Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 800 - Redemption of Hestia

Latest website: In a village outside the city of Rakusha, two women are making soup in a long house.

The young woman had tears in her eyes: “Are we really going to do this?”

The older woman looked firm: “What else can you do if you don’t do this! Do you want to stay widowed forever!”

“But if they are allowed to drink this medicine, what is the difference between us and the widow?”

“At least they are still alive, and at least there are people who help us farm and feed us animals!”


“Nothing! I learned some methods from my sister in Pidun City. We can do that without relying on men in the future!”

The two male owners are dueling outside the village. Because the side effects of the drugs are too great, the disease has not been completely controlled. It has spread from Pidun City to Drawing City. At this rate, within two months, it will spread to the whole. north.

The mistresses of the two families took the powder from the lord, and they had two choices before them, either waiting for their man to die, and then staying widow, or letting their man take medicine and staying alive.

Two men were wounded all over, one with an axe and the other with a pickaxe, both preparing to give each other a fatal blow.

When it was time for dinner, all households lit their stoves, and the smoke drifted outside the village and into the noses of two people.

The older man put the axe down, and the young man shouted, “Why, are you scared?”

“I’m not afraid of you, I’ve never been afraid, I just want to go home and drink a bowl of thick soup.”

The young man also put down his pickaxe: “I also want to try the sausage made by my wife again, but we have to decide the outcome after all!”

“Why not wait until tomorrow?”

“Alright!” The young man nodded, “If anyone doesn’t come this time tomorrow, no one is a man!”

The two men were about to go home, but saw their wives walking outside the village carrying a crock pot.

The young woman dared not speak, the older woman stammered and said, “We have cooked the soup for you, do you want to drink it?”

The older man took the earthen jar, kissed his wife, and smiled: “Let’s go home first.”

The young man nodded and said, “Yes, go home first, go home and drink some soup.”

The young wife was surprised: “You don’t fight anymore?”

“If you don’t fight today, you will die tomorrow!”

The young wife looked at the older wife and didn’t know what to do.

The older wife hesitated for a moment, snatched the earthen jar in her husband’s hand, and smashed it to pieces.

The husband stunned: “What are you doing?”

“It’s rare that you are still alive, but you still want to drink some soup! Let’s do something else!”

The husband smiled honestly: “Alright!”

The young wife called the older wife aside, “I won’t fight today, but what should I do tomorrow?”

The older wife lowered her voice and said, “I have a way to prevent him from getting up tomorrow!”

The young wife nodded and said, “I can too!”

In the wilderness, two pioneers are also duel. They left the village to avoid the disease, but they did not expect to meet in this wilderness.

The wilderness is very wide. They don’t need to fight for land. Perhaps there was a dispute while hunting. Even they themselves have forgotten the reason for the dispute. In short, today they must fight to the death.

This is not their home, there is no fire pit, and no stove can be seen.

One man rushed to the other man, preparing to kill him with a hunting knife, extinguishing the fire, and suddenly a cluster of flames rose up, blocking the sight of the two.

When the flames dissipated, the two men who had been fighting for a whole day lay on the ground, looking up at the sky, silently in a daze.

Brave pioneers, fearless good men, the ever-bright holy fire comes from the pure altar, extolling the blessings from the goddess and the thoughts from home.

A man found a few stones and built a simple firepit.

Another man brought a pheasant and placed it beside the firepit.

They collected some firewood and lit a campfire.

“Is there any wine?”

A man took out the wine sac and poured it down against the firepit: “This is for the goddess.”

Another man tore off a chicken leg and put it down in the fire respectfully: “This is also dedicated to the goddess.”

A gust of evening breeze passed, and a man shivered.

Another man said: “Would you like…”

“No, stay away from me!”

In Qixing Mountain, Manda ate hot pot with his family, and Dunison, who was rarely wandering away, also returned.

“Patriarch, I’m a little tired, I think…”

“Stay at home when you are tired,” Manda smiled. “Your subordinates have become a climate. Let them take risks.”

Dunison was very happy and drank a whole jar of wine.

Stanley sighed: “The October ceremony was not lively, only one was held in the temple.”

Silva laughed and said: “The goddess doesn’t like noisy sacrifices. The quiet stove is the goddess’s favorite altar.”

Dunison said: “I will offer another bar to the goddess.”

Silva nodded, took the wine jar and went to the stove with Dunison.

Hermes and Hema sneaked into the temple of Hestia. The busy goddess had just fallen asleep. Hermes did not disturb his dreams, and quietly placed a can of red wine beside him.

There are a few pearls scattered beside the Fountain of Faith. They are not as exaggerated in number as Demeter, but they are far from the past.

The father and son went to the temple of Hera again, and the queen just fell asleep after a busy day, but Hermes still woke him up.

Hera resisted his anger and said, “What do you want to do?”

Hermes smiled and said, “Thanks for your hard work these days, I’ll buy you a drink.”

“What have I worked so hard for? I have been forgotten, no matter the **** realm or the mortal world!”

“That’s right, you are almost forgotten by the mortal world, but you are still reluctant to give up on the mortal world, stop it, the disease you sent has already claimed a lot of lives.”

“Are you accusing me of Luozhi?” Hera sneered, “Aggression is a man’s nature, what does it have to do with me? You want to frame me, at least you should find a decent excuse.”

“This has nothing to do with men’s nature. Their struggle stems from jealousy, and jealousy belongs to your authority.”

“Whatever you say!” Hera angrily said, “If you want to kill me, just do it, don’t bother to find these boring excuses.”

“I also think this is boring, and I hope you stop doing these boring things and just state your terms!”

Hera’s face flushed red, half out of anger and half out of shame.

There is actually no need to conceal some things. Both sides are very clear about this. Since Hermes asked, Herasi said straightforwardly: “Zeus is the lord of the gods. Even if he falls into a deep sleep, you have no right to deprive him. The position of the main god!”

“I’m about to discuss this matter with you. Two seats of the Lord God are vacated. I am going to hand over one of them to Hercules and Amphitrite. As for who will become the Lord God in the end, it depends on who can Take the lead in elevating personality,

I can leave the other seat to my father temporarily. What are you going to use to exchange it with me? “

Hera looked at her temple: “What do you want from me? Just take it!”

Hermes suddenly touched Hera’s face, Hera was shocked and shouted: “You are presumptuous!”

Hermes put her hand back, and Hera felt an extra thing on her cheek.

“what did you do to me?”

“It’s nothing, just put a charm. If you do something restless again, or if this charm leaves your body, the seat belonging to your father will immediately change hands. Will it be sold?”

Hera did not dare to refuse Hermes, drank a glass of wine, and the father and son left Thean Hou Temple.

On the Hema boldly asked: “In fact, you have a suitable candidate for this seat, but you don’t want to hand it over for the time being.”

Hermes looked at Hema: “You are also thinking about it? You have just been promoted to the sixth rank, don’t be so greedy.”

“I don’t have such big ambitions. I am very satisfied to be a sixth-order god. I am thinking whether this seat should be reserved for my elder brother, who is qualified to become the main god.”

Hermes smiled: “I remember you and Pan Shen’s have a lot of contradictions, why do you want to speak for him tonight?”

“There is no fight between brothers,” Hema smiled honestly, “I know that my brother did something wrong, but you also know his temperament, so please forgive him.”

Hermes leaped and jumped onto the temple, looking down at Olympia in the night.

He stretched his waist, looked at Hema, and said with a smile: “Go back and rest, I’m tired too.”


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