Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 754 - Black Wolf King

After being rejected so many times and clamoring so many times, the gray werewolf had only thunder but no rain.

But Manda only rejected the gray werewolf once, and they were really moved.

Fortunately, Manda planted a spy in the Blue Wolf Kingdom. The enemy army had five days to travel from the border. Manda gave all the government affairs to Longgesen and went to Heishui City alone.

Elmen’s castle is still the same, there are countless beautiful men and women in it, and almost all the women have their stomachs straight.

Having been with Manda for so many years, from the deception and fooling at the beginning, to the fear and obedience later, to this day, although El Meng has not put down his guard, there is already some trust between the two.

Knowing that the gray wolf army was approaching, Al Meng was quite surprised: “I was negligent. It was only five days away from here. My spies didn’t receive any news, but don’t worry too much about this. The grassland is beginning to turn green. Now is a good time to graze, the gray werewolves don’t want to fight, just give them gold coins to pass them.”

Manda smiled and said, “I feel more at ease with your words. I really don’t want to fight with them. How much do you think is appropriate for them?”

“It depends on who is leading the troops. The generals in the south will be more greedy, and the generals in the north will be better off. If you encounter a pauper near the desert, giving him five thousand gold coins can almost send him home.”

Manda was overjoyed, but he really didn’t know the origin of the enemy general. The spies only saw his name on the battle flag: “Sayed, have you heard of this person?”

“Sayed?” Al was stunned and blinked his eyes. “Among the wolf men, Said is a very common name. Among the wolf generals I know, three are called Said.”

This can be troublesome, the information sent by the spies is limited, but it is always right to prepare more gold coins.

“First help me prepare 20,000 gold coins, and then I will send them to you from the capital. They only have more than 3,000 people, so it should be enough.”

“More than 3,000 people would dare to come to war?” With contempt on his mouth, Al Meng’s expression was a little nervous, “Are there any characteristics of their army?”

This really knocked Manda down. The spies didn’t describe too many characteristics. The letter seemed to only mention one sentence: “Their battle flag is black.”

“Black Wolf King! No wonder my spies can’t find him.” Al’s eyes rounded fiercely, and he was silent for a while.

“Who is the Black Wolf King? Is he good at fighting or greedy?”

Al Meng did not answer. He paced in the hall for a while and said: “Heishui City has more than 10,000 soldiers. It is better to defend the city. But now is the time for spring plowing. They cannot be allowed to destroy the farmland. If you want to fight outside the city, you must Qixing Mountain has to send some reinforcements.”

Manda surprised: “Didn’t I tell you, I don’t want to fight.”

Al Meng seemed to have not understood Manda’s meaning, and continued to talk to himself; “I’m old, I’m afraid I can’t make it to the battlefield… Can help.”

Lord Meng Jue is always confused? Manda reminded again: “I don’t want to fight a war, only 20,000 gold coins, I won’t fall back on my account, and I will pay you back with the profit.”

“Master Claudesai, I know that your identity is different than before. You may have more worries, but the Black Wolf King cannot be dismissed by gold coins. We must fight this battle.”

“Why? Is the Black Wolf King not greedy or short of money?”

“He is very greedy and short of money, but he is unreasonable and gave him gold coins. He accepts them correctly, but he still has to fight.”

“In other words, this man is a rascal!”

“Don’t despise this rascal, he has fought a whole life, and the people he fought against are miserable.”

“It’s only three thousand people, how hard can it make me suffer?”

“It’s easy to deal with if there are more people, and it’s harder to find if there are fewer people. He never fights directly with people. The purpose of his war is not occupation or plunder, but pure destruction.”

Pure destruction? Manda seemed to understand Elmeng’s panic.

The Blue Wolf Kingdom sent the Black Wolf King over, purely to add disgust to Manda.

“You can’t let them get close to Heishui City,” Al fiercely fidgeted. “He will kill all the shepherds outside the city, then the farmers, then the farmland, and all the merchants who come and go.

Whether it is a wolfman or a Roma passerby, as long as the people near Blackwater City, they will not let them go, and we will not find them until the end, at least double the strength, we can stop them! “

Double the strength? Twenty thousand and three thousand?

