Ghost in the City: Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 57

I walked out of Viks clinic into a new world.

I could barely believe the difference a new Cyberdeck brought. The speed, the clarity.

The fact it was able to connect to my systems better. It wasn’t fifty year old tech trying to connect to modern Kiroshi, anymore.

The Seacho Mk. 2 wasn’t top of the line, but it was a specialist deck. Made for rapid instant break ins and uploads. It was more than three times the power of the Millitech just outright. And that was only the numbers, and the numbers didn’t tell the whole story.

It was new architecture. The difference of more than fifty years of improvements on the programming code…

Well fifty years was saying a lot considering the Data Krash pushed everything back so much the Paraline was even still being sold. But the Seacho was new. Responsive, and designed for someone like me.

In my old life, it would be the difference in RAM from going from a DDR2, to a DDR5 memory stick.

You could have both offer the same level of RAM, but the DDR5 was a different beast even with the same numbers.

I glanced at a vending machine, as I walked past, reaching down and scooping up the soda it dropped.

I didn’t even need to slow down. Didn’t need to hold my eyes on the machine as I breached through its ICE.


I simply looked, and instantly the pointed knives of my attack slipped through all the defenses.

I stepped out onto the street. People traveling up and down the streets moved past me, but it didn’t matter. I was utterly focused on the netscape.

As I slipped through barriers, defenses, and peeked into their secrets.


This was cool.


I was feeling pretty good once I got home, but I had a lot of work to do.

First? I needed to level my programming skill up some more, because I wanted to do something crazy.

I wanted my own Quickhack.

That was my goal. I wanted to be the netrunner that creates their own tools, because I wasn’t some script kiddy playing around.

I was Motoko Fucking Kusanagi. I might not be The Major, but I would do her proud by not being a net moron.

So I took off my jacket, plopped my gloves on the table, stretched my fingers and got to typing.

Ping was still my target. I had managed to clean up a lot of the code, although now that I had a new deck I needed to adjust it again, the downside of slimming the program so much, but now it was a slim program that basically just did the one thing. It highlighted everything connected to the network, but I wanted it to do more than that.

It could do more than that.

First thing started adding to the program trying to make it harder to detect. Stealth was still my biggest advantage, and if I could ping a network without anyone noticing, even if there was an active netrunner that would be an advantage I couldn’t ignore.

I knew just enough about programming now that as I started writing code to try and hide the Ping network access that I knew it wasn’t going to totally work, but that wasn’t the point. I didn’t need perfect. I just needed code that I could improve, correct, rip apart and start again if I needed.

It was all about grinding, and even within just a few minutes of work, I got another alert.

*100 Programming XP Gained.*

Well that just meant I was on the right track.


“Hey Jun!” I called out as I continued to type along. This bit of code was just not working, and it was driving me nuts!

Even my debug knowledge, while helpful, wasn't enough to fix it immediately. Although a sense of knowing had narrowed the bug down to just a small section of the code. Something here was wrong.

I knew it was wrong. I knew it wouldn’t work and would crash if I tried to use it, but I didn’t know why. I was down to reading through each line of code going through the section I just knew something was wrong at, luckily once I finished reading a bit of the code I could ignore it after.

The bug wasn’t in anything I had already checked. So I just had to keep reading down the lines till I find it.

“Motoko… You okay?”

“This bug is going to die Jun. I kill things for a living so I will eventually kill this bug too.” I told him as my fingers continued to thrash along the keyboard slowly line after line the code dropped down further and further. I was nearing the end now.


That’s why! The port information was wrong. I had mistyped while going through it! A few moments later I finished the line and I knew it would work. The surety from Debug telling me this bit of code would work.

It wasn’t pretty. It was messy and there was a memory leak in there I was gonna need to work out.

But it worked.

*Programming skill level up!*

Programming 3.


“Get it?” he asked as I glanced up. Jun had obviously made himself at home while I was focused, a burrito in his hands as he sat on the couch, beside me.

I honestly hadn’t even felt him sit down.

“Yeah mostly. It’s still garbage code, but it works, and it’s mine.” I told him with a smile as he nodded slowly, eyes on me as he ate his burrito.


“You are so weird now. I’m proud of you, for actually sticking through it enough to learn netrunning stuff, but it’s still so weird to see you so focused.” He offered as he bit into his burrito and started chewing, eyes never leaving me.

I felt my cheeks heating up a bit.

“It’s just a useful skill… And it’s not boring exactly… I don’t really get bored as long as I’m doing something nowadays.” I had to admit. Fact was, that fully knowing you could improve just by slamming your face into something made boredom sort of a non issue. Like how someone can sit behind a computer and grind a stat in a video game, it was that same sense. Sure you had already killed a thousand goblins, but you only needed another four hundred and you would level your sword skill! That same sense of just a bit more to get there was nice.

