Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 799 - Sacrificial order

Latest URL: Hermes sat on the altar and stared at Manda: “Do you think I’m disgusting?”

Manda replied sincerely: “You are the lord of the beloved gods, how come you have such absurd ideas?”

“The gods are deliberately disrupting my order. I don’t understand why they want to do this. My order does no harm to them.”

This question actually doesn’t need to be answered by Manda. Hermes himself knew that from the day when he asked the gods to face mortals, he was destined to be disgusted by the gods.

“But I didn’t expect so many gods to disrupt my order together.”

Manda raised his eyebrows and said, “You said so much, do you have a specific number?”

“More than thirty! I’m scared of you!”

Manda was not too surprised, he was calm, even with a little bit of luck.

Hermes sighed: “The three main gods, plus a group of seventh and sixth-order gods, are all preparing to throw plagues on the world. Artemis and Apollo were expecting it, but I didn’t expect Hess Tia also joined them. Hestia has always been very friendly to mortals! But he has slandered me more than once in his back, saying that I am pleasing to mortals and calling me shameful!

How many times have I said that it was fair trade, not pleasing! The gods need the faith of mortals. What’s wrong with mutual benefit?

There is also Sea Queen Amphitrite. After Poseidon disappeared, she has been following Athena and fought against the Lord of God’s Punishment. The Ocean Protoss suffered heavy losses. I never pursued her, and now she is doing things for me again! You must be prepared for the plague at sea is coming. “

Manda didn’t mind arguing about the reasons, he was thinking about ways to solve the problem.

“If it’s just three or five gods, it’s really hard to deal with, but if it’s thirty or fifty, things are not that complicated.”

Hermes was taken aback for a moment: “What does this mean?”

Manda sorted out his thoughts, and slowly said, “I thought of a way, and it’s time for brothers… father and son to unite.”

Manda took Quinta and Worm to the royal capital, and the three of them ate and slept together, staying home for ten days.

Ten days later, Manda drafted a new decree that stipulated the sacrificial order of Roma.

At the beginning of the classical century, there was a prescribed time and order for worshiping different gods. In the middle and late periods of the classical century, people gradually ignored the order.

Soldiers would sacrifice to Ares and Athena before the war, and the Spartans would sacrifice to their **** of war, Aphrodite.

Craftsmen worship Hephaestus before opening the furnace, sailors worship Poseidon before going out to sea, hunters worship Artemis before going up the mountain, and worship Aphrodite when the business is bad, and business is good. Time, maybe I forgot.

People are inertia. From offering sacrifices when they want to sacrifice to offering sacrifices when they don’t want to sacrifice, this process changes very quickly, ignoring the order of sacrifices, and people also neglecting the status of gods, and finally they become those who ask for gods. At that time, consider the issue of sacrifice.

For this kind of sacrifice, the chance of the gods responding is very slim. This is not the gods’ fault, because they cannot listen to the voices of mortals day and night.

If the gods do not respond, faith will be transferred. Although the Lord of God’s Punishment rarely responds to believers, he does not need sacrifices or complicated sacrificial rituals.

Manda decided to restore the sacrificial order in the early classical period and make certain improvements.

According to classical customs, the twelve months of the year are allocated to the twelve main gods.

It is allocated to Hermes in January, and the New Year’s sacrifice must belong to the Lord of the Gods.

To Hephaestus in February, Aphrodite in March, Dionysus in April, free in May, June, and two months, Athena in July, Apollo in August, and nine Month to Demeter, October to the kitchen **** Hestia, November to Artemis, and December to Hades.

In the months belonging to the main gods, in the first ten days, all parts of the country can only hold sacrifices to the corresponding main gods, and in the next 20 days, sacrifices can be held for the vassals of the main gods. Whether mortals participate in the sacrifices is entirely voluntary, and farmers do not have to sacrifice to Hehuai. Stors, the craftsman does not have to sacrifice to Demeter.

However, apart from Hermes, it is never allowed to publicly sacrifice to gods other than the current month. Even if a war breaks out, you can only pray for the blessing of Hermes and the gods of the month, and sacrifices to Athena are not allowed.

