Giants From All Walks of Life Vie For Uncle Xi To Be Uncle

Chapter 122

Chapter 118 Grabbing the Shura Field 1

The man softly kissed the girl’s warm cheek, put his big hand behind her, and put her soft body into his arms, his voice was low and dumb: “Well, go to sleep.”

Su Tian slept too short, woke up in the middle of the night, and fell asleep again after a long time of tossing. At this moment, she really fell asleep and forgot everything, but as usual, he slept on his pillow. She was peaceful and stable in her heart.

The two embraced and fell asleep, and it was already afternoon when they opened their eyes again.

Su Tian woke up and found him lying next to him. She was stunned for a second, and then she said afterwards: “I slept…When did you come back? I was always thinking about getting up early and sending breakfast to the nursing home to look for you, obviously. It’s on the alarm clock, how come…”

Bo Jingmo watched her groping for the phone with an annoyed look. He reached out and grabbed her, wrapped her panicked little hand in his palm, and said as usual: “I came back early in the morning. The alarm clock rang and I turned it off. ”

Su Tian felt better now.

Thinking of him staying all night last night, I couldn’t help but feel distressed. At the same time, I was very worried about Fred’s situation and was afraid of hearing bad results.

She held a word in her throat, tangled for a long time: “How is the situation with Fred…?”

“It’s been the same last night, all indexes are stable.”

Su Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

She was very nervous at first, but after receiving the investigation results from Lu Xiao in the early morning, she was even more piercing, afraid that Fred would not be able to make it through.

In the merger and acquisition that year, Fred was asked to help his friends.

Shang Yu used some extraordinary tactics and gave Fred a heavy blow when he was sure of winning.

The end result is that Fred’s side lost hundreds of billions of dollars, and it is also the only Waterloo in Fred’s career.

Fred’s reaction was good at the time, he did not show excessive emotions, and even said publicly that no one can secure a victory forever.

But in the early morning of the next day, a brain infarction occurred at home. After more than ten hours of rescue, he finally became a vegetative person, which lasted seven years.

According to the inferences of the family doctor and the rescue experts at the time, Fred has always been healthy and diligent in exercising. There are no problems with all the physical indicators and the heart function is excellent.

He never drank alcohol the night before the onset of illness. The only explanation that could be explained was his mental state and emotional agitation. Even if Fred was completely suppressed, his emotions and anger were invisible in front of others, but his true condition was only clear to him.

Although the fighting in the market is not bloody, the cruelty is no less than that of the battlefield.

If Shang Yu was not a student who was deeply loved by Fred, maybe not many people would criticize him for this matter.

In other words, if there is no such a teacher-student relationship, Fred may not be so stimulated.

Fred’s friends said in an interview that Fred probably didn’t understand how he would cultivate a greedy jackal by himself at the moment of the sudden illness.

This bloodless but **** M&A battle of the century caused a sensation on Wall Street that year and caused a continuous impact. Although Fred was defeated, he was well-known and respected in the circle, and even the media was shaken by it. They worked together to prevent the spread of this incident, and kept Fred’s reputation as much as possible, so that in addition to Few people in the outside world knew that Fred had lost to his own students, and that he was seriously ill because of this.

Before Lu Xiao confirmed the key point of digging deep, it was only found that Fred had retired due to physical reasons and had not appeared in the mall for many years.

After so long, Su Tian, ​​as a person who did not participate in it at all, is not even a bystander. It is really impossible to judge whether Uncle Shang was wrong in this matter.

What’s more, in her opinion, it doesn’t matter if there is a mistake, Fred’s situation can’t be worse, even if he admits his mistake, he can’t change anything.

Su Tian could only imagine that Bo Jingmo, who was not involved in all of this at the time, could only face the body lying on the bed…that could survive by a life-saving device after he hurried back home after receiving the news that his foster father was critically ill.

Su Tian felt very sorry for him, and especially hoped that she could walk with him.

The next day, Bo Jingmo insisted that Su Tian return to North City first, go to class and work as usual, and don’t affect his life because of this episode in London.