“Well I’m glad. Maybe you’ll start putting out some useful programs, get rich and retire from all this crazy merc stuff.”

“Never!” I said with a sharp grin. “Even if I’m a bajillionaire I’ll still go out into the city and beat up gonks!” I cried out, chrome fist raised.

“Yeah. I know.” He said, not quite laughing but with a small smile on his face. “I’ll just have to keep getting dragged into your disasters to keep you safe.”

“You followed me last time! I didn’t drag you anywhere!”

“Sure.” He said disagreeing with me in tone as he reached out and patted me on the head a few times. “Whatever you say Imouto. Just make sure you tell me before you go do something crazy again.”

I huffed at him stupid Jun-nii! But since I was a generous little sister I decided not to kick him while he ate. I instead focused on the program infront of me.

It might be workable now.

But it wasn’t done.

And neither was I.


After a few more hours of fixing the code that I just wrote, because as I leveled up, I already knew a few things I could do to improve it. I sat back. Jun was still sitting beside me, although he had moved around a few times since the last time we chatted. He was now on the floor instead of the couch cleaning his equipment. His Thermal Katana, currently getting a going over as he sat and worked over the blade.

I watched as he slowly wiped down the blade, he had already put it in a sharpener. The mechanical system rehoning the blade to a molecular edge.

Science katanas were pretty cool.

I should probably clean up mine too. I always did a little bit of work cleaning everything up when I was done, but my fingers were feeling a little itchy still.

So I pushed my laptop away, and instead grabbed my axe.

The guitar thrummed lightly as I hit some random notes, just a way to stretch out my fingers. The noise drew Juns attention as he looked up.

“Still interested in being a Rockerboy huh?”

“I just… It’s nice. To do something that has nothing to do with my merc work.” I told him honestly as I started strumming a little song. Nothing in particular. Instead just a mish mash of different songs and chords that I wanted to hear.

“Still no good at it.” He told me, teasing after a few minutes of me just playing around.



I instantly started into the opening riff to Ballad of Buck Ravers. My eyes locked on Jun as I played ‘oldies’ just to punish my brother that had no taste.

His nose scrunched up as I started the vocals.

“Lost another day! To pointless drudgery!”

“Motoko, stop it. Play something good.”

I ignored his pleading, fully getting into it as I jumped onto the couch and started rocking out.

I mean sure one of the neighbors started pounding on the walls mid song, but the look of irritation on Jun's face was well worth it!


That afternoon long after I had driven Jun away with my perfect rendition of Samurai… Okay it could still use some work, but it wasn’t bad anymore. I was actually fairly competent with my Guitar now.

My voice could probably still use some practice though…

Anyway, I got a call from someone I didn’t expect.


*Motoko. Hey, do you got a minute? I need… I need some help.* Ichi’s voice started as soon as I picked up even before I could say anything.

*What? Of course Ichi, what’s wrong?*

*Jotaro Shobo is dead. Murdered at the Ho-oh… I don’t… I don’t have a job anymore.*

*Yeah I heard about that from Jun, but what do you mean you don’t have a job?*

*Shobo needed people to haul stuff around, the new owner of Ho-Oh doesn’t. Anyway, listen. I know you're crazy and stuff… You don’t happen to have some work I can back you up on? You know I’m not amazing with iron, but I’m a good driver. I can-*

*Whoa whoa Ichi slow down. I’m more than happy to work with you if you want, but what’s going on? You’re sounding freaked* I told him, and he did, he sounded stressed as fuck.

*I never told you, I… My parents are deadbeats. I don’t even see them, but I live with my Grandmother. She’s old Motoko. Can’t really work anymore, but I can’t just… I pay the rent and buy food and stuff, but without my job with Jotaro I don’t…*


Shiiiiit. This was my fault. I hadn’t even considered the repercussions of killing Jotaro on my choom…

Okay it didn’t matter I still would have killed him, I like Ichi, but his comfortable job wasn’t worth the monstrous shit Jotaro did, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t responsible here.

*The TC won’t give you work? I mean, you did great during the war right?*

*Motoko, the war is over. There were a lot of drivers that don’t have a job anymore. The old timers can go back to their old jobs, the ones that made a name for themselves, can get pulled in under a boss, but Jotaro was my boss. He was the only one that would speak for me. I’m… I’m back to square one.*

Ouch. That actually sucked.

