Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto





The Third leaned forward and squinted his eyes as he studied the baby before him. His eyes soon widened when he sensed the amount of chakra inside him and another strange energy too.


"What is this?" The Third asked as he got up from his chair to inspect the baby closer.


"We all had the same reaction upon seeing little Gilgamesh and inspecting him. We too do not know anything about his origins." Kurenai stated that she too couldn’t explain Gilgamesh’s unique nature.


Kakashi began to report all that had happened during the mission and mentioned the golden orb that could read their minds as well. The Third listened to this as if Kakashi had just orchestrated a story full of bull but let him continue. By the time Kakashi finished, his jaws were still hanging.


The Third immediately issued a twenty-man team consisting of nineteen Chunin level ninjas and sent his son Asuma, who is a Jounin level ninja with storage equipment, to help Guy and a small Anbu team to tail them for backup. The Third immediately issued accommodations for Gilgamesh and left Kakashi to it. The Third had hope in his eyes and was thankful that his village had received financial aid in these trying times since he didn’t like to engage in the politics of asking for money for the village’s development from its feudal lords. He was also thankful that such a powerful existence didn’t fall into enemy nations and hoped that the child would repay the village and protect it.


'Danzo, just what would you have done if you had gotten your hands on Gilgamesh? Gilgamesh? That name sounds foreign. I have never heard it before.' The Third thought as he tapped on his table twice. Two masked ninjas suddenly appeared before the Third and awaited orders. The Third ordered the two masked ninjas to keep watch over Gilgamesh’s residence whenever Kakashi wasn’t present. The masked ninjas nodded and left a small cloud that dispersed before they teleported out of The Third's office.


Asuma returned successfully with gold, precious metals, rubies, emeralds, and precious stones that would fetch a lot of money. Asuma was compensated for his work and his team was dismissed. The rebuilding of the village went smoothly, and catering for Gilgamesh was easy since his needs were covered by the Third.






Five years went by, and Gilgamesh could already run without falling and speak as if he was older than he seemed. Before he turned three, Asuma and Kurenai would usually look after him when Kakashi was sent on high-level missions. The couple would usually practice raising a child with Gilgamesh but were often surprised by the way Gilgamesh seemed to understand what they were doing even though he was just a baby. Kakashi taught him the basics of communication but soon stopped since Gilgamesh’s learning speed and understanding were far above what his age group could perceive.


On a sunny afternoon with few clouds in the sky, Gilgamesh took a walk outside as he recalled his memories slowly and a little understanding of how he used magic filled his thoughts before he stopped to admire some ninjas running on walls and roofs. He wore a dark yellow shirt, a pair of black trousers, and ninja sandals that gave him a well-to-do look as a young citizen of Konohagakure.


Gilgamesh’s movement outside of his residence was not hindered but was watched day and night by masked ninjas who excelled at hiding their presence.


'These people use weird movements to get around the village quite easily and I must admit I am getting fond of it and would like to run up walls and move through trees as if I were running.' Gilgamesh thought to himself as he walked down the street but was interrupted by a blond boy who ran past him with a paint bucket.


"Come back here you rat! You’ll pay for ruining my cabbages." A shopkeeper yelled as he chased after the blonde boy who wore a white shirt that had a flame sigil on it, a pair of black trousers, and ninja sandals. The blonde laughed to himself and turned back to see the shopkeeper failing to keep up with him.


"Hey Ojisan(middle-aged/old man) you are getting slower these days, you should exercise often!" The blonde chuckled again as he teased the poor old man who was behind.


"You are already making me exercise… huff… you… brat." The shopkeeper exclaimed loudly before giving in to his exhaustion. Perhaps that last shout took everything the old man had as he retired back to his shop cursing the boy in his raspy breath.


Gilgamesh seeing this couldn’t help but laugh as he ran forward and decided to meet this boy. The blonde boy noticed Gilgamesh who he had long passed catch up to him slowly. The blonde boy smiled and picked up pace. Gilgamesh only smiled and increased his pace easily without losing breath and eventually caught up to him.


"I saw how you outran that old man and thought about joining you in your race. You are allowed to call me Gilgamesh; you made me laugh so delight in the honor of calling me by my name." Gilgamesh smiled as he introduced himself while running. His red eyes sparkled as the sun brought out their radiance and his blonde hair bounced and flowed in the air flowed in the air flawlessly as he awaited a response.


"Haha, you talk funny. Alright, Gil, I am Naruto!" Naruto introduced himself with a toothy grin and his eyes closed and gave a thumbs up without stopping his run.


"I will not be disrespected and have a mortal call me… Gil. I am Gilgamesh!" Gilgamesh cautioned as memories of the word Gil surfaced in his mind when he was still a baby. Ever since bits of information about who he was, who he was, and who he wanted to be, he always looked at those memories with a contorted expression.


"Haha, you sound like an old man! But your name is hard to pronounce. Gilga… Gilgameshu... Gigamesh… See, it’s hard! Gil is fine." Naruto explained while running.


"I see, you won’t listen to reason then." Gilgamesh's aura changed from friendly to that of a dominating figure. The masked ninjas that followed Gilgamesh noticed this change and looked at each other then nodded to themselves as one of them left, and the other followed Gilgamesh and Naruto.


"Then I challenge you, the one who calls himself Naruto. If I reach the Hokage's office before you, you will learn to pronounce my name properly." Gilgamesh suggested as the duo continued running.


"Alright Gil, this will be fun; you are on! 


If you noticed, the grammar should be better now. Thanks to Rick being a Patreon, I got an editor on the team. If you want to read ahead you know what to do, go to






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