Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto




In the early hours of the next morning, Kakashi, Gilgamesh, and an Anbu ninja swiftly traversed from outside the village gates towards the dense forests encircling the village.

Thirty minutes of cautious movement, ensuring they weren't being trailed, brought them to a serene spot featuring a waterfall and encircled by trees providing ample cover.

"This should be good enough," Kakashi declared, signaling the masked ninja who had escorted them.

The masked ninja nodded and, with clasped palms, intoned, "Wood release: Four-Pillar House Technique!" The earth shifted, and wood elegantly emerged from the soil, shaping itself into a compact wooden duplex with two smaller ancillary buildings.

"Alright, you can now introduce yourselves," Kakashi instructed, taking a seat near the waterfall, engrossed in a book.

"I am Gilgamesh. What's your name?" Gilgamesh inquired with a casual tone, folding his hands.

'He is not even bowing his head, at least to show some respect. You just wait, you little brat. Even though The Third gave us instructions, I'll make you respect your seniors!' The masked ninja pondered inwardly.

"I am Yamato. I work directly under the orders of The Third Hokage. I will be one of your instructors," Yamato disclosed, revealing his face by stowing away his mask in a gesture of respect.

"Good, let's start immediately," Gilgamesh declared, offering a polite bow.

'Oh, so he's not just some gifted brat. At least he is eager to learn. But the road ahead will not be easy, young one,' Yamato thought, nodding as he gestured for Gilgamesh to follow him. The duo ventured until they reached the riverbank.

"Now let's talk about molding chakra," Yamato began, gracefully walking on the water.

"I have already done that; it's super easy. I can even sleep while doing that," Gilgamesh nonchalantly interjected, raising his hand.

Sighing, Yamato continued, "You might have done it before, but as your instructor, I want to see you do it again."

"Fine," Gilgamesh acquiesced, looking around boredly.

"Why don't you sit?" Yamato suggested.

"But I am already molding chakra!" Gilgamesh retorted.

"What? You can mold chakra while standing already!" Yamato couldn't conceal his disbelief that an eight-year-old child could effortlessly mold chakra without concentrated effort.

After reading a file on Gilgamesh's recent feats, Yamato attributed it to the boy's unknown origins, believing that no one could be that naturally talented. "Fine. Now channel your chakra to your palm like this," Yamato instructed, raising his right palm with a bluish flow of chakra enveloping it. Kakashi, having observed the scene, joined them, perching on a nearby tree.

"Alright," Gilgamesh responded, waving his hand as if trying to remove something from his arm.

"Gilgamesh, just direct the flow to your hands." Yamato said trying to suppress his earlier surprise and jealousy.

"I am sorry to butt in, but shouldn't he be learning shuriken jutsu and ninja tool safety by now?" Kakashi suggested, dissolving into smoke.

"A clone? Well, he has a point. These things are way too complicated for a young…" Yamato relaxed, turning to face Gilgamesh, but his jaw dropped.

"Is this the colour of your chakra? There is blue and gold just swirling over each other. They are not mixed but coexisting…" Yamato said, only just realizing the possibility of Gilgamesh having another unknown energy source. The incredible feat was that he managed to make those two energies coexist instead of losing control and letting them disrupt from the inside, a potentially fatal outcome that could kill Gilgamesh in the process.

'He is a genius amongst geniuses. Am I even qualified to be one of his instructors? Can I possibly handle this talent?' Yamato questioned his capabilities but soon snapped back to reality, steeling himself.

"Good job. You did what most people can do already. Now, let's get to shuriken jutsu," Yamato said, rubbing his nose.

Yamato erected four wooden dummy targets a few meters away from them. Subsequently, he produced four shurikens, explaining, "Now, I know they resemble stars. However, these stars can inflict considerable harm and prove fatal if mishandled." He then unveiled a shuriken gear bag, unfurling its contents to expose an array of multiple shurikens.

"Let me give you a little demonstration. If you ask me, Kakashi is better than me at this and should be teaching you this. But that doesn't mean I am lacking anyway," Yamato said, looking at Gilgamesh and throwing four shurikens at the targets without even looking at them.

The shurikens hit the heads of the four targets effortlessly, causing Gilgamesh's eyes to widen in excitement.

"You didn't even look!" Gilgamesh exclaimed.

"Anyone at my level can do this with their eyes closed and one hand tied behind their back. Besides, this is easy. The targets are not moving," Yamato commented but concealed his happiness with a cough, appreciating Gilgamesh's growing admiration for his skill.

"Anyway, now let's talk safety," Yamato continued, picking up a shuriken.

"Now, if you want to use these, make sure to put your throwing finger inside the shuriken hole and…" Yamato began, but he noticed Gilgamesh had already thrown a shuriken and failed.

"You know what, scream if you get injured. I will leave a clone here to track your progress," Yamato explained, already tired of teaching a child. He left a clone as promised to watch the boy as he went to the duplex to make preparations.

Evening arrived, and Kakashi caught some fish while Yamato prepared the fish over a fire. The duo reminisced about their past missions and laughed together. As Kakashi savoured the last piece of fish, something struck him in his mind.

"Oi, pass some fish to Gilgamesh," Kakashi instructed Yamato since he didn't want to share his piece.

"Right, here you go Gilgamesh. Don't mind my manners," Yamato smiled, pointing his fish to an empty space.

"Eh," Yamato echoed, smiling with his eyes closed.

"Wasn't Gilgamesh here the whole time?" Yamato asked, sweating buckets, the fish in his hands shaking as he tried to remain calm.

"Don't tell me you haven't checked on him since morning!"





... 'Amazing. He is just behind me, and I still can't sense his chakra,' Yamato thought and stopped. "Now, just as you passed chakra to envelop your shuriken, which is a feat above what you should be able to do now—don't let it get to your head. You can just do the same by passing a small and constant stream of chakra to the soles of your feet," Yamato said as he casually walked up a tree without using his hands until he perched on a thick branch six feet above the ground.


Gilgamesh nodded and passed some of his energy to his feet as he tried to walk up the tree. Gilgamesh had a hard time staying still since he still had to work harder than normal since he needed to keep the stream constant and his energies balanced...


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