Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 56

I was back home setting up for some programming grinding since I still wanted to make my music box, when I got an incoming call from Jun.

*Hey Jun-Nii. What’s up?*

*Finally, I called you a few times this afternoon, where were you?*

I blushed a little when I noticed that I had alerts for missed calls. Okay Motoko you fucking boomer. You really need to remember to check your phone more often! I yelled at myself before answering Jun.

*I was with Vik, doing a sleep thing. He was giving me a check up but wanted me to stay for a bit so I took a nap. Sorry Jun-Nii. You okay? Need my help?*

*I’m fine Motoko just checking in on you. You weren’t home when I stopped by. Listen, I have a feeling you already know, but Jotaro Shobo is dead.*

*Waaa no waaay? Really? Oh man that’s terrrrrible.* I fake gasped to get a laugh but Jun wasn’t laughing.

*As far as anyone is concerned Jotaro was killed by the family of someone he… It doesn’t matter. But that’s what everyone is saying. Keep it that way. Motoko if you ever listen to me, then listen to me now. Never talk about Jotaro again.*

Jun was seriously worried. I frowned looking at my programming for a minute just to have something real to focus on.

*I promise Jun. It’s done. No point talking about it.*

*Good. Good… You know you can talk to me about stuff like this. I can protect you from anything Imouto, you just have to trust me enough to tell me.*

*I do trust you Jun. And you can trust me to protect you too. So if you ever need a hand.*

*I will call this scary sniper I know, yeah.* He said and I had to giggle at that. Sniping was like the least of my talents though. I wasn’t even that good at it. I was just sneaky.

*I have to go Motoko. I’ll be back in the morning, and we’ll talk more then. Just keep your head down for a bit.*


The call clicked as it ended and I was left to refocus on my work. So the TC didn’t suspect me or at least the common members didn’t. Good.

Hopefully it will stay that way.

I put my hands back on the keyboard and started typing. I had a skill to level up.


I was still only working on Ping as I had no other Quick Hack programs to mess with, and I didn’t feel confident enough in trying to create a program from scratch yet, when I got my second ding.

*Programming skill level up!*

*1 Perk Point Gained.*

“Yes!” I called out thrilled at the sudden burst of knowledge with Programming 2. Yeah I was definitely feeling a lot better about my programming, plus the perk meant I would have a serious advantage. Instantly I dug through the perk list. This perk would be supremely important to my future, because Programming was going to be a serious advantage in the future.

So I explored the options entirely. A few instantly popped to the forefront.

Inspired Programmer: Inspiration strikes constantly. Never run out of steam while programming.

It seemed kind of innocuous, but also secretly really powerful. Sure my system gave me knowledge, and I didn’t tend to get bored with whatever task I was doing, but constant inspiration would mean my programs come out better, come out faster. But it wasn’t the only one that caught my eye.

Debug: At a single glance, you will know what is causing your program not to work, or where the program can be improved.

Another extremely powerful sounding perk. It’s one thing to know programming, and it’s another to have confidence in being able to make it work. To figure out what was wrong…

The list went on, but I needed to decide. At Programming 2, I was still so new to the skill that a perk would make massive changes.

Did I want to make sure my programming worked? Or did I want to keep pumping out programs to level up?

It was two sides of the coin.

But I had to make a decision and so I did.

Debug. I decided to make sure what I was working with could work. It might not be the best, but the skill itself did give me knowledge on how to make the programs anyway. But making sure whatever I was working on would actually function would hopefully give me more XP in the long run than just pumping out Programming that was a mess.

Instantly I felt like I was some ancient programmer that debugged irritating students for a living.

But I knew.

I pulled out my Ping Quick Hacks details on the laptop again, and instantly I could see the absolute college programmer tier problems with it.

Made sense. The program was bottom of the barrel sludge ware. I could fix it though. At least somewhat.

That sense of knowing as always felt great, filled me with a sense of purpose.

My hands tore across the keyboard removing bloat, fixing leaks. Solving a problem that made the thing last half as long as it should in systems that aren’t resisting.

And to my delight each problem solved was a bit of XP.

With that the XP started racing in, as I was making honest real improvements to Ping. When I was done, I wouldn’t say it was quite at the level of an upgrade to its rarity in game terms, but I think I had actually reduced the RAM a Cyberdeck would need to run the program.

Which was impressive enough, since the program was already fairly light.

But I kept working on it. Tearing it apart piece by piece, line by line.

