Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 753 - Queen\\\'s life experience

After the three-day sacrifice, Manda took the people to the palace and began meticulous investigation.

No one can let go, especially those who have been in contact with Tikas, they may all be Odysseus pretending to be.

This is a very complicated task. Under normal circumstances, if Odysseus gets into the crowd, the probability of trying to find him is almost zero. He has countless ways to make the other party ignore his existence.

Fortunately, Manda is not normal, he has the means to restrain Odysseus.

If Odysseus is really in the palace, for example, he pretends to be a guard, he can tamper with the memories of other guards and make everyone think that he is a guard.

But he must cover his bloodstone, otherwise he can’t hide from Manda’s first-order skills. Manda requires everyone to show his chest when inspecting guards and servants, and a large number of people can be eliminated by first-order skills alone.

It’s a pity that this time it was not a large number of people, but everyone, all men.

There is no Odysseus among the men in the palace.

Then it’s the maid’s turn. In the past, Manda would ask them to show their chests as well and check them one by one. Manda’s purpose is pure and his eyes are pure, so he doesn’t need to care about so many worldly concerns.

But the current situation is different. Manda is already an extremely human minister, and the new king has just ascended the throne. If he does something too strong and falls into an X chaotic palace, it will attract a wave of siege from the good.

Fortunately, he has another way. If Odysseus wants to pretend to be a woman, he must use disguise. All disguise can’t fool Chuyt’s eyes, unless Odysseus uses skills and is forced to let Chuyt had forgotten.

Manda is standing beside Chuyt. As long as Odysseus uses the skill, Manda will definitely feel the pressure. With the cooperation of the two people, Manda believes that Odysseus has absolutely no possibility of concealing it. They contrasted. The roster was checked one by one, and there were a lot of maids, but in the end Odysseus was not found.

There is only one goal left-the former maid and now the queen, Zola.

Maybe she is Odysseus, but according to the maids, their wedding night is very intense. Odysseus is a person who can bear the humiliation, but he is a man after all.

A man spends such a fierce night without being noticed…how is it technically realized?

Even if he tampered with the prince’s memory, when he found out that he was a man, would the prince still have to go?

Don’t make unnecessary guesses, Odysseus is such a person without a bottom line! The best way is to call out Zola and check it out.

But this is not easy. Tikas can bear everything Manda does in the palace, but he can’t bear it only when it comes to Zola.

“She followed me to escape from the palace, where I go, wherever she follows, no matter how much I have suffered, she takes care of me, protects me, and has never despised me, she is my woman, I will never allow you If you hurt her, you will not be allowed to humiliate her!”

Follow you to endure hardship? Did not dislike you? Is this amazing? Although Tikas has always been a puppet, neither the Minister of State nor Manda has made him suffer.

What qualifications does a maid have to dislike a king? Even a down-and-out king has an identity and status that she can hardly match!

This maid must have a problem!

Manda must check Zola, but Tikars would rather die.

Manda has seen a lot of people who would rather die than follow. Most of them pretend or don’t understand the concept of death. As long as they are forced to serve it, they can’t help it.

But Tikas is true, he is not afraid of death, but made up his mind to fight with death.

The two sides couldn’t help but they didn’t expect Zola to take the initiative to stand up.

“Master Claudesai, I will promise you any inspection you want!”

This magnanimity surprised Manda, but what surprised him was still behind.

“My man, my master, my eternal sun, please leave for a while and let Crowdersey and I settle this matter alone.”

“I won’t take a step away from you!”

“Please believe me, and please believe in Lord Claudesai. He is your loyal courtier and I am your loyal woman. Give me some time. He will clear his doubts and I will wash away my grievances.”

Although reluctant, Tikas still obeyed Zola’s suggestion and left the conference hall.

Zola said to Manda: “Please also your subordinates leave temporarily.”

What is this for? Want to fight with me?

Speaking of heads-up, Manda is really not afraid of Odysseus.

But Zola gave a reasonable explanation: “I will prove to you my innocence, but please also leave me a little bit of dignity.”

