Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto







“What are you doing?” Shisui asked as golden and blue flames lit up at the tips of Gilgamesh’s fingers.


“Just something to make sure you don’t break our promise.” Gilgamesh paused to explain.


“How do you know forbidden sealing jutsu?” Shisui asked with concern.


“It’s funny the things you learn when you visit a library, I suggest you improve your reading habits. After all, it has gotten me this far.” Gilgamesh said as he lifted Shisui’s jacket, exposing his stomach.


“If you break our promise…” Gilgamesh began to explain as his right hand hovered over Shisui’s stomach.


“It will kill me from the inside?” Shisui asked with an angry expression.


“Heavens no. You are too precious of a tool to just use and dispose of, I am no barbarian.” Gilgamesh said and paused to allow various thoughts to fill Shisui’s head.


Gilgamesh’s hold on his genjutsu was coming to an end. The problem was not the lack of chakra or his energies to fuel it but his concentration that began to waver, still, Gilgamesh wanted Shisui to believe he could make the barrier genjutsu last as long as he wanted.


Shisui gulped at that thought and accepted the conditions as Gilgamesh’s fingers touched his stomach and a black inscription appeared and burnt his skin then disappeared immediately after.


“I believe we are done.” Gilgamesh said as his figure began to dissipate into golden particles and the barrier genjutsu wore off seconds later.


Shisui broke out in a cold sweat as his jacket and trousers were soaked with perspiration.


“What kind of monster is that?” Shisui thought as he lay down on the grass to recover.






As usual, the people of the village would give Naruto hateful looks especially the shopkeepers since it was a festive season at that time.


Where is Gilgamesh? I went to his place again but he hasn’t been around for quite some time.’ Naruto thought as he wandered the village aimlessly and ignored the random insults thrown at him.


“Did he find out about me from the village?” Naruto said as his expression turned sour.


Naruto came through a playground where other kids played and wondered if he could join them. There were three boys near a swing and taking turns sharing the swing. Naruto approached them cheerfully to join in on the fun. The boys upon seeing Naruto approach them, rejected him and left the place for him as if he were a plague.


“Listen, make sure you don’t follow us, you got that?” One of the boys said and walked away with the group.


Naruto once again was left speechless and with a blank expression on his face. But Naruto could only be positive about it as he stuck out his tongue in defiance after the boys left.


If you tell me not to follow, then of course I will.’ Naruto thought as he headed for the shopping district.



A shopkeeper yelled at Naruto, pushed him away, and only responded by throwing a mask at his head, Naruto insisted on buying another mask with his money but the shopkeepers did not want to receive anything from the boy. Some adults gathered as they tried to scold Naruto but Naruto stood his ground.


“Hey, I am only looking at some masks. And I even have the money to buy one.” Naruto said as he got up irritated.


“Why are you all… looking at me like that?” Naruto said as he tried to hold back tears and left the place in a hurry.


Holding his mask with his head down, Naruto walked away from the shopping district slowly. Two boys around the same age as Naruto watched him as he left the district, one of them with a spiky ponytail hair was in deep thought as he observed the whole thing.


It was evening, and Naruto could be seen running with younger children and playing with them since they didn’t know not to talk to him or play with him. But their parents arrived to pick up their kids from the playground and scolded their little ones about playing with Naruto. The spiky ponytail boy in the shopping district who came to the playground to have fun and observe Naruto was also called by his father.


“Shikamaru, come let’s go!” A spiky pony-tailed man with a green shinobi jacket and outfit yelled from the entrance of the playground.


“Oh, father!” Shikamaru the spiky pony-tailed boy answered and quickly ran to his father.


“Since Choji is with you, we will walk him home as well!” Shikamaru’s dad said.


“Jaane (see you later), Naruto.” Shikamaru said after passing Naruto.


“Jaane, Naruto.” A chubby boy with shoulder-length red hair also responded to Naruto as he passed him by as well.


“Ah, Yeah.” Naruto smiled and saw Shikamaru’s father hold Shikamaru by his hand. Naruto looked at that scene with longing and a sense of envy as they left.


“Ouch!” Naruto yelled as he felt a slap behind his head.


“Oh please, family is overrated anyway. Stop looking like a lost puppy and let your senpai take you out to eat!” A boy with the same height as Naruto with golden hair and red coloured iris announced himself behind the stunned Naruto.


“… Gilgames… Gil!” Naruto said trying to hold back his tears immediately jumped and hugged Gilgamesh.


“Haha, I take back what I said. You are a lost puppy indeed!” Gilgamesh said as he laughed while hugging Naruto.


“Wait a minute, we are the same age! There’s no way you are my senpai!” Naruto said as he smiled ear to ear.


Releasing an obvious cough, Gilgamesh called to attention his new outfit.


“There’s no way… Are you a ninja already?” Naruto said as he scanned Gilgamesh’s body and checked his kunai and headband.


“C’mon hop on my back, it will be faster. And be honoured, not many have had the privilege to experience this from me.” Gilgamesh said as he squatted. Naruto simply laughed at him but decided to play along and got on Gilgamesh’s back.

“Alright, here we go!”



Read ahead up to 20 chapters of 'Gilgamesh Reborn in Naruto' ahead on

Read ahead up to 10 chapters of 'The Crazy Adventures of Kevin' ahead on

Finally, Kevin has caught up to Lord Gilgamesh in collections on Webnovel! What a hard-fought battle! Put some respect for Kevin's name! And the fans of Lord Gilgamesh, what's going on? Because of Kevin's recent feat, expect another chapter this week from both fanfics!

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