And a program, even one as simple as Ping wasn’t a small piece of code. The amount of systems it had to interface with, both external and internal as it had to use whatever optics you had installed to display the information it had gained?

The thing was overly complicated.

Which made me realize I could completely do away with most of it.

I tore apart huge swaths of the code reducing it so it would only work and display on my particular optics. Since it didn’t have to query or check for any other internal systems, the program slimmed right down. Practically reducing the actual program slot usage to almost nothing.

I realized that it was completely possible for Ping since it was much smaller than the juggernauts of the Quick Hack world to be reduced to a completely negligible size on my Cyberdeck.

I might actually be able to reduce it so much that it wouldn’t even use up the Cyberdecks slot count.

To always have Ping installed, ready and able? That would be supremely useful, and give me more utility.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I stepped away late in the afternoon to get a meal from the street vendors. I was right Programming was truly a weapon that I had to utilize.

I decided to step away from the apartment for a bit while I ate. I still had my Burya and Lexington on me, so I decided to walk around the block. Like I had done back when I was still grinding out my body. It was… Nice to go back to something so simple.

It reminded me that I needed to keep choosing to live my life how I wanted, and not be subconsciously afraid of Maelstrom Borgs around every corner.

I stuck the final bit of meat on a stick into my mouth, tossed the skewer into the trash and decided to move around a bit. Instead of heading straight home I went for a jog. First up further into Japantown taking the stairs up to the surface near Cherry Blossom Market. Then just around the shops along the strip malls trailing the roads.

Honestly I just had that urge to move. I had spent days grinding or planning murder, and only did a little bit of time outside while actually committing the murder.

I just wanted to be free of of it all for a bit.

I walked through crowds amused at how many of them were armed. And how easy it would be to kill almost all of them. It was amazing what just having a bit of skill and experience will do to someone. Sure everyone had a gun, but most of them would die before ever getting to use it in an emergency.

I shook that thought away. I had a benefit that no one else did, and there were still people better than me. I shouldn’t get arrogant. The fact was, I was only special because of a random blip of chance.

One in a trillion.

I didn’t know if there was a god in this world. I mean, chances were there actually was magic considering the Cyberpunk references in the Witcher.

But I wasn’t sure what great deity I should thank for my circumstances, so instead of picking one I just looked up into the sky for a moment, and sent a silent thank you into the air.

Because the fact was. I loved this life. With all the horrors and disgusting elements. Even without puppies.

Because I had power. And power gave me autonomy. I could choose what I wanted to do. Where I wanted to go.

In my last life I didn’t have that. Stuck in the same routine to survive. Now, if I ran low on eddies I could find a fixer and in a single afternoon make thousands of eddies while also making myself stronger.

The dopamine rush of improving yourself, and knowing you are getting better mixed with the freedom to do as I liked? Yeah I loved this crapsack world. I blinked as a drop of water landed on my nose. The sky had been cloudy all morning, and suddenly it started raining. I looked around. Noticing some people grabbed umbrellas out of bags and continued on with their day. Some ignored the water throwing hoods over their heads, or just walking through it without a care. Either too drugged, too chromed, or too indifferent to care.

Others hurried under overhangs or moved out of the open to get out of the water.

And there I stood. Letting the rain come down, and soak my hair as I watched the people all around me.

The water darkening the california sun, the people hurrying around neon shining off wet umbrellas and coats.

It might be a cyberpunk dystopia. But it’s my cyberpunk dystopia.

I continued walking through the streets just enjoying the ambiance of a rainy cyberpunk city.

I would think about grinding more. Killing more, and living more in a few hours. For now I was just enjoying the backdrop.


The next day I got a call from Regina to meet.

I suited up, making sure I had some max-docs in my pockets just to be safe and headed out.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Regina.

…It was just that I didn’t trust Regina. Or rather I was cautious. I had sorta forced the gig on her, and I hadn’t been nice to her underling.

Pulling into a space near her building I walked up to the side entrance like before, but this time when I entered the little elevator room on the side of the building and hit the button Regina answered.

“Come on up.” The elevator came down moments later and I slipped in, the option was already pressed when I entered and it started moving upwards.

When the elevator reached the top I was in fact faced with two HMG turrets, both on and pointing. I readied myself. It wouldn’t be easy to survive if they both went off…

Okay even I would die if those two started firing at me in an enclosed space.

But instead they powered down after a moment and Regina turned the corner.