Su Tian wanted to stay for a while, and wanted to accompany him for a few more days, but Bo Jingmo’s attitude was unprecedentedly firm. She really couldn’t hold him back, so she had to embark on the return private plane.

At the time of parting, Su Tian had already walked some distance, because guessing that he must still be standing where she was, she couldn’t help turning her head back, ran back in front of him, and hugged his waist.

The voice was very low and thin, but it was stubborn.

“I know that Fred is very important to you. I can fully understand your feelings. He is your friend and family member. I hope you will never lose him and will always pray for him. But you remember Now you have me. Even if Fred can’t be by your side all the time, I can. I am also your family, friend, and lover. No matter what happens, I will be with you.”

Su Tian said these words with her face sideways buried in his chest.

Fearing that he would lose control of his emotions and cry out in the next moment, he immediately let go of him when he finished speaking, and hurriedly turned around and ran into the plane.

Su Tian returned home and went to school to make up lessons as usual.

When Shang Yu calculated that she should be finished, he brought up the family vacation on the island and asked her about the schedule.

Su Tian had promised Shang Yu verbally before leaving for Country Y. At that time, according to her own time plan, she was able to spend about a week out to play with three uncles.

Now she is not without time, but she is really in no mood.

Thinking of Bo Jingmo’s closest person in the world, his life is dying and may be in danger at any time. Bo Jingmo has even put a lot of work on hold for this and spent a lot of time in the nursing home.

This was the hardest time for him. Su Tian intended to accompany him, but was rejected. He sent her back to Beicheng, but her heart remained there, always thinking about it when he could return to Beicheng. Before, she couldn’t go out on holiday happily.

Being able to insist on going to school and pretending that everything is normal is already a hard cover for her.

Su Tian asked for an excuse to stop her, saying that she had missed a lot of homework when she was in the filming group before, so she would spend more time to make up.

Shang Yu was a little confused: “Tiantian, didn’t you say that… it was easy to shoot that literary film, didn’t you miss your homework?”

Only then did Su Tian discover the bug in her excuse, but the compilation has been done, and she can only follow this prevarication.

“At first I did feel that I didn’t miss too much homework, but when I recently made up classes, I found that the latest new knowledge is very difficult. If I don’t hurry up, I may not be able to keep up. The final exam is not far away…”

Shang Yu didn’t doubt, he also looked at his niece who was always frowning recently, she didn’t seem to be very energetic, she should be really tired.

Of course he felt distressed, and told the kitchen to make more nourishing soup and take good care of the young lady’s body.

“Sweet, if you are really under a lot of pressure, you can put your work off first. You are studying two majors at the same time, and the director major and theoretical physics are worlds apart. The two majors do not overlap at all. It’s too hard.”

Su Tian couldn’t help feeling guilty when she heard her uncle’s distressed tone.

Uncle Shang always cared about her in every detail, but she had to hide the most important things in her life…

Always living under Uncle Shang’s nose, he couldn’t help but care. Su Tian saw it in her eyes and felt really uncomfortable in her heart, and finally had to find an excuse to move out temporarily.

Su Tian originally wanted to find an excuse to focus on studying and go to the library, so she went to live in the dormitory, but before Lu Xiao reminded her about that uneasy roommate Du Han, Su Tian has been in a heavy mood recently. I don’t want any unnecessary troubles to happen in the dormitory.

After discussing with Lu Xiao, he simply moved to Lu Xiao’s newly bought apartment.

The location is near the school, it is convenient to go to the school, Lu Xiao lives alone, the place is spacious, and there are many rooms.

Shang Yu gradually felt something wrong, and grabbed Pei Huan and asked several times.

Lu Xiao finally found out about the merger and acquisition battle between Fred and Shang Yu, but did not tell Pei Huan.

One is that Pei Huan is busy filming, which is rather busy and inconvenient to be distracted.

One was blocked by Su Tian. Su Tian felt that after finding out, she and Lu Xiao knew it was enough. Tell Pei Huan that nothing could be changed. For nothing, Pei Huan was upset, and in case Uncle Pei and Uncle Shang started chatting, nothing. It is also troublesome to be careful about leaking the mouth.

