Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 121

Chapter 117 The truth is clear

Su Tian couldn’t help but stunned, her lips moved, and it took a long time to recover.


No wonder she had just observed from a certain distance, and felt that the gentleman lying on the hospital bed did not look like Bo Jingmo’s contemporaries, and she thought that she might be a year-long acquaintance.

Unexpectedly, there is such a heavy weight.

Su Tian was curious and had many questions to ask.

But this gentleman had a lung infection. He had been rescued not long ago, and he managed to stabilize the situation. Bo Jingmo must be very worried at this moment. She subconsciously felt that this time was not the most appropriate time to ask questions.

She was a little confused and felt she was clumsy like never before. She didn’t know how to comfort him, so she took the initiative to open her arms and hug him.

The girl’s silent consolation, Bo Jingmo, can be sensed.

Su Tian’s mind is delicate and soft. She can sensitively detect any of his emotions. She is like a little tail behind him. She can’t laugh when he is unhappy.

Bo Jingmo stroked the top of her hair, took her hand and walked to the French window in the distance, looking at the lonely night view outside the window, digging out a box of cigarettes from the inner pocket of his jacket, took one out, and clamped it between his index and middle fingers. In between, it didn’t ignite for a long time.

Su Tian faintly saw his fingers tremble.

He didn’t say a word, but she clearly felt his anxiety.

The position of Bo Jingmo is destined to be impossible for him to generate violent psychological disturbances for the ups and downs of ordinary business.

What can make him so anxious is the helplessness of life.

No matter how good the nursing conditions are, no matter how savvy doctors are, there are times when there is no recovery.

It’s been seven years. His adoptive father has been lying here for seven years, thousands of days and nights. If there is a way to save him, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he must have tried it.

Su Tian’s hand went into his pocket at some point, fumbled out the lighter he rarely used in front of her, and fumbled for a while before finally hitting him, approaching his hand, trembling slightly, and igniting him for a long time. Unlit cigarettes.

Bo Jingmo was startled slightly. The girl’s cool fingers touched his. He was in a daze for a moment. He cast down his eyes to see her behaved and quiet, which was so behaving that it made people feel distressed.

Su Tian’s voice is very low and soft, as if she is afraid of breaking the silence of the nursing home: “You smoke, you seem to need to calm down, if smoking can help you, I don’t mind.”

Gentleman Bo Jingmo is used to it, especially after interacting with her, he never smokes in front of her.

He has a slight addiction to cigarettes and occasionally commits it.

When Su Tian was with him, he would habitually go to the terrace to smoke, and then return to the house after smoked.

But one time when kissing her, the little girl wrinkled her nose squeamishly, as if she disliked the smell of smoke from his breath.

She said softly: “Smoking is bad for your health, it’s really bad.”

At that time, he just smiled, but afterwards he always remembered that the frequency of smoking was significantly reduced, and he would not make affection with her after smoking.

And this time, she took the initiative to light the cigarette for him.

He only hesitated for two seconds, and then sucked in silence.

Swallowing clouds and fog in the dark, the brain really quickly calmed and sober, Su Tian has been standing beside him, quietly, without saying a word or avoiding it.

She was obviously afraid that she would not like the smell of smoke, but at this moment she seemed to have no sense of smell.

Waiting for him to smoke the whole root, throw away the cigarette holder, stretched out his long arm, put her in his arms, and stroked the top of her hair with his big hand.

Su Tian asked softly, “Are you feeling better now?”

In the darkness, the man gave a quiet “um”.

Su Tian also calmed down a lot: “Is your foster father’s condition very critical this time?”

Bo Jingmo’s voice was steady: “It was very urgent during the rescue. If it is not rescued, the person will be gone. It has been stabilized now, and his life should be unhindered. It is just that the lung infection must be controlled immediately. He has been lying down for so many years, and there is no The ability to live a normal life and the body’s own immunity are already too low. Without the ability of normal people to resist germs, it will be difficult to survive if it is not well controlled.”

His voice made Su Tian feel that he has been able to calmly accept all possibilities.

Su Tian grabbed his finger and whispered, “Since we all know the current situation, if misfortune really happens…you have to be mentally prepared, okay?”

She was a little scared in her heart.