Manda smiled and said: “Even if I really want to fight, I won’t fight such a shameful battle. You defend the city here and give me a hundred people. That’s enough.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Give a gift to the Black Wolf King.”

“It’s really useless. A hundred people will die if they go there. They have no credibility and don’t understand any rules. They are more brutal and nasty than robbers!”

“I like this kind of person,” Manda said, standing up, “I have met too many people who speak the rules recently. It’s been a long time since I met such a cheerful opponent.”

“I have to remind you that the Black Wolf King is a sixth-order demigod.”

“Rank six? A believer of Titan God?”

“Not Titan, but the **** of Olympia, Eurynomos.”

Euryno Moss? Rotten God!

Manda sniffed, fearing that he would encounter a biochemical attack this time.

“Besides, you can’t find him,” Elmeng is still trying to dissuade Manda. “In the wilderness, no one can find his whereabouts.”

“I know where he is, and I’m ready to go with a horse and a carriage. I don’t want him to get too close to Heishui City.”

Fifty cavalrymen and ten carriages followed Manda from Heishuicheng.

The Black Wolf King’s army is indeed difficult to track, the marching route is weird, the schedule of work and rest is uncertain, and he often sends soldiers to sweep the tail behind him. After the spies found them, they were lost in less than half a day.

Fortunately, he buried a spell in advance, which had Guatle’s “snot” on it, which happened to stick to the enemy’s horseshoes. It was with this spell that Manda was sure to find it in the wilderness. The whereabouts of the enemy.

After marching for three days, Manda saw the enemy camp.

The Black Wolf King’s army never set up camps, and the so-called camps are just places where people gather together and sleep in the open.

The spring afternoon is very suitable for marching, but the Black Wolf King chose to camp at this time. It seems that he likes to keep the strength of the soldiers at night.

Manda slowly approached the camp with his cart and horse. There were about five or six hundred steps away, and they were surrounded.

More than three hundred cavalrymen formed a sparse encirclement. There was a considerable distance between the cavalrymen. People could easily run over, but it was very difficult for the horses to pass through.

There was no warning, no negotiation, and the first man in black made a condition directly: “Leave the cart and horse, you guys get out.”

Manda smiled and said, “Leave the cart and horse, and you won’t let us leave alive.”

The black man’s head and face were covered with black gauze, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the corners of his eyes were hanging down and said: “You talk a lot.”

Manda looked around. The rest of the soldiers were all dressed in black. They didn’t draw their swords. They watched quietly, as if they were sure that Manda didn’t dare to resist. Even if they resisted, it would not pose any threat to them.

When Manda turned his face again, the man in black urged the horse to be in front of him: “You are right. Not only should you leave the horse and the horse, you have to save your life.”

The words fell to the ground, the knife was out of its sheath, and it swept across Manda’s neck in an instant, then retracted into the sheath in the blink of an eye.

The man in black sat on the horse, waiting for Manda’s head to fall.

The soldiers in Heishui City couldn’t see the movements of the man in black at all, and couldn’t even see the light of the opponent’s sword.

They can only confirm one thing, Manda is dead.

This group of soldiers are not very familiar with Manda. Most of them have never seen Manda They are not in the mood to mourn for Manda, and they have no idea of ​​revenge for Manda. They want to run away and beg for mercy. Make a difficult choice between.

But they found that Manda’s head did not fall, his body did not fall, and they heard him say: “Your knife is so slow, why come out and eat?”

The man in black was shocked, he drew the knife again, but found that the machete was half short.

Holding half of the short knife, he wanted to cut again, Manda stuck the half of the blade in his chest into his chest.

The soldiers in Heishui City couldn’t see the movements of the man in black, and the man in black didn’t see what Manda did.

This scimitar was just right in depth and wouldn’t kill the man in black, but it would make him bleed continuously.

The surrounding cavalry drew out their scimitars and pointed their blades at Manda.

Manda looked at the crowd and said with a grinning smile: “Come on, everyone who is not afraid of death will come.”

After waiting for a long time, no one dared to go, Manda tore the man in black headed off the horse, pulled out half of the knife from his chest, and inserted it into his cheek: “Take me to see the Black Wolf King, If you are not afraid of the pain, you can go slower.”

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