Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto








Gilgamesh alerted me that there were ninjas upfront with the code word he decided to use, Worm. Before we left the village I argued with him that worms don’t seem appropriate but he responded with, “Who’s the sensory type ninja here?”


With that response, I gave up and decided on the code word, ‘Worm’. The situation called for the client’s safety so I asked the client, to retreat inside his cart. I suggested leaving the investigation of the ninjas in front with our shadow clones but Gilgamesh said he couldn’t make one. I looked at his face for signs of a joke, because if it was so, I would charge him for not taking the mission seriously as captain in this mission.


The blonde kid didn’t even give me the time of day to come up with a plan and just ran off. Looking ahead, I began to assume that it was because he might have some advantages physically when compared to his peers because his speed was impressive but nothing I couldn’t keep up with.


I left a clone with the client, the clone hid in one of the trees at the side of the road, watching the client and looking out for any ambush.


I ran as fast I could and activated my Sharingan, as much as I don’t really care about Gilgamesh, I don’t want to lose someone important to The Third and the village as well. It will not bode well for my name and credibility as well as the Uchiha clan. Besides the details given to me were to escort the client with Gilgamesh to the village hidden in the sand but the priority was to regroup with the rest of the jounin following the head merchant and most importantly come back with Gilgamesh.


I stopped my run and perched on a tree when I noticed two bandits hidden in a bush, tied up and one of them was with little clothing.


Could this be the work of Gilgamesh? Does he already know the basics of infiltration? Well, I did hear he spends his time in the ninja library.’ I mused in my head and made my way to the bodies.


They are still alive. Hmm, let me keep it that way for now. The amount of chakra they have screams genin-level ninja. I can’t even sense that weird chakra of his. Does this mean he fought them without using jutsu? Is he really a chunin level ninja?’ I thought to myself as I woke the ninjas up and put them under genjutsu to knock them out properly just to be sure. I was then interrupted by a loud explosion, which caused him to turn his head in the direction of the explosion.


There is no time to interrogate these guys with my genjutsu. I better hurry!’ I assumed the worst and made my way to the cave.


I ran to the side of the entrance of the dark cave, crouched and took a look in, what surprised me was the number of injured and almost dead ninjas burnt with golden flames that were still burning some clothes and the ground but were dying out slowly. I scanned the bodies with my Sharingan, ignoring the fight--wait who is fighting?


I quickly turned my eyes to a fight between a young man and someone with a smaller build. I also saw someone sneaking away from the fight. Doesn’t he know all cloaking jutsu are meaningless before the Sharingan? Well, I don’t blame him, he doesn’t know I am here, and it is wise for him to leave.


I can sense a little amount of the chakra in the remaining golden flames belonging to someone I know and the person with the smaller build is obviously Gilgamesh since I can’t even sense his chakra. Even though I recognized his outfit, in the ninja world, one has to look past appearances or it may cost you your life. Many have lost their lives because they saw me as a powerless kid. Anyway, since Gilgamesh seems to be handling that ninja that is showing good taijutsu and bukijutsu(ninja’s use of weapons) this convinces me that Gilgamesh is a capable chunin and better than most at his level. I don’t know how many times he used his fireball jutsu to burn this amount of ninjas, but that just shows how deep his chakra reserves are, I won’t question his capability as a chunin from now on.


Meanwhile, let me help by taking out this trash.




"Boss!" The vice-captain called in agony and annoyance.


Don’t tell me he left with his cloaking jutsu? That rat bastard! If that’s the case then there is only one thing left to do! I will destroy this cave and take this kid out with me!’ The vice-captain concluded in his mind as he steeled himself to use a water style jutsu to break the ceiling.


Gilgamesh at the moment, unlocked another feature of his sensing skills, he could now perceive the emotions of his opponent and sensed resolve along with suicidal intent coming from his opponent.


Itachi is already here, so I don’t need to worry about that idiot escaping. Gilgamesh thought as he quickly glanced at the captain of the bandits leaving and Itachi preparing a present for him at the entrance.


The vice-captain began to weave hand signs but Gilgamesh could see it and decided against throwing a chakra-infused kunai at his fingers which would break concentration but also pass through his hands and body, fatally wounding him. Instead, Gilgamesh decided against that. He had been practising how to invent his own elemental jutsu and concluded he could only do that predominantly with his mana.


Time had come and his life was at stake, what better time for a breakthrough than now! Gilgamesh also began weaving signs along with the vice-captain who only laughed.


“It's futile young man, it’s a pity, you are so young and talented, but you are about to join those who showed off their talents too early in the grave!” The vice-captain concluded and shot a massive concentrated water torrent coming from his mouth with more than half of his chakra!


Hello there followers of HeavenlyEnel! Update on the audio... My laptop crashed again, AGAIN! Worry not, the file was backed up so you will have it soon to enjoy. Be a Patreon, let me get closer to getting a better pc.

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