In her eyes, Bo Jingmo was as powerful as a huge mountain that could never collapse.

That is the most indestructible existence in the world.

She had never seen him in such a trance and fragile moment.

She was afraid, afraid that he would collapse, and even more afraid that she would not be able to help when he collapsed.

Bo Jingmo seemed very calm, and even smiled at her: “Well, I have been ill for so long, not days and months, or seven years. Maybe he is also tired. Whatever happens is expected. I will Handle it properly, you don’t have to worry.”

Su Dessert nodded, and tentatively asked a few more questions.

Bo Jingmo roughly told her about his relationship with his foster father.

Bo Jingmo’s father died young, and his mother soon remarried, had other children, did not live together for a long time, and the relationship was relatively distant.

He lived independently at an early age, studied multiple majors in his teens, and chose his career focus as an adult, studying for a doctorate in business at Harvard.

Fred is a close friend of his biological father. Bo Jingmo met him when he was young, and later became his doctoral supervisor at Harvard. The relationship grew closer, and he even recognized him as a foster father.

Fred is a business genius, and he became famous at a young age. Later he also smashed Wall Street and was known as the goldsmith.

Su Tian doesn’t know much about Wall Street, but it can be heard that Bo Jingmo’s career direction and even his life trajectory are inseparable from Fred.

Rather than being a foster father, he is actually more like a life mentor and has a long-term impact on his entire life.

This is indeed a good teacher and helpful friend, different from ordinary friends, and even more important than ordinary relatives. It is no wonder that Bo Jingmo is so nervous and anxious for Fred.

For him, such an important adoptive father, Su Tian felt more and more worried, and really hoped that there would be a miracle for him to recover.

Bo Jingmo is only in his twenties. He still needs the help of this mentor and helpful friend for many times in his life. These years Fred is lying here. He will be very lonely when he encounters many problems. Even someone who can discuss problems and make suggestions. No one.

Su Tian couldn’t help asking: “Fred is also very young, he is more than fifty years old, why did he become like this…is it an accident?”

Bo Jingmo stood in the shadow, the light was extremely dark.

Su Tian couldn’t see his face clearly and didn’t observe it carefully.

She was immersed in an irresistible sadness, as if she was suffering for her father.

She lost her parents since she was a child while living in the old world.

Although she was too young at that time, she might not understand what grief was, but on her death day, grandpa and grandma would take her to the cemetery.

When I was a child, I didn’t know what death was, and always jumped around. However, when standing in front of the tombstone and looking at the small photos of her parents on the tombstone, she would always cry.

The gap between life and death is grief that even young children cannot resist.

Later, when I got older and older, I always heard her relatives and friends say that she was pitiful. She lost her parents at a young age. Su Tian also felt uncomfortable. Although she can’t remember the details of getting along with her parents, she feels like she is very miserable in life. The important part has already been cut out. Compared with other ordinary children, she is not a complete person.

At this moment, Bo Jingmo’s deep pain needs no words, Su Tian can clearly perceive all this.

Fred has been lying down for seven years, but as long as he is alive, to Bo Jingmo, this man is still his best friend, father, alive.

But if he is gone… a very important part of his life will be cruelly plucked away, unable to resurrect.

Bo Jingmo’s voice was low: “It’s a cerebral infarction, it’s sudden, and it has nothing to do with age.”

So, Su Tian was silent for a while.

She clenched his hand and said something she knew she was naive but couldn’t bear to say: “Maybe it’s not that serious. It’s been fine for seven years. This time it will be no exception. The experts you hire are the best in the world. They will do everything they can to save him, and it will be good. And now that medical care is developing faster and faster, perhaps within a few years, there will be breakthroughs. Maybe Fred…may wake up.”

Bo Jingmo smiled silently, stroked the top of her hair, and finally insisted that she return to the villa to rest instead of spending the whole night in the nursing home.

Su Tian was a little worried about him, and was not willing to leave.

“You are here to accompany Fred. I will buy you a midnight snack. There should be a Chinese restaurant. Do you want to eat porridge? Would you like something light?”

Bo Jingmo shook his head: “You have to go back to sleep, I’m not hungry.”

Su Tian still had to speak, just as Secretary Hawthorne came over.