Lu Xiao is also a serious businessman. He didn’t really want to discuss this issue with Pei Huan. Since Su Tian insisted, he didn’t mention it to the third brother.

So when Shang Yu asked Pei Huan, Pei Huan didn’t know anything, “Didn’t Tian Bao say to catch up with her homework? I didn’t think there was anything wrong with her.”

Shang Yu was worried: “When Tiantian was living at home, I saw that her complexion was not so good, and her appetite was not as good as before. She seemed to be under a lot of pressure. I thought that maybe it was because of the high schoolwork pressure. I’m used to getting the first place in the general exam, and I’m afraid of being left behind, so I’m particularly nervous.

I was afraid that she was working too hard, so I went to learn about her courses and chatted with the dean of her physics department. The dean showed me the textbooks and course arrangements. After all, she was only a freshman and she was not very old at all. The dean also asked the teachers of each course for me. They said that the sweet professional courses are top-notch, and the basic courses are more solid. There is no problem without having to go to the class. I don’t know where she is under such a lot of pressure after thinking about it. . ”

Pei Huan recently filmed an action scene. In order to be effective, he went to Shaolin Temple to practice martial arts for a while, and he did not contact his niece.

He frowned and wondered: “Could it be that you overestimated Tianbao’s degree, for something as complicated as theoretical physics, she did have good grades in high school, but you also know something about high school…compared to professional courses? No way, Tianbao is so strong, there is nothing wrong with a little more pressure.”

Shang Yu already had a clear suspicion. He was silent for a long time and stared at Pei Huan meaningfully: “I think there is something sweet from me, and it is definitely not an academic problem. My own child, what level is she? , I know it very clearly in my heart.”

Shang Yu gave Pei Huan the first blow with a serious and serious look. Pei Huan pretended to be calm, secretly observing his words, and asking: “Second brother… do you have any guesses?”

Shang Yu said the thoughts he had suspected for a long time: “I think Tiantian’s recent state seems to be broken in love.”

Pei Huan almost squirted out the water he had just drunk with a puff.

He was choked by himself, and quickly tightened the cap of the mineral water bottle in his hand.

“No, not…Second brother, you think too much.”

Pei Huan knows that a while ago his niece was killed and he secretly went to country Y to vacation with Bo Jingmo. The couple had a good relationship with Bo Jingmo. Although they have been together for more than a year, it should be paid back according to Tian Bao’s mood. How could it be possible to be broken in love before the period of passionate love?

However, Shang Yu became more serious, and his tone was firm: “Things that can affect the sweet mood, school work, career… These are all smooth, and there hasn’t even been a negative hot search recently. It’s calm, except for her own. Private matter, what else is possible?”

Pei Huan had a headache: “Anyway…I don’t think it’s possible. If you don’t believe me, just ask Tianbao.”

Shang Yu glared at him: “You are more serious. If you can ask, will I discuss it with you in private.”

Pei Huan wanted to laugh: “You have always been close to Tian Bao, and you are the first uncle to recognize her. Tian Bao is very dependent on you. What can’t you ask directly?”

It has been almost a year and a half since Pei Huan helped his niece to conceal his love affair. He is already proficient in all kinds of routines. Now it is the level of advancing and retreating.

Shang Yu had doubts, and his concealed words made him even more suspicious. It would be better to encourage Shang Yu to ask directly. This would make Shang Yu hesitate and unable to make a clear judgment.

Shang Yu sighed solemnly: “I wanted to ask, but she hasn’t been in a good mood recently. I’m afraid she’s really wronged, so I don’t want to mention it. I asked her, but it stimulated her.”

Pei Huan laughed loudly: “How can your niece be so fragile, just ask if you want to ask, when you say I’m pretty curious, is it really broken? Tian Bao is so beautiful, so smart, and has a petty temper. Which man doesn’t have eyes and dare to shake her?”

