Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 798 - Intractable disease

The orange potion flowed into the ice cubes along the gap and into the wounds of the two patients. The black worms tumbling and wriggling in the wounds quickly calmed down.

It is not difficult to poison these worms, but the difficulty is that the patient cannot be poisoned to death. After trying more than a dozen drugs, this orange drug successfully killed all the worms without killing the two people.

The disease crisis was resolved, and Manda gave Lasius a great reward. Unfortunately, Lasius didn’t need gold coins, jewelry, or fetishes. He only needed a can of wine and a roast chicken.

Such a person is worthy of admiration, but it is also difficult to buy.

Manda rushed to prepare a batch of powder and sent it to Frost Flower City, and ordered no one to approach the forest without authorization.

When he returned to the royal capital, Lasius was gone. He ate the roast chicken, drank the wine, and left the plate and the wine jar.

“This is a good person, a good person worthy of respect,” Manda sighed lightly. “It’s a pity that I’m so lucky. Maybe I won’t have the chance to meet again in the future.”

Two days later, Rasius came to Manda’s mansion.

“The angels of the gods on earth, we meet again.”

Manda nodded and said, “I also feel a little surprised.”

This time he was holding a person behind him, his whole body covered with heavy bandages.

Manda was startled: “This person also got the disease?”

Lasius nodded and said, “The sick from Jiaoyecheng.”

“Is it dyed with black velvet worms too?”

“It’s not a black velvet worm.” Lasius pulled the man’s hand and unwrapped a little bandage. When a small piece of skin was exposed, under the sunlight, the skin instantly turned into thick smoke, and the exposed flesh and blood quickly disappeared. It was scorched.

Because the bandage was too heavy, the patient did not scream, but it can be judged from the jitter of the body that the sun’s rays made him very painful.

Lasius helped him wrap his bandages: “This person can’t see the light. The same symptoms have occurred in Jiaoye City, and most of them have turned to ashes in the sun.”

“Is this disease also contagious?”

“Yes,” Lasius nodded, “if bitten by a patient, the same symptoms will appear.”

Seeing death after being bitten? Could it be that this is the ancestor of vampires?

“This disease may not be easy to cure…” Manda thought for a long time, but couldn’t think of a witchcraft to treat this strange disease.

Lasius said: “The patient died of light. You should know who the plague came from.”

Apollo, he and Artemis have been restless.

Although this disease is difficult to treat, there is some prevention. It is good to let all the people come out to bask in the sun on a regular basis.

Lasius was disappointed with Manda: “I thought you would save them, but I didn’t expect you to be so cruel.”

“If you don’t be cruel to them, you will be cruel to more people. Before you can find medicine, you can only eliminate the source of the disease.”

“It’s useless to kill them all!” Lasius was a little angry. “You don’t know how the plague comes to the world at all. If Apollo changes a city and drops the plague, what should you do?”

“Calm down, my friend,” Manda showed great patience for kind and stubborn people. “I will continue to look for ways to treat them, but before I can treat them, I must let as few people as possible contract the disease. .”

That night, Manda called Pluto and treated for three full days, but Pluto failed.

On the fourth day, Pluto unfolded a painting and got into it. Two days later, holding a pile of medicine, he got out haggardly.

Manda said with concern: “Thanks for your hard work.”

“It’s nothing, studying witchcraft is a painstaking task.”

“Are there any gains?”

“You can give it a try. I have thought of some new prescriptions in the past few days.”

“Think of it all by you?”

“Yes.” Pluto was a little unnatural.

“Is the tundra witch okay?” Manda hit the spot.

“You can go in and say hello to her,” Pluto pointed at the painting, “Don’t say I didn’t remind you, there is more than one witch in it.”

Pluto’s medicines didn’t work, and Manda was helpless, so he could only continue to execute the killing order. This epidemic took away one-fifth of Jiaoyecheng’s population. This prosperous city is now full of infected people. The ashes of the person.

Manda can receive warnings from different gods every night. They all have the same requirement. They must receive sacrifices, otherwise the plague will continue to spread.

Manda did not issue an order for sacrifice, nor did he organize any sacrifice.

Half a month later, Lasius reappeared. This time he brought two young men, their hands and feet were tied with chains, and their mouths carried heavy chews like animal animals.