Bo Jingmo told Hawthorne: “Send Su Tian back to the villa, make sure she goes upstairs to the room to rest, and you will come back when she falls asleep.”

Hawthorne took the order and sent So Tian to his home.

Su Tian couldn’t help it, so she explained that she would bring breakfast to see him.

Hawthorne, Bo Jingmo’s secretary, is one of his close associates, and he is very trustworthy. Hawthorne will handle all major and minor matters.

Su Tian and Bo Jingmo have been together for more than a year, and Hawthorne has gradually become acquainted with each other. Although there is very little communication, sitting together is never embarrassing. It is like a trustworthy person. Stable.

But the atmosphere tonight is really special.

Hawthorne personally drove her back to the villa, which was a long way away. Hawthorne only confirmed the temperature in the car with her when she first started the car and told her that there was water in the refrigerator. If you were thirsty, you could drink it.

After that, I didn’t say a word, and it was night again, and the inside of the car seemed extremely silent.

Su Tian originally had a lot of questions. In the nursing home, Bo Jingmo was not in a good state. She didn’t ask too much, basically just listening to his statement, and didn’t dare to interrupt him or ask.

Although she doesn’t know Hawthorne, after more than a year of getting along, she generally feels that Hawthorne is a more outgoing person, very good at communication, at least more than Bo Jingmo.

If it was usual, Bo Jingmo arranged for Hawthorne to drive her, he would definitely not leave her in the back seat without saying a word.

Not only is Bo Jingmo wrong, even Hawthorne is so abnormal, Su Tian’s doubts can’t hold back even more.

She tried to speak: “Hawthorne, Mr. Fred is not in good condition, Bo Jingmo is very sad, and I am not feeling well, can you talk to me?”

Hawthorne glanced at the rearview mirror. Although he was a little stunned, he quickly returned to normal, showing an official smile and a gentle attitude: “Okay, what do you want to talk about Miss Su?”

Su Tian knows that Hawthorne is from Country Y, a gentleman and upright, not a character that likes to be circumspect.

She thought about it for a while, and she just got to the point: “I know that Mr. Fred became a vegetable because of a sudden cerebral infarction. He was probably only about 45 years old when he had a cerebral infarction. I just checked a middle-aged person with a cerebral infarction. In addition to the long-term hidden dangers of sub-health, there are usually obvious incentives. I want to know Fred… under what circumstances did he have a cerebral infarction back then?”

Hawthorne, who was driving, seemed to be quiet for five or six seconds.

Then he replied without any turbulence: “I am not particularly clear about this, sorry Miss Su.”

Su Tian felt that he was concealing something, and asked without hesitation: “Hawthorne, when did you start following Bo Jingmo?”

Hawthorne replied truthfully: “Mr. Bo and I have known each other since childhood. If according to Country A, I am Mr. Bo’s companion and we have been together since childhood. Later, wherever Mr. Bo goes, I will follow him. His close secretary.”

Su Tian directly exposed his concealment: “Since he has been with him and never left, you probably never left seven years ago. Fred is such an important friend of his. He suffered a sudden cerebral infarction and even paralysis all over the body. Things, how can you not understand the cause and effect?”

Hawthorne coughed slightly, as if he adjusted his emotions, and then his voice was still smiling: “I do know Fred’s cerebral infarction, and I have been following up his follow-up treatment, but the specific reason…I I’m not a doctor, I really can’t give you an accurate answer. Regarding this question… Didn’t you ask Mr. Bo?

Su Tian was depressed, and her tone was mournful: “I forgot to ask.”

Hawthorne smiled and said, “Miss Su, you are Mr. Bo’s girlfriend. Just ask Mr. Bo directly if you have any questions.”

Su Tian was irritated by him.

How could she not hear Hawthorne concealing something.

The more Hawthorne was like this, the more suspicious she was. But the relationship between Hawthorne and Bo Jingmo was so close, she couldn’t force Hawthorne to ask Hawthorne, the man’s mouth was so tight, she not only couldn’t make out his words, but also alarmed Bo Jingmo, which was meaningless and only annoying.

Su Tian didn’t say a word anymore, and sat silently behind playing with her mobile phone.