Manda called everyone to open the hall, and Chuyt whispered: “My lord, you must be careful.”

“Are you afraid I can’t beat her?”

“Don’t worry that you won’t be able to fight, I’m worried that you can’t tell, I can confirm that she didn’t use Disguise.”

Manda’s heart was half cold. She did not use disguise, nor did Manda feel the pressure of her skills, which proved that the other party was indeed a woman.

This can basically remove Zola’s suspicion, unless she has the clever means to fool Chuyt.

But Zola gave further proof, but after everyone left the hall, she took off her clothes and left nothing.

Manda hurried back a few steps, Zola did it too thoroughly, he really couldn’t tell.

When Zola removed the necklace from her neck, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of Manda’s eyes.

She has a **** blood stone?

Manda raised her head, stared at the opponent’s chest for a while, then moved her gaze away.

There is indeed a **** blood stone, but the value is not very impressive, only a few hundred gold coins, it should be a second-tier.

Is it just a second order? But the necklace on her body is really good, and it’s very rare that a fetish that can escape Manda’s first-order skills.

Without waiting for Manda to ask, Zola has already given an explanation: “This necklace belongs to my mother and mine. She is a fifth-tier believer of the Sea God. Ten years ago, she died under the siege of a group of divine punishments. It was the only thing she left to me.

I took this necklace and begged all the way to the royal capital. According to my mother’s last words, I defected to the Minister of State, Lasio.

Master Lesio took me in, but he was quickly spotted by Archbishop Howett. In desperation, he could only send me to His Royal Highness. I stayed with His Royal Highness for eight years. “

While talking, Zola’s fingertips rotated, and a group of liquid appeared on her palm, the liquid with the unique salty taste of sea water.

“Like my mother, I am also a believer in Poseidon and a very gifted believer. Three months before my mother died, I was promoted. I was only eleven years old at that time. Unfortunately, I have never been promoted since then.

I still retain my faith and pray to the sea **** at least once a day. I have thought about leaving the prince. I have thought about living bravely and freely like my mother. Unfortunately, I can’t do it.

I love His Royal Highness, I fell in love with him from the day I understood what love is. Maybe all of you think that I am just a black crow that wants to become a swan, but whether you believe it or not, I really love him, even if he becomes a beggar on the street, I still stay with him.

Lord Claudesai, if you still don’t believe me, you can kill me right away, but please don’t tell the truth to my man, please tell him that I am gone, I went to a far place and let him wait For me, I will come back one day, although he will be sad in this way, but he won’t be so sad. “

When she spoke, Zola had tears in her eyes, but she always had a smile on her face.

Although her life is a bit pitiful, Manda still wants to kill her because this is the best way to solve the problem.

But she can’t be killed now, because Manda can’t find a reasonable explanation.

Did she really say she went a long way? If Tikas was only nine years old, this lie would really have deceived him, but he was nineteen years old.

If Zola was killed now, it would be tantamount to driving Tikas to a dead end.

“Your Majesty,” Manda leaned over to salute, “Forgive me for offense.”

He begged Zola to put her clothes back on, she was indeed just a second-order believer of Poseidon, she was not Odysseus, and she did not pose any threat to Manda.

Zola took the necklace and said: “This thing can be handed to I don’t need to hide my identity anymore.”

“You’d better stay with me, how could I take away the gift my mother left for you.”

Manda walked out of the conference hall, and Ticus rushed in and hugged Zola tightly.

He turned around and shouted at Manda: “Claudes, you see! She is not a demon, nor a monster, she is my woman, nothing more! I will never forget today’s humiliation. !”

Manda ignored Tikas, there was only one thing in his mind.

Where did Odysseus go? He must have been to the royal capital! But is he still in the royal capital now?

On the same day, Manda issued a reward order. As long as he could find out the whereabouts of Odysseus, it was verified to be true, and he could be named an earl and get a corresponding fief. If he could kill him, he could also get another city.

Three days later, Manda received the news.

It wasn’t the news about Odysseus, it was the news from the Blue Wolf Kingdom, the Blue Werewolf sent troops.

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