All the gods want to gain more faith in their own month. No **** is willing to lose believers during this period and spread their own interests and goals. This is the best way to disintegrate the enemy.

Before the decree was issued, Manda first gave Hermes a review. The decree of the human world must be issued at the same time as the decree of the gods.

Hermes squeezed his chin and said, “October is coming soon. It is the month that belongs to Hestia. He is the first to be split out!”

Manda shook his head and said: “The first to be split out are the seventh-tier gods and the sixth-tier gods, because there are still two months left.”

Hermes smiled and said, “As expected of my good son!”

Manda nodded and said: “There are still a few days in September, as long as we…”

“Dare to say brother, I will kill you!”

“As long as our father and son are in the same heart, the enemy’s camp will soon fall apart.”

Back at Olympia, Hermes summoned nymphs and released the news.

The ancient order is about to return, and there is an uproar on Mount Olympia.

Hestia is already on the verge of being forgotten by the world. This is a great opportunity to win back believers and faith. He naturally does not want to miss it, but doing so is tantamount to breaking his promise to Apollo.

After hesitating again and again, Hestia decided to discuss the matter with Apollo, but before leaving the temple, he was stopped by the uninvited Demeter.

“Sister, you don’t need to discuss this matter with anyone, your beliefs and your believers, it is not the turn of anyone to point out!”

Demeter is Hestia’s most trusted friend in the mountains. He fought against the Lord of God’s Punishment. If Demeter hadn’t rescued him from the dead, Hestia would not have come back alive.

As the eldest daughter of Cronus, a respected existence among the twelve gods, Hestia didn’t want to betray the covenant.

“Apollo and I have an agreement that we must never give up the majesty of the gods to please mortals.”

“When mortals kneel under your idol and shout your name, do you think this is pleasing them?

They have been busy for a year and want to surround the warm stove and enjoy the warmth of the family. Shouldn’t we give them blessing?

When brave pioneers conquer a savage land with both hands, don’t you want to light up the sacred fire for them? “

Hestia shook his head and said: “The prerequisite for the blessing of the gods is the pious belief of mortals.”

“What is piety? We have heard too many vain words. Isn’t the pile of pearls in the temple counted as piety?”

“I don’t care about those.” Hestia has been living a simple life, seemingly less eager for the pearl of faith.

Even if I really want it, I can’t say it. Hermes’ negotiation method was too straightforward, but Demeter knew how to impress Hestia.

“You don’t need a luxurious life, but you need stronger power. Remember the last battle? Remember how powerful the enemy is? You are our sister, and our homeland needs you to defend!”

Hestia did not say a word. This reason was not only easy to accept, but also undeniable.

“I’ll talk to Hermes…”

“He sets the rules. We act according to the rules. What else is there to discuss? He is very busy now, and we are also very busy. We have to think about what we should do and who can talk to you. Let’s share the glory of October.”

Hermes is indeed very busy. The low-level gods are looking for the main **** to take a chance, and the seventh and sixth-level gods want to compete for the vacant main **** seat.

For these two seats, they almost broke the threshold of Hermes.

There are two gods who are most hopeful of gaining the seat of the main god. One is Hercules. Ares has fallen. Hercules is fully qualified to take over the power of the **** of war.

The other is Amphitrite, the queen of the sea: “My husband is missing, and I should be in charge of the authority of the sea!”

Hermes did not make any He knew how amazing the allure of these two seats was, and how embarrassing Apollo was.

In the Temple of Light, Apollo held a secret meeting, but he did not expect that except for his sister Artemis, no other gods would come.

“These boneless idiots!” Artemis cursed. “The thought of them wagging their tails at mortals makes me sick!”

Apollo sighed softly: “Who helped Hermes come up with such a vicious strategy?”

“Who else!” Artemis shouted, “It must be that shameless believer like him. I have prepared a passage to the mortal world. In a few days, I will kill him myself!”

“Don’t do stupid things, the Lord of God’s Punishment can’t kill him, and Athena can’t kill him. How can you win when you are in the mortal world?” Apollo stood at the door of the temple, looking at the sunset leisurely, “Plague It’s not over yet, the lonely queen will never be bought, mortals struggling between life and death, I see if you are in the mood to offer a sacrifice to Hestia!”


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