Hawthorne vaguely felt that he had offended this little ancestor, and tried to strike up a conversation several times:

“Miss Su, are you hungry? If you want to have a supper, I can order the kitchen to prepare it for you in advance.”

“Not hungry.”

“Then… Do you have any other needs? Mr. Bo may not be able to return to the villa to accompany you tonight. I will stay downstairs for a while. You can tell me if you have any needs.”

“No, you can do whatever you want, don’t worry about me.”

Su Tian’s indifferent attitude was clear, and Hawthorne also got to know that Miss Su had forcibly ended the chat, and stopped disturbing her.

After returning to the villa, Su Tian simply took a shower.

She didn’t even feel like taking a bath, and lay down on the bed after hurriedly washing and drying her hair.

Looking at the time, it was already twelve o’clock.

She wanted to send a message to ask about Bo Jingmo’s situation, but she thought it would disturb him.

He usually flies around, and the time he can accompany Fred is really limited. The reason why he had to stay in the nursing home’s ward was probably because he wanted to be alone with Fred.

Although Fred lay motionless there, maybe Bo Jingmo had a lot to say to his foster father.

What’s more, she knew that Fred was in bad condition. If the lung infection could not be controlled, it would be hard to tell what would happen in the future. She held the phone for a long time, and finally did not bother him.

Even so, she couldn’t sleep, and she didn’t feel sleepy at all.

Su Tian took out her phone and swiped her homework for a while.

Whenever she encounters something and feels uneasy, she will ease it by writing questions. If she can devote herself to learning, she can temporarily forget all the worries.

However, the effect tonight was very poor, she did not enter the state after brushing for a long time.

At this time, Lu Xiao’s WeChat came in and sent a few small chats.

Su Tian was in a bad mood and didn’t want to care about him, but suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and she simply called Lu Xiao back.

Lu Xiao just wrote WeChat casually, and his niece actually called back. He expressed surprise.

“What’s wrong? It’s probably midnight in London, right? You haven’t slept yet? What about the thin guy?”

Su Tian opened her mouth, and when she heard Lu Xiao’s bluffing, her heart warmed, and she felt that her eyes were hot.

Lu Xiao did not hear her voice. He moved the phone and looked at the screen in surprise. He confirmed that it was correct during the call. His tone was suspicious: “Why don’t you speak? Is the signal bad? Can you hear me, sweet.” ?”

Su Tian took a deep breath, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito: “…Little uncle.”

Lu Xiao was like a head blow.

Although Su Tian recognizes him, but because the age difference is small, she is a classmate of the same grade, Su Tian does not call him uncle at all except when she asks him, she almost always calls directly. Its name.

Lu Xiao usually doesn’t mind, and doesn’t take the title in his heart.

I just heard her scream suddenly, and the voice seemed to be crying, it was in the middle of the night again…

Lu Xiao was a little uncomfortable: “What’s wrong with you, what’s the matter? Are you crying? Sweet, uncle is here, but you are talking, what’s wrong, quarrel?”

Su Tian’s nose became more sour by his series of questions: “No, no…I’m fine…”

The babbling tone of the niece made Lu Xiao even more anxious. At the thought of the distance between the continents and oceans, she had gone on vacation with a man sneakily.

Both Lu Xiao and Pei Huan knew this secret, and it was logical that they should be back the day after tomorrow, so doing it… Lu Xiao had a lot of brains, worried that she would be dumped.

“What’s wrong with you? Don’t be afraid, there is the fourth uncle, and if it’s not good, you will have your third uncle and second uncle. Bo Jingmo bullied you, right? Don’t cry. If it’s a big deal, I will tear him up. Okay, what the **** thing…”

Su Tian couldn’t help but snorted: “What are you talking about? Have you forgotten that you have reached a cooperation of several hundred million with him? He is now your Party A, so be careful when you speak.”

Hearing that she could still laugh, Lu Xiao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, thinking that it might not be too serious.

Su Tian didn’t tease him anymore, so she told Lu Xiao how she went to the nursing home today and about Fred.

After hearing this, Lu Xiao said: “To tell you the truth, I have found this Fred before, and I know he is Boss’s PhD supervisor, but I haven’t heard that it is a foster father or something.”

Su Tian was a little surprised: “Have you checked?”

