Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto



"And the worst part about Gilgamesh is that we can't track him by his chakra signature," Kakashi said, getting up and putting his nose to action. Kakashi is a very skilled ninja in tracking and is said to be as good as the Inuzuka clan in the village that trains ninja dogs for tracking missions. Their clan members are trained in beast-human techniques and transformation, which naturally enhances their senses above that of regular humans and ninjas, and their physicality as well. "He is over there," Kakashi said, using the Body Flicker jutsu to move at high speeds toward Gilgamesh's location, and Yamato followed suit.



'Hmm, seems like they are on the move,' Gilgamesh thought as he stopped trying to throw the shurikens without looking and hitting the target's head from different spots. "Ho, are you not tired and hungry? Putting in this much effort is commendable, but even exceptional ninjas need rest now and then," Yamato said as he appeared behind Gilgamesh, patting his shoulder. 'How can he be so shameless? Well, even I forgot about Gilgamesh,' Kakashi thought. "But can you show us how far you've come or show us tomorrow in the morning?" Kakashi asked as he walked closer to Gilgamesh.


Without answering, Gilgamesh picked up four shurikens and threw them at the four targets with one arm. The shurikens all landed on the torsos of the targets respectively. Yamato's eyes widened. The boy already had the basics down even if he still had to look at the unmoving and defenseless targets. "Not bad. C'mon, let's eat. Captain Yamato said he would catch some fish for you, right?" Kakashi said, leading Gilgamesh away and turning to wink at Yamato who only nodded and went to fish.





Morning came, and Gilgamesh got up before Yamato came to his room. Yamato had already arranged the little duplex he built with portable furnishings. He also took care of setting traps, seals, and barrier jutsu all around the perimeter where they stayed so they could be warned if anyone tried to break in. Picking up the shuriken gear, Gilgamesh ran to where the targets were and began throwing them without stopping his run.

'Hmm, if I apply what I was taught yesterday…' Gilgamesh thought as he let his energy flow to the hand containing the shurikens and let them envelop the shurikens as well. Sparks flowed out of the shurikens sparingly as his energy wrapped them.


Gilgamesh picked a target and threw a single shuriken at it. The shuriken, covered in mostly golden-coloured energy, flew at incredible speeds, destroying the target. It still flew without breaking momentum as it triggered an alarm in the barrier set up by Yamato. Two wooden clones of Yamato ran in flanking formation towards the barrier to check out the disturbance and possibly curb it, while Yamato himself rushed out and picked Gilgamesh and rushed him to the duplex for safety. "It's fine, Yamato. I was watching too," Kakashi said, landing beside Yamato and Gilgamesh.


"Eh, what did you do again, Gilgamesh?" Yamato asked with an annoyed expression. Yamato wasn't a morning person even though he was up early. "You wouldn't believe it," Kakashi said as Yamato's clones returned with shuriken covered in dirt. Yamato collected the shuriken and dismissed his clones. "This... It feels like chakra and some kind of energy was present in this shuriken," Yamato said as he studied the weapon while Kakashi waited for realization to dawn on him.


"Impossible... Don't tell me… Already?" Yamato looked at Kakashi then Gilgamesh and sighed. "I guess I have to start taking your training more seriously then. Follow me, Gilgamesh," Yamato said, and Gilgamesh followed. "Now, this morning I will teach you the basics of walking and running on any surface, including water," Yamato said as he walked deeper into the forest with Gilgamesh behind him.


'Amazing. He is just behind me, and I still can't sense his chakra,' Yamato thought and stopped. "Now, just as you passed chakra to envelop your shuriken, which is a feat above what you should be able to do now—don't let it get to your head. You can just do the same by passing a small and constant stream of chakra to the soles of your feet," Yamato said as he casually walked up a tree without using his hands until he perched on a thick branch six feet above the ground.


Gilgamesh nodded and passed some of his energy to his feet as he tried to walk up the tree. Gilgamesh had a hard time staying still since he still had to work harder than normal since he needed to keep the stream constant and his energies balanced.


Yamato soon understood why he couldn't walk up the tree immediately after Gilgamesh's third try. He looked at the shuriken in his hands and shook his head in wonder. The boy was dealing with two energies that don't mix, and just a lapse in concentration could hurt him internally. On the fourth try, Gilgamesh maintained his footing and began walking up the tree slowly. A smile crept on his face as he continued walking until he met Yamato on top.


"I did it! I did it!" Gilgamesh celebrated and decided to run down the tree. Yamato wanted to grab him in case he hurt himself but stopped since hurting was part of learning. But Yamato's jaw dropped when he saw Gilgamesh running up and down the tree. "Now, let me try something," Gilgamesh said as a mischievous smile formed on his face. Yamato was happy for the progress Gilgamesh made but began to feel uncomfortable after hearing Gilgamesh and wanted to stop him, but suddenly Gilgamesh was no longer on the ground.


"Woohoo!" Gilgamesh cheered as the wind swept his hair. Gilgamesh found himself above all the trees in the forest, which were about twenty-two metres (seventy-two feet) tall. "This kid is going to give me a heart attack before I even get fired," Yamato said to himself as his right hand morphed into a wooden slide that reached Gilgamesh's position in the air. Gilgamesh soon experienced free fall and slid down the wooden slide and into Yamato's arms.


After getting down, Gilgamesh rubbed his temples as another memory surfaced in his mind. 'Was that a flying throne?' Gilgamesh thought as his headache soon left him.





... ‘This boy's truly not normal indeed. That outburst of chakra is the same level as a jounin-level ninja. The Third is right, it's better we train him quickly to be a strength for the village, I don’t even want to know what would have happened if he had ended up in another village.’ Kakashi thought. The smoke cleared and Kakashi saw Gilgamesh massaging his head.

‘Anytime he has a headache, something about him changes. Is this a constant evolution or something else? Could he actually be a king like he said when he was still a toddler? But what kind of King?’ Kakashi was in deep thought as Gilgamesh called his attention...


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