“What kind of illness is this again?”

Rasius said: “From the plague from Leather Shield City, if I untie them, these two men will fight desperately until one dies. The victorious side will continue to attack the other men, and the attacked side will also continue to attack the other men. Full of fighting spirit, fight to the end.”

Manda was startled: “This is a pretty good disease. If it can be used on the battlefield…”

“You think too much,” Rasius pointed at the two men. “They won’t obey orders at all. They will only fight each other. Even if they are brothers, they will fight until one of them dies. If this disease spreads. Come, the men of a city will soon die, and even the men of the entire kingdom will not be spared.”

“Not so exaggerated!” Manda looked indifferent, he had seen too many weird things recently, “Which **** is this disease spreading?”

Lasius pondered for a long time: “The only reasonable explanation should be Ares. This is in line with Ares’ tyrannical temperament.”

It couldn’t be Ares, he fell completely, and the remaining soul was wiped out by Hermes.

The man became full of fighting spirit, could it be because of Athena? After all, he is also the **** of war.

But Athena’s living condition is worrying, basically in the state of the neck of the knife holder, Hermes is strictly watching, and he dare to come out and do things?

Manda stared at the two men, first to know why they were fighting.

These two men, one in their twenties and one in their forties, are very strong. Manda took off the bit of the young man and asked, “Why are you fighting him to death?”

The young man said: “He doesn’t even have a wife. He lives by himself, but lives in a house with six houses. I have a wife and four children, but I can only squeeze in a shack!”

Manda unlocked the middle-aged man’s bit and asked: “Because he hit you, so you have to fight back?”

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: “I wanted to beat him a long time ago. This stupid boy has no money and no ability. Why does he have a wife and children!”

The young man smiled and said, “That’s because I used that thing. Both of your wives ran away. Who doesn’t know that you are a useless person!”

The middle-aged man’s veins violently broke out, and suddenly broke free from the tie, and knocked the young man’s nose with one punch, and two punches made the young man unconscious.

Manda now believes in the existence of Lu Zhishen. If he is allowed to hit the third punch, this young man will undoubtedly die. He just wanted to step forward to stop it, but was stopped by Lasius.

He used his skills to freeze the middle-aged man, then turned to Manda and said: “If you accidentally get hurt by him, you will fall into the same madness.”

“It’s an interesting disease.” Manda doesn’t think this disease can bring serious disasters. It’s just a fight. It can only be passed on a single line. One person can pass it on to another, two people fight each other, and one person dies. If another person continues to spread, there should be no possibility of large-scale spread.

But Manda was wrong. The city of Pidun was very close to the king. Three days later, Manda received the news that men in the city were beating each other and hundreds of people were killed every day.

The worst thing is that the soldiers can’t stop this group of men, otherwise they will fall into madness with them.

In the end, it had to rely on Roma. Because the disease was not effective on women, Roma formed a women’s army and spent two days suppressing the riots in Pidun City. At the same time, Pluto also developed a disease control system. Drugs, but drugs have serious side effects.

After being cured by drugs, the middle-aged and young people changed their views of each other.

They sat in the garden, reflecting on the past.

The middle-aged man said: “Come to me, don’t stay in the shack and suffer.”

The young man shook his head and said, “I can’t leave my children, they are too young.”

“Take it together, you know I like children.”

“You know that woman in my family, she is mean, stupid, and unreasonable. I’m afraid she will hurt you.”

“I don’t care!” The middle-aged man squeezed the young man’s From the day I chose you, I have been willing to bear all this! “

From killing each other to falling in love, one pill is enough.

Manda looked at Bruto and said, “What kind of prescription did you use? Why are there such serious consequences?”

“I don’t think it has anything to do with the prescription,” Bruto looked at Manda, “I just weakened their anger, let them let go of their barriers, and become more honest in their hearts.”

“How many people have taken medicine?”

“Almost all the men in Pidun City were infected with the disease. Half of them had taken medicine and became more honest, and the remaining half…”

Either watched them fight to death, or watched them grow old together, the women in Pidun City were completely ignored.

The city is also finished, and it has lost the possibility of prospering.

The oracle ring lit up, and Hermes finally responded.

He had to discuss the situation in front of him. A deity’s malice might be able to cope with it, but Manda couldn’t resist the beating of the gods.

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