Shang Yu felt that Pei Huan’s attitude was not serious, and he was upset by him. He didn’t want to talk to her anymore, so he turned to Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao pretends to be very realistic: “Second brother, Tiantian is always going to school recently, so he should go to the library.”

Shang Yu: “Her courses are not difficult at all. She’s only a freshman, and she always runs to the library. It’s not right.”

“No, what’s wrong with my niece’s love to study, I think it’s pretty good.”

Shang Yu suspected that Su Tian was turning grief into strength. He wanted to put all his negative emotions on his studies, so he could study so hard.

“Don’t you think Tiantian is in a bad mood these days?”

Lu Xiao shook his head: “No, she played the game with me last night. I didn’t think she was in a bad mood.”

Shang Yu trusts his fourth brother, has no doubts about what he said, and can’t help but raise new questions.

Is Tiantian arguing with herself?

His uncle…how did he offend her?

Neither Lu Xiao nor Pei Huan felt that she was in a bad mood, indicating that the child became depressed in front of him, and even moved out of the house.

With this kind of speculation, Shang Yu felt even worse.

He repeatedly grabbed the housekeeper and his own special help, and asked several rounds of fatal questions.

“Old businessman, do you think I made any mistakes some time ago?”

The housekeeper, Uncle Shang, was frightened: “This… what do you mean, Master? Master has always been wise, how could he make mistakes?”

Shang Yu said with a sullen face: “I mean, did I accidentally do something hurtful, otherwise how could she avoid me and even move out?”

The butler thought he had made a mistake, and his legs were so frightened that he barely supported it when he heard this.

“Master, you must be thinking too much. Isn’t this because our villa is too far away from the National Tsing Hua University campus? The young lady has been focusing on her homework recently and always staying in the library. This time she wastes a lot of time. Of course she is talking to Master Lu. It’s more convenient to live together.”

Shang Yu stared at him suspiciously: “Do you really think Tiantian is avoiding me?”

Shang Bo waved his hand again and again: “Of course not! Master must be missing Miss. Why don’t you take some time this weekend to visit Master Lu’s newly bought apartment.”

Shang Yu’s suspicion lasted for more than twenty days. Then one weekend later, Su Tian happily went out for dinner with a few uncles. It seemed that she was in a much better mood, and she didn’t seem to be in any serious trouble. Shang Yu was relieved. , Thinking that maybe I was really careless, the little girl was emotionally awkward for a few days every month, maybe it had nothing to do with him.

In fact, Su Tian’s mood was indeed low for twenty days.

Until Bo Jingmo returned to Beicheng, the two returned to the past. Bo Jingmo would pick her up from school whenever he had time. Su Tian lived with him, and the feelings were as sweet as ever.

Fred’s condition has stabilized. It is said that the lung infection has been brought under control and everything is fine now.

Bo Jingmo didn’t mention it in front of her, and Su Tian didn’t ask much, anyway it was fine.

Although Su Tian’s mood is much better, she won’t think about it in front of Uncle Shang, but there is still a hurdle in her heart.

She knew about the grudge between Bo Jingmo and Uncle Shang, but she couldn’t find it out, so she could only pretend that she didn’t know anything.

But she felt that she could not pretend to be stupid forever. Bo Jingmo took her back to the Bo family and met important family members. Perhaps one day in the future, she will become Bo Jingmo’s wife.

To share his worries and ease the pain in his heart, you must not be vague.

Su Tian reflected on her relationship with Bo Jingmo, after thinking about it, the biggest problem seemed to be…Bo Jingmo always treated her as a child.

Although he spoiled her unconditionally, cared for her, and was particularly accommodating to take care of her, he was reluctant to make her feel wronged.

But we’ve been together for so long…Neither of us has developed a substantial relationship, and no one believes it.

Su Tian hadn’t talked about feelings before, but she had seriously considered it, maybe only if she really did what adult men and women should do, Bo Jingmo would treat her as an adult, communicate with her on an equal footing, and be honest and honest. Wait.

Su Tian’s plan was drumming in her heart. She didn’t think about how to promote it, and felt that there was still an opportunity.

