight. Pina and Wolf are trying to break up the fight but slowly started to turn against each other, blaming the other for starting the fight.

"Take a look," Grey said.

He looks and sees Beluutie and the rest of the Legrath Knights standing there, still in formation. Beluutie is making sure that none of them break ranks and get involved in the armature fight.

Rory scratches her head in confusion. "Why are they just standing there? They're not even reacting?"

"Because they have seen far worse Rory," Grey said as he crosses his arms. "I was at your bar with a few of them. They were telling stories of when they were fighting your people in the trenches in Elies(6)."

He thinks about what Grey said. He wonders what it must have been like sitting there by their comrades. Hearing the loud explosions from the Air Force, feeling the rumbles of the ground and the tank approaches. Charge knowing their armor was worthless but took what they had and used it to the max. All there waiting for battle knowing they have nothing that could repel the attack but expected to do their duty.

He does not know if that is what the real Imperial Army is like or was that just Krysist charisma and leadership, but he gained a new respect for them. He wonders what is why he was able to reach out his arm to soldiers like Pina and Beluutie, he figured out a way to separate the Imperial soldiers like Gal-joa and General Herm, a man who does not understand the meaning of honor.

"It is true Rory," He said. "When you went through the valley of the shadow of death, petty things like this mean nothing. But that is why we are doing this. It is not easy to let go of the past." He finishes as he takes a breath.

"Still, I figured the Princess would be above this by now," Grey said.

"She is still young," He replies. "There is a history of them hating each other. Not personally but through a historical lens. They are about to go on a tough journey and will have to learn to put aside history and work together. This way, they vented all their issues."

"I understand," Grey said. "Back when I was becoming a Knight, we had something similar. The Empire is vast, so we get recruits from all over the lands. Many of the clans and towns hated each other for past sins. We had to drill them until they worked together."

"Maybe Pina is young but what the hell Wolf is doing?" Rory asked annoyed.

"We do something similar," He replies. "The drill sergeant job is to get all the trainees to hate him. A common enemy."

"And is that what you are doing?" Grey asked.

"Correct," He replies.

There is a moment of silence between the two as them watch the Militia and Knights fight it out.

"Alright," He said. "Sergeant Major, First Sergeant. Get them back in formation."

He sees Randy and Jacob walk to then the two groups and start breaking up the fight.

Randy Dodson is a wartime veteran, spending nearly two decades fighting in the War of Terror. He knows how to handle a rough munch of soldiers.

First Sergeant Jacob Waltz is a Ranger drill instructor back at Fort Benning, Georgia. While this is the first time, he has worked with him, he did train most of his Rangers in Vanguard-7.

Once everyone is back in formation, he takes a step forward. "I see you all got a chance to introduce each other. You will all be working with each other from now on so get used to it."

"You all already know why you are here," He explains, "The United States Army created this program because we believe the people of this world should fight for their own homes and people. We believe you all and future recruits will be able to tribute in the war effort, bring your own special abilities and skills to assist us."

"I know many of you are thinking, why would we want your abilities? We have range weapons and you have swords. It is a very good question and let me answer this." He keeps explaining as he looks at the three groups. "During the Battle against the Wood Elves, rifles were ineffective against their magic while the Rose-Order of Knights' swords were proven to be key in the battle(7). During the Battle of Combat Outpost Serenity(8), Wolf here was key in stopping an Imperial attack on one of our bases. We have had a Warrior Bunny named Delilah who has been assisting us, using her skills as an assassin and natural gifts as a Bunny to help turn the tide of battles. And you all know about Rory, Lelei, and Tuka."

He takes a short pause to let them think about how people from this world have helped in major ways in this war. "You see my point and that is why you are here today. You see yourself in a role in changing this world for the better. I know many of you have been victimized by the Empire, both within and outside of its rule. Many have been exiled, enslaved, betrayed, or worse but you are here hoping for a day that will come to an end. I don't know when that day will come but I know-how, starting here. My people believe in controlling your own destiny. Your choices are your own so claim it."

He hears Rory chuckling a little, so he looks over at her.

Rory blushes and looks away smiling, fist on her hip. "You enjoy this do you."

He looks away and back at the three groups. "Some of you already met First Sergeant Jacob Waltz. He will be here to help train you in our tactics and terms. Take the lesson, the more you know of our ways, the better you will integrate."

"3rd Recon of the Japanese Self Defense Force will be arriving to assist in combat and tactics on the field," He said. "They will be here to help in the next few days."

"The last is Chief Master Sergeant Carlos Cruz of the Philippines Special Forces Regiment," He said. "He is one of the bravest men I have ever worked with. He and I have turned students into rebels back in the way. His unit was the team that killed a major rebel leader in the Battle of Marawi in his country, saving the city of Marawi. I am warning you he knows more about war then I wish to dream of. You will give him your respect."

He looks to his left and sees the Filipino man exits a HUMVEE and starts walking over to him. He is in his full-dress uniform with his ribbons and medals. He walks like he has seen action, perfectly step, perfectly disciplined. He requested his presence because he knows how to take a ragtag group and turn them into effective warriors. He wants this project to be successful and is willing to pull out any stop he can.

Carlos walks up to him and stops. He then salutes.

He turns to face him and return the salute. And then Carlos lowers his arm. "I am reporting for duty, sir."

"Thank you, Chief Master Sergeant," He said and then looks towards the three groups. "As you see behind me is the standard obstacle course we use in the Army. At the starting line, you see Specialist Alicia Moore. Please watch her as she will show you how the course is done."

He turns around and watches Alicia start the obstacle course. The Army has many different sections, many parts are climbing walls and ropes. There are other barbwire mud pits to crawl through and sections where the trainee must balance or fall over.

As he watches Alicia go through the course, he picked her for this demonstration for two reasons.

The first reason is that Alicia is a woman. He noticed many of his native trainees are women and while he has nothing against that, women are naturally physically weaker than men. With Alicia doing the course he wants to try and limit that issue from their mind. With Alicia, she is showing that they all can do it so there are no sexist excuses.

The other reason is that he knows she can do it. When women were more allowed into combat roles in the United States in 2016, many of the branches were forced to lower their standards for political reasons, this includes the 75 Ranger Regiment too.

Alicia passed Ranger school the first time but overheard old-time Rangers complaining about the lowered standards. Hearing that she refused her graduation and did the course again, to meet the older standards. While it was a hell of her, she passed, earning a lot of respect from other Rangers and other Special Forces throughout SOCOM.

As Alicia finishes the course, he turns around to face the three groups. "This will only be the beginning of your training. You will obey your instructor's orders. Chief Master Sergeant, have them take a run."




(1) Chapter 38

(2) Below   

(3) Human Resources

(4) Chapter 20

(5) Chapter 108

(6) Chapter 63 & 80

(7) Chapter 116 & 117

(8) Chapter 89




Co-Creative Support: Tomrichman








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