“Nice to see you face to face.”

“Nice to not have guns pointed at me anymore.” I mumbled but stepped out and took her offered hand.

“Just a precaution. It wouldn’t be the first time someone did a gig for me to try and get close enough to knife me.”

“Well luckily, I’m not here for that.”

“No, you aren’t. Payment for services rendered.” She offered her eyes flashing blue and a hefty chunk of eddies was dropped into my account. I couldn’t help the smile spread on my face. I would probably go hunt down that Cyberdeck once I was done here now.

“Walk with me.” She said after a moment leading me out of the broken down lobby and into a room with a massive window overlooking the city, she walked over leaned against the glass looking outwards.

I stood there for a few moments wondering what she was going to say, but the silence stretched on for a bit longer than was comfortable for me.

“Motoko Kusanagi. I’ve looked into you a bit. Spoke with Wakako. She speaks highly of you. I’ve only worked with her a few times thankfully. Never seemed to have a kind word for anyone, but you she did. I’ll be honest, I didn't expect for Jotaro to die. Not so quickly after you said you could. I definitely didn’t expect it to happen without anyone knowing who did it. TC leadership are convinced it was done at the behest of a family Jotaro murdered… They are all dead, just in case you didn’t know. I was working with the mother when she was picked up by Jotaros goons.”

Jotaro being a piece of shit and murdering an entire family? Color me not at all surprised. Still it was kind of nice for Wakako to talk me up. I’d have to stop by and thank her some time.

“Yeah I heard. My brother mentioned everyone thought it was the family of a victim that put out the hit.”

“And your skill meant no one had any evidence to say otherwise… You did good work. I have a contact with the TC, got me the report they put together about the kill. No evidence towards who could have done it at all. That isn’t something any street kid with a Lexington can pull off.”

I simply waited without saying anything. It was one of those statements that was more a question. Like everyone at first they want to know how a fourteen year old can act like a professional killer.

The silence stretched, my eyes didn’t blink more than happy to wait for her to actually ask something, or just move on.

She chuffed a soft laugh. “Fine. I may have some gigs for someone with your skillset. I already spoke to Wakako about poaching you, she told me to go die in a ditch, but agreed that I can offer you some gigs without stepping on toes.”

“I wouldn’t mind a few gigs.” I had to agree. A few fun gigs some more eddies, it would give me something to do.

“Excellent. Today is a face to face. I’ll reach out to you in the next week with a gig. Should be right up your alley. I have someone I need flatlined. I don’t think that will be an issue?”

“No. No problem. I’ll kill someone if the gig says I need to.” I answer simply. There was no point in trying to hide it.

I really didn’t have any emotional problems with killing people.

“Good. Then I’ll be in touch with you soon once I set the gig up… I’ll admit kid, you aren’t the normal type of merc I hire. But if I didn’t already know you had killed Jotaro… Even I wouldn’t have any idea who did it. I can use that skill. As long as it stays consistent.”

“Then we’ll be working together a lot in the future. Anything else?”

“No. Go on kid, enjoy your eddies.”

I headed back to the elevator, always keeping an eye on the reflection of Regina in the window, and then on the HMG turrets that were still shut down, but it would only take a second for them to turn on.

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Regina… It was just I felt like she would stab me in the back if she thought it was useful. I had no real reason to expect it, but it was just a general paranoia. Whether it was good or bad, would be determined I suppose.

Only once I was back in my Quadra and driving down the street did I release a sigh.


Time to go shopping!


As I drove out towards the ripper that Vik had told me had my Cyberdeck I was more than happy to make this deal.

But then as I started walking up to the place the ripper should be. I had the wildest sense of deja vu

I found myself staring past the sign of the ripper dock, looking out into the water off the pier.

I glanced at the opposite wall. A big 6th Street tag which looked pretty fresh was covering the wall.

I knew this place.

I knew this place!

This was David's Ripper. That crazy fuck that had literally fucked David over by not giving him his meds after an operation.

But also a guy that afterwards had tried to help out David. A weird dichotomy of a man.

Either way, I knew how this fucker operated. He wouldn’t lay a finger on my meat or my chrome.

I shook away the ghosts of the future and stepped in.

“Looking for the Doc.” I called out noticing the room was dirty, I didn’t see him at first, only as his head popped out from behind his ripper chair did I notice what he was doing.

