Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto




“Did you get dizzy? Even though you might be intelligent enough to know the theoretical applications of chakra just after being taught rudimentary facts about it, you still need patience, practice, and a protector to see you through its practical applications.” Yamato admonished Gilgamesh who nodded and followed Yamato.


“Now, I know you’ve always wanted to move freely amongst obstacles like Kakashi and I but take your time. Let’s go eat something for breakfast and continue.” Yamato cheered Gilgamesh as the duo walked back to their wooden duplex.








After a meal consisting of fruits and milk gathered from the vegetation around Gilgamesh followed Kakashi for his next lesson.


“Now, you are going to learn your first jutsu.” Kakashi stated as he walked on water and Gilgamesh remained on land.


“What? Haven’t you learned to walk on any surface from Yamato san?” Kakashi asked.


“But not on a flowing river though.” Gilgamesh said as he approached Kakashi slowly.


“You know what? If you can stay still on top of this flowing river for one minute, I’ll teach you your first jutsu.” Kakashi said dangling a carrot in front of Gilgamesh since he had always been so interested in the ninja arts.


“Fine.” Gilgamesh accepted the challenge and walked on the surface of the water easily. The water kept flowing at a relatively safe speed and Gilgamesh could stand without any problems.


Seeing that Gilgamesh had already found his footing, Kakashi made some hand signs quickly, “Earth style: mud wall jutsu!”  


A wall of earth rose from the ground below them and broke the surface of the water causing waves that threatened to drown Gilgamesh.


Gilgamesh simply smiled and held strong until Kakashi was satisfied.


“Good. Now for your reward. You will be learning the shadow clone technique.” Kakashi said as Gilgamesh’s face lit up in anticipation.


“When this jutsu is cast, your chakra is split in half for a single clone which makes the clone half as durable as you are and would last longer than if you made five of them which would result in your chakra being split multiple times to compensate for the number but would reduce the durability anyway.” Kakashi explained as Gilgamesh grew impatient by the second.


“Alright. Watch my hand signs. Shadow clone jutsu.” Kakashi said plainly as another clone appeared from a puff of smoke looking exactly like Kakashi with the same outfit.


“Hold on. Does this mean that the clone can do anything you can do?” Gilgamesh prompted himself to ask before attempting the jutsu.


“Yes, within reason of course. There are certain jutsu that have requirements that simple shadow clones can’t do.” Kakashi explained.


“Alright.” Gilgamesh said as he breathed in and out and imitated Kakashi’s hand sign.


“Shadow clone jutsu!” Gilgamesh said out loud.


Suddenly a huge wave of Gilgamesh’s energies spread from where he and Kakashi were to the barriers made by Yamoto and broke it.


It was only for a second but Kakashi saw a fully grown man with features that resembled Gilgamesh. This figure that resembled Gilgamesh was shirtless but wore a golden necklace and earrings, red tattoos that had intricate line patterns spread across his chest, and golden amour from the waist down.


Yamato was having a nice quiet nap but was awakened by the destruction of his barrier. Yamato in his pajamas rushed to the boundaries he marked with two clones flanking him as he inspected the area with his clones.


Kakashi on the other hand was left speechless. Instead of a lookalike of Gilgamesh now, he had just seen what Gilgamesh might look like in the future.


‘This boy's truly not normal indeed. That outburst of chakra is the same level as a jounin-level ninja. The Third is right, it's better we train him quickly to be a strength for the village, I don’t even want to know what would have happened if he had ended up in another village.’ Kakashi thought. The smoke cleared and Kakashi saw Gilgamesh massaging his head.


‘Anytime he has a headache, something about him changes. Is this a constant evolution or something else? Could he actually be a king like he said when he was still a toddler? But what kind of King?’ Kakashi was in deep thought as Gilgamesh called his attention.


“I’ll make sure to get it right this time!” Gilgamesh said as Kakashi stopped him.


“You need to get your explosive chakra under control. One of the basics of being a ninja is stealth. You being flashy and exposing your location with your chakra will only bring more harm than good. What I am saying is, you need to get control now or suffer the consequences later. Lucky for you, you have time. Come let’s go help Yamato.” Kakashi said as he and Gilgamesh ran towards Yamato who was reapplying the barrier seal and adding more chakra than ever to reinforce it.




“Yamato-san…” Kakashi began.


“Let me guess, it was Gilgamesh again?” Yamato said without looking back as he reinforced the barrier.


“It’s been two days, but I think I am beginning to adapt to Gilgamesh’s behaviour. I think it really is best for Gilgamesh to have special and secluded training. He is indeed different therefore we should approach his training with caution, this is unexplored territory after all.” Yamato said as he got up after he was done and walked back to the wooden house.


“It’s your shift so I’ll get some sleep while I can.” Yamato said as a yawn escaped his mouth. It was almost noon but Yamato had been on alert all night so he deserved his rest now.




After Yamato retired to his quarters, Kakashi turned to Gilgamesh, “Now we really need to work on that chakra control of yours.”


Gilgamesh nodded and followed Kakashi back to the flowing river. Kakashi started Gilgamesh off with a slow-paced jog on the river to short sprints which would sometimes end with Gilgamesh losing his control and falling into the river.


Kakashi and Yamato emphasized his energy control before teaching him any other jutsu as the days passed. Such practices would include three hours of wall running and tree climbing with his feet alone, controlling his jump strength and then finally using chakra to amplify his body’s physical capabilities. 



Authors notes:

Good day, followers of Heavenly Enel and new readers, I... I am truly sad to hear of a great creator like Akira Toriyama passing. It saddens my heart greatly! I really hope the rest of the mangaka we know and upcoming ones (I also plan to venture as one) learn to take care of their bodies well, get regular health and medical checkups, enough rest even though the fans will always want more so we can see more from awesome creators like Akira Toriyama. 

Akira Toriyama

I basically learned how to insert pictures now because of this...

My condolences to his family. 

I haven't been posting since I had an exam and announced that I would be on a short hiatus. Lost a patreon in the process and the student editor I paid thanks to that patreon, once again thank you RICK! The student editor will only help me with a few more chapters and leave since I can't pay him now, yare yare.

Good news! A new fanfic is in the works! Hint: Doomslayer but it's also not necessarily about Doomslayer.

I wish you all a jolly weekend!


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