*Well… It’s a good thing you got your good Choom Motoko then! Forget the TC Ichi. They pay shit, and your boss was a psycho. Motoko Mercenary Jobs pay way better!* I told him proudly.

Then he laughed.

*You certainly haven’t changed… But listen I don’t have a lot of eddies right now. Do you have anything I can help with?*

I hmmed as I considered the problem. First off. I really didn’t. It wasn’t like I had a bunch of scav…

*Hey Ichi. You got around a lot in the city during the war right?*

*Yeah I traveled all over.*

*Then do you know where like all the rippers in the City are?*

*All? No, probably not. I know most of them though. Jotaro… Well he had deliveries to different rippers…*

*Yeah he is a monster let’s move past that. He is dead. Knife to the throat. Terrible way to go. Listen, I need to find a specific Ripper. I don’t know exactly what his name is or anything, but I caught a rumor that a Ripper is working with the scavs… In other words people going to him for work sometimes disappear, and their chrome ends up in scav hands.*


*Yeah, buuuut, if we find him, and confirm it, I can smash the scavs kill the ripper and end up with a whole lot of premium chrome and equipment. I’ll need someone who can clear out a base for me. Collect the loot. You wouldn’t happen to know a guy?*

*I know a guy.* Ichi said, sounding excited. I could practically hear the cash register noise going on in his mind.

*Cool. So how about you come by. We’ll go hit all the Rippers you know. If I see the place I’ll know which one.*

*Really? Just by seeing it?*

*C’mon Ichi. How many scavs do you think I’ve killed? I can practically smell them.* I told him with a laugh which he shared.

We agreed to meet up and drive around. If Regina, or Wakako weren’t going to get back to me soon enough. I’ll just make my own Gigs! With chooms! And rippers!


Although Ichi did come around in his truck. I pulled him into my Quadra instead. This was just reconnaissance after all.

It was funny, it actually didn’t take me long to find the right place.

The only thing I remember about the quest after wracking my brain about it was that I ended up gaining the quest in the game while I was around Kabuki Market. The big roundabout that had the Dewdrop Inn.

So I knew it had to be around there.

With Ichi’s help, mostly his street knowledge, and helping navigate the side streets. We only stopped at two other Rippers before we came to a ripper shop setup in an alley that was twigging me hard.

When we walked in. I was already sure about it.

“Welcome! How can I help today? Need some new Chrome?” He asked Ichi as he entered in front of me looking very excited, until he noticed me following in.

The multiple weapons I was carrying including my thermal Katana had the guy instantly looking nervous.

Ichi followed through on what I told him, our little plot to make sure it wasn’t weird we were walking in.

Of course the fact he was blushing a bit made it all the funnier.

“I’m… I’m looking for a Mr. Studd.” he said in the most dead inside voice I had ever heard from the boy.

I pointedly wasn’t looking straight at Ichi…

But I was still recording it. This might be a more private BD, but I was planning on bribing Judy and getting this one done so I could share it with the crew.

Malcolm was going to DIE when he saw this. And Hiromi would never leave Ichi alone.

“I uhhh. Yeah I have a few models. Come on in son, and this is… Your girlfriend?”

“Pimp.” I offered instead making Ichi turn on me, his face gaping in utter horror at my words. “Make sure my little guy gets something packing okay?” I said Cold Blood cranked up to maximum the only reason my face wasn’t breaking down into absolute mirth at the look on Ichi’s face.

“Wha! Motoko!”

“Uhhh?” The Ripper sounded confused, looking a little surprised at the way this entire conversation was going.

“Fine, fine. You win the 50 eddies. Sorry Doc, just a prank on my choom here. Nice place, next time I get some chrome… I’ll know where to come.” I told him as I walked back out of the office leaving a stupefied Ripper and an angry Ichi following after.

Blackmail… Get!


“It’s not funny.” Ichi growled at me.

“It totally is, and it means that doc won’t think twice about us until it’s too late.”

“I really doubt us going in, browsing and walking out is going to cause him to wonder either.”

“It would, since you have no poker face and it looked like you were trying to case the place, now it just looks like you were embarrassed.”

“I AM embarrassed!”

“Well don’t worry. That Doc is the one. He’ll be dead soon and no one but me will ever know.” I lied blatantly.

“Motoko… Why did you just lie to me.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about Ichi.”

“You pointedly looked away from me, and weren’t able to stop grinning when you just said that. That’s your lying face.”

“Hmm nope. Doesn’t sound like me. C’mon let’s go call everyone. More hands will make clearing that place way easier.”


“Oh look a call!” I told him as I quickly called Malcolm to invite him to the gig.

This was going to be fun!

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