BD and masturbating…


“Oooh. And who is this? Looking for some chrome? Well I got the stuff alright.” He said his face shifting looking me over, his electronic eyes had already noticed my equipment. He hadn’t hesitated a moment before realizing I was here with eddies.

“Viktor Vector contacted you recently, about a Seacho Cyberdeck. You said you have one.”

“Oh that’s who you are, Viks chrome ey? Alright alright, come on in, I got what you want.” He said with a chuckle that I wasn’t sure if it was perversion or greed.

Fucking slimeball.

But after a few moments he pulled out a canister, cracked the seal and pulled the canister open showing the Cyberdeck resting in the cradle. Then before I could get a view he closed it down.

“Twenty thou for this beauty.”

“Bullshit. That thing isn’t worth more than fifteen, and we both know it. Vik even confirmed the price with me.”

“Twenty, these aren’t easy to come by anymore. Got another buyer, so the price went up.” He offered with a chuckle.

This fucker. Fine if he wanted to play fuck around games.

“No deal. I’ll go find another deck somewhere else then.” I said turning to leave the room.

“H-hey, hold your chrome, you won’t find another in the entire city! This little baby is worth the price.” He offered waving the canister at me enticingly.

“It’s worth fifteen grand max. If you want to sell it and have those eddies in your pocket right now, that’s the price.” I offered instantly. If it was any other ripper maybe I would have haggled but I didn’t want to deal with this guy in the first place.

“Tsk, no interest in bartering in the new generation.” He said but didn’t agree to the price. Instead he walked over and settled onto a chair waving the canister at me. “How about a deal, a few extras you can buy that might-”

“I’m only here for the Cyberdeck. If you aren’t going to sell it, I’ll delta.” I cut him off. I didn’t want anything this ripper was selling.

Other than my new Cyberdeck.

“Fine, fine. I’ll give it away at sixteen thousand. Since you’re here, and the other buyer isn’t. I mean it girl, you won’t find anyone else with one of these babies.”

“That’s robbery. I’ll throw an extra five hundred on, lowest I’ll go, offer me any other deal and I’m deltaing. I can find another Cyberdeck.”

“Hehe, Well I guess I’ll just have to take it then.” He offered chuckling but I wasn’t happy, before he could say anything I snatched it out of his stupid cyber hand.


I popped the seal and looked it over, scanning it for any problems. To my surprise it was actually in good condition. I noticed a few problems, but just normal issues with Cyberdecks that had been used before.

I could actually fix most of them with a few minutes work if I felt up to it, but I bet Vik could as well.

“Now my eddies, and I’ll get that right in there for you.” He offered waving at his chair. Only his wasn’t anything like Viks.

It had a fucking bite bar.

“Pass. I have my own ripper.” I told him but my eyes went blue and I sent over the 15500 eddies, and walked out.

I felt like I needed a bath. But Vik first.

I wanted more RAM dammit!


“Viiiik!” I called out as I spun into his downstairs clinic having leapt down the stairs and grabbed the hand rail to turn my momentum into a spin inside. “I got my Cyberdeck!” I told him holding up the canister in both hands to show it off.

“Heh!” The old ripper couldn’t help but laugh as he looked up from his laptop he had been mid email by the looks of it as I entered, seeing me practically bouncing on my toes to get an upgrade.

“Alright alright. C’mon kid let’s take a look. I’ll need to look over the deck before I install.”

“Definitely! The chip is in good condition, but it could use a good cleanup, and maybe a repair to one of the neural input. I noticed the connection was a bit tarnished.”

“Oh? Good eye. Heh or good eyes I suppose.” He teased looking up into my eyes before taking the canister from me and rolling across the floor. “Alright let’s see what we’re working with.” He muttered as he slotted it into his system and it instantly started doing a check on the deck, as well as a visual high def magnification on the circuitry.

Vik was cool.

I settled on the ripper chair beside him and pointed out the tarnish I mentioned only to see him use his tools to instantly clean it off, and even overlay a new gold overlay to ensure the connection wasn’t damaged.

“All cleaned up, and fixed up. You ready?” He asked teasing, but he did let his face relax a bit and asked the same question a bit more seriously. “You sure you’re ready?”

I hesitated but exhaled.

This wasn’t going to hurt me. It couldn’t. Nothing about me would change. I was I.

Motoko was Motoko.

My body was a piece of me, but wasn’t me. My soul. My ghost would not be harmed by something like this. Something so minuscule.

“Yes.” I said opening my eyes, my will firm and ready.

“Then let’s settle you back.”

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