I wanted to wait for his birthday, but I didn’t think it was necessary.

This was originally a normal development between couples. When he celebrated his birthday, it seemed too pretentious, lest he remembered his birthday every year in the future, as if it was a gift she gave him specially, which was too shameful.

Su Tian felt that it would be good to choose an ordinary weekend. Of course, it must be the one that doesn’t have to go to class the next day, so you can lie down and recuperate the next day.

It was a Sunday, and Bo Jingmo was not in Beicheng, so Su Tian asked Qi Yue to study in the library.

Uncle Shang called and asked her if she wanted to eat together at noon. Su Tian said truthfully that she had invited a friend to the library, and she would just have a casual meal at noon.

Su Tian told the truth this time, and she really planned to spend an afternoon in the library.

However, just after noon, she received a voice from Bo Jingmo, he had already arrived in Beicheng, and he would be at the back gate of National Tsing Hua University in five minutes.

Su Tian couldn’t hold her smile anymore.

Qi Yue looked at the corners of her grinning mouth and flattened her mouth in disgust: “Hey, go, go on a date, just leave me here to study hard, knowing that you have no intention of studying at all. Wait for Mr. XX.”

Su Tian has become accustomed to the teasing of her girlfriends, and waved bye unceremoniously.

After getting in the car, Bo Jingmo heard that she hadn’t had lunch yet, so he took her to dinner first.

Just as Su Tian was full, Bo Jingmo answered a few emergency calls.

After closing the thread, he touched the girl’s face apologetically: “I have a temporary job to deal with, and I may not be able to play with you.”

Su Tian knew that he was busy and said that she didn’t mind at all: “It’s okay, let’s go home first. The driver drives, and you will handle the work. I won’t disturb you.”

Bo Jingmo nodded, and opened the notebook to type on the keyboard on the way.

When he got home, Su Tian used the capsule coffee machine to help him make a cup of coffee and put it on the side of the desk.

Bo Jingmo glanced at her, the little girl’s eyes were soft.

He had been with Su Tian for a long time, and he knew what she was thinking with just one look.

In fact, it has only been a few days, and the little girl seems to be particularly obsessed with cuddling and intimate contact with him.

He smiled and sat on the sofa and put the computer on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Su Tian curled up next to the sofa, crawling on his lap after a while, playing with the phone for a while, fighting with his eyelids, and fell asleep with his lap pillowed on.

Taking advantage of her nap, Bo Jingmo had already handled the work at hand and was about to turn off the computer.

Su Tian turned over and woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and leaned on his arm in embarrassment, acting like a baby: “Sorry, I’m asleep…”

The man squeezed her face with long fingers, “It’s nothing to be embarrassed to fall asleep, it is embarrassing to drool.”

Su Tian widened her eyes in surprise, and subconsciously touched the corners of her lips.

She pouted angrily: “Nothing at all, you lie to me!”

Bo Jingmo has been busy for a long time, watching her sleep so soundly, the coffee he drank has failed, and he is a little sleepy.

“I’ll wash my face and wake up.”

Su Tian watched him enter the bathroom, and a bold thought suddenly popped into her heart.

It’s four o’clock in the afternoon, and she will have no class or work tomorrow Monday…

I slept warmly in the afternoon, and most of what I ate at noon was digested.

It seems to be a very good time…

Su Tian slipped into the cloakroom without saying a word, and pulled out the men’s shirt she had already hidden.

White classic style.

It is said that the girlfriend wears it, the most men can’t hold it.

Bo Jingmo washed his face, and as expected he was completely sleepy and awake a lot.

He walked out, glanced at the empty sofa, and subconsciously called out: “Baby, how about people?”

Su Tian is still looking in the mirror in the cloakroom…

The doorbell rang suddenly, still a few hurried sounds.

Bo Jingmo walked to the entrance and opened the door.

It was Shang Yu’s face.

The author has something to say: Uncle Shang: No one is holding me back today, I’m going to break my niece’s leg! (o(╥﹏╥)o

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