Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto



Kakashi, Guy, and Kurenai couldn't believe their eyes and what they sensed. The little blonde baby in front of them that had its eyes closed leaked and absorbed chakra almost ceaselessly but there was another energy source that remained in the baby that they couldn't understand and chalked it up to this supernatural event taking place before their eyes.


"I can see awe and confusion in your faces." The golden orb said.


'Who is this child? How did it end up here and how is that pile of gold still there unclaimed? Is it untouched because of that flying creature? Where are the root ninja?' These thoughts filled the trio's heads as they thought of retreating being the best possible action.


"This is not a child even though his lordship took this form. He simply left his reincarnation to me and the place of his rebirth. I simply lacked enough mana (magical energy) to transport him to a better world, instead, we ended up in a civilization that is yet to develop faster than light ships." The orb answered as if trying to answer their scrambled thoughts but only confused them more. The orb's light seemed to imitate a sighing gesture.


"Whatever, you three are now responsible for nurturing until his adulthood. I'm afraid I have reached my limit and will fade away soon. But fear not, when my master regains all his memories I'll be back. Oh, and that gold over there would have been given to anyone willing to take care of him as a form of a stimulus. But from the little I could see in your thoughts that you let me see, your village probably needs that more at that moment." The golden orb explained as its light dimmed lower than before.


"And remember, his name is..." The orb tried to complete its last statement as all its light was nearly lost but struggled to hold on.


"Gilgamesh right? We will remember that." Kurenai said softly as the orb finally let go of its light and dispersed into tiny golden light particles in the atmosphere.


The trio waited for the dispersion to be over and looked at the baby who began to cry. Kakashi crouched and scooped the small gold cradle that had red velvet blankets on the inside wrapping the baby.


"Is this some super baby or what?" Guy asked as he couldn't suppress his curiosity.


"I saw the same thing you saw, what makes you think I'll know any better? Kakashi asked as he stood up to face Guy.


"Well, I am glad that it was us that got to little Gil first rather than the root." Kurenai said trying to steer the conversation to a different path.


"You are already nicknaming the child huh." Guy teased as he raised both his arms and crossed them above his head.


"Anyway, let's go now and report this to Lord Third." Kakashi said trying to keep up with the objective at hand.


"And the gold? Now that the floating thing is gone I don't think the area will be protected again. If you ask me, I'd say that thing had something to do with that lightning and the disappearance of the root ninjas." Guy offered his suggestion and analysis which seemed feasible to the group as they mulled over it in seconds.


"Ok then. Guy, you will stay back and wait for backup and transport for the gold while Kurenai and I will head for the village with the baby-" Kakashi was then interrupted by a pouting Kurenai.


"With Gilgamesh!" Kurenai said as a matter of fact.


"No problem. You can be at ease since the village's blue beast will be handling this." Guy said as he gave a thumbs up and revealed his pearly white teeth.


"With you here, nobody should be able to touch the gold. We will be off then." Kakashi waved Guy off, jumped towards the tree branches, and started his journey with Kurenai back to the village.



Meanwhile, in an underground facility heavily guarded by hidden masked ninjas a shout could be heard from there.


"Damn it!" Danzo scowled.


"Who could have killed them instantly all together? Could it be the Hokage? But he is still in his office at the moment. Could a clone be the one at the office?" Danzo made assumptions as he paced around in annoyance. The sensory ninja that used a head gear machinery could tell that the squad Danzo sent was immediately annihilated and all at once! Danzo was beside himself when he heard that news.


"The only ones capable of killing six jounin-level ninjas are Lord Third, but he is probably in the village, Jiraiya and Tsunade are not even in the village. Could it be an enemy attack?" Danzo kept speculating as he squeezed his walking stick.


Kakashi and Kurenai arrived at the gate and checked in with the guards at the gate and said nothing about the cradle that was completely covered with a red cloth and referred to it as highly classified info for the Hokage only. The guards nodded after making their checks and let the duo go.


Kakashi and Kurenai ran at full speed and were free running and scaling roofs till they reached the biggest building near the stone faces with a kanji on it that read 'fire'. The ninjas and Anbu guarding the mansion sensed their presence and didn't act since they were expected.


"Hatake Kakashi reporting!" Kakashi said as he used the body flicker jutsu to appear in the Hokage's office and Kurenai followed suit.


The Third Hokage wore a stern expression as he observed the two.


"I don't see Guy with you. What happened?" Normally, the third wouldn't have doubts about Guy's safety of all leaf ninjas but the unnatural phenomena concerning the golden pillar of light concerned him.


"He is waiting for backup and transportation as we speak." Kurenai joined in.


"Backup and transportation? Did a mountain fall on him or what?" The third asked while arching his eyebrows, he had barely noticed what Kakashi carried in his hands.


"This is Gilgamesh."


Replying to Slipneat's comments in chapter two: Danzo trains his root ninja to be devoid of emotions, that is correct. But still, on several occasions in the series, we have seen root ninjas failing in that aspect. They are not the complete soldier you paint them to be, only Shisui was the perfect soldier with the mindset to protect Konoha at all costs. Even in his dying moments he never said he loved Itachi or he would miss the clan or anything, he simply told Itachi to carry on with his mission. 

Now let me list examples of root ninjas failing in that aspect

  1. Sai. Just a few talk no jutsus and some missions with Naruto got him questioning himself. 
  2. Captain Yamato is also in tune with his human emotions from time to time but still makes effective decisions anyway. 
  3. Even Torune (A bug user) lost composure and showed emotion when fighting Obito. 
  4.  Anyone who comes across a small exhibition of Gilgamesh's treasure would naturally falter since everything he owns is in its original form and is something any mortal would want. Anything from his treasury is enviable and desired by most.
  5. And thank you for the comment.


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