“Yes, it was the third brother who discussed with me and checked it together. We were not all wondering why the relationship between the second brother and Bo Dao was so tense, we checked a lot, but in the end we didn’t find anything reliable. , Just about this Fred, turned to an old photo…”

After hearing his description, Su Tian was shocked: “You mean…Uncle Shang and Bo Jingmo are both students of Fred, and have they taken a photo of the doctor’s suit together?”

“Yes, they still have a roll of things in their hands. It should be graduation papers or something. Fred is a financial giant. He has not been a PhD supervisor for long and has not brought many students. The most famous is Big Bo and second brother.”

Su Tian squeezed the phone and fell into a long silence.

The information Lu Xiao provided to her seemed to tell her clearly…some of her guesses were probably true.

It was originally just her instinct, but because Lu Xiao’s few words were like a thin layer of window paper, they were finally about to be punctured.

All the truth is obvious.

She suddenly panicked, and she hesitated again and again before she said: “Uncle, I know that you have a lot of resources and connections. I think Mr. Fred… he has more important information. I know too little, too. You can’t ask Bo Jingmo directly, can you check it again.”

Lu Xiao has dealt with many big businesses in the past year, and hundreds of millions of dollars of cooperation are not a problem. For example, the Qijing and the eight meridians have been opened up, and the IQ and EQ have been significantly improved.

When Su Tian said these words, he immediately understood what she meant.

Such a strong intuition, even Lu Xiao felt through the microphone.

He was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was very heavy: “I can check for you, but it may not be a good thing to know the whole truth of the matter. You have to consider the consequences. If you are curious, your second brother will not talk about it, and Bo Jingmo will also Not to mention, the purpose of their concealment is obviously not to hurt you, on the contrary, they all want to protect you. Sweet, you think about it again.”

Su Tian insisted: “I must know the truth, I will know sooner or later, it is better to be earlier.”

She ended the call with Lu Xiao, closed the line, got out of bed barefoot, ran to the window, and pushed the window open vigorously just to let the wind through.

The cool breeze coming into the winter in late autumn forced her to calm down.

My uncle is right.

Whether Shang Yu or Bo Jingmo, these two men wanted to protect her.

But what she needs to know after all is that she wants to be a family with Bo Jingmo. If the contradiction is not resolved, it is the permanent pain hidden in her heart.

They are just ignoring each other, pretending to be able to ignore, in fact, no one can forget.

Su Tian slept uncomfortably, and only slept in a daze for three or four hours.

When she woke up, she habitually grabbed the phone and glanced at the unread messages.

Lu Xiao’s work efficiency is very high, or perhaps the information is concentrated on Fred, making it easier to check.

So there are results. Lu Xiao sent her some relevant evidence. As for the specific process, it was his voice summary.

After Su Tian listened, her heart sank again and again.

Fred, who was once famous on Wall Street, was stimulated by a failed merger and acquisition case. He suddenly suffered a cerebral infarction. After rescue, his life was saved, but he became a vegetative and has been lying in a hospital bed until now.

And that merger and acquisition is Shang Yu’s 18-year-old famous work. With this case, he built an international reputation and secured his position as a new generation of financial genius in the Asia-Pacific region.

It was also this merger and acquisition case that made the old man Shang look uncomfortable with him, and laid the foundation for Shang Yu to become a candidate heir.

Su Tian listened to the long voice from Lu Xiao repeatedly.

She knew that this passage was so clear that there would be no ambiguity.

But she still played it repeatedly blindly, as if wishing to regard this as her own illusion, a dream.

In the end, however, she accepted the reality.

She knew what Uncle Shang owed Bo Jingmo.

Before dawn, she fell asleep again in extreme fatigue.

When he woke up again, he was woken up by a kiss in the arms of the man.

In a daze, someone got into the bed and hugged her, as if using her as a lifebuoy, hugging her very tightly.

When leaning over to kiss her, she was very restrained, as if she couldn’t bear to wake her sleeping soundly.

The girl woke up after all. She opened her sleepy eyes and met Bo Jingmo’s deep eyes. She squinted and laughed, as if she was confused and completely forgot what she had experienced yesterday.

She entangled him with her hands and feet, milking her milky voice: “It’s so sleepy, let’s sleep a little longer, okay…”

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